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4D PAS Email

Copywriting Template
All the parts of the copy you see being highlighted will be explained in more
detail in the Explanations section of this document.

SL: <common niche problem>? Try this…


Have you been <taking common action>,

But <then a common niche problem happens>?

It sucks right?

That’s why today I’m going to share with you <solution> I’ve used to <get
specific result>.

You hear it all the time:

● <common, relatable advice that doesn’t solve the problem>

● <common, relatable advice that doesn’t solve the problem>
● <common, relatable advice that doesn’t solve the problem>
And on and on…

See, <taking common action that solves the common niche problem> is not
a problem anymore.

Instead, after <doing some sort of authority building action>,

I’ve realized the biggest difference between <target avatar’s> who fail and
those who <solve common niche problem> is:

<The solution>

No amount of <common action> in the world can beat <solution>.

That’s because <logically justify why your solution is so great>.

And if you need a little extra help <implementing specific solution> to get
<dream state>,

Click here to <check out product/service name> and no longer <experience

pain point/problem>.

<Sign off>
1. <common niche problem>:

Every niche is based on a problem people have. In the copywriting niche,

people struggle with getting clients for example.

So an example of a Subject Line could be:

Getting rejected by clients? Try this…

2. <solution>:

The solution is what they need to stop facing their problem and instead get
their dream outcome.

Here’s an example:

That’s why today I’m going to share with you my reverse client-getting
outreach I’ve used to make $5k/mo.

3. <common, relatable advice that doesn’t solve the problem>:

In every niche there’s very basic advice everyone shares on the internet
that will solve your problem. If you google “how to lose weight” you’ll find
the most popular advice about that which usually doesn’t help too many
people lose weight.

Bringing it back to the copywriting example, here’s how this would look like:

You hear it all the time:

● Send outreach until your fingers fall off.
● Follow-up with people until they send you death threats.
● Get on sales call and pitch them a small “discovery project”.

4. <doing some sort of authority building action>:

Authority building actions are the normal actions people would take to fix
their problem with one difference - the authority did them a lot of times or
for a very long time.

With the same copywriting example, here’s how it would look like:

Instead, after sending thousands of cold outreaches to prospects for the

past year

5. <target avatar’s>

You should be able to describe who your target avatar is with a label.

In the copywriting industry for example, you would say:

I’ve realized the biggest difference between copywriters who…

6. <logically justify why your solution is so great>

This comes down to your persuasion skills, but to justify, you’d want to use
something like an example, an analogy, a story or some hard-rock evidence
(statistics, graphs, etc).

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