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WH Müller


The physics of darkness

1st edition 2011

Copyright © 2010 by Edition Red Dragon.

Edition Red Dragon, Holger Kliemannel, PO Box 10 01 47,
D-07391 Rudolstadt. ; Book
and cover design: Edition RoterDrache. Cover photo
motif: Hagen von Tullien.
Illustrations: WH Müller. Figure 7 on page 306 by T. Ketola in an
adaptation by Edition Roter Drache.
Editing: V. Sand.
Overall production: Wonka Druck, Germany.

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, duplicated or distributed in
any form (including extracts) without the written permission of the

ISBN: 978-3-939459-44-6
Table of contents

Preface 7

Book I:
The physics of darkness

Part I: On the threshold of the future…

1. Behold your God! 13
2. The Curse of Light 15
3. There was a mistake in the beginning 19
4. …And the error was one 24
5. The Head of Darkness 27
6. Understanding the darkness 32
7. The end of the unknown 37
8. Adamah: The Red Thread 42
9. Daath: Death in life 49

Part II: Physics of Light

1. Einstein's nightmare 57
2. The transmutation 70

Part III: The Physics of Darkness

1. The Undead Kings 77

Part IV: The Thoth Formula - The Horizon of the Two Laws
1. Thoth: The leader from the darkness 97
2. The Dark Torah: Quintessence of Blood 106
4 Preface

Part V: The Sacred: Reconstructed by the Demons

1. The Speaking Head 109
2. The Crown of Darkness 116
3. Before Ishrael was... 125
4. The Raid of Light 134
5. Lamed: The Essence of the Law 142
6. YHVH: The Mother of the Elohim 148
The Hebrew Alphabet 159

Book II:

Part I: The Other Gate of God

1. The call from the abyss 163
2. Spirit from Faraway Days 175
3. The chaos order 183
4. Yoga of the Inner World 195
5. Tekeli-li: Black is white 198
6. The war on the threshold 204

Part II: The White Summoning

1. The mother's son 213
2. The circle of God 218
2. Seizure of power of the light 222
Chronology in Enuma Elish:
i. revolt 222
ii. The Crown of Grace 229
iii. Crossed spaces 234
iv. Light eruption 236
v. Escape of the Four 240
vi. Threshold of Three 241
vii. The circle of the beast 243
viii. The Claw of Time 244
Preface 5

ix. The Preserved Tablet 247

x. Altar of the Waters 251
xi. Blood and spirit 254
xii. Light festivals 258
3. The Babylonian Key 261
4. Yesh Rael: The Law of Kings 263

Part III: The Red Summoning

1. You will be one flesh... 271
2. The lunar formula 274
3. The Path of the Hanged Man 280
4. The Rite of the Silver Key 283
1st to 7th day (CPD): 284
7th/8th until 14th day (CPD): 286
14th/15th Day to Day 21 (CDD): 287
21st/22nd Day to Day 28 (CDD): 291
5. Fever from the stars 294
6. The Swamp of the Moon 305
7. The voice of Phaleg 318

The 28 Gates of Tiamat's 337
Index 338
The author 354
6 Preface

My special thanks go to StefanWagner for many an inspired

and inspiring conversation about the things covered in this
book, but also about everything that may never be written
down in a book.
Preface 7


On that day I will confuse all the horses and frenzy their riders. But I will
keep my eyes open over the house of Judah, while I will strike blindness
over all the horses of the nations.
– Zechariah, 12:4

Language is limited, there are countless words to describe the things

of the external world, but when we turn to the internal, the words
quickly run out. We quickly become tangled up in contradictions or
seemingly overwhelming ineffability that make any explanation an
almost impossible task. Because what is inside is not created by
words, so it cannot be represented by words. Of course, we can try to
describe or paraphrase things; we can, to a certain extent, approach
them. But the deeper we penetrate into the ultimate essence of all
things, the more we realize that only silence can understand and
encompass the meaning of ultimate reality. This “silence” was
originally understood to be a magical act of will that aimed to
reconstruct the saint that had been lost in this world.

In this sense, this book is a contradiction because it uses the power

of words to convey something that, by its very nature, cannot be
conveyed. This is the attempt, the experiment, just as life can be an
attempt, an experiment in a positive sense. But that is also the
paradox. And despite this damning statement, this book exists. The
reader holds it in his hands. Maybe it is the will of silence to be heard.
Perhaps the most abysmal silence can even be conveyed in words. But
it is certainly the will of the Unrevealed to be revealed. Otherwise this
book would never have been written.
8th Preface

There is something that can only be described to the external world in

contradictory symbols, while for itself, it may come as a surprise, it always
remains a harmonious something. What is published in this book describes
opposites that have never been or will never be opposites in themselves.
Nothing more and nothing less should be said about it. Time and the future
may show to what extent these numerous apparent antagonisms resolve
themselves or not. All of this means that despite the diverse and multi-layered
explanations in this book, there is a dimension, a reality that makes the same
thing, namely this book that the reader is currently holding in his hands,
unnecessary and meaningless.
It can also be expressed another way:
This book only serves its purpose when it is no longer needed. Or:
The antagonisms explained in “NecroYoga – The Physics of Darkness”
are necessary to transform them into their opposite.
We are condemned to a choice of language whenever we express
ourselves. It seems as if we have to commit ourselves, which very
often leads to dogmatizing what is said. The words we utter freeze in
space and time; and humans are only rarely able to break the
resulting ice. But the dogma, which has become such only because
people cling to it in fear, does not exist beyond what it seems to
express. What people don't notice in such a case is that they...just with
thatgives the magic that holds this world together at its core out of his
The magical, mystical and religious traditions that are mentioned
or repeatedly quoted in this book each represent a specific choice of
language. This is the curse that rests on them, because the spoken
word that does not correspond to the magical word is like a dungeon
that people go into voluntarily or involuntarily, and from which they
can go out again voluntarily or involuntarily. He doesn't realize that he
himself becomes the guardian of this dungeon, that he himself is the
key to what confines him. The greatest of all conspiracies leads
human consciousness against itself.
The present book, “NecroYoga – The Physics of Darkness” – with which there is no
connection with regard to the cosmology outlined or described in more detail
Preface 9

The claim for completeness is too complex for that. The implications
arose from a loose-leaf collection published by WHM Verlag in 2008
with the title “The Babylon Workout: The Physics of Darkness”, the
focus of which is the reconversion of the famous equation E = MC²
Einstein's special relativity into the language of Kabbalah, which I
succeeded in 2006.
Originally planned as a “work in progress”, it became clear very
soon after publication that it would be necessary to put the text into a
“solid” book form. But the “workout” was only the result of many years
of practice, and so “NecroYoga – The Physics of Darkness” had to be
developed, which consists of two books:
On the one hand, the said “Babylon workout” on the physics of
darkness or Kabbalistic physics (KAPHY for short) as the theoretical
part, which is largely based on the magical origins of the traditional
(rabbinic) Kabbalah.
The necessary transition to the practical part of NecroYoga in terms of
content is provided by the Akkadian-Babylonian world creation report
“Enuma Elish”, which I wrote about in 1994 under the title “Primal Light
- In the footsteps of the gods of ancient times” presented the first occult
Finally, the third part explains the auto-erotic (tantric) practice of
NecroYoga itself, the focus of which is the lunar “Rite of the Silver Key”, which
takes place on the lunar month, the symbolic lunar stations, the so-called
Lunar ObservanceDraconic magicoriented and which of the practitioners with
themselves,within yourselfcommits.
It should be emphasized at this point that both books are based on the
author's own long-term experiences, so that the practice described in
Book II primarily relates to male sexuality. Due to the polar/androgynous
nature of NecroYoga, it is of course possible to formulate and develop
appropriate practical derivations for female sexuality. However, the
precise elaboration is reserved for female practitioners. Nevertheless, the
fundamental androgynous aspect of the practice has always been taken
into account when possible in terms of explanation. The reader must also
know in advance that the practical part of NecroYoga
10 Preface

a certain auto-eroticism, but not sexual/sexual-magical practices in

the traditional sense. The latter only represents an individually
externalized creative impulse, which is what NecroYoga is all aboutnot
goes. On the contrary, the practice described revolves around an
inner evolution, an involution, which aims to resume and complete a
once interrupted mental creation process, which is equivalent to an
inner-cosmic cycle.
What exactly this means, which symbols of humanity indicate this
and what exactly which practice has in the subtle chakra organism of
the human being is explained to the reader in the course of this book.

– Berlin, Lietzensee, April 6, 2011

Preface 11

Book I:
The physic
of darkness
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 13

part One

On the threshold of the future...

1. Behold your God!

You are condemned to live joyfully in the explosive fulfillment of all that
you previously distorted in the vain attempt to believe rather than
– Carlo Suares

I thought for a long time about an introduction to this book, wrote down
thoughts about it and discarded thoughts again. The universality of its
subject means that one can quickly find oneself going astray in terms of
content, unless a strict mental regime is adhered to, limiting oneself only
to the essentials; without depriving the reader of the opportunity to enter
a parallel universe of content at one point or another, at one or another
dogmatic turn in the road that may present itself; From where he has the
choice to either follow and evaluate my statements from the perspective
of the usual, the known, or to prefer to also address heretical questions
about being and becoming, life and death, God and the devil
“unprotected and merciless”. to be exposed. Because this book breaks
with the biggest taboos of the Judeo-Christian and therefore also
Kabbalistic worldview.
So it actually represents a balancing act and the mountain on which this has to take
place is the mountain of God himself, shrouded in mystery.
14 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

The mountain itself is probably one of the oldest religious symbols

for the material and spiritual presence of a higher, comprehensive
power. On the one hand, it is a sign of redemption; Anyone who can
stand at their peak has covered a difficult and dangerous path, but is
also rewarded with a view of the world that others may not have in
this way. On the other hand, the mountain is also a threatening
obstacle, because anyone who wants to reach its other, remote side is
forced to overcome it. So perhaps he is actually a singular symbol of
temptation and redemption, of fear and overcoming fear. He who
wants to reach the summit of the mountain of nature must conquer
his fear in order to climb it; At the same time, however, it is also
essential to overcome the fear of the unknown, of what the spiritual
summiteer sees from above, whatever perspective of the world may
be presented to him.
Fear is therefore the key to the door of our destiny. However, this
key has been inserted backwards into the lock by an invisible hand,
which is why this fear of a driving force all too often leads us to keep
ourselves closed to the unknown, not to open ourselves to it and
thereby perhaps allow a stream of knowledge of God. which would no
doubt wash away well-known dogmas, but which would
simultaneously expand the individual and collective horizons of
For this we can love or hate, worship or condemn fear. What we do
depends on whether we know who we are and where we want to go.

The key that is upside down in the lock of our fate has been given
an abstract name: “God”.
If we turn the key so that we can open the door, according to some
theologians and dogmatists, we become God's opponent, the "devil",
an agent of "evil" par excellence.
But what should we do, we who are?onlygo through the door that we ourselves
have become?
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 15

2. The Curse of Light

. . . but the devil says that the Messiah fell and made a heaven out of
what he stole.
– William Blake

The curse is the escape, the light. The light flees from its origin, the
darkness, core and germ of everything it can ever be. It seems, has
the appearance, dazzles, blinds, destroys. It blinds you to reality,
which it always tries to conceal without being able to reveal its own
essence. Because if it did, it would be darkness. People say that light is
life and death is darkness, forgetting that it is darkness that creates
light from its primeval hollowness. Can death give life if life means
Language is a major component of human evolution. However, it is
wrong to claim that human evolution is complete the moment man is
able to reflect on it. It is therefore just as wrong not to take the
changeability of language into account in the context of cosmological
considerations. Language is modified by the experiences people have.
Similar to feedback, language also changes perception through
consciousness. Language and experience are intertwined in a cause-
and-effect complex. Because people's language, or more precisely
their ability to speak, ensures their survival and is the foundation of
communication with other people, from which a community is formed
that is able to face the challenges of nature. And because language
changes, it is a sign of the ongoing evolution of human
consciousness. However, this does not necessarily imply that
evolution is the same as language development. The language is
16 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

more a crucial creative component within the evolution of human

The question of God arises again and again for people.
It was faced two thousand years ago as it is today. The question
remains essentially the same, only the frame of reference within
which an answer can be found has changed; although the question
itself does not necessarily have to have expanded; it has only changed
to the extent that it has - for various reasons - acquired a different
frame of reference in which certain ideas about God may appear more
legitimate than others. The development of the image of God is
therefore not complete, but always occurs in proportion to the
changing individual consciousness within a given evolution. In our
case it is that of humans. It is an evolutionarily not unproblematic
phenomenon that the idea of Godas a snakeoften seems strange or
even repulsive to people. For can an intelligent mammal imagine a
reptile as supreme intelligence without thereby affecting certain
“conceptions of harmony” that humans may have with regard to
themselves, the nature that created them and the forces inherent in
it? Which means we have also reached, perhaps more quickly than
expected, the limits of ordinary human imagination. God in the form
of a snake seems unimaginable. Perhaps this is a simple impulse of
aversion that is inherent in the human genome in a strange way and
that largely determines the idea of “good” and “evil”, “God” and
In his book “The Dragons of Eden”, the well-known American
physicist Carl Sagan pointed out, using numerous examples in the
context of evolutionary biology, that the conflict between humans and
snakes, which underlies the Judeo-Christian religious complex, is not
only mythical-symbolic, but also has cerebral-evolutionary reasons; in
short, it is possible that humans and snakes—as cognomina for a
mammalian and a reptilian species—split from a common family tree
at some fateful point in planetary (or cosmic) evolution. The legacy of
the former reptilian evolution is still present in humans, and under
certain circumstances it would also have a cerebral effect
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 17

Recourse to behavioral patterns that do not have their origin in

mammalian evolution, but are much older than it. The Kabbalist Carlo
Suarès linked the symbol of the snake to the history of the earth:1

The biblical serpent, which appears standing upright, is the symbolic

descendant of the great dinosaurs of early geological eras, life forms that
populated the planet for millions of years before the appearance of

The image of God changes in proportion to the expansion of the

human horizon of consciousness. Has this expanded to such an extent
that certain ideas,also that of God as a reptile, can be developed at all,
humans may be crossing a crucial threshold in their understanding of
the universe and its inherent forces. It is a strange circumstance that
the snake has been revered since ancient times as a symbol of life,
when numerous other animals that man encounters in nature would
be suitable for this purpose.
But it is always she, the snake, that we will refer to in the further
course of this book for reasons of cosmological claritywormwant to
describe which astheSymbol of life, temptation, death or as a
supernatural messenger from the darkness of creation. The original
meaning of “snake” is that of a snaking, limbless reptile; both
linguistically and symbolically, the worm is its actual meaning
Archetype. Both terms are used alternately throughout this book, but
have the same meaning.
It is actually surprising, but the snake, which in the Judeo-Christian
religious structure is alternately referred to as Samael (=the poison of
the deity) or Satan (=Shaitan), represents the great symbol of
knowledge in general. It is the transmitter of knowledge; Without
them, Adam would still be with God in the Garden of Eden, but would
never have been able to make even the simplest hand axe. Surprising

1Cf. Carlo Suarès, “The Cypher of Genesis,” Shambhala Publications, 1978, page 122.
18 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

also, because despite the biblical-theological fact that emerges from

the well-known Genesis account, namely that it must have been God's
intention to withhold knowledge from Adam, it is the serpent, the
worm, which ultimately becomes the symbol of the innate evil in the
world became. If the report is true in its literal sense, at some point in
history there was a fundamental and subsequently fatal reversal of
“good” and “evil” in human consciousness. Although “demonized,”
“demonized,” “tabooized,” no one who deals with the deity can avoid
the snake. What's more, whoever wants to reach God must take the
path on the edge of which she lurks. There is no one who is truly “with
God” without having to recognize a serpent in him.
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 19

3. There was a mistake in the beginning

You dug up a vine in Egypt, you drove out the people, but you planted
– Psalm 80:9

In the beginning there is error, and error is fear. And this fear is with
God, for God is fear.

This statement can be seen as ideologicalKey pointwhat I see as

Kabbalistic Physics (KAPHY).Physics of darknessdesignate.

Before it is possible to reach any further conclusions, it is

necessary to clarify what is actually meant by “God”. Since, with a few
exceptions, I refer exclusively to the three Abrahamic book religions, it
is of course their image of God that will be used as the starting point
for my comments. And since I am referring in particular to the
Hebrew Kabbalah, it is its concept of God, the holy name YHVH, also
called Ha-Shem/Tetragrammaton, that is under scrutiny here. And we
will particularly recognize that the dogmas that represent the deity
and his enigmatic actions towards humanity are undogmatically
consistentThinking throughnot withstand.
Especially today, at a time when the promises of religious leaders
encounter the emptiness of the Western materialistic worldview;
Especially today, when humanity is not only facing an ecological
catastrophe and the Savior of humanity, the Messiah, who was expected
around the next bend in history a thousand, two thousand, three
thousand years ago, has still not come, the topic arises “God” in perhaps
unprecedented explosiveness. Especially today, on the threshold of one
20 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

In the new age, in which the formulaic lack of understanding of

elementary particles, quanta and faster-than-light tachyons could pose a
greater danger to the still pubescent humanity than anything else before,
it is of central importance to raise those questions whose answers have
been “stigmatized” in the past. have been “tabooized,” “demonized.” To
put it heretically: perhaps the elements of salvation from a falsely
transmitted image of God lie precisely in the taboos of religions?
Perhaps the purpose of religion lies not in what it presents as
worthy of worship, but in what it makes dogmaticrejecttried?
Perhaps it is an innate basic constitution, a fundamental error in
thinking, that has led to an increasingly dangerous, seemingly absurd
polarization of secular and religious claims to power?

Perhaps the guarded seals of holiness need to be broken to allow

that holiness to escape?
Perhaps there is no other way for us than to recognize God
"without ifs and buts", to fathom it, to turn away from a false image of
God, to be able to deny it and thereby create a crazy image of God,
the world and, above all, the To bring people's position back into
The Kabbalah, which, with perhaps a few exceptions, is composed of
the writings of traditional rabbinic authors (otherwise it is often called
“Western” or even “Christian” Kabbalah), provides a consistent explanation
of God.
It seems so…
However, upon closer inspection it becomes apparent that in the case
of Kabbalah, and perhaps based on a certain “spiritual consensus”
- a “covenant after the covenant” - apparently decided to place a religious-
dogmatic rhetoric, through which thoughts are relegated to certain,
previously determined explanatory channels, in front of a clearly
recognizable, cosmologically-scientifically harmonious image of God. For
God is prior to any intellectual pursuit of cosmology; In this respect,
corresponding considerations can only approach God's world until they
perhaps, crossing themselves as a threshold, come into contact with God
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 21

are compatible as a holistic organism. The Sufis, for example, call such
activity of human consciousness “mutual arising.” Man rises to God to
the extent that he allows God to descend into him, to flow into him.
This is a mutual conception, a fertilization and a propagation of reality
into a world that previously consisted only of fleeting light.

Anyone who wants to go through a door must be aware that what

they find behind it does not have to correspond to the ideas they may
have had when they stood in front of the still closed door. This is one
of the basic ideological axioms of the Kabbalah of the Other Side that I
would like to introduce here. If you really want to explain the universe,
you have to shed your anthropocentric expectations like a superfluous
piece of clothing. Because it is the human will, which remains
imperfect, that the “devil” can use to resist God, let us use the
monotheistic comparison “God/Devil” at this point.

So it is up to us to explore the universe for the hidden deity that

actually exists, but who only rarely gains access to the human world.
We don't have to start in the interstellar distances of other galaxies,
but in the place that may be even more unfamiliar and unknown to us:
within ourselves.
This insight underlies every serious cosmology. If this is not the case,
we are dealing with a structure of thought in which scientific knowledge
resembles the branches of a tree that has already been felled before its
spring blossom. The scientific man who wants to explore the Blue Planet
from the deserts of Mars has tried in vain. The physicist who tries to
explain Einstein's special relativity with sterile, life-removed equations
without realizing that it is about himself loses himself in a thicket of
godlessness in which only the phantoms of himself wait for him and
consume him; The quantum physicist who speaks of observation and
participation in the universe and, when measuring physical phenomena,
overlooks the fact that the values he receives have been influenced by
himself, by his own consciousness, separates himself from what he
actually is hopes to recognize. Alles
22 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

those flee with the light, to whose existence they owe their life, but not
their knowledge.
But knowledge is not the same as life.
In his discipline, the traditional Kabbalist all too often resembles or
resembles the orthodox natural scientist and the quantum physicist,
because like them he also fiddles with the right key, gesticulating
incomprehensibly, without finding the door and the lock to which this key
It was Aleister Crowley, “demonized” because he was essentially
misunderstood, who summarized the most striking and therefore rarely
mentioned characteristic of the Kabbalah by writing:2

How wonderful is the Kabbalah! How wonderfully protected it is from

the worldly; how sparkling are their secrets to the initiated! Verily and
Amen! But here we are faced with the old dilemma that you have to
know the truth before you can trust that it will be shown to you.

One might be tempted to pick up this book here. Crowley's statement is

sobering and makes any involvement with the Kabbalah seem almost
pointless from the outset, were it not for the fact that deep in its corpus
there is only a thinly symbolically superimposed dimension implanted,
which places the officially represented dogma within its framework of
validity, and even has the power to unhinge it. This one dimension, which,
behind the diversity of traditional, rabbinic traditions, reveals an
unimagined, unknown - but perhaps instinctively feared - depth of
universal nature, is a Kabbalistic physics: the physics of darkness.
It has been hinted at, described, omitted, negated, tabooed like
the devil himself. But nevertheless, it is there, it is present, it is
transported through the medium of a religious tradition, which has
only become aware of its function in exceptional cases . It is that “ver-

2Cf “777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley”, Weiser Books, 1986,
page 26.
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 23

“messenger” dimension, which always begins to shimmer attractively

through the rigidly structured, moral-theological overlays of centuries
and millennia when human language reveals its contradictions; when
a word initiates a flow of thought that, if traced back to its origin,
could collapse entire worldviews; when a word resonates with an
inkling of that unknown dimension of infinite consciousness which, if
one really pursued it, would have the power to make our cherished
worldviews dissolve into nothingness; when a world of thoughts in
which everything revolves around ourselves is broken down into its
individual components; when even the instruments of fear do not
protect us from crumbling to ashes within.
…Then we have reached the point where we have reached the top of the
mountain that we ourselves are, but only in our selfishness thought we were “God”.
What follows is the climb.
24 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

4. …And the error was one

The perfection of being consists in the return to basic negativity...

– Lahiji

The appearance of God is not the essence of God. The light is not its essence, but
only the medium of the essence.
Anyone who takes this to heart in their search for knowledge cannot go
When we refer to one as a number to the unity of God or unity with
God, we immediately come to the language of the Kabbalah: The
Hebrew word for “one” and “unity” is Achad, AChD. It is generally used
synonymously with “God,” along with others that I have yet to discuss
in due detail. Since it is biblical expression, as attested in Psalm
111:10, to place the "fear of the Lord" at the beginning of things and -
unfortunately - before knowledge, we are drawn to the fact that, in
keeping with the mirror nature of Kabbalistic terminology, another
word to consider: fear. Its Hebrew translation is Pachad, PChD, and it
is immediately noticeable that Achad and Pachad, “one” and “fear,”
differ only by the letter Pe. Or: Fear is distinguished from the oneness/
unity of God only by the Pe, whose basic symbolic meaning is given as
“opening” and “mouth” in extenso.

While the idea of a “fear of the Lord” that is not further critically
questioned has claimed its victims in the history of Judaism and Christianity
and continues to demand physical and spiritual ones, it is possible to
penetrate into a so-called “initiatory” layer of meaning apart from secular-
dogmatic interpretation , which, however, also raises the question,
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 25

whose messagewe actually have to decipher. Unity, the initial God of

the Genesis account, becomes fear through the Word itself, which is
uttered and expressed through it:

The Word was with God, and the Word spoke fear.

Even if this fearsome unity cannot be the actual, the original unity of
God, which I will speak about in more detail in the context of the
Kabbalah of the Other Side, it still represents a unity. It should
particularly be given our undivided attention, because this
Misunderstood unity has created a fundamental dissonance with
which we have to struggle not only in the search for truth and reality.
Whether we have this “divine” fear thatnot GodBeing able to fight
victoriously depends on whether we commit our souls to Godor not.
The Word that is fear is not God, it is the medium of God through
which God can be recognized, not necessarily recognized. The existence
of God does not presuppose knowledge of God. In other words:God
brings to himself whomever he wants.But for this to happen, two
willpowers have to mesh together; like the hands of a Cosmic Man, two
sides of a comprehensive and penetrating reality must be reconnected.
This is the misunderstood because unpracticed original meaning of the
word “religion”.
Who is God and who is not God?
The example of Achad/Pachad shows how much the questioner
can take a - perhaps unexpected - direction when answering this
question at the first closer look. But in the truest sense of the word,
this is just the beginning. The basic dissonance that I have already
spoken of has a spatiotemporal origin, is located in the layer of a
cosmic history, whose - at first glance - ambiguous events in the
biblical Genesis account were dressed up in the symbolic language of
the Fall. If we demystify this language, we get to the core of a
nevertheless mysterious message: God is the fear of knowledge, so
man is encouraged to only take fruit from the tree of a life without
knowledge, but not from the tree in the middle
26 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

of the garden3, which gives knowledge of good and evil. But then
emerges from the darkness beyondwrongUnity an enigmatic
creature, a serpent, a worm, who invades the paradisiacal intimacy
between God, Adam and his first wife Aishah:4

Then the serpent said to the woman: No, you will not die. God knows that
as soon as you eat it, your eyes will be opened; you become like God and
know good and evil.

God here essentially represents the expression of fear that the human
couple might be enabled to gain knowledge of good and evil; a
knowledge that would also include the essence of God himself, i.e. the
knowledge of what unity in God is andwhich is only considered to be

3 Cf. Gen 3:4-5.

4 Cf. Gen. 2:9.
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 27

5. The Head of Darkness

She doesn't fear the snow for her house because her whole house is
covered in scarlet.
– Zohar, “Vayechi”

The traditional view, as presented to us with the Kabbalah, is often

impressive because the authors try to paraphrase the obvious or try
to avoid it entirely; whereby one often relies on ineffective
mechanisms of distraction: they describe the unrevealed God as a
negatively existing force, which they seem to describe more closely
with the word Ain. Ain, in whose misinterpretation we also have to
look for the origin of the natural sciences, which to this day are largely
Judeo-Christian, is incorrectly translated as “nothing” or “non-being”.
But it is a question to what extent the Kabbalists are always aware of
the mirror nature of the language that can be used:5

The two original principles as Adam and Eve also provide the key to the
magical complex built around gender polarity. Adam, 45, and Eve, 16,
produce in combinationAin, 61, the source of manifestation as the Eye
of the Void.

This Ain now points to the back of the Sephiroth tree, which is
supposed to represent “evil” per se. So do God and supposed “evil”
arise from one and the same source? Have you simply lost track when
assigning terminologies? Or are God

5Cf. Kenneth Grant, “The Night Side of Eden”, Edition Roter Drache, Rudolstadt,
2008, page 91.
28 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

and the supposed “evil” for humans has come to exist not as two
forces but as one?
You will look in vain for straightforward answers to this in the
traditional Kabbalah.
If you follow the explanations of such Kabbalists, you are reminded
of an impeded speaker who always falls into an enigmatic silence
when he is about to speak. A dogma can lead to the silence of those
seeking knowledge. This applies to all religions without exception. But
with this insight, it should not escape our attention that this silence on
the part of the Kabbalists can also mean the turning of the key in the
lock of the door that leads us to the Other Side. Where there is silence
in the Kabbalah, we often find those fragments of another, “foreign”
theory of God and cosmology, which will be outlined in the physics of
darkness. We find this cosmology in a different guise in ancient Egypt,
but also in some currents of today's Sufism.

The negative existent is contained in the fabric of the positive existent,

potentially forming the gateway to itself. The Kabbalah is the light that serves
as a medium for the darkness. And this darkness is God as comprehensive and
penetrating reality, and therefore God also as light.
But where did the snake, which is actually a worm, come from? And how did he
manage to break into the Garden of Eden?
This question, which necessarily derives from the Genesis report, is
also treated as a taboo.
The answer will be given in the course of my presentation of the
Kabbalah of the Other Side in the following parts of Book I. The medium
that has a say is the positive, traditional dogma of the Kabbalists
themselves. By questioning the falsehood that we come across in many
places in a non-dogmatic and taboo manner, we succeed in regaining the
truth that has been merged with it to solve it and gradually make it visible.
If we take seriously the depth of the symbolism presented to us in
the Genesis account, then answering this question is the gateway to
knowledge itself. Because everything stands and falls with it. But at
this point the effect of the fear already mentioned begins, that of it
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 29

wants to stop us from following the path mentally and ideologically,

cosmologically to its end. The fear of a false unity does not want us to
achieve our goal, because this would mean that we leave it behind us with
the right questions and answers and in doing so break an almost
restrictive abundance of false taboos through which humanity is tied to
an ideological chain was placed.
If we follow the path to its goal, the consequence would not only
be the immediate transcendence of the general understanding of
religion, mysticism and ultimately magic. This fear manifests itself in
man's unwillingness to recognize that there is a power that is not only
able to know God, but can also potentially transfer this knowledge to
others - in this case to the Adamic Tetragrammaton. Because that is
one of the purposes that the serpent has in seducing Aishah. This can
be expressed this way if we are willing to see the snake as the simple
abstraction of a real and complex life form. Presuming this
cosmological scenario as a starting point for the development of
human consciousness is probably the greatest obstacle to the
realization that was intended by the seduction of Adam's first wife.
The serpent demonstrates it, and the authors of the biblical scriptures
reproduce it: God is no longer unnameable, inexplicable, or even
invincible. God is vulnerable, manipulable. Adam and Hawah, the
second pair of people after the serpent entered paradise, are living
proof of this. In this sense, religion, of which Genesis serves as the
foundation, ceased to exist the moment the serpent appeared in the
frame of the authors' consciousness; In this sense, the Judeo-Christian
dogma lost its validity as early as the fourth chapter of the Old
Testament with the birth of Cain and Abel. For everything that reaches
people from this point onwards only reaches them with the consent of
the serpent, the worm, who, according to Talmudic authors and other
writings, is considered the builder of the (Solomonic) Temple and who
is given the name Shamir there.
But who ever put these two ends of the tradition together? want?
30 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

The serpent gives Adam the opportunity to gain knowledge of the tree
of the garden that is in...its middlesomething that was withheld from him
by God. This middle tree now symbolizes themiddle columnthe Sephiroth,
their axis, which, speaking kabbalistically, is the symbol of equilibrated
Light, Hebrew Aor. The Aor results from the confluence of a light stream
that was previously divided into two, namely a positive-centrifugal Aod
and a negative-centripetal Aob. The three consonants of the words Aod,
Aob and Aor form the Hebrew word Debir, DBR, which is translated
“word”. Debir is a common name for the Word of God, which can only be
“uttered” when the forces represented by these three pillars work
together, when the positive and the negative, the right and left sides, can
work together. So it is appropriate to compare Aob and Aod with the two
wings of that door which leads into the sanctuary of God. But if we want
to stick with this symbol, this is what lies behind it:beyondthe door to be
opened. This door can only be opened via the Aor. It's his key.

Since Adam was instructed not to take any fruit from the middle tree, it
is meant to be expressed that God forbade his image to attain the state of
equilibrated light and thereby allow himself, as a God-knowing individual,
access to the sanctuary, the interior of the temple provide. In other words,
it was God's will to keep Adam in a state of in-betweenness, whereby he
would have been condemned to wander back and forth between the
positive and the negative, without ever achieving the longed-for balance
of forces, the equilibrium of Aor experience and use it for yourself.

But if God wants to withhold from Adam the opportunity to bring

about a balance of forces, a question immediately arises that not only
shakes the dogma of the Genesis account: How can the deity refuse a
balance when everything is already in the unity of God, the one before
named Achad, should have been balanced?
Or is a crucial context being left out here?
Was it different: Was this initial unity not balanced at all, was and is
it just misunderstood as such?
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 31

But let us briefly delve further into purgatory in biblical terms:

By eating the forbidden fruit from the middle tree, which

symbolizes the equilibrium of two opposing streams of power or light,
the human couple's eyes are finally opened.6It literally says:7

Then the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become like us; he recognizes
good and evil.

Then comes a crucial statement:8th

Lest he now reach out and take from the tree of life, take from it and
live forever.

6 Cf. Gen 3:7.

7 Cf. Gen 3:22.
8th In other words, “reach out your hand” points to theExtension of the handthere.
“Hand”, Hebrew Yad, in turn leads us directly to the moon: “The Egyptian and
Assyrian meet in the name of the moon, whichIduorItuis what is also reproduced
by hand. Uti, the lunar god, is Taht andDoes(Egypt.) is a name for the hand; Uti or
Tahuti (Tut) was the hand (but also the language or theLogos the Gods); It was he
who measured and weighed the world, andUtihas the numerical valuefive. It(
Egypt.) means with the handshow.” Cf. Gerald Massey, “A Book of the Beginnings,”
London, 1881, page 808.
32 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

6. Understanding the darkness

When the descendants of Cain spread out over the earth, they opened up
the earth, and they had characteristics of both that upper and lower life.

– Zohar, “Bereshith”

The life that Adam and Hawah (=Adam's second wife after Aishah) left
behind was the bondage of a life without knowledge, which was not
aware of its own mortality and would therefore have remained stuck
in the cycle of reincarnations. For us, this also means that the fall from
the Garden of Eden potentially gave people the opportunity to break
out of this cycle and to responsibly subjugate life to themselves.
Because breaking out of the original Adamic cycle does not
simultaneously mean victory over death for humans. Rather, it is first
of all an awareness; perhaps it is appropriate to compare man with a
traveler who is in the process of arranging his luggage; and although
the fall was long ago in space and time, its planetary tracesnearlyhave
become unrecognizable, he is in man asmental memorycurrently.

If we correctly understand the “positive” dogma of the Old Testament,

we come to see that the nature of “his” initial deity who “created the light”
was in onewrong unitconsists. This is one of the basic messages of the
Genesis account that needs to be explored, although the Judeo-Christian
dogma has only ever had its key mystery in the form of its fragmentation.
The “negative” dogma, which can only form a complete unity with the
positive, was never known to him as a whole. His fragments, which now
and then, here and there, perhaps
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 33

Because visionaries were able to reach this site, they provided the reason for
nightmare, inquisition and persecution. Til today.
It is the taboo “Let there be night” that develops simultaneously with
space and time as counter-space and counter-time, as a “resistant” anti-
world, but not in an evolutionary movement, but in an involutionary
movement. We may have to understand by this a primeval double helix on
which two world movements, two arrows of time, two world plans are laid
out like cosmic inheritance, which did not always reach “external”
development in equal proportions.
Are we therefore dealing with a false unity that is only considered to
be “God”?
In eclipse physics we assume that this false entity is actually one
odd dualityor polarity that arose in a cosmic catastrophe. This
consisted of darkening the primeval, androgynous light of unity by
centrifugally emitting “a” (false) light from this primal unityodd
polarizationseparated from its origin. This universe of relativistic light
thus represents the result of a creation defect in the cosmic organism,
which I give the name Cosmozoon, “Cosmic Animal”. When I speak of
“God,” I am either speaking of specific functions within this organism
or of their entirety. Although the so-called Lurian Kabbalah (named
after Isaac Luria) points to a creation defect, a Rupture of the vessels,
Hebrew Shevirat Ha-Kelim, she avoids placing it in a comprehensive
cosmological context in which the traditional Kabbalah image of God
would prove to be more of a hindrance than a help. What the
Kabbalah collectively calls the forces of evil, the “Other Side,” or Sitra
Achara in Hebrew, actually refers to another part of the cosmic
organism, which we describe with the limited expressiveness of
human language as a “world” or “dimension.” can. This part of God's
world has become inaccessible due to a defect. He fell into darkness,
was cut off from the world of light, if we want to use that analogy.
What separated one side from the other was an incorrectly evolving
unity, an odd polarity, which led to an imbalance of power in the
cosmozoon. This
34 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

odd polarity is kabbalistically called Adam/Aishah. The purpose of the

serpent's invasion of the false paradise was to undo this imbalance of
power. To do this, the Adamic Tetragrammaton first had to be
released from its intimacy with “God”. This has happened. In the fall,
the serpent led Adam to the guardian of the cycle, that onerotating
sword(=Zayin) that guards the entrance to the Garden of Eden. Adam
was free, redeemed from a cycle of blind life without knowledge that
had continued ad infinitum up to that point. The pact with God was
broken, image no longer created image. A new pact was made9, this
time with the snake, the worm, an individualized life form from
another world that has fallen into darkness, which, as will be made
clear later, can be equated with Sirius. A new image could be created.
The original head of the deitythis solar systemwas shattered, but the
head of the serpent, the Eighth, rose from the darkness into the
fading light of the falsehood that had dominated the house of the
abyssal deity until that time.
As a rule, traditional Kabbalah doesn't want to know anything about
any of this. She is like the traveler who has not yet put his luggage in
order in order to be able to embark on the most important stage of his
journey: the union of opposites. Light to darkness, darkness to light. But
in order to achieve the next goal, people must recognize the status quo of
their situation. When the clock of planetary history has already struck five
to twelve, then midnight is approaching, the hour when, according to the
Kabbalistic tradition, God, the “Ancient of Days,” enters Paradise. But who
will he find there at midnight?
His image, a blind Adam who fears knowledge, who is still chained
to the “mighty stone”?
Or a seeing, a visionary Adam who broke this stone with the help
of a will that entered him from the Other Side?

9This is what Mount Hermon, mentioned in the “Book of Enoch,” stands for, on which a
host of angels conspired against God (=YHVH/Ha-Shem). Its peak is compared to a white
crown (made of snow).
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 35

Will this “God” even encounter a serpent with its mouth wide open
to devour a tyrant and redeem the world?
All inspiration that has ever flowed and ever will flow into man's
fragile material appearance comes from the Serpent. No thought that
was ever allowed to truly glimpse or even touch for a moment the
comprehensive truth of things ever came from “God.” What came
from “God” was only the fear-born distortion of what could previously
be glimpsed or touched:10

This situation is echoed by the Kabbalistic myth that the Creator's first
efforts did not go as intended... We are told that several worlds were
actually created and destroyed before this universe became what it is
now is.

And because the false one, as we can also call it, understood as a
matric unity, contains odd polarities within itself, it is chaos; a chaos
that Kabbalists call Shamayim, “heaven.” We will come across this
term again and again because it is of central importance for
understanding the theory and practice of NecroYoga.
The “fear of the Lord”, which speaks with a banishing, constraining
(=self-limiting) voice, has unfortunately been heard too often in the
Free will has been propagated without any knowledge of what
function the will actually has in the universal structure of forces;
People have been handed over to a god of chaos who devours every
spark of will unless its bearer, man, is able to forge from this one
spark a strong resistance to the shine of light, his helpers and
accomplices. People have nurtured the directionless chaos and
worshiped the “God” who cannot set a standard because he himself
has long since lost it.

Cf. Zev Ben Shimon Halevi, “A Kabbalistic Universe,” Gateway Books, 1988, page

36 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Fire is therefore considered the force of “judgment,” Ha-Din11feared and

“demonized”. In Kabbalistic terms it is equated with Samael.
For the Kabbalah of the Other Side, which sees in fire the illuminating,
the element of revelation, to be feared only by those who close
themselves to revelation, the will represents the ray that resides at the
center of each new world. He is the axis, the Aor of the Kabbalists, which
can only arise through the balancing of forces or is this. But this
dimension of the axis must first be created from the chaos of the soul; for
before it becomes the center of the world and the creator of the world,
the will is a diffusive force whose measurelessness lies in its material
quantity. It is precisely this quantity, this disoriented mass, that threatens
to suffocate people today.
The path to knowledge of God opened by the worm of the Other
Side as a wholeIt also means that people, individually and perhaps
collectively, free themselves from chaos. He is responsible for the fate
of his soul; He must have the happy or miserable experiences himself,
because he is the one whose will must have a creative, directive, and
“judging” effect on that mélange of water and fire, which the
Kabbalists call “heaven”; it is he who must transmute the waters of the
soul that now form the universal substratum, molding them into a
vessel receptive to the knowledge of God as a whole.
All means are available for this salvation from self-destructive
excess. They just have to be used.

11The Hebrew letters Daleth-Nun, related to “Dan,” the Israelite tribe of the
north. The “cosmic” north (not the geographical one) therefore represents
“evil”. According to the “Sepher Ha-Bahir,” “evil” comes from the north, which
is also symbolized by the infernal trinity, Mount Tzaphon. This in turn can be
equated with Mount Hermon.
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 37

7. The end of the unknown

The underworld lies naked before him, no cover covers the abyss. He stretches
the northern sky over the void, suspends the earth from nothingness.
– Job 26:6

To contemporary scientists, the “unilaterally” designed, mathematical-

physical numerical structures usually appear to be the ultimate means
of describing and explaining micro- and macrocosmic connections.
For the Kabbalist, who was able to break away from the adolescent
ideas of a humanized deity, numbers and number formulas are
“imprints,” “signatures,” or even “seals” of a higher, superordinate
reality; perhaps in the spirit of Thomas Taylor's words:12

All mathematical forms have their first existence in the soul; this means
that it contains self-motivic numbers before the sensible world; vital
images before they become visible; harmonious patterns before the
harmonization of things; and invisible circles before embodiment and
the emergence of bodies moving in circles.

As long as man, be he a natural scientist or Kabbalist or someone interested in

spirituality, only hopes to recognize the forces that shape the world within his
own human frame of reference, he is wandering, because unfortunately he
usually prefers to look into the mirror of his own existence - his so-called
waking consciousness – to look only to see what he is already ready for

Thomas Taylors, quoted in Robert Lawlor, “Sacred Geometry,” Thames and Hudson,

1982, page 9.
38 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

acknowledge. Everything that doesn't seem to fit into this mirror image,
that lies outside its surface or that penetrates into its perspective from
outside is often condemned and demonized. The reason is the fear of the
really new, the really different, the really unknown, which is only unknown
as long as we do not allow it to make itself known to us. Only those who
break this mirror, which can be recognized by humans as the image of an
imperfect unity, discover something new, which in reality may be
something very old. The glyph that we know from Hermeticism as the
“signature of light” and which symbolizes this mirror of the self is the X
(the Roman numeral 10).
It is noteworthy that among the Egyptians 10 was the number of
“men,” a word translated as “disease” or “liquid measure.”
The Kabbalah now knows the Hebrew Ani for “I”, which becomes Ain
by simply changing its letters, the basic meaning of which indicates
“negation”, namely the negation of the I. In the context of the KAP-HY, Ain
points us to the Other Side, the Sitra Achara, in the course of my
explanations in the following parts.
What the contemporary natural scientist assumes that he holds in
his hand as the key to creation is a mirror in which everything he may
devise is reflected back only to him, who himself only exists within the
defined framework. In this way the numbers and numerical formulas
mate with themselves; They create a closed system that gradually falls
into sterility and decadence because it represents a barrier to the
comprehensive reality of cosmozoic existence.

In a world of dual realities, the whole consists of two parts, two sides,
two halves of the world, which together are more than their parts. This is
what the all-encompassing circle stands for, which is intended to
symbolize the synthesis of thesis and antithesis like no other symbol. If we
look at the circle as a glyph, we can see from a drawn center line
(indicating its diameter) that it consists of two halves or two opposing D's,
twice Daleth in Hebrew, both of which together form the circular shape.
These two halves can be the same size, but they don't have to be. If they
are not, we speak with reference to them
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 39

Geometry of the circle of an odd duality or polarity. Basically, the

divided circle signals to us a bi-polar nature. If the middle line that
separates the two halves is removed, both halves dissolve into each
other. Thesis and antithesis, light and darkness, become one in the
relationship of straight or directed duality. This creates a synthesis, a
higher reality, which, although it carries the legacy of both halves,
nevertheless begins to lead its own, a new life. If we want to describe
both halves of the circle as the two wings of a door, then the
dissolution of both halves into the shape of the circle, into a new
dimension, is the passing through of this door. From a binary comes a
trinary reality. This can be magically expressed by the formula 2 = 0. If
we also interpret this formula in a kabbalistic way, we see 2 = 0 as the
numerical value 20 for the Hebrew letter Kaph. The word Qav, which is
derived from him, means “line” in the sense of the “axis” of a given
body. In terms of content, it can therefore be equated with the “Qaf”
called by Sufis, which refers to the mountain of the world, also a
symbol of the axis.
Adam's condition before the fall corresponded to the circle divided
into two, with the halves that made up him not being equal in size,
standing in odd proportions to each other. Now, after the fall of the
imperfect image of God, man has potentially arrived at the point from
which he is able to abolish the dissonant dichotomy of the circle, to
allow the two halves of the circle, light and darkness, to flow
harmoniously into one another and become one to go through inner
retransmutation, which makes him mentally become a cosmic human
again, Hebrew Ish Tam. The moment Aishah gave him the fruit of the
middle tree to eat, Adam himself became a gateway. He fell through
himself, just as he can now only be raised again through himself. The
key to this gateway, symbolized by the circle of eternity, is the
feminine in Adam, for it was Aishah who was first seduced by the
The physics of the present is a product of this initial fear of
becoming a whole, a circle, a gateway; She is still resisting a dramatic
change that is becoming increasingly clear
40 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

in human understanding of matter and mind or antimatter.

Unfortunately, physics and Kabbalah have this in common. I will make
it clear how closely the two are intertwined in this respect.
In the KAPHY, according to the formula 2 can be unequal/equal to
0 from a physics of lightanda physics of darkness, which make up the
two sides of the comprehensive reality, which is called Kosmozoon,
“Cosmic Animal”. Special relativity, or SR for short, is groundbreaking
for the physics of light. But as will be shown, Einstein's energy-mass
equivalence equation E = MC² hides a second, "secret nature" that
opens a kabbalistic-physical gateway to the Sitra Achara, into the
darkness of God.
The KAPHY therefore also includes formulaic statements that, at
least in terms of their superficial meaning, come very close to today's
quantum and tachyon physics. Einstein, a proponent of the physics of
light, was essentially hostile to quantum physics and the ideological
perspectives it offers. The reason for this lies in the fact that today's
quantum physical perspectives on the universe "relativize" relativistic
natural science in the sense of Einstein and his descendants to such
an extent that they shrink its validity and applicability to a "small sub-
area" of reality and thus exclude it from Throw the throne of scientific
omnipotence. But the physics of darkness does not bring down
Einstein's formula structure, it only shows the scientific ideology that
has developed from it within its clearly visible limits.

Nevertheless, the Kabbalah of the Other Side, in its physical

implications, inflicts a gaping wound on the relativistic worldview of
current physics. This wound consists of crossing a threshold and it
affects the light, the initial, misunderstood “God” itself, dissolves a
false image of God at the limit of the light and allows another to
emerge beyond it.
Light is the mirror that is a limit because everything that enters its
field of vision is reflected back to the viewer. Physically speaking, this
field of vision is the elementary constitution of the Adamic soul itself.
It is it that is identical with the limit of light, which is why
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 41

it represents a threshold that has been exceeded or not exceeded.

The fear of God prohibits overcoming this barrier, which has led,
among other things, to ignoring its existence as such in the world of
intellectuality. The question of the origin of light, the fearful “God”
who is worshiped consciously or unconsciously by Einstein's
successors, such as Stephen Hawking, remains untouched. For many
who therefore act as the extended arm of religion, it is the ultimate
taboo. Everything that lies beyond the supposed beginning of Genesis
is dismissed as “void” or “unfathomable.” Reality thus becomes an
anthropocentric pleasure in which man's “Creator God” remains an
unnameable, incomprehensible entity.
However, anyone who does not feel committed to a specific,
religiously defined doctrine of God, but nevertheless recognizes the
presence of God as real in one way or another, must take this leap behind
the light. For such a reader, the mirror of dogmatically motivated
guidelines is ultimately just an obstacle that needs to be overcome as
quickly as possible. The fear of God can also be called his will, a will that is
constantly broken by its own reflection and shatters into countless facets
of itself. This will is ultimately fragile; it is as fragile as the fear itself with
which it has grown. If we dissolve this fear on the horizon of light itself
and achieve a new confluence of the elemental forces, we break out of the
vicious circle of a misunderstood creator concept.
The question of the nature of God stands and falls with the
simultaneous question of what existed before this universe, what it came
from and whether what it came from still exists somewhere. The physics
of darkness comes into play here, where we can step out of the relativistic
glow of the light cone.
42 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

8. Adamah: The Red Thread

Six is the number over which man must dominate after his
– Louis Claude de Saint Martin

The great theme of “good” and “evil” runs through the Old Testament
like a red thread that, if we grasp it and trace it back, seems to end
with the word Bereshith. The Hebrew word Bereshith is generally
translated as "created in the beginning...", but this does not begin to
do justice to the ambiguity of this biblical opening word. We will
encounter it several times in its various readings. Since Bereshith is
written with a Beth, it signals to the Kabbalist a creative activity of
God, because the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph-Beth
for short, symbolizes the “house of God” in “this” world.13The Beth is
traditionally considered a symbol of man's struggle with "evil", which
is emphasized by the fact that it is composed of three Vavs which,
because they are in the sixth position of the alphabet, can be read
666; although in the Kabbalah itself we do not equate this number
with “evil”, in complete contrast to the New Testament:14

13 Yitzchak Ginsburgh, “The Hebrew Letters, Gal Einai Publications Yerusalem 1990, page
14 Virya, “Les 72 Puissances de la Kabbale”, Georges Lahy Éditeur 1999, page 37.
Regarding Vav it is written: “Letter Vav created the earth to feed it and to
provide it with what it needs. The word ve-eth (and) says that Vav took the eth,
which comprises the twenty-two letters that were absorbed by the earth…” Cf.
“The Zohar,” trans. by H. Sperling, M. Simon, The Soncino Press, 1984, Vol. I,
Bereshith, page 114.
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 43

The evil aspect of this number is difficult to identify in the Kabbalah,

because it belongs to the table of 9, which indicates the harmony of
natural laws. It consists of three times 6, so we get 18 (6 x 3), the
number of 'life' in Hebrew (H'ai - ChI = 18). The number 666 is spoken in
Hebrew: shesh meoth veshishim vashesh (ShSh MAVTh VShShIM
VShSh), a formula containing six shin. Since the Shin has three
branches, we have a total of 18 branches.

Rather, the almost square shape of the Beth, which is assigned to the second
day of creation and the splitting of the waters, is explained as follows:15

From a Torah perspective, the top line of the square faces the east, the right
side faces the south, and the base face faces the west... The evil inclination,
the negative quality of the soul, corresponds to the open north side. From
this side, God allows, so to speak, the evil temptation to enter the world... In
the Kabbalah, the north corresponds to Geburah, 'power'.

But at this point it can be made clear how at odds the Kabbalah seems
to be with itself, because it is also stated:16

The spiritual source of the North is itself the force that overcomes and
defeats the lower manifestation, the 'open north' of this world.

The divided thread that symbolizes Adam's dissonant soul existence ends
at the opening word Bereshith for all those who wish to leave God's origin
unrecognized for themselves and others. Whoever wants to go further
must pass this point of creation; can trace the thread further back
through the He, through the clearing mists of an amorphous deity, over
the abyss of a mixed soul fluid into a dimension that bears the name
“darkness” because it was brought to the world by a cosmic catastrophe.

15Cf. Yitzchak Ginsburgh, “The Hebrew Letters,” page 41.

16Cf. Ibid. Page 41.
44 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

to the light, including fertility. So the “Let there be light” must be

passed through in the opposite direction.
If we now read the Beth, which stands for an attribute of the
beginning, together with an Aleph, which symbolizes a further dimension
of the divine nature, we get Ab, AB, “Father”; and if we use the Beth of Ab
as the first letter for Ben, BN, “son,” the word Eben, ABN, “stone” forms
before our eyes.17
This is the same stone of foundation on which, according to the
Gospels, Christ builds his Church; but it is also the stone that was
rejected by the mysterious builders18, which became the stumbling
block, the psycho-cosmic arena of a conflict that is older than this
The Kabbalah of the Other Side, which stands in the sign of Ayin, the
eye that opens in the triangle of the holy name Ha-Shem, pursues this
thread further beyond the limit of light, and therefore also overcomes the
will of “God”, which remains imperfect has become manifest in the fear of
duality of unity and continues to reproduce itself out of this fear. Here
ends the domain of those who proclaim “I am I”; Here begins the kingdom
of darkness, that one whose call the light swings through on the wings of
a hawk: “I am Not-I.”
The red thread that Adam lays with his fall into this world of
manifestation leads into a continuum of reality beyond known time
and beyond known space; to where only the fall can be undone,
where only “good” can be recognized as “evil” and “evil” as “good” and
mutually redeemed. While the universe of light represents a solve, a
detachment or separation of light from the primordial cosmozoon,
the universe of darkness only reveals itself to us through a coagula,
through the highest possible concentration

17 The stone is called “Shepherd of Ishrael.” The Zohar reads: “The term 'stone' here
refers to the Shekinah... And so after the Shekinah all the Ishraelites are called
'stones'.” Cf. “The Zohar,” Vol. IV, P'Qude, page 283. Another meaning of ABN is
“threshold of the womb.”
Cf. Psalm 118:22.
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 45

or compression of that elementary form of energy called water

The light of this darkness is different, not dissolved, but a
condensed light created from the chaotic waters. The Sufis call it that
Black light, which rises like a sun above the eastern horizon near the
hidden pole and the transition that pole represents. For this reason it
is the “mystical Orient” that is repeatedly mentioned symbolically for
the emergence of spiritual light. So when we retrace Adam's broken
thread, we must also speak of a re-orientation when it is a question of
abolishing the state of being fallen; for the goal is this inner horizon of
Adam, above which the soul rises from the “heavenly” waters. This
ascent, which is in reality a descent into the depths of holistic
existence, points to the transmutation of the waters, their willful

Beyond this transitional dimension, which in the Sufic symbolic

language is “polar vision”19called and which as theconfluencetwo seas
is described20, lies the source of light, which the Egyptians knew as
Maat or Nut/Nuit/Nu. For some, Nuit or Maat are simply the taboo
“evil”, Ha-Ra, Sitra Achara, the otherworldly “world of coverings”, the
Yetzer Ha-Sheirim, the emanation of the demons, Ha-Shemoth
Samael, the world that is dominated by the names of Samael.
Traditional Kabbalah equates it with “death,” thereby driving away
those who cling to the literal meaning. The reality beyond dogmatic
disguises looks different:21

TheQliphothare not just shells or the skeletons of the “dead” but more
importantly, they are the anti-forces behind the tree and the negative
substrate that underlies all positive life.

19Cf. Henry Corbin, “The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism,” Omega Publications, 1994.

20Cf. Henry Corbin, “Temple and Contemplation,” KPI London, 1986, page 55ff.
21Kenneth Grant, “The Night Side of Eden,” page 51.
46 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

For others, Nuit or Maat are Egyptian cognomina for the hidden trinity of
Kabbalah, its great taboo:Ain, Ain Suph, Ain Suph Aor.For them it is the
negatively existing in the sense of being, which is in the state of,
spatiotemporally speaking, “non-manifest”; for it is knowledge that can
only exist in this fundamentally negative existence, because for man only
through the negation of “God” are the veilspositive lightcan be ventilated.
The false god, whose fear is the beginning of his own limited world, must
be negated at the pole. The white light becomes a polar, black light, a
negating light that illuminates infinity; and which becomes apparent
when the adept who wants to reach the other side has gone through the
days of creation in the opposite direction, i.e. was able to go back through
the previous creation to the source of light. The transformation of the Ani,
"I" into the Ain, "not-I", means the breakout from the cone of light of an
imperfect cycle, the transition into another cone of light, which at the pole
transition simultaneously opens up the possibility of both cones of light
becoming one Putting reality together. And again we come across the
symbolic expression of this in the glyph of the X.
In fact, the pole is the pivotal point for both the physics of light and
the physics of darkness.
The Polar Dimension spoken of in the Kabbalah of the Other Side
makes it clear:
The light is the shadow of the light. This shadow has become
manifest in the human soul. It is the buffer zone between matter and
anti-matter, if we want to use this comparison from today's physics.
But the antagonism of these two categories of matter (with their
gradations), one of which has been abstracted as “spirit,” turns out to
be misleading. Perhaps it would be better to say that the perception
of the Other Side depends on a shift in consciousness. Since the
human brain is the soul's supplier and assimilator of external sensory
perceptions, the soul is always present wherever the person is. But
humans cannot perceive them easily. Anyone who leaves the area -
the level - of the relativistically defined light nature must adapt their
sensorium to other perspective conditions. The sensorium linked to
the neocortex is responsible for the perception of the inner
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 47

polar dimension unsuitable. For this reason it is sometimes said that

humans carry within themselves a hidden, lost and unused organ
called the “sense of eternity”.22
The light is the shadow of the light, which means that the shadow
stands between light and light. This also implies that the pole is not
the final destination, but a stage on the way there. Basically, the pole
is an obstacle to be overcome, which is why the Kabbalah also speaks
of a mountain, the Tzaphon, in the context of the polar. We see that
the same symbolism of the mountain is used equally for both sides,
for light and darkness. If we think of the simplest abstraction of a
mountain, which consists of a triangle or a pyramid, we again come to
the X, which allows both hemispheres to converge at a point and
divide again.
Opinions differ at the X because the light wants to be recognized in its
entirety. The shadow it casts is the medium of its reproduction. The One (2 = 0
= 20/Kaph) is more than the sum of its parts, than the elements of which it
consists. It is more and therefore something different. With the synthesis that
results from the coming together of the opposites, something is not only
created that metathetically carries these opposites within itself and passes
them on, but a transmutation of the form also takes place. Here the two poles
become the two wings of a door that opens to unity (2 = 0) the moment they
are brought together. Transferred to the KAPHY, it can therefore be said: The
relativistic light, which also makes up the beginning of Genesis and which is
falsely worshiped as “God”, exists in these two doors; but it does not consist in
what remains hidden behind it until the door could be pushed open. The pole
is therefore the psychic mechanism for opening this door through which one
enters the interior of the sanctuary, the temple: the interior of the Cosmic
The Kabbalah confirms this using numerical values: The Aleph,
which was described above as one of the letters of God, has a so-
called “full” (or “extended”) value of 111. Here we actually see not only
the three pillars of the Sephirothic tree, but also

22 Idris Shah, “The Sufis”, Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 1994, page 148.
48 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

the supporting pillars of the temple through which we must pass. So it

is the Aleph that, like no other letter, stands for light according to the
definition of special relativity, but also for that polar gateway to the
Other Side which, as we will see in the physics of darkness, is literally
hidden in the Aleph is.
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 49

9. Daath: Death in life

This is the ultimate logical thingBasic principlebehind the attempts of

occultists of all ages to jump backwards and inwards into the inner
depths of the tree...
– Kenneth Grant, “The Night Side of Eden”

The transfer of knowledge from one body to another is only possible if

both have opposite polarities and can attract each other. The serpent
takes the aleph from Adam in order to make him receptive to its
reproductive energies through his transmutation. This receptivity,
determined by the matrix symbolized Kabbalistically by the three mother
letters Aleph, Mem and Shin, concerns the so-called “poison of God”. This
is also the literal translation of the name “Samael”.
But this poison, which actually refers to the blood of the snake,
with which its genetic material is ultimately transmitted in the
dimension of the soul, is only poisonous if it cannot be transformed in
the receiving vessel; which also means that this poison forces a
transmutation of the water, its condensation, its concentration. This is
one of the essential psycho-cosmic activities for the Other Side
Kabbalist. In this respect, the poison of God signals the power of the
“judgment”, Geburah, the Baal Ha-Shem as Lord of theDark Aleph; for
it is this Aleph that was taken from Adam in order to be able to judge
“his” actions.
In order to be able to carry out this concentration, the positive
resistance of the water must now be broken, which is indicated by the
arch shape of the Hebrew letter Resh, RISh, which, when viewed
linguistically, also means RASh, “poison”, but also Rosh, RASh , “main”,
indicates (RSh also means “inherit”). As in other cases
50 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

When comparing the snake with God's poison, the entire comprehensive
reality is not taken into account for dogmatic reasons: the snake - as the
"wisest animal" according to the Genesis account - is only poisonous if it
follows creation criteria that lead to a false unity . Then the knowledge that it
is supposed to transmit has a destructive effect like poison. It becomes fear
because this false unity is “inherently” unstable. So she can be described as
the unwanted child of God; in this sense she fulfills all the characteristics of
the antagonist; but in a completely different sense than is generally assumed.

Another symbolism that we can use is the world egg, which, with
the creation of the universe, broke apart into unequal parts
(elements), if we will, and brought the original one (2 = 0) into the
state of odd duality. The egg, which is also a symbol of the ego, is
symbolically related to the round head; we see how this term
suddenly combines with “poison” in a complex of meanings that is
This basic cosmological meaning also underlies the Kabbalistic
ambiguity of the words Serpent, Nachash, and Redeemer, Mashiach
(Messiah), both of which have the same numerical value of 358.
We can therefore say: For elementary reasons, the snake is a
deadly poison for all those who do not give it the opportunity to “be
itself” and to serve its very own purpose of creation, which is to
transmit knowledge in a world of straight polarity. What exactly is
meant by this knowledge will be explained in more detail later.

The head - or a round body in general - denotes the beginning as

the "highest", the apex point of a universal evolution (relative to the
X), which we can compare to a splitting "serpent's egg". It is therefore
also the initial Bereshith, a word in which Resh is included in the form
Be-Resh(-ith), "in" or "through fire".
A comment on the Resh then reads:23

23Cf. Virya, “L'Alphabet Hebreu et Ses Symboles”, Georges Lahy, 2000, page 200.
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 51

The letter Resh has the numerical value 200, which is the duality of
principles and the soul of the cosmos. This value is also the gematria of the
word 'Etzem', AiTzM, whose meaning is 'substance', 'essence', 'bone'.

The symbolism of the annual cycle is closely related to the beginning

of creation. Here too, the ambiguity of the comment is striking:24

The unnameable, superconscious head of the first day of Rosh Ha-

Shanah is the mystery of the words 'My thoughts are not your
thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,' says God...The spiritual
action of the first day of Rosh Ha-Shanah applies the Coronation of the
King, by submitting ourselves completely and bowing our heads to
acknowledge the yoke of Heaven...In effect, lifting our heads to a
dimension higher than our consciousness before. The nameable head
of souls is lifted up into the unnameable head of the Godhead...This is
the mystery of the words 'raise up the children of Ishrael.'

“Head”, “crown” (=crown/head), and “essence” stand in a narrow

cosmological context of meaning. Thus, the beginning of universal
becoming is explained Kabbalistically with the fact that the head of the
deity, as the bearer of his thoughts (his plan of creation with all the
necessary criteria), emerges from a state of the unnameable (=invisible)
into the state of the nameable (=visible). Once this change in God's
constitution has been completed, one speaks of a "coronation of the
king", which means a conclusionApex pointshould display; for the crown
that is worn by the head also completes it. At the same time Rosh, “main”,
the Resh or R-ISh,Carrier of Ish, of man as a cosmic functionary: the
essence that constitutes the concentration of the creative characteristics
of a universe as an organism. This essence is the Yod Point, which
represents the apex point between the two triangles of the X.
From the point of view of KAPHY and the physics of the darkness, this is all
true in principle, except that we are not talking about an odd duality

24Cf. Yitzchak Ginsburgh, “The Hebrew Letters,” page 304.

52 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

which is precisely this “smooth process” of a universal evolution starting

from the Yod point, the essence into which everything has entered before
hers was guaranteed. In general, when studying the traditional Kabbalah
in detail, it is always noticeable that reference is only made to
fundamental processes, without going into detail about the specific basic
situation of Adam caused by the break-in of the serpent and without
coming to the question of what the real reason for this was splitting of the
Holy Name YHVH (into YH-VH).
The same applies to the eleventh Sephira Daath. It only came about as
a result of the fall and does not belong to the earlier,defective constitution
of the Sephirothic tree. It is therefore the sphere of the worm, the place of
death and life at the same time. Death for those who confirm themselves
in the split, who say: “I am I.” Life for those for whom the knowledge
means: “I am not-I” or “I die before I come to death.” Only in this context
can the following words really be understood:25

In the power of the process of restoration, the ego must first be

'shattered' by the fear of God, the beginning of wisdom. Thereafter, the
“matter” of the individual can be purified and clarified to be a suitable
mirror for the reflection of the True Something.

In Daath this retransformation takes place. This word signals the key
to the evolution of Adamic and subsequently human intelligence, kept
in the twilight of known traditions:26

It has been shown to me that this heart is the heart that rejoices, and the
serpent is the serpent of Daath; Here all symbols are interchangeable because
each contains its own opposite. And this is the great mystery of the Upper Ones
beyond the Abyss. Because below the abyss means contradiction

25Cf. Ibid. Page 296.

26Aleister Crowley, "The Vision and the Voice", Weiser Books, 1998, page 136.
Crowley commented on Daath: "'DOTh', I read it Daleth for door, O for matter, Th
for darkness..." Cf. “777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley,” page 42.
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 53

Division; But beyond that, contradiction is unity. And nothing true can exist
except through the contradiction that is contained within itself.

Daath is inserted into the Sephirothic structure in order to facilitate the

reparation of the Calledto serve, namely reparation in the sense of an original
unity whose nature is straight-dual. This is the simultaneous redemption of
the serpent: Nachash = Mashiach:27

The 11 is a new 'polarization' of this comprehensive unity, a new

departure, a new dynamic for a new cycle.

In another symbolism that comes from the Egyptian doctrine of God,

which sees the number 8 as a glyph of the primeval, paradisiacal Am-
Smen, Daath can do this due to its reconnecting function in the defective
tree Eighth mainto be named. Numerically we can therefore alternatively
write it DD, ie Daleth-Daleth, 4 + 4, the doubling of the D sound, which
graphically brings us back to the two halves of the circle. However, this
circle only arises when we allow both halves of knowledge indicated by
Daath to mesh with each other. From a traditional perspective, it is
therefore stated that God's unity would not only mean fear, but that it is
also the task of man to take into account "meditatively", especially the
Daleth, which concludes Ehad, "unity".
In the planetary energy tissue of the tree, Daath brings about a new
synthesis, which is why it has been given the name “One Beyond Ten”.
Here we encounter the presence of two dissonant realities:
Strictly graphically speaking, the X-glyph (10) has a numerical value
of 2 x 5, namely in the sense V + V = X. Based on this, we would speak
of a straight duality. But this is not the case, which, in contrast to the
X, is expressed by two series of letters that are contained in the
“Zohar” and which express two different creation sequences. Here we
get an insight into a Sephirothic 10, which consists of

27Cf. Francois-Xavier Chaboche, “Vie et mystère des nombres”, Editions du Dauphin, Paris
1992, page 165.
54 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

4 + 6 composed; which makes it clear that on the one hand a Sephira

must be added so that we get 5 + 5 as a balanced duality. This one
Sephira is Daath.
Therefore, the tree of life was not destroyed by the descent of the
serpent's head. Only a modification was made within its energy
constitution, which in the physics of darkness must now be related to
special relativity and the energy-mass equivalence equation, better
known as E = MC².
In Daath the sin, which consists in a limiting unity with false,
because unevenly distributed, creation criteria, is undone. If we want
to resort to the symbolism of the mirror, it is appropriate to say that
this false unity is “anti-reflective”. It is what has often been described
as a so-called “illusion”, which therefore and in the sense presented
here is not unreal, but rather fatally causes manifestation:28

Aleph is inability to understand - the absence of any consistent truth...

Beth is the confirmation of false references, even in the illusion of the

The pivotal point of the dramatic events that take place in humans is
the soul, which is thrown out of balance of forces, are those
“heavenly” waters, which in the physics of darkness are referred to as
solar fluid in the universal substratum. These waters are called the
“firmament” where “the opinions differ”, and the statement of the
dogmatic Kabbalah on this is unmistakable:29

Knowledge cannot penetrate beyond this firmament, and man must

close his mouth and not think about it.

28Cf. Aleister Crowley, The Vision and the Voice, page 214.
29Cf. “The Zohar,” Vol. IV, Terumah, page 68.
Part I: On the threshold of the future... 55

Through the eleventh Sephira - which is why 11 is also the traditional

number of magic30– the misdirected energy flow is redirected to the Sitra
Achara via the Eighth Head. Seen from “here,” the gateway is below
Kether, which is also in Malkuth. Seen from the Ain, it is in front of Kether,
in which Malkuth is hidden. Where the serpent raises his head and the
Shin-Bat/Shabbat through theEighth dayis replaced, the naive world of
ideas of the Judeo-Christian religious complex collapses; In their initiatory
presence, evil loses a power that it only apparently possessed. Possessed
by this power, whose formula is "I am I", only those who worship fear as
the unity of "God" remain, who instrumentalize it, who project the terror
of limitation into the borders of the Assiyah world. This is what the voice
of their “god” commands them, who, like them, is shrouded in the glow of
the abyssal light; and he commands them to procreate with this
semblance and to build their world on fleeting things. This limitation,
which alone can be called “sin,” is the fortification of its “Lord” against the
eternal and infinite; it is the fear of losing something that seems innate to
him: the fear of losing a false image of God, the mistake that was in the
As the reader may have already noticed, the physics of darkness,
the first part of which “Physics of Light” now follows, does not consist
in a dogmatized rejection of religion, but in the transmutation of the
elements of which religions are made. This transmutation brings
about the inner reorientation of the soul and the completion of what
“religion” literally means: “reconnection”. Religion is the visible trace,
the visible signature of an “invisible” reality that the gods of old left
behind in the sands of time. They are the kings of old who fell beneath
the waters of the flood, buried beneath the abyss of mingled souls. It
is they whose grave the sea has become; the sea from which they
once drew their life force, the light.
This grave is the human soul. The
place of resurrection is the grave.

The number 11 indicates the Hebrew word Aod, AVD. The Aod is the red/positive

stream of energies that can be assigned to planetary Mars.

Part II: Physics of Light 57

Part II

Physics of light

1. Einstein's nightmare

And the work of a new heaven has begun, thirty-three years have now
passed since it began. Eternal Hell rises again... Now is the time of
Edom and the return of Adam to Paradise...
– William Blake

The physics of the eclipse presented here essentially consists of one

Transmutationfrom Einstein's energy-mass equivalence E = MC². But
before we convert this equation back into its own language of
Kabbalah, it is appropriate to summarize the so-called special
relativity in its core statement:
In the summer of 1905, Einstein's most famous formula appeared as a
supplement to his publication "Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies"1,
according to which the mass M is considered as a concentration of energy
E, connected by the square of the speed of light C.

Cf. Vol. 18, p. 639. The question of the extent to which Einstein's E = MC² was a variant of

an already known, older formula and to what extent Einstein ultimately only introduced
the speed of light as an alleged constant into physics cannot be pursued further here.
58 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

As Einstein expressed himself in the “Annals of Physics,” SR shows

that “the mass of a body is a measure of its energy content.” As a
result of its special relativity, it was further noticed that a given body
emits the energy E as radiation, with its mass decreasing by E/C².
This is the mathematical expression for something that
Hermeticism has drawn attention to with the pair of terms “Solve et
Coagula”. The solve, the solution/dissolution, which can also be a
secretion, consists in an emission of radiation, while the opposite, the
coagula, the condensation, signals an absorption of radiation.
But there is another way to refer to Solve and Coagula. It can be
found in ancient geometry, which is still considered the foundation of
mathematics today:
We are dealing with the squaring of the circle, whereby in the SR
this squaring refers to C², i.e. the speed of light squared, which is
given by Einstein in the formula compound with the mass M.
There is an opposite operation to quadrature, which is of particular
interest to us for the geometric understanding of the physics of eclipse. It
consists in what we will call the circulation/circling of the square.
In our context, it is important to note that this circulation is a negative
quadraturerepresents what, when transferred to the SR, has dramatic
consequences for the entire understanding of energy-mass equivalence,
because the mass M that we obtain through this operation is negative. It is the
result of a reverse energy-mass/mass-energy transmutation. In magic, one
speaks analogously of an “annihilation of the universe,” which must be
brought about in the consciousness of those who want to cross the threshold
to the Other Side.
The mass resulting from a negative quadrature, composed of the
same elements as the positive squared mass, perhaps corresponds to
what has been postulated as antimatter by those physicists who venture
into the emerging frontiers of their discipline. But maybe it is something
completely different.
While the squaring of the circle, magically expressed as the
temporalization/spatialization of the “night”, Egyptian Nu/Nuit (the eternal
infinity), is more focused on what is perceptible to the human sensorium.
Part II: Physics of Light 59

re universe, comes the negative squaring, the universalDe-

temporalization/de-spatializationin operational consciousness, whose
will is to open the doorway to the Sitra Achara on the inner horizon of
the soul.
If the squaring of the circle, figuratively represented
mathematically by the speed of light C in E = MC², represents this
continuum of space and time, then it can legitimately be assumed that
its opposite operation is related to the existence of another universe.
This other universe is Kabbalistically referred to as Ain, AIN. It is also
the Sitra Achara, which has already been mentioned several times, the
back of the Sephirothic tree, which has had a gap since the fall of
Adam through which one can gain access to this other side. Although
actualized in space-time, the individual human being must first find
the way to this gateway within himself, he must willfully awaken his
soul potential in order to transmute its elements accordingly.
Let us now come to another aspect of great importance: In SR, the
energy E is proportional to the mass M, where C acts as the so-
called proportionality constant. The speed of light is therefore
generally viewed as a universally constant value. However, this also
implies that the energy-mass equivalence depends on the value C.
However, since special relativity postulates C as constant, the question
of the “fall of light” seems to be settled for many physicists who follow
Einstein in their worldview.
However, this constant, however valid it may be for this space-time
continuum, loses its validity at what more advanced physicists now
call the “event horizon.” With regard to the following kabbalistic-
physical explanations, we must conceptually redefine this border area
of universal laws as “law horizon”.

TheapparentConstant C becomes a variable the moment E = MC² is

transmuted into its exact counterpart; because where the
mathematical quantity E is given, a doorway to the Other Side opens.
60 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

If the speed of light is Cchangeableis when we cross the threshold

into another dimensionality of embodiments, when this light, as it was
“just now” visible, suddenly ceases to exist, when it transforms itself
back into something else that it once was, that has What does it have
to do with the nature of light and its speed, i.e. the frequency range of
its perception by humans?

Or to put it another way: What is light anyway, if itnotis perceived

via the conventional human sensorium?
We must pursue this question, because the answer to it is of vital
importance for the understanding of a new physics, which at its core takes
into account not only the well-known constitution of space and time, but also
the mystery of the deity itself that is to be illuminated to consciousness.
In the context of KAPHY, the speed of light C represents certain cyclical
parameters of existence of the Cosmic Animal, whose nature is in reality
quasi-organic. Light is the expression of a quasi-organic reality, whose
meaning needs to be explored in the overall context of being and
To speak of a constant C has its spatiotemporal validity, but it all too
easily obscures the view of what lies beyond space and time and concerns
what should interest people: their soul. Einstein backed away from this,
which is why he essentially disapproved of the considerations of quantum
physics, which were still not fully developed at the time. The fact that this
retreat from the threshold of the unknown has a consciously or
unconsciously reproduced, religiously motivated component has already
been discussed elsewhere.
We want to remove the “diabolic” from Einstein’s equation of the
equivalence of energy and mass, because it is “diabolical,” that is,
“disguising” reality in the literal sense. It blocks the view of the
original, that in relation to the cosmosProto-Cosmice with which it is
networked stands. This becomes clear when we de-mathematize it
and consider its cosmological content in its very own medium: the
original Kabbalah.
Part II: Physics of Light 61

As far as the physics of darkness is concerned, it is the speed of

light C that serves as a “stumbling block” from which it is possible to
cross the border to the origins remaining in the darkness. The speed
of light is only in our sensepartially constant, only within one
- with today's means - measurable physical universe. But she already is
variable, when we close our eyes, dream and images begin to appear in
our mind's eye, when waking consciousness sinks into those areas of
psycho-cosmic existence stigmatized as "subconscious" or "unconscious".
The moment that consciousness - controlled or uncontrolled - advances
and penetrates into these areas, it reaches the legal horizon at which the
arrow of time is reversed, at which the present can be formed from what
comes from the future and not from the past flows into consciousness.

The Hebrew language signals this otherworldly reality to us

grammatically, as what is “future” is expressed as if it were “behind”
us. Thus, the inner, “spiritual” universe would move not into the
future, but into the past. Analogously, the coming redemption would
actually be what has already been redeemed. This paradox is only
possible in a world that is itself the mirror image distortion of reality,
because language is the expression of what is above the Abyss
(=Shamayim/“Heaven”). This mystery of the Hebrew language cannot
therefore be understood linguistically.
However, we can “magically” succeed in penetrating the world of so-
called tachyons, which today are understood to be supraluminous
particles that, expressed in spatiotemporal terminology, move from the
future to the past. Their existence can be deduced from mathematical
equations; They cannot be proven using known physical means, because
they belong to a world that consists of a different, unknown, alien energy
and matter constitution, in whose sphere of influence the reversal of time
may represent a “natural” process.
We should note: Beyond special relativity, the energy E stands in
oneport of exchangeRelation to mass M and speed of light C.
Now what is the deal with the mass M, which is supposed to become “infinitely
large” when the speed of light is reached?
62 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

If C constitutes, so to speak, one half of the universal key, then it is

possible to compare the mass M with the adept who must fit this key
into the door. However, this adept is not identical with the “external”
human being, but with what has been variously referred to in the
magical and traditions of humanity as an “immortal,” “indestructible”
body, a “magical child,” or an “organ of light.” This organ of light must
be created internally in life, because in the language of religious
symbolism it serves as a “heavenly” vehicle to the other side. Since it is
an internal genesis in which the components of human consciousness
and soul must work together, this “adept” does not belong to any
external cult. Since he operates “without a cult,” he can be described
as invisible, one of the Unknown Superiors. As an “Illuminat” in the
truest sense of the word, it does not illuminate, but dissolves the soul
into a black light, it illuminates.
The key to the mystery consists of two halves. If these can be put
together, a transmutation of the mass M occurs. Without wanting to
anticipate too much at this point, it should be briefly stated that it is the
surface tension of this mass M, itscurvaturei.e., who is decisively involved
in the breakthrough to the other side of the Etz Ha-Chaiim ve-Daath.

In KAPHY, M stands for density as “degree of manifestation or

embodiment”. This energy-mass/body-density ratio is directly related
to that interdimensional gateway that the language of traditional
Kabbalah encapsulates in the term Daath:2

Daath is the only point in the tree that provides access to the world of Nuit (Non).

And elsewhere it is stated:3

2Cf. Kenneth Grant, “The Night Side of Eden,” page 51.

3Cf. Ibid page 62.
Part II: Physics of Light 63

But there is a power zone beyond the ten (i.e. eleven: Daath) which is the
gateway to theAinwhich makes the transition from the universe,
represented by the front of the tree, to the anti-universe, represented by
the back of the tree, possible. The Pseudo-Sephira Daath is the magical
mirror in which true being is reflected as “matter” in the form of existence.

As already mentioned at the beginning, two opposing operations are

intertwined in special relativity. One of them is what geometry knows
as squaring the circle: becoming, the male, the external. The other
consists in a circulation of the square: the re-creation of being, the
feminine, the interior.
Applied to the concept of mass, we speak of decompression and
compression. For understanding the physics of darkness, this means: the
denser the matter, the higher the “spiritual” level of embodiment. The more
diluted the matter, the lower the “spiritual” level of embodiment. This leads to
the conclusion that “spirit” is density (=essence), while we have to understand
the opposite of this in matter in the sense of today’s physics.
While the physics of light is essentially based on a solve, the
physics of darkness is based on a coagula. If both work together, the
phenomenon of contraction occurs, which sets in motion a stellar
nucleosynthesis in the physics of this universe, through which
hydrogen is converted into helium in the first phase.
In interaction, decompression and condensation form the consensus of
becoming. With regard to being, which only exists in a coagula, this looks
different: for the highest possible coagula there is no longer a solve, which in
the context of stellar nucleosynthesis means the end of nuclear fission. The
element that stands at the end of such an evolution is now known by physics
as stellar iron.
And iron is considered the infernal element.
This coagula ultimately means the cosmozoic consciousness
“created” from becoming…
Nuit: The conclusion of an evolution, being...
But the wheel is turning...
64 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

And Being marks the beginning of a new era of manifestation.

Basically, what can be physically described as Solve and Coagula,
but also centrifugal and centripetal forces, is the manifestation of two
opposing principles, which in traditional religious symbolism, which
has chosen humans as a reflection of cosmic laws, as " Day”, “man”,
and “night”, “woman”, have been symbolized.

In the abyss of the soul both principles are mixed. It is therefore

the gray area of becoming, in which the universe can potentially
develop in one direction or another, “decide” for one reality or
The conflict for the supremacy of the principle forces, the battle between
light and darkness, is fought in this universe. He has found his
correspondence in the microcosm of the soul. The expression of this conflict is
the arrangement of the Sephiroth themselves, because these represent the
elementary components of the energy field that is responsible for the
evolution of a soul - which contains the creation criteria of a given species in
its nucleus. From a spatiotemporal point of view, they therefore represent the
constitutive forces of the solar system that form this energy field, which offers
the soul the basic prerequisites for assuming a “material” shell corresponding
to its nature and being able to act “outwards” through this shell. This activity
corresponds to an arrow of time, a world movement in which the soul works in
the direction in which it enters into a sensory relationship with the
spatiotemporal conditions.
As for the coagula, the condensation and simultaneous creation of the
cosmozoic consciousness, this is expressed in the symbolism of the
numbers by the eight. It stands for darkness, for the original paradise of
balanced polarities, which the Egyptians called Am-Smen, when light was
not yet obscured by light, as the physics of darkness expresses it.
For the French Egyptologist and physicist RA Schwaller de Lubicz,
the octagon or octahedron represents the largest conceivable
concentration of energy.4

4Cf. RA Schwaller de Lubicz, “The Egyptian Miracle”, Inner Traditions, Vermont 1985,
page 136.
Part II: Physics of Light 65

The eight is the ancient symbol of the essence, in the terminology

of KAP-HY the created becoming/becoming. This reality forms the
nucleus of every evolution within.
She is therefore theSoul Glyph.
There is a lot of puzzlement about the possibilities that humans
have today to overcome space and time. But despite all this, it is
repeatedly noticeable that, with the exception of a few cases of border
crossing, the natural sciences ignore the inner reality of the human
soul. You try to insert the fragments of a key into all possible doors,
except the door that is closest: yourself.
The “tentatively” outlined idea of the observer-participant universe,
which is derived from quantum physics, is an example of man's fear-born
hesitation to place himself back in a comprehensive cosmological context.
Deprived of meaning, he is unwilling to recognize a higher order scheme,
which means that he almost imperceptibly maneuvers himself into the
greatest catastrophe of his earthly existence.
People talk about the speed of light and the speed of light, about
quantum foam and supraluminous particles, in a way that reveals that
humans do not see and understand themselves as a part of what they
hope to fathom. This dissonance creates an individual and collective
human dilemma.
In astrophysical circles, the idea of a Big Bang is often viewed as
outdated and has long since given way to other variants. One thinks
of a multitude of Big Bangs, such as a continuous creation from the
indefinable quantum continuum; There is talk of superstrings, which
are said to be the quasi-material origin of cosmic matter, of x-
dimensional supersymmetries and finally of black holes as burnt-out
star carcasses in which the laws of known physics have simply been
Even if removed from their original, organic-cosmological context
and ultimately incomprehensible to everyone affected, these ideas are
often more accurate than assumed. As they are represented by a
consciousness that keeps itself at a distance from reality, they are
initially nothing more and nothing less than disordered members
66 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

a chain that must be arranged in series according to an as yet

unknown ordering scheme.
The key to all of these aspects of universal existence that are
inconclusive to physics is within reach: the soul, the solar principle
that becomes manifest in humans, which, like the star at the center of
a solar system, follows a nucleosynthetic evolution and its laws.

If we have spoken of an energy-mass equivalence, we must now

include the soul as an evolutionary nucleus when considering the
physics of light. It is the magical 'missing link' that awaits discovery
where people are least prepared to look: within themselves.

The dimension of the soul, which we can also call the Adamic dimension,
as well as Solve and Coagula stand in an intimate cosmological relationship
with one another. Both seemingly contradictory developmental movements
represent the functioning of the soul itself. Dealing with the one function that
fundamentally underlies the physics of light and becoming is one-dimensional
and limiting. It is precisely the other, "dreaded" side of the soul's nature - its
"shadow", so to speak - which consists in the condensation into a
comprehensive consciousness, which in its perfection represents what being
ultimately means. Being is the essence of becoming: creation in the very sense
of the word.
The KAPHY and the physics of darkness are dedicated to this
condensation of psycho-cosmic energy, which is why it can also lead
to a physics of black holes, which may represent this highest possible
condensation of interstellar matter. Their “spiritual” density is so high
that they literally disappear from the visible universe and only appear
to be “connected” to it via a periphery, the so-called Schwarzschild
radius. The invisibility - for an observer in "this" space-time continuum
- is caused by the simple fact that, although the constitutive elements
of matter as such remain unchanged, the law horizon - event horizon -
turns into its opposite. What we are actually dealing with here is a
cosmic “reversal of fate,” a process that is related to the so-called
cosmological constant.
Part II: Physics of Light 67

bond, symbolized by the Greek lambda, whose Kabbalistic equivalent

is the Lamed.5
Some physicists have compared the legal horizon that makes a
black hole physically “visible” to a frozen lake. While the water in the
lake itself remains liquid in its deeper layers, a layer of ice forms on its
surface. As simple as this natural phenomenon may seem, it cannot
be conclusively explained. Although the legal horizon changes with
freezing, water as an element itself remains unchanged. The ice
surface of the lake would then be comparable to the limit that a black
hole sets on light; Every ray of light that enters this border area, that
crosses the horizon, freezes for an observer in the same universe.

In the case of a black hole, matter becomes “invisible”; in other words,

it falls outside the range that can be measured and determined using
known physical tools. In the context of KAPHY, light becomes “spiritual”

The extent to which Einstein was aware of the lambda value and the meaning

of the Hebrew Lamed remains to be seen. What is striking is that the use of
the cosmological constants in his original field equations remains an unsolved
mystery to this day. The Australian physicist Paul Davies writes about the
cosmological constant: “The fundamental flaw in Einstein's original field
equations was the fact that they describe the gravitational force as pure
attraction, which is why it cannot be reconciled with a static universe. To get
around this problem, Einstein made the fateful decision to add an additional
value to his original field equations. He called it the “Cosmological Constant”…
The Cosmological Constant is optional in the sense that it can be removed by
simply equating Lambda to zero, thus obtaining the original field equations.
But if lambda is a positive value, then the force it describes is repulsive, as
Einstein wanted it to be. As a component of an all-encompassing theory of
gravity, the lambda force can be described as a type of antigravity... Most
forces decrease with distance, but the lambda force increases with distance."
Cf. Paul Davies, “About Time – Einstein's Unfinished Revolution”, Penguin,
1995, 135ff.
68 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

lized”, to a “spiritual” entity, if we want to use this actually undefined

word at this point.
Is the black hole the ultimate reality that only exists for humans
inside, not accessible from outside?
If we only compare what has been explained so far with the well-
known Kabbalistic cosmology, as it emerges, albeit fragmentarily,
from the literature of the centuries and millennia, we come to the
conclusion: Beyond the limit of light, beyond a barrier of “icy” Light is
another universe: the Sitra Achara.
Anyone who wants to get to the Other Side must cross or
overcome a region of ice, symbolized in the Kabbalah by the cosmic
It also becomes notable now that the Hebrew Ha-Ra, the supposed
“evil,” is often mentioned together with the Hebrew word Qar, QR “cold.”
“Evil” and “cold” are synonymous terms in the Kabbalah, which is why it is
also the cosmic – not geographical – “north”, symbolized by Mount
Tzaphon, in which, according to traditional literature, this “evil” is said to
be located.
The question of the origin of all things is always at the same time the
question of the nature and origin of the soul, which, as an image of God,
represents an individual reproduction of God. In the physics of darkness,
the soul is described as an organ of perception that is part of the
cosmozoon. It serves as a medium for the evolution of cosmozoic
consciousness. However, the forms of fatal anthropocentricity that are
widespread in religion and science must be discarded like a hindering
piece of clothing: it is not humans who are at the center of the physics of
darkness, but only the evolution of the cosmozoic organism, which lies in
the complete assimilation of the observing and participating Adamic soul
in the being of darkness, which represents the trinitarian original unity
before the emergence of an odd duality.
Anyone who excludes from their considerations the dimension of the
soul from which all science flows denies themselves access to the
possibilities of knowledge that are given to humans by their psycho-
cosmic nature. In other words: who does not have the mental continuum
Part II: Physics of Light 69

taken into account, overlooks perhaps the most important perceptual

organ that humans have in order to be able to fathom suprasensory
realities that are hidden behind the diverse, contradictory masks of
space and time. The soul is an organ of light whose functioning is
determined by the union of two opposing principles. When this
happens, the adept can pass through it himself, becoming the
gateway through which he can “physically” leave this universe.
It is therefore an intermediary between two worlds, two universes; the
bridge over which the scientist must cross in order to achieve a
comprehensive knowledge of himself and the interaction of forces in a
cosmozoic structure. Any other path leads away from the light of the soul
into a dimension of sterile intellectuality, which, trapped in the prison of
ego- and anthropocentric mirror images, only produces homely dreams
of reality, but does not provide a clear view of reality itself. That is the
basic axiom of this work that there is a reality that exists independent of
an observer's position in space and time; This is a reality that pre-exists
for the Adamic human being, to which we can connect, to which we can
reconnect mentally. Expressed in the language of the Kabbalah, the adept
who has taken this path far away from the moral-theological constraints
of the religious rite, surrenders himself to the Other Side, that power
which the Kabbalah, among other things, envelops in the name “Samael”;
with her help, with her guidance, he succeeds in seeing behind the triple
veil of light; which means that he is enabled to take part in an existent
process of creation from an elemental becoming, by observing it,
becoming its “heavenly” witness.
70 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

2. The transmutation

As I was watching the horns, a small horn suddenly grew up between

them. Because of him, three other horns were torn out.
– Daniel 7:8

In 2005 I managed to find the essential key to the Other Side and a
different kind of physics, whose anti-matter has a strange
constitution, in a place where one would actually least expect it. What
physics now knows as the special theory of relativity, represented by
the well-known energy-mass equivalence equation E = MC², hides an
abyssal mystery of cosmology thatexclusivelyabout the Kabbalah can
be deciphered.
I managed to translate this equation into the language of
Kabbalah, where E = MC²three Hebrew mother lettersAMSh were.
A first goal was opened here.
But what happens when you compare the elements of this
equation energy (E), mass (M) and speed of light (C²) with the letter
symbolism that the Kabbalah provides?
In the course of these considerations, E = MC² became a real one
Counterformula visible, which is directly on theDouble horizon, the
gateway relates to the Other Side, but in physical terms. It forms the
missing link between the physical world and magical biology, the subtlety
of the organism, and the auto-tantric tradition of the Draconic Way, called
It is theFormula of darkness, which is hidden behind the three mother
letters Aleph, Mem and Shin. In Einstein's E = MC² it is “negatively existent”, as
one can express it Kabbalistically. This negative existence points
Part II: Physics of Light 71

on the back of the Sephiroth tree and the world of the Edomite kings,
which has fallen into darkness6there.
It became clear that Einstein's equation is nothing more than the
mathematical expression of a universe that holds the doorway to an
ancient cosmological memory, just waiting to be opened and passed
Let's start with the physics of light, which includes that Kabbalah that is for
thisuniverse, forthisSpace-time continuum applies. This Aleph-Mem-Shin,
AMSh sequence for short, represents a potentially existing, in this sense non-
singular, universal matrix, that of the multiplication of the elemental world
- consisting of four elements - expressed by YHVH-Tetragrammaton.
In other words: Ha-Shem, the name of God, expands out of the AMSh
sequence into a universal energy structure.

Step one
Einstein's energy-mass equivalence equation is:

E = MC²

If we now translate the letters back into Hebrew, we take a first,

decisive step. So we replace the letters like this:

E = MC²
A = MSh²

In this formula, we substitute Aleph for energy E, Mem for mass M,

and Shin for speed of light C. This means, in terms of stellar
nucleosynthesis, that Aleph is the energy produced by converting
Mem hydrogen into Shin helium.

6The seven kings of Edom are named in the first book of the Old Testament. Compare
Gen. 36:31ff. In the Kabbalah, their names correspond to the seven lower Sephiroth,
which are related to the so-called “breaking of the vessels,” Hebrew Shevirat Ha-Kelim.
72 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Step Two:
E = Aleph
MC² = Mem-Shin²

In addition, due to the numerical value of the Hebrew alphabet, we

get the following values for the letters:

MC² = 40-300²

In the context of energy-mass equivalence, this means numerically:

1 = 340²

This is expressed in a Kabbalistic manner:

3.14 = Pi

If we now convert 1 = 340² into letters, we get:

Aleph = ShM²

ShM² spelled out means:


A = MSh²/E = MC² signals Pi, the so-called universal number, or the

kabbalistic retransmutation of E = MC² makes it clear that the process
presented here is the creation/multiplication of the Holy Name of
God, as it is in the traditional Kabbalah is handed down.

At this point we come to the important question of what the

Kabbalistic term “name” actually implies?
Part II: Physics of Light 73

Ha-Shem/Tetragrammaton stands for a number of basic creative

criteria, which the Kabbalists traditionally express in the case of the
spelling YHVH with “Father” for Yod, “Mother” for He, “Son” for Vav and
“Daughter” for the final He.
This is intended to symbolize male and female potentials, “father
and mother,” and updates/reduplications of these potentials, “son,
Nevertheless, the question remains, what exactly does the “name” indicate in a
cosmological context and beyond traditional anthropomorphization?
The “name” stands, as the letters already indicate, from which the
Hebrew word “Ha-Shem”, Aleph, Mem, Shin, is formed, the solar principle
of creation. We do not write Solar Principle “of” life, since the cycle of
existence of the universal organism also includes what is commonly
referred to as “death.” The fact that this death cycle of the cosmozoon
actually consists of a transmutatory transition phase remains to be
The creation principle, Kabbalistic Ha-Shem/YHVH, evolves in a
stellar nucleosynthesis in the “outer” world. Internally, in humans, this
principle evolves as soul existence in a psychic nucleosynthesis (PSN)
“comparable” to this stellar nucleosynthesis, where “psyche” is to be
understood in the original Greek word sense of “soul”). We can say
that the birth, life and death of stars are an external, spatiotemporally
shaped image of an internal, soul-dimensional evolution and vice
Let's get back to the number Pi.
Since in the KAPHY numbers and symbols are considered “specific
energetic manifestations” of the other, hyperspatial, supraluminous
reality, the Sitra Achara, they do not have absolute validity “on this
side”. They are variable expressions of the organic existence-activity of
the cosmozoon, corresponding to the operating consciousness. We
can certainly describe numbers and symbols as specific translations of
“his” language into human language. The validity of these numbers
used here is subject to change in proportion to the evolving
perspective, derivable from expanding existential ones
74 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Framework conditions. They are transmissions from one continuum to

another and thus appear within the frame of reference of the perceiving
consciousness. Which makes it clear that although the number Pi
represents a factual, calculable numerical quantity, it has largely
remained misunderstood as an “entity”, as an “agent” of a comprehensive,
cosmic organism.
Pi combines several dimensions, so the “name” Pi is identical to a sequence
of creative processes that become manifest in the consciousness of the
physicist in the well-known number sequence 3.14…. This sequence is
represented geometrically in such a way that Pi can be described as the ratio
of the diameter and circumference of a given circle.
Let’s get to the number 3.14 itself.
The number 3.14 comes from the mathematical operation 22 divided
by 7, which can be written 22/7 or 227. The following should suffice at this
point: As a numerical value, 227 signals the Hebrew word Barakah, BRKH,
“blessing”; Barakah itself consists of the same root word as rakaz, “to
concentrate,” and zakar, “memory.” As shown in Book II in the chapter
“Yesh Rael: The Law of Kings” (page 263), the Hebrew alphabet in its
entirety expresses the number pi.
As a universal number, Pi not only signals the divine blessing for being
to be derived from becoming, but in Kabbalistic physics it also indicates a
concentration of memory, which, generally speaking, is understood to
mean an accumulation or storage of information. This will be explained in
more detail with particular reference to the terms “Tohu” and “Bohu”,
united in Tohuvabohu.
If we translate Pi into the Hebrew language as the letter P(e), we
immediately come across the symbolism of the mouth or, more generally, the
opening. With a numerical value of 80, the Hebrew Pe signals the speaking
organ, so in extenso it also stands for the Word of God himself. For this
reason, Pi or Ha-Shem-Tetragrammaton is the uttered or externalized word,
the word emanating from the interior of the universal organism , which
corresponds to light and, in the context of SR, to the speed of light C.
After our consideration of the number as a value, we come to its
graph. Although today the Greek letter Pi is used for the universal
Part II: Physics of Light 75

le number is used, it can be noted that the Hebrew alphabet also has
a letter that is equivalent to the Greek pi: ‫ח‬
The Cheth is in the eighth position in the Aleph-Beth and numerically
represents the “Glyph of Unity”.
According to traditional commentaries, the Cheth symbolizes a scale,
and we should definitely see in this symbolism a reference to Pi as a value
that is related to the cosmological constant, the lambda value (=Lamed),
which contributes decisively to it like no other should determine the scale
of time and space in which a universal structure develops. The future of
the universe is said to depend on him.
In the rabbinic Kabbalah the Cheth is said to include theTenth form
, the Yod, which, as a reduced value, is identical to the Aleph and is its
projected/multiplicative value.
For the following explanations, it is important for the reader to know
that the Yod is considered numerically equivalent to a Daleth, 4, and a
Vav, 6, i.e. 4 + 6 = 10.
The Yod has the numerical value of 10, which is represented
glyphically by X (the Roman numeral 10). X symbolizes the “signature
of light”, but also stands for a multiplicative operation, a reproduction
or reproduction. Since YHVH-Tetragrammaton is symbolized
graphically by a triangle or a pyramid, the means. The Yod is the The
multiplication of the divine name takes place in one direction, the
geometric quadrature of Ha-Shem (ShM² in the equation A = MSh²).

We can already see at this point that the Yod has become a
cosmological pivot, both numerically and graphically, whose fire
component from the darkness made it a potential gateway. And this
gateway can be walked through in two directions. For this reason, the
Yod that is in YHVH is also associated with a mysterious
76 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

len source, Hebrew Ha-Maqor, to which one must go and which one must
open in order to recover the will of God, Ha-Ratzon. The traditional
Kabbalah is silent on whose will it really is that is being recovered from
the depths, if one follows the literal meaning of the terms.
Part III: The Physics of Darkness 77

Part III

The physics of darkness

1. The Undead Kings

Take the mill and grind the flour! Get rid of the veil!
– Isaiah 47:2

If we can open the gateway, pass through the three symbolic pillars of
the Aleph, we will reach the eight-sided palace of the queen. Our gaze
falls on the city of the pyramids, where the adept lays his ashes, strips
off his human garment to take on a different form. He himself
becomes the vehicle with which he can penetrate the world of silence,
Olam H'Ash-Mal, beyond space and time, far from the sphere of
raging soul water.
This path, which is the goal of every real initiation, begins at Aleph,
whose ethereal medium absorbs the wind of fire from the darkness,
carries it forward and freezes an illusory world into ice. The will of
God, whose white garment once enveloped Adam, falls away as if
frozen and is redeemed by itself. The escape of the light ends in a
causal loop, the broken will is bent and refined again in this bend by
Tubal Cain. The Son, Vav, becomes the whetstone of Zayin, the sword
with which the waters of the soul are pierced like the body of the one
crucified in Egypt. This body is also the place where two paths fatefully
intersect; and the beast that lurks against him is the worm of
78 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

The end of God is the beginning of the new flesh.

The path to the Sitra Achara begins at Aleph. There we pass
through the horizon of the two laws, the dual horizon of being and
We can also call the physics of darkness the Dark Torah, because
the law that is expressed by the Hebrew root ThVR1should be
displayed, that isLaw of rotation, the twist. One law is turned into
another law; or there is a cyclical rotation of a law that exists in two
The Kabbalah of the Other Side begins withStep Three ,whereby
we now transcend special relativity and leave the seemingly
mathematically-physically determined space-time continuum.
ThroughStep Three My transmutation opens a doorway in the middle
of E = MC²/A = MSh². Central to this inward breakthrough through the
barrier of light, to this breakout from the “known” universe, is the
constitution of energy E, indicated by the Aleph of the AMSh
sequence. To do this, we have to segment this first letter of the
Hebrew alphabet as follows:

50 - 10 - 10

The Aleph consists of Nun-Yud-Yud with a resulting combined

numerical value of 70. This number in turn is the value of another
Hebrew letter that is considered one of the great symbols of KAPHY:
The Ayin, AiYN, symbolizes the “eye” and can be further explained:2

1 ThVR has the original meaning of “go around” (=turn). It can also mean “to
consider” and “to understand.” Cf. Wilhelm Gesenius, “Hebrew and Aramaic
Concise Dictionary of the Old Testament”, Springer-Verlag, 1962, page 874.
2 Cf. Gabrielle Mandel, “Drawn Creation”, Marixverlag 2000, page 65. According
to the ambiguity of the Kabbalah, the eye indicates Azael, the “open eye”.
Part III: The Physics of Darkness 79

Ayin is in the form of a Vav (or a Zayin) in front of which a Nun was placed,
and therefore it represented a vase, the human soul receiving God's

In the physics of darkness, the Ayin stands for the observation and
participation in the reproduction/propagation of YHVH-Tetragrammaton
in the intermediate, psycho-cosmic dimension of the soul, which
potentially grants man access to the Other Side; but this is only possible if
the Aleph for energy E is transformed into an Ayin. The Ayin stands for the
gate to the Other Side, the back of the Sephirothic tree. Ayin and Ain are
therefore interchangeable in this sense.
If we now replace the Aleph within the energy-mass equivalence or
the AMSh sequence, which, as we have seen, are identical, we write:

Ayin = MSh²

In contrast:

Aleph = MSh²

Both formulas, in their combination of Kabbalah and physics, represent

the horizon of the Two Laws. It is dual in nature and has its microcosmic
and macrocosmic, internal and external correspondences. I have this
transition and the associated equationThoth formulacalled. Let's do it

is called. Azael was one of the leaders of the rebellion against God (=YHVH) in the
antediluvian times of Enosh. Cf. Tanna, Yoma67b and "The Zohar", Vol. V, Balak,
321. Aza-El is translated as the "divine goat", in which we recognize the ancient
Sirius symbol, which is used in the Zohar as a collective symbol of evil. For the
“Sepher Ha-Bahir” the eye is a symbol of Chokmah: “The Talmud therefore says,
'Who has wisdom? He who sees the unborn (Tamid 32a). Chokmah wisdom is the
concept with which God perceived creation at the beginning of all things.” Cf. “The
Bahir,” trans Aryeh Kaplan, Aronson 1995, page 92.
80 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

To express it in traditional kabbalistic terms, we have to speak of the David

formula, because Thoth (=Tut/TVT) corresponds to David (DVD).
If we want to refer to another tradition, the Thoth formula, whose
chosen Egyptian terminology is also intended to be a reference to the
special meaning of the cosmic “Khem”, comes from both the Hebrew
mother letters AMSh and those used in SufismCounter sequence AiMSh
The double value that inAyin/Aleph = MSh²is expressed, serves as a
formulaic pathfinder for us. It represents the two wings of one and the
same door, which we can now push open to the other side.
The Egyptian Thoth, who gives the formula its name, corresponds
in function to the Greek Hermes, the guide of souls to the afterlife. We
can say that Thoth leads the soul to Khem, which literally means
"unknown name" and which, through its translation into Hebrew,
regains its former meaning: Shem, "Word", i.e. "Sun" in extenso
(Hebrew Shem-Ash, ShMSh, word fire), which, as explained in more
detail below, has a mysteriously intertwined relationship with the
almost identically spoken Cham, one of Noah's three sons.
The Sufi tradition knows Hermes as the green one called Khidr, the
intelligence that waits at the confluence of the two seas for the one
who is ready to cross this threshold. As the Green Khidr in Sufism, he
is identical to the black Osiris, who is also traditionally depicted as
Sufism and ancient Egyptian theology – the pharaonic mystery –
stand in the same line of tradition. For this reason, Ha-Gar, the
Egyptian (literally the "stranger") is named as Ishmael's mother. Both
traditions date back to a time before the Flood, which is demonized by
traditional Kabbalah. How exactly and why will be explained in detail
in the course of Book II.
In the physics of darkness, the confluence of the Two Seas signals
a convergence of two energy streams, represented in the magical
tradition as the red Aod and the blue Aob, resulting in the equilibrated
light Aor.
Part III: The Physics of Darkness 81

The horizon of the Two Laws implicitly exists in Einstein's energy-mass

equivalence E = MC². He is, in a waynegative real. It is hidden within it,
which is why it must also be called “hermetic” in the original sense of the
In relation to the Sephiroth, the Ayin that is “hidden” in the Aleph
stands for Macroposopus, Hebrew Arikh Anpin, the “Great Face of
God,” which is also called “Zahkar ve-Nuqbah,” meaning “male/
female”; With regard to the cosmic forces addressed here, we can say
that Arikh Anpin combines the masculine-emitting/centrifugal and the
feminine-receptive/centripetal. This reality of the Cosmic Animal
represents its state of hyperspatial (also primordial,intracosmic) and
supraluminous unity. In view of his - that of the Ayin - potential
existence in the "manifest" Aleph, Arikh Anpin is therefore said to be
"partially hidden".
In contrast to Arikh Anpin, in the KAPHY the Aleph is equated with
Microprosopus, Zahir Anpin, the “Little Face of God”. Traditionally,
Malik, the “King”, as Mikroprosopus is also called, stands for the six
lower Sephiroth Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Hod, Netzach, Yesod.
The reason for this equation of Aleph as a projection of the Yod
point and Arikh Anpin lies in the fact that in the Kabbalah two creation
sequences for six days each are mentioned in an encrypted form,
which can be read from the Hebrew letters.
The Ayin not only symbolizes the “all-seeing eye” above the triangle or
pyramid of Ha-Shem, but in the Hebrew language it also fundamentally
stands for negation. That's why I want it that wayNegative Squared Aleph
to name. It symbolizes the opening of the soul to the Sitra Achara, and is
therefore also that Dark Radiant Aleph, whose energy constitution has
been changed and is no longer male-emitting, but female-receptive. This
energetic mutability of the Aleph is due to its originally androgynous
nature, which still keeps it connected to its supraluminous origin in the
Since the male-emitting light is signaled by the number Pi/3.14, the
question arises as to whether it is an anti-universal opposite number or a
Anti Piwhich, in accordance with the dual nature of the legal horizon, is
valid for the other side.
82 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Indeed, this Anti-Pi exists, and it is fundamentally linked to the

psycho-material fabric of this universe. Just as the Ayin is veiled in the
Aleph, this Anti-Pi is also hermetically contained in the energy-mass
Both Pi's meet at the inner horizon, the confluence of the Two
Seas; and it will become clear that these two seas are not only two
continua, two universes, but that we can also speak of two world
directions or law movements that meet at the said Yod point. What
the KAPHY calls such a law movement is called the arrow of time in
general physical usage. This arrow of time is considered linear. This
arrow, which symbolizes the dimension of time and can be deflected
or redirected by a deliberate change in the energy-mass equivalence,
is fundamentally contained in the KAPHY.

Since we also encounter supraluminous tachyons on the dual soul

horizon, we are also dealing with a different, an opposite arrow of
time, an opposite world direction. There is a number glyph that
symbolizes these two interconnected world directions like no other: 8

For this reason, in ancient Egyptian theology, eight is the number

of Am-Smen, the paradise from which the Cosmic Man, who is
Kabbalistically called Ish Tam, fell out of due to a creation defect.
Both timelines, as we may name them, intersect or meet or
converge at the Yod point. In eclipse physics, this point is described as
“synaptic.” Just as two hands interlock, represented numerically as 2 x
5, this Yod point represents the X point (2 x V = X) where two worlds
are coupled or mated for the purpose of procreation.

We see from the glyph that what appears to be the Yod point is
actually the apex of another triangle, which represents the inversion
of a counterpart.
As can be seen from the above segmentation of the Aleph, it
contains two Yods, and we speak of one revealed and one unrevealed,
a Yod of light and a Yod of darkness, which were originally one size
Part III: The Physics of Darkness 83

and were separated from each other by the initial fall, which is
Kabbalistically indicated by the nun for the Hebrew word Nefilah,
"fall." But the separation of Judah's two brothers, as Zoharic sources
confirmed, took place in the course of an odd-developing duality. Two
unequal polarities emerged, a natural threshold shifted, and the Nun
barrier of light emerged from it. This is expressed by the change from
Ain to Ani, where in the case of Ani the Nun stands between Aleph and
As we see, the Aleph consists of two Yods and a Nun. The Aleph is
therefore the expression of two Yods that are separated from each other by
the Nun, whose diagonal position in the Aleph is intended to indicate the state
of fallenness in the sense of an imbalance that has arisen between the
elemental forces involved. In the Aleph, both Yods are gravitationally bound to
represent a negative and a positive Yod point. But since the negative Yod and
the positive Yod cannot flow together to form one Yod, both forces remain
separate from each other and do not form the androgynous unity that the
original Nature of the soul, the so-called “Pleroma” of God. Through the now
of apostasy from this unity, the Yod, which is negatively, unmanifestly bound
in the Aleph, is kept in darkness, which is therefore “far from the light,”
“desert-like” from the “fat of the universal earth.”
For this reason, a cosmic conflict has arisen and, as the rabbinic
Kabbalists put it, the forces of the Sitra Achara would want to usurp
the light from the darkness. This is true, but for dogmatic reasons one
has avoided explaining the comprehensive cosmological background,
which will be explained here step by step.

Between the two Yods lies the Nun, which, derived from the
Egyptian Anun, represents the threshold of the waters, the human
soul, the barrier of spiritual light (symbolized alternately by lily or
lotus). We say that the Yod “inherits” the Nun, meaning that it is
assimilated by the Nun. But it can be the positive or negative Yod of
the principle Aleph.
The way in which the constitution of the mass M, i.e. the threshold
water, can be changed is determined by the specific interaction
84 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

of the elements involved. In the intermediate threshold area of the

soul, both sides, “this” and the other side, flow together to form a sea
in order to remain with this symbol. It is this sea that is Kabbalistically
called Shamayim, “Heaven (plur.).”3
They are the ones who make up the beginning of universal genesis. What
does this mean in the context of SR?
The energy E (Aleph/Ayin) is equivalent to the squared mass M and
the speed of light C. If we change M or C or both, E changes.
Kabbalistically speaking, this change of MC²/MSh² brings the
transmutation of the Aleph to the Ayin, whereby the constitution of E/
Aleph or the relationship of the two Yods in this and to each other also
changes. A positive Yod and a negative Yod are bound in odd duality
by the diagonal Nun. If we dissolve the Aleph, we can feed it back into
a Coagula. This coagula is indicated by Ayin = MSh². It is the re-
creation of X, the primordial androgynous light, the creation of being
from becoming: light into darkness.

So there are two types of energy, Aleph energy and Ayin energy; while E/
Aleph leads to a projection/emission of the energy into the Finite
Consciousness, which then becomes the world of light, the Ayin means the re-
integration of the energy into the Infinite Consciousness, called “Night”, Nuit,
whose essence comes through again and again Chokmah becomes manifest.
Ayin represents cosmic Egypt, the Other Side; and while Aleph in
its cosmic actualization is Ben, the Son (from which ABN, “stone”), is
the light, in this the negative Yod is hidden, unactualized. If it is
updated by changing Mem and Shin in the formula compound, then,
as we can say in the context of Egyptian theology, Sut/Set, the dark
Horus, is born, which magically corresponds to the so-called God of

Below the Shamayim are the so-called “dead waters,” which are also called

“inorganic waters.” Cf. Carlo Suarès, “The Cypher of Genesis”, pages 92 and 93.
Part III: The Physics of Darkness 85

“Silence” symbolizes thisinwardly directedWord, the word of woke upIsh

Tam, who announces it not to the “outer” world, but to God himself and thus
reintegrates himself into the primordial spatial hierarchy of the worlds, in
which time itself remains the unspoken word.
Sut is the son of Nuit, the negative Yod or the negative, to the Other
SideAleph projected, whose nature is to invert the emitted light into its
“opposite”, by which is meant that the male organ of light is inverted. It no
longer serves an evolutionary purpose, but rather an involutionary one, in
order to be able to fertilize the cosmozoic primordial unity, the primordial
“pleroma”: For this purpose, theDark Torah. It therefore stands for Ha-
Shem, which represents a cosmozoic spermatozoon through which the
darkness is fertilized so that what is contained in its matrix can be
In other words, the double law horizon A = MC²/Ayin = MC²
represents the convergence of twoExistence sequences, two creative
matrices, each of which has a different beginning “now”, “present”, in
the fallen universe: Aleph-Ayin.
In the KAPHY this means that the Ayin becomes the soul light reprojected
and reintegrated into the Infinite Consciousness via the synapse mentioned
above, the Yod point. This reprojection, which, mathematically and physically
speaking, is preceded by the transmutation of the energy-mass equivalence E
= MC², is symbolized by the circle, which can be equated with the eye as an
Both signal infinity. Both signal
Infinity, that is the unity of the Yod: X(X) This
unity is salvation.
The Ayin Eye points us to the Infinite Consciousness in the state of its
observation-participation by the soul itself, which was recognized in
Pharaonic theology as an organ with multiple, functional components.
The circle can be found in the number system as zero, which is why it is
possible to refer to the transition point that the Yod symbolizes as “zero
86 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

The Hebrew word for “Zero” is Ephes, (A)PhS, and represents a

reverse reading of Sapha, SPh, “threshold,” “food.”
This Zero is the barrier that separates two universes; or, if it is
breached, a gateway through which contact with the Other Side is
made possible. Here the Aleph becomes the Soulam, the Solomonic
“heavenly ladder” that the Patriarch Yakob saw in Beth-El and on
which the heavenly intelligences ascended and descended. But Yakob,
as a descendant of Adam, was already marked by the fall, which is
why it is a nameless angel who is equated by the rabbinic side with
Shar Ha-Panim/Metatron, the angel of the face, and with Samael/
Amalek, whose task is to to raise Yakob into the depths of himself,
thereby becoming Ishrael. For the Sepher Ha-Temuna the Ayin is

...the foundation, the eye of Jacob - for the union of such a power is
called 'eye'...

But let's move on to the next segmentation of the AMSh sequence.

Step Four:
Just as Aleph consists of Nun-Yud-Yud with the numerical value 70,
Mem and Shin are also composed of other letters. They reveal an
internal structure that allows us to further understand the physics of

M Sh
Kaph-Vav Vav-Vav-Vav
20 - 6 6-6-6

Cf. Gabrielle Mandel, "Signed Creation," page 65. "Yakob also symbolized the

six sides of the upper world as a whole, and his sons were created in the
image of the six aspects as manifested in the lower world." Cf. “The Zohar,”
Vol. III, Terumah, page 383.
Part III: The Physics of Darkness 87

By obtaining 26 for Mem, it becomes clear that the mass M contains

Ha-Shem/Tetragrammaton, whose numerical value is 26. It is not
difficult to recognize the Egyptian Khu in the Hebrew KV with the
same value, through which afemale energy potential(=vessel).
In Egyptian, “Khu” also means “evening”. The Hebrew word for
evening, Hereb, AiRB, can also be read Horeb, “raven” by simply
changing the vocalization. In “Zohar” “Raven” serves as a symbol for
supposed “evil”. In our context it signals that the meme, the mass M,
carries within itself the potential of darkness and its souls.

It is possible KV alternatively QV5to write, making it clear that the

meme is essentially a Qoph “without” Pe or opening. And in fact the
Mem or the mass M in the SR is “unopened”, “closed”, the Ayin in
Aleph only exists hermetically.
The Complete Qoph6In the KAPHY stands for a specific7Coagula of
mass M, whereby that gateway emerges from the waters, which,
magically expressed, corresponds to a willful change in the dimension
of the soul in the overall cosmozoic context. The traditional Kabbalah
expresses the function of the Qoph as follows:

5QV means “measuring line”, QVH “collects water”, but also “tightened” in the
sense of tension/strength. Cf. Wilhelm Gesenius, “Hebrew and Aramaic
Concise Dictionary of the Old Testament,” pages 705 and 706. The Assyrian-
Babylonian meaning of Qu/Ku is “anus,” referring to the back of the body. Cf.
Harri Holma, “The Names of Body Parts in Assyrian-Babylonian,” Leipzig, 1911,
page 9.
6The foot of the Qoph, which extends below the writing line of the Torah,
corresponds to the left foot of the Tav. It is said that God raised the foot of the
Qoph above the line so that the Qliphoth could not abuse the Qoph. For this
reason, the left foot of the Tav is thicker than the right. It serves as a fortification
against the Other Side. It should be noted that the Resh of Sitra Achara is contained
in both the Tav and the Qoph, only in the Tav it is held by a shortened Nun and in
the Qoph by a lengthened Nun.
7Cf. Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, “The Hebrew Letters,” page 283.
88 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

The descending foot of the Qoph below the 'baseline', into the grave so
to speak, is a reference to the verse: 'Her foot reaches down into the
realm of death.' 'Her' refers to Malkuth, personified by Eve, the first
woman, responsible for the damage to the initially erected wall, the
non-touching of life (the Qoph of QDVShH, Kedushah, "holiness") and
death (QLIPhH, Kelippah, literally " "sheath", the Qoph, which descends
from the saint and allows the life energy to be taken from him).

The function of the meme, which shows us the tetragrammatic mass,

is tied to the cosmological constant or this lambda value, symbolized
by the Lamed, depends on the constitution of M. It is therefore
ambiguous when the Mem is equated with the Mashiach/Redeemer.
The gematric agreement of Nachash, “serpent/worm,” and Mashiach,
“Messiah,” draws attention to this:8th

NChSh = MShICh = 38 (358 as Mispar Gadol).

The function of the snake is described, among other things, as follows:9

Nachash, the bearer of all the memories of time, of all forgotten

wisdom, now has the task of giving permanence to these two life forms
(i.e. the first human couple, translator's note); for unless they possess
the fullness of time, they will not be fully embodied. They cannot exist
until this final link is established... She (i.e. the Nachash, transl. note)
must transmit her life to the people; She must connect the 'earth fire'
to her 'heavenly fire'.

Like light and backlight, the messianism of the Abrahamic religions

breaks at the threshold because the energy constitution changes

8th Cf. Pierre Marie Savaignac, “Qabale et Maçonnerie”, Guy Trédaniel Éditeur, 1999, page
9Cf. Carlo Suarès, “The Cypher of Genesis,” page 123.
Part III: The Physics of Darkness 89

of the Mem value, if it can be crossed, the two Yods can come
together again in a cosmozoic-creative point: X(X)
And X is light, whose very essence consists of two quintessences (2 x 5 =
X) exists.
Here I want to come to the Shin that in A = MSh² stands for the speed
of light C: In the traditional view, the Shin consists of three Vavs with a
numerical value of 666. In the Aleph-Beth it takes the 21st position in front
of the Tav, with the it is completed.
The Shin signals the “tooth”, Shen in Hebrew, with which, according to
traditional expression, the Qliphoth of the Other Side are to be crushed. It
points to the element of fire, which is defined as the root element of the
male-functional light and which, linked to the Shamayim (=Tehom), helps
to form the event horizon of the finite consciousness. On this page it
stands for the reproductive energies, the sexual energy.
For Kabbalistic physics, the Trinitarian Shin also signals the
cosmozoic-metabolic change of energy, Aleph. Therefore, both letters
together form the Hebrew word ASh, “fire”, contained in the word
formula Shamayim, dissolved Ash ve Mayim, “fire and water”,
symbolized by the six-sided star, the Magen David.
The Shin features three points, nails, or “peaks,” traditionally assigned
to Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac. These three patriarchs represent the
positive Ao already mentionedd , the equilibrated/to-be-equilibrated Aor
and the negative Aob. When read together, their consonants create the
Hebrew word Debir, DBR, “word,” which is why Shin is also referred to as
the word of God.
It is of trinitarian nature and combines the functions of the red-
positive, the blue-negative current and the violet-equilibrated light
that emerges from it. But Aor, which is written AVR, signals something
else to us: A Vav, sixth in the alphabet, stands between Aleph and
Resh, forming the axis that holds it together. The Vav is now said in
rabbinic commentaries to be not only the “letter of life”, but also to
symbolize the power with which it is possible to make one's way into
the Olam Ha-Qliphoth.
90 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

If we now add the values of Mem, 26, and Shin, 18, resulting from
the segmentation of the Mem, we get the value 44, which is the full
value (Pashut Oumelo) of the words Ha-Shem, Mosheh, Debir and
H'am Ha'Olam, "everlasting people", acts. 44 is also the value of the
Hebrew Ish Tam, “perfect man.”
Now let's turn our attention to the fact that Mem/ Shin, which must
be substituted for MC², gives the numerical value of Mosheh.

Mosheh is referred to as the Lord of the Name, Baal Ha-Shem; It is

he who received the Decalogue, the Ten Commandments (X), on
Mount Sinai. The ten represents the Yod point, which is why the
"Zohar" speaks of Mosheh establishing the central point on the side of
holiness (on this side), which was previously hidden in darkness. This
act is compared to “raising the tabernacle.”
As an anthropomorphization of a cosmological quantity, Mosheh is
closely related to the AMSh sequence, because the root of his name is
formed from the same letters with the exception of Aleph. AMSh is
therefore permutable in Ha-Shem and Mosheh, MShH, and therefore
essentially represents evolutionary manifestations of one and the same
cosmological elemental force.
With the receipt of the Torah, the law of rotation, Mosheh/Ha-
Shem emerged from the universal AMSh sequence, who also became
Baal Ha-Shem, the Lord of the Name itself. As such, Mosheh, as he is
treated in the KAPHY, represents the threshold guardian, whose
activity, however, only applies to one world direction. This may be the
real reason why Kabbalists say that the bringer of the Torah and
leader of the people Ishrael from Egypt failed to open all 50 gates of
purity and impurity, symbolized by the nun of the same value. Only 49
of these 50 gates could be opened, one gate remained closed:Aleph.

The extent to which two interlocked realities are consciously and

unconsciously reflected in Kabbalistic tradition and symbolism is shown
by the fact that the Aleph, as the first, opening letter of the alphabet, has
become the symbol of the Decalogue itself. These ten commandments
Part III: The Physics of Darkness 91

who, as far as their language is concerned, onenegationrepresent in the form of prohibitions,

themselves stand for the one, the revealed, of the two Yods.

But the Debiroth Ha-Berith do not represent the unrevealed Yod,

which is kept in darkness by the Aleph.
There are ten “unknown” counter-commandments, which are referred to
as the crown of darkness. They are the dark Malkuth, symbolized by the
“Strange Woman”, Hebrew Qlipha (also Lilith).
In relation to the Sephiroth, the one unopened gate not only
indicates the Aleph with the numerical value 1, but also that this one
gate is the Sephira, which, according to a magical tradition, is called
“One Beyond the Ten”:Daath.
With the preservation of the law of rotation - renewal through rotation
– The covenant between God and the Ishraelites is made on Mount
Sinai. The mediator of Ha-Berith is Mosheh. It represents the
transmutatory dimension of the soul, which is why the Torah, which
Baal Ha-Shem receives from God, is equated with the element of
water, in which the fire of the other side is hidden. The reference to
the first of all elements arises from the symbolic context in which the
event of the federal closing was set in the first place. The place where
it takes place is the highest elevation of Sinai, the summit that, when
translated into the glyph of the Trinity - the triangle - represents the
tetragrammatic apex, which can be assigned to fire, not water. It is
also at this apex point of transition that God utters the words: Eyeh
Asher Eyeh, "I am that I am."
The total value of “Eyeh Asher Eyeh” is now 543 (=12), while that of
Mosheh is 345 (=12), which also reflects this transmutation.

The Apex Tetragrammatons is a dimension in which the Solar

Principle of Life and Death is reflected, with the two pyramid tips
touching: X
92 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Step Five:
Let's summarize: While we write E = MC²/A = MSh² for the physics
of light, this means for the physics of darkness:

Ayin = MSh²

In the corresponding numerical values:

70 = 40/300²


3.74 = Anti Pi

Now this is thatAnti Pi, the world number of the Other Side, the
number of the Dark Torah, the unrevealed side; that side that sank
into darkness with the fall and a break of the vessels, Shevirat Ha-
Kelim, was severed from Al Chai, the living part of God, like a head
from his torso.
The first transmutation of Einstein's energy-mass equivalence into its very
own Kabbalistic language has shown that E = MC² is essentially nothing more
than the three mother letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which I have called the
AMSh sequence.
The second transmutation continued: It revealed to us a gateway
that is potentially laid out in E = MC²/A = MSh².
If we change MC²/Mem-Shin, we get a different form of energy,
which is characterized by the fact that a force begins to develop in it
that was separated from the rest of the cosmozoic organism by a
creation defect. The Shevirat Ha-Kelim created an odd polarity that
caused a rift in the androgynous primordial world. It is from this rift in
space and time that the current universe evolved. We can therefore
equate cosmic evolution with an outpouring of light, a universal flood
of light, so to speak. And it is then also the so-called “Deluge” that will
play an essential role in the further explanation of practical
NecroYoga in Book II.
Part III: The Physics of Darkness 93

It has been found that the physics of light is geometrically

symbolized by the squaring of the circle, the opposite operation of
which consists in the circulation of the square, which is magically
illustrated by the formula 2 = 0 (0²). The 2 not only represents the two
opposing principles, but also indicates the square value to be written.
If we read 2 = 0 as 20 and write this in the Roman numerals XX, we
arrive at the combined value of the two Yods, which exist both
revealed and unrevealed in the Aleph. And we finally get to the Kaph,
whose numerical value is 20 and which means “cave”, “birth cavity”.
The circle is the symbol of infinity (related to the dimension of
space) and eternity (related to the dimension of time). Pharaonic
mathematics recognized that there could be no perfectly round body
in the universe of light, since the perfect sphere would mean infinity
and eternity, Nuit for short. But this is in the universenot included,
since all points that could be mathematically placed on it would be
equidistant from each other, which cannot be possible in the space-
time universe.
Distances are changeable, which results from the movement of bodies
(and from becoming). Being, on the other hand, does not know movement in
this sense; it is created becoming. It is the infinitely, eternally unmoving that
arises from this becoming, that of the rotational movement of Bereshith,
which underlies all atomic structures - and not only those - in order to draw
and exhaust itself from them. Exhaustion is the universe, is Nuit/Maat or
Babylonian Tiamat, which will be described in more detail in Book II as the
mother of the snakes/worms.
The perfect circle, which is “destroyed” in space and time by squaring
itself, can therefore be symbolically reconstructed through the opposite
operation, the circulation of the square. But this operation, as far as
humans are concerned, consists in an exclusively mental activity.
As the external universe seemingly expands, the soul gathers its
strength. If the soul or light waters concentrate in the person, the
breakthrough from the finite into the infinite consciousness can finally
be made. This breakout from the cycle of life initiated by the Other
Side Worm in Paradise is physically determined.
94 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

is caused by a surface change of the mass M. Even if not in all its

cosmological significance, this surface was known to ancient
geometry. It was called concavity as opposed to convexity. If we
represent the X as two arcs, we get a concave and a convex half that
touch each other at a certain point, just like two triangles.

The secret of this operation, which is in some respects anti-

becoming, is to reveal the feminine aspects of the Aleph, its other Yod;
For this purpose the Aleph must be “broken open”, the constitution of
energy E must be dramatically changed into E = MC²/A = MSh². The
Aleph, by whose power the worlds are weighed, must be reintegrated
into the hierarchy of cosmozoic functions. Only then can it be said that
the case has been undone.

Step Six
Aleph can be projected both positively and negatively. Its negative
projection on the Dual Horizon means its coagulated return to the Other
Side. Now we just have to integrate this coagula, which leads to a
spherical light body, into the Thoth formula. We therefore naturally have
to consider the coagulated mass M as spherical, incorporating the
mathematical concept of the volume V, which is expressed in the
language of the formula as follows:

V = (4/3)(Pi)(R³)

Where R stands for the radius of the circle; Pi is the circumference C

divided by the diameter D, ie D = 2R, which in turn means: Pi = C/D =
If we now integrate this into E = MC²/Aleph = MSh² we get:

E = M(c²) = (2/3)C(R²)d(c²)

In which expressed:
Part III: The Physics of Darkness 95

cfor the speed of light C

for circumference
Rfor circle radius
dfor density

That is the mathematical expression. In terms of the physics of the darkness

and the other side of the Thoth formula, this further means:

Ayin = MSh² = (2/3)Q(R²)D(Sh²)

Where Q (Qoph) is to be used for the circumference of the circle C. This gives us
Q(R²)D in the above equation, which from a Kabbalistic perspective corresponds to
the root word of the Hebrew Qedruth, QDR-VTh, “darkness”.
As explained, the Qoph in the Kabbalah signals the Coagula, Hebrew
“Qephah”, from which the word Qlipha can also be derived, which is
generally translated literally as “cover”.
In the KAPHY, Qephah points us to the coagula of El Chai, the
“living” but “imperfect” deity, also referred to as El or just Lamed. It is
identical to the lambda value, the cosmological constant, which
depends on the constitution of the mass M and the equivalent energy
E/Aleph or E/Ayin.
If we write Qephah with a Lamed, we get Qlipha, “foreign
woman” (Ha-Gar), one of the great, taboo symbols of the Sitra Achara.
The Hebrew root Quph, related to Qoph, expresses “circular
motion,” which in terms of the Thoth formula refers to spherical mass.

We see from the equation that mass M is replaced by the letters

QRD, where Q is circular/spherical. This means that we are dealing
with coagulated meme mass, with the condensed soul water; Einstein
concluded that the “mass of the body is a measure of its energy
content”. In other words, the mass M changes the quantity E for
energy through its shape and becomes its measure: Aleph has
become an Ayin.
96 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

R for Resh denotes the specific circle radius and also stands kabbalistically
for the word Rosh, “head”, which represents the ancient symbol of roundness,
but also of its rotation; which is confirmed to us by the Hebrew Golgotha,
which through its root GLGL, “circle”, “turn”, indicates turning, turning around.
Its numerical value is 66, which in turn corresponds to the full value of the
word Bereshith. In addition, GLGL is a cognomial form of Shekinah, the
“presence of God”, which is usually only described abstractly in the Kabbalah.

The d for density reads Hebrew Daleth. The fourth letter of Aleph-
Beth is the indicator of one of the essential cosmozoic root functions
of Pi: density. But this is not a matter of “any kind of density”, but
rather the mass condensation of the coagula of the spiritual waters
that is intentionally carried out by the observing and participating
consciousness. Its result is the transmutation of the inner Adamic
horizon into a spherical, “sun-like” structure called Ha-Shem/Shem-
Ash. In some traditions of unknown origin, this sun has been referred
to as the Inner Sun/Sun inside the Earth, whereby this easily
misunderstood term “Earth” here signals the “earthly” form of Adam,
which is illuminated like the sun from within.
In order to clarify the components of the Thoth formula again, I want to
write the mass M separately:

Mem mass = (2/3)C(R²)d

Or with Qoph for circumference:

Mem mass = (2/3)Q(R²)d

What this means in summary for the physics of darkness compared to the
physics of light:

Ayin = (2/3)Q(R²)d Sh²

E= M C²
Part IV: The Thoth Formula 97

Part IV

The Thoth Formula:

The Horizon of the Two Laws

1. Thoth: The leader from the darkness

. . . then the prophetess began to speak: What hopes deceive you,

wretched man? Do you really think you can cross the flood without
being buried...
– Virgil, “Aeneid”

As a Thoth formula, Aleph/Ayin = MSh² represents the energy-mass equivalence E =

MC² that has been dissolved and returned to its original kabbalistic context.

This Thoth formula consists of two parts, which form the one dual law
horizon. Its essence consists of two components – being and becoming
– composed of a single organism, which is already referred to as a
cosmozoon, cosmic animal.
A = MSh² means, in terms of stellar nucleosynthesis, that Aleph is
the energy produced by the conversion of Mem hydrogen into Shin
helium. The framework for this transformation is set by the speed of
light. Accordingly, E = MC² in its transmuted form as Ayin = MSh²
signals an inner-soul nucleosynthesis (PSN), in which the universe that
is so limited by E = MC² is - as a reversal, so to speak - "cancelled",
"destroyed". To this destruction of
98 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Universe has been pointed out in magic particularly with regard to

opening the third eye.
The Third Eye signals to us the Trinity, which is cosmologically
represented by Shin and which occupies the value of the speed of
light in the Thoth formula. By opening it and then leaving this space-
time continuum of E = MC², the world is “annihilated” to the extent
that it changes in the perception of the redeemed individual. Anyone
who is on a ladder and takes one rung at a time climbs it, leaving one
rung at a time behind them. But he doesn’t “destroy” them. The ladder
remains the same, only his view of the rungs below him has changed.

Why is it appropriate to call the dual formula of being and

becoming the Thoth formula?
One reason has already been given above. But let us penetrate
deeper into the mysteries of the Word, which is available to man as
the only guide to salvation.
On closer inspection, the Greek word Thoth reveals itself to be a word
formula that combines the same sound twice in the Egyptian original,
which is Tehuti (T-Hu-T): T
Between the two T's there is a Hu, which in Egyptian terms means
"Sphinx". If we understand it in Hebrew, it leads us to the middle section
Y-HV-H. HV consists of He and Vav, mother and son, Briah (=Aralim/
Throne) and Yetzirah (=emanation) transferred to the four kabbalistic
worlds. Since HV numerically adds up to 5 + 6 = 11, it could be said to form
Daath, which is as androgynous in function as the “Sphinx”.
Thoth is the word that is hidden behind the Hebrew David, because
David, as already stated above, essentially consists of the sound that can
be interchanged with T: D
Thoth-Tehuti (T-HV-T) like David signals one and the same dual/
double soul horizon, which is glyphically illustrated by a doubling: DD

The "mirrored" DD, which we can write numerically 44, translated into
the language of the physics of darkness means "law to law", with the Vav
in David as a symbol of Al Chai the necessary link between
Part IV: The Thoth Formula 99

on both sides. It is the Vav, also contained in Torah, that signals the
axis dimension of all organic life: the axis around which the world
spheres rotate.
Since Vav itself is spelled VV and this results in a value of 12, it is
important to make a brief reference here to the words “Eyeh Asher
Eyeh” mentioned in Exodus 3:14 (Hebrew Shemoth, “names”) and
which ones God spoke at the summit of Sinai and which have the
numerical value 12-21.
It is this life that mediates between this universe and the Other
Side. It symbolizes Ishrael in his reading Yasher El, signifying the
straight line of the Vav, which is bent into a curve by the power of
judgment, Eloha + M/Elohim, resulting in the Resh, which corresponds
to the element of fire: The Sitra Achara.
But we find the doubling of the T or D sound not only in Thoth-
Tehuti and David, but also in the term Daath, DAiTh. Daath refers to
the Vav as the Son who can only find his place on the Tree of
Knowledge, the eleventh Sephiroth installed in the existing
Sephirothic system of ten degrees of manifestation. Your task is to
mediate between Ishrael and Egypt (=Ishmael), “this” side and the
other side; In other words, the energies are redirected from the front
to the back.1
In the context of the physics of darkness, when we talk about the
doubling of Daleths, we are talking about angles or two interacting
density ratios that determine the horizon of the Two Laws. The traditional
Kabbalah refers to this confluence of energies when it states:

The two pillars rise parallel to the world of Atziluth...It is said that the
waters meet in one place, and this at the common call of Mikael and
Gabriel, the right and left pillars.

Let us come to the QDR root that becomes visible in the Thoth formula,
from which the Hebrew word QDRVTh, “darkness,” is formed:

Cf. Virya, “Les 72 Puissances de la Kabbale”, Georges Lahy, 1999, page 59.
100 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

QDR literally means “to darken” (through impurity). The root QD

indicates prehistoric times; it is contained in QD-M, “prehistoric times”,
“prehistoric times”, but also in QDMH, “origin”. It is complemented by the
Resh/Rosh of fire.
What meaning arises if we convert the numerical quantities that
appear in the energy-mass equivalence we have transmuted back into
We got:

Ayin = MSh² = (2/3)Q(R²)d(Sh²)

what means:

Ayin = (2/3)Q(R²)d(Sh²)

If we now treat the number pair 23/32 (= back and front of the Etz Ha-
Chaiim) like letters, we get Beth, 2, and Lamed, 30, which we can use
as follows:


Several letter sequences can be derived from this version:

A reading variant uses the well-known Kabbalistic word and
meaning pair BL/LB as Baal/Lev or judgment/heart. One finds this
symbolism in the context of the Yabok/Yakob mystery from the
Sepher Bereshith, essentially describing a twist in the sense of a
reversal of fate.
Yakob fights with the angel, who does not reveal his name and is
therefore referred to by the narrator simply as Ha-Ish, literally "man".
Yakob's fight at the ford called Yabok signals the turning point in the
existence of the patriarchs, which is expressed in the word pair BL/LB.
The reception of the Torah at Sinai is rabbinically described by the
energy flow from Beth to Lamed, numerically 2 to 30. The resulting
Bal, BL, means “abundance” and “fertility”; all-
Translated from German to English -

Part IV: The Thoth Formula 101

However, another word, which is “Belo”, signals a negation and the

prohibition in general, so that BL, as given in the word Baal, means
command as a synonym for the “judgment” of God (= Geburah). The Baal
Ha-Shem, the command of the name, symbolizes the structuring force
that allows a universe to emerge from the Atziluth to the Assiyah world.
The Baal Ha-Shem therefore encompasses all four Kabbalistic worlds, the
universal work of Ha-Shem, YHVH, the “Name”, which itself is formed from
four letters.
The opposite reading Lamed to Beth, LB, signals to us the word Lev,
“heart”, which, on the other hand, is a symbol of “grace” (= Chesed). It
represents the return of life, in our terminology of becoming, to the Atziluth
world, which emerges first from the AMSh sequence with the Yod point.
According to the rabbinic commentaries of the "Zohar" and other
sources, Yakob, who is also symbolized by the Vav (= axis), succeeds in
averting judgment through grace after the fight with the angel and after
his new name "Ishrael"; by withstanding the judgment of God, the angel,
until the rising of the morning sun, which is supposed to symbolize the
light of grace. For this reason, the Lamed is taken from Ishrael, which
symbolically constitutes the final letter of the last book of the Torah, i.e.
The Lamed concludes the Torah, which from a traditional point of view
of course only refers to theoneside of the dual horizon. Its other side, the
Dark Torah, remains hidden; According to the rabbinic understanding of
Jacob's fight with the nameless angel Geburah, it is the judgment that the
patriarch was able to convert into grace. Since Chesed stands for Solve
and Geburah stands for Coagula, we only speak of Solve, but not of
Coagula, which is a prerequisite for the transmutation of E = MC² and the
inner opening of the doorway. What is striking is that the BL/LB pair
essentially revolves around the function of the Lamed, which we equated
with the cosmological constant above.
But let's continue to look at the letter content of the Thoth formula: Upon
closer inspection, Ai-BL-QRD-Sh reveals itself to be a simple anagram of
the words:
102 Book I: The Physics of Darkness


There is the following reading on this:

BAiL = Baal/Judgment/Samael ShQR

= Lie/Covenant Solution D =
Planetary Venus/Lucifer

Kabbalistically speaking, we can dissolve ShQR into Shin and Qoph-Resh,

whereby the word Qar, “cold,” can be formed from QR, which stands for
the Coagula. Viewed sephirotically, it signals Malkuth cut off from the
warmth of Chesed. It is therefore said that the "belly" of Malkuth would be
in the "west", where the Egyptians settled the world of the dead. Malkuth
thereby becomes “dry”, a ford in the waters of the flood, a transition into
space-time. ShQR, “lie”, and QShR, “covenant”, symbolize solution and
bond as opposite pairs of words. Shin, the “fire of the earth” (=sexual fire),
symbolized by the Trinitarian letter (=666), serves to bring about a
coagula, whereby the legal horizon is rotated, ie negatively curved. If we
translate Sheqer according to its components, the meaning becomes:


The surface of the mass M to be bent or curved in A = MSh² signals the

spherical nature of the soul body, the inner sun, as it is also called.
From a traditional perspective, Shin's own creative function is
“demonized” and the following words are put into God's mouth:2

You are good, you are true; but I will not begin the creation of the world through
you, for you are part of the letters that spell out the word Sheqer, “lie.”

2Cf. “An Essay about Letters from the Preface to the Book of the Zohar,” trans. and ed.
Rabbi Levy I. Krakovsky.
Part IV: The Thoth Formula 103

“Falsehood,” which does not exist as long as the Qoph and the Resh draw you
into their presence.

TheStraightening of dualityin the dimension of the soul now takes

place via the Daleth, whose resistance must be broken in a bi-polar
medium, i.e. rounded into a Resh and formed into a Qoph. For this
reason, the basic meaning of the Daleth is “door”.
Transmutation, which is the main subject of Kabbalistic physics,
represents a psycho-cosmic reparation, the creation of a coagulated
spherical mass from the substratic soul waters. This is what Egyptian
T-HV-T stands for, Hebrew DVD: law and law, two halves of the world
that do not stand back to back, but rather, if we use this symbol, look
at each other: eye to eye. This requires the perversion of the one law,
the Torah of Light. It must be coupled to the Dark Torah that veils it,
which requires the fundamental transmutation of the energy-mass
From a physical point of view, we come across the so-called time dilation,
This means that the perception of time and thus also the participation
in time-shaping events slows down as the mass increases. Time slows
down - and with it the speed of light decreases, because Aleph is
equal to MSh² - when the mass of a body increases. i.e. that as we
move towards the horizon of the Two Laws through an inner practice,
the speed of light decreases more and more.
This internal slowing down - due to the operation to be applied - would
correspond, if one wanted to transfer it to the external world, the space-
time of this universe, to an increase in acceleration above the limit of the
speed of light. The closer you get internally to the zero point (0 as a
symbol of the well) of the dual horizon, the faster the light would move in
the external world (of course these two events cannot be seen as
simultaneous world progressions). If this is achieved, the adept does not
have the light in its space-time manifestation, but the light of his own soul
fluid as a means of locomotion - and means of reproduction
– chosen.
104 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

The slowing down to the zero point, which becomes the gateway to
the Other Side, has therefore been described as an “initiatory death path”
that leads to the “tomb” of time. The grave is the point where the Aleph
becomes negatively squared/real, where anti-light (anti-matter) is formed
from positive soul light. This is the inner negation of God, whose symbol is
“silence,” Kabbalistically “Hashmal,” literally “silent word.”
Here we encounter “tachyons”, whose one property is to accelerate
when the inflow of energy decreases. These supraluminous particles,
which can be derived from the known formulas, become faster, the
less energy they measurably have. As far as the elementary particles
in this universe are concerned, this is exactly the opposite: an
acceleration to the speed of light only occurs with the appropriate
supply of energy (hence the energy-mass equivalence), which is why
the mass M of a body composed of these particles is “infinite” – i.e. not
physically measurable – becomes big. The horizon of today's scientific
world is exceeded, the light disappears behind a “seemingly”
insurmountable barrier.
However, this barrier apparently only applies to bodies that consist of
the elementary particles of “this” universe. Tachyons or other physically
unknown particles are not included.
When we have arrived at the Yod point of transition, of moving from
one apex to the other, when the Aleph dissolves into an Ayin, the arrow of
time has come to a standstill. Magically, the Yod is therefore also called
the “secret of the gate of initiation”.3
The relationship between Mem and Shin is reversed in comparison
to special relativity, whereby “infinitely large” or “infinitely small” are
terms that need to be discarded in the context of KAPHY. Today they
are only used in the absence of another way of expressing
When the mass M becomes “infinitely large,” expressed by the Ayin,
the gateway can be passed through.

3Cf. Aleister Crowley, “777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley,” page 25.
Part IV: The Thoth Formula 105

Perhaps it makes sense to say that the mass becomes "infinitely large"
in man's linguistic consciousness, since what it ultimately and in reality
means is the re-integration into the actual "infinite great", supraluminous
eternity. The words would express the right thing, but the limited
understanding of the “physical” person would not be sufficient to correctly
assign and classify them.
At the Yod point, the flow of time is frozen, as can also be seen at
the Schwarzschild radius in the periphery of black holes. This causes a
phase change/shift, reversing the flow of time. This immediately
makes it possible for, in physical terms, supraluminous particles such
as tachyons or others to combine with the particles that make up the
spatiotemporal constitution of matter.

The Solve has given way to a Coagula, the barrier of light is broken,
the path to the Other Side has been opened: the adept enters the
Luminous Darkness, the interior of the Cosmic Beast, whose atomic
structure could be described as “anti-material”. . Spacetime becomes
eternal infinity in the “eye view” as the veiling waters open the
doorway. The human being's interior becomes “infinitely large”
because his redeemed soul can encompass the entirety of existence.
The case has been overturned, undone. Edom can return. The
earth is liberated.
The higher the willful coagula, the deeper the adept - that is now the
light body - can penetrate into the proto-cosmic continuum, the more
comprehensive his knowledge of the cosmozoic heart of the worlds. The
coagula nullifies time, it transforms it into a circle, a symbol of the eternal;
turns the arrow of time into its opposite, which is the prerequisite for
receiving what is waiting in the darkness for its redemption. The duality,
the one-in-two, 1-2, becomes the original unity, the two-in-one, 2-1, if we
want to use the 1 as an image of this unity - alternating with the 0. We are
reminded of the words of God at the summit of Sinai: “Eyeh Asher Eyeh”
with the reduced numerical value 21-12 (the cross sum of 543 and 345).

But now it says: Eyeh Acha-Ra Eyeh, “I am not who I am”… I am the
106 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

2. The Dark Torah: Quintessence of Blood

With all his might the lion broke through the rock and split it in two.

– Zohar, “Noah”

If we now penetrate even deeper into the transuniversal reality of the

double law horizon and its Thoth formula, let us take a closer look at
the law of rotation itself, which is drawn to kabbalistic attention by the
word formula Torah, ThVRH.
The rotation itself, which is also the main characteristic of the
transmigration of the soul, Hebrew, GLGVLIM, "Guilgulim", is symbolized
by the letter Lamed with the value 30. It stands for the lambda value, the
cosmological constant.
The rotation opens up the possibility of two paths, into the light
and into the darkness. The potentials of both universes have been
mixed in odd proportions in what is revered as the initial Creator in
the Old Testament Genesis. The proportion of the elements is not
equally distributed. This is the basic cosmic drama.
Where both world directions meet, we have the Yod point, the
apex of the tetragrammatic energy configuration YHVH.
But YHVH is only one of the two triangles, and the direction that can
now be taken depends on the energy constitution of the matter M
involved. If E of MSh² is negatively squared, E is negative real or projected,
which means that it is female- attractive/centripetal, for which the Other
Side is ready to conceive. If E of MSh² is positively squared, as in the well-
known reading E = MC², it is expressed that E is male-repelling/centrifugal.
Magically speaking, the phallic light Ha-Shem must be in his
Part IV: The Thoth Formula 107

ner function can be reversed, from which it follows that its male-fertilizing
task can be carried out involutionally.
This change from the cosmic-evolutionary to the cosmic-involutionary is
symbolized by the rotation, the basic symbol number of which is 3, which we
know as the numerical value for the Gimel or as the number for the Lamed,
Rotation means movement: rotational movement
We find this spiral nature in which the rotational movement becomes
manifest in many variations in all areas of nature. Phenomena such as the
golden ratio or the Fibonacci series have become physically tangible. They
are all based on the rotation/three-ing.
“Circle” in Hebrew is rendered GLGL, vocalized “Galgal.” If we start
from this word, in the case of GL-GL we are dealing with two Gimels
and two Lameds, ie 33-33 or the added value 66, which is the
numerical value of theHebrew(non-Arabic) word formula “Allah” (A-LL-
H), which is only translated back into Hebrew its inner4reveals
TheLamed configurationAL-LA (Aleph-Lamed/Lamed-Aleph) has the
mirror value 13-31 (adding 62, the mirror value of Ha-Shem/26). In
addition, 13 is the number of the hexagram because it can be formed by
13 points. This is particularly important with regard to the Unicursal
Hexagram, which will be discussed below.
If we represent the dual horizon of being and becoming graphically,
the vertical dimension between (A)L and L(A) of the configuration shows
us the barrier of light, the speed of light C/Shin. If this barrier falls, this
squaring also falls, namely through its opposite operation, its “negation”,
from which the negative real Aleph emerges. Negative light is created,
which is part of the “negative” atomic structure of the cosmozoon.
The two timelines or world movements past-future 0-6 and future-
past 6-0 become one present, the Yod or zero point (see Fig. 1: The AL-
LA formula/The double law horizon).

4The language that Adam, according to tradition, speaks in Paradise is Hebrew, not
108 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Fig. 1:The AL-LA Formula (The Double Legal Horizon)

In this representation, in which we have also included the basic shape

of the Hermes staff, the two lines past-future 0-6 and future-past 6-0
form the numerical value 66, Galgal, “circle”.
Both timelines/time arrows move towards 0, the Zero or Yod point,
forming a common psycho-cosmic field as long as the barrier of light
falls, the light “freezes” at Zero, the threshold of Nun is released.

By linking both sides of the Torah, the light and anti-light/dark,

these timelines are brought together; the cycle of cosmozoic light
existence, written formulaically by E = MC², is reintegrated into its
supraluminous source. The odd duality caused by the decay of a
supersymmetry is transformed into an even duality, into a perfectly
symmetrical universe.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 109

Part V

The Sacred: Reconstructed by the Demons

1. The Speaking Head

The ruler of the Abyss is Af-Ra.... He is treated in a magical papyrus as

the "Birthless", i.e. the Holy Guardian Angel. The headless god is the
god in the Abyss, the sun in the night.
– Kenneth Grant, “The Night Side of Eden”

The Thoth formula describes, both kabbalistically and physically-

mathematically, a gateway through which the human individual who
wants to become a participating observer in cosmozoic existence can
exit this spatiotemporal continuum. This means salvation, Hebrew Ha-
Gulah, in the original sense of the word.
It breaks the cycle of life as it may actually appear phenomenally or
as it is generally supposed to be physically defined today. Man thus
takes a path against God, insofar as God is equated with becoming.
He takes a path back to God, insofar as God is equated with becoming
and being. The pivotal point lies in perception, observation and
participation. If this perception shifts into a different, more
comprehensive web of dimensions, the linguistic expression of what
God is and what the task of the Adamic soul actually consists of also
110 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

This must always be kept in mind when understanding the Kabbalah of the Other
Side and the physics of darkness.
So it is also understandable if we can say that the angel, the “God-
submissive” soul that is subordinate to the cycle of becoming, becomes a
demon that exceeds or falls below the line of law, the Torah, and thus
places itself outside of the divine cycle and can also influence this world
from there. This demon that absorbs the angel is Kabbalistically called
Shar Ha-Sheirim.
While the angel, based on the Hebrew alphabet, symbolizes the Daleth, the
resistance of light, of becoming, against the darkness of being, the demon is
to be equated with the Resh, the Daleth that is bent back into the darkness
because it is returning.
The splitting of the cosmozoon, which in glyphic terms “was” an X-
dimensional unity of all existing functions/laws, represents a
disintegration in which one can also see an (unforeseen) phase shift.
This decay is present, the universe of light and its escape velocity
bears witness to this in every second of its imperfect existence. God
disintegrates, causing his organism to split in an odd way, namely into
a 4th and 6th dimensional continuum. For this reason, the ten
Sephiroth are divided into 4 and 6, with Daath, used as the eleventh
Sephira, representing the bridge between this and the Other Side. In
this count, Daath is the Sephiroth 5, which, in other words, is the 4
that draws a 1 from the 6 to itself, so that the ratio 5/6 arises. This 1 is
the Aleph or the Yod.
In other words: 4 + 6 = X via the synaptic function of 5, which in the
language of Hermeticism represents the quintessence, the essence of the
four elements.
This brings us to two letter/number sequences, which can be seen
as keys for unlocking the double doorway. The “Zohar” refers to them,
although without giving any further details:1

Cf. The Zohar, Vol are contained and concentrated in the central point that

holds and guards them.”

Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 111

All six days converge in a single sacred point where they form a unity.
But there is also another sequence of six days that stands outside this
point and belongs to the 'other side'.

These two sequences could be reconstructed for the physics of the

eclipse, where we each have five letters and their numerical values.
We receive forthisPage following sequence:

Yod, Vav, Daleth, Hey, Cheth: 10, 6, 4, 5, 8 = 33 = 6 = Bara Shith

The 6 is the symbolic number of the opening word Bereshith, as it can be

segmented into Bara, "he created", Shith, "six".
For the other side:

Yod, Vav, Daleth, Resh, Qoph: 10, 6, 4, 200, 100 = 320 = 5

We see that it isDalethis that represents the pivotal point. As the

fourth foot (the secret of Magen David) of the divine throne, it is
equated with David himself. If the resistance of becoming (=light) to
being (=darkness) is broken by rounding the angle, the sequence with
the Reshinstead ofcontinued with the He. The final He in YHVH must
be changed so that it can be coupled with the first He, which stands
for Binah. For Binah is the sea into which the kings of Edom sank. If
we add a Qoph to the Resh of the second sequence for the Sitra
Achara, which follows the Resh in terms of the graphics of the letters,
we get the above sequence.
Both sequences start from the Yod point, which can be positive
and negative real, as it is created twice in the Aleph and updated in
the Ayin.
Understood as cross sums, both sequences are opposite each other as 6
and 5.
In the sequence of the Sitra Achara, the quintessence of the four
elements is included because it serves as a synaptic force, as an interface
between both sides of cosmozoic existence.
112 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

In the “Zohar” it is commented,all six days would converge on a

single sacred point. This can be expressed this way if it is viewed one-
dimensionally “only” from this side of the dual horizon and the
existence of the other side is excluded. The Bereshith represents this
Yod point from which the line of Vav, symbolizing the arrow of time,
emerges. It becomes the axis of the universe. From the Yod arises a
world direction, a direction of existence, with which the universe also
moves away from the possibility of re-entering a holistic relationship
with its origin.
Both sequences have their starting point in the Yod point, which is
Sephirothic for Kether2stands, the first Sephira ofthisseen from side. If we look
at the tree as a mirror image, it becomes understandable that the Kether
point, the apex of one triangle, when reflected on the other side, is the apex of
another triangle. So we are dealing with two triangles whose apex point
simultaneously represents a potential (Aleph-Ayin) transition from one side to
the other. Here we come across the symbolism of Ha-Shem as the triangular
mountain, whose counterpart forms the so-called Infernal Trinity. One is the
reflection of the other, which can be seen glyphically in the X as the contact of
two mirrored triangles.
The magical symbol of the "six strange days" outside the universal
sequence is the Unicursal Hexagram or so-called "Hexagram of the
Beast". In the KAPHY it willHexagram of Reparationbecause it is
connected with the breaking of the vessels and the fall of Edom under
the waters of catastrophe.
If we look at this hexagon multidimensionally, not only by recognizing it as
a view from above, but also by recognizing the five-petaled structure in its
center/depth as the Yod point, we get an equivalent of the simple X, which as
an object has the shape of an hourglass resembles.
The Unicursal Hexagram can be drawn in comparison to its counterpart
without being offset, which is intended to indicate the uninterrupted world
movement of the Sitra Achara, the state of unfallenness. Thus, the “Hexagram
of the Beast” is one of the symbols of redemption from the wrong

2A spelling variant of Kether, KThR, is ChThR, which means "to break through."
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 113

Fig.2:The Unicursal Hexagram/Hexagram of Reparation

light: The sign of the five, which is the seven (= center in the hexagon)
and, together with it, exercises power over the six.
According to Kabbalah, the Yod point represents Ishrael, the “least of
all nations.” It now becomes understandable why those kings of Edom are
spoken of as the kings “before” Ishrael. Applied to the sequences
presented above, the Yod-Qoph variant is “Edomite,” signaling the world
“before” the Yod-Cheth sequence, which stands for Ishrael. So the cosmic
Ishrael begins with the Bereshith, the Yod, which becomes a Vav.
According to rabbinic tradition, the kings of Edom are “before” Ishrael,
meaning they are before the Yod as double potential. They are therefore
potentially included in the negative Yod. The kings fell under the waters of the
Torah. The liberation of the kings can only take place if the Aleph becomes
negatively real as a projection of the Yod or the Aleph is negatively projected
onto the Other Side.
We recognize that it is the Daleth at which the sequence changes or at
which it becomes manipulable; which allows us to make a connection to the
so-called End-He process of Tetragrammaton. The second He in YHVH, which
has its origins in the first He, i.e. in Binah, is called the “daughter” of God. It is
noticeable from its graphic that it consists of a Daleth and a Vav, which leads
us to a value of 10. The subsidiary leads sequentially
114 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

ter continues the matric function of the mother, just as the son continues
the fertilizing function of the father. So the He is a small X-dimensional
universe, but in an imperfect shape, which is expressed by the Vav not
being drawn quite to the angle of the Daleth. If the He is missing part of
the Vav, its vertical line does not completely connect with the Daleth. If
that were the case, He would become Cheth, the eighth letter, which
symbolizes the paradisiacal number 8 in the physics of darkness
What else is meant to be expressed by this?
The answer can be found in “usual” language in the traditional Kabbalah, which
speaks of the Fallen Angels, called Nephilim, having committed crimes against the
daughters of men in order to carry out “demonic” crimes with them.
- non-post-diluvian - descendants, after which their name changes and
they are called Anakim.
The He is the fifth letter of the Aleph-Beth, making it a symbolic
indicator of the quintessence that Kabbalists equate with the
Shekinah. The Shekinah was led into exile on the Other Side by the
Fall, which reminds us that the quintessence formed from the four
elements must be drawn over to the Other Side.
If we look at both sequences with regard to the He, we immediately
notice that the He in the first sequence is in the position where the Resh is
positioned in the second. While the He stands for “daughter,” the Resh
shows us the Hebrew word Rosh, “head,” which can take on the meaning
of “son.” Essentially, what is being pointed out here is a change in
polarities (the gender order in Ha-Shem). This means for the KAPHY that
the Daughter of Men, the Shekinah, the He in YHVH is “opened” to
darkness through the rounded Resh, which at the same time reminds us
of another reading of Bereshith, which reads Berith-Ash and the sense
Beth-Resh, “House of Fire”, contributes.
From the Beth-Resh, which corresponds to the house of Edom - the first
and "greatest" of all peoples in contrast to the Yod, the "least" of all peoples
after Edom - emerged the Bereshith, which is made clear by the permutation
of the letters. If the mass M to be changed becomes “infinitely large”, it
becomes Edomian. Here was for Einstein and is for Special Relativity
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 115

set the ideological limit. The fear of God commands us to deny what
lies behind it.
For the darkness in which non-becoming becomes manifest as becoming, the
following applies again in the final explanation of the second sequence:


or expressed in words:


Through the Shevirat Ha-Kelim, the connection between becoming/

light and being/darkness of the cosmozoic organism was broken. The
gateway that governed a flow of energy between both functions
within the cosmozoon became impermeable. Being could no longer
be created from becoming, which broke away as light; it could no
longer be assimilated into the organism as a becoming. A mutual
attraction, an intergravity of the affected functions of the Cosmic
Animal was lost. The eight, glyph of paradisiacal enclosure, was
correspondingly damaged. Reparations became necessary. The Worm
of the Other Side, Nachash/Mashiach3called, intervened.

3 Mashiach can be read metathetically Yesh Mah, ISh MH, literally “there are 100”.
100 is the numerical value of the letter Qoph, the “supposedly hidden 100th name
of God” in Sufism.
116 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

2. The Crown of Darkness

And the tithe shall be holy to God...

– Leviticus 27:32

As we see, in the KAPHY, mathematical and physical representations

merge with the language of the Kabbalah, resulting in different
graphic paths that show how we have to break through the barrier of
light, break out of the Adamic dimension, in order to access the To get
to the back of the Sephirothic tree.
The other side, which is equated with Egypt, is the Ain, AIN, which, in
contrast to becoming, represents the negatively existing in the sense of
having become. The Ayin, AiYN, which acts as an indicator of the doorway,
is magically spoken with the words “The secret of creation is death”4
circumscribed. When the fourth foot of the throne is bent into a resh and
qoph as resistance of the light against the darkness, when the polar
resistance of the light is broken, this brings with it the breaking of the
covenant between God and Adam, but at the same time the new covenant
between Adam and sealed to the worm. This connection of the Adamic
dimension to the other side via an opening in the tree and a will to create
that no longer corresponds to the will of God can be represented by the X-
glyph. We can make this other will Decalogue of the Sheirimto name. This
is symbolizedDark Decaloguethrough the Unicursal Hexagram with the
Quintessence at its center.
They are the Ten CommandmentsagainstGod, through whose power the
imperfect embodiment cycle of the blind, “eyeless” deity was broken

4 Cf. Aleister Crowley, “777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley,” page 25.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 117

becomes; they represent the power that creates gates where there are no
gates, that brings knowledge where there is no knowledge; the power that, on
the dual horizon, turns God's blindness - the knowledgeless, unconscious life
principle - into its exact opposite: knowledge. The symbolic mountain on which
the alliance against the false deity is made is called Siryon (=Tzaphon), a word
that is all too clearly reminiscent of Sirius.
The 10 is the value of the positive or negative Yod, the Yod which, due
to its kabbalistic value 10 = 1, represents the negatively projected Aleph,
the Ayin. Yod and Ayin together equal 80, the value of the Pe, whose
symbol is the opening of the mouth from which the word flows. But this
word is not the word of God. It is the word of the serpent, whose
utterance appears “lying” only in the un-illuminated Adamic
The X glyph is the symbol of the Decalogue, the commandments
that Mosheh received from God at Sinai. The counterglyph, which also
represents an This is none other than the secret mountain Siryon/H'ar
Seir; where the Malakhim Ro'im, the Shepherd Kings of the Other
Side, conspired against God. It is the mountain whose summit rises
into the sky of light and darkness on the dual horizon of being and

The X is not just the mountain of conspiracy against God, as we can

symbolically express it; it also signals theten Anti-Sephiroth, which are
called the Crown of Darkness: Atharah Ha-Ra.
The word Ra, RAi, literally means “evil” in Hebrew.5But what does it
really signal?
It consists of a Resh and an Ayin, so it unmistakably symbolizes, on the one
hand, the bending of the Daleth into a Resh, and on the other hand, the
transmutation of the Aleph into an Ayin. It is now precisely the Aleph that, as
the Kabbalah itself confirms, Adam lost with the Fall, resulting in

5As the Kabbalah is designed to be ambiguous, the original meaning of RAi is

“shepherd”, “friend”. Cf. Jeff A. Benner, “The Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible,”
Virtualbookworm Publishing, 2005, pages 263 and 264.
118 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Adam, ADM, the word Dam, DM, “blood” became. “Blood” is also the
meaning of the word Edom. The rulers who came before Ishrael are
therefore also called the Red Kings. The color “red” is later given a
central meaning in Book II in the context of the practice of NecroYoga.

The numerical value of the word Dam, DM, is 44, which is also the
value of Ish Tam, “perfect human,” which in extenso gives us a
numerical reference to the 8 as the glyph of Am-Smen. This 8 also
represents the crown of darkness, her innate soul, whose nature is
the knowledge of herself. It is symbolized by the all-seeing eye that
opens in the pyramid.
If we think again about the Thoth formula and the double law
horizon, we have to ask ourselves which numbers in particular
represent the crown of darkness?
While 3.14 is the Pi of the physics of light, 3.74 represents the anti-
Pi of darkness. So we have two different pi values that are not
magically linked together by the Aleph, but only by the Ayin.
This number 3.74 is associated with the value of the so-calledfour-armed Shin
identical that some Kabbalists have spoken of.
In contrast to the three-armed Shin (patriarch), this 23rd letter (23
signals the “Judgment of God” in the Kabbalah) symbolizes the matriarchs
Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah, and therefore, with regard to the
physics of darkness, points to a female trinity .
A commentary by Rashi on Exodus 32:15-16 addresses the creation
of the so-called Ha-Oth, AVTh, a rabbinic designation of the four-
armed Shin (according to Exodus 3:12):

The Torah says, 'The two tablets of the covenant were in his hand, the
tablets written on both sides; they were described on one side and on
the other; and the tablets were in the hand of God, and the writing was
the writing of God engraved on the tablets.' Rashi asks: What is the
meaning of the words 'on one side and on the other?' He responds by
quoting Rabbi Chisda from Talmud Shabbat 104a: 'One read the letters
on each page at the same time, and this was miraculous.'
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 119

The Talmud Menachot 35a states:

The four-armed Shin…is a law given to Mosheh on Mount Sinai.

This Shin, which corresponds to the Anti-Pi value 3.74, is the hidden law,
the Dark Torah, which must be reconnected with the Torah of Light. This
is the secret task of the Mashiach, the Lord of the Five. Traditionally it is
even claimed that anyone who manages to find the “inner”, “secret”
pronunciation of this hidden Shin would redeem themselves and the
world. Thus, it even becomes the letter of Mashiach itself.
The four-armed Shin of Kings is variously referred to as the “Lost
Letter.” According to some commentators, it is this Shin that is
responsible for the conflict between "good" and "evil"; It is the four-
armed Shin that is “lost” and can be found again and stands like no
other for the future world, Olam Ha-Ba. Its three-armed variant, as it
is currently in the Aleph-Beth, has taken on an ambivalent nature with
the fall:6

The word Hen (“grace”) has the value 58, the sum of the seven components of
the Shin form: three Yods over three Vavs, over the base Yod. The sum of the
components of the Shin (58) and the Gematria (300) is 358, which corresponds to
the numerical value MShICh, Mashiach, whose counterform is the worm
(NChSh), which has the same value.

Now if we add a fourth arm to the Shin revealed so far, we get an

additional value of 10 for Yod and 6 for Vav, i.e. 16, which must be
added to 358.The result is 374.
The fourth arm of Shin, which frees the letter from its forlorn state,
consists, as we have said, of a Yod and a Vav, and we are reminded of
the two letter sequences which, according to the Zohar, converge at
the "sacred point." On the one hand, we have the six days

6Cf. Yitzchak Ginsburgh, “The Hebrew Letters,” page 313

120 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

address the Bereshith in his reading “Bara Shith”; on the other hand,
that other sequence which, according to the “Zohar”, is “outside” it.
These outer six days potentially represent the negative Yod point
beyond the threshold from which another universe develops, called
"negatively existent" because it is uncontained, unactualized, in the
"positively existent." The Shin, which receives another arm formed
from Yod and Vav, heralds the actualization of those forces in this
world whose origins lie in darkness.
In traditional Kabbalah, it is Shin that mediates as a path between
the Sephiroth Chokmah and Binah. This activity is called “Hashmal”.
This word, which was already mentioned above, consists of Hash, HSh,
“silence”, and Mal, ML, “word (=LM: Lam/Lamed). Hashmal, the place
of prophecy or the fourth stage of the soul, Hayah, ChIH, translates as
“Silent Word” and magically refers to perfection in equilibrium.
Chokmah and Binah are expansive and, as polarities, are in a sense
the border Sephiroth to Kether, the tetragrammatic Yod point.

The channel between the two Sephiroth is in turn indicated by the

Daleth, which is illuminating in view of the creation sequence of the
Other Side, because it is the Daleth that must be bent into a Resh so
that a Qoph can emerge from it.
If we take channel and path symbolism into account at the same time, we
arrive at the word ShD, "demon", via the corresponding letters Shin and
Daleth, which is derived from the rabbinic name of God Shaddai, ShDI, differs
only in one Yod.
The kings of Edom can enter this universe via the Abyss when the
internal transmutation from Aleph to Ayin is accomplished. According
to the “Zohar,” they hide behind unspecified “millstones of the Abyss.”
7, which leads us to a tradition that may date from the time before the

Flood, and which states that the force that was said to have served the
Egyptians was called "Handmaid." The Canaanites, whose worship
also demons from the Andean

7 “The Zohar", Vol. V, Achare Moth, page 71, as well as Vol. III, Waera, page 93.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 121

According to the same Zoharic fragment, the “prisoner behind the

mill” must have served as a source of strength. The “Millstones of the
Abyss” will be further explained in Book II.
The extent to which the Kabbalah has been merged with a tradition that
was “foreign” to it is shown by the little-known fact that the Hebrew language
is actually the language of Canaan, the land where Joshua is said to have
found the giants. According to what can be deduced from the Old Testament
Genesis account,not Semitic, for the father of Canaan, the “cursed servant”
according to Bereshith 9:26, is not Shem, from whom the Semites descend,but
Cham. Cham, who corresponds Sephirothically with Geburah, is not
mentioned “directly” in a sequence of the sons of Noah in the same book 9:18,
but only individually. Hebrew is therefore a Chamitic language, which is of
great importance from a cosmological perspective:
It was Cham who saw the “nakedness” of his father Noah after the
events of the flood, whereupon his son Canaan, whose language is
Hebrew, was cursed. The “Zohar” seems to want to explain this:8th

He who causes division between them (Samael, transl.) ravages the

world and is called the 'nakedness of everything.'

But as the Kabbalist Carlo Suarès explains, the biblical episode of

Noah and Canaan is based on a false translation:9

Noah doesn't actually 'curse' Canaan (the fourth son of Cham). The
word Arawr, which has always been translated as 'curse', represents an
additional Resh projected onto an Awr (=Aor, translator's note), the
word for light.

TheProjection of the ReshIn the physics of darkness, the Aor signals to

us the connection to the Other Side, which is sym-

8th Cf. “The Zohar”, Vol V, Achare Moth, 83

9 Cf. Carlo Suarès, “The Cypher of Genesis,” page 149.
122 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

is bolized. The “nakedness” is nothing more than a reference to the gap in

space-time represented by Daath.
If we free the biblical symbolic language from its moral-theological
overlay at this point, we realize that it is only Cham from the “sons of
Nuit” who manages to take a look at the other side.
Cham signals us Kabbalistically Chamisha, ChMSh, “five”, but also
“belly”, so it stands for the fruit or essence from the four elements, as well
as for the darkness below the threshold. The Hebrew ChM means “hot”
and the related ChMH means “wrath”. Chamor, ChMVR is rendered as
“donkey,” which is considered a symbol of the feminine principle; and
finally ChMR is translated as “to be flushed”.
But back to Shin, which is directly related to the kings of Edom:

If the Shin in the AMSh sequence were placed after the Aleph, this
would result in the Ash Aklah, ASh AVKLH, “consuming fire” called in the
Kabbalah.10. Through the meme, which serves as a buffer here, Aleph and
Shin only meet indirectly, namely through the intermediary authority
Mass M. This means that it is the mass M, physically hydrogen, that serves
as the subject of transmutation. Shin affects them. If it is changed, the
Aleph opens the doorway by gaining a different energy constitution. This
is also the secret of the Ruach Elohim11, of the “spirit that floats over the

It was formless and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and
the Spirit of Elohim was vibrating upon the waters. Thirteen (in the Hebrew
text of Genesis there are thirteen words from 'it was formless' to 'on the
waters') hang from thirteen (forms) of the highest dignity (the beard of
Macroprosopus or the first-formed head).

Cf. e.g. German. 9:3.


11 RVCh also means “forcing space” in Hebrew.

Cf. “The Kabbalah Unveiled,” trans. by SL McGregor Mathers, Weiser Books, page 48.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 123

The following should be added to this comment:13

Thirteen kings (that is, the twelve metatheses of Tetragrammaton with its
root, representing the standards of grace) make war against seven (with
the Edomite kings)... For seven kings are in the land of Edom, and now that
their vessels are broken, they become veils called those who fell into the
lower worlds.

The number 13 represents the meme, which occupies the 13th position in
the Hebrew alphabet. Due to the fact that we can read AL-LA for 31-13,
the meme in the physics of the eclipse consists of two Lameds, it
represents the potential Lamed configuration. This is the broken space
cross, because they are the two on the right Angle LL, the two Torahs or
rotations of the law El/AL that make +. This cross must be set in motion in
order to create the gateway, which then corresponds in language to the
symbolism of the mill and its stones. This happens through the sexual
power of Shin. The place where this movement takes place in humans is
the base or Muladhara chakra, which will be of essential importance for
practice in Book II.
When the Shin acts on the Mem, it causes a change in the Lameds on
the Dual Horizon, which changes the energy E/Aleph. In the “Sepher Ha-
Bahir” it says about Shin:14

What is the Shin? He said: It is the root of the tree. The letter Shin is like the root
of a tree. What is this tree you are talking about? He said: It represents the
powers of the Sanctified One, one above the other. Just as the fruit of the tree
thrives through the power of water, the sanctified one strengthens the power of
the tree through water. What is the Water of the Sanctified One? It is wisdom.
They are the souls of the righteous.

Cf. Ibid.Page 102.


14Cf. “The Bahir,” trans Aryeh Kaplan, Aronson 1995, page 45.
124 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Water, Mem, and Shin must interact to produce the name, Ha-Shem, ShM,
for the Shin is the agent of transmutation; it expresses the progression,
the transition from one state to another; indicates everything that means
multiplication, variation and change.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 125

3. Before Ishrael was...

Remember the Torah of Mosheh, my servant.

– Malachi 3:22

In order to fathom Kabbalah, it is essential to understand its specific

In many cases, the transmission of the mysteries does not concern the
Kabbalah as a corpus of rabbinic comments and explanations of cosmic
connections from the perspective of the respective authors, but also a
dogma that is far older than the Sinaitic Revelation, which must be viewed
as the “historical” starting point. This story concerns timebefore the flood
and an antediluvian civilization in which we should not necessarily see
only a terrestrial humanity. The religious-psychological tools that the
rabbinic tradition gives the reader are largely of post-Flood origin. The
Flood, and therefore in particular the element of water, symbolized by the
death letter Mem, marks a turning point, a true horizon of law, which also
has its manifestation in terrestrial history, which will be illuminated in
more detail in Book II.
For the rabbinic Kabbalah, the antediluvian is “evil”, of course also
in order to legitimize it – the Kabbalah – itself against this supposed
“evil”. “Good” and “evil” are conveniently distributed, in other words,
do not always depend on truth and reality, but on the individual or
collective position that an author himself or representative may take.
Once this basic psychological orientation of the Kabbalah has been
understood, it opens up as a compendium of shorter or longer
fragments, which throughout history attempts have been repeatedly
made to relate them to one another, in short, to make them appear
consistent; and this also where they actually do it “naturally”
126 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

are not. Many examples have already been given, but the traditions
and Kabbalah of the Other Side cannot be more divergent than in the
case of the kings of Edom.
The sources that refer to Edom in their literal, unencrypted sense
are sparse. In the “Kabbalah Denudata” by Knorr von Rosenroth you
can find details about the Edomite kings15, who existed as the first of
all nations “before” Ishrael, the “least of all nations.” A cosmically
determined transformation of certain elements involved is clearly

Were they then destroyed and are all those who were destroyed
contained in (cosmic) man? For verily they were destroyed, so that they
disappear from the world of forms until the time when Adam
emerges... But when this form is configured, they are all existent again,
are resurrected in another form.

The kings of Edom fell back into a formlessness, into a kind of potentiality
in the Other Side.
In the context of KAPHY, however, we are not talking about
potentiality, but aboutessence, which will be explained in more detail
below. The potential in which they are contained was actualized by Adam,
but in Adamic and not Edomite form. Rosenroth then goes on to say
about Edom:17

15 It is possible to equate the kings of Edom, also referred to as the “Red

Kings” (red = menstrual blood), with the Hebrew word Adamah. Adamah is the
female form of Adam, which only differs from the male by a He (=Shekinah).
Mosheh, who represents the transformation of Ha-Shem, is also referred to as
the bearer of He. It is the He that distinguishes the antediluvian from the post-
diluvian humanity.
Cf. “The Kabbalah Unveiled,” page 176.

Cf. Ibid.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 127

And if you say, 'It is also written,' 'and he died,' that means that they
were destroyed all together.'18I replied that it wasn't; but whoever
descends from his position where he already was, as the Scripture says,
he has died... As it is written in Exodus 2:23, 'And the king of Egypt
died.' Because he rose to where he already was.

Through a catastrophe, communicated to the Kabbalists through the

mirrored Bereshith, and through which two creation sequences arose,
Adam was created in his form separated from Edom. At the same time as
Adam was created, Edom fell into darkness. A part of the deity was
darkened by the light that was released centrifugally and in odd
dualization. While the power of knowing the name and of life, symbolized
by Ha-Shem, was transferred to Adam, the gigantic kings of prehistoric
times lost this privilege. A catastrophe, as confirmed:

The primeval kings represented the source of exaltation towards which all
worlds, as well as all creatures, could align themselves if the fall of Adam had not
taken place.

If we want, we can say that Adam “stole something” from the kings to
whom he once belonged. This “robbery of the light” that became
manifest in Shin is described kabbalistically by changing the word
Adam to Edom and vice versa. What distinguishes the two is the Vav,
the letter of life, which will be discussed in more detail below. On this
name change, what a change19within the structure of cosmozoic
functions, the following passage refers:20

18 Cf. Georges Lahy, “Dictionnaire encyclopédique de la Kabbale”, Editions Lahy,

2005, page 327.
19They correspond to the seven lower Sephiroth in the Kabbalah.
20 Cf. “The Kabbalah Unveiled,” page 176.
128 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

But when Adam was constituted, they were given other names... and
they exist in their places, and are all called by other names, and not by
their former ones.

The kings of Edom are androgynous in nature, but the splitting of

primeval androgyny into two forces, physically centrifugal/centripetal,
occurred in a disproportionate manner, which, in magical terms, led
to a seemingly paradoxical situation beneath the Abyss. Among the
Babylonians were the kings of EdomSeven brothersknown who were
born before creation in the interior of heaven, in darkness, when light
had not yet eclipsed light. It is reported that they hollowed out the sky
(=worm), made the invisible visible and created openings where there
were none.
Apparently the state of the primeval, proto-cosmic androgynous is
equated with “stillness,” because it is said:21

And because they are male and female it is not written that they died
like the others; but it is said that they remained in a fixed state.

However, we can read quite clearly elsewhere:22

That's how it is with the case. Here, as before, Genesis does not begin at the
beginning. There is an earlier case than that of the prehistoric couple. In
this case those whose work failed and who fell are seven in number. We
meet these seven again in Egypt - (Eight with the Mother) - where they were
called the 'Children of Stillness'.

Edom refers to androgyny “before” the creation of the sexes. The odd
duality resulted in the integration of the dual horizon into the totality
of cosmozoic functions like in a mirror

21Cf. Ibid., page 177.

22Gerald Massey, “The Hebrew and Other Creations,” London, 1888, page 101.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 129

was distorted. Khem, the “unknown name,” the “nameless stranger,”

became Ha-Shem, the name of the “known” God. The largest of all
peoples became the smallest of all peoples, a primeval world fell
apart, which had catastrophic consequences. Undramatically
abstracted, the “unrevealed” God became a “revealed” God. But there
is a break, the emergence of an unequal duality, whose distortion of
the holistic reality that, as far as the Adamic soul is concerned, has led
to a veiling - of the sanctuary, the first of all temples. “The light was
stolen from the darkness,” one could say, and the temple then
darkened. But this apparent paradox only arises in a sub-abyssal
perception, which does not make it any less existent. The “Zohar”
refers to this catastrophic concealment when it writes:23

Since their sin was not allowing the lower and upper waters to meet as
they should, they were punished with water.

The Other Side was shrouded in darkness and “lost”. Here we arrive at
the symbolism of the “prodigal son,” who represents the Yod bound
negatively in the Aleph and who rises at the pandemonic confluence
of the Two Seas when the positive Yod is negatively projected. We find
this cosmology transferred to the shape of the caduceus, which is
entwined by two snakes/worms. These are the two Yods,two brothers,
but alsotwo hands, struggling to create a reality: 2 x 5 = 10 = X. This
brings us to a crucial detail, which we read in the Zohar in its typical

And He, Judah's firstborn, was evil toward God, and God killed him.

Judah's “firstborn” named Er, AiR (=RAi: “Evil”), signals the negative Yod
that fell beneath the waves of the water, the mass M. Judahs

Cf. “The Zohar”, Vol. I, Noah, page 202.


Cf. Ibid.
130 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Second-born, the positive Yod became a visible half of the whole, the
half that can be determined - even approximately - in a special-
relativistic way.
According to the Kabbalah, the negative Yod contained in the Aleph
comes fromantediluviansouls whose sin was said to have been to devote
themselves to the science of magic. From He, thefirstbornSon of Judah,
the Ereb Ra, “the souls of the other side,” are created.25The “Zohar”
comments on this as follows:26

For the heavens will turn to smoke and disappear, and the earth will
become a robe of old, and those who live in them will die in the same way...
They are also those for whom Noah did not want to intervene, and
therefore it will be over she said. 'And they were destroyed on the earth.'
They were the same souls of whom it is written, 'You will blot out the
memory of Amalek, who dwells under the heavens.'

The firstborn son of Judah is the negative Yod; The symbolism of the
firstborn in a conflict over birthright runs like a red thread through Torah
and Kabbalah, so it is Ishmael who is born uncircumcised as the son of
Abraham27and is involved in a dispute over the inheritance and succession
to the throne against Isaac. Ishmael is in a “genealogical” line with Esau28,
Hebrew AiSV, the red one, the “shaggy one”, the one before

25Cf. Ibid. Vol. I, Bereshith, page 188, and Gen. 38:7.

26Cf. “The Sepher Ha-Zohar,” trans. By Nurho de Manhar, Theosophical Publishing
Company, New York 1900-14, page 128.
27Abraham (Abraham without another He) fathers Ishmael with Hagar, the
Egyptian, between the ages of 85 and 86, where 85 is the extended numerical value
of Achad, "one", "unity", and 86 that of Elohim. Furthermore, Achad, through his
own Mispar Gadol of 13, signals to us the 13th path on Etz Ha-Chaiim, which
corresponds to the letter Gimel.
28 “Esau, the red and hairy one, is actually the new Lord of Light in the new
moon. Yacob is the child of darkness, so his name also means deceiver
according to his nature. A Jewish tradition says that Esau was with his
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 131

Jacob is born but loses his birthright. Esau then also becomes Edom-
Egypt (Khem) or Amalek-Pharaoh29equated. Finally, Edom is translated
as an Old Testament synonymous name for Seir (=Shaar: Gate) and
also Sirius.
The fight for theeight-sided throne of GodFinally, which essentially
shapes the dogmatic foundation of all three book religions, is still
established today using the symbolism of the two brothers.
The soul is caught up in a cosmic conflict, it is thecritical size, which
stands as mass M for this cause. It signals to us the waters of the
flood under which the Edomite kings fell. This makes them the waters
of death and the Adamic soul a grave through which the practitioner
of NecroYoga must pass, as described in detail in Book II with regard
to the subtle. The Hebrew word for “death” is Maveth, MVTh, and is
visibly related to the Egyptian Maat (also Toll)..There is a remarkable
tradition about the word itself, which is based directly on the Aleph-
Beth: According to it, Maveth came into being when the serpent took
the Aleph from the word Emeth, AMTh, “truth”.
Let us now come to the Shevirat Ha-Kelim itself, which seems to be
defined for the first time in the Lurian Kabbalah with the corresponding
taboo restrictions.
The “rupture of the vessels” within the cosmozoic organism resulted in
the “death of kings,” Mittat Ha-Malakhim30, as a result. The traditional
Kabbalists express this as follows:31

At birth he had the mark of a serpent on his heel.” Cf. Gerald Massey, “Luniolatry:
Ancient and Modern,” in The Lectures, London, 1888, page 143.
29 “The power of Pharaoh came from the worm, which is why his judgment began
with the worm.” Cf. “The Zohar”, Vol. III, Waera, page 92.
30 Mittat” is related to the Egyptian Met-tua, derived from Met and Metut,
“seed”, “offspring”. Finally, the Egyptian Metut Neter means the “emission of
the god.”
31Cf. Charles Mopsik, “Les Grands Texts de la Cabbale”, Editions Verdier, 1993, page 493.
132 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

While the vessels of the first three Sephiroth were able to support the light
that flowed into them, the vessels of the six subsequent Sephiroth, from
Chesed to Yesod, could not withstand the tension that hit them all at once;
one after the other they broke in two, their parts fell and in their fall took
the entirety of the worlds with them. The vessel of the tenth Sephira
Malkuth also broke, but not completely. Most of the light that flowed from
the broken vessels was able to return to the upper source under its own
power; but a remnant remained, carried away with the fragments of the
vessels. From these remnants emerged the sheaths (Qliphoth), elements of
the power of the Other Side. These vessel shards or dead kings are found at
the origin of matter.

After the so-called “cutting off of the shoots” in the first kabbalistic world
of Atziluth (=Yud of YHVH), which means that the tree of life was
separated from the tree of knowledge, the fourth kabbalistic world of
Assiyah (=End-He of YHVH) was especially developed ) affected by the
rupture of the vessels, which resulted in the latter being mixed with the
Qliphoth. In this world, which corresponds to space-time, the sparks of
the original Adam (=Adam Qadmon) are fragmented and trapped in
“matter”. In the context of the KAPHY, the catastrophe in Atziluth
represents the splitting of the Torah into two halves/horizons. Many of
these sparks/souls of the primordial Adam flowed back into their source,
while others “fell” under the rule of the Qliphoth and are now forced to
the process of incarnations32to go through.
The Qliphoth are usually translated as "shells", but in reality, if we want
to put it in the language of the physics of darkness, they areforms of life,
which physically speaking consists of negative energy (negative

32The Kabbalistic doctrine of reincarnation further stipulates that every soul

belongs to a “family”. However, it cannot develop further beyond a certain
point unless all members of this “family” to which it belongs have been
redeemed “from the depths”, that is, have become manifest. The dogma is
also rooted here that the Mashiach only appears when all souls are on “this”
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 133

curved space-time), the dark Aleph, for which human language has
chosen an apt name: snake/worm. The world of Dark Aleph is their
native habitat, consisting of worm channels that form the negatively
existent, that which exists beyond space-time and what the myths of
humanity have collectively referred to as the "underworld". The idea
here is that the grave always has something to do with “digging”. So
the opening word of the Old Testament Bereshith contains another
reading: If we "dig" a Hebrew bar in the Bara contained therein,
"create" it.33recognize, the meaning of “creating” is revealed to us in
the sense of “digging” or “hollowing out”, a behavior that can be
observed in a worm.
When the “(un)-dead kings” are found at the origin of matter, this is
intended to point out the fact that these vessel shards are identical to
the Kundalini (=serpent/worm) at the lower end of the human
organism. In other words, the Serpent Power, as it is also called, is a
Qlipha that must be awakened to repair the imperfect, damaged
cycle. How exactly this has to be done is explained in all the necessary
details in the practical part.

Cf. Friedrich Delitzsch, “Studies on Indo-European-Semitic root relationships”,


Leipzig, 1873, page 50.

134 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

4. The Raid of Light

I will take him to Babylon and judge him there, because he has
betrayed me.
– Ezek 17:20

The kings of Edom, known to the Egyptians as “Ilu Sibitti,” “children of

immobility,” diedwith creationthis universe. But they are not really
“dead”. Rather, they are “undead,” which the writings of the Kabbalists
confirm in different ways.
The alchemists referred to Edom with the term “phoenix,” for the
red bird is the deathless king who rises from the darkness to consume
the light that is his food. The light thus becomes a victim.

In relation to the symbolism of Kabbalah, this food consists of

“circumcised” Shin. Or to put it another way: The uncircumcised Shin
becomes a circumcised Shin through the sacrifice and can enter the
sphere of manifestation. The “circumcision”, through which the life force
is transferred, signals “creative measure” in the cosmological context;
thus also the power of Daleth and Nun, the “judgment”, through which
Ishrael is finally redeemed in the spiritual sense of the Kabbalah.
This is one aspect of the mystery of the Phoenix's immortality;
another is the nature of an evolution, for which Edom is
representative, and which differs in an essential point from what is
known to natural science about evolutionary processes.
Circumcision in the KAPHY refers to the separation of the lower
and upper bodies and the decay of souls caught in darkness by the
rupture of the vessels. This catastrophe caused it to happen
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 135

an odd polarity formation. The soul potential of Adam, in which God

multiplies as a whole, was separated in an odd way from the other, the
lower parts of the cosmozoic organism. The light fled the darkness. For
this reason, Ishmael is said to have been born uncircumcised, equating
him with Esau-Edom the shaggy one (Genesis 36:43). In other words,
Ishmael must be subsequently circumcised, which necessitated a
manipulation of Tetragrammaton's constitution. So it is ultimately Isaac
who represents the “judgment of God” through whom Ishmael is
The form of life, which is described as a phoenix, does not arise
through the copulation of two opposing principles, but through a
separation of certain elements that have been described in the
language of alchemy as “pure” and “impure”. We can also speak of a
refinement of matter (not “physical” in the familiar sense) that
ultimately leads to what has been called “immortality.”
Edom-Adam describes a self-contained world system in which the
separation of the sexes, which first led to “death in the making” (which
copulation stands for as a basic evolutionary principle), does not exist.
The Red Kings are therefore also symbolized by the Gnostic ring-
serpent biting its own tail, which is supposed to mean that they
emerge from one and the same source, are self-sufficient and perfect.

On the one hand, it is important to emphasize that the Hebrew word for
phoenix is Choul, ChVL, as it is mentioned, for example, in Job 29:18. On the
other hand, it is also important to note that the reverse reading of ChVL
results in the word LVCh, Louch'a, “tablet”.
The Louchoth Ha-Berith (with a full value of 133) are the "Tablets of the
Covenant", the Decalogue: X

In fact, this symbol clarifies the Lurian Kabbalah in consideration of what the

Other Side represents: Maat/Tiamat, the Mother of Serpents/Worms,

surrounds the void created when the deity withdrew, then re-emerged into
that void via ten Sephiroth to pour out. The snake biting its own tail must
therefore be seen as a fundamental symbol of creation.
136 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Once again it becomes clear how the X-Glyph, in all its cosmological
depth, can only be understood in mirror image.
Before this closed world system fell into ruins, before the sexes
were separated from each other and the kings were buried alive
under the waters, a chaotic mass M, becoming in the general cosmic
sense did not exist. The system was sufficient for itself, which is why
this condition was described as “paradisiacal”.
Splitting in the cosmic-evolutionary sense (for the purpose of
copulative activity) means death, and this death is becoming through
unequal polarities. The Edomite world system was broken up by an
elementary catastrophe, the fluid of darkness, which is fundamentally
comparable to fire, flowed into a newly constituted universe and became
its substrate reality: the soul, which has borne the heaviest conceivable
burden ever since. The fate of the universe depends on it.
And it was the earth of the kings, the red “Phoenician” earth, that
Ha-Shem-Tetragrammaton was supposed to serve as the raw material
for the creation of this world. This is the initial mistake, the defective
Bereshith, since with it the perfect was broken and the imperfect
began to develop, to multiply, to become “God”. This may seem
“good” to the person who only has an un-actualized soul potential; he
may want to turn away from the “evil”, the “other”, the “stranger”; he
may want to demonize it. However, he is not aware of the power he is
opposing, because cosmic consciousness first means spiritual
actualization. The resulting perception of things has nothing to do
with intellectuality as defined today. On the contrary, the magically
observing and participating consciousness can be blocked by an
“intellectual” activity. Rather, this perception is close to emotion, which
is why in the case of real prophetic perception there is talk of
“rapture” or “ecstatic states of rapture,” through which the intellect is,
strictly speaking, switched off. The reason for this lies in the fact that
the observing and participating consciousness acts “mirrorless”. It
does not “accuse itself,” as one might put it in Sufic terms, because in
it the separate shadow of the ego is dissolved. It is and its actions
need no justification, none
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 137

explanation more that make up the nature of the so-called “accusing

soul”. We can call this the unfettered operation of the will above the
Abyss. And what this will allows to become manifest “here”, below the
threshold, must usually, if not always, appear contradictory.

The non-existent soul, which is the accuser of God, in this sense

the “devil,” thus has its physical expression in the anti-pi, the value
3.74. It is the initial mistake undone, the repaired Bereshith that broke
the perfect and allowed the imperfect to develop, multiply. Therefore,

The Edomite base material, the blood of kings, Dam Ha-Sheirim, is mixed
with the universal substratum and therefore represents the so-called
“heavenly” mélange:35

The Masters of the Law...are unanimous in their cosmological

commentaries: ShMIM, 'the heavens', is composed of ASh ('fire') and
MIM ('water'). By making a 'peace agreement between the two', that is,
by combining these two opposing elements together, the heavens are
created...The ontological Kabbalah resolves ShMIM into ASh and MIM,
into severity (fire) and its opposite, grace (water ). The static waters,
MIM, are set in motion by the Shin, (Sh), the letter which is the
expression of cosmic movement. The static waters, Mayim, become
dynamized and take on the name Shamayim, 'heaven'.

Cf. AD Grad, “La Kabbale du Feu,” Editions Dervy, 1998; Page 31 and 32.

Furthermore: “Thus 'heaven my throne' signals the firmament in which Jacob lives,
an exalted image of the most holy throne, so to speak.” Cf. "The Zohar", Vol. IV,
P'Qude, page 319.
138 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

The Shin that the waters on this side (inMuladhara Chakra) sets in
motion signals the sexual energy. The dynamization of the static
water ultimately leads to ejaculation in male sexuality, in which the
sperm (=Aleph) contains watery (=Mem) and fiery parts (=Shin). This
creates the soul, symbolized by the Aleph in the positive squared
Another layered Kabbalistic symbol for Edom is the name Amalek.
In the Torah this name appears in Exodus 8ff. One passage in
particular is of utmost importance in view of the magical meaning of
the moon. In 8:11 we read:

As long as Moshe kept his hand raised, Ishrael was stronger; But whenever he lowered

his hand, Amalek was stronger.

Therising and fallingof the hand is an indication of the waxing and

waning phases of the moon, the observance of which is essential for
practice, as explained in detail later in Book II.
Amalek, AiMLK, reveals itself upon closer inspection to be an
anagram of Malek Ayin, “King of Ayin.” Ayin-Malak also represents a
permutation of Ayin-Kelim, “Ayin vessels”, in which we see a direct
reference to Anti-Pi. Amalek has become one of the symbols of
Samael, and his people are spoken of in some places, albeit only

As for them (the Amalectites, transl. note), it is written: 'Whoever has

sinned against me, I will blot him out of my book (Ex. 32:33), for they
are of the seed of Amalek... It are they by whose influence the two
tables of the law were broken...'

36 Cf. “The Zohar,” Vol “. The related AiIM means “to be terrible,” “to absorb.” Cf.
Matityahu Clark, “Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew,” Feldheim
Publishers, Jerusalem 1999, page 184.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 139

The Amalectites are also traditionally referred to as desert warriors37described

on camels. So the camel, which corresponds to the letter Gimel, is their
The Gimel is the third letter of the Aleph-Beth, which is said to have its
origins in the second Sephira Binah, which belongs to the upper triad
along with Chokmah and Kether. Binah is synonymously called Dag Gadol,
“big fish,” and represents the previously mentioned 50 gates of purity and
impurity. It is the first He in YHVH. This reference point is extremely
noteworthy, because with regard to the initiatory activities of the Sitra
Achara, it is of great importance that Binah is referred to as MI, "who." MI,
with a value of 50 (the value of Yam, IM, "sea"), indicates to the Kabbalist
the "belly" from which, as is briefly commented, the "ice comes." It is
probably for this reason that MI is also called the place where the
“breaking of vows” occurred. In the context of KAPHY, this break means
nothing more than the change from Solve to Coagula.

Furthermore, it is important to note that Gimel is the one in Binah

its originhas, suggests that the sixth Sephira Tiphareth, symbolized by
the Vav as a symbol of life, transfers his grace (=water) to Malkuth, the
psycho-cosmic place where the tree of lifevice versais rooted.

Amalek, like Enosh, collectively represents antediluvian humanity,

whose Shekinah, that is, connection to the deity, is called Lilith. Lilith
symbolically refers to the double legal horizon, which is spoken of
several times in coded form in Zoharic commentaries, specifically
where reference is made to the time before the flood:38

37 What the “desert” originally means in the cosmological context becomes

clear when we consider that the Hebrew word for desert Midbar, MDBR,
comes from MDD, “measure”, “take measure”, and BR as in Bar(a ), “create/
38Cf. “The Zohar,” Vol. I, Bereshith, page 179.
140 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

In the times of Enosh, people were skilled in magic and divination, as well
as the art of controlling the heavenly forces. Adam had brought with him
from the Garden of Eden the knowledge of the 'leaves of the tree'; but he
and his wife did not use this knowledge. When Enosh came, he saw the
advantage of these arts and how the paths of the heavenly bodies could be
changed; and he and his contemporaries studied them and practiced magic
and divination. From them these arts came down to the generation of the
flood and were used for evil purposes by all the people of their time.

The Hebrew word for "leaf" is Eleh, AiLH, and not only signals to us the
Lamed, the law of rotation, but also points to another word,
pronounced Olah, meaning burnt offering, originally the union of the
two opposing forces should serve. In the context of antediluvian
humanity, it leads us to a conflict over sacrifice. As is well known, the
Ishraelites were forbidden to adopt the sacrificial practice of the
Egyptians, which is said to have consisted of sacrificing to demons and
not to God (=YHVH).
With the flood these generations were destroyed, which is what Gen. 7:23
refers to as: “And they were cut off from the face of the earth.”
As the “Zohar” further suggests39, the rabbinic side makes a certain
differentiation in the representation of pre- and post-Flood humanity,
which is of utmost importance and allows conclusions to be drawn about
the two creation sequences explained. So it is claimed that the “good” is
through the power of the letter He40been created. Regarding the
previously mentioned “mixed crowd” it can be read:41

39Cf. Ibid. Page 98.

40“These are named under the mystical symbolism of the letter He, and they
bring forth many flocks of their kind through the mystical meaning of the
letter Vav, which symbolizes the male principle, to which falls the task of
nourishing the feminine." Cf. Ibid. Vol. IV, P'Qude, page 277.
41Cf. Ibid. Vol. I, Bereshith, 105.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 141

It is she who separates the two He's of the sacred name and thus
prevents the Vav from coming between them.

And elsewhere:42

The Amalectites are those who have come from the left since the time of the
flood, those of whom it is written: 'And he cut off all life'; they are those who use
force to become leaders in the fourth exile and are enemies of Ishrael.

Cf. Ibid. Page 99.

142 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

5. Lamed: The Essence of the Law

The extraction consists in allowing the heavenly light of holiness to

descend from above and the holy sparks of light trapped in the depths
of the sheaths to rise to meet the descending light so that they elevate
and purify each other...
– Charles Mopsik, “Les Grands Texts de la Cabale”

The fourth exile is the exile of Edom, which is mystically identified with
Rome. But these antagonisms that captivate the outside world dissolve
beyond, above the Abyss. The fourth exile is said to be the last from which
Ishrael would be delivered by the power of the letters Daleth and Nun.
Daleth and Nun form the word Dan, the name of the tribe that is
traditionally assigned to the north and which, from a cosmological point
of view, corresponds to the judgment, Ha-Din (=Geburah). However, as we
have learned from numerous statements, the north is the “evil” side in the
dogma of Kabbalah, the open Beth, which is closed by the Mashiach, who
is Nachash, whereby the Other Side will be contained in this world.

The “evil” side also falls to Ishmael, the uncircumcised son of

Abraham by Hagar, the Egyptian43, whose name can also be derived
from the Hebrew word Smol, SMAL, “to the left”.

43Beyond the historical dimension of the Old Testament, which undisputedly exists,
the Greek name “Egypt” signals to us the land of Khem. In Egyptian, Khemt is the
“son and heir to the throne,” while Hemt means “copper” (=Hebrew Nehushtan/
Nachash). The succession to the throne begins at the symbolic age of 30 (=Lamed).
Khem continues to reveal itself to us as ambiguous: on the one hand it refers to
“Him whose name is unknown”, the “stranger” (=Ha-Gar), on the other hand
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 143

The apparent conflict between the two sides concerns salvation

from a condition that is the subject of this book. And indeed the
mystery of the horizon of the Two Laws is reflected in the names of
both brothers.
Since in the physics of darkness the original Torah is explained as a
dual law of rotation that can only fulfill its original function in its
entirety (i.e. in the union of both sides), it is significant to point out
that the elementary particles from which the energy constitutionthis
Universe exists, oneClockwise rotation, describe a so-called “right-
hand spin”. Analogously, everything describes itself in a certain sense
de-manifested, emerges from this continuum of space-time, or is not
present/contained in it, oneLeft turn. In this sense, Ishmael, Isaac's
uncircumcised brother, comes from the left side, which his name,
understood in Hebrew, proves.
However, contrary to what is depicted in the Zohar, the left side of
God does not signal to us "evil", but rather the other half, which has
fallen into darkness, the so-called primeval time of the deity, which
will be brought over to this side, in other words, get to the right side
of God must. Isaac seizes Ishmael:44

others also the “highest sanctuary” of the deity. The Hebrew word for Egypt is
Mizraim, MTzRIM, and refers to the left side of the Red Sea. Related to
Mitzraim (Metzarim means “torments”), MZRIM literally means “northern
Cf. Jacques Thomas, “Apercus sur l'Esotérisme de l'Histoire d'Abraham”,

Archè Milano, 2002, page 112. The number 777 is the value of Nequdah
Emtsa'itha, which means “centre point” in Arémic. We read: “The three letters
of the word matsa (mem, tsadi, ayin) are the same ones that form the word
etsem, meaning 'bone; Substance, Essence' means: These two refer directly to
an object and its inverted image reflected in a mirror." Cf. Jacques Thomas, “La
Proportion Divine”, Arche Edidit, 1993, pages 119-20.
144 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

If we use the reading ADM, Adom, instead of ADM, Adam, the expression
Pere Adom means, "wild ass"... The sum of the numerical values of
Ishmael, 451, and Pere Adom, 326, equals 777.

In contrast to the bull, which symbolizes the male in Kabbalah, the donkey
is a traditional symbol of the female. Red is the color of blood, not arterial/
venous blood, but menstrual blood. Red is therefore also the symbolic
color of thedecreasingMoon (=Cauda Draconis/Dragon's Tail45), which is
equated with the monthly bleeding of the female deity, as explained in
detail in the practical part.
The fact that one must redeem the other is proven by the Kabbalistic
profundity of the two names Ishrael and Ishmael themselves. Fire and
water are symbolized by Ishrael and Ishmael. The fire on “this” side must
redeem the lost seed on the Other Side. Ishrael therefore has the function
of redemption.
Because what distinguishes the two words from each other or how are they the
Or what does Ishmael have that Ishrael doesn't have and vice
versa? Let's look at the names:

IShRAL= 10-300-200-1-30 = 541

IShMAiAL = 10-300-40-70-1-30 = 451

From the numerical values it can already be seen that both names
are permutations of one and the same force. Both values add up to
10, ie X, so again XX (=20).
The letters Resh (=Rosh: head) in Ishrael and the Mem (from which
MAi = belly) in Ishmael testify that Ishrael is the head and Ishmael the
belly of the organism, which must work together.
What differentiates both:

45 The tail stands for the rear/back side, and therefore also for the excremental,
with which the other side is often equated. In terms of the practice of
NecroYoga, this is a reference to the lower chakras.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 145

While both names are formed from ISh, Yesh, and AL, which can be
translated as “There is Al (=YHVH),” MAi (in Ishmael) and Resh (in
Ishrael) make the difference. Read together we get like this:
MAiR46(Mar, Mor), which means “nakedness”/“cave”. It is the nakedness
that is also mentioned in the context of Noah and his three sons. Like the
three sons, the cave signals to us the moon and its three cardinal phases,
and in particular the transition from the waxing to the waning moon.
From the basic form MR, which is also contained in MAR, “hollow out”.47,
we are led to the name Moriah, MR-IH, the mountain on which, according
to Gen. 22ff, Abraham is supposed to sacrifice his son Isaac to God.
Moriah is referred to as the polar world mountain, the Hebrew Meru.48
This brings us, as if in a symbolic loop, back to the meaning of the
Qoph, which is said in the same context:49

But the 'perfection' of the number 100 appears far more clearly in the
Kabbalistic tradition, where it uses the letterQophindicates the hieroglyph
of the pole, the supreme power at the center of the world (orMalkuth).

Just as the pole is the center of the world, it is the letters MAiR that are in
the middle of the names of the two brothers Ishmael (left) and Ishrael
(right). They mark the double legal horizon, formed by Ishmael on one
side and Ishrael on the other. What separates the two is the gap, the
opening, the gateway, which is sephirotically called Daath. And between
the two laws, the Vav, as in the case of David, DVD, conveys a letter
formula that also indicates the moon. The Egyptians referred to this by
the word Tehuti/Tut/Thoth.

46 MAiR verbally means “to hollow out”. Cf. Matityahu Clark, “Etymological Dictionary
of Biblical Hebrew,” Feldheim Publishers, New York, 1999, 142.
47 Cf. Friedrich Delitzsch, “Studies on Indo-European-Semitic root relationships”,
page 71.
48Cf. Jacques Thomas, “Apercus sur l'Esotérisme de l'Histoire d'Abraham”, page 118.
49 Cf. Ibid. Page 117-18.
146 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

The Vav can therefore be described as a letter of exile and redemption. But
it is also thatExodus letter, because the number 6 stands for the
redemption of Ishrael from the darkness of Egypt, which is also Edom/Mars,
the planet that stands for “desolation” and “war,” as the “Zohar” confirms:50

…If the world had been created by the name meaning grace (YHVH), it
would have been indestructible; but since it was created by the name
signifying judgment (Elohim), 'the earth has fallen into desolations.'

But what distinguishes Edom from Adam in terms of the meaning of the word or the way it is


In Rosenroth's "Kabbalah Denudata" Edom is spelled ADVM, while

according to other sources the same word is only created by an
appropriate vocalization of ADM. Whichever of the two variants it may be
in the individual case, one thing should be noted: it is essentially about
the letter Vav, which is pronounced vocalized “O”, namely Ed-om instead
of Ad-am. So we have:

ADM (Adam)
AD VM (Edom)

Edom describes the primeval kingdom with the letter of life. Adam, on the
other hand, who, as read above and also as in the “Kabbalah Denudata”,
the Vav is missing, signals thatdefectiveKingship, the initial creation defect
in the cosmozoic organism.
The Vav, with the numerical value 6, which also stands for the initial
Bereshith, is of central importance for the interweaving of both universes. It
signals fertilization, reproduction, in one word:Life.In the “Zohar” there is the
following statement about Bereshith in the sign of 6 (=Shith).51

50“The Zohar”, Vol. I, Bereshith, page 188.

51Cf. Ibid. Page 178.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 147

He established his covenant and made the world rest upon him, as it is
written in Bereshith, in which we read Bara Shith, 'he created the
foundation...Adam broke that covenant and took it from its place...

From a magical perspective, the Vav symbolizes a force that can also be
directed “downwards” with which the Kabbalist, whose goal is to get to the
Other Side, paves the way to the Qliphoth, the kings of Edom.
As can be clearly seen from the spelling, it is the Vav in Adam/
Edom whose existence or non-existence is essentially at issue. As far
as the origin of the Hebrew letters is concerned, the Vav emerges
from the Shin, from the value that indicates the speed of light in the
physics of darkness, the limit that separates the front and back of God
in this continuum or, if this limit falls , can be put back together into a
As life, the Vav mediates life itself; it can therefore be oriented outwards in
an evolutionary way or inwards in an involutionary way. In the state of its dual
function on the dual horizon, it is the sign of the knowledge of life and death.

The creation defect, through which the kings are deprived of the
power of life, is contained in the Bereshith, which became the
expression of the initial fear, the symbol of which is the letter Pe, the
“eye of the needle” (=access to paradise), which comes from the
Hebrew Achad, AChD, “unity”, Pachad, PChD, “fear” makes. The
expression of this cosmic fear is the so-called Tzimtzum52, which is
described in the Lurian Kabbalah as “God’s self-limitation”. The
negative existent withdrew within itself, leaving an empty space in
which to pour out ten Sephirothic force fields. This act represents the
foundation of psychological evolution in the universe.

52The Hebrew word Tzimtzum can be explained as follows: TzMM + ZV, which
literally means “squeeze-come out.” TzM is the “hunt for water”, TzVM is translated
as “abstinence from water or food”. Cf. Jeff A. Benner, “The Ancient Hebrew Lexicon
of the Bible,” page 235. The water is the mem, the solar fuel that is “redistributed”
through the tzimtzum. The “hunt for water” also points to the desert symbolism
and the 40-year desert wandering of the Ishraelites (40 is the value of the meme) in
the Old Testament.
148 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

6. YHVH: The Mother of the Elohim

Make yourself a snake and hang it on a flagpole! Anyone who is bitten

will stay alive if they look at them.
– Numbers 21:8

The well-known Kabbalist and physicist Aryeh Kaplan came to the conclusion
that the three mother letters Aleph, Mem, Shin, which in Physics of Darkness
indicate the universal matrix, guard an even deeper mystery than
Tetragrammaton/YHVH itself. He thereby expressed a fundamental
cosmological one Truth.
The AMSh sequence, which gives E = MC², is a variable, meaning
that the speed of light only varies within a certain space-timeExistence
breadthis constant. The light (= subtle sexual energy), symbolized by
the Trinitarian letter Shin, which indicates a universal rotational force,
sets the mass M in motion. This movement initiates an evolution in
the dimension of the soul, in which ultimately every “external”
evolution has its origin. In KAPHY, evolution is primarily of a
psychological nature. In contrast, there is also an involutional
movement that leads to a reduction in the speed of light and a
transition to a supraluminous continuum in which the particles move
faster than light (in relation to space-time). The zero point, which also
means zero speed, is the “hidden” pole that has been mentioned
several times. Once this point is reached, the legal horizon turns into
its opposite: the centrifugal light becomes an entity whose nature is
indicated by the Hebrew word QDRVTh, where QDR is the root and
VTh stands for the feminine plural. In contrast, the word Elohim, from
ILAi, “worm,” has a masculine plural ending. issued
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 149

Based on the permutability of the AMSh sequence and the creation

criteria contained in its matrix, a universe emerges.
Expressed in language, AMSh gives rise to the word Shem(ash), “sun”.
The same applies to the soul, which represents the microcosmic, inner
sun, which is therefore also called the Black Sun. The fundamental
impetus for interstellar evolution is the Bereshith, which, as we have seen,
is actually reflected on the Dual Horizon. That means ittwo Bereshiths,
there are two beginnings, of which, if we want to use this space and time
concept as an explanatory model, there are two arrows of timeopposite
directionsmove. One arrow leads into the light, the other into the
darkness or vice versa. The pivotal point is the zero point (=Ayin = 0).

We have seen that the Kabbalah uses the name Amalek alongside
Seir or Samael as a collective name for the Sitra Achara and the kings
of Edom. Amalek lets himself inAyin vessel(=opened,nobroken vessel),
which Amalek also equates with the zero point, the nucleus of cosmic
matter. It has already been explained that Edom/ADVM means Adam
with the integrated letter of life. But there is another dimension of
meaning to this name, which can be derived from the Assyrian
language. Etymologists call this the Assyrian Udumi/Udumu, from
which Adam(u) arose. However, let's go further back in linguistic
history to Sumerian, which was famously revered as a "holy" liturgical
language by the early Semitic peoples such as the Akkadians,
Babylonians and Assyrians.
If we read Udumu/Udumi in Sumerian, we get the meaning of Ud-
umu, which consists of Ud and Umu, which have the following

U(d)-tu: sunset, name of the underworld53

Ud: (to) rise; Storm, reddened54

53Friedrich Delitzsch, “Sumerian Glossary”, Leipzig, 1914, pages 44 and 45.

54 Cf. B. Hübner, A. Reizammer, “Inim Kiengi - Sumerian-German Glossary”, Vol. II,
Marktredwitz, page 1095.
150 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Udu: sheep/goat
Umu: Mother55
Umun: blood, tissue, swamp56

The sheep of the underworld signals Tiamat (= Egyptian Maat), Umma

Hubur, the “ewe”, but also the mother of Sirius, since the sheep/goat
became the great Sirius symbol after the flood.
If we translate Ud-umu, which is contained in "Udug" and means
"demon," as "storm," we get "Storm Mother," which makes a direct
reference to a rare but well-known kabbalistic reading of Bereshith:
Be-Rashid, “in the vortex.”
It should be noted here that Rashid can also be read Ra-Shed, so
we come to another, deeper translation, which is: Be-Ra (=RAi)-Shed/
Be-Shed-Ra (=RAi), " in the Shed vortex of the Other Side”.

Shed, Hebrew “demon,” is Shaddai without Yod, which collectively denotes

the Sitra Achara without the Yod point that leads into spatiotemporal
The vortex or rotational movement that constitutes the Torah in its
entirety represents the initial creative power, the will of God, which
Sephiroth corresponds to Chokmah Ha-Ratzon, i.e. can be referred to
one of the two Sephiroth, between which one of the 22 channels,
symbolized by the Shin (= root function of the speed of light).
Shed consists of Shin and Daleth, i.e. the fire letter, which also
stands for sexual energy in the human dimension, and the Daleth,
which we have already described elsewhere as the resistance of light
against darkness. Shed combines the practice of NecroYoga in a very
compact way. The Daleth is bent over the Shin. A Resh is created and
subsequently a Qoph, which is the means of breaking through the
waters of the flood. Since Chokmah indicates the magical will, the
successful practitioner succeeds using the power of Shin (=666).

55Cf. Ibid. Page 1118.

56Cf. Ibid. Page 1119.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 151

to manipulate the will of the deity, which consists in what is referred to as the
Storm/Bereshith. The number 666, which corresponds to the three-armed
Shin, but not the four-armed Shin, therefore stands for the sexual power of
the so-called beast, which corresponds kabbalistically with the Nephesh, about
which more will be said in Book II. It is important that Shin as the 21st letter
does not complete the Aleph-Beth. This only happens through the Tav,
symbolized by the cross. So it is an essential part of the Draconic practice to
negate the cross subtlety (as far as the Muladhara chakra is concerned), to
thwart the plan of the light. Instead of the cross of light, the cross of darkness
should be placed, which the Kabbalah addresses with the following words:57

The Tav became the “seal” of the “Royal Ring”. It guards the "Qliphoth"
and prevents their dominance over "Kedushah", so that the Qliphoth
cannot be fed by the Tav... Additionally, the "Tav" is the seal of
"Moveth" (Death), i.e. the "Tav" ends that Word “Moveth”, MVTh.
Through his power, death came into the world and man became
subject to him, because the serpent forged the signature of the “Tav”...

In other words, the Beth (=Muladhara Chakra) must be left open until,
according to the “Zohar,” the “ideal figure of Satan” is animated to
emerge from the black earth.58
The vortex can be E/Aleph or E/Ayin, positive-evolutionary or
negative-involutonary. The element air, which turns the fire into a
vortex, is of crucial importance: the aleph.
In the Trinitarian interdependence of the elements, Aleph stands
for air, Mem for water and Shin for fire. These three interact, creating
energy in which all three elements are contained in transmuted form.
Energy exists in this kabbalistic-physical sense

57Cf. Rabbi Simon Bar Yochai, “An Essay about Letters from the Preface to the Book of the
Zohar,” trans. and ed. by Rabbi Levy Krakovsky.
58 Cf. Carlo Suarès, “Le Cantique des Cantiques”, Editions Mont-Blanc, 1969, page 64.
152 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

i.e. from fire (Sh), water (M), air (A), the latter being, according to the
Sepher Yetzirah, the element that represents the “scales of God.” For
this reason, Aleph-Air is also used in the context of the KAPHY Air or
ether, Hebrew Avir, AVIR59, whose positive real value in A = MSh²
indicates a Bereshith.
The other Bereshith, resulting from the Dark Torah, leads us to a
negatively real Aleph, an Ayin, whose nature is that of fire. The
essence of both forces is the vorticular movement, symbolized by the

Aleph ether represents a positive vortex, Ayin fire a negative

vortex. Only both together perfect the hexagram of the animal (=
Shin / sexual force), from which we see that the hexagon, which
consists in the interpenetration of the two genders, is for both
Universe of light, as well as the universe of darkness.
Be-Rashid means a vortex activity caused by the interaction of fire,
water and ether, reflected at the Yod point, the double apex of two
triangles or a double pyramid:60

The fire is 'up'. It appears at the cardinal point of the north. The water,
on the other hand, appears at the opposite point, the south. It is the air
that unites the fire with the water by being 'in the middle', something
that is clearly explained in the Scriptures: 'And the breath of God
passed over the waters (Genesis 1: 2).

But what do Aleph air and Ayin fire, united in the X-Glyph, ultimately
point to?
On the one hand, they form the archetype of the soul, whose function is
“memory”. On the other hand, we can state in the context of KAPHY:
The point where the two halves of the law come together means

59 In comparison, Aor, AVR, “light,” is written without Yod.

60Cf. Carlo Suarès, “La Kabbale du Feu”, page 51.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 153

The light fertilizes the darkness. YHVH, permuted from AMSh,

releases phallic-fertilizing energy into the matrix, forming a field
called memory, which is morpho-genetic in nature. This memory field
is the nucleus in which all the creation criteria necessary for individual
evolution are stored. The Kabbalists call this nucleus Luz, LVZ, “core” (=
essence/bone/concentration), from which we derive the name
The nucleus spoken of here exists at the center of matter. It forms
their individual gravitational core, also expressed as the AL-LA
When we talk about “storage,” we have arrived at an important key
term that, perhaps like no other, underlines the errors in
contemporary physics that arise from the taboo nature of the Other
Side. And this concerns the word Tohuvabohu, which is incorrectly
translated as “chaos”.
Tohu-va-bohu means Tohu “and” Bohu in Hebrew, combining two
words in one. The link between the two words is a Vav, the Vav that is
missing from Adam.
Tohu, ThHV, or its spelling variants Toha, Tohh, in its first meaning
mean “to look deeply” or “to look”.61
For this reason, Tohu can be related to Chokmah, the Sephira, through
which God creates the cosmic worldperceives.
It is only in its broader meaning that Tohu is given the word
“desolate”. In this way, the eye (=Ayin/Ain) in turn becomes a symbol
of the desert, a collective name for everything that exists beyond
conventional human sensory perception: “desert”, whose ship is the
camel, symbol of transcendence, symbolized by the Gimel, has

Cf. M. Jastrow, “Dictionary of the Targumim, Talmud Babli, Yerushalmi and


Midrashic Literature,” New York 1996, page 1648.

The Holy Quran, Sura 7:73.
154 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

Now a clear sign has come to you from your Lord! This camel of Allah is
a sign for you: let it graze on Allah's land and do not harm it, or a
terrible punishment will come upon you.

The Kabbalah, on the other hand, stigmatizes the camel as a symbol

of “evil”, Hebrew Ha-Ra, although this word, if we look at it free of
taboos, leads us further to RAI, “see”. This fact is given expression in
the “Zohar,” where it clearly states:63

The starting point for the stages of existence of the evil side, which is the
beginning of the external, has the shape of the head of a man riding a

The second word in Tohuvabohu is Bohu, which literally translates to

“chaotic”; The phonetic variants Bohh, Boha or Bohi, on the other hand,
are more clearly translated as “broken in”, “break out” in the sense of “to
Tohuvabohu does not mean chaos in the general sense of the
word, but it can be translated as:Look-and-Share or Deep Look-and-
In the context of KAPHY, this means that that which is capable of
seeing the depths of the Godhead is broken and needs to be put back
If we use appropriate progressive terminology, Tohuvabohu is the
result of a creation defect whereby the perceptual organ of God, the
soul, which is the cosmozoic sensorium, fell into the now substratic
fluid, the matric waters of the Solar Principle. This soul organ is only
empowered through the knowledge of the deity, through its own
seeing, its suprasensory perception, through its observation

63Cf. “The Zohar”, Vol. IV, P'Qude, page 324.

64Cf. “Dictionary of the Targumim, Talmud Babli, Yerushalmi and Midrashic
Literature,” page 142.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 155

to participate in shaping reality. It may only be unclear in language,

but all of this - knowledge, observation-participation, memory - are
means of an energy exchange that was interrupted by the rupture of
the vessels. The task of the Ish Tam, the Cosmic Man, is to undo this
state of mental brokenness and disruption. This Ish Tam, which
represents Yod and Shin in their pure whirlwindness, however, has no
human identity, although it is the human shell of the practitioner of
NecroYoga in which this function must be re-actualized in order to
positively effect the breakthrough.
It is the original task of the Bohu to inform the Tohu, for Bohu is
the matrix from which individual creation criteria are updated. For this
reason it can also be read Bo Hu, which translated and related to
YHVH means: “He (daughter) and Vav (son) are in it.”
As far as the necessary repair of wholeness is concerned, Bohu
represents what has been taken from becoming and re-integrated into
being. This becoming, the moving light, serves the purpose of informing,
accumulating information through the functioning of the second and
third Sephira. However, this does not apply to every type of information,
but only to the information that could be inscribed in the nucleus of
matter. For this reason, this nucleus (=Luz) is described as a book.
As a rule, the human individual only has “unconscious” access to
this nucleus, but can gain temporary access to it through extreme
The human being has access to the Bohu via the instance of the soul,
in other words he can supply information to the Bohu dimension of his
soul. But this can only be information that is energetically transmutable.

The Kabbalah implies that Tohu, which also represents the ten
Sephiroth in their pre-worldly state of negatively curved space, was
connected to Bohu, with Tohu collectively representing the world of
demons beneath the waters of Torah:65

Cf. AD Grad, “La Kabbale du Feu,” pages 49-50.

156 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

The Zoharic account states that the word ChShK (darkness) denotes the
sacred fire, which is of celestial origin and was nebulous and dark in
the first days of the universe. Therefore, the script uses ThHVM (Abyss),
because it is composed of the letters that form ThHV (Tohu); it is
completed by the end meme (M), which is intended to alert us that the
holy but nebulous fire covers the demons indicated by ThHV; At the
same time, however, the pure proportion of matter is also signaled
through the meme.

Chashekah, ChShK, is what has become formulaically visible as QDRVTh

through the transmutation of Special Relativity into the language of
In Tehom, ThHV-M, the Tohu world is expressed, which is limited by
the Mem. This meme is the Tohu-va-Bohu, negatively and positively
curved space in one dimension, which corresponds to the state of being
What is created is Bohu information, which is absorbed into the
Tohu world and which serves as the formative basis of the future
world. Bohu can be equated with Adam, who has lost the Vav
dimension of connection. He was once Edom, a universal information
carrier that had a reparative function. But then he himself became the
subject of reparations, which is his drama.
Without Bohu the Tohu cannot exist, but at the same time it exists. A
paradox that arises beneath the Abyss. Perhaps the following words
indicate his enlightenment:
Tohuvabohu is what it is because otherwise it wouldn't be the same. Another
analogy to Tohu and Bohu is “emptiness” and “fullness.” Tohu is the emptiness,
the absence of the light of the aberrative deity. “Empty” is creation, that which
is created and therefore emptied of energy. This is based on the cosmological
insight that any form is the death of energy, and the death of any form is living
energy. Emptiness is therefore the death of energy, energy emptiness. Since only
in being does all energy exhaust itself and bind itself creatively, emptiness is
therefore also form. Just as there is no nothing, there is no emptiness per se. The
cosmozoon is therefore emptiness,
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 157

in terms of energy, abundance, in terms of form. If we relate

becoming and being to death and life, as happened above, the
“emptiness” represents becoming, absolute being, in which the
subject of the knowing light has become its own object.
“Emptiness” is in relation to the fullness by which we must understand the
universe in the Bohu state. Bohu is the chaotic information potential located at
the beginning of this universe; simply because it represents the potential to be
exploited. Becoming and being therefore primarily represent a combination of
purposes. Or to put it another way: This purpose, which is divided into two
purpose carriers, is the basis of cosmozoic functions. There is no becoming
without prior being, which consists in the continuous regression of what has
become. Becoming is to be understood as an effect, being as a cause.

While Bohu is the becoming, the moving, Tohu signals to us the

unmoving as long as it is not connected to Bohu. This may once again
make it clear what consequences the Shevirat Ha-Kelim has for the
Tohu world. Because Tohu remains “empty” until it can be filled up by
the inflow of Bohu. Or: Being cannot become and thus close the cycle
of becoming. To do this, both must be linked via the dual horizon, via
both modes of operation of the Torah, which represents the “universal
Man, in his physical form, represents the greatest possible limitation
of Adamic existence. The more he succeeds in looking inward, in shifting
his sensorium inward (through the opening of the eye of knowledge), he
removes himself from the constraints of this limitation , he recognizes the
inner space, the flow of time, the threshold. If he can cut through the
veiling waters with a concentrated look of the eye as with a sword, he has
become the Lord of Life, whose symbol the Vav is traditionally considered.

Man is because he should not be; Where he is not, the Cosmic

Man, Hebrew Ish Tam (=Ha-Yasher), has taken his place, who is no
longer human in the anthropological sense.
This Cosmic Man is called Shaitan.
158 Book I: The Physics of Darkness

He is the person whose sensory instruments have been expanded

to include the vital organ, who has become one again with his own
God-knowing soul. Their great symbol is the opening to the source of
themselves, is the eye that opens at the top of the pyramid (=Ha-
Shem) and whose gaze can illuminate the depths and heights of
existence. This Cosmic Man is “knowledge” for the deity because he
has become its transmitter. And at the same time a builder, a builder
of the light darkness that shines like a star that is not a star.
Part V: The Sacred – Reconstructed by the Demons 159



1. Aleph 1 Taurus, thrust force, phallic energy
2. Beth 2 house, transition
3. Gimel 3 Camel, moon
4. Daleth 4 Door, resistance
5. Hey 5 Seed, opening
6. Vav 6 Nail, axle, phallus
7. Zayin 7 Weapon, sword, Shabbath
8th. Cheth 8th enclosure, paradise, wholeness
9. Teth 9 worm, centripetality
10. Yod 10 Point, hand, moon
11. Kaph 20, 500 Hand surface, cavity, cave
12. Lamed 30 worm (staff), leader, teaching
13. meme 40, 600 water, wave, belly
14. Well 50, 700 Fish, son, backbone
15. Samekh 60 vulva
16. Ayin 70 Eye, hole, gate
17. Pe 80, 800 Mouth, mouth
18. Tzaddi 90, 900 Fishhook, Jupiter
19. Qoph 100 Back of the head, backwards, concentration
20. Resh 200 head, peak
21. Shin 300 Tooth, word, fire
22. Tav 400 cross, intersection,
Part I: The Other Gate of God 161

Book II:
162 Book II: NecroYoga
Part I: The Other Gate of God 163

part One

The Other Gate of God

1. The call from the abyss

Do what Tohu wants, shall be the Hole of the Law.

– Motto of the Contre initiation

What was explained cosmologically in “Physics of Darkness”, the

theoretical part of NecroYoga, now finds its sexual magical
counterpart in the course of this second book. For this reason,
reference will be made again and again to the essential subject areas
discussed above.
Despite man's intention to (re)establish a harmony of things, there
is: conflict. Darkness against light, order against chaos,ifwe want to
understand the words correctly. But the fear of this conflict has its
origins at the threshold of the worlds, where the Adamic subtlety
begins in the form of seven energy centers. The place of this
beginning is marked: with a cross. “Good” and “evil” are generated
from this fear and begin to take on a dangerous life of their own. All
religions that man has ever created are subject to this banishing
power of fear. It is reflected in the dissonance between worlds since
the collapse of the prototypical cosmosCosmozoon, born again and
again. And there is only one way to practically conquer this fear...
164 Book II: NecroYoga

She is the unwanted child of a cosmic catastrophemagical We want to

shed more light on the causes in the course of the following observations
before we get to the practical, auto-tantric part.
Fear, which according to HP Lovecraft is the “first” of all emotions, can
also be the common thread that leads the practitioner into their own
present. Once he has reached the location of this cosmic centrifugal force
within himself, the task is to magically close the face of fearcancel. It is
precisely this ambiguity that is expressed by the Hebrew word pachad,
“fear.” His Pe symbolizes the opening that crosses in two directions. His
Achad points to the unity that can be achieved through this crossing.

Or Pachad can mean the exact opposite...

It is important to note at this point: The balance of the forces of light
and darkness, which is generally considered the goal of magical work,
primarily serves to maintain entropic, i.e. disordered states, but not the
revelation of the divine per se, that's just it can exist in its entirety.
Because the current state of the elements is an odd bipolar one, and
therefore “chaotic”. The fact that this odd polarity has also propagated
into the terrestrial cosmos, i.e. onto this earth, will become apparent later
more historicalConsiderations explained in more detail.
The revelation of the divine per se occurs only at the highest level
of curvature (and concentration), as already discussed in the context
of the Hebrew letter Qoph. It is based on minimal or even absent
entropy. NecroYoga can therefore also be justified as thatBlack hole
magicbe referred to as:
If we remember the terms with which the “darkness” is usually
characterized, we also come to the so-called “outside”:
Evil is “outside”, in an “outer darkness”, it is said in many writings
that can be assigned to different traditions. This “being outside”
actually refers to the “out of body”, to somethingExtra-terrestrialin the
original sense of the word.
The one in the darkness of this “out-of-body”because not contained in this
spacetime, decayed worm, which represents the archetype of universal
intelligence, is locatedbelowof the Muladhara Chakra, whereby the word
“earth” that corresponds to this chakra is also the cosmos itself.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 165

This base chakra, to which the red thread of fear in a positive sense
is supposed to lead, is also thethreshold, theBarrier of light, the
foundationthisUniverse that needs to be transformed internally. The
terrestrial worm that exists in the organism, the Kundalini/Shakti,
guards the threshold of the sun. This threshold represents the
fortification of “God against evil,” as it is expressed Kabbalistically and
dogmatically. And this is a key term, because the sun (Sanskrit:
Brahma = Hebrew:Abraham), the light itself, which was previously
spoken of in Book I of the theory as E = MC², refers to the watery-soul
veil (hydrogen) that covers the deity with the onset of the cosmic flood
in its entiretylaid. Inside is like outside: in the human body is the
house of this deityabdominal. The Kabbalistic name for this is Beth
Ha-Rachim, “House of the Belly.” This area of the body is therefore
traditionally equated with the element of water.
In this respect we have oneclosedsubtle system, which means: The
flood closes the human organism between the Muladhara and Ajna
chakra. It marks the boundary, the guarded threshold between the
universe as it appears to the space-time sensory apparatus and the
universe as it exists beyond it. The flood imprisons the Kundalini,
which is supposed to mediate between what is “here” and what is on
the other side. Therefore, if the Kunda worm is inactive, the threshold
cannot be released and exceeded. The symbol that the openingThis is
what this traditionally closed chakra system symbolizesHole. It is not
just its simplest representation, it is reality, or can be reality,
analogous to a deepening consciousness. We find the hole, which is
the same as revelation, represented in different forms, for example in
the symbolism of the well of life or death, which is spoken of in
Sufism, for example. According to tradition, this well is said to be
located in the south of Arabia, more precisely where Yemen is today.

Yemen, Arabic al-Yamaniyya, is one of the ancient Arabic

astronomical symbols for Sirius. According to Islamic tradition,
heavenly wisdom also comes from this region of the earth.
Muhammad's mysterious companion named Uways is also said to
come from the so-calledArabia Petreahave come.
166 Book II: NecroYoga

The well that the traditions speak of actually symbolizes the hole,
the mouth of the worm, Egyptian Tepht, from which the Kabbalistic
Tiphareth, the name of the 6th Sephira, was later derived. In the
Sephirothic system it stands for the central star of the sun, and from a
cosmic perspective it symbolizes both the stellar world and its
opposite, as human language reveals: the black hole.
While the world of suns, which may be revealed to the space-time
senses, means high entropy, a black hole signals to us the exact opposite.
Solar abundance contrasts with non-solar emptiness. Transferred to the
human dimension, life and death appear as antagonisms, because for the
language of symbolism the abundance of sunlight always means life, its
absence always means shadow and death. While the sun represents the
fullness of life, the hole, the open mouth of the worm, is a symbol of
death, the devourer of light and the solar worlds. The light that the sun
gives off disappears into the opening of the “reptile” and is devoured by it.
Many myths have taken up this contrast in a more or less inaccurate and
distorting way. In human consciousness, these cosmic opposites became
manifest and intuitively transferred to the sun and moon at an early point
in evolution. So the sun became the manifestation of the male principle,
the moon the manifestation of the female principle, in the sexual magic
context we find both references again as phallus and cteis or penis and
These are manifestations of one and the same basic cosmological
situation, the manifestations of which we also find in the subtle
human organism. In the language of Kabbalah, Tiphareth is the
central star, which in the rabbinic misinterpretation is associated with
todaysun is equated. Transferred to the conventional chakra state, the
sixth Sephira covers the black hole or blocks the transition to the
negative, because absorbing, forces on the back of the kabbalistic
tree. This transition is known to be indicated by the eleventh Sephira
Referring back to the physics of darkness, this means that the traditional
chakra state of man is subject to the space-time curvature, that is, the so-
called “visible” state that can be perceived with the space-time senses.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 167

ren” universe. If it were otherwise, the Other Side would be equal in

space and timesensorybeing visible. Since the perceptual organs of all
species develop according to external circumstances, human senses
are also adapted and limited. They come from terrestrial evolution
and their integration into the physical cosmos.
TheopenedThe state of this subtle system, in which Tiphareth = Daath
= hole, corresponds to what has been physically referred to as a black
hole. If we speak of Daath and Tiphareth, we are talking about the
Sephirothic axis, which runs through Kether-Daath-Tipharet-Malkuth,
whereby Tiphareth, the sixth of the eleven Sephiroth, corresponds to the
letter Vav, which itself has become a symbol of the axial dimension, since
it essentially consists of just a vertical line. It should be noted at this point:
Both chakra states have to do with the axis of the Sephiroth or their
position in the overall system.
But what does this tell us about a secret chakra practice called
Just like a black hole in this universe via aIntermediate sphere, which is
connected to the “Schwarzschild Radius” already mentioned in Book I, the
base chakra can be connected to the Other Sideconnectedbecome. This
corresponds to breaking up thehuman-divine cycle, the opening of the
gateway to the Other Side, into the anti-material before and after world of the
In the conventional state, with conventional chakra polarity, the
worm's mouth is closed. His aeon, how to get in theTyphonian or
Draconic magicexpresses, is quasi-existent. It exists and does not
exist, always in relation to the cognizing consciousness. His word
remains unspoken for this world if it cannot be received chakraically.
It does not reach into the spatiotemporal-material organism; which is
why it needs an extension to root it “here” on this page.1

Cf. the term Umr at-Tawil, translated by HP Lovecraft as “extension of life” in


“Through the Gates of the Silver Key”.

168 Book II: NecroYoga

This quasi-existence corresponds entirely to a black hole as known

to physics today. Between it and the physically determined universe,
space-time, there is a buffer zone, the aforementioned Schwarzschild
radius. When the light enters this radius,freezesit for the uninvolved
observer within the same space-time. In the absence of a (magical)
explanation, physics says that matter would become infinitely heavy.
This postulated infinite gravity, which can no longer be measured and
verified physically alone, is a paraphrase for the transformation of the
individualized spatio-temporal material existence into an anti-,
different-material holistic form of life. Infinite gravity means nothing
more than holistic consciousness.
In the human organism, analogously, it is the waters of the flood in the
abdominal area thathave to freezeto get onecoagulatedto give mass. The
original meaning of the word Kabbalah can also be found here: Derived from
the letter root QBL, which stands for Qibel, on the one hand it means
“receive”, on the other hand it signals the condensation, the coagulation (Q) of
the House of the Serpent, Beth Lamed.
This spherical mass created by coagulation corresponds to the
highest curvature, which overrides the basic entropic situation of the
inner universe. This spherical mass has been compared to an inner
sun. If we want to talk about sun, the term would be Black sun
appropriate, because the light that this spherical mass emits is an
“external” light compared to the light that is perceptible to the
outwardly directed human sensorium, an invisible black light. It's an
anti-light. In Sufism it is referred to as the light at the entrance to the
polar dimension or for short asPolar lightdescribed.2And the pole
basically signals to us the phase change or polarity reversal of a given
“Sphere” means basicallyrotation. So we are dealing with a change
in the polar state and the Draconic traditions speak of the one who
reaches this state

2Cf. Henry Corbin, “The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism,” Omega Publications, 1994.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 169

located in the gravitational region of the Moon, which represents the

planetary gateway to the Other Side. The other side is represented
planetarily by Mars/Samael, so the moon represents, so to speak, a
local Schwarzschild radius at which the male and female light can be
polarized. This polarization is the main component of theRite of the
Silver Key(Page 283), as presented in the third part of this second
If the inner radius, which I have called the “double law horizon”, is
exceeded, the kundalini is reducedbelow, from spacetime pulled out.
Like the light in the black holerises, into thisre-integrated the human
being connects via the Kunda wormShekinah of the Inner Worldto the
reality beyond. A primeval cycle can be re-actualized and its
consciousness can unfold. TheearthlyWorm is reconnected to the
primal circle of life of the Cosmic Animal, which is symbolized by the
number/glyph 8. It has therefore become the symbolic number of the
Egyptian “Am-Smen”, the original paradise in which the sons of
immobility exist who were conceived before the light. This is what
ancient Egyptian sources say.3
This coupling results inNetworking(symbolized by that
X) two parts of the world that are out of balance. This is one of the
ancient symbols of darknessArachnid, at the same time a meaning of
the word Umma Hubur, literally “Mother Hubur”, which the Akkadians
and Babylonians used as a synonym for Tiamat. It can be derived from
the Sumerian (lu)Hubbu, meaning “weaver,” which brings us back to
the term Edom, which can be translated from the Akkadian Udumu,
“mother sun.”
In NecroYoga the black hole does not arise as an incomprehensible,
extra-physical quantity, but asStar of stars, as theUndead star at the
bottom of all material configurations. At the same time, he is the
prototype of all energetic networkingUndead soul of the world, the corpse
or mouth star called Tiamat, as the Babylonians called him.4

3 Cf. Gerald Massey, “A Book of the Beginnings,” London, 1881.

4Cf. Alexander Heidel, “The Babylonian Genesis,” Chicago, 1951, page 84.
170 Book II: NecroYoga

In the Babylonian religion, Tiamat/Umma Hubur was also briefly

called theMother of snakes(Worms), which is the essence of...Hyper
space is described succinctly when we consider that it is a worm
whose original task of creation was thrown out of balance by a cosmic
catastrophe and its splitting into two unequal halves. We have a
reminder of this universal task in the Hermes staff5infront of us.
There are two worms that were originally one worm, one universe.
One is born, the other remains in the darkness, remaining unborn to this
world, unrevealed as long as the gate of Tiphareth does not open, as long
as the solar veil of the waters is not pierced as with a needle by the will of
the practitioner. Here we also have the prototype of the two mythical
brothers (Isaac-Ishmael, Jacob-Esau), from the Old Testament, who are
engaged in a battle for the firstborn. This has already been written about
in the theoretical part of this book.
The opening of the snake or worm's mouth was originally a symbol of a
supernatural revelation. In the ancient serpent cult, the location of the oracle
itself was a large opening in the earth, such as in the famous Delphi.6
. . . Memories of the divine.
As physicists have discovered, solar fire bends space in a certain
way. Space-time itself is the result of a curvature, for which the worm
and later the snake have been intuitively used as symbols since
ancient times. The American physicist JK Harms describes black holes
as “imbalances” in the curvature of space.

5The Greek word Hermes is derived from the Persian Kermes, which literally
means “worm.” The root word is KRM or KRS, which we also find in the word
Krishna, the ancient Indian prototype for Christ, which, as can be seen from
the writings of Augustine, was originally described as a phoenix-like “worm”.
The wisdom saying comes from Emperor Zeno: “Christus non imago, sed
6 Delph = uterus. The triangle and delta, Hebrew Daleth, also signal the vulva. In
ancient and modern times, incest with the mother represents theregressus ad
uterum. Cf. Mircea Eliade, “Forgerons et Alchemistes”, Flammarion, 1977, pages
33-34, 132.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 171

mung. They influence space-time and are even said to emit sub-
atomic waves into the space-time that surrounds them at certain
cyclical intervals. One influences the other without either reaching a
state of equilibrium. This is the drama of the external world. The
cosmos emerged from within, so the only way to change its dramatic
basic situation is to go to the source of the primeval catastrophe. The
path leads inwards, away from the external sensorium of human
existence and towards oneotherssensuality buried deep in the brain;
as deeply buried under the evolutionary sediment of millions of years
as the Other Side is under the waters of the Flood.

It all depends on the curvature:

Whether a star explodes into a nova or implodes into a neutron
star or a black hole depends on the surface tension or the respective
curvature of space. A form of “veneration” is shown to black holes by
some physicists, for example when we hear from Kip Thorne that a
black hole represents “simplicity incarnate” par excellence. In contrast,
as Archibald Wheeler put it, the entropic universe is nothing more
than “the totality of lost information”; Gravity would arise from
pressure imbalances and, in Kabbalistic-physical terms, would
essentially consist of the anomalistic dissonance of Solve and Coagula.
The curvature of space caused by the pressure is repeatedly forced
towards zero by a counterforce, whereby the solar fire, a star in other
words, tries to reduce the curvature (inwards, the negative curvature)
and thereby increase the entropy.

Instinctively - or knowingly - insights such as the statements above

flowed into humanity's first myths; but just as these two forces
confront each other “here” on this side of the threshold, trying to
“outdo” each other, certain profound cosmological insights that are
connected to them have been repeatedly pushed into obscurity or
oblivion. One of the two sides was tabooed, manipulated and
ultimately demonized.
172 Book II: NecroYoga

The more solar fire is created, the higher the entropy, the disorder,
of the universe. The opposite, the anti-material world, represents one
incarnatedSimplicity, it is order in an exalted magical sense. This
incarnatedSimplicity prevails in KabbalahCold and icesymbolized. For
the traditional authors of the “Zohar,” cold signals “evil” and thecosmic
north, in which, astronomically speaking, the sun begins its
retrograde course. It is therefore said that suns die in the north and
come to life in the south. In complete contrast to the Kabbalistic
dogma, the cosmic north in Sufism represents the initiation par
excellence, because it is there where alone the Polar Light of
Transition shines and leads the practitioner into the presence of God.
The conflict that forms the cosmological basis of the Physics of
Darkness and NecroYoga concerns the gods and their generations, but as
explained at the beginning of Book I, this conflict, which originally
occurred only in the world of the soul, is extended to the external one
passed over to humanity. He not only reached matter and space-time, but
penetrated them. It was transferred to humans because, as the Kabbalah
confirms, humans share a line of descent with Adam. Kenneth Grant

In the rabbinic tradition it is claimed that Samael descended with his

hosts and sought on earth a companion who was like him... Samael is
the serpent who fathered Eve Cain before copulating with Adam (with
humanity). . Eva then introduced the foreign virus into humanity...
Samael stayed with Eva for a long time, who had many children from
him, although they did not have a human form.

A cosmic conflict propagates into the dimensions of space-time and

repeatedly takes on a threatening form for the existing “order” if
humans fearfully surrender to the existing dissonance of the
elemental forces.

7 Cf. Kenneth Grant, “Beyond the Mauve Zone,” Starfire Publishing, London, 1999, page
Part I: The Other Gate of God 173

There was a case that only the soul remembers, and there is a case
that humanity remembersshouldn't remember. It concerns the
intellectual grasp of a mental event. But the human intellect is too far
removed from what it calls the soul but is never able to grasp. The
suffering of the soul resulting from the catastrophe is unknown to its
binary structure and the processing mechanisms that result from it.
His language, which equally comes from the binary, is not the
language of the soul, which communicates directly through symbols.
Their world is a magical one, just as the things that move this and
other worlds within are magical. Even if the cosmic-creative magic is a
profoundly black magic; even if the light itself is the result of a black
incantation, the scope of which can only be understood by the soul
itself. The universe is, in its ultimate depths, a magical event, and
man's only means of access is his own sexuality, the only truly magical
power he possesses. This is the reason why they are taboo in most
religions. The Babylonians were still aware of the magical event of
creation, for the rebellion of the Light Forces against the Sons of the
Eightfold Night, as expressed in the language of the "Enuma Elish",
which will be examined in detail in Part II, is called "Sound", " Ton”,
“noise”, short asvibrationdescribed. This vibration, which emerged
from a harmonious original collective of forces, was given the name
incantation, so we can say that this universe is essentially an
incantation. In space-time, the forces spoken of here can be invoked,
among other things, through the means of language, science, but
also through the means of sexuality. Of all that can be used as a
means of conjuring, it is the sexual force that is closest to the origin.

It can be stated without a doubt that the last millennia that make up
the known “history of humanity” represent nothing more than the
attempt of the intellect to understand the spiritual information about that
event of spiritual significance and to put it into (binary) word constructs.
The result of this attempt is the religions as we know them today, which
are unfortunately only characterized by the inability of the human intellect
to recognize the soul itself and about this subtle organ
174 Book II: NecroYoga

the conflict at the bottom of everythingdirectto recognize anddirect, that is,

without understanding the mediation of human language.
The messages from the spiritual dimension of the subtle are often
those of terror and fear. It is the terror of the loss of a seemingly
harmonious state that the religious intellect has described as
“paradisiacal”. Language also often fails to interpret this primeval
information from the depths of one's own organism, which is contained in
the soul's storage medium and only needs to be retrieved/evoked. The
retrieval of the information that the waters of the soul have stored is
usually met with a fear that is incomprehensible to the intellect, which has
its origins in an elementary drama, the consequences of which have
driven people into a dangerous existential situation. The flotsam and
jetsam of that cosmic catastrophe, which the Kabbalists call Shevirat Ha-
Kelim, the “breaking of the vessels,” remains fragmented on the sea of
the soul. chaosin the sense of disorderis the result of this threatening
Theory and practice would become one if both main components
of human existence, soul and intellect, could be brought together.

But in order to bring the abysmal cosmology, which was already discussed in
detail in Book I, and the sexual magical considerations that follow here in Book II,
into a harmonious overall picture in an understandable and comprehensible way,
we have to do acrucial historicalshed more light on the event.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 175

2. Spirit from Faraway Days

. . . It should also be noted that the double star Sirius - which for
Pharaonic Egypt plays the role of the central sun for our entire solar
system - suggests a cosmic atomic structure... which does not make the
revision of our own cosmology in the near future seem too far-fetched
– RA Schwaller de Lubicz, “The Egyptian Miracle”

Although numerous cataclysms in Earth's history have brought planetary, above-

ground life to the brink of complete annihilation, it was a catastrophe of a
completely different nature that led to the fact that today, more than ever, humans
are in the process ofthis oneEdge closedexceed.
The event that we will be talking about has been handed down as the
“Flood” in the myths of almost all human cultures over the last 10,000
years. But even though that word may suggest it, that's what it wasnot
about a natural event, but about aartificiallyinduced catastrophe. The
place was the continent called Antarctica, now buried under miles of ice.
The cause was a civilization that became known as “Atlantis” thanks,
among other things, to the writings of the Greek philosopher Plato, who
drew from ancient Egyptian reports.8th
This catastrophe represents one in the history of humanitytime divide
represent; Through them it can be divided into an antediluvian and a
post-flood time, but also into similar humanities.
For the unknown authors of the Kabbalistic “Zohar”, antediluvian
humanity represents “evil” par excellence. By an Enosh

8th Plato's so-called Atlantis report from the "Timaeus" is based on what Egyptian
priests from Sais had previously passed on to a certain Solon.
176 Book II: NecroYoga

(human) or Enoch (= Anak = giant) is the speech that has since been used
as synonyms for an antediluvian,magical-holisticworldview apply. It is said
that this ancient humanity worshiped “foreign” gods, who are collectively
and evasively called “demons,” or Sheirim in Hebrew; One even offered
sacrifices to these gods, as it is said, and thereby became one upright
strayed away.
Later they tried to turn these gods into a generalized form of god,
which, based on the content of the Hebrew Samael, was simply
referred to as Satan/Shaitan. He was made a scapegoat.9

But this also created an abstraction that was necessary in order to achieve
thisreal onesTo conceal from later generations or make them completely
unrecognizable the causes of a catastrophic course of history for the earth
and people.
The goat became an eminent symbol of Shaitan, which is still valid
today in the Christian era. The reason for this lies in the simple fact
that the ancient Egyptian word for “goat” is Sihor (also Sihur) and was
also used as a name for Sirius10, which the Hebrew Sheirim is also
intended to remind us not only phonetically.
A real story was mythologized. The “Zohar” provides us with a
further indication of this, where it is claimed that not only Adam, but
also the snake had to “crawl on its stomach” until it was cursed,
walking on two legs like every other human being would have
“desired the woman”.

9There is a commentary on Satan in the Sepher Ha-Bahir where it says: “The word
Satan means 'to deflect to one side,' as he turns the whole world to the scales of
guilt. How is this displayed? It is written (Genesis 38:16), 'And he turned to their
side', which is expressed by the Targum as VeSata (Satah is the root of Satan). So it
is also written (Proverbs 4:15), 'Turn away (Sateh) from it and go your way.'” Cf. “The
Bahir,” trans. by Aryeh Kaplan, Aronson 1995, page 92.
10 Cf. RH Allen, “Star Names – Their Lore and Meaning,” New York, 1963, page 125.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 177

On the one hand, an expedient chaos was deliberately created in order

to deprive people of the memory of this so-called “deluge”, in the course
of which not only did the Antarctic continent break into two unequal
parts, but the earth's axis was also tilted significantly. On the other hand,
people's consciousness changed as a result of this artificial cataclysm in
such a way that the same chaos should be paid homage more and more -
in a conscious and unconscious way.
Parallel to this dramatic external change, something else also
changed dramatically: ThesubtleOrganism of the human race, as well
as theirchakraStructure.
Here too a “tilt” took place; A “tendency” was born in this catastrophe:
the tendency to concealment, the tendency to turn away from a holistic,
because harmonious, world view of man when it comes to his own
integration into natural processes. This view of nature was native to
antediluvian humanity. It was created on an earth whose axis was
“upright” and “straight” to the stars and onedirect contactmade possible
with other dimensions. The word that stands for this like no other and has
been preserved in the Kabbalistic tradition to this day is Daath. It
essentially means Daleth-Vav-Daleth. The two Daleths represent the two
laws, the double horizon of the underworld and the upper world, the Vav,
the vertical line, the axis that connects both. Daath is the eleventh
Sephira, already spoken of in Book I. It is denied by some Kabbalists for
historical-cosmological reasons, and therefore does not always appear in
representations of the Sephirothic tree, such as in Athanasius Kircher or in
Dion Fortune in more recent times.
This access to consciousness, symbolized by Daath and the number 11,
was created by the Antarctic catastropheadjusted, a basic situation on which
all known forms of yoga on the path of the right hand are logically based
The Old Gods, the Great Race or the HP Lovecraft in one of his
most important stories “Mountains of Madness”.Great Old Onescalled,
were banished into the depths of human memory and the subtlety of
planetary existence. A veil fell more and more over the consciousness
of the “new” Homo Sapiens, who much later was
178 Book II: NecroYoga

Balisten should be referred to as “heaven”, Hebrew Shamayim, under

which the demons are hidden. This heaven is accordinglynotthe origin of
things, but the product of a sequence of events, which the German
ancient orientalist H. Radau summarized as follows:11

In the Bible and in the Babylonian account, this battle with the dragon
is closely linked to the creation of the world... In both accounts we find
the same sequence: Tehom-battle-splitting-heaven.

The conflict precedes creation, just as we are told in the Akkadian-

Babylonian creation account “Enuma Elish”.
SymbolicThe inclination of the earth's axis that began with the flood,
during which the position of the axial continent, which was important for the
earth's balance, shifted according to the so-called "diametric opposition
principle", was due to man's turning away from "sincerity".uprightness(symbol
of the vertical dimension).
Contrary to some statements that have become widespread, the word
“Atlantis” itself signals the vertical dimension of creation.
The common translation of “Atlantis,” derived from the Nahuatl
word Atl, which translates to “water,” is misleading and, upon closer
inspection, illogical. Do we have the historical context and meaning of
Atlantis asaxialLandmass once established, falls intothe same Atl-Atl,
commonly used in the Aztec language, is a “spear thrower” or
essentially aSpear/thrown arrowdesignated.
The spear as a symbol of the axis can be found in the name of
Ishmael's mother, Ha-Gar12is. His non-binding translation is
“stranger”. But who does that mean? The symbol of the stranger is the
goat, is Sirius, the solar system that is also called Seir in kabbalistic

11 Cf. “The Creation-Story of Genesis - I - A Sumerian Theogony and Cosmogony”,

Chicago, 1902, page 3.
A name that also describes Hagar the Egyptian is Lilita, that is, Lilith. Cf. “The Early

Kabbalah”, ed. by Joseph Dan, New York, 1986, page 177.

Part I: The Other Gate of God 179

If we now consider that the Hebrew Gar, GR, is consonantally

identical to the Old Norse Ger(e), "spear", it also becomes clear why
Ishmael's mother, who is in the same line of descent with Esau-Edom,
is also the oneEgyptianswas called. Mythical Egypt is the “Land of the
Spear”, the axial continent: Antarctica.
Pharaonic Egypt, but also other pyramid civilizations, have their
origins among the ice masses of the south polar continent, which
explains why this specific culture, whose element as well as symbol
was fire, does not have a prototype per se in the known world, but
suddenly from obscurity a story that remained unknown appeared.
The first manifestations of the former Atlantean pyramid civilization in
today's Egypt took place parallel to a still quite primitive cultural
stage, as is known from Europe in the immediate post-Ice Age period.

It doesn't seem to have been noticed that the word Atlantis, when
derived from Atl, "water", is actually an illogical way of naming a large
land mass, even if it is located "like an island" in the sea. Atlantis is the
axial landmass in the Earth's southern hemisphere. Its symbol is the
vertical line, the Hebrew Vav, which for this reason is not just the
“letter of life” in the “Zohar” as a reminder of the antediluvian period.13
, but also directly described as a “pillar”.14, which is assigned to the
male gender.
Lovecraft emphasizes in his story "Mountains of Madness" that
what is now Antarctica was the first land occupied by the Great Old
Ones on Earth when they came from the stars. And it is important to
remember that under the ice of Antarctica there are mountain ranges
that reach the height of the Alps or even exceed them. If the continent
were ice-free, we would have elevations in this southernmost part of
the earth that in some places would even approach the enormous
heights of the Himalayas.

13 Cf. “The Zohar”, Vol.II; Vayehi, page 368.

14 Cf. Ibid Vol.III, P'Qude, pages 275, 277.
180 Book II: NecroYoga

For this reason, one of the essential basic elements of Lovecraft's

aforementioned story is to compare Antarctica almost conjuringly
with the Himalayas. Although it does not fit within the scope of this
book, it should be briefly noted that the traditions that exist today in
the Central Asian Himalayan region relate to the mythical Shambhala,
which, like the Meru symbolism, essentially describes the earth's axis
and a paradisiacal golden age. would be a primal memory of the
former roof of the world at the South Pole, whose symbol in Lovecraft
is the volcano Mount Erebus as access to the inner world. The main
characteristic of the Golden Age, which was in the sign of Saturn, the
later Satan/Shabbatai in astronomical symbolism, is this Uprightness
of the earth's axis.
Like the human backbone, the mountain symbolizes the earth's axis,
and so we also find such a mountain in the Kabbalah. Derived from the
Akkadian Shaddu, “mountain,” we have Shaddai, one of the Kabbalistic
names for the “Saint” or Ha-Shem. The numerical value of Shaddai is 314,
which is why it also expresses pi. This has already been discussed in Book
I in cosmological terms. However, in a traditional reading, the Shin of
Shaddai is replaced by the Hebrew word Asher, as a result of which its
value increases from 314 to 515, making it identical to the word Ha-
Yasher. Ha-Yasher is literally the “upright one”. The same value is found in
Genesis 2:24, which states that man and woman are “one flesh,” Hebrew
Bashar Ehad, which in turn corresponds to the same value 51515

It is important to note that this meaning of Shaddai is little known. The

mountain, on the other hand, is better knownTzaphon, the so-called “Midnight
Mountain,” which generally stands for “judgment,” because it faces the night
and the left side of the Sephirothic treeinclinedis.
In this ambivalent symbolism we again recognize an unclear, confused
attitude that underlies almost the entire Kabbalah when it comes to the
event of the Flood and the humanity that existed before it

15 Cf. Jacques Thomas, “La Proportion Divine,” La Nef de Salomon, 1993, pp.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 181

direct contact with a supposedly demonic oneWisdom from the stars had.

The symbol of the ancient continent beneath the ice is theFive star16
the pentagram, which, like the goat, became a symbol of evil.17
But why pentagram?
The answer is simple and at the same time a clue to one of the greatest
mysteries that is kept beneath the kilometers of ice in the southernmost
desert on earth:
Through Adam's expulsion from paradise, the poison of Samael, as the
Kabbalah negatively expresses it, was injected into the Adamic organism.
But precisely this poison18is what pushes for the transcendence and
transformation of the four elements in order to create a fifth element,
which contains the power of the completed law, the rotation of the double
law horizon.
Five means rotation of four, which is why the upside down pentagram
became the symbol of Shaitan/Sirius. In addition, it is often depicted with an
integrated goat's head.
But for the general Kabbalistic dogma, primitive humanity, which
Magic from the starsprescribed, sinned.
After the “Break of the Vessels,” humanity fell once again, as if
haunted by an ancient curse. After a cosmic fall that affected the
creation of the universe itself, there had been a planetary fall. A
primal conflict that humanity could not remember had propagated
through the dimensions of space and time. His medium was and is
time itself.

16 Cf. HP Lovecraft's story "Mountains of Madness".

17 Uz is the goat, Uzu is the magician. Magic and goat were apparently understood
synonymously in the Babylonian language. Uz is already the “goat” in Sumerian.
18 In Hebrew, “poison” is not only RASh but also RAiL, which corresponds to the
numerical value 300 (=Shin). RAiL is a metathesis of AiRL, “uncircumcised,”
which in a traditional context refers to the name of the so-called “forbidden”
paradisiacal fruit, Orlah.
182 Book II: NecroYoga

For the rabbinic Kabbalists, the sin is that primitive humanity came
into contact with the Other Side in Atlantis and the wisdom from the stars
flowed into earthly adepts. This is openly confirmed:19

You have ascended, you have taken prisoners (Psalm 68:19), and in this way
Ishrael inherited the Torah without opposition or challenge. These gifts and
gifts which they received are their adornments; and therefore death and
the other side had no power over them until they sinned...

When contact with the Other Side occurred, death came into this
world. This magical contact was and is still taboo today.
But who was it really who sinned? Here, as in other previous cases,
the sources seem confused, as the “Zohar” easily shows:20

Then the demons gathered them together, and they consorted with them on the
mountains. Ishrael, having succumbed to the Egyptians, learned their ways and
went astray like them.

Since this time we can date it to around 10,000 - 14,000 BC21, the
world is turned upside down:
Order became chaos, and chaos became order, and we should
continue further considerations with a closer examination of this so
important and yet so misunderstood term “chaos”.

19Cf. “The Zohar”, Vol. V, Balak, page 272.

20Cf. “The Zohar”, Vol.V, Achare Moth, page 66f.
21The latest sediment studies have shown that the glaciation of Antarctica is much
younger than previously assumed. One speaks of a time between 10,000
– 14,000 years BC. The “million year theory” would be refuted. This would,
taking into account a certain uncertainty in the tradition, roughly correspond
to the time that Plato actually set for the sinking of Atlantis.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 183

3. The chaos order

Listen. Everywhere the 'rock' symbolizes 'Geburah', and when the saint wants to
wound and destroy, this 'Geburah' is awakened...
– Zohar, “Beshalach”

"Chaos"22is mythically interwoven in the rabbinic Kabbalah with antediluvian

humanity and its worship of an ancient race of gods, but the fact that “chaos”
is something “confused” results from a superficially interpreted Latin
etymology. It can indeed come from “inchoare”, “to begin”.23
be derived, but representsessentiallythe Greekized form of the K
sound in general and the Hebrew Kaph (pronounced K or Ch) in
particular. This letter/sound basically denotes acave, which the
Egyptians equated with “birth hollowness”. In this cosmology the cave
is closed (coagula) until the new thing inside it

22 In Kabbalah, Tohuvabohu is mistranslated as “chaos” for dogmatic reasons; it

is composed of Tohu and Bohu, connected by a Vav. This Vav, which
essentially has the shape of a vertical line, symbolizes the axis of a given
system. Tohu, ThHV, or its spelling variants Toha, Tohh, mean “to look deeply”
or “to look” in their first meaning. Only in a broader meaning does Tohu
acquire the meaning of “desolate”. The second word in Toho-va-Bohu is Bohu,
which also literally means "broken into", "break out" in the sense of "burst" via
its phonetic variants Bohh, Boha or Bohi. Tohu-va-Bohu is not chaos in the
general sense of the word, but literally and without any negative-dogmatic
implication: Look-and-Share or Deep-Look-and-Share. Cf. M. Jastrow,
“Dictionary of the Targumim, Talmud Babli, Yerushalmi and Midrashic
Literature,” New York, 1996.
23Cf. Jacob Grimm, “German Mythology”, Göttingen, 1844, page 525.
184 Book II: NecroYoga

Life can come to birth (Solve). This basic principle of cosmic order has
been disrupted. All worlds located in the universe are the result of this
disturbance, through which an original, so-calledprimordial Creation
sequenceaberrativewas, as already stated in the physics of darkness.

The implication of something “confused” does not arise from the

meaning of “inchoare”per se, but only from the religiously or otherwise
motivated interpretation, which we also find in the context of Kabbalah.
About chaos,which is none, we are now led in this way to Ka-os/Kaphos,
which means Kefa (Khab means “to give birth”), an Egyptian name for the
mother goddess24is identical, which was also alternately called Maat or Nut
(Nu/Nuit) and was known by the Babylonians as Tiamat.
But Kepha also corresponds no less to the biblical Chawah/Eve, who is
also called thatMother of revolutions/twistsreferred to as. Her Seven Sons
are the so-called “Observers” (also Kabiri), a word that leads us even
further to Hapiru/Aperiu and, and this should be underlined, to the real
etymology of “Hebrew”.
More than a hundred years ago, the ancient orientalist CR Conder
equated the name Hapiru with the Ibrim, “Hebrews”. Hapiru, which
can also be translated as Habiru, corresponds to the older Akkadian
cuneiform Sa-Gaz25. It is in turn reduced to PRW or PR26, in which we
find the root origin of the Greek word “Pharaoh”. The Egyptians
referred to the term Pharaoh by P(e)R, which also means phallus or,
more generally, fertilization organ. Per-met is analogous to the
pyramid, itself a symbol of the male fire of creation.

Sa-Gaz is literally referred to as “head-smasher” in cuneiform, and

there is no clear historical one to this day

24Cf. Gerald Massey, “A Book of the Beginnings”, London, 1881, page 551.
25 Cf. AT Olmstead, “History of Palestine and Syria To the Macedonian Conquest,”
New York, 1931, page 188.
26 Cf. FJ Chabas in Oswald Loretz, “Hapiru Hebrews”, New York, De Gruyter, 1984,
page 56.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 185

Interpretation for this term. The related Sar-Gaz refers to a weaponSaturn

, which later became a holy weapon of Marduk27became. This is important
to record.28
In the historical context, “Hapiru” refers to an unknown,non-SemiticPeople
who apparently lived around 1725 BC. BC invaded the Middle East and Egypt
from the steppes of Asia.29However, these temporal dates are not secured.

The Egyptians called the Hebrews nomadic kings or Hycsos, “horse

kings”.30These Hapiru later left Egypt and are said to have built the city of
Jerusalem as residents of today's Ishrael31. At this point at the latest, the
more than fragmentary history of the Hebrews mixes with the no less
uncertain prehistoric history of the Jewish tribes to the point of being
almost unrecognizable. A non-Semitic culture that probably originally
came from the depths of Central Asia mixed with the Semites living in the
Middle East. According to the well-known ancient orientalist Alfred
Jeremias, Abraham in particular represents a striking historical
antagonism that was unreflectively adopted and processed dogmatically.
According to the sources, Abraham must have come from southern
Mesopotamia; As his entire reconstructable “world view” reveals, he must
have been a Sumerian by nature.32But the Sumerians also migrated from
Asia to the Middle East. As a result of this mixing of cultures and religious
dogmas, the three so-called Abrahamic religions arise: first Judaism, then
Christianity and finally, as a “seal”

27 Cf. Anton Deimel, “Pantheon Babylonicum,” Pontifical Bible Institute, page 268.
28 Another meaning of Sa-Gaz is “strangler,” which brings us to the Sphinx, a
name derived from the Greek sphingein, “to strangle.” Therefore: Hapiru/
Hebrew = Sphinx.
29 Cf. IP Cory, “The Ancient Fragments,” London, 1828, page 68.
30 Cf. Leah Bronner, “Biblical Personalities and Archaeology,” Jerusalem, 1974, page 41.

31 Cf. IP Cory, “The Ancient Fragments,” page 71. and GW Ahlstrom, “A History of
Ancient Palestine,” 1993, page 193.
32 Alfred Jeremias, “The Old Testament in the Light of the Ancient Orient”, Leipzig, 1930.
186 Book II: NecroYoga

of the Prophets, as Islam is called. At the latest with the arrival of Islam
through the Quranic prophecy, an external and internal dynamic of the
three religions set in motion an unparalleled triumphal march, which is
now at its endon the one handa civilization of Judeo-Christian character.
The Abrahamic theme runs through all three book religions like a
common thread. The Semitic peoples refer to Abraham as their
ancestor. History can no longer reveal why this mixing of mystical and
cosmological traditions occurred, but magic can.

But what does Hapiru mean far from the supposedly established historical
In ancient Egyptian, Hapiru, which can also be rendered alternately as
A-pi-ru/ Aphiru, refers to the sun of the underworld, the northern sun in
the Kabbalah, the dreaded mountain Tzaphon, to which no geographical
region may be assigned in dogma. Hapiru is the sun in Amenti, Egyptian
Af. Af-Ra is the sun crawling like a worm.33
Since Af is also written Ab/Ap, we are immediately reminded of the
Ab-zu/Ab-zu. Ab means "to cross" in Egyptian, the same sense of the
word can be found in the Hebrew word AiBR, from which the plural
Ibrim, "Hebrew", is also alternately derived.
Aper/Eber crosses the worlds, is the pure traveler at the place of
divine birth, which puts him in a line with Sut/Set-Anubis34represents,
as this deity is depicted in the zodiac of Denderah in dual form as the
guardian of the equinox transition. This is the original location

Gerald Massey, “A Book of the Beginnings,” page 699.


34 Sut is the son of Typhon, a word that, although mostly used masculine, is
originally feminine. To the Egyptians he was also Rer, the child of Rerit. He was Hi-
lal, where Hi means “impurity” and Lal, “son”. The “Son of Impurity,” with reference
to the Fifty Gates of Binah, is the (unwanted) son of the Sitra Achara, which was
traditionally equated with impurity/backside/excrement. It is precisely the Sephira
Binah that is at the center of the conflict, because the forces of darkness have been
“withdrawn” into Binah, similar to a “wick in wax,” as it is traditionally said in
Part I: The Other Gate of God 187

ofpaleo-magicalOpening and closing in the dimension of the soul. And it is

none other than Sut-Anubis, the dog-headed Sirius guardian, who controls the
Aperu35and thus guards the two paths/heavenly arches.
Shu, who we will get to know later as a spelling variant, is, as the
son of the sun in Amenti and Aperus, analogously the son of the Hall
of Two Truths, the double law horizon, which is symbolically indicated
by two Lameds.
This all refers to the Babylonian Abzu (Ap-Shu/Ab-Zu), which was
banished by Marduk to include the Great Old Ones within.
Beyond the historical dimension, the Hapiru can be recognized as
the worms of the underworld, the sons of Maat, born in the darkness
before the light and bound by a mysterious "creation defect" to this
present universe of space and time. Their evolution was interrupted
by the cosmic flood or light flood, but at the same time it will
potentially continue with it.
They are also the Seven Watchers, known in Sufi tradition as the
men ofAl-Ar-Af, the saints of the “Earth of the Watchers” are known.
The enigmatic Khidr (Khezr, Khazir/Chazir = Sau = Moon) resides here,
who is considered the hypersensory guide of man who is to be
initiated. Khidr is identified with the Greek Hermes, and Hermes is the
worm of initiation.
The “extraterrestrial” observers are symbolized by the “lion”, Hebrew Aryeh
(Ari), behind which is none other than theDog of the desertor astronomically
Sirius hides. The Sumerians still knew themSeven dogs of Gula36as the
guardians of the underworld, who later became the seven-headed Cerberus37.

35The Aperu/Apru were also called “readers” and “path openers”. Cf. Ibid. Page
36The dichotomy that Sirius apparently represents for post-Flood humanity is
reflected in Hebrew: the Gulah, which is related to the Sumerian Gula, means
“exile,” while the variant Gaulah, GAVLH, is translated as “salvation.”
37Cf. Hugo Radau, “Sumerian Hymns and Prayers to the God Dumu-Zi”, Munich,
1913, page 26.
188 Book II: NecroYoga

In summary: The Hebrews are the worm souls of the underworld/

darkness. At the same time they also represent Sirius and the back of
the tree of life. They can be symbolically represented as the
prototypical suns/souls, whose “descendants” in the physical universe
are the stellar structures, but also the planets. The sons are
symbolized by the numbers 7 and 8, which represent oneEonal
precessionwhich constitutes the entire core mystery of creation.38
At the moment that Marduk “encloses” them in the foundation of
this universe, they serve, on the one hand, to preserve its post-Flood
order. On the other hand, the life forms of the inner cosmosnot
destroyed, butonlybound. This is also where the mysterious meaning
of Hapiru liesHead smasherhidden, which we will discuss in more
detail later.
For now, let's go back to the K sound:
What other meanings does the Hebrew Kaph, which forms the one-
letter root of the word “chaos,” convey to us? To what extent can we shed
even more profound light on the chaos, which is also misunderstood in
today's Western magic, and correct its original meaning and, above all, its
original function?
Just as Lovecraft turned the Assyrian Quttulu/Kutullu word into a
strange-looking "Cthulhu" by simply Greekizing it, perhaps the K/Kaph
became the familiar Greek Cha-os.

Chaos is equated with the snake or the worm; both terms are used
interchangeably in many - if not all - known traditions of human
history. The Egyptian Kha means “belly” and therefore directly
indicates the female principle. Kha is the cave or interior of the cosmic
mountain, the mythical birthplace of Hermes, whose proto-cosmic
form, beyond the Western Hermetic symbolic layers that surround
him, is that of a worm. And the

38This “Aeonal Precession” affects both this “damaged” solar system and the
Sirius system, which belong to each other in a sub-atomic, i.e. intra-cosmic
Part I: The Other Gate of God 189

Hermetic body, which has to be formed from the four elements, reveals itself
to us in the light of this primal meaning as none other than the Solomonic
Temple, which, according to rabbinic tradition, is therefore also built by a
worm named Shamir.
The worm is considered a symbol of decay, which is why it is equated
with “death” in the physical sense. The Egyptian Kha also means “dead
person”. And for the same reason Tiamat is called the corpse or death star
in Babylonian writings. If we take a closer look at the Kabbalah in this
context, we notice that there is also talk of seven Elohim and finally we
can discover the key in the word Elohim itself. As far as the etymology of
this word is concerned, there is not without reason a dogmatic ambiguity.
Elohim is originally derived from ILAi, “worm”; whereby it also represents
the masculine plural of the feminine Eloha. The Elohim are the worm-
shaped sons of Tiamat, who are therefore also called theMother of (snake)
wormsreferred to as. Contrary to post-Flood traditions, the worm
represents the original, universal life, even the prototypical universe.

As the English Egyptologist Gerald Massey was able to make clear using
many examples, even the word YHVH/Yahweh/Jehowah is only a phonetic
variant of Chawah/Kepha, so the holy name of the Kabbalists was originally
feminine in nature and was only later masculinized.
Tiamat isnotChaos in the generally misunderstood sense, but rather a
prehistoric oneSuper-orderof things, an era in which the elements were
ordered in a different way. Aleister Crowley perhaps knew the real
meaning of chaos and suggested:39

. . . and here we come across a doctrine that is contrary to our own

most rational ideas: one in which the original mixture of elements, the
tohu-bohu, emerges as the cause of order, instead of being a mere
plastic mass on which order is imposed .

39Cf. Aleister Crowley, “The Book of Thoth”, Weiser, 2002, page 65.
190 Book II: NecroYoga

So the gods of chaos become the gods of the original order again, who
were worshiped by humanity before the Antarctic cataclysm, who are
personalized in the Kabbalah, among other things, by the names “Enoch”
and “Enosh”.
As a result of the “Flood”, the world was not only thrown into a
confusion of symbols and words, as the biblical episode of the Tower of
Babel would have it, but a now-human elite was also formed, which has
since pursued the goal of riding on the flotsam of this “ Flood” to establish
a new world order.
We're talking about magic here, and about a world order. The Akkadian-
Babylonian world creation report “Enuma Elish”, for which I presented an
occult translation in “Urlicht” in the 90s, provides necessary information on
It is about aWhite (or Pure) Summoning, with which the later
human god Marduk binds the Abzu/Abyss, “representative” of the Old
Order, to himself. This condition results in the possibility of turning
away from the Old Order. Humanity has apparently chosen this path
and seems to be drugged or hypnotized by this demigod:40

. . . When Marduk, the sage, had created humanity, he had placed upon
men the burden of the gods - the deed that cannot be described.

To do this, the Old Gods must remain locked in the Abyss, because it is
there on the bound abyss/Abzu, also known as the Water Depth, that
Marduk built his magical energy shrine. There is his center of power, an
energy field that has been symbolized by the cross since ancient times.
From there he controls human consciousness and destinieshisWorld. The
“burden of the gods” that Marduk placed on man is the banishment/
incorporation of the Great Old Ones.

40 Cf. WH Mülller, “Urlicht – In the footsteps of the gods of prehistoric times”, Edition AHA, 2001,

page 117.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 191

We can collectively refer to the forces that hold back the Great Old
Ones and whose means to an end is “fear” as the “White
Brotherhood,” which is characterized by a certain threshold
consciousness. She has no face in the outside world, no ethnic
identity, but has been able to gather magical knowledge for the
reincarnation of antediluvian souls, which are collectively called “Ereb
Ra” in the Kabbalah41. But one should not think of this brotherhood,
although it can be given that name, as an “organization” per se. What
moves them is the Adamic threshold consciousness, which in its fear,
generated from the dissonance between the two halves of the world
caused by the rupture of the vessels, repeatedly creates the phantom
of a cosmic (later theological-religious) “good” and “evil”. has. In reality
there is neither; and if we want to describe it as existing, then only in
the effect that emanates mentally from that odd polarity. “Good” and
“evil,” in other words, are an anomaly of human consciousness and do
not exist outside of it.
The Hebrew word for “fear,” as stated in Part I, is Pachad, which
illustrates this in a unique way because it consists of the letter Pe and
the word Achad, which translates as “opening” and “unity.” It is
precisely this (odd polar) opening of unity, this opening/revelation of
the night through the day, that generates a spiritual fear of the

It is possible that Hebrew Ereb is associated with the name of the mad Arab,

English "Arab", the author of the Necronomicon. The mention of the name
occurs in Lovecraft's “Mountains of Madness” in the immediate context of a
description of the famous Mount “Ereb”us in Antarctica. If we venture further
exegetically, we can note: The English “mad Arab”, which is known to refer to
the author in question, can be read in Hebrew, which means that it is
translated to “Dam Ereb”, literally “Blood-Ereb” and “antediluvian souls “ of
primitive humanity, the so-called Ereb Ra. But the biblical Mount Horeb, which
consists of the same word root, should not go unmentioned. According to
tradition, Aron, Moshe's opponent in the Old Testament episode about the
worship of the golden calf, is buried on Mount Horeb. The Hebrew word for
“calf” is Egel, GL, and symbolizes a turn.
192 Book II: NecroYoga

Self-abandonment, which often distorts reality beyond recognition.

The vehicle of this fear, which in the human organism is identical to
the centrifugal light impulse, can also be called ego. It is the
specifically human ego that is being spoken of here.
From this anomaly has arisen an equally anomalistic
consciousness. Subject to the choice of language, we can say that the
re-embodiment of the “old” souls is a catastrophe for the White
Brotherhood, because with every soul that is reborn in “this” world, an
internal process is set in motion that affects the souls -Part on this
page goes back to its origins (before the flood), linking it to a pre- or
proto-cosmic cycle, whose numerical glyph is known to be 8. The word
that HP Lovecraft gave to this cycle is Cthulhu/Kutullu, because it is
the symbol of the octopod, the Egyptian Am-Smen, which is
represented in space-time by the moon.
There are always people who internally oppose these post-Flood
forces and try to reopen the gateway for the invasion of the kings of
ancient times. As if his words should reflect the horror of the soul, HP
Lovecraft wrote powerfully:42

He repeatedly cried out loudly that the world was in danger because the Elders
wanted to strip it bare and pull it out of the solar system and the cosmos of
matter into another dimension or phase of the entity it once belonged to,
countless millions of years ago , had fallen off.

He also spoke of the catastrophe that broke off contact between

humans and the Great Old Ones byencryptedWeise specified that the
Old Ones had to retreat into the earth where they would await their

42Cf. “The Dunwich Horror” in “The Dunwich Horror and Others,” Arkham House,
1984, page 185.
43Cf. “The Call of Cthulhu,” ibid. Page 141.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 193

The great stone city of R'lyeh, with its monoliths and tombs, had fallen
beneath the waves... But the memory of it never died and high priests
said that the city would emerge from the floods if the stars were right.

Although he also spoke of those paleo-magical “arts” of bringing the ancients

back into consciousness from the depths beyond the human soul waters, he
never revealed any further details about this practice. However, he still
pointed out that the symbol of the ancients was the swastika44, one of the
most important hints he could give without revealing too much.
It may come as a surprise, but the rabbinic “Zohar” also speaks of the
swastika by referring to theMillstones of the Abyssdraws attention to who
the kings of prehistoric times were.45These millstones point to that
Turnstile or whirlpool46to, whosefourAngles (Digammas) to thefour
Remember the wing of a mill (X). The Great Old Ones are also referred to
by the authors of the “Zohar” as the “firstborn behind the mill”.47
millstone48but leads us further to the SumerianMillstone, who is called
Ara; The Akkadian-Babylonian underworld Aralu/Arali is derived from this.
And then the symbolic circle closes again when we consider that Ara is
related to the ancient IndianAraniis root related. Arani

Cf. HP Lovecraft's The Shadow over Innsmouth. In the same story, the author

mentions the so-called “Esoteric Order of Dagon”, EOD for short. EOD reads Yod/
Yud. Traditionally there are three root Yods that form a Shin, the fire letter that
stands for creative rotation. Eod/Yod/Yud rotation thus results in the symbol of the
Swastika. In addition, this magical formula is contained in the title itself:
“Innsmouth” is an anagram of Shin-Mouth, “Fire-Mouth”.
Cf. “The Zohar”, Vol. V, Achare Moth, page 71.

46 The cross consists graphically of four assembled L's (Lameds), which indicate
the rotation as LL.
Cf. “The Zohar”, Vol. III, page 118.

In Kabbalah, the stone signals the banishment of the Other Side. It is said that

David killed Amalek with a stone, Hebrew Eben, ABN. The stone or rock is
considered a symbol of the foundation.
194 Book II: NecroYoga

denotes theFire engine, which is also called Swastika/Four-Angled

These millstones, which are spoken of in the “Zohar,” signal the
doorway to the kings of Edom for the Kabbalist who has recognized the
ambiguity of the scriptures. The mystery of this gateway has an
“unexplained” connection to the exodus of the Ishraelites from Egypt, as
the Zohar confirms:49

It is true, however, that Ishrael's essential redemption took place at night, because it is

only at night that the saint holds judgment; therefore it was in the night that the knots

of magic were untied and the bonds of night were torn asunder.

49Cf. Ibid Vol. III, Bo, pages 118-19.

Part I: The Other Gate of God 195

4. Yoga of the Inner World

Judah came from the left and clung to the right to conquer nations,
that his hand might be 'on the neck of his enemies.'
– Zohar, “Waera”

The catastrophe of the “Flood” (in both the cosmic and terrestrial
sense) necessitated a magical practice that I call “NecroYoga”. It forms
the tantric original form of what later became the “Path of the Left
Hand” in numerous branches, primarily for a reason that can be easily
deduced from the example of Hebrew and Kabbalah:
The Hebrew word Samael (Mars), the collective for the Red Kings of
Egypt50and the Great Old Ones goes back to the Hebrew word SMAL,
which literally means “to the left”. This originally meant magically the
willful breaking through of the cosmic order, but also of the
anthropocentric now-consciousness, whereby the location of this
breakthrough (in Grant as a locality ofIngressus/Egressusdescribed) is
known to Kabbalists as Daath.
Daath is that eleventh Sephira51, that typhonian oneOne-beyond-tenin the
energetic network of the tree. The fact that Daath refers to this place is proven
by a simple gematric consideration: Daath, with the value 474,
permutatorically contains the Egyptian Maat when it is read in Hebrew and
thereby reduced, ie Daath 474 = Maat = 40 (Mem) + 70 (Ayin ) + 400 (Tav).

50 The Egyptians themselves called themselves Rut, from M-ruti, “outside,” which is also a

shortened form of Marut, which indicates Mars in Sanskrit.

51 According to M. Grinberg, the numerical value 11 corresponds to the Hebrew word Nes,
NS, which means, among other things, “destructive and creative serpent”. See the
gematric system of “Plénitudes” in Pierre Marie Savaignac, “Qabale et Maçonnerie”, Guy
Trédaniel Editeur, 1999, page 14.
196 Book II: NecroYoga

Mate is therefore theFasteningthe mother letters Ayin, Mem, Shin,

which are used in Sufism and differ from the Kabbalistic ones through
the Ayin (instead ofof the Aleph). This expresses that altered creation
sequence that I spoke of in Book I as the “Anti-Pi.”
Maat is dogmatically often equated with the Hebrew Maveth, “death”.
But that doesn't mean Maat = death, as it is generally interpreted, but
only that Maat is forthisWorld is dead, in another continuum, beyond
space-timelively. In “NecroYoga” Maat is therefore theUndead star(of all
stars), the origin of all elements as they are known today.
The access to Maat or the “Maat continuum” that co-exists with
“this” universe is Daath. Daath is Maat, means the magical death of
the subtle Adam in the human individual.
But how can Daath be achieved practically?
The path leadsthroughthe waters of the flood, the Shamayim of the
Kabbalists sanctified by some and cursed by others. These are the waters of
death that broke into the organism with the catastrophe and buried the kings
of ancient times.52This is how the symbolism of the tomb came into being,
which, as can now be seen, became so extremely important for the Egyptians.
But the meaning of the pyramid as a symbol of the world mountain, which is
supposed to represent the “upright” planetary axis, is now clear.

As Lovecraft wrote, there are arts to revive the Great Old Ones, to
bring them into beingthisto bring over the post-diluvian world so that
they canhereOn this side they can resume their rule over the earth (the
Muladhara chakra). Because they are the kings of the earth, the lowest
chakra in the human organism. It is a tantric practice that led to Edom's
rule over thefour-letterGod's name YHVH leads, because this is with the
symbolically four-part circle of the Muladhara chakra identical.

52“The name of the first firmament is Shamayim. In him are the camps which are filled
with anger. And seven thrones will be prepared there.” Cf. “Sepher Ha-Razim,” trans. by
MA Morgan, Scholars Press, 1983, page 21.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 197

In contrast to the “static” cross associated with the Muladhara in the

traditional,unmovingAccording to the condition, they are available
rotatingMillstones of the Abyss for the Arani, whose four angles indicate a
creative primal rotation, which originally always means conception and
ultimately birth.53The movement of the Cross/Muladhara Chakra initiates
the process called NecroYoga. Through this movement, the fire is
released and kept within the Abyssal Orbit, which consists of two
additional chakras, which will be discussed in more detail in Part III.
What is to be received by man is thisfifthElement that not only
emerges from the four elements, but must transform them through
“consumption” in order to be able to emerge itself. But transformation is
movement: The pentagon has also become a symbol of the Great Old
Ones, which has its geographical origins on this planet in what is now
And if we transfer the location of Antarctica on Earth to the human
organism, we find that it is the Muladhara Chakra that occupies the
subtle South Pole. Analogously, it is also this chakra that is set into a
rotational movement by NecroYoga: the four-part circle becomes the
rotating cross, the creative vortex that sets the transformation of the
subtle body in motion. Therefore, the Primordial Continent is
symbolized by the five star, because it is the fifth element that brings
about this inner revolution.
The transformation of the four into the five corresponds to the animation of the
dead names of the Great Old Ones. This revitalization was magically practiced in
Atlantis before the Flood; the cult of the Great Old Ones has its geographical
origins there.
Marduk, on the other hand, is El-Chai, the living El (Lamed), which
is why he is also kabbalistically called Ha-Shem, “name”. With the
euthanasia of the Watery Deep by the White Incantation, the power of
the name, of life, passed to Marduk. Here lies the secret of its power.
But here his power can also be broken, by oneCountersummon,
through which the Abzu can be resurrected.

53 Cf. Herman Wirth, “Rise of Humanity”, 1934, page 258.

54Cf. HP Lovecraft, “At the Mountains of Madness,” Arkham House, 1985.
198 Book II: NecroYoga

5. Tekeli-li: Black is white

Are we to say that if the serpent had not had intercourse with Eve,
there would be no generations of men in this world, or even if Ishrael
had not sinned with the calf, there would be no descendants?

– Zohar, “Balak”

The “Flood”, which we better describe as an axial earth catastrophe, led to the
development of a new consciousness in humans, which superimposed a
prehistoric, holistic consciousness. The superimposed consciousness is at the
same time thatdivisiveConsciousness and it is male in nature. An extremely
interesting example from the Old Testament shows how much this planetary
catastrophe gripped human consciousness:
The second book of the Old Testament, known as the Book of Exodus,
is titled in Hebrew “Sepher Shemoth,” which literally translates to “Book of
Names.” But such a “Book of Names” only comes into being through the
Masoretic vocalization of the words, which makes up the Old Testament.
There is another reading, which, however, opens up the dimension whose
significance for history is to be illuminated here:
Sepher Shemoth can also be Sepher Shem-Mothcan be read in the
sense of Maveth, “death”. Then suddenly we have the “Book of the Dead
Names” in front of us and are reminded of a possible translation of the
word “Necronomicon”, where the Latin “Nomen” is read instead of the
Greek “Icon”. Here the direct reference can be made to the kings of Edom
and their names, about whom it is said in the Kabbalah Denudata:55

55Cf. “The Kabbalah Unveiled,” trans. by SL McGregor Mathers, Weiser Books, page 176.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 199

But when Adam was constituted, they were given other names, and
they exist in their places, and are all called by other names, and not by
their former ones.

Adam, that is also the present human being in his ethereal nature, bears the
names unactualized, in other words “dead”.thisworld within itself. What Adam
utters today is the living word of Marduk, but not the living word of the Great
Old Ones. Tiphareth covers the opening of the Worm Oracle. So the hole, Gal
in Akkadian, has become something “evil,” because the word Gallu means
“demon” in Sumerian.
Since the tilt of the earth's axis also resulted in a drastic change in
the earth's magnetism, it can be assumed that both magnetic poles
also shifted accordingly. And since man is internally connected to the
earth as an organism, all changes that happen to the earth also occur
within him - even if only gradually
– manifest. And so NecroYoga focuses on the regionbetweenthe
genitals and the anus,betweenSpecial attention was paid to the front
and back of the tree, exactly where Daath and the inner subtle pole
are located.
Inside and outsidea world sank into the waters of the flood. It was no longer
the old gods (collectivized and demonized under Shaitan/Satan in the post-diluvian
era) that were worshiped, but rather a deity that the Babylonians know as Marduk
and the Mosaic tradition as YHVH/Yahweh.
Symbolically, one can speak of the head being separated from the
stomach, which is why the post-Flood consciousness “tends” to abstract
reality. Imagination, thatImage-making, and intellect do not work together as
they once did before the catastrophe. However, due to the excessive emphasis
on the intellectual function of consciousness, people lose a dimension of
feeling that is irreplaceable for them, namely that of their ownconscious
Connection to the earth as a living organism is guaranteed in the first place.
feeling isemotionand the Latin word “emotion” literally signals a “movement.”
But things become intellectualized, “cerebralized,” and one loses the support
of the foundation. Head and stomach, which stand together like king and
throne, do not act with each other, but react against each other. The pole no
longer holds the two ends of the organ
200 Book II: NecroYoga

nism together, just as the South and North Poles no longer maintain the axis
of the Earth.
It is noteworthy that in a tradition that can draw on antediluvian
sources56, theBellyas the symbol of onereallyHermetic initiation
In Sufism, which has nothing to do with the religion called “Islam”, it is the
so-calledBatin, which represents this high level of initiation.57It is derived from
the almost identical-sounding Arabic word Batn, “belly”.
Ishmael, who fights with Isaac for the divine throne, signals
antediluvian humanity as the mythical founder of today's Islam, because
according to the Old Testament he is the son of Hagar.
Ha-Gar not only means “stranger,” but she is also called the
Egyptian in the Old Testament. “Foreign” and “Egypt”58As explained
above, point to Antarctica, but should also be a clear, albeit hidden in
the Kabbalah, reference to the antediluvian Sirius cult, whose
retrovisionary magic is essentially identical to NecroYoga.
There is no need to comment further on what external consequences can be
derived from this negative change in consciousness for people and the earth.
When it comes to his insides, the consequences are far worse:
Symbols that always accompanied ancient humanity lost their direct
connection to reality and at some point began to lead a meaning-removed life
of their own as supposedly “purely spiritual, incomprehensible” constructs.
The language of the post-Flood writings, which have assumed the status of
the “sacred”, is literally overflowing with “inconceivables”, “unattainables”,
“incomparables” in relation to the deity. The divine, to which every human
being before the flood had a natural-organic access-

56 Ishmael, the mythical founder of Islam, who was born of Hagar, “the
Egyptian,” fought with Isaac for the divine throne, the Shekinah, symbolized by
the moon.
57 In Sufism the threshold is called Bab Batin = Bab Allah.
58 Hebrew Eretz Mizraim, whose king wore the serpent crown to signify his
descent from Nachash, the serpent who entered the Garden of Eden to seduce
Adam's first wife Aisha and thereby be able to have coitus with Hawah/Eve.
Translated from German to English -

Part I: The Other Gate of God 201

te, becomes oneseeminglymoved beyond reach. This has made it

possible to advance other practical, ideological constructs that are
intended to serve people as surrogates, but ultimately only drive them
into a fatal dependency.
This “mentality”, as we can alternately call it, does not come by
chance, and it is precisely at this point, in that human dimension itself,
that it beginsat the same timea profound wisdom that has been tried
to suppress again and again for many millennia. Between the divine
that revealed itself to primordial humanity in Shaitan/Satan (which
translated from Hebrew also means fire worm, Shin + Tan), a dividing
and, in a certain sense, veiling force has emerged with the “Flood”.
Symbol color is “white”. “White” is the color of water and the soul, as
we still see it used in the writings of the Kabbalists today. “White” is
the color of the threshold, the color of the post-diluvian Shekinah,
which originates at and with the threshold. Her antediluvian
counterpart is called Lilith in the Kabbalah. In contrast to today's
Shekinah is Lilithimmortal, this is what rabbinic tradition confirms59.
The symbol that Lilith also indicates is the raven, which is why the
souls of antediluvian humanity are collectively called Ereb Ra, which
can be translated as “ravens” (from Horeb, “raven”). In medieval
alchemy, in which many ancient strands of tradition were deliberately
distorted or unwittingly misused, the raven's head had the meaning
of Caput Mortuum, "head of the dead".
But this black and white game, as we can actually call it, is solved in
a self-explanatory waytime dividethe flood. Or to put it simply: White
became black and black is considered white.
Throughout the history of magic, there have always been people who
commented on it, seemed to belong to one side or the other, or even were so
in a subtle and physical sense. One of those representatives is the well-known
theosophical author CW Leadbeater, who admits:60

Lilith, who is also the Arabic Halalath, was worshiped by the Egyptians as Rerit

(also Ta-Urt, Urt, Ret), in the form of the female pig, which in turn is a zootype for
Typhon. Cf. Gerald Massey, “A Book of the Beginnings,” pages 556 and 740.
Cf. CW Leadbeater, “The Chakras,” Theosophical Publishing House, 1997, p. 82.
202 Book II: NecroYoga

They can probably acquire supernormal powers, but these will only
bring them into contact with a lower order of evolution with which
humanity is not intended to trade; To escape its terrible power one
may need more than just one incarnation... There is a black magic that
uses the power mentioned for those purposes, so that through it a
certain lower power center is enlivened, which the followers of the
Good Law never use used for such purposes. Some authors even deny
the existence of such a center.

And the same author writes about Kundalini:61

She belongs to that terrible glowing fire of the underworld.

The worldly power of the White Brotherhood cannot be underestimated.

Among other things, it manifested itself through various mediumistic
individuals in theosophy of the 19th century, which in some countries still
represents a massive occult movement today. It was the theosophists
who constructed a specious racial theory for something that is no longer
ethnically comprehensible today, thereby promoting an anti-Judaism that
to this day perhaps represents the confusion about black and white like
nothing else. The White Brotherhood, which Theosophy speaks of and
which is cited as the source of its main writings, thus proved to be a
“black” brotherhood, so much so that even HP Blavatsky expressed
doubts about its sincerity in her later life.
And so it is not without reason that clear comments can be found,
particularly in theosophically-oriented writings:62

Eliminating the snake is not an act of mere heroic desire... but a

committed act committed to good...

61 Cf. Ibid page 27.

62Cf. Jean Varenne, “Cosmogonies Védiques”, Archè Milano, 1982, page 115.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 203

Kenneth Grant, on the other hand, refers to the false teaching of the theosophists when
he quotes from the “Secret Doctrine”:63

Satan metaphysically simply represents the inverse or polar opposite of

everything in nature.

He adds in commentary:

The doctrine of reversal, with its sexual implications, was viewed as evil
by those who did not understand the 'mystique' of the left-handed

Reversion/Retroversion refers to the magical practice that is

inextricably linked to the name Set, how exactly will be explained in
the next two parts.
The white waters of the soul reflect the fears of the ego, they create
phantoms that can seem threatening, although they are not. The word
that arises is a word of fear. But also the oppositecanbe the case. The only
thing that reveals reality is the way through the waters, under the line of
law, the Torah of the flood of waters.
Even if their power only extends to the Abyss, the White Brotherhood
still unconsciously/consciously controls the dimension that is todayknown
form the subtle human body. Matter is the energy field that needs to be
mastered. And in the age of inflationary self-dramatization, anyone can
adopt the symbols and increase the already existing distance from reality
through further abstractions. Finally, symbols that were once the carriers/
transmitters of magical realities disappear completely from people's lives
and consciousness. It is no wonder that, in view of such a massive
disturbance of consciousness that we have to speak of and which took its
fatal course with the catastrophe of Atlantis, terms such as Satan, Edom,
Lilith, but also others such as Agarthi, Shambala or symbols such as the
pentagram or Hexagrams have become mere meaningless or distorted

63Cf. “Shadow Cults”, Edition Roter Drache, Rudolstadt, 2009, page 89.
204 Book II: NecroYoga

6. The war on the threshold

Their original name was Nephilim, and when they mated with the
daughters of men they were called Anakim.
– Zohar, “Shelach Lecha”

If we are ready for this, material reality enables us to draw

enlightening conclusions about the innermost mechanisms of the
world, the entirety of which enables us to heal a deep pain in life.
A world fell apart and left a wound. This is the work of Marduk,
which one should not speak of, as the “Enuma Elish” expresses itself.
This is the great taboo that has permeated the millennia like a curse.

The time before the flood was the time in which the marriage of
heaven and earth did not have to be invoked, but in which itorganic
and existed in human consciousness. The ancient Shekinah, the
ancient worm that fell beneath the waters of the Flood and is now
called Lilith, enabled contact with higher dimensions and stellar
spheres. But even after the Atlantic catastrophe, when the earth tilted
by just over 23 degrees, thenumber of the Illuminatibecame manifest,
there were those who knew how to contact the ancient Shekinah. The
old “arts” had survived, in places far from human civilization, as HP
Lovecraft conveyed in his initiatory work. The symbol of the desert
was created. Not only the icy desert of the south that now covered the
once fertile continent, but also the great Arabian desert, the “Empty
Quarter,” as it is called, were named by this visionary author for
mysterious reasons.
The Babylonians in the Mesopotamian Valley still commemorated the marriage
of heaven and earth with their seven-story ziggurats, which are called Etemen-
Part I: The Other Gate of God 205

Anki called what can be translated as “the bond that connects heaven and
earth”. They are a variant of the pyramid, which as a building, but also as
a magical symbol, represent one of the remnants of antediluvian,
Atlantean wisdom, which was always placed under the great symbol of
the worm. “Anki” itself, in which we can easily recognize the Egyptian
Ankh, the Nile key of life or the handle cross, leads us to Anak, which
means “giant” and which in its Greekized form is called Enoch, which is
mentioned above as one of the Kabbalistic symbols of antediluvian
humanity was mentioned.
After the Antarctic continent was split in half almost exactly at the
location of the geographic South Pole64and the south polar terra firma
was finally iced over and humanity had made the fate of an exodus
from the land of origin via Africa, South America and Australia, people
began to demonize the original tradition65:
Satan was “born,” Satan was veiled.
. . . What remained for the Kabbalists was the strangely ambiguous nature of
ria of Worm (Nachash) and Redeemer (Mashiach), which they could no longer or
would not explain...
As the shift in the earth's axis changes people's consciousness
postponed, a mythical figure named Moshe emerged and became the
pioneer of the new age, or so the Kabbalah would have it (if we want to
understand it correctly). But this new time was ambivalent from the start.
The word Moshe then represents another permutation of Ha-Shem,
A new Shekinah had arisen, having its origins in the waters of the
flood; From then on it was incorrectly considered the pure one because
the color “white” was given the meaning of purity. But it is one

64 See the map by the French geographer Philippe Buache, which shows the
shape of the Antarctic continent in an ice-free state.
Compare, for example, the clear statement in Psalm 22:21: “Deliver my soul

from the sword, my precious life from the claws of the dog.” This statement is
an indication that there is not only the Sword of God, but also a sword
attributed to the Other Side.
206 Book II: NecroYoga

Shekinah or mediator who had forgotten her own origins beneath the
waters, beyond the new physicality. This forgetting was intended to
generate the untrue story of a new divine presence that no longer had
anything in common with its origins. But the magical reality that a
look behind the veil of the soul reveals is different. It was not a new
deity that had emerged, but rather an old deity that had been divided
into two halves, which had serious effects on the consciousness of
post-Flood humans.
The names of the kings, who originally united the white (head) and
the red (belly) like the double crown of Egypt, had been buried under
the floods; and they should remain so for man's threshold dogma.
Lovecraft depicts the drama caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis
through the conflict between the Great Old Ones and the so-called
Elder Gods. These Elders try to push back or hold back the Great Old
Ones. The symbol of this conflict is the five-pointed star, which stands
for humans on the one hand and the Great Old Ones on the other.66If
the Great Old Ones cannot be banished, they invade the dimension of
the “new” Shekinah in order to pull it back to its origin. The Kabbalah
therefore demonizes the ancient Shekinah, who is called Lilith. It
should not penetrate into the sphere of influence of the “new”
Shekinah, or, in other words: what once belonged together should not
come together again to form a harmonious whole.
If we want to put it Kabbalistically, what happened as a result of
the flood?
Chesed had been separated from Geburah, the fourth from the
fifth Sephira. The power of judgment, which is the essential element
of change, of transformation, with which the kings on the back of the
tree have since been identified, could no longer easily enter this
world. Here one saw an opportunity to keep this force of cyclical
change of polarities away from “this” world, to leave it in exile in the
darkness into which it had fallen. Even-

66The Egyptian hieroglyph for Tuat, the “underworld,” is a five-pointed star in a

Part I: The Other Gate of God 207

They soon began to strengthen the Chesed energy. Not only did this
happen magically, but the intention had to be to create a worldview in
which the power of judgment was equated with “evil.”

The consequences were dramatic, because only the reparative

action of both Sephiroth together can serve the evolution of a holistic
consciousness on this planet.
The Hebrew word for "evil" is RAi, Ro/Ra (RAI instead of RAi means
"mirror", which expresses the double-sidedness of a thing), which
essentially consists of just an R sound, which we find in Aralu,
"underworld" for example. , to have met. The meaning of this sound was
described by the well-known Kabbalist Fabre d'Olivet, who explains:67

Ra, the actual sign of movement, combined with the sign of power,
represents a root through which the geometric line is characterized in

This line is nothing other than the already mentioned Vav, itself a sign
of the axis. Ra, which became the Hebrew RAi, “evil”, also signals to us
the movement of a planetary body around its upright axis, which
alone guarantees a holistic development of consciousness.
This axial movement/gyroscopic movement takes us from the terrestrial
alternation of day and night to the psycho-cosmic dimension of the soul itself,
whose own development is prototypical for universal evolution, to a certain
extentinternal tidal changestands. This ebb and flow cycle of spiritual
development has been disrupted by the shift in the earth's axis, so that grace
and judgment, chesed and geburah, can no longer operate in an interlocked
manner. Shin and Mem, which form Shem = “name”, are not together. The
name remains so fragmented.
Ra, in which the ancient Egyptians saw the spiritual sun, which they
equated with Sirius, symbolizes a direction, aorientationto the north,
the symbolic direction from which in the Kabbalah evil,

67 Cf. Fabre d'Olivet, “La Langue Hébraique Restituée, Paris, 1922, page 119.
208 Book II: NecroYoga

in Sufism the good comes. This is proven by the Sufi term “Mahdi”,
which stands for “Savior” and can be derived from the Egyptian Mehti,
To this day the...Orienttherefore equated with the emergence of
spiritual light. What took its fatal course with the flood was chaos, a lack
of direction and disorientation of mental forces that was to dominate
human consciousness from then on. If Chesed and Geburah do not act
together, they act disoriented. The light of the soul cannot shine on the
double law horizon. This is how the positive becomes something negative
and vice versa. Grace became something “merciless” and judgment
became something “merciful.” In this way, man is deprived of his inner
destiny to receive the full name, which is the original purpose of tantric-
kabbalistic work. If the Muladhara Chakra remains unopened/unmoved,
the names of the Great Old Ones remain "dead", but the Law of Death
compels the practitioner to create their image within themselves. When
death and life meet internally, life is transformed into immortality, which
is the absence of death.
At the center of the magical event is the repeatedly mentioned word
Shekinah68, which can be derived from the Indian Shakti, which in turn
refers to the Kundalini, that inner-cosmic worm energy that the
representatives of the Right Hand Path now want to arise and leave the
body via the crown chakra. This is to enhance the Shakti69to withdraw
from the (gravitational) sphere of influence of Samael and the “Infernal
Trinity” referred to in the Kabbalah, which is based on the subtle

68 The Shekinah is traditionally compared to a “stone,” in which we can

recognize the Kabbalistic prototype of the hermetic/alchemical stone. Cf. "The
Zohar", Vol. III, P'Qude, page 283. Even Ishrael as a community is given the
name "stones". Since there are two Shekinahs, there are also two stones,
hence the confusion about its "true" nature that we so often find in the
writings of alchemy.
69Shak-ti as well as Skek-inah can be reduced phonetically to the Egyptian Kak,
which literally means “worm”. Kek similarly means darkness. In Akkadian we have
the related words Gig for “night” and Gigim for “demons”.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 209

Human body transmitted with thelower chakra trinityMuladhara-

Svadhishthana-Manipura is identical. If this happens, the Geburah
(below the Muladhara Chakra) exiled into the darkness of the Fall
cannot be connected to Chesed. The shin in the meme, the fire in the
water, cannot be freed. When this happens, as the Kabbalists say, the
nachash is drawn70, the worm, from the earth. A creative short circuit
occurs, symbolized by the movement of the cross. Here we have the
prototypical meaning of the upside-down Christian cross, which
stands for Shaitan, because Shaitan is change in the sense of a cyclical
progression towards wholeness. To do this, the polarities must be
changed; an internal pole change must take place.
Movement is life, and thatMovementof the base chakra means
spiritual life in humans. This is the mill of the gods that grinds the
elements of cosmic life that theymarriedto higher dimensions,
existences and entities: to other, new cosms. This is the riddle of the
Kabbalistic Olam Ha-Ba, the future world, which contains everything
that could be magically achieved in this world.
Without magic there is no future.

The way to heaven, if we want to use the word “association-free”

here, leads through the underworld. This practice is taboo, as the
comment by the well-known yoga author Arthur Avalon clearly shows:

Those who practice the type of magic mentioned work exclusively in

the lowest centers, ieMuladhara Chakra; they use Prayoga, which leads
to Nâyikâ Siddhi, which involves associating with female spirits and the

Similar to a shaky camera, a blur was created that formed a veil over
the human being's visionary consciousness. And the shadow that
emerged began to be unknowingly confused with Shaitan, the

Nachash = Venus (Nechosheth = copper or sun serpent).


Cf. Kenneth Grant, “Shadow Cults,” page 109.

210 Book II: NecroYoga

but it wasn't. It is only the cataclysmic shadow of the demiurgic intelligence

that is believed to be Shaitan. Because everything usually occurs in the un-
initiated organismafterThe flood that arises mentally comes from what came
after, but not what came before. In order to reach the before, the mirror must
first be broken, the water reflecting through the ego must first be broken
backwardbe penetrated.
However, this is only possible if the Shakti remains in an inner-body
circuit, which in NecroYoga is called the Abyssal Orbit, and is guided
downwards. This remaining in the lower orbit is symbolically referred to
asdecaydescribed. We find themhermetic“Putrefactio” again in the
symbolism of the Well of Barahut and its rotting waters, traditionally
located in the south of the Arabian Peninsula.
The Muladhara Chakra, Sephirotic Malkuth, is the end of one and
the beginning of the other, and neither is “evil.” Both parts belong
together. Only she, the Shakti, can open the gate to the Other Side.
The well-known Kabbalist De Guaita commented on this in a way that
revealed his sympathy for the traditionally false black and white view:

This is, as the Kabbalists say, the 'fluid worm of Assiyah'. – The ancient
Platonists saw it as the 'physical' soul of the world, which carries within
itself the seeds of all forms of life; the representatives of the Valentinian
Gnosis called it the 'Demiurge', 'the unscrupulous opener of the lower
worlds'... For the magicians it is the 'intermediate force' between the two
worlds; it is the convertible 'mediator', indifferent to good and evil... Finally,
it is the 'devil'...

The worm is the gate opener of the lower onesinnerWorld, which the
original meaning of the word Lilith unmistakably indicates: It literally
means “rotation”, points to the double law horizon via its two Lameds
or serpent letters and, in physical terms, to the Thoth formula
explained in Part I.

72Cf. Stanislas de Guaita, “Le Serpent de la Genese”, Livre II: “La Clef de la Magie Noire”,
Essais de Sciences Maudites, Guy Trédaniel, 1994, page 101.
Part I: The Other Gate of God 211

Thoth is the moon, the “little” black sun near the earth:73

The names Taht and David are similar, although not identical. Taht,
whose full name is Tahuti, shows that he was the bearer (ta) of the huti,
a type of dual light. This duality refers to the two halves of the lunation.

The moon is given an essential function in NecroYoga, because Tahuti/

Thoth is the scribe of the gods74. He is the word of the gods themselves,
the moon is his mouth, the mouth of the inner-cosmic worm, the dark
open Tiphareth, the daughter of Saturn.
When the tantrik's will is transferred to the worm, it is he who
ultimately turns his brothers into himthislets the world in. Here we also
discover the original meaning of the staff around whichnotone but two
snakes coil harmoniously. In astro-magical symbolism we speak ofDragon
HeadandDragon Tail, which symbolize the waxing and waning phases of
the moon.
AWorm exists in the human organism...
But who asked the question where this worm comes from? A
comment by Aleister Crowley should be quoted here:75

My observations of the universe convinced me that there are beings

with intelligence and power far higher in quality than anything we as
humans can imagine; We know that these beings are not necessarily
based on cerebral and nervous structures; and that they are the one
and only chance for humanity to advance as a whole through
individuals making contact with such beings.

In order to find an explanation, the two worms were equated with the
two subtle power streams Ida and Pingala. That makes sense, yes

73 Gerald Massey, “A Book of the Beginnings,” page 519.

74 Cf. Ibid. Page 529.
75 Cf. Kenneth Grant, “Shadow Cults,” page 171.
212 Book II: NecroYoga

This is a more recent, exegetical overlay from a time when the original
meaning of the symbol was no longer known.
The question remains:

How does the “one” Kunda worm get into the human organism? The
“Enuma Elish” provides the answer to this question like no other
acquaintance,unencryptedTradition of the post-Flood era. The basic
cosmological elements, which are used in the Kabbalah in variously
distorted and veiled forms, are resolved in a clarifying way in the account
of the creation of the world.
Part II: The White Summoning 213

Part II

The White Incantation

1. The mother's son

So even though Aaron was from the right side, the left side was absorbed,
the side that gave rise to the calf.
– Zohar, “P'Qude”

If we approach the NecroYoga practice, we must note what was

previously made clear:
The task is to change the polarity of the worm internally; it must be
guided downwards and into the inner cosmos outside of the sensory
known space-time, which is in the unactualized statebelowof the
Muladhara Chakra in the human organism.
The Left Hand Path exalts thiscentripetalfemale principle, while the
path of the right handcentrifugalfocuses on the male principle. The
left hand magic pulls back to the origin, the right hand magic pulls
away from the origin. One practice means a concentration of the will,
a coagula, the other a solution of the will, a solve. The visible material
universe, like the human soul, is caught between these two extremes.
The incessant dissonance that arises is now called “civilization.”

Why is that?
214 Book II: NecroYoga

The original, Typhonian or Draconic evolution consists of one

Autogenesis of the androgynous, in which the female principle
masculinizes in cyclical intervals. This male aspect of self-creation is
formed by the element of air. In the Kabbalah it is assigned to the
Aleph, which therefore has the central function in the physics of
darkness. In the Aleph, in the element of air, the two Yods are bound,
one of which has been revealed cosmically, the other has remained
hidden intracosmically. If we dissolve the Aleph, as it was presented in
the theoretical part, we get an Anti-Pi, which has the function of
structuring the darkness. The Aleph is graphically reminiscent of an
However, this has repeatedly led to exegetical confusion in the
magical teachings, and the writings of Aleister Crowley or Kenneth
Grant or other representatives of the Typhonian tradition are not
always free from involuntarily introduced, meaning-distorting symbol
overlaps. The X-Principle exists on both sides of the Etz Ha-Chaiim
because it is orientation neutral, in other words, it submits to the will
of the practitioner. In this sense it is unscrupulous and follows the call
of light and darkness without making distinctions. These distinctions
are then made in human consciousness, which has led to dramatic
errors and given rise to dogmas that, upon closer inspection, are
dissonant. In the current cosmic state it is the call of light that the X-
principle follows, with which it has therefore been falsely identified.
The X only symbolizes how this principle works, nothing more and
nothing less. It can represent both sides at the same time.

In the androgynous organism (abstractly referred to as wholeness) the

male represents the auto-reproductive element. Elementally it is the air, the
aleph, which can also be zero at the same time1. Therefore it says 1 = 0, which
can also be read as 10. As is well known, there are ten Sephiroth (excluding
Daath) on the front of the tree. However, as even the Kabbalists confirm,

1 Cf. Aleister Crowley, “The Book of Thoth,” Weiser, 2002.

Part II: The White Summoning 215

The other side's goal is also ten Sephiroth or tenAnti-Sephirothto

create. In NecroYoga terminology they willZothothcalled, literally the
“Female Crowns”.2The formula 1 = 0 is an unmistakable reference to
the mouth of the serpent, the hole of the worm, the moon and the
black hole in the macrocosmic context.
Since the androgynous organism splits cyclically in order to
reproduce, and this splitting is equated with the element of air, Set/
Sut is considered fatherless3described. He is born of the mother but
has no father, something that was later called “impiousness” (Anti-
Christ) by the opponents of the Typhonian or Draconic. Typhon (=Sut/
Set), the Judeo-Christian devil, if read as a male word, refers to the
godless, fatherless son of the mother in relation to these dogmas. In
reality the son is the father, the father is the son.
What the opponents of the Path of the Left Hand do not seem to
know is that Marduk, the creator god of man, is himself assigned to
the element of air. Planetary it is Jupiter, symbolized by the Aleph. The
reason is simple and has already been explained in great detail in Part
I: Marduk is an odd polar split from the androgynous organism, which
is why he is to be equated with the “Demiurge”, who is worshiped in
this way by the White Brotherhood. He is the ceaselessly dividing,
dissolving force that causes every order to collapse into disorder. And
in this sense he is the enemy of ancient chaos.
The drama began when, in the cosmic context, the male principle
split off from this androgynous primal organism in the wrong polarity.
The prototypical Marduk was born. He is a crippled force, and the
children he fathers in the solar systems in which he manifests will
become the children of self-destruction unless they remember their
origins and can internally harmonize the conflicting elements. Choose
the path against, against yourself,

2 From Zoth, “crown”, and the feminine plural “-oth”.

3 For this reason, the Greek set is traced back, among other things, to the
Egyptian Shet, which literally means "holy place", "womb". But shet is also
rendered as “suck”. Cf Gerald Massey, “A Book of the Beginnings,” page 568.
216 Book II: NecroYoga

If they do not exceed the threshold, they increase the violence of the
already chaotic forces of nature many times over and thus put every
planetary life in mortal danger over time.
This “fatherlessness”, which is the essence of the androgynous
principle, its auto-genesis, has been and is misunderstood. What's
more: One side has declared magical war on the other side, a war in
which it itself does not act, but mostly only reacts. The universe and
the human soul are caught in the resulting dissonance.
The resulting odd duality, which is called YHHV/Marduk, consists
externally and internally in the dominance of the male over the female.
For the rabbinic Kabbalists, the question of whether Lilith lies on top of
Adam during sexual intercourse is essentially a question of far-reaching
cosmological significance.
It is the same for the Other Side.
The real drama takes place in the world of the soul, which is not without
reason described as sun-like.
The key to understanding the darkness of the Other Side, the Anti-
Light, lies in their (once) androgynous nature.
The father needs the mother to produce offspring. This is the law in a
biological world in which the sexes are separated from each other. If we
transfer this statement to the externalized cosmic basic situation that we
have before us, Marduk deprives Tiamat of the fertilizing part of her own
being, which she herself needs for the reproduction of her own principle.
What Marduk robs is the element air, which in the “Enuma Elish” is called
Kingu. Kingu is not only the leader of the Tiamatian army against Marduk,
but he is also their firstborn. Later traditions, which no longer questioned
the cosmological original meaning and were subject to the inflationary
madness of excessive anthropomorphization, created the image of
Oedipus, his mother's lover who hates his father.4What is actually being
alluded to is

The pseudo-conflict between Osiris (father) and Set/Sut (son) also has its

origins here. Set/Sut kills/dismembers his father. However, the original

meaning of this dispute was lost in the Egyptian symbol variations or was no
longer known.
Part II: The White Summoning 217

that auto-genetic phase in which the feminine takes on male

characteristics, in which the son becomes a father. In the androgynous
world, sons are conceived by the mother, without the intervention of a
father, as is the norm in the world of spatiotemporal individualization.
At the moment when the male principle breaks away from the
androgynous organism principle, darkness begins the vital pursuit of
light, which must be destroyed due to its odd polarity. In this conflict,
grace, chesed, and judgment, geburah, come to fruition. They are the
cyclical tipping point in the scales of cosmic development. They take
turns unless they begin to lead a life of their own, as has become
apparent in the case of the White Brotherhood.

The universe of false light in this sense, which is the circle around
the truth of the Eternal, must cease to exist by being reintegrated into
the whole. To do this, man must overcome the fear that once arose
through the split/separation and became the governor of the soul.
218 Book II: NecroYoga

2. The circle of God

And to purify themselves, they had to sacrifice a goat, since the goat is part
of the evil impulse.
– Zohar, “P'Qude”

The spell holding back the Great Old Ones is therefore currently
centrifugal, male in nature. It corresponds at the same time to one of
the two inner natures of light, a dominant and a suppressed part.
Marduk's subtle circle of spells expands; it increases in strength and
intensity the more human individuals enter it either unconsciously or
consciously. The dividing light is the enemy of wholeness, insofar as it
moves away from it, does not mate with the darkness; because that is
exactly what it meanscentrifugalPower: The escape from the origin,
the night, Umma Hubur, the spider beyond the tree of life and death.
If Hubur-Tiamat enters this world, the X-force unknown “here” unfolds
its magical-reparative effect: both sides of the world, the centrifugal
male and the centripetal female, are reconnected, as the auto-genesis
of the androgynous primal -Organism provides. Harmony arises. As a
result, androgynous souls can be born that carry the wisdom from the
We must note that the dominance of the male over the female is
the actual psycho-cosmic spell of Marduk, which is effective inside and
out. It is a circle with a cross, the quartering of the whole, which forms
the basis of the subtle human organism. The unconscious man stands
on this cross, while the Great Old Ones have to remain outside the
organic dimensions. But it is this cross that originally symbolized the
entry, the birth of the soul into the space-time dimensions.
Part II: The White Summoning 219

And it is precisely this cross-point, the intersection of the dual nature of the
principle, that is the magically “contested” place in the dimension of the soul.
At this point, the original arrow of time splits into two directions.
The Kunda worm, later clothed in the symbolism of the serpent, is
therefore at the center of both practical paths, and as already anticipated,
the answer to the question of where this worm energy comes from is
found in the Akkadian-Babylonian “Enuma Elish “, which, perhaps like no
other tradition known today, describes the cosmological events that led to
the creation of this universe and alsothis solar systemled, treated.

The exact origins of the “Enuma Elish”, which exists today in

fragments from the second millennium BC5, are still obscure after its
rediscovery by the English ancient Near Easternist George Smith in
1875 and despite numerous subsequent comparative studies with the
Old Testament and other texts from the biblical period. The words of
the so-called are strikingQuttulu word family, which are contained in
places of essential importance in the text and express a cultic
affiliation that is indefinable in oriental studies, which we find
occasionally hinted at in Lovecraft's works thousands of years later.
They were first compiled by the ancient orientalist Harri Holma in
Helsinki in 1914.
The Babylonians Semitized the liturgical texts of the Sumerians, who
themselves were neither Semites nor Indo-European and whose origin remains
mysterious and unclear to this day.
If the “Enuma Elish” existed in an original Sumerian version, the
Babylonians must have seen it as an important sacred text that
transcended the cultural differences between peoples. Did the
Babylonians recognize in this cosmology a memory of distant times,
of an era of human history that is now associated with the name
Perhaps the greatest symbol of this distortion today is Bab-Ilu (Babel), the
“Gate of God” itself. In the Enuma Elish it is clearly emphasized:6

5Cf. WH Mülller, “Urlicht – In the footsteps of the gods of prehistoric times”, 1994, page 38.

6 Cf. Ibid pages 112-13.

220 Book II: NecroYoga

Bab-Ilu, the gate of our gatherings on earth, be our abode for all time.
May the Bound Gods serve us day by day...We want to be his wall,
building it up brick by brick.

What does the abode, the temple of Marduk, consist of?

The bricks of the temple form the unawakened souls of people
trapped in that diluvial dissonance, caught between the two extremes
of primal order and chaos. Life, mythically and magically, originally
only meant soul, not matter. Matter is the dwelling of the soul, which
itself causes the movement of consciousness. How we move through
the world of matter depends on how the soul can move within us.

Bab-Ilu is the gate of that deity who was chosen as the unrestricted creator
god in a new historical era after the flood in the distorted form Marduk-YHVH
and has been worshiped ever since. The ancient orientalist Alfred Jeremias

The poetry from Babylon clearly reveals the tendency to establish the right
of Marduk of Babylon to rule the world.

Marduk is a male creator deity, and it is precisely here that - again–the

solution to the mystery, because the four-letter divine name of the
Kabbalists, YHVH, emerges from the mother letter sequence, which
the well-known Kabbalistic physicist Aryeh Kaplan described as a
mystery even deeper than that of Ha-Shem himself. This is to be
agreed , and as could be determined, is thePronunciationof the
“unpronounceable” nameYahwehitself a great key, as it reveals the
Typhonian Mother GoddessChawah/Kephain this. In the original
sense, YHVH unites both sides of the deity, with the female being
tabooed into a “pronounceable” size. The male-female deity was the
focus of worship in the ancient Egyptian Menat or Aati cult,

Cf. Alfred Jeremias, “The Old Testament in the Light of the Ancient Near East,” page 117.
Part II: The White Summoning 221

behind which the Jewish Sirius cult is hidden.8thAfter its destruction and
after the codification of various literature from the epochs of Jewish
history, fragments of the original dogma found their way into the core
corpus of Kabbalah, were later taken up, commented on, intentionally and
unintentionally distorted or completely systematically hidden under
Kabbalistic dialectics.
The light forces that emerged in this catastrophe became independent
in an elementary way, were finally able to consolidate themselves and
have become the guardians of this “their” world. They guard a threshold
that is the intersection of two universes. This threshold is at the same
time the wound of the night, when the day rose god-like from its original
dimensional structure in odd polarity. The day began to challenge the
night, we can say. The interface at which this conflict can begin and end is
the cosmological-magical Babylon.
According to the "Enuma Elish", Marduk set up this threshold, man
serves this power as the barrier brought to incarnation: the subtle
man is Marduk's tool when he sees the divinity in it entirety, in your
Wholenessfrom this universe. However, he uses Marduk as a bridge
to the Great Old Ones when he crosses the threshold. Unconsciously
and chakraically, it blocks the awareness of this wholeness, which
includes both sides, light and darkness, grace and judgment. And we
now want to look chronologically at the decisive stages in the magical
assumption of power by the cosmic deities:

8thThe Egyptian menat means “end”, “death”, “to have arrived”, but also “nurse”.
However, Menat and Aati are not ethnic determinants. Cf. Gerald Massey, “A
Book of the Beginnings,” pages 253, 497, 571, 734.
222 Book II: NecroYoga

2. Seizure of power of the light

So we must sacrifice a goat to him at the time of every new moon so

that he will refrain from acting as an accuser.
– Zohar, “P'Qude”

So let us identify and define the White Incantation, and in order to do

so we must unravel step by step the Babylonian creation account
“Enuma Elish”, which is dogmatically intertwined with the Kabbalah.
Which magical basic elements are inherent in the white incantation, which
are still processed to this day again and again in an almost hypnotizing,
unconscious, ritualistic way?

i. revolt
And they rebelled against Tiamat, they overwhelmed the Watchers...they
disturbed the thoughts of Tiamat as they sang in the chambers of Andurruna.9

This is the translation of the Babylonian words, which contain serious

answers to the universal question of meaning.
The rabbinic Kabbalah hides the cosmological reality indicated here
behind the term Shevirat Ha-Kelim, “break of the vessels”, and
dogmatically claims that this break in the divine original organism only
took place in order to give Adam and his generations the opportunity to
do so to completely destroy the so-called “evil ones”, the kings of Edom10,
which before the break would have been inseparably linked to the “good”

9Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1923, page
10 Cf. Charles Mopsik, “Les Grands Texts de la Cabale”, Verdier, 1993, page 493.
Part II: The White Summoning 223

ren. The world would therefore only have been created to make “evil”
visible, tangible and destructible to humans. This is the Kabbalistic
claim, which essentially confirms the older Babylonian Marduk dogma
that man was created to serve his Creator (Marduk).

In reality, the “rupture of the vessels” is the interruption of a pre-

temporal and pre-spatial energy flow that constitutes the evolution of the
androgynous primordial organism. The place where this “break” became
manifest in Adam is the Muladhara Chakra, the place where alone this
dimensional break can be undone. Because rupture means threshold/
barrier (see Figure 3).

Lilith Kunda worm

Fig. 3:Shevirat Ha-Kelim: The Rupture of the Vessels

But what did the original state

consist of? What was the riot?
Tiamat, Sumerian Tamtu, is, together with Abzu, the androgynous primal entity.

Since Abzu, which is written synonymously Ab-zu, can be read Zu-

ab and literally translated as “knowledge of the abyss”, we have a
polar term or a mirrored word here.

Compare Sumerian Tamtu, from Tam meaning “pure”; Egyptian Tam-t “a


whole of two halves”; of which Hebrew Tham, “to be twofold”, “joined as

twins”; Egyptian in turn Tem, “perfection”, which also refers to the deity Ma/
Mau; the Egyptian Tem-t is the “perfect cycle.” The basic word in Egyptian is
Tepht, “abyss”. “Cave”, “original hollow in the sense of creation”, but also
“entrance door” (= wormhole). Cf. Gerald Massey, “A Book of the Beginnings,”
page 195.
224 Book II: NecroYoga

Within this primordial spatial (hyper-spatial) form of life, time does

not exist in today's physical sense, because time is nothing more than
a mass changed in relation to the primordial order of the elements,
which is expressed by E = MC²/A = MSh². Or to put it another way: time
equals mass and light. The more light, the more time. Before the
existence of light, there was therefore no time in the cosmic sense. As
the “Enuma Elish” puts it, a vibration began to arise which was
perceived by the androgynous primal organism as resistance to itself.
If we personify the forces/powers/deities involved, we can speak of
“riot” or “rebellion”. These powers rose up against the existing order
and the cosmic world as it appears to the physicist today was born in
a subsequent revolution of the elements. This revolution against the
androgynous primal being and its very own cycle of existence led to a
dimensional break. The X-dimensional primordial world, which was
already discussed in Part I, was split up in unequal ways. This division
today serves as the inviolable condition sine qua non for the creation
of the universe, because it is the foundation without which life would
not be as it is.
How does the “Enuma Elish” express this rupture?
The forces that rose against the interior of Tiamat-Abzu in order to
initiate externalization overcome the “guardians,” as the original text
What do these “guardians” stand for?

Regardless of language and culture, the original meaning of “to guard” is surround.
That which guardssurroundsthat which is to be guarded. The surroundings are the
protection or: The outside protects the inside.
The Babylonian-Assyrian word for “guardian” is Nasiru, which has
the literal meaning of “to guard.”12
In Nasiru we easily recognize the root SR as Asiru/Siru. Siru has, on the one
hand, an unknown meaning in Assyrian, but on the other hand it is

12Cf. “The Assyrian Dictionary”, ed. by Erica Reiner, Vol. 11, The Oriental Institute of
Chicago, 1980 page 70.
Part II: The White Summoning 225

it translated as “pipe”.13A related Sihru means “border”, “surrounded”.14

However, Siru leads us directly to the Hebrew Seir, which means Edom/
Sirius. That the guards were considered “evil” becomes clear when we
take a look at the Sumerian language, in which guard = lurker and
Mashkim is translated.15
These Mashkim, which number seven, later became the demons of the
Other Side in the Kabbalah.16
What Babylonian and Assyrian do not express, we find in Hebrew,
where "guardian" is rendered TzPhH, which is that word from which
Tzaphonis formed. The Tzaphon is the mountain of the north or also
Midnight or Mothernight Mountain. In the Kabbalah it is the mountain of
evil, which opposes the holy mountain of God. Mountain equals triangle
and triangle signals the Trinity. In Kabbalah there is also the “Heavenly”
and “Infernal Trinity”. The latter is equated with Samael/Seir/Sirius.17

As already mentioned in isolated cases, “evil” in Kabbalah always

comes from the north. Magically speaking, Mount Tzaphon is the
inverted Trinity, symbolized by the Tetragrammaton or YHVH. And
finally, the world opened to the north is indicated by the second
Hebrew letter Beth, since the Beth, itself formed from three vavs, is
opened on a left side. In the Kabbalah, the left side, like the north, is
equated with “evil”.
If we take a closer look at the etymology of TzPhH, we come across a
remarkable detail through which the rebellion against the androgynous
primal organism of Tiamat and Abzu can be explained very clearly:

13 Cf. Ibid Vol. 15, page 320. The so-called “pipe stand” serves in the Enuma Elish as a
symbol for the transition from negative to positive existence.
14 Cf. Ibid page 263.
15 Cf. Friedrich Delitzsch, “Sumerian Glossary”, Leipzig, 1914, page 184.
16 The Hebrew root MShK means “to draw in.”
17 The Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius is a triangle, which translated into Hebrew
corresponds to the tooth or shin.
226 Book II: NecroYoga

TzPhH also means “to draw together” in Hebrew18, stands for the
coagula from which the light broke away in a solve.
Overcoming the guardians, the Mashkim, signals to us a partial
abolition of the coagula state, symbolized by the 8, the number of the
original paradise, as the Egyptians called it. 8 is the glyph of the
highest concentration of matter and thus of the spirit that arises from
it, if we want to use this abstract word.
The light that emerges from the darkness breaks away from it and
gets lost in the space-time expanded cosmos. This is the dogma of “Let
there be light.” The light flees from the origin, this solution, a solve,
represents the initial, chaotic exit of light from what is now physically
known as a black hole. With this event begins the world of entropy from
order, which is actually chaos, becomes disorder, the mixing of the
elements, which is finally called Shamayim, "heaven" by the Kabbalists.19,
has been described.
But what significance do the opening words of “Enuma Elish” have for the
subtle practice that we are increasingly concerned with here?
The northern opening of the “house,” which is an epithet of the
Hebrew letter Beth20, was obstructed by the Muladhara chakra in the
conventional state. Beth is the first letter of the Old Testament
Bereshith21and therefore represents the wrong polarity. Some

18 Cf. EH Meier, “Hebrew Root Dictionary”, Mannheim, 1845, page 316.

19In the Sepher Ha-Bahir it is said: “What is the seventh? It is the heaven called
Aravot. And why is it called Heaven (Shamayim)? Because it is round like a head.”…
The seventh is assigned to the East. From there comes the seed of Ishrael. The
spine has its origin in the head and runs to the sexual organs, where the seed is.”
Cf. “The Bahir,” trans. by Aryeh Kaplan, Aronson, 1995, page 38.
20 “The letter Beth (= 2) indicates that two things have been joined together, that is,
two points, one shrouded in mystery and one that can be revealed.” Cf. “The
Zohar”, Vol. I, Prologue, page 32.
21 Bereshith is generally inadequately translated as “in the beginning…”. Even
Kabbalists have pointed this out. For example, Bereshith can be translated Bara-
Shith, “he created six.” In the NecroYoga context it is spelled Bara Shti, which
Part II: The White Summoning 227

Dogmatic Kabbalists therefore claim that the world was created with
the power of this second letter.
The further text of the “Enuma Elish” speaks of the fact that the gods
would “sing” inside the primordial cosmos, in the chambers of Andurruna or
Aralu, the prototype of the later demonized underworld.
This choice of words sounds strikingly “inappropriate”,too
anthropomorphicfor an obviously cosmological context, which already
shows some dogmatic shoals at first glance.
However, the word used in Babylonian serves us as onemore
crucialNote: Because once again we come across Siru via the
inconspicuous “singing”, and Siru is also the first word with which we
can positively identify the White Summoning. It is included in the term
“Guardian” and cosmologically signals Sirius.
If we look at it in Sumerian terms, we get to Sir, which, in addition
to having the same meaning of “sing,” also means “spin.”22In addition
to “light”, it can also be translated as “density” or “tear off”.23
This represents a remarkable combination of meanings that can only be
explained in the light of our cosmological considerations, and at the same
time we get a clue as to why the Babylonians considered the Sumerian
language to be sacred.
Overcoming the “guardians” is not only a tearing away from the
primal order caused by a solve (spiders/network = becomes.24The
resulting opening of the androgynous primal organism is with the

literally means “he created a hole”; The Egyptian shti for “hole” is used as a
metathesis of shith. Bara, BR, means “to drill” in Hebrew. Cf. Friedrich
Delitzsch, “Studies on Indo-European-Semitic root relationships”, Leipzig, 1873,
page 50.
22Cf. Friedrich Delitzsch, “Sumerian Glossary,” page 264.
23 Cf. B. Hübner, A. Reizammer, “Inim Kiengi”, Vol. 2, Marktredwitz, 1986, page 890.
24 The Hebrew also knows ShR with the literal meaning of “umbilical cord”.
228 Book II: NecroYoga

premature,odd polarOpening of a birth cave, of the inner cosmos. The

Hebrew letter Kaph stands for this original cave25, from which, as
already explained, the Greek word chaos can be derived. We find the
Kaph again in the Egyptian name for the mother goddess, which is
Kepha and which ultimately leads us to the distorted name of God,
Yahweh. The Hebrew also knows ShR with the literal meaning of
“umbilical cord”.
Let us summarize at this point:
A power, later mentioned in the Enuma Elish, causes a turmoil in
the inner cosmos that exists before the light exists. This cosmos,
which corresponds to the cosmozoon, the original form of universal
life from Part I, is symbolized by the 8. It is characterized by the
highest possible density or by a coagula, let us use this terminology
again. Gateways to this cosmos exist in spacetime via the
Schwarzschild radius of a black hole. The microcosmic equivalent of
this zone in which the light freezes is the base chakra in the human
organism. We can even say that the unawakened, because unmoved
Kunda worm is this frozen light in the organic subtle sense. If it is
pulled up in the body, it moves away from its origin like light moves
away from a black hole.
That turmoil created an opening where there should be no
opening, which is what we describe as odd polarity. From this
catastrophe, this miscarriage of light, as it may be called if we want to
use that anthropomorphic terminology, came the Cosmic North,
where the suns have been dying ever since. The original house, which
is symbolized by the letter Beth, was given an opening, as the letter
also graphically illustrates.
The “Enuma Elish” refers to a mysterious “singing” or “noise” when
it speaks of the rebellion against Tiamat-Abzu. We find it again in a
prominent place in the Kabbalah in the case of the Old Testament
“Song of Songs,” whose Hebrew title is Shir Ha-Shirim.

25"In the Hebrew language, kapha means 'to coagulate'... but can also be
found in the 'many-fingered' Egyptian kp, 'closed'." Cf. Carl Faulmann,
“Illustrated History of Writing”, Augustus Verlag, 1990, pages 265, 267.
Part II: The White Summoning 229

The Hebrew Shir, literally translated as “song,” refers Kabbalistically to the

permutation variant Shaar, ShAiR26, which literally means "gate", "opening",
and so we read Shir Ha-Shirim as Shaar Ha-Sherim, literally "gate of demons":
Sirius Gate.
To summarize again:
OneacyclicOpening in the original organismodderPhase change
creates a faulty creation sequence, as a result of which spacetime comes
into being. This is the initial “break of the vessels” which, inscribed in the
universal matrix, propagates cosmically. So the evolution of the
androgynous original organism, the universe in its original form, is
disturbed. The elements that must work together to continue
androgynous evolution are subject to chaotically emerging cosmic laws.
This creation sequence isaberrativeand no longer primordial (because
odd polar) and corresponds to light and the kabbalistic-physical equation
A = MSh², which is hidden behind E = MC².

ii. The Crown of Grace

Ea, who knows all things and knows everything, his gaze penetrated the
interior. He devised his Pure and White Incantation, which surpassed all;
and he recited them, and caused the waters to cover them. He cast a spell
on Abzu as he rested in a cave. He cut off the male parts of the Mummu,
just as he severed its tendons and tore the crown from its head; He took
away his shining robe and dishonored him. He then banished Abzu and
struck him down. He tied Mummu up and crushed his skull. He built his
house on the Abzu.27

The power that opposes Tiamat-Abzu, the androgynous primal

organism, is referred to at this point in the “Enuma Elish” as Ea. Ea is
an early manifestation of the later Marduk. As a rule, one speaks of

See also the variant Ha-Shaar and Ha-Shahar, “Aurora”.


Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” pages 75-77.

230 Book II: NecroYoga

Ea is the Babylonian variant for the Hebrew Jah/YH, that is, the first
part of the four-letter name YHVH. Marduk, on the other hand,
represents the full name. For this reason, Ea is Sumerian Ia, which
means "five", half of 10. Marduk is 10 (X), the entirety of Sephiroth, ie
thefrontof Etz Ha-Chaiim.
What events follow the overpowering of the Guardians? Ea, the
later Marduk, tears Mummu's crown from his head. Two terms
require clarification: mummu and crown.
The Babylonian Mummu is generally rendered abstractly as “form.”
28It is also translated, no less abstractly, with logos.29

If you want to use Babylonian, we have Mu for “water.” Therefore,

Mummu has been variously translated as “Great Water” (doubling Mu)
and is referred to in extensio as “messenger of Abzu”.30
But this says very little, as the essence of Mummus remains hidden behind
these abstractions that, upon closer inspection, are meaningless.
Who is the primeval bearer of the crown? This question remains.
The doubled mu is striking, but this is not an emphasis, but rather
two different words:
There are three Sumerian translation variants, all of which ultimately point
to the same thing:

1. Mu for Mush is the “reptile”, the “worm”,31and Mu for Mushen is

the “bird.”32Musen is a determinative, so we have: Mushen-Mu:
“bird-worm.” Mushen is literally Mush-An, “worm of heaven”.

Cf. Ibid page 72.


From the Sumerian mu, “to call.” Cf. Friedrich Delitzsch, “Sumerian Glossary,” page

187. Babylonian Emu, “speak.” Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,”
page 72.
Cf. Ibid page 73.

B. Hübner, A. Reizammer, “Inim Kiengi”, Vol 2, page 698.


Cf. Ibid page 701.

Part II: The White Summoning 231

2. Mu can also be the incantation,33which brings us to worm +

incantation. Mu-azag-ga34is analogously the pure, ie the white
incantation of Marduk.
3. Mu and Mush, which makes name + worm.

Not only worm and bird, but also worm and name appear together in
the translation variants.
We know this symbolism from other cultures where we talk about
the feathered serpent or the flying worm. “Feathered” stands for the
element of air and rising from the underworld, the Abyss.
What happens to Mummu, the androgynous Kunda worm, when Ea
tears the crown from his head, as described in the original text?
This question is answered by determining what the term “crown”
originally means cosmologically and, above all, magically?
The word translated “crown” in the “Enuma Elish” is Agu. Agu is not
only a headdress in the sense of “crown”, but is also translated as
“moon”, in particular it relates to the full moon35. The essential
meaning, which sheds further light on the cosmological context, is
“water flow”, “wave”.36
When Ea snatches the crown from Mummu, he takes away the
water of life; in other words, he diverts a creative stream of energy,
thereby creating an odd polarity. These waters are also symbolized by
the moon, which corresponds to the element of water. Ea relocates
the fertilizing source of life, but also the possibility of the worm's self-
renewal, the word of Tiamat and Abzu, into the planetary cosmos. A
phase shift occurs.
Kabbalistically this means that Chesed is separated from Geburah. Red
is split off from white, the crown of power, which is at Tiamat-Abzu

33Cf. Friedrich Delitzsch, “Sumerian Glossary”, page 187.

34Cf. Ibid pages 187-88.
35Cf. “The Assyrian Dictionary”, ed. by Erica Reiner, Vol. 1, The Oriental Institute of
Chicago, 1964, pages 189-92.
36 Cf. Ibid page 193.
232 Book II: NecroYoga

and lay with Mummu will be torn in two. An androgynous evolution descends into
When Ea interrupts the life stream of the original organism in order to
subsequently direct this stream to herself, in Kabbalistic terms the power
of the Sephirothic creation is first transferred to the “new” deities.
But Ea fails on the first attempt to bind Tiamat and her allied
powers/sons to his power, whereupon Marduk is created and given
the task of finally splitting up the original unity in order to create the
current universe of space and time from its parts to create.

One of the essential elements of the White Summoning is the

euthanasia of the Abzu.
What does the word “Abzu” tell us?
Although usually rendered as meaninglessly abstract as “water
depth” or “abyss,” as we have already seen in the case of Mummu, on
closer inspection it conveys much more to us:
Abzu, which can also be written alternately Ap-su, is the place of origin,
the root of the tree of life. He is also called thatFlesh of the gods
Ab-zu/Ap-su are the elements that make up the abyss, the abyss.
Ab(u) means “father” and Zu/Shu37signals Kingu, the firstborn son of
Tiamat, who precedes her.38
Abzu is Tiamat's husband, but also her firstborn. Here we have the
prototype of sacred incest, which, unlike in the world of separate
sexes, represents the essential basis of reproduction in the dimension
of the androgynous primal organism. At this point in the “Enuma
Elish” we come across an explicit reference

37 Shu is also known as “Lord of Dogs”. Zu is also called Anzu/Anshe. Anshe

literally means “men” in Hebrew and refers to the Gibborim/Nephilim, the
giants/Titanu who mate with the daughters (Daughter = He in YHVH).
Compare Gen 6:4. Cf. “The Old Testament – Hebrew-German interlinear
translation”, Vol. I, Hänssler-Verlag, 1989, page 31.
Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 101.
Part II: The White Summoning 233

the androgynous evolution,in which the son (= Kingu) becomes the husband of the
mother (Abzu).This is the son of the Mother, the fatherless deity of Draconic Magic
and the Path of the Left Hand.
Shu/Zu or Kingu is also the bearer of the tablet of fate and leader of
the Great Old Ones (the army of Tiamat) against Marduk before/with the
creation of this world.
The Tablet of Destiny is symbolized by the letter Lamed. In
Kabbalah it therefore symbolizes the “teaching”.
But here we also have the prototype of the so-called “War in Heaven”,
which shook the inner cosmos and in the course of which the universe of
space and time emerged as an aberrative creation sequence. And so we
can say that “Let there be light” is Marduk’s war cry against the Great Old
The meaning of “conjuration” is now also attached to the
explained, fundamental meaning of the word Abzu. The Babylonian
word for this in its spelling variants is Siptu, Aspitu/Asipu, in which one
can recognize a metathetic variant of Abzu/Apsu.
Ea puts the Ab-zu to sleep, as the original text puts it. This
euthanasia suggests the sleeping/unawakened Kunda Worm, acting
as a barrier or threshold through its inactivity caused by the
summoning. With conjuring control over the Abzu, the deity gains
access to the inner world. She becomes his guardian. The house of the
later man-god is built on the Abzu, which means that the Great Old
Ones who “lurk” below this Abzu are pushed back.

Let's summarize:
The energy flow, referred to as Mummu, is redirected, moving the
life source of the intracosmic life forms into the space-time cosmos.
The Abzu, who is identical to Kingu, who will be discussed later, is the
firstborn and at the same time the husband of Tiamat, since the
evolution of the androgynous cosmozoon consists in a cyclical self-
division in which the female temporarily becomes the male.
234 Book II: NecroYoga

Based on the depictions from the “Enuma Elish,” we see more and
more clearly that the universe is also engaged in a debate about its
sexuality, initiated in space and time by the splitting of the
androgynous primordial organism, its odd polar, because uncyclical,
opening led to the creation of fear, which has the wrong beginning.

iii. Crossed spaces

He had his secret chamber set up in the Abzu. Lahmu and Lahamu
lived there majestically. In the shrine of the fates, where the forms
reside, the wisest of the wise, the advisor of the gods, a new god was
created. In the middle of the Abyss was Marduk39born; In the midst of
the pure Abyss, Marduk was created. Lahmu his father fathered him;
Lahamu, his mother carried him.40

After the cosmic-magical binding of Abzu, Marduk is born. Ea

becomes Marduk, the name of the Demiurge/Tetragrammaton is
But how does Marduk come to be born?
And what constitutes the completion of his name?
Marduk is called the son of Lahmus and Lahamus. This is also the
key to the mystery of this deity.
The Babylonian names Lahmu and Lahamu lead us to the
cosmological understanding of another essential part of the “Enuma Elish”
and illuminate the meaning of the White Incantation:
Although Lahmu and Lahamu are feminine and masculine names, it is the
primary sound or letter of which they are composed that allows us to
recognize the nature of Marduk:

39In the Langdon version of “Enuma Elish” Ashur is spoken of instead of Marduk.
The same demiurgic intelligence was given different names in Ashur and Babylon.

40Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 79.

Part II: The White Summoning 235

Both names essentially consist of two L sounds or two Lameds.

These stand for the Lamed configuration explained in Part I or the
double legal horizon. Lahmu and Lahamu are the Babylonian version
of the AL-LA formula, and we see that Marduk combines both
horizons, with the bound Abzu as a barrier between the two. This
makes it clear: Marduk = Aleph, in which the two Yods, which we
recognized as two parts of the same worm, are magically bound.
We find both Lameds in the Kabbalah in the word LVL, which means
“spiral”. In Kabbalah it represents the “revolving door” between day and
night. LIL, as in Lilith, signals to us in this sense the door inclined towards
the night, the Sitra Achara,the moon, in whose light, on a secret day of the
lunar month, the gateway to the back of the Etz Ha-Chaiim of this solar
system opens.
Marduk is the barrier that holds back the Other Side. If we transfer
the cosmic conflict to rotation, we come to the conclusion that Marduk
interrupts the complete rotation, the rotation of the law, as the word
Torah originally indicates. For this reason he is called Nibiru in
Babylonian language, which means “hard cutter”. He not only cuts
himself and the world off from the origin but, if we describe it with a
twist, prevents the completion of the law, expressed by the AL-LA
formula, the negation (LA) of the AL, the El, the demiurgic God , who is
also known as YHVH.41
The visible evidence of this inner-cosmic catastrophe is very clearly
visible in Jupiter: Jupiter is a gas giant, a “prevented” one becauseunlit
sun. Due to this failure of Jupiter to ignite into a sun (which would
make this solar system binary), the evolution of the androgynous
could not continue.42This is of outstanding importance for the practice
of NecroYoga, because it is not just an auto-

41 This negation of the one Lamed, Arabic Lam, is the cardinal key to the Islamic
42In the Kabbalah, the androgyne is called Samael and Lilith, who formed a unity
before the cosmic catastrophe. They were conceived like Adam and Hawah (Eve).
236 Book II: NecroYoga

tantric body work, but also work with the dimensions that make up
this solar system. Jupiter, who is symbolized by the Hebrew letter
Aleph, but also by the Tzaddi, is not a star. Marduk-Jupiter is Baal,
which also means “crippled” in Hebrew.43Marduk is the dead deity
because he has been separated from the origin of things. The birth of
Marduk is the step towards the establishment of an odd polarity,
which is the conflict. When Zeus/Marduk banishes the Titans to the
underworld44This means that their names remain unspoken in the
cosmos. They cannot be revealed. For the Titans are none other than
the kings of Edom.45

iv. Light eruption

A messenger named Ilu reported the events to Tiamat: They have slain
Abzu your husband... And though they were slain, Abzu your husband;
and Mummu, who was tied up... but you are not alone. Go quickly to
the work of revenge. Our insides have drained away, our eyes have

We want to focus in particular on the words in this passage that speak of

the fact that the inside of the original organism has “flowed out” and its
eyes have “clouded”.

43This is what Dtn, for example, refers to. 32:5: “A false and twisted generation fell away from

him, crippled ones who are no longer his sons.”

44 Akkadian-Babyblonian the place of banishment is called Adesu, from which

the Greek Hades can be derived.
45 The seven kings are mentioned in Gen. 36:31ff. They correspond to the Sephiroth
as follows: Bela = Daath, Yobab = Chesed, Husham = Geburah, Hadad = Tiphareth,
Samlah = Netzach/Hod, Saul = Yesod, Baal-Hanan = Malkuth. The “coming” eighth
king is called Hadar, HDR. Since its value is 209, it is said to represent
Tetragrammaton (26) multiplied by 8, the number that itself symbolizes the day of
circumcision. Cf. “Esh Metsaref”, tr. Georges Lahy, Editions Lahy, 2006, pages 80-81.

46 Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 85.

Part II: The White Summoning 237

Here we come across a so-called word from the Quttulu word

family, which were first compiled in 1914 by the German orientalist
Harri Holma. “Clouded” is one of these words, which in the original
Babylonian is Hu-um mu-ra.47The Qutullu word Hum-mu-ru(m)48
means “blind” or “one-eyed”, related to the Arabic Awaru.49The root
word is WR, which corresponds to the Sumerian Ur and is translated
as “dog”.
But WR/Awaru takes us even further:
Awaru leads to "red" (Ahmaru) and "red-haired", to the vulgarity of
Esau, who is Edom/Seir/Samael, which as we know stands for Sirius.
Another Qutullu word is Hamus, “crimson”.50
In the line of text in the “Enuma Elish” that speaks of “clouded”
eyes, we see a clear reference to the Kabbalistic meaning of
Tohuvabohu, which has already been explained in detail elsewhere.
Through the uncyclic eruption of what had become light, Tohu was
separated from Bohu, depriving the Other Side of the ability to
knowledge-formingto reach into this elementally confused world. The
connection between the two parts Tohu and Bohu is given in Hebrew
by the Vav, the letter of life, as it is called in the “Zohar”. Even-

Cf. Ibid.

48There are several spelling variants. Cf. Harri Holma, “The Assyrian-Babylonian
personal names of the form Quttulu”, Helsinki, 1914, page 56. Quttulu is also
rendered Kuttulu. Cf. Ibid S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 85.

49Syr. Wira. Cf. Ibid.

50From Hummuzu. Cf. Ibid, page 55. Red is the symbolic color of the back of
the Tree of Life, also of the Egyptian underworld, in which the sun, called Af-
Ra, “crawls” like a worm, stays until it rises over the inner cosmic horizon as a
soul/sun . The transfer to astronomy or the physical world is only intended to
symbolize the inner processes and serves as a symbol for the non-symbolic
protocosmic reality. Organically, the back of the anus is the area of bodily
excretions. The Quttulu word Guhuru also refers to “excreare” or “emissio”. Cf.
Ibid page 40.
238 Book II: NecroYoga

We have already recognized early on that the Vav, the vertical line, stands for
the axis of a given system (stellar and planetary).
The knowledge of the origin and source of all things was lost
beneath the waters of this flood of light, which would later form what
is called "heaven" in the limited visions of Kabbalistic writers.
The outflow of a life-sustaining form of energy from the primal paradise,
symbolized by the 8, leads to, if we want to stick with this comparison, the
eyes (sensory organs) sinking into the “depth of their sockets”. This is literally
indicated by one of two words in the Quttulu word family. It reads Agagu/
Hagga.51On the other hand, we have H'gar and Hagala with the meanings
“limping” and “leaping to run”.52
The latter spelling in particular is reminiscent of the “foreign” mother of
Ishmael, who was sent into the desert by Abraham: Hagar.
As the text continues, Tiamat creates, who is also referred to as the
pure one53, in retaliation for banishing her husband/firstborn Abzu, 11
forces she leads into battle against the demiurgic Marduk. She gives
Kingu the Tablet of Destiny and the so-called Anu Shaft, his names
towering over the names of the heavenly Anunnaki. He continues to
receive the rule of the gods54in which we have a reference to the
Kabbalistic Malkuth,the power of ten, can recognize. It is reported that
Tiamat and her sons55theCurse daylight.56The gods are from

51Cf. Ibid page 24.

52Related to Assyrian. Ugalu, Agalu, from which Hebrew leech, “calf”, “to be quick, to
be hasty”. Cf. Ibid page 25. In these languages, the calf (cf. the dance around the
golden calf) literally symbolizes only “rotation”. There are two rotations, a left and a
right rotation of the elementary particles, analogous to two cosms (front and back
of the tree), which are dimensionally nested with each other, with the other side
being reached through a certain gateway, which is what Necro-Yoga is all about.

53Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 73.

54Cf. Ibid page 91.
55Tiamat = 1 and her sons = 7. Together they form the eightness of time and space.
HP Lovecraft alludes to this with Cthulhu, whose form is octopodial.
56Cf. Ibid page 95.
Part II: The White Summoning 239

Fear seized, an attempt to calm Tiamat fails. Eventually, Marduk is

chosen to face Tiamat. Marduk is tasked with creating 11 powers to
oppose Tiamat.

The gematric meaning of 2 x 11 must be emphasized. 11 + 11 = 22, a reference

to Pi, which is known to be 22/7. Seven is the number of the Guardians, the seven
What do we learn from this?
After defeating Tiamat, Marduk addstwice 11 powerstogether.
Because he does not kill Tiamat's allies, but rather captures them and
binds them in the underworld (below the Abzu/Muladhara chakra), the so-
called world number Pi or 22/7 is created, which means that there are 7 in
22. This is also the mystery of the Hebrew alphabet, which needs to be
explained in more detail below.
In other words, Pi has become the guarantor of Marduk's power,
while at the same time hidden behind E = MC², as the kabbalistic-
physical breakdown in Part I revealed. The Anti-Pi, which could be
revealed by segmenting Special Relativity in a Kabbalistic manner, is
therefore closely related to the mystery of the Hebrew alphabet or the
7 in 22.
The decay of the eyes into their sockets means the falling back of
the Other Side into the darkness below/beyond the spatiotemporal
sensorium. The Other Side was pushed back. The sign of life, the Vav,
was lost to the original order, Tohu-va-Bohu. An inner, spiritual axis
tilted (toward the light) and caused a catastrophe that ultimately led
to an elementary chaos that governs the space-time universe and with
it the human dimension. This primal case, as we can call it, now
propagated within the evolving (sensory expanding) universe of light,
becoming part of its matrix, part of its primal memory.

But let's take a closer look at the 11 powers that Marduk led in the
Battle of the Elements against Tiamat and her allies, the Great Old
240 Book II: NecroYoga

v. Escape of the Four

He created the evil Im-hullu wind, the storm, the whirlwind. He created the
Four Winds, the Seven Winds57. To disturb Tiamat's interior, they blew
behind him... The Lord created the flood of light, his great weapon; he
boarded the fearsome, invincible chariot drawn by four horses.58

The place where the universe begins its catastrophic, chaotic beginning
(Bereshith) is the place where the initial “rupture of the vessels” takes
place, which is anchored/stored in the universal matrix and propagates
cosmos-wide, so that the conflict in the solar systems erupt again and
again. It is the place where the original organismagainst the willTiamats
and Abzus, if we want to express it personified, were opened acyclically.

The original text talks about the flood of light and a chariot that
Marduk climbs into and is drawn by four horses.
The number 4 is the focus. What does she mean?
On the one hand, it means the interruption of a pre-cosmic energy
flow, because it is half of the 8, which characterizes the original organism
in its perfection both graphically and numerically. If the pre-cosmic (intra-
cosmic) energy flow was interrupted (externalized), then the question
arises at what point was it interrupted or where was it continued?
This place is found in humans where the inner squaring of the circle, the
masculinization of the feminine, can also be found: in the Muladhara Chakra,
because it is this base chakra that is symbolically characterized by the
quartering of the circle.There the androgynous evolution is interrupted and
bipolar sexual evolution continues.
This square represents the House of Bound Abzu, a subtle
squaring of the feminine circle that holds back the Great Old Ones
below the chakra. The circle is the hole covered by the square. It is the
threshold of the sun, the threshold of Abraham, where the inactive
Kunda worm is found.

574 + 7 = 11. The 11 can also be found here.

58 Cf. Ibid S Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 133.

Part II: The White Summoning 241

If it is activated there is incurrent conditionhuman subtlety two


1. The worm is pulled upwards, which corresponds to its clockwise

rotation. It remains in the organism, but this also happens if it
remains inactive and thus prevents the continuation of the evolution
of the Great Old Ones. This is the way and the new world order of
Marduk. This is symbolized by Isaac.
2. The worm is pulled down/back, corresponding to its left rotation.
It connects the organism to the back of the tree. This is the Way of
the Great Old Ones: The Sirius Way. This is symbolized by Ishmael/

vi. Threshold of Three

May not one of the gods cross your borders.59

The number 4, symbolized by Marduk's chariot drawn by four horses,

is joined by 3. This lays the foundation for the 12 signs of the zodiac
that later emerge, in whose net the sons of Tiamat are caught. We
have four elements and three functions that have their common point
of application in the light god Marduk, who can be defined by 12
characteristic force zones, the zodiac.
The magic of banishing extends to the point known as Abzu. This is
where the binding/binding of the forces of darkness takes place,
waiting beneath for their return “when the stars are right.”60Beyond
that, their magic is not enough, which means that the only way to
hold back the Great Old Ones is to control and manipulate the subtle
realm above the Abzu, which is the world of light and the

Cf. Ibid page 127.


An important statement by HP Lovecraft from "Cthulhu's Call", which suggests


that a passage can temporarily open in the zodiac, allowing the Great Old Ones
access to this universe of light. Another explicit reference to this can be found in
the lunar formula as it appears in “The Case of Charles Dexter Ward”.
242 Book II: NecroYoga

corresponds to matter. It is the “world of daylight” previously cursed by

Tiamat of E = MC²/A = MSh², the three mother letters, Aleph, Mem, Shin,
as well as the four-letter divine name YHVH, which is generated from this
first sequence.
Marduk, the Guardian of the Threshold, is the firstborn of the new generation
of gods.61Planetary corresponds to Marduk Jupiter/Zeus throwing the Titans back
into the underworld.
The name Marduk traditionally dissolves into Amar Utu (Ud)62, “Calf/
Bull of the Sun.” He is therefore the prototype of the Golden Calf, which
represents a key episode in the conflict between light and darkness in the
Old Testament. Aaron63, Moshe's opponent, stands for contact with the
Other Side. How at odds the Kabbalah is with itself can be clearly seen in
the following statements:64

It (the "evil", transl. note) found in Aaron a medium through which it

could inject itself into the 'right side'... So, even though Aaron was from
the right side, the left side was absorbed, the side that gave rise to the

Not only is “good” and “evil” confused here, but there is also
apparently confusion about the meaning of the calf, which, derived
from Babylonian, originally symbolizes Marduk/YHVH.
But where does this confusion come
from? The answer is:Rotation.
The reason for the confusion that has become the foundation of
Judeo-Christian traditions is the calf and its primal meaning.

61 Cf. Ibid S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 129.

62 Amar Ud is an anagram of Namar Ud, the Hebrew name for “Nimrod.” Cf.
Jacques Thomas, “Ce G, que désigne-t-il?”, Archè Milano, 2001, page 114.
Nimrod, the antediluvian giant, is the mythical builder of the Tower of Bab-Ilu
63 Aaron = Aron, “ark,” which corresponds to the Shekinah.
64 Cf. "The Zohar", Vol. IV, P'Qude, pages 306-07.
Part II: The White Summoning 243

“Calf” means “turn,” as the Hebrew (vocalized) Egel, AiGL, already

makes clear. The word consists of the GL root, which has the basic
meaning of “to turn,” as stated in Part I.
Adding to this confusion is the fact that leech is one of the words of
the Quttulu word family: the Assyrian equivalent is Ugula or Agalu,
equally consisting of the essential GL stem.65

vii. The circle of the beast

Then the battle began: They charged at each other. The Lord spread his net
and let it encircle Tiamat. The Imhullu wind that was behind him hit her in
the face. Tiamat opened her mouth and swallowed him. He managed to
force Imhullu into her and she could no longer open her mouth. The angry
winds filled her insides. Her heart was heavy and she opened her mouth

Here the symbolism of the "heavy heart" requires special attention:

the word that the Babylonian writers used was the Quttulu word
Eselu, which means "to bind",67whose Assyrian counterpart is Ussulu.
In Ussulu we now recognize the Sumerian Ussu, “eight”.
While the violent opening of Tiamat's mouth stands for the outflow
of light, the aforementioned light eruption, the encoded use of the
word signals 8, the uncyclical splitting of the primordial organism,
which the Egyptians knew as the paradisiacal Am-Smen. For this
cosmos of space and time theReality of the Eightliterally invisible, the
cosmozoon is robbed of the light medium, which means that there is
no reciprocal possibility of perception as far as the conventional
chakra state is concerned. Humans cannot see the cosmozoon

65 Cf. Harri Holma, “The Assyrian-Babylonian Personal Names of the Form Quttulu,” page
66 Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” pages 140-41.
67 Cf. Harri Holma, “The Assyrian-Babylonian Personal Names of the Form Quttulu,” page
244 Book II: NecroYoga

and the cosmozoon cannot perceive humans. The realization remains.68

On the perception of mindfulness and what it meansshapemeans69, it
requires the activation of a so-called primordial light sense70
In the liturgical language of Sumerian, Ussu also consists of the words
Ia and Esh71, literally from 5 and 3, which is significant: 5 indicates the
essence72, which must be created from the four elements in order to bring
about a creative rotation of the soul, while 3 itself is the prototypical
number of this rotation (trinity).
In other words, Marduk takes over the power of creating the souls,
whose perfect form is symbolized by the number 8. The result is the
establishment of the zodiac to actualize the marduk potential, in other
words thein this sensepost-diluvian human soul.

viii. The Claw of Time

Marduk took an arrow and shot it into Tiamat. Her insides were torn,
her heart was torn. He bound Tiamat and took away her breath of life.

68 In Sufism this is called “mutual arising.” It is said: Just as man perceives God,
God perceives man. But this requires a certain sensory organ that exists in
humans but is not usually activated.

69 Eighthness is just a linguistic approximation. In reality, the cosmozoon has a quasi-

material, because anti/ante-material, form, one of the original symbols of which is the
“spider of the night”.
70 The Sufi tradition also speaks of the “sense of eternity”. It is pre-worldly or
intra-cosmic in relation to the current, external cosmos and allows orientation
beyond space and time. It has been equated with the pineal gland.
71 In Hebrew, Ia = Yah, the first two letters of Ha-Shem/Tetragrammaton and
Saturn/Shabbatai, while Esh, ASh, is translated as fire.

72 The Hebrew ChMSh means “belly”, “inside”, but also “five” in other
vocalizations. Cf. EH Meier, “Hebrew Root Dictionary”, Mannheim, 1845, p. 227.
Part II: The White Summoning 245

The original unit of the 8th74is split up, as a result of which an atomic world of stars
emerges, which carry within them the scattered remnants of that ancient
catastrophe and may or may not reproduce them.
When Marduk takes Tiamat's breath of life, he simultaneously takes
away the ability of the original organismmental reproduction. If the
separation of the male from the female had taken place in a cyclical
framework, the breath of life, the element air, would serve to multiply the
androgynous. As it is, it represents a cosmic catastrophe.
The Babylonian word for “breath” is Napistu. Its Hebrew equivalent
is Nephesh, the first of three or five soul stages as they are called in
the Kabbalah. Essentially, Nephesh consists of Pish, which in Hebrew
means thefemale menstrual periodpoints out.75
In relation to the primordial organism, something specifically inner-cosmic
is hidden behind the breath of life: fertility.
Symbolized since ancient times by “water” and “fish”, the abdominal
region in the human organism stands for the “house of water”, the very
subtle place that the Babylonians called Abzu and which serves as a
bulwark against the Other Side.
But water also stands for the basic material of the human soul, in
relation to the cosmozoon for the reproductive fluid within the primal
organism that has fallen into darkness. We recognize the drama that
results from the uncyclical release of forces: Man carries something within
himself that does not belong to him, but was an essential part of a
prehistoric order that finds expression in the word Tohuvabohu. This
makes him a “bone of contention”, a battlefield on which the powers of
light and darkness gather to wage war.

73 Cf. Ibid S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 141.

74For the Egyptians, the primordial heaven consisted of two ends, Hen-t, which
symbolically formed the “eight borders of Egypt”.
75Cf. Gerald Massey, "A Book of the Beginnings", page 131. The counterpart to this inner-
cosmic reality is the moon, whose new moon phase (=Cauda Draconis) corresponds to
Lilith's menstrual period, starting on the 17th day, i.e. two or three Days after the full
moon depending on the calendar.
246 Book II: NecroYoga

It becomes clear that this water (hydrogen) also serves as a fluid

subtle fortification against the powers of the Other Side that have
fallen under these waters. If hydrogen becomes helium, ie solar fire,
during stellar nucleosynthesis, space-time becomes positive, ie
entropically curved away from the black hole. In stars in which the
potential of the Great Old Ones is not “banned” in the hydrogen, their
evolution cannot be updated. However, Jupiter, which is now a gas
giant, contains thisunupdatedPotential. He is the planetary
manifestation of Marduk. It represents an unignited sun, which is why
the souls of the Great Old Ones were plunged into space-time matter.
It becomes clear once again that this is a conflict that was only
personalized or anthropomorphized in “Enuma Elish”, but that in
reality has nothing human about it. It concerns the inner life of the
cosmos, its spiritual dimensions. Nevertheless, this inner cosmos, the
Other Side, is networked with this universe via the solar dimension.

If the Nephesh is not present, the other levels of the spiritual sun,
the Black Sun, as we can also call it, cannot be formed either.76As the
first level of the soul, it serves as a foundation or throne, as the
Kabbalah puts it. Whoever controls this level has control over the
“higher” existence of the soul that arises from it.

76If we use the Egyptian Nap as a root word for the Hebrew Nephesh, it takes
on the meaning of “sowing seeds.” Nap-Esh therefore means: “sowing fire”.
Nap leads metathetically to Anup, the Egyptian word for the Greek Anubis =
Part II: The White Summoning 247

ix. The Preserved Tablet

And he bound the eleven monsters that she had endowed with terror, the
host of demons that rushed before her...77He bound Kingu, their leader, and
threw him into the underworld. He became a dead god, Diggu.78He took
from him the Tablets of Destiny, which were not his rightful possession. He
placed his seal on it and fastened the tablet to his chest.79

Who are the eleven monsters?80beyondtheir well-known names?

They are collectively the “Shatterers of Heaven and Earth.”81, which
makes them correspond to the Hapiru mentioned elsewhere82, the so-
called “head-smashers”, as the cuneiform symbol SA-GAZ expresses it. The
allies of Tiamat reveal themselves to us as the Hapiru/Hebrews, the
“traversers of the worlds”.83
They are none other than the giants of old in the cosmological sense, the
kings of Edom on the back of the Etz Ha-Chaiim; none other than the mythical
Titans84who were sent to the underworld by Zeus/Marduk/Jupiter

77 Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” pages 143-45.

78 Cf. Ibid page 144.
79 Cf. Ibid page 145.
80 Cf. Ibid page 97. Cf. W..H Mülller, “Urlicht - On the trail of the gods of prehistoric times”,
page 98ff.
81 Cf. EF Weidner, “Handbook of Babylonian Astronomy”, Leipzig, 1915, p. 20.
82 The Bound Demons = kabb. Sheirim = Seir/Sirius.
83 In Hebrew, Ibrim (Aper/PR = Egyptian Apr "manufacturer of bows") is derived
from AiBR, which in addition to "crossing" also means "to be angry", "to become
enraged", "opposite side". The derived AiBRH is translated as “ford”, “transition”,
but also “anger”. From a Kabbalistic perspective, “anger” and “to become enraged”
are references from the left/feminine side of the Etz Ha-Chaiim.
84 Titans = Hebrew Nephilim. According to the Old Testament, the Nephilim/
Giants emerge from the sexual union of the sons of God with the “daughters
of men”. Kabbalistically, the “daughter” signals the Shekinah/Shakti, the Kunda
worm. Here we are talking about the subtle crossing of two species.
248 Book II: NecroYoga

be banned. They are the so-called “conspirators” against God/Marduk

on Mount Hermon, but also the “sky-stormers”, whose symbol is the
Tower of Babel.
The tower is one of the oldest symbols of the gigantic and the life
forms of prehistoric times, whether we want to transfer this to
planetary history or to cosmology. But as the Hebrew word root
reveals, an original meaning of tower, TzRCh, is also “break through”.
85The tower is a symbol of the breakthrough of the Great Old Ones

through the chakra force field “Human”.

But the tower is also a symbol of...observingand we are reminded of
the Seven Towers of Satan in the Yezidi religion, which collectively project
the image of the Great Bear onto the surface of the earth.86The Seven
Towers stand for the Seven Sons of Tiamat/Maat, whose symbol is the
eye, Hebrew Ayn, which at the same time refers to Ain, which in
Kabbalistic terms is translated as “negatively existing”. We see how a
symbolic cycle closes at this point.
After all, even the word “Titan” is of Babylonian origin.87It is derived
from Titanu, which literally means “earth-born,” where “earth” must be
understood here as a synonym for Tiamat as Umma Hubur, “mother of
the gods.”
The “smashers of heaven and earth,” which can be equated with
the “head-smashers,” are referred to as snakes or worms.88Tiamat is
therefore the mother of worms.89What they shatter is

According to Eliphaz Levi, the Nephilim are only half material. Their souls
would come from “the swamp of the python.” Cf. “Le Livre des Splendeurs”,
Guy Trédaniel, 1975, page 121. Cf. HP Lovecraft's statement: “They had shape -
for didn't the star-shaped image prove this? – but this shape was not made of
matter.” Cf. The Call of Cthulhu, page 140.
85 Cf. EH Meier, “Hebrew Root Dictionary”, Mannheim, 1845, page 339.
86Cf. Gerald Massey, “A Book of the Beginnings”, pages 10 and 16 et al.
87 Cf. EF Weidner, “Handbook of Babylonian Astronomy”, page 20.
88 Cf. Ibid.
89 HP Lovecraft called Tiamat “Azathoth, composed of Aza, Aramaic
“goat” (mother) and Thoth/Hermes = worm.
Part II: The White Summoning 249

the false head of Marduk, the upper triad of the Sephirothic tree, which
represents the acyclic polar trinity. This triad is traditionally symbolized
Kabbalistically by Tetragrammaton/Ha-Shem. The counter-triad, the so-
called “Infernal Trinity”, which is equated with Samael, means the
annihilation of Ha-Shem, his re-integration into the eightfold original
organism or his re-transformation into the primordial state from which he
once lived an intra- or pre-cosmic conflict fell away.
The forces that crush Marduk's head are worms whose power, as is
traditionally said, lies in their mouths. The word they utter is the word
of silence, of living death.
Now it is noteworthy that the Hebrew word used in the context of
“shatter” is Duk, DVK.90Duk is present in Mar-Duk. It signals the
number 1091or the X, the mirror glyph, which is one of the oldest
symbols of all. It shows the networking but orientation-neutral
principle, which basically serves both sides. Marduk is as Dux, the
firstborn leader of the forces of light, while Kingu is for the forces of
Kingu, the firstborn of Tiamat, ultimately becomes a dead god for the time
being, his name isfor the world of Mardukdead, that is, it is contained in it in
an unactualized form, but is spread in it and with it. Kabbalistically speaking,
Marduk Ha-Shem, the living name, arises from the three mother letters,but
not Kingu.
The word that the writers of “Enuma Elish” used for the dead god
Kingu is therefore also Diggu92, an obvious phonetic variant of Duk/
Dux that can be graphically reduced to X from any shape. The X can be
dead or alive. As Marduk it is alive, as Kingu it is dead.

The following example shows how ambiguous the Babylonian tradition


Cf. Ibid.

See also Decem or Dux. Cf. René Alleau, “De la Nature des Symbols”,

Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 14.
250 Book II: NecroYoga

Diggu is the dead god Kingi, Digga is one of the synonyms for
Nergal/Mars93, the planet of blood judgment.94A mystical spectacle is
said to have existed in which a male sheep was ritually burned in
place of Kingu.95The male sheep or the adult goat is one of the ancient
symbols for Sirius. As we did in Part III on the auto-eroticPractice of
the Silver KeyAs we will see, this very burnt offering points to the
creation of the gateway for the Great Old Ones.96
Planetary, Mars represents the power of judgment used by the
Great Old Ones to cross over from the back of the Etz Ha-Chaiim to
this side.97
Kingu is one of the Seven Asakki or Demons98, who, according to
tradition, are freed from the underworld by Nergal.99The reason is the
fight for the right of birth which is also symbolized by the power of the
Tablet of Destiny. It originally corresponds to the tables of

93 Cf. Ibid page 144.

94 The Quttulu word Zariqu belongs to the so-called “Nergal circle”. Cf. Harri Holma, “The
Assyrian-Babylonian personal names of the form Quttulu”, page 40ff.
95 Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 144.
96 The sacrifice always serves to continue a given tradition. The widespread bull
sacrifice serves the Marduk cult. The goat sacrifice suggests the presence of
the Tiamat cult in Assyrian-Babylonian times; We also had a similar situation in
Pharaonic Egypt, where the Jewish Menat or Aati cult under the sign of Maat
existed alongside other cults.
97 It is noteworthy that all the names given to Mars in ancient times and before
emphasize the aspect of "bloodbath", "killing" and "war" in one way or
another, for example Edom means " bloody slaughter", the Persian Azar "river
of blood", the Coptic Moloch "broken", the Egyptian Khons "wounded", the
Arabic Al-Natiq the "slain" or "pierced". Cf. Frances Rolleston, “Mazzaroth”,
Weiser Books, 2001, page 118ff.
98 Singular Asakku, related to the Quttulu word Hasikku, of which Assyrian. Asakku,
“Darkness”. Cf. Harri Holma, “The Assyrian-Babylonian Personal Names of the Form
Quttulu,” page 61.
99 Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 143.
Part II: The White Summoning 251

Law, which Moshe, the “Lord of the Name,” received on Mount Sinai100.
Like the tablet of fate, the tablets of the covenant are also written on
both sides, indicating the double horizon of law (and its rotation)
where the Hapiru/Apheru wait as the crossers or traversers.101

x. Altar of the Waters

Then he returned to Tiamat. Marduk stepped on her rear end; he split
her skull with his battle-axe; then he cut her veins and caused blood to
be brought by the north wind to a secret place... He made two parts of
her like one opens a Nunu Mashdu. From one half he created the
upper covering and put a bar in front of it and set guards. He enclosed
their waters so that they could not pour out over the top.102

Marduk cuts the energy streams of Tiamat and allows the blood, which in
Hebrew expresses the word “Edom,” to be taken to a secret place. The
Kabbalists take up this tradition by saying that the letter of creation Beth
has its north side open, which means that “evil” can enter this world at any
time.103Astronomically and symbolically, the north means the death of the
sun and is the place where it begins its retrograde course. At the same
time, the geosophical north, which is “not shown on any map,” is the place
of becoming again through the previous transformation of the elements.

Through the opening in the Cosmic North, the blood of Tiamat and her
sons is released chaotically into the space-time dimensions. Space-time
covers the resulting gate like a veil. Marduk, who created the opening
from within,has no other choice, than to disguise this place, because it
becomes the guardian of the threshold.

100 Moshe corresponds planetary to Jupiter.

101 The double horizon is the real main theme of Gerald Massey's Egyptological
102 Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 147.
The Beth corresponds planetarily to Saturn.
252 Book II: NecroYoga

The sons of Tiamat are scattered into the stellar world. Tiamat
itself is subsequently incorrectly equated with chaos in the sense of
disorder, which is not true and which we recognized from the original
meaning of Tohuvabohu. It is Marduk who wreaks havoc by
separating the Tohu from the Bohu, taking into his possession the
axial dimension (symbolized by the sixth letter Vav), which contains
both halves of the world, light and non-light, positive and negative
existents , can network harmoniously with each other.
The sons of the night find themselves trapped in the day, which has been
“cursed” by their mother. The life germs of the Great Old Ones are banished in
female hydrogen, which is considered the basic element of solar evolution.
Not everywhere in the universe, but in certain places, such as in the Sirius
system or in this solar system.
Tiamat is opened by Marduk like a Nunu Mashdu as events
continue. This term literally means “closed fish,” but upon closer
inspection it hides much more. Although the symbol of “closedness”
already suggests this, the idea underlying the Babylonian choice of
words only becomes clear when we consider that Mashadu, to which
Mashdu is related, means “press” or “pressure “ can be translated.104
Mashdu is then also something “pressed down”105and is directly
related to the meaning of the Hebrew letter Kaph, which we already
knew as the basic sound of “chaos”. Kaph is the “hollow”, the “cave” in
which thingsreceivecan be.106Kaph is the birthplace of the worm.107

104 Cf. Carl Bezold, “Babylonian-Assyrian Glossary”, Heidelberg, 1926, page 183.
105 Cf. Ibid. The word mashdaru means a “regular lamb sacrifice.” The lamb is the
symbol of fire, according to Caesius it is the sacrifice on Calvary Hill. It represents
the planet Mars, which is also known as the “sacrificial altar.”
106 Cf. Fabre d'Olivet, “La Langue Hébraique Restituée,” pages 68-69.
107 Worm = Hermes/Kermes (pers.). According to tradition, Hermes is born in the hollow
of a mountain. Since Mountain = Triangle, we recognize the Infernal Trinity, whose
inverted counterpart is Tetragrammaton/Ha-Shem. Essentially, both triangles/trinities
form the hexagram in which fire and water, i.e. the underworld and the upper world, are
mixed, with the water element banishing/binding the fire element.
Part II: The White Summoning 253

The closed fish is nothing more than the primordial cave of the cosmozoon
before the Bereshith creation by the demiurgic powers of light.
By enclosing the water, the life energies of Tiamat, the medium of
primal organic reproduction, are banished within the animal's circle in
order to be able to actualize Marduk's potential, which had to be mixed
with that of Kingu.
This means that Kingu also exists in the zodiac, and the sign that
represents the firstborn is Aries/Aries108, planetary, as already mentioned
Mars. This assignment arises not only in terms of content, as already
explained, but also in name, because the former lord of life, who became
Nergal, the lord of death and the underworld Arallu, is also called Aria.109

A synonym for Aria/Aries is also Galu, which translates to “man-

Of utmost importance is the resolution of the name Nergal itself:
Ner-Gal literally means “rotating sword” in Hebrew.110, which is the
sword that is supposed to prevent Adam from returning to paradise
after the fall.
The fact that Mars is not just a symbol of death becomes clear when
we learn that this planet is personified as Nergal111is also equated with
Capricornus/Capricorn, the sign that not only represents the redeeming

According to tradition, the sun was in Aries when the people of Ishrael were liberated

from Egypt. According to Macrobius, even the Earth was created at the time of the same
109 Cf. Edward King, The Akkadian Genesis, Cambridge, 1888, page 61.
110 It is possible to also understand a modified planetary orbit in this “rotating
111 Nergal is also called Ur-Ea, literally “lion (big dog) of Ea”. Cf. Ibid page 20. Ur-
Ea leads us further to the Uraeus serpent, the symbol of pharaonic power. Ur-
Ea is also the “boatswain”.
254 Book II: NecroYoga

de/destructive power of the serpent or the worm112, but also originally

for the Sirius buck113stands.

xi. Blood and spirit

I want to bind 'blood', I want to create 'leg'. Verily I will raise up Lilu
(man); Verily, let his name be man... And truly the burden of the gods
shall be upon man, so that the gods may have their rest... Let us take
one from among them, that he may be destroyed. He shall disappear
and man shall arise from him... Then they brought Kingu before
Marduk.114They inflicted punishment on him, cutting his veins and
drawing blood. Marduk made man with his blood.115

Marduk not only binds the blood (fire) of the Great Old Ones by
combining it with the banished water of the Abzu116mixed together,
creating the hexagrammatic force field, but also by adding his “spirit”. The
Babylonian word for this is Etemmu and it holds a surprise as it is
translated as “spirit of the dead”.117Marduk's spirit is actually the spirit of
death, because it splits the holistic primordial organism, cutting Tiamat
off from the medium of life for the time being by channeling the element
of water zodiacally. The formation of the cosmos is an ambiguous work of
death and life, for through the creation of man the Great Old Ones are
also unconsciously summoned, although they are also held back.

112 Expressed Kabbalistically by NS, the letters Nun and Samekh, it is said that
the Nun (the Son) redeems the Samekh (the opening, the female sexual
113 Babylonian "goatfish" who is one of Tiamat's allies against Marduk. Cf. S.
Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 10.
114 Cf. Ibid page 169.
115 Cf. Ibid pages 165-67.
116The originally double holy house of Anubis, Egyptian Anpu, which as Tepht (=
hole) represents the door between the inner and outer cosmos.
117 “The Assyrian Dictionary”, ed. AL Oppenheim, Vol 4, 1958, page 411ff.
Part II: The White Summoning 255

We recognize that the “White Summoning”118can potentially serve

both purposes. Another meaning of Etemmu reminds us of this, which
is “necromancer”.119
Etemmu is the breath of Marduk and signals the element of air,
which has a male-fertilizing function in the androgynous organism.
We can conclude that a creation defect occurred during the transition
from feminine to masculine, caused by an uncyclical opening and a
resulting odd polarity. That was and is the initial error that was stored
as a memory in the cosmic matrix, consisting of the elements water
and fire, symbolized by Mem and Shin, and has been reproduced ever
What follows in the further course of the events in “Enuma Elish” is
the transfer of the burden of the ban imposed by Marduk to humans.
Man becomes a barrier against the Other Side. He protects Marduk
from the wrath of Tiamat and her underworld-bound allied powers. At
least that’s how the “Enuma Elish” puts it.
Of central importance is the name Kingu, which has usually been
misunderstood as a proper name. Kingu is the firstborn/husband of Tiamat,
who is killed by Marduk. Marduk has the existing elements at his disposal for
his project, which he rearranges or dis-arranges. From Kingu's blood, which is
the blood of the Great Old Ones, man becomes "leg"120shaped. At the same
time, Kingu becomes the prototype of the scapegoat121and through the
“Enuma Elish” has an explicit connection to the five-pointed star, the
pentagram, which it representsthe people created from Kingu.122

118Jupiter is called Te-Ut, “White Star,” in Babylonian language. Cf. EF Weidner, “Age and
significance of Babylonian astronomy and astral theory”, Leipzig, 1914, p. 12.
119 Cf. Ibid.
120 The Babylonian word Esimtu is translated Etzem, “bone,” in Hebrew. In
Etzem we see a metathesis of Tzelem, “image,” a word composed of Tzel +
Mem, TzL-M, literally “shadow water.”
121 Cf. WH Mülller, “Urlicht - On the trail of the gods of prehistoric times”, page 130.
122 Cf. Ibid pages 130-31. In a variant of the creation account, Kingu is not slaughtered but
rather “hung,” in which we find the 12th Arcanum of the Tarot, “The Ge-
256 Book II: NecroYoga

Let's reduce "Blood" to Shin123, which, along with the meme for water,
is part of the Shamayim, the “heaven” of the Kabbalists. They are the
foundation of this created atomic world.
But what does the name Kingu hide if we don't want to read it as a
proper name?
The loanword Kingu can be resolved to Sumerian Kin-Gu. Kin (Kin)
means “to grind”124and “hand mill”125, points to the already explained Ara
or Arali/Arallu, the underworld. Gu is the power, the beginning, the
underworld.126Both meanings signal to us the mill of the underworld,
behind which, according to “Zohar,” the kings of Edom or the Sheirim are
hidden. The symbol of this mill is the swastika.
Kingu receives the Anu Shaft from Tiamat.127This means that Kingu
occupies the middle of the world, since Anu stands for this middle in the
Babylonian division of the cardinal points.128He is in control of the balance
of power, holds the two bowls of the scales.129This is shown by the symbol
of the swastika: a center around which four angles are arranged and
rotated, which are understood to represent the four elements

hung”, which is associated with the letter Mem. In the meme, the shin is
flipped or swirled.
123 Due to its three points or three Vavs, the Shin has a numerical value of 666.
The meme has a Mispar Gadol of 40 and symbolically refers to the 40-year
migration of the people of Ishrael in the desert. The water here is the desert,
the epitome of undifferentiation, but also disorientation, equivalent to a
spiritual wilderness.
124 Cf. Friedrich Delitzsch, “Sumerian Glossary”, page 121.
125 Cf. B. Hübner, A. Reizammer, “Inim Kiengi”, Vol. 1, page 564.
126 Cf. Ibid Vol 1, pages 345-46.
127 Cf. S. Langdon, “The Babylonian Epic of Creation,” page 91.
128 North = Enlil, South = Ea.
129 In the oldest zodiacs, Libra is not included as a sign, but was often replaced by
the Great Bear, which is considered one of the archetypes of the mother goddess.
The Sanskrit tula, “scales,” is related to the Babylonian tula (Tulu), meaning “female
Part II: The White Summoning 257

from which the fifth element emerges (through rotation).

This balance is lost,whileMarduk, who represents the element of

air via his etemmu/breath, binds Kingu and mixes his blood with
water. Fire and air join water. What emerges is the fourth element,
earth, which Marduk rules from the Abyss. The Kabbalah attests to
this, although the original context seems to have been lost:130

The fire is 'up'. It appears at the cardinal point of the north. The water,
on the other hand, appears at the opposite point, the south. It is the air
that unites the fire with the water by being 'in the middle', something
that is clearly explained in the Scriptures: 'And the breath of God
passed over the waters (Genesis 1: 2).

In a harmonious cycle, the element air combines fire with water in a polar
manner. But this cycle has been disrupted, damaged. Kingu, who
represents the balance of power with the Anu shaft, is slaughtered to
create an odd bipolar world disorderto provide space and time. An
intracosmic evolution becomes planetary networked.
Kingu can therefore be assigned to the element of air, which is
symbolically underlined by the wings of the mill. He represents the male
aspect of Tiamat, the firstborn who becomes his mother's husband, as the
evolution of the androgynous original organism envisages.131
In terms of the elements, it is fire and water that form this mixture
of souls that makes up the magical substrate of today's human
beings. The meme represents a kind of privacy screen, it is like a veil,

130 Cf. AD Grad, “La Kabbale du Feu”, Editions Dervy, page 51.
131Here we have a direct reference to the Draconic: “Originally, however, that is,
before the role of men in the process of reproduction was understood and
generally accepted, air embodied the second phase of the female formula, just as
water (i.e. blood) characterized the first. …Air characterized the woman carrying it,
the mother, dry and pumped up or swollen with wind.” Cf. Kenneth Grant, “Shadow
Cults,” page 73.
258 Book II: NecroYoga

hiding everything that lies behind. This is also where the so-called “nothing”
has its linguistic origin, because people actually see “nothing”, their gaze does
not reach beyond the border and does not transcend it.
This “mélange” is symbolized analogously by the colors white and
red, with red being “demonized” in anthropocentric traditions and
assigned a dominant death and war aspect, although the worm stood
for life and wisdom before the cosmic and planetary flood . Red
became the epitome of “evil,” as the Old Testament episode of the
crossing of the Red Sea, in which the Egyptian persecutors of the
Ishraelites sank, makes it abundantly clear.
The redness of blood is the symbolic color of Edom and the Great
Old Ones. One of its ancient symbols is the phoenix, which found its
symbolic entrance into many different mystical traditions, which,
however, mostly concealed its original meaning. The Phoenix is one
with the Red Worm, thegiving birthThe red snake that bites its own
tail always arises out of itself if the autogenetic cycle remains
undisturbed. But the initial catastrophe of “creation” divided this
androgynous cycle, the space-time consciousness, generated by the
substratic Shamayim, gradually fell like a veil over the place of origin
of the Bereshith, the world fell into the darkness of light.

xii. Light festivals

Sir-Sir is Gi-il who put Kingu cross. It is he who heaps up mighty hills132
… “He is A-GI-IL-IM-A-SU... who brought the flood. He is the protective
force, the power that took the crown from evil.133Before him, crossing
the threshold is an abomination.134

The light is glyphically symbolized by the X. It is the cross of light, which

symbolizes the intersection of female and male in the sense of NecroYoga.

132 Cf. WH Mülller, “Urlicht - On the trail of the gods of ancient times”, page 126.
133 Cf. Ibid.
134 Cf. Ibid page 129.
Part II: The White Summoning 259

picture light. This X corresponds to the Hebrew Aleph, through which

the female principle is perpetuated via fertilization by the male:135

Without the meme, the manifested Shin, nourished by the principle of

principles, the Aleph, is only a consuming fire. In the meme, it is the
living, organic heat in whose blood the Aleph is coiled like a snake,
which gradually becomes a conscious life identity, fully developed and
guided to a new birth.

The Aleph marks Marduk's festival of light; his fame as the creator of man
is determined by means of "Fifty Names", which from a Kabbalistic point
of view indicate which of the ten Sephiroth was particularly affected by
the catastrophe of creation: Binah.
Binah is the third Sephira after Kether and Chokmah and lies on the left
side of the Etz Ha-Chaiim. It is related to theFifty gates of purity and impurity,
which were only created with Marduk and became a symbol of a divided deity.
The reason for the dominion over Binah becomes clear when we consider that
Binah is the Sephira from which come the Geburoth, the “judgments,” which
by their ending are considered “feminine” by the Kabbalists. Only the power of
judgment from the left side brings intelligence, because it orders the things of
the world, orients them, and directs them toward understanding the whole,
which is what Binah literally stands for, traditionally viewed.

From Binah, which corresponds to the word Elohim, come the

female Geburoth, but also the thrones, Hebrew Aralim136out. Binah
further corresponds to the second of the four Kabbalistic worlds,
called Beriah. This world is where souls appear, for this Sephirah is
called the “Source of Life.” Whoever controls Binah controls

135Cf. Carlo Suarès, “Le Cantique de Cantiques selon la Cabale”, Editions Mont-Blanc,
1969, page 61.
136 Note the masculine plural Aralim and Arali/Arallu, the Babylonian word for
the “underworld” or the Other Side.
260 Book II: NecroYoga

the flow of energy to Malkuth, the king's Sephira.137As is traditionally

said, the righteous will possess Binah in the World to Come, the Olam
Haba.138Marduk's claim to ownership becomes clear. Control over the
source of life139, as Binah is also called, is the prerequisite for
exercising any kind of power over the tenth Sephira Malkuth, which
stands for the networking of above and below.
Binah, along with Chokmah on the right side of the Sephirothic
tree, form the two poles of sexuality, with Shin, representing the
reproductive energies, mediating between the two. Through this
oscillation, the eleventh Sephira Daath implanted in the energy tissue
of the tree is opened. Daath is therefore the son of Binah, the left side.
But since Marduk comes from the right side of the tree, he must
control the left side. In relation to YHVH, the Vav is the Son, the letter
of life that symbolizes the axis, the prerequisite for the cyclical
rotation of dimensions, whose symbol is the swastika. Marduk
represents the tilted, unbalanced axis, which we should understand
both cosmically and planetarily.
As stated above, Binah signals thisFifty gates of purity and impurity,
which correspond to the Fifty Names of Marduk, but which, from a
kabbalistic perspective, only refer to the right side of the tree. The
numerical value 50 is therefore of central importance in Kabbalah. On the
one hand it stands for Yam, IM, “sea”, but also MI, which indicates the
“belly”. From this comes, as the Kabbalists put it, the “ice”, a reference to
the coagula of the waters, as already explained in Part I. But MI is also the
place where the “break of vows” occurred, behind which lies the inner and
pre-cosmic dimensional break, the catastrophe that led to an
uncontrolled, because uncyclical, outflow of energies from the
androgynous original organism and into the universe its current, sensory
perceptible form.

137 Cf. Joseph Gikatila, “Shaarei Orah: Les Portes de la Lumière,” Georges Lahy
Editeur, 2001, pages 240-41.
138 Cf. Ibid page 244.
139 Heb. Meqor Ha-Chaiim. Cf. Ibid page 248.
Part II: The White Summoning 261

3. The Babylonian Key

Give matter a different movement and you have a different space.

– Antoine Fabre d'Olivet

We would like to briefly summarize the key events again and speak of
the “Babylonian Key”, which we want to divide into four phases of the
Marduk creation. These four phases representcollectivethe White
Incantation, they lead to the current magical status quo:

1. Overcoming the androgynous cosmozoon (mother of worms),

which is equated with a coagula, through an uncyclic and
therefore odd polar opening in the cosmic north, thebackwards
Part of the cosmozoic organism. This sets in motion an elementary
solve, in the course of which the stellar foundation (hydrogen) of
the current universe is formed.
2. With the opening there is an outflow of those reproductive energies
that are referred to Kabbalistically as “grace”, whereby the power of
“judgment” is banished. By controlling this place of opening, the
euthanasia of the Abzu, control is simultaneously gained over the
created gateway, which becomes the root of the Marduk tree of life
(with an opening to the Sitra Achara), of which Jupiter is the planetary
3. Creation of a quasi-independent polarity on/above the Abzu.
4. Fixing the spatiotemporal dimension, symbolized by the number four.
Together with the three functions (Tetragrammaton) arises from
262 Book II: NecroYoga

3 x 4 the zodiac, the energy web in which the Great Old Ones are trapped.
Your power is fragmented by 12 characters:140

Held back by a barrier, Tiamat's upper waters have since formed the
constellation sky.

5. Crossing of the Blood (Fire, Shin-Sirius) of the Great Old Ones with the
Spirit (Air), whereby in this final phase the immediate Adamic
dimension is established, which is achieved through water/fire as the
foundation and an earthly fire which acts as Binding power is active
on this page. This earthly fire is sexual energy, symbolized by the
Hebrew letter Shin. The place of crossing, of banishing the Lower
Waters of Tiamat, is the Muladhara Chakra. It serves as a barrier
against the bound deities beneath, that is, outside of the sensory
accessible, spatiotemporal conditions. The symbol of this place is the
quartered circle, which signals the static/fixing of the chakra subtle

140Cf. Heinrich Zimmern, “The Babylonian and Hebrew Genesis” in “The Ancient
East,” no. III, London, 1901, page 18.
Part II: The White Summoning 263

4. Yesh Rael: The Law of Kings

If you are ready to come to Esau, then you will be worthy to know the
meaning of the word.
– Jacob Frank

There was talk of the Hebrews and their real inner-cosmic identity.
Hapirustands for the breakthrough from the other side:141

TheMuladharaor base center in humans is the door to the astral world, to

the areas controlled by spirit entities, the shells of the dead and the
creatures of theQliphothbe inhabited.

The place where the breakthrough/ingressus begins and is completed

is the House of Water, the human abdominal region. When the
Hapiru/Hebrews smash the enemy's head, it means that they are
destroying the false, because odd, bipolar Godhead that is blocking
their path through the dimensions. Therefore, the Hebrew word from
which Ibrim/ Hebrews is derived is “to wander,” “beyond.” They are the
wanderers from the Sitra Achara who, exiled in a defective cosmic
cycle, are on the way back to their own cosmos (inner cosmos). The
Hebrew/Elohim worms are symbolized by the worm and the hole, also
known as the dragon serpent, biting its own tail142.

141Cf. Kenneth Grant, “Shadow Cults,” page 236.

142 The Rabbinic Kabbalah expresses the “opposite” state of this Draconic
symbol as follows: The serpent did not originally exist within the sacred
precinct (paradise). However, her tail was connected to the wall, while her
head (centrifugally) pointed outwards. She was the “burden bearer” of God
264 Book II: NecroYoga

The autogenetic cycle that this symbol is intended to represent is

unrealized in this universe. However, it can be updated through a
magical practice. When this occurs, the Hapiru are granted
unhindered passage through the Adamic dimension, the human
subtlety. The prerequisite is the movement of the Muladhara chakra,
and the key to this opening between inside and outside is a cross.
Cross and swastikaare therefore symbols of central importance,
because in the context of NecroYoga practice both signal states of two
opposing Muladhara chakras, i.e. one and the same chakra with
opposing functions.
The base chakra is the cross on which human fire is bound. The
symbol for this is the Hebrew Shin.143
The sexual energy on this side is tied to the Muladhara chakra. On the
Other Side, the Great Old Ones are waiting to be liberated. If the chakra is
moved, the fire is released, but then it remains in the abyss.

tes. Shabbatai Zevi, for example, contrasted this with a progressive Kabbalah
in which the serpent was (is) the hidden part of God, representing an unknown
cosmic law, which not only cannot be understood by the light part, but is also
combated by it . The conflict and drama of the soul arises from the lack of
understanding of the light (action/alienation) versus the darkness (absorption
in oneself).
143 How undogmatic NecroYoga is becomes clear in the explanation of the following
symbols: We find the shape of Shin in the posture of Jesus, with the two outer bars
of the letter being the arms and the middle Vav, which represents the axis, being
indicated by the tilted head . This head position is an indication of the tilt of the
earth's axis. But the other side is also included in this magical picture puzzle,
because Jesus/Shin is attached to the cross with three nails that correspond to the
numerical value 6-6-6. So we have two Shins, one Jesus and one the Shin with which
the lamb/goat is nailed to the cross. In Kabbalistic terms, Shin is the power of
rotation, symbolizing the sexual energy through which alone the rotation of the
law, the Hebrew Torah, can be brought about. Jesus is symbolically born in Beth-
Lehem, where Beth-Lehem = Beth-El/Lamed = House of the Serpent/Fire.
Part II: The White Summoning 265

salen orbit, which includes the 2nd and 3rd chakras. They represent the
other, the hidden Shin. In other words, we have two worms or two snakes
that need to be brought together. This copulation between inside and
outside is expressed in the Hermes staff, except that the original primal
context explained here was lost in later times. On the one hand, because
NecroYoga could not be practiced or only by a few, and on the other
hand, because those who unconsciously or consciously belong to the
White Brotherhood and follow the path of the right hand were not
interested in it being practiced. So several external and internal
circumstances come into play.
The worm, which is tied to the Muladhara chakra on this side of the
dimensions, only begins to move when the practitioner can cause a
rotational movement, which is symbolically expressed by the vertebral
cross, the swastika.
The Kabbalah expresses this as follows:
The Shin, which oscillates and gains strength between the two Sephira
Chokmah and Binah, sets in motion the Yod, the Yad, the “Hand of God,”
which can reach into this world. Thus, Yod and Shin come together to
form the Hebrew word Yesh, which literally means “there is” (to have). But
Yesh, according to traditional Kabbalah, is contained in another word of
utmost importance: Ishrael.
Kabbalistically, Ishrael Yesh Rael is read, which has the literal meaning
“there are 231”, where Rael, i.e. Resh-Aleph-Lamed, are understood as
numerical values. 231 denotes the number of the gates of creation and can be
found in a different version (2 + 3 + 1 = 6) in Bereshith, “he created six”. It says
in the Sepher Yetzirah:144

22 letters as a foundation: He arranges them as a circle that looks like a

wall with 231 gates.

Cf. Virya (Georges Lahy), “Kabbale extatique et Tsérouf”, Editions Lahy, 2003,

page 159.
266 Book II: NecroYoga

But what does that mean in terms of practice?

The number sequence 231 denotes the Law of Kings, the doorway to
be opened via the sexual energy that sets the Yod, which is assigned to
the element of air, in motion. The Yod becomes the Ayin, the calming
point/eye in the storm/vortex. A magical pulling force is created, caused
by retrograde ejaculation, in which the sperm/seed is directed inwards
rather than outwards. But more details about the Red Incantation and the
Rite of the Silver Key in Part III.
231 are key numbers; read as 123, they result in the value of Qibel,
QBL, “received”, from which the word Kabbalah is derived.
What is to be received?
The king is to be received, as to whose identity there is disagreement
in the traditional Kabbalah, as the nature of things dictates. The king is
called Mashiach and at the same time Nachash, “redeemer” and “snake,”
not because they are two opposing powers despite having the same
gematria, but because in this king, redeemer and serpent are one. So it is
also the word Shiloh that indicates this redeeming power, which,
according to tradition, takes the scepter of rulership from Judah (= Yod).
The Old Testament Shiloh is derived from the Akkadian Sha'ilu, which
literally means "necromancer."145
The Redeemer is a snake, is a worm, who is brought into this world
with the Red Incantation, which, like the Dark Yod bound in the Aleph, has
been handed down in the White Incantation.
Receiving the Red (Edomite) King occurs through Yesh Rael, the
rotated reproductive energy, symbolized by the Shin. This is the initial
vortex of creation. But this vortex does not have to be directed
outwards, but inwards, which is why it means the reversal of the
symbolic number 6, ie 9. The 9 symbolizes the “Head of Judgment,”
Teth Ha-Din, but also the North, where the Gate to the Other Side is
found, because its opening creates the North.
The fact that 231 indicates this vortex is also proven by the traditional Atbash
method, through which 231 is permuted to:

145 Alfred Jeremias, “The Babylonian Conception of Heaven and Hell,” The Ancient
East No. IV, London, 1902, page 28.
Part II: The White Summoning 267

1. Aleph: 400 = Tav

2. Beth: 300 = Shin
3. Gimel: 200 = Resh

If we read these letters, we get RShTh, which leads us to Be-Reshith, “in

the vortex.”
Hebrew is the Holy Alphabet, for it is said to be spoken by Adam in
Paradise. In this way, the common thread of cosmology is also carried
over into language.
It is a Kabbalistic tradition that the Shin moves the Yod, releasing
the power of 22, which as a number makes up part of 22/7 or Pi.

But there is another reason that makes all the depth and
universalityof Hebrew like no other:
The Aleph-Beth consists of 22 letters. Now within the letters Aleph-
Tav there is a hidden sequence ofseven letters, namely from Kaph to
Pe, which itself contains the word K-Ph146, Kaph, form. We previously
got to know the Kaph as a cave. It is the hermetic birth cavity in the
original sense of the name Hermes as Kermes/worm. Vortex = worm.

As for the Hebrew alphabet, we have 7 in 22 or 22/7, in which we recognize

pi and 3.14 respectively.147If we segment 22/7 into 2 – 7 – 2, we get

146 We can also read the K-Ph as K-teis and Ph-allus, underscoring the nature of the secret
sequence in the Aleph-Beth.
147 “The idiomatic confusion surrounding the Shin-Daleth root is strange and
revealing. Shin (300) symbolizes the cosmic breath of life; Daleth (4)
symbolizes the archetype of biological, cellular resistance. The numbers 300
and 4 belong to completely different spheres: one is cosmic, the other refers
to the microcosm. For Kabbalah they are one and the same. Shin-Daleth,
pronounced Shed meaning devil; Shin-Daleth-Yod, pronounced Shaddai, are
God. This is to say that it is 'bad' for the Daleth to oppose the Shin; In contrast,
it is 'good' if a Yod joins the Shin-Daleth, because that means God's presence.”
Cf. Carlo Suarès, “Le Cantique des Cantiques”, Editions du Mont-Blanc, page
268 Book II: NecroYoga

the letter sequence Resh-Ayin-Beth or AiBR, the already explained root of

Pi, expressed by the Hebrew Aleph-Beth, is the cosmic, external, not intra-
cosmic, measure of vibration148, which follows from the representation in
which we have before us a variant of the AL-LA formula:


– – – – – Tehom/Muladhara

22/7 signals the vibrational measure, the path from the emptiness/Egypt,
the vibrational emptiness into the vibrational fullness. 22 is also known as
the full value of ChI, “life,” and RIQ, “emptiness.” 22/7 or 227149stands for
ZKR, the male phallic element, but also for “memory”, including the
firstborn, who always represents the bearer of tradition. It is the element
through which potential life is fertilized or actualized.

Shin and Yod form the rotational beginning of creation in the

direction of spatiotemporal evolution, but not in the direction of
involution. Both letters represent the beginning of an evolving
sexuality in the universe from a previously perfect androgynous cycle.
This sexuality means the emergence of an open system, in contrast to
the closed system of the androgynous. The transition from this
androgynous to the individualized sexual is oddly bipolar. We now see
the reason: If the Marduk-YHVH creation were just po-

148 The internal vibration measure is expressed by Anti-Pi with the value 3.74.
This is also the numerical value of the four-armed Shin, the so-called “lost
letter” of the Hebrew alphabet.
149 The numerical value 227 can be found, for example, in Bereshith 1:27 (male), 26:8 (it
was extended) and 43:33 (firstborn). Cf. Gutman G. Locks, “The Spice of Torah—
Gematria,” Judaica Press, 1985.
Part II: The White Summoning 269

lar, the androgynous primordial organism could also have reproduced into
space-time. However, the initial catastrophe prevented this from happening
for the time being. But it is precisely at this point, on the Yod, that opinions
differ ever since: the turning of the Yod leads to the Rashid, the vortex, which
initiates the covenant of fire, the Berith-Esh. But as the word already
expresses, a covenant has been made with fire. This covenant is the binding of
fire, its banishment into the waters that make up the substratum of this
universe. The covenant comes into being through the Yesh Rael, which is an
Esh Rael, a rotation (Rael150) of fire (Esh).
Anyone who assigns the symbols to certain well-known dogmas is misleading.
Perhaps nowhere is this more evident than in the case of the swastika:
The swastika is the rotating cross, geometrically speaking, the division of
the circle into four, which magically represents the lowest chakra. This has
already been addressed. But it is Ishrael that stands for this rotating cross,
because Yesh Rael = Swastika.
Another important reading of the word “Ishrael” should be mentioned,
which also demonstrates how deeply the Kabbalah is rooted in the Babylonian
tradition and especially the “Enuma Elish”:
Ishrael can be read S(h)eir-El. Seir is Edom and therefore Sirius151,
El/Lamed is the serpent/worm. Ishrael himself is the Sirius worm152,
but this Ishrael is the inner, the magical Ishrael, just as the Ishmael
born of Hagar is the inner, magical Ishmael.

150 Rael stands for rotation, expressed by the change from R to L and L to R, which is
also known in etymology. While the L sound is considered “directionless” (Ball
sound), the R sound stands for “orientation” in a specific direction Direction. For the
Egyptians, the front and back were symbolized by alternating R and L.
151 Sirius is also equated with Mount Zion, one of whose synonyms is Siryon.
Siryon therefore also refers to the “heavenly” Jerusalem. According to
tradition, Siryon is also equated with Shenir, which can be read as Shinear and
translated as Shin-Rai, “fire of the other side”.
152 Even the word Elohim, when we read it AiLHIM, literally means “goats.”
270 Book II: NecroYoga

S(h)eir-El, which can also be read simply as Sir-El, is reminiscent of one

of the Fifty Names of Marduk explained above. Sir-Sir is his name and is
translated as “he who crossed Kingu”. This crossing expresses the
banishment of the firstborn Tiamat, the erroneous change from the male
to the female function of the androgynous, in which we have recognized
the necessary basis for the creation of Marduk. Originally, beyond
dogmatic aberrations and superficial religious exegesis, Ishrael is the
covenant of fire (= Berith-Esh), the rotation of the cross itself, Ishrael is
symbolized by the swastika. But the primordial cosmology that was
supposed to find expression through these encryptions was consciously
and unconsciously distorted. Originally there are 22 letters in which there
are 7 hidden ones, with this 7 standing for Shabbath, the resting point
around which the universe is arranged. This resting point is the birth cave
of the cosmic worm. For this reason, the kings of Edom are found behind
the millstones of the Abyss (= Swastika) during the night and day of Shin-
Bath (= Shabbath). The 7th day, the current day of creation, has thus
become the focus of the conflict, and it is clear why the White
Brotherhood wants to “prolong” this day. The day of Shin-Bath, as the day
on which the divine work is not continued for the time being (it is the day
of birth pangs, if we want to use this comparison), is a day on which man
has the opportunity to conspire against to fabricate itself, which is what
the White Brotherhood stands for at the core of its activities.

When the 8th day dawns, the power of the millstones becomes
positivebroken, the night is ended and the kings rise from the abyss
of subtlety into the material universe. This is a rebirth, but it can only
be accomplished if the current, broken cycle can be overridden.This is
NecroYoga: The Practice of the Eighth Day.
Part III: The Red Summoning 271

Part III

The Red Summoning

1. You will be one flesh...

But at this time, an outside force must be at your service to free your
– HP Lovecraft

Theeonal conflictwith the Great Old Ones arises when man serves the
energetic barrier of light set up by Marduk by enriching it with further
energies and thus preventing the paleo-magical ingress of the kings. Just
as the threshold in a house connects two rooms, the magical threshold is
the connecting passage between two continua in the subtle world. The
human beingcan renounce the light, symbolically speaking, he can free
himself from the sphere of influence of the White Brotherhood if he
recognizes the conspiracy of his own consciousness, the "devil within
himself" and uses the energies for an opposite operation, which in
NecroYoga is called the "Rite of the Silver Key" referred to as

“To renounce the light” does not mean to destroy the light, but
quite the opposite: it means to lead Chesed to Geburah, thus to be
lost in the floods of cosmic lightDouble crown(a symbol of the
androgynous primordial soul), which the Egyptians had two colors of
red and white. Let's connect Chesed and Geburah, connect
272 Book II: NecroYoga

we 4 and 5, we get 9, the glyph of grounding of the soul and birth. The
9, the Hebrew letter Teth, indicates the Titanu/Titans, behind whom
the kings of Edom hide.
If the personaberrativeand notprimordialpath takes1, the world
remains for him only incessant mourning over the lost coitus of heaven
and earth. Anyone who surrenders to this lostness in biological matter
loses himself “in ecstasy” in the confusion of a consciousness inclination/
attitude that culminates in an undifferentiated worship of the explosive/
splitting power.2
NecroYoga, on the other hand, serves to control and manipulate this
divisive force and at the same time the morphogenetic field of the human
species in favor of the Great Old Ones and their return on the subtle and
gross material earth. The draconian practice of the Silver Key serves to
internally modify the status quo in order to bind together the two ends of
the sky (white and red = 8), as the Egyptians put it.
But why red incantation?
On the one hand, because of the symbolic color of the kings of Edom,
which has already been explained. On the other hand, because red is the
color of blood; However, in our magical context it is not arterial or venous
blood, but menstrual blood, which is of central importance for Lunar
Observance and the practice of NecroYoga. We are primarily referring to
the menstrual blood of Lilith, whose monthly bleeding begins on the 17th
day of the 28-day lunar month.
The crossing of the blood of the Great Old Ones with the spirit of
Marduk requires an elemental link that...thisPage must be active. This

1 Both terms come from the author's theory of "Aeonal Precession" (the
modifications in the reality of the Godhead) in which the androgynous
creation sequence is divided by the initial rupture of dimensions, which
extends through the stellar, planetary and terrestrial dimensions into the
reproduces in the human organism. Compare the conflict within the Isis-
Osiris-Horus/Set Trinity.
2 The summit of the cosmic mountain or the apex point of the triangle, whose shape is
reminiscent of the spermatozoon (the abstracted triangular snake head).
Part III: The Red Summoning 273

The connecting link is the human sexual energy that comes from the inner
terrestrial fire. In this way, humans provide the energy necessary for a certain
(arrangement) of ages3, at whose temporary apex point stands Marduk,
evolutionaryto secure.
More precisely, it is the ejaculation of the reproductive fluid that
continually links human consciousness to the external world in an
evolutionary manner. Sexual energy is also called “earthly” fire and is
traditionally symbolized by one of the two snakes on the staff of Hermes4,
which are actually supposed to represent the two halves of the
androgynous worm. They are two halves of the same primordial
organism, with the dimension of water (the Kabbalistic heaven) signifying
the interruption of the cycle of androgynous evolution. This well-known
hermetic symbol does not represent the status quo, but is only intended
to remind us of the task that it is Work of the wormrepresents. In the
Kabbalah, this work has been compared to the construction of the Temple
of Solomon. There it is the mysterious Shamir who cuts/splits the stones
needed for the temple.
But how can the original organism be united again, “re-constituted”?
How can we “re-update” the formula 2 = 0 (read as the numerical value 20,
it refers us to the Hebrew Kaph, ie 0 = Kaph/Chaos) again?
How can the part below the water be connected to the upper part?
How can the head (top) and tail (bottom) of the androgynous worm be

The two parts of the draconian-magical motto “Annuit Coeptis” and “Novus

Ordo Seclorum” refer to this. “Novus Ordo Seclorum” does not mean “New
World Order,” but “New Arrangement of Ages.”
4 The rod itself symbolizes the axis, the Hebrew Vav, around which the
dimensions can be arranged.
274 Book II: NecroYoga

2. The lunar formula

...and their dwelling is even one with your guarded threshold.

– HP Lovecraft

In lunar symbolism, in the case of the head and tail of the worm/
serpent,CaputandCauda Draconis5spoken, which makes the moon the
secret magical vehicle of the Great Old Ones.
Caput and Cauda Draconis represent the waxing and waning
moon, the two phases of the lunar month connected by the full moon.
In this sense, the full moon becomes the near-Earth threshold in
space and time.
But why the moon?
On the one hand, because of its position close to the earth, its companion to
the earth. The Moon and Earth form a sub-system in the solar system. On the other
side of the solar system, this internal system is completed by Venus.6

5 “During its circuit around the fixed star sky (i.e. in 27 days, 7 hours, 43
minutes each), the moon intersects the sun’s path in an ascending (“dragon’s
head”) and a descending node (“dragon’s tail”). A solar eclipse can occur at one
intersection and a lunar eclipse at the other intersection. These nodes move 3
lunar latitudes to the west with each orbit (precession of the moon!). The time
it takes for the moon to move from an ascending or descending node with the
sun's orbit to the corresponding next one, which has now moved backwards,
is 27 days 5 hours 5 minutes. In 18 3/5 years the knot has moved all the way
around. The metonic cycle is based on this fact and seeks to balance out the
differences by switching over a 19-year period.” Cf. Alfred Jeremias, “The Age
of Babylonian Astronomy”, Leipzig, 1908, page 46.
6 In addition to Ishtar, Venus is also called Mulil in Akkadian-Babylonian times,
a word that relates to the two Ishraelite tribes Levi/Virgo and Dan/Libra. Cf.
Part III: The Red Summoning 275

But if we look at the solar system, we also see that Mars, the planet
magically called Edom, lies behind the moon as seen from Earth. So the moon
becomes the mediator between Earth and Mars, just as the Earth becomes the
mediator between the moon and Venus7becomes. The Moon is the gateway to
the Other Side, which is Qabalistically equated with Samael/Mars.8th

He is the closest representative of Tiamat and the Seven Sons to

Earth. As can be seen from the “Lunar Formula” graphic (see Figure 4
on page 276), the lunar month in NecroYoga is reduced to the number
What is meant by this?
On the one hand, the moon takes part in the open cycle because it
is located in spacetime. But it also takes part in the closed cycle, which
corresponds to its inner function, which is linked to the chakra
subtlety of the human organism.
What do open and closed cycles represent?

Edward King, Akkadian Genesis, page 40. Levi-Dan, whose older reading is Tan
(Tanin = crocodiles/jackals), makes the Kabbalistic Levi-a-than.
7Symbolized by the handle cross (Nile Key) Ankh. Compare the Babylonian An-
K(ubu), which is alternately translated as “divine embryo (Eisler)”, “demon (Thureau-
Dagin)”, “miscarriage (Zimmern)”. Cf. Mircea Eliade, “Cosmolgie et alchimie
babyloniennes”. Editions Gallimard, 1991, page 99.
8th Traditionally dissolved in: Sael + M. According to an old Kabbalistic tradition, Sael
is said to have been one of the 72 names of God until, with the arrival of death in
this world, it received a meme and became S(a)-m-ael. Samael's son is called Qain,
and Qain's sons are called the "Sons of God (=Bnei Elohim)". Cf. “The Zohar,” Vol. I,
Bereshith, page 138.
9The numerical formula 777, which is contained in the “moon formula,” is joined by
another 7, so that we have 777-7. 777 is the important numerical value of the
Aramaic “Nequdah Emtza'itha,” which indicates “bone” and “center,” since both
terms indicate the same dimension. Cf. Jacques Thomas, “La Proportion Divine,”
Archè, 1993, pages 119-20.
276 Book II: NecroYoga


14 14

7 7 7 7

Shoggothim Alaku


Fig. 4:The lunar formula

Both cycles refer to the androgynous primordial organism (primordial

sequence) and the status quo of the current universe (aberrative
The Open Cycle is the given chakra state of the human being, the main
characteristic of which is unopened because of the sexual energy
unmovingMuladhara chakra is. This cycle is also alternatingMarduk cycle
The closed cycle is thatCycle of the Great Old Ones. He will take
turnsAbyssal Orbit(See Figure 5).
It is chakraically composed of a downward/outwardly opened/moved
Muladhara chakra (symbolized by the vortex cross), whereby the
beginning of the breakthrough of the kings and their ultimate grounding
can be accomplished with the help of the Svadhishthana and Manipura
chakras. These three chakras (=Galgalim) are therefore also called the
Abyssal Trinity. Their names in NecroYoga are Hebrew and are:
Part III: The Red Summoning 277

Sahasrara/Galgal Atharah

Ajna/Galgal Ayin

Vishuddha / Galgal Tzelem

Anahata/Galgal Yabok

Manipura / Galgal Lilith

Svadhishthana/Galgal Levanah

Muladhara / Galgal Aralu





Fig. 5:The Abyssal Orbit / The Sevenfold Claw (Basic Version)

278 Book II: NecroYoga

Galgal Aralu (=Muladhara), Galgal Levanah (=Svadhishthana), Galgal Lilith

The open cycle is also the cycle of Shakti, which, although
awakened, is drawn upward (via the so-called Solar Gate) from its
proper function, nourishing the visible sun at the center of the solar
system, increasing entropy and positive curvature . NecroYoga
therefore serves the closed cycle in which the Shakti, the Kunda worm,
is reintegrated into the primordial sequence, because both sequences
are in space-timeexisting simultaneously.
If the Kunda wormnotIf it is connected to the Abyssal Orbit, it
behaves centrifugally/male in the post-flood period. If it can be
connected to the Abyssal Orbit, it behaves centripetally. The male can
fertilize the female (Tiamat) in the moon (Galgal Levanah or sacral
chakra), Magical incest occurs, secret coitus between light and
The Abyssal Orbit or the cycle of the Great Old Ones only has its point
of contact with the Earth and the human organism via the Moon.
The moon is therefore also referred to as a black sun, the star whose
light is black. “Black” because it contrasts with the solar light of the sun
negatively existingis. Because the moon does not produce its own light,
but receives its light only from the sun.
The lunar dimension is the gateway to the Eighth Day, which is why its cardinal
phases are indicated by the number 7. He is the gate,not the Eighth Day itself. This
is what it is intended to express. The Eighth Day and the formation of an Eighth
Chakra begins with the opening of the Muladhara Chakra and is about Moon/
Svadhishthana and Venus10, which is the Manipura Chakra11

10Babylonian also Ishtar, which when read in Sumerian can be resolved into: Izi-tar,
literally fire-splitting/opening. Cf. Friedrich Delitzsch, “Sumerian Glossary”, pages 27 and
155. The meaning of Izi-tar is expanded by the translation option “Stein-Spalter”. Cf. Ibid.
Page 69. According to G. Massey, Ishtar corresponds to the Hebrew Sethar, SThR, which
means “secret place of El Shaddai, where Shaddai = Egypt. Shaat/Shati/Shat = Sau, i.e.
Lilith. Cf. “A Book of the Beginnings”, pages 562 and 568.
11 In NecroYoga also called Hekhal Ha-Tholah, “Palace of the Worm”, whose
symbol is a red eye.
Part III: The Red Summoning 279

corresponds, completed. The resulting eighth chakra is the Lunar Chakra

of Transition (=Galgal Tholdoth), symbolized by the Hebrew letter Gimel.12
It is thatEnthronement Chakraof the kings of Edom, the chakra of
resurrection, expressed by 1 + 7 = 0 (8). This is how the seven chakras
become in humansSevenfold clawthe Great Old Ones, as the
corresponding graphic for the Abyssal Orbit illustrates.

The Gimel, which, unlike the Beth, corresponds to Binah, is the letter of the

moon, which the Sepher Ha-Bahir confirms with regard to Caput and Cauda
Draconis: “The Gimel has a head on its top and is like a tube. Like a tube, the
Gimel draws the forces from top to bottom through its head and distributes
them over its tail.” Cf. “The Bahir,” trans. by Aryeh Kaplan, page 8.
280 Book II: NecroYoga

3. The Path of the Hanged Man

Her hand is on your throat...

– HP Lovecraft

NecroYoga aims to eliminate the odd bipolar cycleclose, to perfect him in

the Trinary, which is through the practice of theretrograde ejaculation
What is magical retrograde ejaculation?
With retrograde ejaculation the aim is to...magical injaculate to build
up, which serves as food for the larvae of the Great Old Ones in the moon,
the sperm/seed flow is directed inwards. This is achieved by during the
prolongedStimulating the sexual organ prevents the reproductive fluid
from flowing out. For this purpose, the urinary duct (urethra) is squeezed
manually so that the reproductive fluid flows back via the prostate
(=Maqom Ha-Shaar) into the urinary bladder (=Maqom Ha-Yaven). Why
the urinary bladder is so important will be explained in more detail below
in the context of biological circumstances.
The name “Necro” Yoga comes from the fact that sperm is not suitable
for oneouterfertilization, but for oneinnerFertilization is used in one's own
organism. Since the sexual energies are not used for reproduction in the
external world, not thatevolutionaryTo serve life in the traditional material
sense, we speak of the awakening of “death” or the dead names, the
Shemoth Ha-Qedruth. Ha-Shem/Tetragrammaton also signals the living
name to us because the triangle already symbolizes the spermatozone. Its
retrograde use is therefore described spatiotemporally as “death”. But it is
this13the initiatory

13This is expressed by the word Shalom, which consists of Shin Lamed meme.
Fire/Shin and Water/Mem are balanced in one by the Worm/Lamed
Translated from German to English -

Part III: The Red Summoning 281

Death. NecroYoga servesnotthe multiplication of the so-called “human”,

but the multiplication of the serpent energy, the intracosmic worm in the
holistic sense.
The practice is masturbatory and auto-initiatory. No partner is
necessary for the magical processcausalto set in motion. Success may
only come after a long time, because it is an internal rite in which the
individual chakra magnetic field is drastically changed. The difficulties that
arise have to do with the alignment of the individual consciousness with
the energy level that the aforementioned eighth day brings with it, when
an eighth chakra forms in the abdominal area. The changes in
consciousness are drastic, as the consciousness initially violently defends
itself against this transformation of its subtle foundation. One
Realignmentis necessary, which can take a long time. But with every
successful, retrograde ejaculation, with every injaculate accumulated, no
matter how slightly, the practitioner comes closer to grounding the Great
Old Ones.
Depending on the practitioner's skills and abilities, building this
magical energy field takes time and patience. If this draconian force field
is built up with every retrograde activity, it initially becomes so again with
every ejaculation, with every externalization of the subtle fire germ
– naturally – degraded. This phase is difficult. Only gradually does the
practitioner gain the ability to build up the field more and more
quickly and, at some point, to maintain an essential part of it despite
ejaculation in the meantime. In this phase, the biological nature of
humans must learn how to deal with the new energies, which is why
the element of “memory”, which has already been discussed in various
ways, is so important for NecroYoga. The memory of the biological
body in dealing with its subtle equivalent plays a central role in
learning the practice. The structure of the injaculate serves to exert a
gravitational force on the Kunda Worm, keeping it in the Abyssal
Orbit. Only then can he be within the

held in a force field. The Lamed is described abstractly as “organic movement”. Cf.
Carlo Suarès, “Le Cantique des Cantiques”, page 62.
282 Book II: NecroYoga

lower chakra trinity, which includes the Galgal Aralu, Galgal Levanah and
Galgal Lilith, bring about connection to the Other Side. The head must
come to the tail of the serpent so that the two connect.
The moon is the key to NecroYoga because it is the closest representative
of the androgynous primordial evolution. The observance of the lunar
stations, which is important in NecroYoga, is therefore important28 goals by
Tiamatto be named. They recapitulate the signs of the zodiac in the manner
indicated. Each practitioner will therefore have varying emotional experiences
based on their own astrological disposition. Up to a certain point, individual
access is therefore different and cannot be collectivized, although theSilver
keyremains the same even for everyone who can grasp it.
Part III: The Red Summoning 283

4. The Rite of the Silver Key

You will know her as rot...

– HP Lovecraft

Let's consider the "Lunar Formula" that forms the basis of the Rite of the
Silver Key of the Lunar Observance:
While the practitioner is active on this side and is preparing the release
of the Fire by setting the Muladhara Chakra in motion, the entry of the
Great Old Ones themselves occurs via Mars/Al-Natiq, the pierced planet
and finally the Moon. They initially exist as Zakhalim, “worm larvae”, and
are received as such by the practitioner, who is now energetically in the
Svadhishthana or sacral chakra, and nourished with the injaculate. This
act, the original meaning of the word Kabbalah, is called thatsucking the
The larvae, whose color is white at the beginning of NecroYoga's
transformative work, grow during the period of the lunar month until they
are finally grounded with the new moon, which closes the "28 Gates of
Tiamat" with the Birth Gate. This grounding and terrestrial rooting15in the

14 This is where the term “vampire” has its origins. The original meaning is “to
suck” or “to attach to something,” which originally meant the mother's breast.
This is why we have that striking double meaning in the case of the Hebrew
word Sheddim, which can mean “breasts” and “demons.” Finally, the word
Elohim, ALHIM, can also be derived from AiL, “vampire.” Cf. Meier, “Hebrew
Root Dictionary”, page 98. Based on this, the equation ALHIM = AiLHIM results.
The Hebrew AiLAi is translated as “drink.”
The symbol of the moon is the horn, Hebrew Keren, KRN, whose basic concept is

that of “mooring”. Cf. Friedrich Delitzsch, “Studies on Indo-European-Semitic root

relationships”, page 88.
284 Book II: NecroYoga

The root chakra becomes visible to the practitioner through the color red,
provided his subtle materiality allows this high-level vision of inner-cosmic
So at the beginning of the waxing/masculine moon we have the entry
into the moon and at the end of the waning/feminine moon we have the
exit from the moon and the simultaneous rooting of the kings of Edom.
The Caput Draconis phase (CPD) is male-accumulating (fertilizing), the
Cauda Draconis phase (CDD) is female-bearing, with the day of the full
moon representing the gender transition of the androgynous moon.
Because it says:16

And they brought their images from the stars.

Let's break down the "lunar formula" in terms of practice:

1st to 7th day (CPD):

While the Great Old Ones are "lurking" for the Red Invocation and the
Ingressus "behind the threshold", behind the moon, the practitioner on this
side begins to stimulate the Galgal Aralu (= Muladhara Chakra) via the sexual
impulse and this basic chakra. to move center.
The stimulation initially only needs to be brief so that premature
and unwanted ejaculation does not occur. During the beginning of the
movement of the base chakra, the practitioner should take frequent
breaks, on the one hand to observe and learn to assess his ability to
control the impulse, and on the other hand to increase his awareness
of those sexual stimuli (e.g. in the form of images). to free or clean. An
alternating stimulation and release, so to speak a coagula and solve,
should determine the approach until the practitioner has the safe
feeling of being able to continue without running the risk of becoming
attached to the stimuli, whatever they may be remain. What shouldn't
happen is uncontrolled mental projecting.

16Cf. HP Lovecraft, “The Call of Cthulhu,” in “The Dunwich Horror and Others,” page
Part III: The Red Summoning 285

on the accumulated energies on whatever sexual stimulus it may be.

This is only the means to an end, not the end. The goal is achieved
when the stimulus about the purpose of the practice is literally
forgotten, ie the practitioner can no longer remember it. Conventional
stimulation by a sexual partner, as is known from Tantra, should
therefore be avoided. The process can also be canceled again and
again; Longer breaks can also be taken. There is no binding rule for
this phase. However, the goal is still to accumulate the energies by
repeatedly pulling the already created injaculate inwards with the
anus muscle. At the same time, the breath should be pushed into the
abdomen, which prevents the practitioner from subsequently
experiencing a feeling of breathlessness/shortness of breath. The
reason is that if the fire could be released, the air element will be
completely burned.
If there has been a successful release of the fire, there may be an
increased feeling of shortness of breath, particularly at night, i.e. during
sleep, i.e. when the waking consciousness sinks into deeper dimensions
and the intellect no longer has control over consciousness. This
unpleasant feeling is remedied by the practitioner consciously pushing
the breath into the abdomen.BevoHowever, the dimension of the
threshold is in consciousnessupdated, he should initially imagine how the
breath flows down into the Muladhara chakra and protectively and
stabilizing the injaculate, which has the shape of a round white sphere
(the coagulated waters).
The task is to transform the static cross of the base into a vortex
cross, because the swastika also represents the walking of the Red
Kings. The more energy that can be accumulated, the faster the
chakra moves. However, the time aspect is not of primary importance,
because success depends on the individual disposition, which has
different criteria, such as the zodiac sign. For this reason the lunar
stations are of central importance.
The first seven days of the lunar month are symbolized by the male
number glyph 6, sephirotically it corresponds to the sixth and male
Sephira Tiphareth.
286 Book II: NecroYoga

The waxing moon, which can be called the “Way of Thoth” based
on Egyptian symbolism, practically means the accumulation of sexual
energies needed for the impending self-fertilization of the
androgynous organism.

7th/8th until 14th day (CPD):

The second seven-day phase of Caput Draconis culminates on the 13th day or
always the last day before the full moon.17From this day onwards, the
practitioner is accompanied by a dog, indicating that he has reached the
secret gateway of the Other Side. Therefore, if possible, ejaculation should not
occur before the full moon. The practitioner should begin prolonged
stimulation of the sexual organ after sunset. How often this has to take place
must be decided individually. In NecroYoga it is said that he reaches the tomb
of Kingus in the City of Monoliths on the 13th day before the full moon. It is
located in Zakhor, the valley of torment, which already indicates the change of
gender. The opening of the valley, as it goes on to say, refers to its hermetic
locking, which can only be opened by the magical injaculate.

Now it is the word “Kabbalah” itself that points to this retrograde

flow of energy. It serves as a key, as it is derived from the word Qibel,
QBL, which is generally translated as “receive”. However, at this point
we want to focus on the sequence of letters that make up the word:

QBL = Qoph-Beth-Lamed
While the Qoph stands for the coagula, the accumulation of fiery
energies, Beth-Lamed and Lamed-Beth signal to us in their mirrored
reading the change from grace to judgment and judgment to grace. This
change affects the House of the Serpent, Hebrew Bayith Lamed.
Beth-Lamed signals judgment, also indicated by the word Baal/Bel,
BL, while Lamed-Beth signals the opposite, grace. Judgment means
fire and the retrograde flow of energy, Lamed Beth the opposite

17 In the solar lunar month, in which 30 days are counted, it is analogously the 15th day.
Part III: The Red Summoning 287

part, i.e. grace, water and ejaculation. If we read Lev for LB, which
means “heart,” it stands for the necessary accumulating Qoph impulse
18(the crossing of the Torah line downwards) that enters the waters.

The “heart” symbolizes the sixth Sephira Tiphareth.

This process is the cosmological origin of the word "Kabbalah", QBLH,
signals the breakthrough through the wall of light, the barrier, when the
fire heats the waters and they can release the germ of the Great Old
Ones, the intra-cosmic fire. Once this is accomplished, what Qlipoth
expresses occurs: KLI-PVTh, literallyVessel opening.

14th/15th Day to Day 21 (CDD):

This phase of the moon is represented by the feminine numeric glyph 9.
Sephirothically she corresponds to the ninth Sephira Yesod.19The male
Bara-Shith is opposed to the female Bara-Thishah.20
Kabbalistically, it is the day of unification, indicated by the Hebrew
word Achad, "unity", which is therefore at the same time the secret of
Daath and the Double Horizon of Law, which corresponds to the 14th
day of the lunar month count. Due to the change in sexuality of the
androgynous organism that the moon manifests, it is also theDay of
The ascent from the cave called Yarek takes place under the sign of Binah and
the thrones21and is accompanied by “blood and sweat” on the day of the full moon,
because the day on which the moon receives the full light of the sunonly
Corresponding to Tiphareth in traditional Kabbalah, it represents the gender
vagina. Its magical value is 33.

18The Sepher Ha-Temuna states: "In the form of this letter are contained all doors...up to
the highest door, which guards the power of the Salt Sea." Cf. Gabriele Mandel, “Drawn
Creation” Marixverlag, 2004, page 75. The “Sea of Salt” is a Babylonian name for Tiamat.
Abzu, on the other hand, is called the “freshwater sea”.
19 In NecroYoga, Yesod, ISVD, is dissolved into Yod + Samekh, symbolizing the
opening of the Yod to the Other Side and the release of the dark Yod, which is
known to be bound in the Aleph, as explained in Part I.
20 The Hebrew ThIShAiH, “nine,” also means “to decrease.”
21 Hebrew Aralim.
288 Book II: NecroYoga

While the symbolic letters Kaph and Nun stand for the 13th day,
the full moon is indicated by the Qoph.
Despite the pain of transformation, the full moon is also the
"devourer of torment" because the increasing phase of energy
accumulation has ended and coitus and eventual birth/grounding, the
rooting of the new king in Malkuth, can occur.
In the days that follow, the Red Gate (=Shaar Ha-Sheirim) opens as
a sure internal sign of the successful implementation of the Red
Incantation. In NecroYoga it is also called the “gate of decay” because
the color red originally traditionally indicates this state of subtle
The 15th and 16th days are considered the days of “lie and truth” in
the sign of the bow and rebirth, which is explained Kabbalistically as
Sheqer, ShQR, is the “lie”23, the opposite of Qesher, QShR, “Covenant”:
The Covenant24, which is broken (“lie”), is not the original Berith

22 This putrefaction is symbolized by the Greek word python, from “pytho”, “to
putrefy”: “...which means the putrefaction of the waters. Typhon is a type of
fever caused by the effluvia arising from either animal or vegetable matter
which is in a state of decay or putrefaction." Cf. Kenneth Grant, “Outer
Gateways”, Skook Books, London, 1994, page 52. See “Python” corresponds to
the kabbalistic Aob (Ob), with which the “dead can be raised”. Oboth are the
“wineskins”. The so-called “Pythonessa”, ie oracle priestess, Hebrew Baal/
Baalath, was also called Ob. According to A. Kircher, Leviticus 20 and Isaiah 29
refer to this.
23ShQR is considered a synonym for ZKR, “save as a memory.” Cf. Matityahu
Clark, “Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew,” Feldheim Publishers, New
York, 1999, page 270. The Hebrew Shereq, ShRQ, means “reddish,” ShRQH is
the “vine.”
24 In Kabbalah, “covenant” also signals the male sexual organ. Sephirotically,
this refers to the Sephira Yesod, a word that can be derived from the Assyrian
Ishdu, meaning “leg”, “foundation”. Cf. Harri Holma, “The Names of Body Parts
in Assyrian-Babylonian,” Leipzig, 1911, page 128.
Part III: The Red Summoning 289

Esh, “Covenant of Fire”25, but the covenant that Marduk imposed on man
with the White Incantation.26The lie therefore symbolizes liberation from
the mental prison in which the fire of the Sitra Achara is bound. The
Sephiroth that correspond to this in NecroYoga are Hod and Netzach.27

Note that in ShQR the Qoph (representing the accumulation/coagula

of sexual energies) stands between Shin and Resh, between the two fire
letters symbolizing the terrestrial human fire and the Other, the bound
fire of the Great Old Ones. This is to show that the coagula serves as a
bridge between the two, while in the word Qesher, Q-Sh-R, both fire
unconnectedleaves. This is how the Qoph is described in the Kabbalah
using the word Qar, “cold”, it indicates “ice”, which is known as a symbol of
the concentration of energy (water). And Sheqer can therefore also be
read Shin Qar, which signals the cooling of the one fire.

Here we now reach the secret north, in a certain sense also to Mount
Kadath, the Meru/World Mountain of the Great Old Ones, where we can
read Kadath = Hebrew K-Daath, literally “equal to Daath”. The associated
magical word in NecroYoga is Oth.
The Black Sun, the magical star of the north, must also be
mentioned, and so the secret meaning of this phase is reflected in the
word Shabbatai, whose numerical glyph is 45.
Kabbalistically we can explain this phase of the moon using letter symbols
as follows: If Malkuth does not receive mercy from Tiphareth (Caput Draconis),
this is called Sheqer, "lie", since the Other Side has the seal of the

25 Closed by Mosheh at Sinai, where "Sinai" is a Hebrew reading of the

Akkadian Sin, a designation of the lunar deity. Likewise, we also have Sin =
Shin, whose three arms can also represent the three cardinal phases of the
26Compare HP Lovecraft's magical motto: "That is not dead which can eternal lie...",
where "lie" can be read not only as "lying" but also as "lying".
27 Hod (= Chuth = error) = YHVH Tzebaoth, Netzach = Elohim Tzebaoth. Hod is
equated with the letter Pe (Pesha = guilt).
290 Book II: NecroYoga

Truth28, Emeth, takes possession of it. The opposite of thisSeal of Marduk

is called Emesh, “the night before,” with a shin written at the end of the
word instead of a tav. The Tav corresponds to the cross as it is its oldest
form of representation. And it becomes clear why we have to write a shin
and not a tav, because tav means closure. Shin becomes the receiving
container of the light that it receives from Yesod (the 9th Sephira on the
central axis of the Etz Ha-Chaiim). When Yesod is dominated/controlled by
the Other Side, the Light flows towards the purpose of grounding the
Great Old Ones. It is consumed by them. By recapturing the seal, the Sitra
Achara has the opportunity to acquire ten complete Sephiroth or one of
its ownTree of lifeto create. These ten Sephiroth culminate in the Dark
Malkuth, which thus theHead of darkness, Rosh Ha-Sheirim. This head (=
spermatozoa) is also the eighth head of the serpent29, which is able to rise
above the qedushah, the “holy” in Kabbalah, leaving holiness beneath and
dominating it. This is intended to signal the law of rotation of the Double
Horizon, summarized in the AL-LA formula, but in the context of
NecroYoga it also underlines the fact that the Eighth Head signifies the
ingressus of the Great Old Ones into the human organism.

The unity, Achad, is replaced by the unity of the Other Side, Achara
= Achad-Ra. This is the complete, cyclically necessarynegation
Tetragrammatons, which does not mean his destruction. When the
mouth located in the worm's head swallows its own tail, the kings of
Edom are grounded... Kether, Daath, Tiphareth, Yesod and Malkuth
are aligned: the hole opens, the gateway is created.

But this opening in the human chakra system, which in Necro-Yoga

is called Shamor (preserved), must be kept open. she must

28 Symbolized by the last Hebrew letter Tav. It is traditionally said to be part of

the “seal” of the royal ring. It guards the Qliphoth and is intended to prevent
their rule over the Qedushah, “the holy”.
29 8 is the numerical glyph of the perfection of the androgynous cycle in space and
time, the creation of a magical “Earth of the Watchers”, where Af-Ra = Al-Araf.
Part III: The Red Summoning 291

nourishedbecome. Their nourishment is the so-called negative involutional energy,

the Shin energy transformed into the lunar injaculate.
In particular, on the 17th day, this draining of Malkuth takes place;
the ford through which the Great Old Ones can enter this world is
exposed in the waters of the moon.30
On the 17th day31is also when Lilith's menstrual phase begins: The
magical injaculate, which consists of the repeatedly lunar magnetized
sexual fluid, has at this point, upon successful completion of the "Rite of
the Silver Key", been transformed into a red, glowing worm, whose mouth
opens is where the base chakra previously was in the untransformed
state. Planetary, Venus unfolds its full effect via the Galgal Lilith, because
the practitioner who was able to raise the larva to this point can now,
when he looks inside, see the open mouth of a red worm. The worm itself
remains unchanged, stable, only appearing to move now and then. Due to
the subtle transmission medium (chakra), his movements can initially lead
to dizziness and a lack of concentration, because in this crucial phase the
practitioner can feel something within himself that in NecroYoga is
described in the formula Ayin = Mem.
Every retrograde ejaculation now buildsRedemption energybut this is
burned immediately or after a short time on the inner altar of the
pentagram, which all three Galgalim (Muladhara, Svadhishthana and
Manipura chakra) have now become. The Trinity works together: the fire
of the Great Old Ones is fed by the fire of the Priest of the Great Old Ones
so that it increases in size and strength.

21st/22nd Day to Day 28 (CDD):

The sperm/seed sacrifice, which is often exhausting for the practitioner, also serves to
cleanse the creation or birth water of the androgynous organism, which has been
contaminated by the gross material element earth. At the same time she finds

In Babylonian-Assyrian as well as in Hebrew, “dry” is rendered Horeb. Horeb


means “raven” in Hebrew and, as already explained elsewhere, stands

collectively for the antediluvian humanity, whose souls are called Ereb Ra in
Zohar. The location of this ford is the “organic” South Pole.
31 Symbolized by ten horns and seven heads.
292 Book II: NecroYoga

Alignment of the practitioner's internal magnetic field with the menstrual

phase of the moon takes place. Once this alignment has occurred and has
not been interrupted by intermittent ejaculations, intentionally or
unintentionally, the practitioner will experience some relief in
masturbatory practice in the following lunar months. The red of the
worm, the red snake, as it is also called, which gives the practitioner the
redemptiveFever from the starsalso represents the connection to Mars,
the second representative of the Sitra Achara in this solar system, which is
recognizable for his awakened sensorium. Expressed Kabbalistically,
Samael, which literally comes from the name Sael,32SL, and a meme exists,
freed from just this meme/water. Samekh and Lamed, which makes up SL,
has the value of 90, which corresponds to Tzaddi, the symbolic letter for
the righteous/upright.
If the sperm/semen sacrifice is successfully performed, theRide on the
carcassspoken, as it is said in NecroYoga. The “carcass” is the shapeless
meme, the chaotic, directionless element of water, which is penetrated by
fire and thereby stabilized.
Kabbalistically speaking, it is also the Heh, the this-worldly Shekinah,
which is guided by the priest to the necessary coitus. If one letter He
comes to the other He (= Lilith, which fell under the waters of the flood),
the androgynous cycle is re-installed: Numerically 5 and 5 are connected
to 10.
In this fourth seven-day lunar phase (Cauda Draconis), the souls of
the Great Old Ones who come to this side in the form of Kunda
Worms become terrestrially rooted.
In letter symbol terms this also means:
The angle of the letter Daleth with the numerical value 4, which is
considered the prototype of the resistance of light against darkness33,
becomes a Resh and finally the Rosh, “main” (round shape = Coagu-

32Note the equation: Sael = Sheol (underworld) = cave.

33Or: The Daleth is the biological resistance of the Rosh, the male germ. If this
resistance falls, the male germ can be drawn to the back of the solar tree of
Part III: The Red Summoning 293

la/male germ) rounded. Malkuth thereby becomes dry, the desert of Sut/
Typhon, it can no longer receive light from Tiphareth, the barrier of light
is broken. The Sephira can be crossed. The Resh simultaneously indicates
that the Sitra Achara exercises its power until the third Sephira Binah; for
Binah is symbolized by the Daleth, “gate.”
The grounding of the Great Old Ones is illustrated in the graphic “The
Moon Formula,” and the integration of the Moon into the solar system is
illustrated in the subsequent graphic “The Abyssal Orbit: The Sevenfold Claw.”
294 Book II: NecroYoga

5. Fever from the stars

...that which lies forever is not dead...

– HP Lovecraft

Before the other crucial chakra features of the Abyssal Orbit are
explained, it is important to come back to the number glyphs 6 and 9,
which are known to stand for Caput and Cauda Draconis, for those two
halves of the vermiform organism that need to be put back together. They
symbolize the centrifugal (6) and centripetal (9) power of the moon,
representing the two halves of its androgynous nature.
But what else do these glyphs tell us?
In 6/9 we can see the astrological sign of Cancer, which constitutes
one of the two gateways in traditional ancient Indian astronomy.
There it is spoken of two opposite gateways, the Pitri and Devayana,
which enclose the earth on both sides. While the Pitriyana, which is
also alternately called “Uttarayana” and can be assigned to the cosmic
north, theGate (path) of the ancestors(Pitris), the goal conceded is
known as Devayana. The Devas34become as godlike beings or gods35
described. This goal corresponds astrologically to Capricorn.

The Gate of Cancer is the Moon while the Gate of Capricorn is Saturn.
It is now of great importance to the practice of NecroYoga when the
Moon is traditionally represented as the other end of the sky, i.e. Saturn

34 In Kabbalah, Deva, written DIVV in Hebrew, signals a demonic power. Cf. M.

Moise Schwab, “Vocabulaire de L'Angélologie”, Archè, 1989, page 214.

35According to the Sepher Yetzirah, Ghedi, meaning Capricorn, is indicated by the

letter Ayin, the original symbolic letter of the beginning of all solar life.
Part III: The Red Summoning 295

becomes. Its equivalent is Venus.36In other words, the Earth, the

Muladhara Chakra, stands between both opposing gateways.
The Ingressus of the Great Old Ones also reveals itself to us as the
connection of both paths for a literal paleo-magical purpose. We have the
following representation for the Abyssal Trinity:

Moon/Cancer Earth Venus/Capricorn

Svadhishthana Muladhara Manipura
=Galgal Levanah =Galgal Aralu =Galgal Lilith

The Great Old Ones enter space-time (the human organism) via the
Pitriyana, the “gate of the ancestors,” using the power of Devayana.

First, there must be a force on this side that will help the ancients
to return, because the cycle has been interrupted, the androgynous
cosmozoon has been oddly divided.37
This occurs when the Muladhara Chakra is set in motion and
opened by the power of sexual fire. The Kunda worm is awakened and
prevented from further ascension by retograde ejaculation and the
pushing of the urethra and is drawn to the moon to remain there. This
level corresponds to the subtle Svadhishthana chakra. During the
lunar month, the fire released from the waters undergoes its
necessary transformations. After the gender change with the full
moon, the fertilization of the other side begins, whereby Venus, ie the
subtle Manipura chakra, has the function of turning the energies into
their opposite or tomess up. Venus is Lucifer, who brings light to the
Great Old Ones, but also magically to humans.

36 After the planetary catastrophe, Venus became the Solar Gate, Gebilon in
Hebrew. The Egyptian ankh, which symbolizes Venus, also means “son of
Sothis (=Sirius). Cf. E. A. Wallis Budge, “An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary,”
Vol I, page 125.
Compare HP Lovecraft: “…but something had happened. The great stone city of R'lyeh,

with all its monoliths and tombs, had sunk beneath the waves of the sea." Cf. “The Call of
Cthulhu,” in “The Dunwich Horror and Others,” page 141.
296 Book II: NecroYoga

This process is also dependent on the astro-physical conditions in

this solar system: This is how Venus, which is symbolized
kabbalistically by the letter Lamed (= L/El/AL), describes at the time of
each synod (“Earth-Venus-Sun Alignment “) a retrograde trajectory, i.e.
behaves in a corresponding eight-year phasefive timesretrograde.
This inversion stabilizes the opening of the worm and its grounding.

This reversal is symbolically indicated by the inverted pentagram, which is

the symbol of Venus.38At the beginning there is the liberation of the fire seed
of the kings from the waters, at the end there is the redemption of the kings in
cyclical coitus with their origin. Androgynous evolution has continued from
“outside” through the intervention of the practitioner.
How can the lunar formula with its 28 gates of Tiamat be integrated into a
preliminary overall representation?
Based on the graphic “The Abyssal Orbit: The Sevenfold Claw” it is
clearly visible that in NecroYoga the seven chakras in humans are not
used, but rather as a counter-act (the red incantation). other sevennessis
updated through which the Great Old Ones are grounded. Beyond the
lunar dimension, the path leads inward, into the solar system, while the
practice of the Right Path draws the energies from the solar systemout
towards the sundirects. Nevertheless, both paths are connected to the
solar. This occurs through the gateway of Capricorn.
Grounding/rooting is the becoming conscious of the Great Old Ones in
the human organism, first subtle, then intellectual. The presence of the
priest in the red-glowing cave of the worms is of an initiatory nature.

38Venus = Lucifer, a word of Hebrew origin: Luz-Sepher, LVZ-SPhR, literally

means “twisted/upside-down book” or “twisted/inverted sphere”. See Sepher/
Sphaera/Sephira. The rotation of Venus around the Sun is retrograde. “Blue” is
the symbolic color of the city of Luz, which is also called Beth-El (House of the
Serpent = Beth Elohim = House of Worms) and which corresponds
kabbalistically with the Aob, the blue/negative energy flow. Luz, referred to in
Gen. 35:6-7, is also referred to as the “place of seeing.” Cf. Alfred Jeremias,
“The Old Testament in the Light of the Ancient Near East,” page 774.
Part III: The Red Summoning 297

door. His post-diluvian Shekinah combines with the antediluvian Shekinah

of the Great Old Ones, kabbalistically called Lilith. This is brought about
solely through the practice of retrograde ejaculation, the re-initialization
of the Abyssal Orbit (the change from the open to the closed cycle),
through a magical path of paleo-magical initiation that leads the
practitioner inward and not outward.39And the more he goes inward, the
stronger and more cathartic the fever from the stars becomes. It brings
wisdom and knowledge, Kabbalistically speaking, the oscillation between
Chokmah and Binah and the opening of the subtle organism, collectively
referred to as chakras, to the Other Side, again indicated by the eleventh
Sephira Daath, which is already for the holy transgression of thefalse ten
stands. Daath is therefore the Double Crown (red and white like the crown
of Egypt), Daleth to Daleth, united by a Vav, the upright axis.

In the worm cave, the white brother of the awakened priest is

sacrificed: the sperm sacrifice that causes the 9th rotation of the silver key
allows him to break through the wall of light (white), which is also a wall of
sexuality. He goes to Kadath in the Cold Wastes40: Mountains and caves
grow in the white Injaculate, the symbolic “wasteland” of the cosmic
This is the beginning of the Red MagicPaleo magic, which causes
survival after physical death41, because the connection to the other side,
which is revealed to the practitioner through the visibility of the color red
(= nakedness), can no longer be canceled by this first death.

39“The caves under the altar were created in the six days of the beginning of
creation; it is the Holy One, blessed be He, who created the caves. So now 'in
the beginning' (berechit) means: He created (bara) the cave (chit). So it is also
true that Isaac's ram was created in the first six days. For the Holy One,
blessed be he, created (bara) chit, which means 'ram' (tich), which is a
transposition of the letters.” Cf. Charles Mopsik, “Zohar”, Vol. I, page 518,
Editions Verdier, 1981.
40 According to HP Lovecraft, on the Kadath the priest is welcomed by a
pharaoh referred to as “Crawling Chaos”.
298 Book II: NecroYoga

The androgynous, cosmozoic consciousness arises as soon as the worms that

have been rooted here can attach themselves to the mother, to Tiamat. The
blood which they suck in as food is the psychic meme, are the veiling waters
through which the Sitra Achara is revealed. It is the meme that covers the
Tohu (= Edom). If it is sucked in/consumed, the path beneath the waters
opens, the city of the Great Old Ones emerges from the floods of light and is
also re-actualized in the practitioner's waking consciousness. That is the goal
of NecroYoga.
Of outstanding significance is thisimagination, and not necessarily in
the general sense of the word, although only a practitioner who is capable
of imagining can also take the path positively: Imagination here is
intended to be the creation of themagicalimage can be understood. The
image/imago, which can originally also be translated as “shadow”,
corresponds in meaning to the Kabbalistic Tzelem, generally translated as
So what does Tzelem tell us about?
It consists of Tzel, TzL, and Mem. TzL means “image”, “shadow”43
(TzLH) and also “page”, while the meme is again for the e-

41The (positive) obsession of the ancient Egyptian culture with physical death and the
survival of certain parts of the soul is a (historical) echo of the ancient paleo-magical
tradition and its Draconic cosmology of the “Aeonal Precession”, which was able to be
reconstructed by the author and others position will be presented.
42However, this translation is misleading, as already made clear by Isaak Luria, for
example. In the Lurian Kabbalah, Tzelem signals the word Etz, “tree,” due to its
numerical value of 160. Rabbi Ashlag (Sulam) establishes the following
correspondences: Tzelem = hidden/male/active = Zeir Anpin (the six lower
Sephiroth) versus Demuth = female/passive = Nukvah, i.e. Malkuth receiving light
from Tiphareth.
43 Tzilla, TzLH, suggests another Hebrew word, which is Barzel, BRZL, “iron.”
Barzel can be Kabbalistically translated Bar Zal, “abandoned son”. Cf. “Esh
Metsaref,” page 31. We also find TzL(H) elsewhere: The leader of the Nephilim
is named Azazel (= Uzza/Uz-Azzael), Aza-Tzel, “coming from the side of the
Part III: The Red Summoning 299

ment water is standing. But in a deeper symbolic layer, the more

precise meaning of what is generally referred to as an “image” opens
up to us. There it can have the meaning of “grasshopper”44
assume, one of those ancient zootypes of the darkness/underworld.
The more common Hebrew word for “locust” is Arbeh, ARBH,
obviously related to Horeb, AiRB,45“Raven”, “wild desert animal”.46The
raven has become a symbol of death, the Tzelem can therefore be
translated: raven image. Raven is the Zoharic synonym for
antediluvian humanity, which at a certain point in history began to
worship Sirius, whose symbol is the goat or goat's head in the
In the paleo-magical context of NecroYoga, the imagination is therefore
the creation of the image of darkness (= death), the Great Old Ones, the kings
of Edom in other words.47

44 Cf. Jeff A. Benner, “The Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible,” Virtualbookworm
Publishing, 2005, page 233. The derived TzLL means “prevent light.” “Locusts” is a
name for the so-called Amalectites, the people of Amalek (Am Malek = people of
the king), who descend from Edom. Compare Ex. 17:16, Deut. 25:19.
45 “Four” in Hebrew means Arbah, ARBAiH. The “Zohar” speaks of the fact that on the
fourth day of creation, on which “singing and noise were heard, the demons, who
also bear the name Aretzim (Aretz = Earth), were cut off from life. That is why the
word Emoroth, “lights,” is written without Vav, which now means “curse.” Cf. Nurho
de Manhar, “The Sepher Ha-Zohar”, New York, 1900-14, page 35. In contrast, there
is another tradition, which is also expressed in the “Zohar”: “The spelling of the
word Emoroth (lights) without Vav indicates complete unity, towards the black and
white light as the manifestations of one indivisible light. Cf. “The Zohar”, Vol.I,
Prologue, page 51. Both traditions point to the first appearance of the Qliphoth in
the “human” dimension.
Horeb = Ereb Ra, the souls of the antediluvian people. Mt. Erebus at the South

Pole, which should be understood as the material equivalent of the subtle

Muladhara Chakra, is, as a volcano, by nature one of the great symbols of the
underworld and its opening to the surface of the earth.
At the same time a reference to a meaning of the word “Necronomicon” presented by

HP Lovecraft himself = book of the law of the image of death.

300 Book II: NecroYoga

The threshold is the place where sexuality transforms into its opposite,
androgyny per se. This must always be taken into account in practice. The
meme is the medium of image creation/birth, whereby the lunar polarized
water has so much (psycho-)magnetism that it attracts the Other Side.48
The practitioner, who acts as a priest of the Great Old Ones, assumes the
function of the firstborn, i.e. the Abzu or Kingus, and enters into coitus
with Tiamat. He himself becomes a carrier of the inner cosmic worm. The
birthright (= Esau/Edom = Sirius) is reinstated at the moment when
sperm/seed is successfully drawn into the urinary bladder, because only
there is that primordial soul (also vital or animal soul) moved, which is
kabbalistically called Nephesh. She corresponds with Cham49, that of the
three sons of Noah (=Moon), who, as already explained in Book I, saw the
“nakedness” of his father.
It is the goal of the Sitra Achara to create ten of its own Sephiroth,
which form an anti-material/spiritual energy field that is intended to
balance the energy network existing on the front of the Etz Ha-Chaiim.

We remember that the balance of power has been lost and the
task is to restore this balance in the spirit of androgynous evolution.
The Sephiroth are symbolized by the X, which itself consists of two
triangles, fire and water. There is a counterpart to the upward
triangle, both of which form the shape of an X.
It was the pyramid culture, found almost everywhere on earth, that
chose the spatial triangle as its symbol. Above all these cultures, it was
the Egyptian one that we know most about today.

48 “By separating the Yod from the Tetragrammaton – (Y)HVH – and thereby
creating Eve, a tremendous active and hence demonic force is released; for
Eve is the 'Mother of all living things' (including the 'Mother of God') the
feminine or negative force of the Jah (YH) - the Hé that forever strives to
reunite with the Yod..” Cf. Kenneth Grant, “The Night Side of Eden,” page 92.

49Cf. Jacques Thomas, “Apercus sur l'Esotérisme de l'Histoire d'Abraham”, Archè Milano,
2002, 39.
Part III: The Red Summoning 301

although the core of the pharaonic cosmology as such has remained

unrevealed to this day.
It has already been found that the shape of the pyramid has
certain unique characteristics and within this shape energies
accumulate and have a specific effect on whoever is within it.

The wisdom from the stars is captured in the pyramid. Although it

has become part of Kabbalistic tradition that the historical Moshe had
access to the Pharaonic court, no attempt has ever been made to
transfer the central dogma of Kabbalah, the Etz Ha-Chaiim, to the
greatest symbol of Egyptian civilization. We are able to transfer the
eleven Sephiroth to the shape of the pyramid, which makes it clear
where in the tetragrammatic energy field the place of the ingressus is
located. Even more, it is possible to determine that the entire Egyptian
culture revolved around one Sephira: Daath/Thoth. If we look at the
graphic "The Black Pyramid" (See Figure 6 next page), it is clear that
Tiphareth, identified with the Sun in traditional Kabbalah, makes up
the foundation of the pyramid, while Daath is located where in the
Great Pyramid The King's Chamber can be found in Giza (the
pyramidal prototype, so to speak), which served as an initiation place
in the original form of the pyramid.
Applied to the moon formula and the NecroYoga teaching of
subtle force fields, this means:
Tiphareth = Muladhara
Daath = Svadhishthana
We also find confirmed in the pyramid the fact that the eleventh
Sephira Daath/Thoth, inserted into the tree by the Great Old Ones, not
only represents the moon, but represents the only subtle place where
the transition between this and the other universe, the back of the
tree of life is possible. Daath is the king's chamber, where priest and
deity communicate, where one transforms into the other. In the sense
of NecroYoga, the pyramid shows that the living name, Hebrew Ha-
Shem/YHVH, which corresponds to the triangle/Tetragrammaton, is
manipulated by the other side.
302 Book II: NecroYoga


Binah Chokmah


Geburah Chesed


Netzach Hod



Abb. 6:The Black Pyramid (basic version)

Part III: The Red Summoning 303

and that this paleo-magical science is the essential thread that secretly
runs through the Egyptian religions of all dynasties. Even more,
everything indicates that the living name, that the planetary deity
manifests itself energetically in the pyramid and that it is possible to
magically create a dimensional within this reproductive-regenerative force
field, namely in the “King's Chamber” (Chamber of the Kings). To bring
about a rupture, to open a dimensional gate in the fabric of space and
time through which the Great Old Ones can access them50page.
Finally, it becomes understandable why the Egyptian word for pyramid,
which is Per, is identical to the PR root, which, as previously stated, essentially
makes up the word Hapiru/Hebrew. The pyramid is the symbol of the power of
the Hebrews, the Elohim, the Seven Sons of Darkness. Her ruler's staff is
symbolized by the seventh letter Zayin. It represents the crown, Aramaic Zinei;
and corresponds to the “Vision of Wisdom”, Kabbalistic Chokmah Hazon. The
menorah, the seven-branched candlestick, also reveals itself to us as an
ancient Sirius symbol that has now been distorted in meaning.

At this point at the latest, all traditional religious dogmas dissolve

into mere fragments, distortions of meaning in a confusion of the
human psyche. In reality, there are the Great Old Ones who want to
invade this world, and there is the person who will or will not open the
gate for you. All religions as we have come to know them on this
planet so far dogmatically operate between these two extremes, are
oscillations of consciousness between opening or keeping the
doorway closed. It is what we can call man's conspiracy against
himself. It is the choice between division or wholeness, between
concealment and revelation, between lies and truth, in which this
civilization is caught.
The findings relating to the original meaning of the pyramidal form
also suggest something else, which may have given (and still gives)
“well-known” Kabbalists yet another reason to shy away from the
truth of the matterown traditionto fear:

50 E.g. in the Kelim Mishna 2.14.

304 Book II: NecroYoga

Since the Egyptian pyramids are "replicas" of something whose

terrestrial origins lie in Antarctica and do not come from this planet,
we can conclude that there is a way to use technology in the outer
world to create a quasi -to create an artificial force field that
corresponds to the inner initiatory state that is spoken of in
NecroYoga. The pyramid becomes a bridge between the underworld/
heaven and earth; the Babylonian Ziggurats, but also the step
pyramids of other cultures, in this case only represent an architectural
variation of the triangular original shape that is really the issue. And
since this dimensional gate can be opened magically, one cannot help
but ask the extent to which it may be possible to create such a gate in
the outer world through technological means, pairing biology and
technology in unimagined ways.
All of this transcends by dimensions what Egypt, what the
Hebrews, what the Kabbalah and ultimately also Judaism for history
and everything that life and death apparently mean for people.
And Sirius is the key, taboo for dogmas, to answer all these
Part III: The Red Summoning 305

6. The Swamp of the Moon

...until time conquers death.

– HP Lovecraft

The “Black Pyramid”, which has now become visible in the traditional
representation of the Sephiroth, corresponds energetically to the
“Lunar Formula” and the “Rite of the Silver Key”. But how can we
explain the practice of NecroYoga in terms of human biology? What
analogies arise there?
There are connections between the subtle and gross material
aspects of the human organism, as the graphic “Magical Biology”
shows (see Figure 7).
For the practice, the lower chakras are of primary importance, the
practitioner must always concentrate on the Abyssal Trinity during the
alignment of the force fields of his body and the moon and of course
during the rearing of the larvae, if he was able to receive/keep any:

Organically speaking, the lowest chakra is located in the area of the

pelvic floor at the level of the tailbone between the perineum and anus
and on the spine also at the level of the tailbone. This force field includes
the coccyx plexus, which is a triangular point between the anus and
sexual organs. Remarkably, this point is also counted as the second
chakra, so that two chakras share this network of nerves as a force field.
The second of the three chakras, the Svadhishthana or sacral
chakra, is located at the level of the sacrum, a few centimeters below
the belly button, and essentially covers the sexual and abdominal
7 Sahasrara/Galgal Atharah

6 Ajna/Galgal Ayin

5 Vishuddha / Galgal Tzelem

4 Anahata/Galgal Yabok

3 Manipura / Galgal Lilith

2 Svadhishthana/Galgal Levanah
8thUrinary Bladder / Maqom Ha-Yaven
9 Prostate / Maqom Ha-Shaar
1 Muladhara / Galgal Aralu

Fig. 7:Magical Biology (Basic Version)

Part III: The Red Summoning 307

The third chakra, which we count as part of the Abyssal Trinity, is located in the
stomach area, approximately at the transition between the lumbar and thoracic spine,
i.e. it is aligned towards the solar plexus.
As can be seen in the figure, the following subdivision is made with
regard to:Etz Ha-Chaiim ve Daathmet:
The anus is the back of the tree of life (Mars), the sexual organ is
the front (Earth), the bladder and prostate (Moon) lie in between. The
Moon is the transmitting authority between Mars, the Other Side and
Earth. During retrograde ejaculation, the fertile fluid is connected to
the sterile Qliphoth via the prostate so that the kings of Edom come
into this world with the sexual energy flow.
How is the reproductive fluid brought into contact with the worm
larvae of the Great Old Ones? How can the consciousness of darkness
enter the practitioner's consciousness and eventually permeate it over
This happens through urine51by contracting the anus muscles with
simultaneous/alternating stimulation of the sexual organ in oneDouble
operationis pressed out of the bladder. The bubble corresponds to the
Svadhishthana chakra and the moon, in which the larvae are received and
transmitted from the Other Side.
That means:

1. Sexual attraction and awakening of the Kunda worm. The moment

the Kunda Worm is irritated/awakened and drawn up into the sphere
of the Moon, the Double Operation must begin.
2. Thereby releasing the larvae (Shin Fire) and burning the water of the
Shamayim, which is called Sperm/Semen Sacrifice.
3. The Kunda worm and larva come together through the
magnetized injaculate. It binds both into one (Achad Sheirim). This
injaculatory force field is called the “Black Pyramid.”

The snake that bites its own tail or consumes it (cf. Serpens qui Caudam

Devoravit) is therefore traditionally called a “urine drinker”.

308 Book II: NecroYoga

It is advisable to temporarily interrupt this operation at the beginning so

that the accumulation of energies remains controllable. If this is not the
case, the fluid will leak out, which will not cause any damage, but will
temporarily ruin the operation. How often this abyssal operation must/
should be performed depends solely on the practitioner. There is no rule
for this.
However, the Lunar Observance stipulates that injaculation,
alternating with the squeezing out of the urine from the bladder, is
carried out at the time of Caput Draconis. Once the injaculate has been
built up and the practitioner can easily hold it in the vessel of his lower
subtle body after the appropriate practice period until after the full moon,
interim ejaculations lead to energy losses, but not to the complete
dissolution of the magical force field, which remains like a kind of nucleus.
If the energy that is built up little by little (and even after repeated
interruptions) becomes uncontrollable for the practitioner, which becomes
noticeable through a significant loss of ability to concentrate and thought
eruptions that are difficult to control, the situation can be resolved by
intentional means Belly breathing can calm you down. After inhaling, the
practitioner consciously pushes the air into the abdominal cavity while
visualizing it. There he keeps them "captive" as best as possible, which means
that he must be able to separate the consciousness - that is, his thoughts -
from this inner breath, to detach himself from it. Under no circumstances
should the thoughts be projected onto the site of the actual operation in the
abdominal cavity or “mix” with the abdominal breathing that is beginning. In
NecroYoga it is said that the “nudity of Marduk”52
The aim of this operation is in which it is not the spirit of Marduk (Ruach
YHVH), the chaotic, disoriented post-diluvian consciousness, but the goal-
directed will of the practitioner (Ruach Elohim) that floats above the
waters of catastrophe. This state can best be described as “being without
figurative ifs and buts”. It is a resting in pure undifferentiation in which
the practitioner receives the vibrations from the Abyss

52 “Nakedness” or “nakedness” is the mystery of the two names Ishmael (= 451) and
Ishrael (= 541) and their intimate magical relationship to one another.
Part III: The Red Summoning 309

can receive and open up completely to them. Only if he is able to receive

these vibrations without intellectual, ie mental, reflection/limitation can
they manifest their message in consciousness. The “nakedness” is the
prerequisite for the creation of the magical ford, the place of connection
between the inside and outside, front and back of the Etz Ha-Chaiim.

During masturbatory practice, pressure on the urethra redirects

sperm into the bladder. There the sexual fire causes a polarization of the
“waters of the Red Sea”53, as it is said in NecroYoga. If the Ishraelites were
able to get through the Red Sea with the help of the magic of the Lord of
the Name and drown the Pharaonic hosts, they are now descending back
into Egypt. This is also the responsibility of Baal Ha-Shem, as Moshe is
also called. This is indicated by the abyssal symbolism of the tablets of the
law described on both sides that Moshe receives on the Mount of the
We also say: Through retrogradely directed sexual energies, the
Shamayim in the lunar sphere are set ablaze.54Its watery portion
dissolves and releases the germ of fire (the larva) of the firstborn (=
Esau) in a kind of “steam” or “mist”. This emission is what brings the
fever from the stars because it means the release of the potentially
bound Sirius seed. That delivered from the waters of the flood

This is the lake of red primordial matter, organic Egypt, Mizraim, derived

from MZRAi, "seed land", related to ZRAi, "seed", plural Zraim. Mizraim refers
to the cloaca, the area where the sexual and excretory organs have their
evolutionary origin. But there is also the place of purification: the liberated
seed is PRH, “Pharaoh”.
This is the secret initiatory meaning of the name "Baphomet", in which we find an

anagram of the following French words: "Mets B (Beth) à Feu", "Set Beth on fire".
Beth refers to the house and the place of transition, namely the bladder-prostate
area. In the Kabbalah, Beth stands for Chokmah, the second Sephirah, which is
identified either with God Himself or with the Word of God, as it is closest to
Kether. Chokmah is the “origin of Torah,” the law of rotation. Cf. “The Bahir,” trans.
by Aryed Kaplan, page 100.
310 Book II: NecroYoga

Fire travels with the urine from the bladder (the moon) into the urethra, in
which the reproductive fluid also flows.55
When the water is burned away/transformed, what remains is the
larva and Kunda worm, which has already been attracted by the
sexual energy and was able to be held in the Abyssal Orbit. The larva
begins to grow when the lunar observation is successful, as it can feed
on the reproductive water that is constantly being produced in the
practitioner's organism. The fire temporarily takes on the quality of
Esh Aklah, the consuming fire: the goal is coitus between the Kunda
worm on this side and the worm from the other side to perfect the
androgynous cycle. This perfection will be theExtension of lifecalled in
the world of living breath. The worm can have its dominion over both
sides of the world, it reaches from one end to the other of the sky, it is
endless in unity and uniform in endlessness: the cycle has become
“whole” again.
But to do this, the Kunda Worm not only has to be awakened, but also
kept in the Abyssal Orbit. This is the prerequisite: it must not exit the body
via the upper chakras, as the representatives of the right hand path
practice. If the worm ascends and thereby only “cultivates” the post-Flood
human ego in a form of illusory indifference to the magical status quo,
coitus cannot occur, with the result that both sides of the world remain
unconnected. The wholeness remains unrealized, the human
consciousness remains untranscended, which means that it remains stuck
in its binary structure, through which consciousness remains subject to
the fluctuations of “good” and “evil”. The Cosmic Man (symbolized by the
8-Glyph), on the other hand, is beyond this. Not because he is fleeing from
the magical task that the Kunda worm represents in humans, but because
he is taking on this task because he wants to ground the Hapiru like the
otherworldly, the wanderers.
The prostate is of central importance. This has already been emphasized
several times. Only when polarization takes place does darkness become light

55 This is possible because the sperm duct opens into the urethra and the sperm/semen
stream (fire) is mixed with the urinary stream (water).
Part III: The Red Summoning 311

also attracted, the Sitra Achara can take possession of the Shin and draw
the “holiness” (= Qedushah) down to itself in order to ascend at the same
time. Or: If the serpent is held in the moon, the light can be sacrificed. The
flow of energies is reversed and where there was a veil, the eye of the
observer opens, symbolized by the Hebrew Ayin (= Ain), which acts like an
egoless force field (an unmoving mover), a center of attraction in the
middle of the body:56

The worship of Shakti in practice means working with the fire serpent,
through which the body of light is not only strengthened, but also all
impurities of the physical body are burned away, thereby rejuvenating
it; Because the uncontrolled life process causes amounts of ash or
waste products to be deposited in it. This is regulated by the fire in the
prostate gland: the excretory region, which in some tantras is referred
to as the “feet of Shakti”. After their retroversion, the Effluvia of this
region not only have the power to build the body of light, but are also
able to create new worlds, new dimensions in which the adept can act
just as easily as in the world outside.

The prostate in the area of the so-called “perineum” is the site of ingressus/
egressus57Moon = bubble/snake, that's the simple formula, and we

Cf. Kenneth Grant, “Beyond Time Circles”, Edition Roter Drachen 2011.

In the traditional (incoherent) comparison of chakras and Sephiroth, Daath is


usually equated with the Vishuddha chakra. This is not right, but it is not
wrong either. With this assignment, however, the other side is not taken into
account, because the throat chakra is “only” the outlet of the energies “on this
side”. Daath is a multiple Sephira that, viewed from “this” side, connects the
outside/underworld and the inside/upper world. The front side begins above
the Abyssal Trinity. What conventional practice ignores is precisely this
essential fact for understanding the back and front of the Sephirothic tree.
312 Book II: NecroYoga

dissolve another symbolic dimension of the snake biting its own tail.
The bubble58, which can correspond to the cloaca in some animal
species, is the so-called “moon swamp” in NecroYogaHecate(Hect).
“Swamp”, but also “mud” or “slime”59represent the dimension in which,
elementary speaking, the transition from water to earth takes place.
Hekate is the Greekized Heqit60, meaning “toad deity.”

HP Lovecraft lets the practitioner know:61

And they brought their images from the stars.

The Tzelemoth of the Great Old Ones were placed in the swamp of the
moon, where they are placed in a certain “magical stasis”, bound in
the muddy waters of Hekate. The swamp symbolizes elimination

58 Bladder = fish bladder, whereby the fish originally symbolized a water snake,
just as, in the opposite sense, water had the basic meaning of “snake”.

59Yaven, IVVN, means “phlegm” in Hebrew and has a value of 72, which in turn
leads us to Ob, AiB, the blue and negative of the three magical streams. In
Egyptian, Ob signaled “to swell” and referred to the flooding of the Nile. Ob (AiB)
means “snake” in Hebrew and, according to the French Kabbalist Paul Vuillaud, is
contained as an anagram of the Greek “ophis” in the term Ain Suph (negative
Existentes), which is usually only translated abstractly. In addition to Yaven, Tait,
TIT, for “clay,” from which the Babylonian Titanu, “giant,” was derived, should also
be taken into account. The Tit-Anu are literally made of the “clay of heaven.”
Furthermore, Boz, BVTz, must be cited, which is rendered as “mud”.

60 Heqit also refers to a deity who rules over the rear (anus). Cf. E. A. Wallis
Budge, “An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary,” Vol 1, Dover Publications, 1978,
61 Cf. “The Call of Cthulhu” in The Dunwich Horror and Others, page 140.
Part III: The Red Summoning 313

dung organ62Bladder, which is why the Other Side is traditionally equated with

Just as there is a door in the soul that opens to God, there is another door
that opens to the dross-holding depths, and there is no doubt that when it
is effectively opened, the depths will flow in. There are also the powers of
the Abyss.

This is even taken into account in the rabbinic Kabbalah, as the urinary
bladder, the region of the sacral chakra, is the seat of the Nephesh soul.
In a twisted world, it currently forms the foundation of the human soul,
serving as a “throne” to the other soul parts (or stages) Ruach and
Neshamah. The expression that one serves as a throne for the other
basically indicates a hierarchical sequence of powers that can be
The Nephesh is generally referred to as a vital/animal soul. In the
context of traditional Kabbalistic dogma, the term “animalistic” in
particular has led to negative associations and to a mixing of the so-
called “animal instinctual nature” with the Nephesh, although both
only in terms of the name is congruent. The Nephesh64
is equivalent to the life principle, which is also referred to in Hebrew
as Chai, ChI, “alive”. As is well known, Al Chai is the “Living God”, but
this word also refers to “serpent”.65there. The question

62For the Egyptians, the toad symbolized the mud fertilized by the Nile, whereby
“Nile” in the magical sense always refers to the power current Sirius-Earth. Heqit/
Hekt is often equated with Hathor, which is all the more remarkable since Hathor
(Hebrew Ha-Tor, H-TVR) = Venus.
63Cf. Kenneth Grant, “The Night Side of Eden,” page 66.
64 Babylonian Napishtu, “life.” But it can also mean “throat”. Cf. Harri Holma,
“The Names of the Body Parts in Assyrian-Babylonian,” page 40. The following
quote should be related to this: “You will know them as rot. Her hand is on
your throat, but you don't see it." Cf. “The Dunwich Horror” in “The Dunwich
Horror and Others,” page 170.
65 The related ChIL means “to twist”.
314 Book II: NecroYoga

The question of the identity of this primordial mental life has, however, been
circumvented in the history of religious dogmas through abstractions (such as
“principle”). Nephesh, NPhSh, also means “breath,” and is verbally referred to as
NPhH, “to blow.”66, needed. They are the Nephilim67, abstractly translated as
“giants”, who are directly connected to the Nephesh as the sons of Anak (= Ankh).
According to tradition, they were discovered by Joshua in the land of Canaan, which
is all the more important since, according to the Old Testament, the language of
Canaan is Hebrew68is.
The word, which is generally translated as vital soul, can also mean
“dead person”, “tomb”.69and even have “will.”
Death and life concern the Nephesh in the teaching of the revolutions
of the soul (Gilgulim), which can only be found in fragments in the
Kabbalah. The comprehensive cosmology that meaningfully relates these
fragments “seems” to be missing. In reality, it is a knowledge that is shy of
the light from an antediluvian time when people still communicated with
the Sheirim, a knowledge that lies hidden behind words and names to
which even the rabbinic Kabbalists seem to have lost the keys. However,
the great key that unlocks the first door to Hebrew cosmology, the
doctrine of the worm of life, is called “Fear”. In the beginning was fear,
and fear was with God, and fear was of God. This deity is Marduk/YHVH,
who in our initiatory sense needs to be conquered, transcended, but also
repaired. Two opposing streams of force, “powers” – light and darkness –

66 Cf. Gerald Massey, “A Book of the Beginnings,” page 448. Assyrian Napashu, “to
blow.” Cf. Wilhelm Gesenius, “Hebrew and Aramaic Concise Dictionary of the Old
Testament”, Berlin, 1962, page 513.
67 Egyptian Nep, god of the breath of those who are in the “firmament”. Compare Shamayim =

firmament. Cf. Gerald Massey, “A Book of Beginnings,” page 448.

68 Which makes Hebrew a Chamite and not a Semitic language, because not Shem,
from whom the Semites descend, but Cham is the father of Canaan. Compare Gen.
69 Cf. Wilhelm Gesenius, “Hebrew and Aramaic Concise Dictionary of the Old
Testament”, page 514.
Part III: The Red Summoning 315

be brought into contact in order to resolve the eons-old transformational

conflict in the subtle human organism. Retrograde ejaculation, the
creation of the magical injaculate to open the lower gateway, releases the
will to do so, which is contained in the formula ofContre initiationis

Do what Tohu wants, shall be the Hole of the Law.

The salutation, the English “thou”, “du”, which can be permuted to

Tohu, Kabbalistically signals Adonai, but also the formulaic term “Atha
Nor”, the salutation “(You) young man”.70
The alchemical Athanor was formed from this term as an indicator of the
phallus and male reproductive power. The awakening of the Tohu, which is
bound/banished in the Tohu-va-Bohu (Tehom), corresponds to what can be
described as the origin of all necromancy. The Tohu is the collective term for
the demons under the waters, but also for the fire germ in the waters. This is
how the Shamayim reveal themselves to us as the established link between
below and above, between darkness and light.
The development of the soul, which in traditional Kabbalah is not
embedded in any coherent cosmology, but is only addressed in an
incoherent and divergent manner, has its organic equivalence. We want
to summarize and break through the barrier of traditional word meaning
as understandably as possible:
Nephesh corresponds to the bubble, it serves as a subtle “throne”/
seat for the Ruach, meaning one emerges from the other. But what is
the Ruach beyond the meaningless translation of “spirit” (wind,
breath, etc.)? Here too we discover that the Draconic Body Magic lies
hidden in the words:71

70Joseph Gikatila, “Shaarei Orah: Les Portes de la Lumière.” Nor, NAiR, is also the
name of the “Angel of the Face”, Hebrew Shar Ha-Panim.
71 Cf. Kenneth Grant, “The Night Side of Eden,” pages 81-82.
316 Book II: NecroYoga

In theBook of the DeadappearsRuachasRu-hak, which according to

the original Gnosis means the mouth or the vulva Haks. Massey
notes that Ru-Hak was "a deceptive serpent... the reptile who made
use of his magical power (hak) makes to attract the victims to their
mouths." The important point here is that the word "mouth“, when
interpreted according to the original or physiological Gnosis, is
referred to as Daath, as an outlet oruterus, who pronounces the
word or logos.

Nephesh and Ruach together refer to the bladder and prostate areas of
the sacral chakra. If the Ruach in the sense ofRu-Hakcould be created, the
third soul level arises, the Neshamah, which in the general dogmatic
sense is even equated with the Shamayim.72But in NecroYoga this means
something different, the Neshamah does not correspond to the light
firmament, but to it in a dissolved state. In other words, the Shamayim/
Heavens were dissolved into Shin and Mem. This is signaled to us by the
anagram of Neshamah, which is Shemonah and literally means 8.
Through the inward channeled sexual power, the Bound Shin Fire was
awakened, just as the Kunda Worm is awakened. The reproductive fluid
releases the forces and becomes the conductor and transmitter of the
germ. It is the priestly power that must serve the Great Old Ones from
outside. The practitioner symbolically goes to the realm of the dead of
Nephesh, to the city of tombs in the desert of creation.

The goal is to create a Sephirothic tree of ten anti-forces that can

be paired with the Etz Ha-Chaiim as counterparts. The larvae awaiting
integration must be brought into contact with the Kunda Worm, for in
reality there is only one Worm that encompasses the ends of the
Primordial Heaven, with Worm and Hole in the Abyssal Orbit and
during the Double Operation into a merge

72According to Aben Ezra. Cf. Gidéon Brécher, “L'Immortalité de l'ame chez les Juifs”, Edition

Lahy, 2004, page 66.

Part III: The Red Summoning 317

Zen. Fire must become fire, its growth medium is the element of water, the human
soul is the energy conductor of the Great Old Ones.
The hole is at the same time the all-encompassing circle. At this point
all symbolism ends in the simplest and at the same time
incomprehensible to the human intellect form of the perfect circle, which,
as the Egyptians knew, does not exist in cosmic nature, because it means
infinity and eternity, if we want to use these abstract terms.
These three stages of spiritual manifestation are traditionally expanded by
Chayah, ChIH, and Yehidah, IChIDH. Chayah corresponds to the “Living Soul”,
literally Nephesh Chayah. Yehidah is the fifth level that unites all parts, the
quintessential dimension, which was explained in the theoretical part “Physics
of Darkness” as the synaptic dimension. This also shows the extent to which
the rabbinic texts need to be transcended, because the Mispar Gadol of
Yehidah is 37, which corresponds to the letters Lamed-Zayin. LZ, which has the
same meaning as the better-known LVZ, means “to turn around”, “to turn
around”.73The fifth element turns the chakra law horizon into its opposite,
continuing an inner evolution that was once interrupted, which is confirmed
as follows:74
37 is also the word LHB meaning "flame", "head" or "point", which
summarizes the doctrine of the head (in Daath) as a point of access to the
universe of pure negation. 37 is also the number LVA, which means “Non,”
“Neque,” “Nondum,” “Absque,” “Nemo,” and “Nihil.”

73Cf. Jeff A. Benner, “Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible,” 158.

74 Cf. Kenneth Grant, “The Night Side of Eden,” page 68.
318 Book II: NecroYoga

7. The voice of Phaleg

...because their language consisted of the transmission of ideas. Even now they
spoke in their graves.
– HP Lovecraft

A practical magical work is only successful if it produces a lasting

change in consciousness; when it reaches the nucleus of
consciousness in which only “memory” can be created and recalled.
This nucleus of matter - subtle and gross - is called in Necro Yogadig
The Hebrew word for “grave” is Qabir, QBR75.
It has the Mispar Gadol of 302, reduced to 32, the value which
indicates the 32 paths of the front of the Etz Ha-Chaiim and which is
reflected in the 23 paths of its back. 23 is the number of judgment
drawn by grace to form a unity.
Traditionally, the Shevirat Ha-Kelim is expressed by BRA to ABR, which is meant
to geometrically indicate the change from 203 (=23) to 302 (=32).
BRA (Bara), which is contained in the opening word of the Old Testament,
is also considered the “closed” word, while in ABR (= AiBR/Aper = Hapiru) we
can recognize the opened word, which ultimately leads us to Bara-Shith/
Bereshith, “he created six”76, leads. The word that is opened is the fruitful word
that spreads into the world.

75The related KBR means “the power to take something out,” “cover.”
76“Bereshith is the key that contains everything. It is with which one opens the
six gates in the six cardinal directions.” Cf. Henri Sérouya, “La Kabbale”,
Editions Bernard Grasset, 1993, page 327. The six becomes the glyph of space-
Part III: The Red Summoning 319

So much for the traditional Kabbalah, which provides the basic parameters of
The grave symbolizes creation and non-creation. The dimension it
indicates has been described or described in different ways. In the
“Physics of Darkness” it is signaled by the Torah itself, which in reality only
reproduces the AL-LA formula in a different expression. It is the Lamed
configuration, the site of ingressus/egressus, which is sephirotically called
“The speaking of the Great Old Ones in the graves” signals Daath,
the Vishuddha Chakra (=Galgal Tzelem).this side, which acts as a link
inserted into the Sephirothic tree between the front and back.

What is manifested on the front as 32 paths or the fullness of God

exists on the back as 23 tunnels, as His emptiness. Emptiness and fullness
stand back to back, the laws do not recognize each other: Female and
male do not enter into coitus, which means that the deity does not
become manifest in man. Transferred to the symbolism of the letters:
Daleth is not on Daleth.
However, if the two angles are together, the word DVD, David, is
obtained, which originally corresponds to the Egyptian Thoth/Tehuti (=
Only when emptiness and fullness interpenetrate each other does the
double law become perfect. In other words: the coitus between the
practitioner of NecroYoga and the Great Old Ones/the Kings of Edom is
actualized, the reparation of the worlds, the Tiqqun can take place in its
original, dogmatically undistorted sense.
Or: The sacred is reconstructed through the Sheirim.
Traditionally the closed word is referred to Tohu. If the Tohu exists,
the world does not exist in the spatiotemporal sense. When the Tohu
expresses its will, the opening occurs. This is the basic situation.
However, in the present state, ie the Tohu-va-Bohu in the
manifestation of the chaotic Shamayim, this is not possible, the will of
the Tohu is bound, exiled in the water.
320 Book II: NecroYoga

The traditional Lurian Kabbalah touches on these facts of cosmic-soul

existence only insofar as it attempts to maintain and justify the classical
good-evil dualism. Only Shabbatai Zevi and Nathan of Gaza, both of whom
lived in the 17th century, attempted to transcend the existing system by
further developing the dogma of the breaking of vessels and not shying
away from asking uncomfortable questions about the nature of the deity
of the Kabbalah itself:77

Since the beginning, there have been two types of light or aspects in Ain-
Suph... The light 'with thoughts' and the light 'without thoughts'. The first
includes everything that is oriented toward creation. However, in the
infinite fullness of the Ain-Suph there are powers and principles that do not
tend to create and whose only aim is to remain what they are and to remain
where they are. They are 'thoughtless' to the extent that they are devoid of
any creative idea.

After the Ain, the Ain Suph is the second stage of divine existence before
“creation”. It is also the Unrevealed Deity. While the Ain is symbolized by a
circle, two circles indicate the Ain Suph. Abstractly speaking, this is
intended to demonstrate the binary nature of the Ain Suph, because
within the Ain Suph a self-limitation, kabbalistic Tzimtzum, creates a void
into which the ten Sephiroth energetically pour out. This creates the
structure of the light worlds, which are always surrounded by Ain Suph
(which, in space-time terms, is located “outside”). But Nathan of Gaza, for
example, went further than other Kabbalists before him and postulated
that this binary level of deity, the Ain Suph, would stand for what is
generally undifferentiatedly referred to as “good” and “evil”. He spoke of
two types of light, the light “with” thoughts and the light “without”
thoughts78, which is notable since he doesn't

77Cf. Gershom Scholem, “La Kabbale”, Collection folio essais, Gallimard, 2003, page 412ff.

78The light “with” thoughts is called in Hebrew Aor Sheyesh Bo Machshabah, the light
“without” thoughts is called Aor She'En Bo Machshabah. Machshabah sephirotically
corresponds to Chokmah, as does Eden.
Part III: The Red Summoning 321

distinguishes between light and darkness like other Kabbalists before

him, but from twoLight Naturesspeaks that are pre-existent in Ain Suph.
The conflict between the two natures in the Ain Suph was then
responsible for the fragmentation of the original Adam and a splitting of
the Torah in the first kabbalistic world (=Atziluth). However, whether there
was a previous development that led to this pre-existing status quo
remains unanswered. For, as Kabbalists know, the present universe is not
the first created by the Deity. There were universes before this universe,
which, however, were destroyed again.79
Today we are in a position to expand the extremely progressive
guidelines from so-called “Shabbataism” and from Nathan of Gaza in a
kabbalistic-physical manner. We must refer to the light “without”
thoughts, which is not involved in the current creation sequence, as
the thought-less light because it is thought-detached. It is the
meditative light, which is not inclined towards elementary division, but
towards holistic perception and existence. The light “with” thoughts is
the oscillatory or intellectual light, which as such does not have a pole
of rest, but nevertheless constantly tries to find one. But it does not
understand that it has to give up itself to do this, because its binary
nature does not allow this state of calm. The danger of this thought-
laden light is expressed in a phenomenon that we can call intellectual
nuclear fission. Just as in the case of nuclear fission dangerous
substances are released or created in the external world, intellectual
nuclear fission releases deadly thinking mechanisms for holistic
perception. Just as nuclear fission is caused by an excess of energy, at
some point in oscillatory thinking there is an energetic excess within
the binary thought structure. If the thinker decides for one side or the
other, this leads to an excess of energy on the side he chooses, which
causes a further split in thoughts.

HP Lovecraft points to this cosmological fact repeatedly and in different ways


when he notes that the Great Old Ones, whose form belongs to a different,
alien constitution of matter, do not come from this universe.
322 Book II: NecroYoga

The thought-released light, on the other hand, which in traditional

Kabbalah is equated with the negative existent, is the meditative light that
wants to rest exclusively within itself, which does not allow or tolerate any
change. It is the light directed towards wholeness, which wants to remain in
the origin of things and fights the mechanisms of the other light nature.
But both have to meet, and it may become clear what difficulties
arise in this coitus.
Nevertheless, the light directed towards this creation, the light “with”
thoughts, which shapes the structures of cosmic existence, must be
brought to integrate into itself the light “without” thoughts, which
creation does not know. It becomes understandable that the oscillatory
light “with “thoughts” has the opportunity to align itself with holistic
existence through this networking. The thought-released light is the
decisive element for the formation of a trinary consciousness, which
Eliphas Levi, for example, equated with the “messianic power”. It
represents the vital synthesis of thesis (light “with” thoughts) and
antithesis (light “without” thoughts).
So it has tonotbe called:

Meditation versus activity.

But itshouldbe called:


Can be expressed Kabbalistically:

Aod (red) – – – Aob (blue)

Plus minus

Part III: The Red Summoning 323

While one thought is busy creating a universe of light, the thoughtless/

detached light only wants to remain absorbed in itself, maintaining its
universe of mediational darkness. In this sense, both lights are involved in
a conflict for supremacy, a conflict that is only ended when one of the two
sides subjugates the other. The coexistence of both is based on
Shamayim, a dangerous, chaotic coexistence that carries within itself the
seeds of the rebellion of darkness against the light. And this is exactly
where the function of the practitioner of NecroYoga comes into play,
which can be summarized in:

Do what Tohu wants, shall be the Hole of the Law.

The Ingressus of the Other Side initiates a synthesis of both light

natures, if we want to stick with this terminology. The practitioner can
combine both sides into a new unity by dissolving the Shamayim and
re-creating a new/old unity. That would then be the synthesis of the
binary: the trinary, which has a polar dimension (= Aor) and therefore
has an orientation that has the task of harmoniously mediating
between both sides of reality.80
The meditative light is called “evil” because it opposes the “creative
impulse” of the thought-laden light:81

It is called the power of evil Kelippah, which has its ultimate origin in
the non-creative light of God himself. The duality of form and matter
acquires a new aspect of reality: both lights are mixed in the Ain-Suph.
The light 'without thoughts' is not evil per se, but only appears that way
because it acts against everything that is not Ain-Suph and is like this.
Therefore, it destroys all the structures created by the light 'with
thought'... In fact, the 'light without thought' develops its own
structures: the demonic worlds of the Kelippot...

80 This will be further investigated by the author in the future under the term PSN,
“Psychic Nucleosynthesis” and its Kabbalistic Field Doctrine”.
81 Cf. Geshom Scholem, “La Kabbale”, page 412ff.
324 Book II: NecroYoga

These powers are called the 'Serpents that Dwell in the Great Abyss'.
The satanic forces called Sitra Achra (Other Side) in the Zohar are none
other than the other side of Ain-Suph.

The Qliphoth are the tunnels created by the Draconic Deity on the Other
Side, the Tiamatic hyperspace, consisting of worm channels, the openings
of which are symbolized by the circle. They are the entrances to the back;
As far as this solar system is concerned, it is Daath that grants this access.
The Qliphoth are shells in the sense that they enclose something. These
enclosures are nothing more than those energy channels, negative
curvatures within space-time. The Qliphoth are the otherworldly organic
ducts of the anti-material soul, which physically corresponds to a black
hole; a vermiform tunnel system created by the conversion of positive into
negative life energies, the neural pathways of the cosmozoic organism,
which must be networked with “this” side in order to be actualized in
spatiotemporal consciousness. These tunnels represent the connections
of a consciousness that is described as “darkness”: the thought-released,
meditative light, symbolized by the snake, which is in reality a worm,
represented kabbalistically and physically by Anti-Pi.

The back of the Etz Ha-Chaiim is what the word “creation” wants to express
in its original sense. It is the one from the positive lightcreated negative
Only the thought-released light, the infinite meditation of the
androgynous deity in and through itself, can put a stop to the
acceleration madness of the present, which is the direct result of an
ongoing intellectual nuclear fission. In contrast to the light “with”
thoughts, the light “without” thoughts is able towithin yourselfto
exude, to suffice yourself, an experience alien to the creative light,
whose nature is incessant, excessive externalization. We can also say
that the light loses itself “with” thoughts about precisely this, its own
thought-nature. It creates its own catastrophe, and as in the
beginning, when the creation defect occurred, it conjures itself, is
caught in its own conjuration. It represents the unsuccessful
Part III: The Red Summoning 325

Experiment of the split deity. This nature dissolves if it is not held by the
other light that is rooted in itself and wants to remain. The foundation of
light is darkness, the eternal negative existence, which as such cannot
enter the world of light. Therefore, it is without a body as long as it could
not be connected to a body. There is no house without a foundation. Or:
The world of “God” is doomed to dissolution if it cannot consciously root
itself in darkness. As far as this planet is concerned, this is only possible
via an intermediate sphere, the human being in this case, whereby its
subtle materiality acts as a buffer between the two extremes (=matter and
anti-matter in the sense of KAPHY).
The light “with” thoughts cannot be sufficient for itself; in its self-absorption it
always wants to become “more”, always “bigger”. It wants to multiply blindly (since
Aleph is different from Ayin = eye) and thereby enrich itself with everything...

Even in the darkness...

...A project that inevitably leads to catastrophe, just as it has
already led to cosmic catastrophes.
“Reproduction” (symbolized by the sign X) is the impulse of every
evolution. But the light “with” thoughts, in its isolation from the
darkness, gives birth to a mentality that even considers its own
destruction. The human greed that hypnotizes contemporary
civilization has its origins here.
The thought redeemed by the light, on the other hand, composes
itself to encompass itself and generate eternity. While the
externalized light continually tries to create “its” world, the light
“without” thoughts also offers the necessary pause and reflection.
While one light appears to be creative, the other is light in this
profound, cosmological senseCreation:
Darkness is become light that has achieved knowledge of itself
(symbolized by the 8) and can rest in this state of saturation. Any
further creative impulse is therefore alien to this light nature. When
light has become, it reveals its own nature: darkness, and its form is
that of a worm. The cosmic present approaches this becoming at the
speed of light, but will itself never be able to become this becoming.
326 Book II: NecroYoga

Physically, the entity created from the chaos of the elements per se is
perhaps identical to what is called stellar iron. Iron is the element of the
fourth Sephira Geburah. For some physicists, the end of the universe
represents the state of iron, which they cannot describe further. In
Kabbalistic-physical terms, it is Ha-Din, the judgment which, according to
traditional Kabbalah, represents the night (=Maat/Tiamat) itself. This is
how it beganthiscreation,thisBereshith, which is also identified with the
liberation of the Israelites from Egypt,at night, when the deity held
What has come into being is living darkness, undead life, which
must be death for all cosmic life. The worm of darkness is the most
extreme negative curvature and the absence of entropy, in short the
created image of holistic simplicity. He himself is the law of the image
of death.
The polar dimension now mediates between the two light natures, but
creation will only take place when the light “with” thoughts is exhausted
through its creation, when the spark of its will has gone out in the night. Until
then, unfortunately, we need language as an anticipation of what is to come.
And because it only anticipates it, it cannot fully express what is to come.
Therefore, linguistic expression fails in the dimension of meditative light. This
is not a contradiction to what is stated in this book. It is intended to serve as a
framework, as a mental anchorage for a practice, the depths of which each
practitioner must explore according to their own abilities.

Binary thinking is the product of a divided and divisive consciousness.

It seems “natural” because man and his subtle matter are products of this
force. Your existence is his horizon; he cannot see further in his usual
state. Kabbalistically speaking, it is the Torah of light, but not the Torah of
light and darkness, which comes through the double horizon of the law
and theHebrew AL-LA formulais expressed
Even if it seems “natural,” it is “unnatural,” “aberrative,” in relation
to light “without” thought. It is not primordial, but with appropriate
practice it can be the bridge back to the seemingly lost primordiality
of all things. Every serious form of meditation has resolution
Part III: The Red Summoning 327

of this binary, oscillative thought network as a goal: the stopping of

thoughts, their extinction (the original meaning of analysis), the end
of the tensions between thoughts, the end of a phantom rule of light
over darkness.
But as anyone who has had real mediative experiences can
confirm, this darkness is not what one would generally understand it
to be. She is something else: she is original light. She is the light that
begins to shine when the light has gone out. Perhaps it is best
described as an emotion: the emotion of perfection in the thought-
resolution that allows this light to (re)emerge.
Darkness is not what the fear-laden dogmas of the so-called “light
religions” in their dogmatic excess (another aspect of light “with”
thoughts) have invented as horror images. The opposite is the case:
darkness is the harmonious androgynous light-nature that arises
when thoughts are released from their binary activity or when they
cease to exist altogether and when that gap in space and time opens
that only with can be kept open with the help of negative energy.
This is what the repeated sacrifice serves...
The Physics of Darkness (KAPHY) provides the kabbalistic-physical
details for the dissolution of this mental texture, the thought death, which
in its external diversity “masquerades” as life. Thinking brings death.

Unfortunately, it is not possible not to think. A curse as long as the light

“with” thoughts cannot be “without” thoughts.
However, it is possible to “overwhelm” the structure of thought, to lay the
foundations for a different existence, and so it should be clear to the
practitioner of NecroYoga: The thought curse, in its solve tendency, leads to
ever more complex, binary-structured thought patterns , to a fortification
against the darkness, at the end of which there is collapse. It is not the task of
the light “with” thoughts to rebel against the light “without” thoughts – which
has been wrongly referred to as “chaos”. And because it is not his task, his
activity to do it anyway leads to the development of fundamental areas of
tension, which, in their ultimate meaninglessness because they are removed
from the deity in their entirety, only have one tendency: destruction.
328 Book II: NecroYoga

However, this is oneunconstructiveAnnihilation that leads to a pseudo-

creative wasteland, for which contemporary civilization is becoming more
and more a great symbol every day.
NecroYoga, on the other hand, is based on the principle of constructive
destruction, which can also be referred to as quintessential transformation.

Because the polar primal nature (= the androgyne) of

consciousness serves to synthesize information, which is the basis for
spiritual growth. Staying stuck in binary structures is self-defeating.
Man is born in between; he is a bridge that he has to cross himself.
This is also what the Daleth stands for. which, bent into a resh, forms
the basis for crossing the inner ford. Yakob doesn't just fight with a
nameless intelligence, he fights with the messenger Samael. He
survives the fight until the morning star rises, but in the end his hip is
dislocated. The Hebrew words that represent this contortion are Be-
Kaph Yarekh, “in the cave of the moon.”
The moon is the mediator, just like man, he stands in between...
But man unconsciously stands in the gray zone of time that passes
between primordiality and aberration of the same darkness. There are
two paths: One leads with the light “with” thoughts into the aberration
of oneunfoundedCreation madness, whereby the time that the deity
took to create its world runs out. The other leads back to that Yod
point where the imperfect creation sequence can be undone. From
the Yod point arises the Vav line, and from this arises the Daleth
angle... The angle is the symbol of space-time, its inward bend the
symbol of its transcendence.
But at this point the silence of the traditional Kabbalists begins,
because their statements can only be under the sign of oscillatory
light. All of humanity's religious dogmas have their origin in this
oscillation, because they are fed by the binary thought impulses
above Tehom.
In the conventional state of consciousness, the light thought
erroneously resists, it “polarizes”, invents good and evil in favor of
itself. This “good-evil” scheme is alien to the thought-released light,
Part III: The Red Summoning 329

for it rests in the Ain Suph, its own source, in which there is no
external differentiation, no temporalization, no biologization, in short,
in theno motiveof the binary exists. In contrast and in this immediate
sense, the anomalistic light is unfounded, blind and therefore
pointless, just like what it wants to create for itself in the seclusion of
the initial catastrophe. Its diversity ends in death, in the emptiness of
meaning of evolutionary creation.
The idea of “with” light obscures itoriginal androgynous
Perception colors and distorts when you cling to it. Here illumination
and illumination become polar states. The mirror numbers 23/32
represent this in the Kabbalah. In between, special relativity “lurks” in
its unrevealedness, if one misunderstands it as it was presented by
Einstein. The mass M is the Hebrew Mem, which physically stands for
the hydrogen from which solar fuel is created in a stellar
nucleosynthesis, for which the Aleph (= energy) stands. It is not
without reason that the Mem is also the letter of death in the
Kabbalah, as Samael is formed from Sael + Mem. But hidden within
this energetic Aleph is the Ayin, as we saw in Part I. The Ayin is the
opening inwards, backwards, back into the darkness. It is the negative
curvature of spacetime; But it can also be the collapse of a star
(=Tzaddi) into a black hole.
The Ayin draws the energy flow of light “out” into the darkness, into
the Ain Suph, which can thereby gradually assume its anti-material
original form, which means: Ain Suph becomes Ain again, the symbol of
the integrated Yod- Point, the binary has ceased to exist. If a new
movement is then generated from this Ain, it is an androgynous,
primordial/straight polar creation movement, symbolized by Ain = Ayin:82

They had shape - didn't the star-shaped image prove that? – but this
figure was not made of matter.

82Cf. “The Dunwich Horror” in “The Dunwich Horror and Others,” page 140.
330 Book II: NecroYoga

Which Kabbalist realizes that it is precisely the meme, which can be both
open and closed as a final meme, that stands for the Torah, which
originally points to the double horizon of the law (Thoth = David). If we
understand it correctly, the following words are relevant:83

You have ascended, you have taken prisoners (Psalm 68:19), and in this
way Ishrael inherited the Torah without opposition or challenge.

In HP Lovecraft, who must be considered one of the prophets, although not

necessarily a practitioner, of NecroYoga, we find the same content expressed in a
different way:84

They had planned to spread and had brought from the depths what
will help them; but now they have to wait again.

The Adamic dimension has its origins in the post-diluvian Tehom,

which means that man from then on and until thenthinks. His
thoughts, the light “with” thoughts, cannot by nature reach beyond
that. The Tehom thus forms a subtle wall… a wailing wall behind
which salvation “lurks”.
If contact is made with the Tohu, which means the negative curvature
of the law horizon, the Daleth becomes the Resh in literal symbolism, and
through the “pressing” force of the Kaph it becomes the Qoph, which
reaches below the line of the Torah. This breaks the resistance of light
against darkness. Tohu breaks into the imperfect cycle that needs to be
repaired via the attractive (= feminine) effect of the Qoph, changes its
parameters and aligns itself in oneAchad Tiqqun Sheirimyourself again.
The light “with” thoughts is released from the burden of thoughts by
being able to flow into the light “without” thoughts, which is tantamount
to fertilization. In return, the light “without” thoughts is provided with
information (=Bohu), which enables its growth.

83 Cf. “The Zohar”, Vol. V, Balak, page 272.

84 Cf. The Shadow over Innsmouth, page 367.
Part III: The Red Summoning 331

This is the secret of the two Sephiroth Chokmah and Binah, wisdom and
understanding. It is the female Sephira Binah on the left side of the
Sephirothic tree who representsUnderstandstands, not the male on his
If this coitus occurs, the light “with” thoughts can become the light
“without” thoughtsunderstand. Both are one and are self-sufficient,
which is expressed by the snake biting its own tail. What the curve
creates is a hole: the gateway to the Other Side. In such a case we
have the closed primordial cycle of the cosmozoon. It is thought-
detached/redeemed existence and networks itself wherever it exists
according to the primordial principle of Tohu-va-Bohu85is updated.
On the other hand, Aryeh Kaplan's commentary on "Sepher Ha-
Bahir" is catastrophic, where he writes about the so-called "evil" that is
traditionally assigned to the north:86

It (the North, transl. note) is called “open” because the existence of evil
opens the doorway to free will.

However, this confirmspositive waythe motto of NecroYoga:

Do what Tohu wants, shall be the Hole of the Law.

Free will is only a description of what is to be achieved through the

transformation set in motion by the serpent's entry into the Garden of
Eden. Free will is the deity as androgynous

85 A notable comment on Tohu and Bohu was made by Aryeh Kaplan on the
“Sepher Ha-Bahir”: “Both Tohu (Chaos) and Bohu (Desolation) refer to these
original vessels. Tohu means the first vessels that were broken, while Bohu
refers to the same vessels after they have been restored and rebuilt. The
original vessels consisted of ten Sephirot in their simplest form... All they could
do was receive from God." Cf. “The Bahir,” trans. by Aryeh Kaplan, page 88.

Cf. Ibid, page 110.

332 Book II: NecroYoga

Worm itself, freedom in itself and through itself, the universal archetype
of life before there was “life” in the sense of light nature. Free will is not
the human ego, because that is only a transient, unstable product of the
light nature in the organism.
Free will refers to the Tohu that pairs with the Bohu Tohu-va-bohu,
which in NecroYoga also represents the magical password of the coming
age. Anyone who misunderstands it as chaos will drown in this chaos of
appearances. Those who understand it as order also rise in the order.

The world inside is not what it appears to be on the surface. Since this
applies to “everyday life,” how much more does it apply to the really deep
questions about the meaning and purpose of life and death?
The sun is not what it seems, the ceaseless war of the elements
rages within it: hydrogen is converted into helium, the limited
emerges from the infinite. The Tzimtzum arises, the deity limits itself,
as the Kabbalah says. According to Shabbatai Zevi, it is this self-
limitation in which YHVH has its origins, confirming that YHVH is the
God of fear to be overcome, which is at the beginning.
Tetragrammaton is therefore not the first, but the second of the
causes of creation, which, from a Sephirotic perspective, has its seat in
Tiphareth. And Tiphareth is concealment in the traditional state,
revelation through the practice of NecroYoga. This conflict between
concealment and revelation of the origins is expressed in the
antagonistic relationship between Mem and Shin, which together can
form either Aleph or Ayin.
The energy produced by stellar nucleosynthesis enables planetary
life, although that same energy is also deadly. A strangely compulsive
interplay of forces locked in the same space-time prison.

How would they behave if they were free, unbound, unbanned?

How much fear might there be in this solar transformation?
And who measures the elemental pain of the stars?
Who knows how much wisdom will be sacrificed in their atomic fire?
People should not think that they can invent emotions...
Part III: The Red Summoning 333

Life and death, one fears the other in man, who himself was the
product of a “divine experiment” that did not go as planned. Life and
death: Both are bound in the world of multiple illusions, a destructive
magic from the beginning... A world whose beginning is already
marked by its end... Not death, life is decay. Decay causes the one
thing to fall apart: the only, unflattering reason why there is more
than just the one thing. In reality, there is only one universe, and it is
made up of what it has always been at its core: worms.
336 Book II: NecroYoga
Tiamat's 28 goals
Goal Name (Arabic) Zodiac signs Letters) Magical name element
1st goal Al-Natiq, the Pierced Al- 0° Aries Ayin Shoggotim Fire
2nd goal Butain, the Belly 12°51'22'' Aries Mem, Daleth Sagulla Fire
3rd goal Al-Thurayya, the Ripening Al- 25°42'51'' Aries Gimel Tam-Zu Fire
4th goal Dabaran, the Gate Al-Hak'ah, 8°34'17'' Taurus Lamed, Aleph Rakia Earth
5th goal the Barrier Al-Han'ah, the 21°25'40'' Taurus Tzaddi Kakkab Anu Earth
6th goal Brand Al-Dira, the Closed 4°17'09'' Gemini Vav, Zayin Imittu Air
Hand Al-Natra, the Cancer Qoph Air

Part III: The Red Summoning

7th goal 17°08'34'' Gemini Kubur
8th goal Shell Al-Tarf, the Uterus 0° Cancer Cheth Akhakh Water
9th goal 12°51'22'' Cancer Teth Shekvi Water
10th goal Al-Ghaba, Lord of the Bane 25°42'51'' Cancer Yod Sha'Ilu Water
11th goal Al-Zubra, the cave 8°34'17'' Leo Aleph, Kaph, Hey Aria Fire
12th goal Al-Sarfah, the winds of Sut 21°25'40'' Leo Lamed Ardala Fire
13th goal Al-Awwa, the firstborn Al- 4°17'19'' Virgo Shin R’lyeh Earth
14th goal Simak, the torments 17°08'37'' Virgo Qoph Sagallu Earth
15th goal Al-Ghafr, the Other Gate 0° Libra Resh, Ayin Tamitu Air
16th goal Al-Zubana, the Larva 12°51'22'' Libra Vav Bara shti Air
17th goal Al-Iklil, the Double Horizon Al- 25°42'51'' Libra Zayin Lilitu Air
18th goal Qalb, the Poison Hook 8°34'17'' Scorpio Shin Ki-Leb Water
19th goal Al-Shaula, the Strange Woman 21°25'40'' Scorpio Samekh Aronu Water
20th goal Al-Na'am, the Hunter 4°17'09'' Sagittarius Tav Umu Dabrutu Fire
21st goal Al-Baldah, the desert 17°08'34'' Sagittarius Shin Aza Tzel Fire
22nd goal Al-Sa'd al-Dhabih, the Sacrifice Al-Sa'd 0° Capricorn Hey Kakkabanu Earth
23rd goal al-Bulah, the Devourer Al-Sa'd al- 12°51'22'' Capricorn Resh Roshanu Earth
23rd goal Su'ud, the Abundance Al-Sa'd al- 25°42'51''Capricorn Cheth Sagush Earth
25th goal Ahbiyah, the Seed Al-Fargh al 8°34'1'' Aquarius Well, well Zro Air

26th goal -Mukdim, the leader Al-Fargh al- 21°25'40''Aquarius Shin, Ayin, Daleth Sut Har Air
27th goal Thani, the Winged Al-Batn al-Hut, the 4°17'09'' Pisces Teth Gula Water
28th goal Serpent Belly 17°08'34'' Pisces Resh, Kaph, Zayin Alaku Water
338 Book II: NecroYoga


symbols Adam Qadmon 132

3.1472, 74, 81, 118, 137, 267, 268 Egypt 19, 28, 77, 84, 90, 99, 116,
3.7492, 118, 119, 137, 268 66642, 43, 89, 128, 131, 142f, 175, 179, 185,
102, 150, 151, 256 777 and Other Qabalistic 194, 200, 250, 253, 268, 304,
Writings of Aleister 309, 326
Crowley22, 52, 104, 116 Ain 27, 38, 46, 55, 59, 63, 79, 83, 116,
153, 248, 311f, 320f, 323f, 329
A Ain Suph 46, 312, 320f, 329
Aaron 213, 242 Ain Suph Aor 46
Abraham 89, 130, 142f, 145, 165, 185, Aishah 26, 32, 34, 39
186, 238, 240, 300 Ajna 165, 277, 306
Abyss 52, 61, 109, 121f, 128, 137, 142, Akkader 169
156, 190, 193, 197, 203, 223, AL-LA 107f, 123, 153, 235, 268, 290,
231f, 234, 257, 270, 308, 313 319, 326
Abyssal Orbit 197, 210, 264, 276ff, Alaku 276
281, 293f, 296f, 310, 316 Aleph 42, 44, 47ff, 54, 70ff, 75, 77ff,
Abyssal Trinity 276, 295, 305, 307, 89ff, 93ff, 103f, 107, 110ff, 117ff,
311 122f, 129ff, 133, 138f, 148, 151f,
Abzu 187, 190, 197, 223ff, 228ff, 238ff, 159, 196, 214f, 235f, 242, 259,
245, 261, 287, 300 265ff, 287, 325, 329, 3 32
Achad / AChD 24f, 30, 130, 147, 164, Aleph-Beth 42, 75, 89, 96, 114, 119,
191, 287, 290, 307, 330 131, 139, 151, 267f
Eighth Chakra 279, 281 Allah 107, 154, 200 Old
Adam 17f, 26f, 29f, 32, 34, 39, 43ff, 49, Gods 177, 190, 192f
52, 57, 59, 77, 86, 96, 107, 116ff, Old Testament 29, 32, 42, 71, 78, 87,
126ff, 132, 135, 140, 144, 146f, 133, 142, 147, 170, 185, 198,
149, 153, 156, 172, 176, 181, 200, 219f, 232, 242, 247, 296,
196, 199f, 216, 222f, 235, 253, 314, 318
267, 321
Part III: The RInodtexSummon 339

Al Chai 92, 98, 313 Atlantis 175, 178f, 182, 197, 203, 219
Amalek 86, 130f, 138f, 149, 193, 299 Atziluth 99, 101, 132, 321
Anahata 277, 306 Avalon, Arthur 209
Anakim 114, 204 Ayin 44, 78ff, 84ff, 92, 95ff, 100, 104,
Other page 21, 25, 28, 33f, 36, 38, 40, 111f, 116ff, 120, 138, 149, 151ff,
44, 46, 48f, 58f, 62, 68ff, 78ff, 159, 195f, 266, 268, 277, 291,
84ff, 89ff, 99, 104ff, 110ff, 120ff, 294, 306, 311, 325, 329, 332
126, 129f, 132, 135, 142, 144, Ayin = MSh² 79, 84, 92, 95, 97, 100
147, 150, 153, 165, 167, 169, Azael 78f
171, 182, 193, 205, 210, 215f, A = MSh² 71f, 75, 78, 89, 92, 94, 97,
225, 235, 237ff, 242, 245f, 255, 102, 152, 224, 229, 242
259, 263f, 266, 269, 275, 282, A Book of the Beginnings31, 169, 184, 186,
286f, 289f, 295, 297, 300f, 307, 201, 211, 215, 221, 223, 245,
310f, 313, 323f, 331 248, 278, 314
Andurruna 222, 227 A Kabbalistic Universe35
Antarctica 175, 179f, 182, 191, 197, 200,
304 b
Anti-light 216 Baal 49, 90f, 100ff, 236, 286, 288, 309
Anti-Matter 46, 70, 104, 325 Anti-Pi Baal Ha-Shem 49, 90f, 101, 309 Bab-Ilu
81f, 92, 118f, 137f, 196, 214, 219f, 242
239, 268, 324 Babel 134, 190, 219, 242, 248
Anti-Sephiroth 117, 215 Babylon 9, 220f, 234
Anti-Universe 63 Babylonians 169, 199, 204, 219, 227, 245
Antigravity 67 Barahut 210
Anubis 186f, 246, 254 Bara Shith 111, 120, 147
Anus 87, 199, 237, 285, 305, 307, 312 Bashar Ehad 180
Aob 30, 80, 89, 288, 296, 322 Be-Kaph Yarekh 328
Aod 30, 55, 80, 89, 322 Bereshith 32, 42f, 50, 93, 96, 100, 111ff,
Aor 30, 36, 46, 80, 89, 121, 152, 320, 120f, 127, 130, 133, 136ff, 146f,
322f 149ff, 226, 240, 253, 258, 265,
Arabia Petrea 165 268, 275, 318, 326
Arikh Anpin 81 Mountain 13f, 34, 36, 47, 68, 90f, 117, 119,

Asakki 250 145, 180, 186, 191, 225, 248,

Assiyah 55, 101, 132, 210 251f, 269, 289, 297, 309

Atharah Ha-Ra 117 Mountains of madness177, 179

340 Book IAI:nN

Mountain of God 13, 225 Chakras 123, 138, 144, 151, 164ff, 167,
Circumcision 134, 236 196f, 208ff, 223, 226, 228, 240,
Beth 42ff, 54, 75, 86, 89, 96, 100f, 114, 262, 264f, 269, 276, 278f, 281ff,
119, 131, 139, 142, 151, 159, 291, 295ff, 299, 305, 307, 310f,
165, 168, 225f, 228, 251, 264, 319
267f, 279, 286, 296, 309 Beth- Ajna- 165
Resh 114 Base- 165, 167, 209, 228, 240, 264,
Consciousness 8, 15f, 18, 21, 23, 29, 51, 284, 291
58ff, 68, 73f, 84f, 89, 93, 96, 117, Manipura- 209, 276ff, 291, 295, 306
136, 165ff, 177, 190ff, 195, 198f, Muladhara- 123, 138, 151, 164f,
203ff, 214, 220, 271ff, 281, 284f, 196f, 208ff, 213, 223, 226,
298, 303, 307ff, 318 , 322, 324, 239f, 262ff, 268, 276ff, 283ff,
326, 328 291, 295, 299, 301, 306
Blake, William 15, 57 Sahasrara- 277, 306
Blavatsky, HP 202 Sacral- 278, 283, 305, 313, 316
nakedness 121f, 145, 297, 300, 308 blood Svadhishthana 209, 276ff, 283, 291,
49, 106, 118, 137, 144, 150, 191, 295, 301, 305ff
251, 254ff, 262, 272, 287, 298 Vishuddha 277, 306, 311, 319
Blood of Kings 137 Chaos 35f, 153f, 163, 174, 177, 182ff,
Bock 79, 150, 176, 181, 218, 250, 264 Bohu 188f, 190, 208, 215, 220, 226,
74, 153ff, 183, 189, 237, 239, 252, 228, 232, 239, 252, 273, 297,
268, 315, 319, 330ff 326f, 331f
Rupture of vessels 33, 71, 92, 112, 131f, Chesed 81, 101f, 132, 206ff, 217, 231,
134, 155, 174, 181, 191, 222f, 236, 271, 302
229, 240, 320 Cheth 75, 111, 113f, 159
Barahut Fountain 210 Christianity 24, 185
Christ 44, 170
C Coagula 44, 58, 63f, 66, 84, 87, 94ff,
Caput Draconis 201, 274, 279, 284, 101f, 105, 115, 139, 171, 183,
286, 289, 308 213, 226, 228, 260f, 284, 286,
Carl Sagan 16 289, 292
Cauda Draconis 144, 245, 274, 279, Coitus 200, 272, 278, 288, 292, 296,
284, 292, 294 300, 310, 319, 322, 331
Cerberus 187
Part III: The RInodtexSummon 341

Crowley, Aleister 22, 52, 54, 104, 116, Dragon Head 211
189, 211, 214 Dragon Tail 211, 274 Draconic 9,
Cthulhu 188, 192, 238, 248, 284, 295, 70, 151, 167, 168, 214f,
312 233, 257, 263, 298, 315, 324
Draconic Magic 9, 167, 233 Triangle
D 44, 47, 75, 81, 91, 170, 225,
d'Olivet, Fabre 207, 252, 261 Daath 49, 252, 280, 300f
52ff, 62f, 91, 98f, 110, 122, Third Eye 98
145, 166f, 177, 195f, 199, 214, Dark Torah 78, 85, 101, 103, 106,
236, 260, 287, 289f, 297, 301f, 119
307, 311, 316f, 319, 324
Daleth 36, 38, 52f, 75, 96, 103, 110f, E
113ff, 117, 120, 134, 142, 150, Ea 229ff, 253, 256
159, 170, 177, 267, 292f, 297, Edom 57, 71, 105, 111ff, 118, 120, 122f,
319, 328, 330 126ff, 131, 134f, 138, 142, 146f,
Demon 45, 109f, 120, 140, 150, 155f, 149, 156, 169, 179, 194, 196,
176, 178, 182, 199, 208, 225, 198, 203, 222, 225, 236f, 247,
229, 247, 275, 283, 299, 315 250f, 256, 258, 269f, 272, 275,
Dam Ha-Sheirim 137 279, 284, 290, 298ff, 307, 319
DBR/Debir 30, 89 Edomite Kings 71, 131 Einstein,
Deuteronomy101 Albert 21, 40f, 57ff, 67, 70f,
Guaita 210 81, 92, 95, 114, 329
The Secret Doctrine203 Initiation 77, 104, 172, 187, 200 Ice 8,
The night side of Eden27, 45, 49, 62, 77, 139, 172, 175, 179, 181, 260,
109, 300, 313, 315, 317 289
Diggu 247, 250 Ejaculation 138, 266, 273, 280f, 284,
Dogma 8, 22, 28ff, 32, 125, 132, 142, 286f, 291, 295, 297, 307, 315
172, 181, 186, 206, 223, 226, El-Chai 197
301, 320 Eliade, Mircea 170, 275 Elohim 99,
Dogmas 14, 19, 185, 214f, 269, 303f, 122, 130, 146, 148, 189,
314, 327f 259, 263, 269, 275, 283, 289,
Double helix 33 296, 303, 308
Do what Tohu wants, shall be the Hole of Angels 86, 100f, 110, 114
the Law 163, 315, 323, 331
342 Book IAI:nN

Enuma Elish9, 173, 178, 190, 204, 212, Darkness 8f, 11, 15, 17, 19, 22, 26ff,
216, 219, 221f, 224ff, 231f, 234, 32ff, 39ff, 43ff, 51f, 54f, 57f, 61,
237, 246, 249, 255, 269 63f, 66, 68, 70f, 75, 77ff, 91f, 95ff,
Equilibrium 30f, 120 105f, 110f, 114ff, 120ff, 127ff, 132,
Salvation 14, 20, 36, 53, 61, 85, 98, 105, 134ff, 143, 146ff , 156, 158, 163f,
109, 112, 143f, 146, 187, 194, 166, 169f, 172, 184, 186ff, 206,
296, 330 208f, 214, 216f, 221, 226, 239, 241,
Esau-Edom 135, 179 245, 249f, 258,
Donkey 122, 144 264, 278, 283, 290, 292, 299,
Etz Ha-Chaiim 62, 100, 130, 214, 230, 303, 307, 310, 314f, 317, 319,
235, 247, 250, 259, 290, 300f, 321, 323ff
307, 309, 316, 318, 324 Fortune, Dion 177
Etz Ha-Chaiim ve-Daath 62 Fear 14, 19, 23ff, 28f, 35, 38f, 41, 44,
Eve 27, 88, 172, 184, 198, 200, 235, 300 46, 50, 52f, 55, 115, 147, 163ff,
Gospels 44 174, 191f, 203, 217, 234, 239,
Evolution 10, 15ff, 50, 52, 63ff, 68, 73, 314, 332
92, 134, 147ff, 153, 166f, 187, Fear of the Lord 24:35
202, 207, 214, 223, 229, 232f,
235, 240f, 246, 252, 257, 268, G
273, 282, 296, 300, 317, 325 Galgalim 276, 291
Exodus99, 118, 127, 146, 194, 198, 205 Galgal Aralu 277f, 282, 284, 295, 306
E = MC² 9, 40, 54, 57, 59, 70f, 78, 81, Galgal Atharah 277, 306
85, 92, 94, 97f, 101, 106, 108, Galgal Ayin 277, 306
148, 165, 224, 229, 239, 242 Galgal Levanah 277f, 282, 295, 306
Galgal Lilith 277f, 282, 291, 295, 306
F Galgal Tholdoth 279
Fire 36, 50, 80, 88f, 91, 99, 102, 122, Galgal Tzelem 277, 306, 319
136f, 144, 150ff, 156, 159, 170ff, Galgal Yabok 277, 306
179, 193, 197, 201f, 209, 244, Garden of Eden 17, 28, 32, 34, 140, 200,

246, 252, 254f, 257, 259, 262, 331

264, 269, 273, 278, 280f, 285ff, Geburah 43, 49, 81, 101, 121, 142, 183,
289, 291f, 295f, 300, 307, 309f, 206ff, 217, 231, 236, 271, 302,
315ff, 332 326
Fibonacci series 107
Part III: The RInodtexSummon 343

Genesis 17f, 25f, 28ff, 41, 47, 50, 62, 71, Grimm, Jacob 183
84, 88, 106, 121f, 128, 130, 135, Great Old Ones 177, 179, 187, 190ff,

140, 145, 152, 169, 176, 178, 195ff, 199, 206, 208, 218, 221,
180, 216, 218, 232, 236, 253, 233, 239ff, 246, 248, 250, 252,
257, 262, 275, 296, 314 254f, 258, 262, 264, 271f, 274,
sexual act 216 276, 278ff, 283f, 287, 289ff,
Sexual organ 280, 286, 307 295ff, 303, 307, 312, 316f, 319,
Drawn creation78, 86, 287 321
Poison of God 49f Large breed 177
Gimel 107, 130, 139, 153, 159, 267, 279
Ginsburgh, Yitzchak 42f, 51, 87, 119 Glyph H
38, 46, 53, 65, 75, 82, 91, 115ff, H'ar Seir 117
136f, 152, 169, 192, 214, 226, Ha-Berith 91, 135
249, 272, 310, 318 Ha-Din 142, 266, 326
God 13f, 16ff, 23ff, 33ff, 40, 43, 46f, 51, Ha-Din11 36
79, 84f, 87, 91, 99, 102, 109f, Ha-Gar 80, 95, 142, 200
116f, 129, 135f, 140, 145, 153, Ha-Gulah 109
234, 241, 244, 247ff, 267, 309, Ha-Ra 45, 68, 117, 154
313f, 331f Ha-Ratzon 76, 150
God question 16 Ha-Shem 19, 34, 44, 49, 71, 73, 74, 75,
Deity 17ff, 21, 30, 32, 34, 37, 43, 51, 85, 87, 90, 91, 96, 101, 106, 107,
60, 95, 116f, 127, 135, 139, 143f, 114, 124, 126, 127, 129, 136,
151, 154, 156, 158, 165, 186, 158, 180, 197, 205, 220, 244,
199f, 206, 220, 223, 233f, 236, 249, 252, 280, 301, 309
259, 272, 301, 303, 312, 314, Ha-Shemoth 45
319ff, 324ff, 331f Ha-Shems 81, 101, 112, 249
Godlessness 21, 215 Hades 236
God of Silence 84 Hagar 130, 142, 178, 200, 238, 269
Grave 55, 88, 104, 131, 133, 286, 318f Hapiru 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 247,
Grant, Kenneth 27, 45, 49, 62, 109, 251, 263, 264, 268, 303, 310,
172, 195, 203, 209, 211, 214, 318
257, 263, 288, 300, 311, 313, House of God 42

315, 317 Hawah 29, 32, 200, 235

Gravity theory 67 Hawking, Stephen 41
344 Book IAI:nN

He 43, 73, 98, 111, 113, 114, 126, 130, Isaac 33, 89, 130, 135, 143, 145, 170,
132, 139, 140, 141, 155, 159, 200, 241, 298
232, 292 Isaac Luria 33, 298
Holiness 20, 88, 90, 142, 290, 311 Ishmael 80, 99, 130, 135, 142ff, 170,
Hekate 312 178f, 200, 238, 241, 269, 308
Helium 63, 71, 97, 246, 332 Ishrael 44, 51, 86, 90, 99, 101, 110, 113,
Enoch 34, 176, 190, 205 118, 125f, 134, 138, 141f, 144ff,
Henry Corbin 45, 168 182, 185, 194, 198, 208, 226,
Hermes 80, 108, 170, 187, 188, 248, 253, 256, 265, 269f, 308, 330
252, 265, 267, 273 Ishtar 274, 278
Hermetic 38, 58, 110 Hermon 34, 36, Ish Tam 39, 82, 85, 90, 118, 155, 157
248 Hexagram 107, 112, 113, 116, Islam 186, 200
152, Itu 31
203, 252
Hexagram of the Beast 112, 152 J
Himalaya 179f Jeremiah, Alfred 185, 220, 266, 274, 296
Heaven 15, 35f, 57, 61, 84, 117, 128, Jerusalem 138, 185, 269
130, 137, 178, 204f, 209, 226, Isaiah 77
233, 238, 245, 247f, 256, 262, Joshua 121:314
272, 304, 316 Judah 83, 129, 130, 195, 266 Judeo-
Job 37:135 Christian 13, 29, 32, 186, 215
Hod 81, 236, 289, 302 Judaism 185, 304
Hell 57 Jupiter 159, 215, 235f, 242, 246f, 251,
Homo sapiens 177 255, 261, 277
Horeb 87, 191, 201, 291, 299
Horn 70, 283, 291 K
Horus 84, 272 Kabbalah 9, 19ff, 24f, 27f, 33f, 36, 38, 40,
Case 37, 64, 88, 95, 155, 318 42ff, 52, 54, 57, 60, 62, 68ff, 75f,
78ff, 87, 95f, 99, 110, 113f, 116ff,
I 120ff, 125ff, 130f, 134f, 137, 142,
Ida 211 144, 146f, 149, 1 51, 154ff, 166,
Idu 31 168, 172, 180f, 183f, 186, 189ff,
Injaculate 280f, 283, 285f, 291, 297, 193, 195, 198, 200f, 205ff, 212,
307f, 315 214, 221f, 225, 228, 233, 235,
Part III: The RInodtexSummon 345

242, 245f, 257, 260, 263ff, 269, Khem 80, 129, 131, 142
273, 283, 286ff, 294, 298, 301, Khidr 80, 187
304, 309, 313ff, 319f, 322, 326, Kircher, Athanasius 177
329, 332 Kingu 216, 232f, 238, 247, 249f, 253ff,
rabbinic 75, 125, 183, 222, 263, 270, 286, 300
313 Conflict 16, 64, 83, 119, 130f, 140, 143,
traditional 28, 34, 45, 52, 62, 72, 163, 172, 174, 178, 181, 215f,
76, 80, 87, 99, 114, 120, 265f, 221, 235f, 240, 242, 246, 249,
287, 301, 315, 319, 322, 326 264, 271f, 315, 321, 323
Kabbalah Denudata 126, 146, 198 Kings of Edom 71, 111, 113, 120,
Kadath 289, 297 122, 126, 128, 134, 147, 149,
Cain 29, 32, 77 194, 198, 222, 236, 247, 256,
Camel 139, 153f, 159 270, 272, 279, 284, 290, 299,
Canaan 121, 314 319
Chapters 39, 47, 86, 93, 159, 183f, 188, Cosmic North 68, 172, 228, 294
228, 252, 267, 273, 288, 328, Cosmology 8, 20f, 28, 68, 70, 129, 174f,
330 183, 219, 248, 267, 270, 298,
KAPHY 9, 19, 38, 40, 47, 51, 60, 62, 301, 314f, 319
65ff, 73, 78, 81f, 85, 87, 90, 95, Cosmological constant 67, 88, 106
104, 112, 114, 116, 126, 132, Cosmozoon 33, 40, 44, 97, 107, 110,
134, 139, 148, 152, 154, 325, 115, 156, 163, 228, 233, 243ff,
327 261, 295
Kaplan, Aryeh 79, 123, 148, 176, 220, Kteis 166
226, 279, 309, 331 Cult of the Great Old Ones 197 Kunda

Cardinal Phases 145, 278, 289 Worm 165, 169, 212, 219, 223,

Catastrophe 19, 33, 43, 65, 112, 127, 228, 231, 233, 240, 247, 278,
132, 134, 136, 164, 170f, 173ff, 281, 295, 307, 310, 316
177, 192, 195f, 198, 199, 203f, Kundalini 133, 165, 169, 202, 208
221, 228, 235, 239, 245, 258,
260, 269, 295, 308, 324f, 329
Kelippah 88, 323
Kelippot 323
Kether 55, 112, 120, 139, 167, 259,
290, 302, 309
346 Book IAI:nN

L Holes 67f, 159, 165ff, 171, 199, 215,

Lahiji 24 226f, 228, 240, 246, 254, 263,
Lambda 67, 75, 88, 95, 106 Lamed 67, 290, 316f, 324, 329, 331
75, 88, 95, 100f, 106f, 120, Lovecraft, HP 164, 167, 177, 179ff,
123, 140, 142, 159, 168, 197, 188, 191ff, 196f, 204, 206, 219,
233, 235, 264f, 269, 280f, 286, 238, 241, 248, 271, 274, 280,
292, 296, 317, 319 283f, 289, 294f, 297, 299, 305,
Leadbeater, CW 201 312, 318, 321, 330
Lives 13, 15, 22, 32, 39, 43, 45, 49, Lurian Kabbalah 33, 131, 135, 147,
52, 62, 73, 88, 91, 99, 110, 141, 298, 320
146ff, 157, 166, 172, 175, 184, Lucifer 102, 153, 295f
189, 202f, 205, 208f, 216, 218,
220, 224, 254, 258, 268, 280, M
299, 304, 313f, 326f, 332f Mate 45f, 93, 131, 135, 150, 184, 187,
Levi, Eliphaz 248, 274f, 322 195f, 248, 250, 326
Light 15, 21f, 24, 28, 30, 32ff, 38ff, 44ff, Magic 8f, 29, 55, 58, 98, 130, 140, 164,
55, 60, 62, 64, 67ff, 74, 80f, 83ff, 167, 173, 181, 186, 188, 190,
88f, 92, 101, 103f, 106ff, 111, 113, 194, 200ff, 209f, 213, 233, 241,
115, 117, 121, 127ff, 132, 134f, 297, 309, 333
137, 142, 148f, 15 1ff, 155, 163ff, Malkuth 55, 75, 88, 91, 102, 132, 139,
168f, 172f, 187, 189, 192, 208, 145, 167, 210, 236, 238, 260,
214, 218, 221, 224, 226ff, 288ff, 293, 298, 302
233, 235ff, 239, 241ff, 252, 258f, Mandel, Gabrielle 78, 86
264, 271, 278, 287, 290, 293, Marduk 185, 187f, 190, 197, 199, 204,
295, 298f, 310f, 314ff, 320ff, 215f, 218, 220f, 223, 229ff, 238ff,
330ff 244ff, 257, 259ff, 268, 270ff, 276,
Speed of light 57ff, 65, 70f, 74, 289f, 308, 314
84, 89, 95, 97f, 103f, 107, 147f, Mars 21, 55, 146, 169, 195, 250, 252f,
150, 325 275, 277, 283, 292, 307
Lichtorgan 62, 69, 85 Mashdu 251f
Lilith 91, 139, 178, 201, 203f, 206, 210, Mashiach 50, 53, 88, 115, 119, 132,
216, 223, 235, 241, 245, 272, 142, 205, 266
277f, 282, 291f, 295, 297, 306 Mashkim 225f, 239
Part III: The RInodtexSummon 347

Massey, Gerald 31, 128, 131, 169, 184, Necronomicon191, 198, 299
186, 189, 201, 211, 215, 221, NecroYoga 8ff, 35, 70, 92, 118, 131,
223, 245, 248, 278, 314, 316 144, 150, 155, 161, 163f, 167,
McGregor Mathers 122, 198 Sea 55, 169, 172, 195ff, 199f, 210f, 213,
84, 111, 139, 174, 179, 260, 215, 226, 235, 238, 258, 264f,
287, 309 270ff, 275f, 278, 280ff, 286ff,
Mem 49, 70ff, 84, 86ff, 92, 95ff, 104, 294, 296, 298f, 301, 304f, 308f,
122ff, 138, 144, 147f, 151, 156, 312, 316, 319, 323, 327f, 330ff
159, 195f, 207, 209, 242, 255ff, Necromancer 255

259, 275, 280, 291f, 298, 300, Neocortex 46

316, 329, 330, 332 Nephesh 151, 245f, 300, 313ff Nephilim
Menstrual blood 144 114, 204, 232, 247f, 298, 314 Nergal 250,
Messiah 15, 19, 50, 88 253
Metatron 86 Netzach 81, 236, 289, 302 Noah 80,
middle column 30 106, 121, 129f, 145, 300 North 36, 43,
Moon 31, 145, 159, 166, 169, 187, 192, 68, 142, 152, 172, 207f,
200, 211, 215, 231, 235, 245, 274f, 225, 228, 251, 256f, 261, 266,
277f, 280, 282ff, 286f, 294f, 300f, 289, 294, 297, 331
307, 310ff, 319, 328 Nuit 45f, 58, 62f, 84, 93, 184
Moriah 145 Nucleosynthesis 63, 71, 73, 97, 246, 323,
Mosheh 90f, 117, 119, 125f, 289 329, 332
Millstones 121, 193f, 197, 270 Mouth Nucleus 64ff, 149, 153, 155, 318
24, 54, 102, 159, 193, 211, 316 Mother Nun-Yud-Yud 78, 86
73, 80, 93, 98, 114, 128, 135, Slot 45, 184
138, 148, 150, 169f, 178f, 184,
189, 213, 215ff, 227, 233f, 238, O
248, 252, 257, 261, 283, 298, Oedipus 216

300 Revelation 36, 125, 164, 191

Mysticism 29 Revelation of the Divine 164
Olam H'Ash-Mal 77
N Olam Ha-Ba 119, 209
Nachash 50, 53, 88, 115, 142, 200, 205, Olam Ha-Qliphoth 89
209, 266 Osiris 80, 216, 272
Nathan of Gaza 320f Outer Gateways288
348 Book IAI:nN

P Pyramid 47, 75, 81, 118, 158, 184,

Pachad 24f, 147, 164, 191 Paradise 29, 196, 205, 301ff, 307
34, 57, 64, 93, 107, 147, Pyramid Civilization 179
159, 181, 238, 253, 263, 267 Python 248, 288
Parallel universe 13
PChD 24, 147 Q
Pe 24, 74, 87, 117, 147, 159, 164, 191, Qav 39
267, 289 Qlipha 91, 95, 133
Penis 166 Qliphoth 45, 87, 89, 132, 147, 151, 167,
Pentagram 181, 203, 255, 296, 299 263, 290, 299, 307, 324
Path of the Left Hand 195, 213, 215, Qoph 87f, 95f, 102f, 111, 113, 115f,
233 120, 145, 150, 159, 164, 286ff,
Path of the Right Hand 177, 208, 213, 330
265, 310
Phallus 159, 166, 184, 315 R
Pharaoh 184, 297 R'lyeh 193, 295
Physics of Darkness 8f, 19, 22, 28, 33, Raven 87, 201, 291, 299 Rashid 150,
40f, 46, 48, 51, 54f, 57f, 61, 63f, 152, 269 Space-time continuum 66,
66, 68, 77ff, 82, 86, 92, 95f, 98f, 71, 78 Religion 20, 25, 29, 41, 55, 68,
110f, 114, 118, 121, 123, 132, 170,
143, 147f, 163, 166, 172, 184, 200, 248
214, 317, 319, 327 Resh 49ff, 87, 89, 96, 99f, 102f, 110f,
Physics of Light 40, 46, 55, 57, 63, 66, 114ff, 120f, 144f, 150, 159, 265,
71, 92f, 96, 118 267f, 289, 292f, 328, 330
Pi 72ff, 81f, 92, 94, 96, 118f, 137f, 180, retrograde ejaculation 266, 280f, 291,
196, 214, 239, 267f, 324 297, 307, 315
Pingala 211 Rome 142

Plato 175, 182 Rosenroth, Christian Knorr from 126,

Pleroma 83, 85 146
Pole 45ff, 145, 148, 168, 199, 322 Red 144, 231, 237, 258, 272, 288, 292
Polarity 27, 33f, 39, 50, 92, 164, 167, Red Summon 266, 271, 272, 284,
191, 213, 215, 217, 221, 226, 288, 296
228, 231, 236, 255, 261 Ruach 122, 308, 313, 315f
Part III: The RInodtexSummon 349

S Black hole 65ff, 105, 166ff, 171,

Zechariah 7 215, 226, 228, 246, 324, 329
Sagan, Carl 16 Black Sun 149, 168, 211, 278,
Samael 17, 36, 45, 49, 69, 86, 102, 121, 289
138, 149, 169, 172, 176, 181, Schwarzschild radius 66, 105, 228
195, 208, 225, 235, 237, 241, soul 25, 36f, 40, 43, 45f, 49, 51, 54f,
249, 275, 292, 328f 59f, 62, 64, 65f, 68f, 73, 75, 79f,
Samekh 159, 254, 287, 292 seeds 83ff, 87, 91, 93, 103, 105f, 109f,
131, 138, 144, 159, 210, 226, 118, 120, 129, 131f, 136ff, 148f,
246, 266, 291f, 300, 307, 309f 152, 154f, 158, 169, 172f, 187,
Semen flow 280 192, 201, 203, 205ff, 210, 213,
Satan 17, 151, 176, 180, 199, 201, 203, 216ff, 237, 244ff, 264, 271f, 300,
205, 248 313ff, 317, 324
Saturn 180, 185, 211, 244, 251, 294 Soul guide 80
Bowls of the Dead 263 Being and Becoming 13, 60, 78, 97f, 107,

Shadow 46f, 66, 136, 166, 209f, 255, 117

298 Seir 117, 131, 149, 178, 225, 237, 241,
Shadow cults203, 209, 211, 257, 263 247, 269
snake 16ff, 26, 28ff, 34f, 39, 49f, 52f, Sepher Bereshith 100
55, 88, 117, 131, 133, 135, 148, Sepher Ha-Bahir 36, 79, 123, 176, 226,
151, 168, 170, 172, 176, 188, 279, 331
195, 198, 200, 202, 215, 219, Sepher Ha-Temuna 86, 287
231, 253f, 258f, 263f, 266, 269, Sepher Shemoth 198
274, 282, 286, 292, 296, 307, Sepher Yetzirah 152, 265, 294 Sephira
311f, 316, 324, 331 52, 54f, 63, 75, 91, 110, 112,
Creation 17, 38, 46, 65f, 69, 78f, 84, 132, 138f, 153, 155, 166, 177,
86, 102, 128, 156, 173, 178, 181, 186, 206, 259f, 265, 285, 287f,
188, 253, 258, 261, 265, 268, 290, 293, 296f, 301, 311, 326,
270, 287, 299, 316, 319f, 322, 331
324ff, 329, 332 Sephiroth 30, 64, 71, 81, 91, 99, 110,
Creation principle 73 117, 120, 127, 132, 135, 150,
Creation Day 43, 270 155, 167, 207, 214f, 230, 236,
Schwaller de Lubicz, RA 64, 175 259, 289f, 298, 300f, 305, 311,
Black Light 45 320, 331
350 Book IAI:nN

Sephirothic tree 27, 47, 52, 59, 71, 127, 134, 137f, 147f, 150ff, 155,
79, 116, 177, 180, 249, 260, 311, 159, 180f, 193, 196, 201, 207,
316, 331 209, 225, 242, 255f, 259f, 262,
Set 84, 186, 203, 215f, 272 Sexual 264ff, 280, 289ff, 307, 311, 316,
Energy 89, 148, 150, 264, 273, 332
276, 310 Shin Bat 55
Sexual energies 280, 286, 289, 309 Shin Helium 71, 97
Sexual fire 102 Shir Ha-Shirim 228f
Sexuality 9, 138, 173, 260 Sexual power ShM² 72, 75
152, 173, 316 sexual energy flow 307 Shoggothim 276
sexual energy 138, 262, 264, 266 Signature of Light 38, 75
Shabbatai 180, 244, 264, 289, 320, 332 Sinai 90f, 99f, 105, 117, 119, 251, 289
Shabbath 55, 159, 270 Flood 80, 92, 120f, 125, 150, 175,
177f, 180, 190, 192, 195, 197f,
Shaddai 120, 150, 180, 267, 278 200f, 204, 206, 208, 210, 220,
Shaitan 17, 157, 176, 181, 199, 201, 258
209f Sirius 34, 79, 117, 131, 150, 165, 175f,
Shakti 165, 208, 210, 247, 278, 311 178, 181, 187f, 200, 207, 221,
Shamayim 35, 61, 84, 89, 137, 178, 225, 227, 229, 237, 241, 246f,
196, 226, 256, 258, 307, 309, 250, 252, 254, 262, 269, 295,
314ff, 319, 323 299f, 303f, 309, 313
Shar Ha-Panim 86, 315 Sirius Cult 200, 221
Shar Ha-Sheirim 110 Siryon 117, 269
Sheirim 45, 110, 116, 137, 176, 247, Sitra Achara 33, 38, 40, 45, 55, 59, 68,
256, 288, 290, 307, 314, 319, 73, 78, 81, 83, 87, 95, 99, 111f,
330 139, 149f, 186, 235, 261, 263,
Shekinah 44, 96, 114, 126, 139, 169, 289, 290, 292f, 298, 300, 311
200f, 204ff, 208, 242, 247, 292, Solve 44, 58, 63, 64, 66, 101, 105, 139,
297 171, 184, 213, 226f, 261, 284,
Shemoth Ha-Qedruth 280 327
Shevirat Ha-Kelim 33, 71, 92, 115, 131, Solve and Coagula 58

157, 174, 222f, 318 Solar system 34, 64, 66, 219, 235, 274,
Shin 43, 49, 55, 70f, 73, 84, 86, 89f, 92, 278
97f, 102, 104, 107, 118ff, 122ff, Soulam 86
Part III: The RInodtexSummon 351

Speer 178f Devil 13ff, 21f, 137, 210, 215, 267, 271
Sperm 138, 266, 280, 291f, 297, 300, Theosophen 202f
307, 309f The Cypher of Genesis17, 84, 88, 121
Spermatozoon 85, 272 The Dragons of Eden16 The Egyptian
Special Relativity 21, 40, 57, 59, 78, Miracle64, 175 The Hebrew and Other
114, 239, 329 Creations128 The Hebrew Letters87,
Sphinx 98, 185 119

Taurus 144, 159, 242 The Kabbalah Unveiled122, 126f, 198

Suarès, Carlo 13, 17, 84, 88, 121, 151f, The Vision and the Voice52 Thoth 79f,
259, 267, 281 94ff, 101, 106, 109, 118,

South Pole 180, 197, 291, 299 145, 189, 210f, 214, 248, 286,
Sufi Tradition 244 301, 319, 330
Sufis 21, 39, 45, 47 Thoth formula 79f, 94ff, 101, 106, 109,
Sufism 28, 80, 115, 165, 168, 172, 196, 118, 210
200, 208, 244 Tiamat 93, 135, 150, 169f, 184, 189,
Sumerians 185, 187, 219 216, 218, 222ff, 228f, 231ff, 236,
Sin 54f, 129f, 182 238ff, 247ff, 262, 270, 275, 278,
Surrogate 201 282f, 287, 296, 298, 300, 326
Sut 84f, 186f, 215f, 293 Timaeus 175
Swastika 193f, 256, 260, 264f, 269f, 285 Tiphareth 81, 139, 166f, 170, 199, 211,
236, 285, 287, 289f, 293, 298,
T 301f, 332
Tachyons 20, 61, 82, 104f Titans 236, 242, 247, 272
Talmud 79, 118f, 153f, 183 Death 13, 15, 32, 45, 49, 52, 73, 88, 91,
Tamtu 223 116, 131f, 136, 147, 151, 156f,
Tav 87, 89, 151, 159, 195, 267, 290 166, 182, 189, 196, 198, 208,
Taylors, Thomas 37 218, 221, 251, 254, 280f, 297f,
Tehom 89, 156, 178, 268, 315, 328, 330 304f, 314, 326f, 329, 332f Tohu 74,
Tehuti 98f, 145, 319 153, 155ff, 163, 183, 189, 237,
Tepht 166, 223, 254 239, 252, 268, 298, 315, 319,
Terra Firma 205 323, 330ff
Teth 159, 266, 272 Tetragrammaton Tohu-va-bohu 153
19, 29, 34, 71ff, 79, Tohuvabohu 74, 153f, 156, 183, 237,
87, 136, 148, 225, 236, 244, 249, 245, 252
252, 261, 280, 300f, 332
352 Book IAI:nN

Torah 43, 78, 85, 87, 90f, 99ff, 103, 106, Ur-Continent 177, 197
108, 110, 113, 118f, 125, 130, Ur-Kosmos 227
132, 138, 143, 150, 152, 155, Ur-Organism 218, 222ff, 227, 229,
157, 182, 203, 235, 264, 268, 232, 234, 236, 240, 243, 245,
287, 309, 319, 321, 326, 330 249, 254, 257, 260, 269, 273,
Torweg 28, 39f, 48, 55, 59, 62, 69ff, 276
75, 77f, 86f, 92, 104f, 109, 115f, Archetype 17, 152

122f, 145, 169, 192, 194, 235, Primordial light9, 190, 219, 247, 255,

238, 261, 266, 275, 286, 290, 258 Uways 165

296, 331
Necromancer 266 v
Dead Names 197f, 280 Tower of Babel Vav 42, 73, 75, 77, 79, 86, 89, 98f, 101,
190 Typhon 186, 201, 215, 288, 293 111ff, 119f, 127, 139ff, 145ff,
Tzaddi 159, 236, 292, 329 Tzaphon 36, 153, 155ff, 159, 167, 177, 179,
47, 68, 117, 180, 186, 225 Tzelem 255, 183, 207, 237ff, 252, 260, 264,
277, 29 8f, 306, 319 Tzimtzum 147, 273, 297, 299, 328
320, 332 Venus 102, 209, 274, 278, 291, 295f,
Temptation 14, 17, 43
U Virgil 97
Umma Hubur 150, 169f, 218, 248 Vulva 159, 166, 170, 316
uncircumcised 134, 143
odd duality 33, 108, 128, 216 W
universes 69, 82, 86, 106, 146, 221, Waking consciousness 37, 61, 285, 298

321 Water 36, 43, 45, 54f, 67, 75, 83f, 87,

Universe 17, 21, 33, 35, 40f, 44, 50f, 89, 91, 96, 99, 102, 105, 112f,
58f, 61, 63ff, 71, 75, 78, 82, 85, 122ff, 129, 131, 136ff, 144, 147,
92f, 97ff, 101, 103f, 108, 110, 150ff, 154f, 157, 159, 165, 168,
112, 114, 120, 134, 136, 143, 170f, 174, 178f, 193, 196 , 199,
147, 149, 152, 156f, 165, 167f, 203f, 205f, 209f, 229ff, 238, 245f,
170ff, 181, 184, 187ff, 196, 211, 251ff, 257, 260, 262, 269, 273, 280,
213, 216f, 219, 221, 224, 229, 285, 287ff, 291f, 295f, 298ff, 308ff,
232ff, 239ff, 246, 252, 260f , 264, 312, 315, 317, 319
268ff, 276, 301, 317, 321, 323,
326, 333
Part III: The RInodtexSummon 353

White Summoning 197, 213, 222, 227, Yesod 81, 132, 236, 287f, 290, 302
229, 231f, 234, 255, 261, 266, Yetzer Ha-Sheirim 45
289 Yezidi 248
White Brotherhood 191, 192, 202f, 215, YHVH 19, 34, 52, 71ff, 75, 79, 101,
217, 265, 270f 106, 111, 113f, 132, 139f, 145f,
Weltenberg 39, 145, 196, 289 148, 153, 155, 189, 196, 199,
World of Shells 45 220, 225, 230, 232, 235, 242,
Will of God 30, 77 260, 268, 289, 301, 308, 314,
Worm 17f, 26, 28f, 34, 36, 52, 77, 88, 332
93, 115f, 119, 128, 131, 133, Yod 51f, 73, 75, 78, 81ff, 90f, 94, 101,
148, 159, 164ff, 169f, 186ff, 199, 104ff, 110ff, 117, 119f, 129f, 132,
201, 204f, 208ff, 213, 215, 219, 150, 152, 155, 159, 193, 265ff,
223, 228, 230f, 233, 235, 237, 287, 328f
240f, 247f, 252, 254, 258, 263, Yod point 51f, 82f, 85, 90, 101, 104ff,
265ff, 269f, 273, 278, 280f, 283, 108, 111ff, 120, 150, 152, 328
290ff, 295f, 300, 307, 310 , 314,
316, 324ff, 332 Z
Desert 139, 153, 181, 187, 204, 238, Zahir Anpin 81
256, 293, 316 Zahkar ve-Nuqbah 81
Zayin 34, 77, 79, 159, 303, 317
X Central Sun 175
X 38, 46f, 50f, 53, 75, 82, 84f, 89ff, 94, Zero speed 148 Zero
110, 112, 114, 116f, 129, 135ff, point 103f, 107, 148f Zev
143f, 152, 169, 193, 214, 218, Ben Shimon Halevi 35
224, 227, 230, 249, 258f, 300, Billy Goat 176, 178, 222
325 Zion 269
Zohar 27, 32, 42, 44, 53f, 79, 86f, 90,
Y 101f, 106, 110, 112, 119ff, 129ff,
Yad 31, 265 137ff, 146, 151, 154, 172, 175f,
Yahweh 220 179, 182f, 193ff, 198, 204, 208,
Yakob 86, 89, 100f, 131, 137, 263, 328 213, 218, 222, 226, 237, 242,
Yarek 287 256, 275, 297, 299, 324, 330
Yemen 165 Future 8, 13, 61, 75, 107f, 175, 209
Yesh Rael 74, 263, 265f, 269
354 Book II: NecroYoga

The author

WH Müller, born in 1964, found his access to magic and the occult in
the early 1980s through the works of the American writer HP
Lovecraft. After founding a research group in the mid-1980s, many of
the results of this work appeared in his first book “Lovecraft
– Treasurer of the Forbidden” to the public in 1992. This was followed in 1994 by an
esoteric translation of the Akkadian-Babylonian world creation epic “Enuma Elish”
in the book “Primal Light – In the Footsteps of the Gods of Ancient Times”, which
was published as an expanded, improved edition “Fiat Nox
– The Magic of the Great Old Ones” was published in 2004.
As a translator, he worked for the Sphinx publishing house (“Nicholas Roerich:
Life and Work of a Master”) as well as for the Rita Ruther publishing house
(including EA Wallis Budge, “Egyptische Magie”, WB Yeats, “The Vision”) and KC
-Publisher (Turner, Langford, “The Book of the Dead Names”).
In addition, he repeatedly published articles and series of articles on a
wide variety of topics relating to occultism and contemporary Western
magic, but also mystical traditions such as Yazidiism in the esoteric
magazines “Aha” and “Der Golem”.
The book “Polaria: The Gift of the White Stone” on the esoteric
background of Lovecraft’s works was published in the USA in 1996 by
“Brotherhood of Life”.
Due to his inner connection with the early Mesopotamian cosmology
of Sumer and Babylon, the author took on an official patronage of the
British Museum in the 1990s, which gave him the opportunity to continue
his studies for years in one of the most important museums in the world.

The increasing connection with the Kabbalah and the nucleus

hidden within it of the primeval tradition of the Great Old Ones or
Kings of Edom, which was already outlined in “Urlicht”, and which was
also vaguely described by HP Lovecraft, led to another publication
Part III: DiDeRroAteuBgoal swearing 355

with the title “Necronomicon – Giving Death a Name”, published in

2003 and as an expanded edition in 2004 in Edition Ka by Gundula
Freytag Verlag.
In the years 2001 to 2002, WH Müller self-published the series “Ars
Melanchtonica – Books on the Royal Art of Alchemy”. The focus was on
alchemy and hermeticism. In addition to alchemy in its “classic form” in
the first volume, the second volume of the series contains, among other
things, first publications by the Persian Sufi poet Suhrawardi, as well as a
presentation of the doctrine of the seven energy bodies in humans
according to traditional Sufi tradition.
After the discovery of the basic Kabbalistic structure of Einstein's
equation E = MC², the loose-leaf collection "The Babylon Workout: The
Physics of Darkness" was published in 2008, which forms the basis of
the first part of his current book "NecroYoga", in which also For the
first time, details about the author's long-standing draconian-tantric
practice are published.
The author works full-time as a literary translator.

Kenneth Grant

Beyond the time circles


approx. 320 pages with colored &

b/w illustrations, DIN A5, hardcover,
ISBN 978-3-939459-55-2
25.00 euros

The author Kenneth Grant, last student of Aleister Crowley & Austin Osman
Spare, comprehensively addresses the current situation of humanity, which is
moving towards a global crisis that either leads to catastrophe or - via a
comprehensive transformation - humanity towards it will bring completely
new forms of existence. As helpers and pioneers, forces from the Aeon of
Maat enter our continuum to create, together with the forces of the Horus
Aeon, a historically unique double stream of power. This phenomenon was
first recognized in Frater Achad's approach. Soror Andahadna (Nema) and
Allen Holub took up his unfinished work, developed it further and made it
practically manageable.
This is what playsNecronomiconan important role, as a grimoire with the keys to
summoning the Forgotten Ones, the Great Old Ones from the Night of Time and
the Elder Gods. Grant addresses the problematic role that HP Lovecraft played as a
receiver. Using the writings of Soror Andahadna (Nema) and Allen Holub, he
comprehensively analyzes what opportunities and what immense dangers lie in
dealing with these beings - for the individual magician as well as for humanity as a
From the publishing program

Kenneth Grant
The night side of Eden
352 pages, numerous b/w illustrations, DIN A5, hardcover,
Limited first edition including poster!
ISBN 978-3-939459-07-1
There is a map of consciousness with all its dark and light aspects.
This map is represented by the Kabbalistic symbol “Tree of Life,”
whose roots reach into the primordial earth of Eden and whose
branches extend into extraterrestrial dimensions. This
Tree is a familiar concept to mystics and magicians alike, but it also has oneother side, a
nightside that is only mentioned in passing in contemporary writings on the occult. The night
side of Edeninterprets this symbolism of the "Tree of Death", the 'Other Side' of the "Tree of
Life", which forms the basis of the Western occult tradition.The night side of Edenis an
explanation of the Cult of Choronzon, it is the detailed exposition of the mysteries of the Path
of the Left Hand in relation to Western occultism.

Kenneth Grant
Shadow cults
304 pages, numerous illustrations, DIN A5, hardcover,
ISBN 978-3-939459-29-3
As a path of spiritual achievement, the left-handed path has an older
history than its counterpart, originating from the earliest phases of
consciousness, extending in historical times through the Ophidian
traditions of Africa, the draconian cults of ancient Egypt, and the
tantric systems manifested in India and the Far East. The evolution of these mysteries is
traced here from their earliest appearances right up to our modern times. Modern
representatives of these mysteries have founded their own revival cults:Aleister
Crowleywith his cult of the Beast 666 and the Scarlet Woman;Brother Achad with his
unusual Kabbalistic investigations;Austin O. Save, the artist who founded his own
system of sexual sorcery based on the ancient mysteries of witchcraft; as well as Michael
Bertiauxwith his cult of the Black Snake.

Kenneth Grant
Aleister Crowley & the Hidden God 288 pages,
numerous illustrations, DIN A5, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-939459-32-3
Aleister Crowley & the Hidden Godis a study of sexual magick and its
affinities with the ancient tantric rites of Kali, the dark goddess of
blood and dissolution, represented in Crowley's cult as the Scarlet
Woman. The awakening of Kundalini as the highest magical
Power through Crowley's sexual magick invokes the hidden God - the latent genius that resides
within every human being.
Aleister Crowley,Austin O. Save,Dion FortuneandGregor A. Gregoriuswere the first
adepts to teach in the West the use of psychosexual energies, the ophitic power stream
that had been coined in the most ancient arcana of Africa and the Far East. Kenneth
Grant describes a method of dream control that involves the use of this ophitic power
stream. Its object is to establish contact with extraterrestrial and non-human beings,
with the aim of transcending the limitations of personality and achieving cosmic
consciousness, in order to achieve the magical formula ofNew Aeonsto fulfill.
From the publishing program


Thomas Karlsson
Kabbalah, Qliphoth and
the Gothic magic

248 pages, 30 images + over 120 sigils +

8 color images, DIN A5, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-939459-10-1

Kabbalah, Qliphoth and Gothic Magicis a unique

book about philosophy, psychology, religion
and magic. This book is the result of years of study on the topics in question.
The book is not only a practical introduction to magic, but presents the
Kabbalistic philosophy in a fundamental way. The main theme of this book is
the exploration of the Qliphoth and the dark mysteries, that part of Western
mysticism that has long been suppressed. Instead of ignoring or denying the
dark side, the author reveals how people can get to know their shadow step
by step and thereby learn more about themselves. By exploring rather than
repressing the shadow, it can be transformed from a destructive force into a
creative force. The book describes the Kabbalistic symbol of the “Tree of Life,”
the ten Sephiroth, and the twenty-two paths, which correspond to various
aspects of the human psyche. As the first book of its kindKabbalah, Qliphoth
and Gothic Magicalso introduces the dark side of Kabbalah, the “Tree of
Knowledge,” the ten Qliphoth and the twenty-two tunnels that run through
the night side of existence. The book deals with the problem of evil, the
symbolic content behind the story of Lucifer's fall and the creation process of
man according to Kabbalistic philosophy. The theories presented in this book
are linked to some practices and examples of rituals; Meditations and magical
exercises can be found as well as occult correspondence. Many of these come
from the literature of the black arts, which was a forbidden part of European
culture for centuries.Kabbalah, Qliphoth and Gothic Magiccontains more than
one hundred demonic sigils and artistic illustrations designed specifically for
this book, including a unique collection of all the sigils of the classic GRIMOIRESL
From the publishing program

Asenath Mason
Necronomicon Gnosis
A practical introduction

208 pages, 21 b/w illustrations,

14.8 x 21.0 cm, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-939459-08-8
20.00 euros

Knowledge of the Necronomicon is not based

on any historical or mythological tradition.
on, but on dreams, visions, vague impressions and subtle transmissions from
the beyond that reach sensitive individuals and those who are actively working
towards reception. The authenticity of the Necronomicon as a specific book
has never been proven and its value as a magical system has often been
questioned. However, if we look at it as a collection of knowledge about the
forces from outside the world of creation, about the dimensions that lie
between the planes known to man, then the practical work with it takes on a
new meaning.
This book is based on the very broad literary tradition of the Cthulhu Mythos
and various aspects of Lovecraftian magic. The author introduces the reader
to this dark and mysterious world: the realm of the Great Old Ones, where the
forgotten gods lie dead but dreaming, waiting for their return. The book
introduces basic magical concepts and techniques used in the Necronomicon
Gnosis: pacts and ceremonies, astral travel, dream magic, skrying and
traveling through gates into interstellar dimensions, evocation, invocation,
sexual magic, shapeshifting, necromancy and much more .
These techniques allow for a shift in consciousness that enables us to
experience the nature of Lovecraftian gods, who are normally completely alien
to our perception. These powers represent human potential - what we could
become if we can move beyond the world of creation, which is a prison for our
minds. Then we become like the Great Old Ones - beings with unlimited
potential, creatures with an infinite nature, constantly changing and
– with possibilities as vast as eternal chaos itself.
From the publishing program

The Kabbalistic tree of life has a dark side, the qliphotic tree, which is also called the
“tree of death” and corresponds to the biblical “tree of knowledge”. Now the dark
art artist Asenath Mason delivers the poster on the topic, which contains not only
the 10 qliphotic worlds but also the 22 tunnels of Seth as well as the division into
the divine, mental, astral and material planes. Each Qlipha is represented with a
picture, the 22 tunnels are numbered and named.

Asenath Mason
The Tree of Qliphoth
DIN A1 (84.1 x 59.4 cm), 4-color, high-quality poster paper (glossy)
ISBN 978-3-939459-25-6

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