Final Exam: Questions & Answers 2024 (A+ GRADED 100% VERIFIED)

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2024 ( A+ GRADED 100% VERIFIED)

If someone is in menopause for awhile and they have vaginal bleeding, should it be reported? -
What is a uterine prolapse and when does it happen? - CORRECT ANSWERS Usually happens
after multiple vaginal births,
A hysterectomy is a treatment for - CORRECT ANSWERS Multiple Vaginal Births
Signs and symptoms of an enlarged prostate: - CORRECT ANSWERS Decreased urine output
Weak stream of urine
Frequent UTI'S
What happens if you see scattered bruising areas on patients fore arms - CORRECT ANSWERS
Normal Age related change for bruising,
this is due to capillaries becoming fragile
FVD - CORRECT ANSWERS causes- not enough in, too much out (Lasix), alcohol,
hypernatremia, D/V, sweating/hemorrhaging

S/S- Decrease in BP, increase ing HR, headache, dry mucous membranes, confusion/altered
mental status, concentrated urine, decreased UO, weak thready pulse

Interventions- IV fluids (cautious of elderly, can cause pulmonary edema if done too quickly),
oral fluids, hold diuretic, treat underlying cause, monitor i/o, monitor vitals, decrease sodium
stress - CORRECT ANSWERS s/s- decreased in immune resonse, lose/gain weight, decrease
output, increased frequency, constipation/diarrhea, teeth grinding, mood swings
vitals- increased HR, BP, RR
fatiguues/insomnia, gastic ulcer, blood glucose increased
elderly and stress - CORRECT ANSWERS #1 cause - loss of loved one- child unexpected
financial loss, loss of independence, lack of support. Elderly do not tend to fear/stress about
death themselves
at risk ineffective coping - CORRECT ANSWERS substance abuse, tobacco, alcohol,
prescriptions, cognitive impairment, poor coping in younger years, poor support systems,
chronic illness
Can normal age changes contribute to sexual dysfunction? - CORRECT ANSWERS Yes
what is the most effective form to prevent STI's besides abstinence? - CORRECT ANSWERS
If an older female is experiencing vaginal dryness, what can we recommend? - CORRECT
ANSWERS Water Based lube and pain medication 30 minutes before
Why don't older people want to go to the doctor? - CORRECT ANSWERS No motivation,
transportation and financial issues
2024 ( A+ GRADED 100% VERIFIED)

What would you question if a patient is being non-adherent with medication? - CORRECT
ANSWERS As k them why, and how it makes them feel and if there are other contributing
Why cant you use medial terminology with anyone who is familiar with it? - CORRECT
ANSWERS It can become a communication barrier
Is it normal for other cultures to not make eye contact? - CORRECT ANSWERS Yes
A patient is waiting to get a chest X-ray, they have been waiting for 3-4 hours and they are
becoming agitated, what do we do? - CORRECT ANSWERS Advocate for your patient by calling
down to the x-ray department to see what is going on
Evidence of a positive self image - CORRECT ANSWERS Self grooming, proper hygiene
what is the concept of agism? - CORRECT ANSWERS Useless, helpless, and they are "all the
same", physical impaired
examples of ineffective coping: - CORRECT ANSWERS Maladaptive behaviors, such as
substance abuse, isolating themselves
If someone is doing a sudden revision of will and they are giving away priced possessions, what
are they at risk for? - CORRECT ANSWERS Sucide
What types of exercises would keep calcium and potassium in the bones? - CORRECT ANSWERS
Weight bearing exercises (low impact)
Benefits of exercise - CORRECT ANSWERS bone strength, weight loss, muscles, cardiac, resp,
decrease blood glucose
How do you speak to someone who is hard of hearing? - CORRECT ANSWERS low tone, eye
level, face the patient
What do we ask for when asking for a health history? - CORRECT ANSWERS medications
(previous and current)
Family history
Chief complaint
advance directives (if any)
Hypervolemia and hypovolemic shock - CORRECT ANSWERS increased blood volume
When you lose more than 20% of your bodies fluid supply > cant pump enough blood >
measure fluid status daily by weight
Normal pH levels - CORRECT ANSWERS 7.35-7.45
Treatment/interventions: - CORRECT ANSWERS Potassium overloadC: Burns, too much K
intake (IV, foods), kidney failure
S/s: N/V/D, skeletal muscle WEAKNESS, arrhythmia/dysrythmias,
T: Diuretics, sodium bicarb, low potassium diet
2024 ( A+ GRADED 100% VERIFIED)

Treatment/interventions: - CORRECT ANSWERS Not enough potassium
C: Low potassium diet, diarrhea, alcohol, lassie, sweating, diuretics
S/S: ABD dissection, muscle cramps, skeletal muscle weakness, constipation/vomiting
prostate exams - CORRECT ANSWERS At 40 years yearly
Mini-Cog Test - CORRECT ANSWERS Determines alertness, tests for cognitive impairment
Nursing Interventions for non adherence: - CORRECT ANSWERS ▪ Motivate them
▪ Teach them
▪ Ask questions; "why are you not taking your medication"
▪ Find resources- medicare/Medicaid, HHA
▪ Unpaid Caregivers: educate them, be mindful of their stress, give praise
▪ Offer Respite care
HDL cholesterol - CORRECT ANSWERS good cholesterol, helps protects blood vessels
"happy cholesterol"
LDL cholesterol - CORRECT ANSWERS bad. low density lipoprotein. low protein, high fatbad for
blood vessels
NAPNES - CORRECT ANSWERS delegation too much isn't good
Pt education on assistive devices - CORRECT ANSWERS stop if pain occurs, hydration/diet,
comfortable clothing, non slip shoes, if temps are hot exercise early or later in the evening

Swimming, walking, weight bearing exercise (no strenuous exercise

What does a persons experience as stress increases: - CORRECT ANSWERS Decreased problem
solving ability
Irrational behavior
Delirium vs dementia - CORRECT ANSWERS Delirium: rapid onset, decreased level of
consciousness, memory impairment

Dementia : slow onset, loss of judgment, apashia motor skills, agnostic, non reversible
Expressive aphasia - CORRECT ANSWERS Can't express words
Hyperthermia - CORRECT ANSWERS Risks: endocrine problems
S/s: confusion, sweating then stopping, increased heart rate/cramps
Interventions: ice packs in auxiliary/groin region, encourage fluids
Problems eating
Evidence of falls
Skin break down
2024 ( A+ GRADED 100% VERIFIED)

Hypothermia - CORRECT ANSWERS Risks: elderly, living in cold temps, decreased sub q tissue
S/S: shivering, temp drop, confusion, swollen/puffy face
What kind if catheters are used for patients with Benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged
prostate) - CORRECT ANSWERS Coude (curved to go around prostate
fluid volume excess means
Treatment: - CORRECT ANSWERS Fluid overload, hypervolemia
Urine retention liver disease, HF, COPD
S/s: edema, high hr, HF high BP, crackles
Treatment: diuretic, monitor I&O, fluid restriction
Normal Bicarb (HCO3) levels - CORRECT ANSWERS 22-26
fluid volume deficit
S/s? - CORRECT ANSWERS Dehydration in which the fluid intake of the body is not sufficient to
meet the fluid needs of the body
Vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, not drinking enough fluids
Low BP,
high HR,
Skin tenting (poor skin turgor)
Decreased urine output
Normal PaCO2 levels - CORRECT ANSWERS 35-45
Define a disruptive living situation: - CORRECT ANSWERS When resident moves from one living
place to another
If a pt is able to walk, what are you looking for? - CORRECT ANSWERS Gait, posture, balance,
If you have a patient that doesn't speak English, when should we be using the interpreter to
communicate? - CORRECT ANSWERS To communicate necessary information only
2024 ( A+ GRADED 100% VERIFIED)

Why does the elderly tend to complain about room temperature? - CORRECT ANSWERS
Because they have a slower metabolism, so they cant regulate their temperature
If someone has cancer but they want to be with family and attend public functions, how can we
teach them to conserve energy? - CORRECT ANSWERS Pace themselves in between activities,
conserve energy
If someone was standing outside in the rain, and they are hypothermic, what is the first thing
we would do? - CORRECT ANSWERS Remove their wet clothes
If a health care org is trying to present cultural safety, what do they need to make it effective? -
CORRECT ANSWERS Effective communication!
Why don't pharmaceutical companies test older adults for new medications? - CORRECT
ANSWERS Because younger people are usually healthier and don't have many comorbitites
(more than one disease)
How can medication errors happen when older adults self medicate? - CORRECT ANSWERS
They can misread medication labels,
forget they took it (which can lead to overmedicating or not taking it at all)
What is a reliable method of patient identification? - CORRECT ANSWERS Their Wristband
If a patient is having difficulty swallowing medications what do we offer? - CORRECT ANSWERS
More water
When a elderly patient is in the hospital, Why are older adults hesitant to taking medications
that may not look or be shaped like the ones they have at home? - CORRECT ANSWERS
Because they think it may be the wrong medication
Intervention: Educate them that it has the same effects and is the same medication, just a
different brand
Would you give a sedative to a patient that is diagnosed with sleep apnea? - CORRECT
What types of assessments are mental health assessments?
what is not? - CORRECT ANSWERS Mini-cog

If someone has liver problems, what types of vitamins should they NOT take? - CORRECT
Risk factors for malnutrition - CORRECT ANSWERS Unable to cook for themselves,
poor fitting dentures, unable to read food labels
how to walk with a walker? - CORRECT ANSWERS Advance strong leg first
Then advance the weak side with the cane
How to walk with crutches? - CORRECT ANSWERS Must have upper body strength
balance should not rest in armpits
2024 ( A+ GRADED 100% VERIFIED)

If a patient has Hemiparesis (side paralysis), how should we approach them? - CORRECT
ANSWERS Approach the patient from the strong side
Delirium versus dementia - CORRECT ANSWERS Delirium is reversible, rapid onset, altered
Expressive asphasia - CORRECT ANSWERS This damage affects the speaking ability and causes
specific problems with articulation and fluency
receptive aphasia (Wernicke's aphasia) - CORRECT ANSWERS difficulty understanding language
global aphasia - CORRECT ANSWERS Difficulty expressing or sending out thoughts and
difficulty understanding language; mixed aphasia
How does pain affect a persons nutritional status? - CORRECT ANSWERS b/c pain can
unmotivated the patient to eat, drink or move around
If someone is having a sleep disturbance, what do we want them to avoid? - CORRECT
ANSWERS Sleeping throughout the day
What is one of the biggest potential problems if someone has a sleeping disorder? - CORRECT
ANSWERS Has the potential to die or get potential disease, and the immune system is
decreased due to not sleeping well,
If someone is fatigued because of depression, and are not taking meds, what do we do? -
CORRECT ANSWERS Reorient them and motivate them to take their medications, figure out the
underlying cause (if any)
What kinds of medications can interrupt sleep? - CORRECT ANSWERS Lasix, Beta blockes
What benefits can exercise do for the older adult? - CORRECT ANSWERS increase circulation,
maintain weight and lower glucose levels, promote sleep and can help with depression.
If someone has cancer but they want to be with family and attend public functions, how can we
teach them to conserve energy? - CORRECT ANSWERS Pace themselves in between activities,
conserve energy
If someone has cancer but they want to be with family and attend public functions, how can we
teach them to conserve energy? - CORRECT ANSWERS
subjective vs objective data - CORRECT ANSWERS Subjective- What the patient tells you
Objective- what you observe during exam
Mini-cog and moteral is used for? - CORRECT ANSWERS Orientation, cognitive function
Why can older adults get STI's more easily than someone who is younger - CORRECT ANSWERS
Yes b/c their immune system is decreased
If a patient is having decreased circulation, what disease can put men at risk for erectile
dysfunction? - CORRECT ANSWERS Diabetes
If you walk in on an elderly couple having sex what do we do? - CORRECT ANSWERS Leave the
room and put up a Do Not Disturb sign on the door
What is senile purpura? - CORRECT ANSWERS Benign, easy bruising that affects older adults:
skin and blood vessels become more fragile

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