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Leo: Hello Taylor, thank you so much that you have accepted this interview.

Lucía: Good morning, the pleasure is mine. I’m very grateful that you chose me
for this interview.

Leo: So, I’m going to tell you how this interview works. I’m going to ask you some
questions, but you are not obligated to answer, if you want you can answer, and
if you won’t answer you don’t do it.
The first question is: How do you feel when you received the role that has
influenced your life as Jacob Black in the Twilight Saga?

Lucía: when I received that role, I didn't expect it, since the casting didn't go as I
expected, I prepared it very poorly and it was more improvisation than anything
else. So when I found out that they gave me that paper, I didn't expect it, so I was
very very happy.

Leo: oh, I have to accept that I loved you in that movie, I mean you did great,
that's why I'm surprised that you say that you didn't prepare for the casting,
because I think everyone thinks that you did prepare for it, that's why I stayed
Okay, so, next question: How did that movie influence your life?

Lucía: I like that you ask me that question, since this movie saga had a huge
impact on my life, so much so that when the first movie came out, I couldn't
leave my house for months because there were people waiting for me outside my
house and you were all there, well especially the teenage girls who were crazy to
see me or touch me or take a photo with me, and of course as soon as I set foot
on the street they all jumped on me.

Leo: Oh my god, I can’t believe it’s amazing. So the third and last question: What
do you think your life would have been like if you hadn’t been an actor?

Lucía: mmmmm that is a good question. As you know, I played karate and I was
very good at it and thanks to that as a teenager I won money in tournaments and
competitions before becoming an actor, and I wanted to be a firefighter, so I
would have left karate as a hobby and become a firefighter. But look, one day you
wake up and your life changes completely, from a firefighter to an actor, who
was going to tell me, but hey, I'm super happy and grateful for everything.
Leo: Okay, so I’m so grateful to you that you have answered everything, I hope
you have felt comfortable and comfortable and thank you very much for coming.
May everything go very well for you. Goodbye Taylor!!!

Lucía: Thanks to you, and I have felt very comfortable talking to you, thank you
very much for giving me this opportunity for people to get to know me a little
more. Keep doing this great work. Goodbye!!!

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