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CDASA Topic 2 Study Guide Latest 2024 Questions

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What is a NISP and its purpose? - CORRECT ANSWER NISP is a supporting plan to a CCMD plan
that details how the intelligence capabilities of the CSA, Services, & other DoD intelligence
enterprise organizations will be employed to meet CCMDer's reported intel requirements.
Facilitates theatre integration and national intelligence capabilities integration and
synchronized intelligence operations. Identifies tasks requiring DoD support.
What is the purpose of a Dynamic Threat Assessment? How about a Theater Intelligence
Assessment? - CORRECT ANSWER Dynamic Threat Assessment- DIA baseline foundational
product identifying capabilities and intentions of adversaries to top propriety plans Provided
prior to mission analysis.
Theater Intelligence Assessment- theater-wide defense strategic intelligence assessment
developed by DIA/DI; identifies the capabilities and intentions of actors of concerns listed in the
guidance for employment of the force.
Appraisal, expressed in writing or orally, of available intel relating to a specific situation or
condition with a view to determining the COAs open to the enemy or adversary and their order
of probability of adoption. - CORRECT ANSWER Intelligence Estimate
BLANK1 is the intel BLANK2 to a plan or over that provides detailed information on the
adversary situation, establishes priorities, assigns intelligence tasks, identifies required
intelligence products, requests support from higher echelons , describes the concept of
intelligence operations, and specifies intelligence procedures. - CORRECT ANSWER Annex B and
An assessment of intelligence and CI capabilities of all assigned or apportioned intelligence
assets available to support the operation and required capabilities neither assigned nor
apportioned. - CORRECT ANSWER J-2 estimate.
The BLANK is a supporting plan to a CCMD plan that details how the intelligence capabilities of
CSAs, Services, and other DoD Intelligence Enterprise organizations will be employed to meet
the CCDR's stated intelligence requirements. - CORRECT ANSWER NISP
BLANK is primarily used by CCDRs and subordinate JFCs and their component commanders. -
CORRECT ANSWER Operational Intelligence
BLANK is used by commanders, planners, and operators for planning and conducting battles,
engagements, and special missions. Relevant, accurate, and timely tactical intelligence allows
tactical units to achieve positional and informational advantage over their adversaries. -
CORRECT ANSWER Tactical Intelligence
BLANK is produced for the President, the National Security Council, Congress, SecDef, senior
military leaders, CCDRs, and other U.S. Government departments and agencies. - CORRECT
ANSWER Strategic Intelligence
Intelligence products are generally placed in one of the following 8 production categories: -
CORRECT ANSWER Warning intelligence, current intelligence, general military intelligence,
target intelligence, counterintelligence.
The Joint Intelligence Process consists of BLANK interrelated categories of intelligence
operations characterized by broad activities conducted by intelligence staffs and organizations
CDASA Topic 2 Study Guide Latest 2024 Questions
and Answers 100% Accuracy

for the purpose of producing commanders and national-level decision makers with relevant and
timely intelligence. - CORRECT ANSWER Collection/Analysis and Production
What is the difference between PIRs, EEIs, CCIRs, and FFIRs? - CORRECT ANSWER PIR- Intel
requirement from J2 assists the J2 in determining and prioritizing the type and level of
intelligence resources required to support the Joint Force
EEI- Subset of information required that are related to and would answer a PIR
FFIR- intelligence requirements from J3
Intelligence has two critical features that distinguish it from information - CORRECT ANSWER It
allows anticipation or prediction of future situations and circumstances, and it informs
decisions by illuminating the differences in available course of action (COAs).
Information is of its greatest value when it contributes to the commander's decision making
process by: - CORRECT ANSWER Providing reasoned insight into future conditions or situations
The CCDR, through the BLANK, also identifies requirements for federated intelligence support
to the JS-J2, which will facilitate the establishment of a federated intelligence support
architecture. - CORRECT ANSWER DIA and CCMD J-2
DIA, through the BLANK provides direction and deconfliction for JIPOE intelligence production
support by Service intelligence centers. DIA also supports the jS J-2 in facilitating. combatant
commander's (CCDR's) request for federated intelligence support in response to both
deliberate and crisis action planning. - CORRECT ANSWER JS J-2 and Combatant Command J-2
Consistent with the intelligence process, the J-2 staff continuously BLANK and updates. -
CORRECT ANSWER Dissemination and integration
The JIPOE process provides a disciplined yet dynamic time-phased methodology for optimizing
the BLANK of large amounts of data. - CORRECT ANSWER Processing and exploitation
The J-2's intelligence estimate provides vital information that is required by the joint force staff
to complete their estimates, and for subordinate commanders to continue concurrent planning
activities. - CORRECT ANSWER Dissemination and integration
JIPOE supports development of an optimal BLANK strategy by enabling analysts to identify the
time, location, and type of anticipated activity corresponding to each potential adversary or
other relevant actor COA. - CORRECT ANSWER Intelligence collection.
JIPOE products provide the foundation for the J-2's intelligence estimate. - CORRECT ANSWER
Analysis and production
The JIPOE process provides the basic data and assumptions regarding the adversary and other
relevant aspects of the OE that help the JFC and staff identify intelligence reorients, information
requirements, and collection requirements. - CORRECT ANSWER Planning and direction
DIA produces a BLANK and continuously updates it in support of JIPOE - CORRECT ANSWER
Joint Strategic Assessment
Do the basic JIPOE process remains the same across the range of military operations, regardless
of the level of war? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes, true.
CDASA Topic 2 Study Guide Latest 2024 Questions
and Answers 100% Accuracy

The BLANK is the focal point for tasking the production of baseline strategic intelligence analysis
in support of current and planned joint operations in accordance with established Defense
Intelligence Analysis Program (DIAP) procedures. - CORRECT ANSWER DIA and JS J-2
Who manages the DIAP and provides direction and deconfliction for JIPOE intelligence
production support by Service Intelligence Centers? - CORRECT ANSWER DIA
The first two steps of the JIPOE process help to provide JFCs, subordinate commanders, and
their staffs with a holistic view of the OE by analyzing the impact of the OE, assessing adversary
COGs and decisive points. - CORRECT ANSWER False- the first THREE steps do this.
Step 4 of the JIPOE process build upon this holistic view to develop a rough understanding of
the adversary's and other relevant actors' probable intent and future strategy. - CORRECT
Steph Three of the JIPOE process identifies and evaluates the adversary's capabilities and
limitations, current situation, centers of gravity (COGs), and the doctrine, patterns fo operation,
and tactics, techniques, and procedures employed by adversary forces. - CORRECT ANSWER
Step 2 of the JIPOE process evaluates and describes broad COAs and the impact of the OE on
adversary, friendly, and neutral military capabilities. It consists of the following: - CORRECT
ANSWER Develop a geospatial perspective of the Operational Environment. Develop and
systems perspective of the Operational Environment. Describe the impact of the Operational
Environment on both adversary and friendly capabilities and broad COAs.
Step One consists of 7 steps and its described as defining the areas of operations and interest
within the operational environment to focus attention on a specific geographic area for
adversary, terrain, and weather effect analysis. Which of the following steps are included in
Step One? - CORRECT ANSWER Identifying the joint force's operational area, defining the
mission and JFC's intent, determining the significant characteristics of the operational
environment, identifying the limits of the joint force's areas of interest.
The JIPOE process is comprised of 4 steps: - CORRECT ANSWER 1- Define the operating
2-Describe the impact of the OE
3- Evaluate the adversary and other relevant actors
4- Determine adversary and actor COA
The purpose of the JIPOE is to support the JFC by determining the probable BLANK1 and most
likely BLANK2 for the adversary and other relevant actors throughout the OE, whereas IPB is
specifically designed to support the individual operations of the component commands. -
JIPOE and IPB products are generally the same in purpose, focus, and level of detail-T/F? -
BLANK is the analytical process used by joint intelligence organizations to produce intelligence
estimates and other intelligence products in support of the Joint Force Commander's
CDASA Topic 2 Study Guide Latest 2024 Questions
and Answers 100% Accuracy

descisionmaking process. - CORRECT ANSWER JIPOE (Joint Intelligence Preparation of the

Operational Environment)

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