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Analysis of the economic implications of a carbon tax

Harald Winkler
Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town

Andrew Marquard
Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town

Abstract 1. Why a carbon tax?

A carbon tax should be considered among the Why might South Africa consider a carbon tax? The
range of instruments available to the South African purpose would be to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
government, economy and society, as part of a emissions. A carbon tax would achieve this through
broad portfolio of mitigation actions. A carbon tax two broad effects – a demand effect, reducing ener-
was one of the most effective wedges or mitigation gy demand due to higher prices, and a substitution
options analysed for the Long-term mitigation sce- effect, with switching from more to less carbon-
narios (LTMS) for South Africa. The LTMS strategic intensive fuels. There are other ways of achieving
option ‘Using the market’ reduced emissions rough- this end, but a carbon tax is a highly effective
ly as required by Science, for several decades. The means of doing so – if experience of actual taxes in
LTMS research indicated that the effectiveness other countries and modelling of potential taxes in
increases, up to certain tax levels. South Africa South Africa is any guide. The classic argument
might consider a tax starting around R100-200 / t advanced by many economists against taxes is that
CO2eq, escalating in future. they are distortionary. However, as David Pearce
Our paper presents results on research on a car- has long pointed out, since environmental taxes
bon tax in South Africa conducted in 2008 and was seek to redress market failures, they do not share
presented at the Climate Change Summit 2009. the distorting properties of many other taxes
The efficiency with which a carbon tax achieves the (Pearce 1991).
goal of reducing GHG emissions depends on The aim of this paper is to provide an overview
responsiveness and substitutability. This is shown of the implications and impact of a carbon tax in the
more fully on the supply-side, while further work South African context – it aims to serve as an intro-
will be needed to fully understand the response to a duction rather than an exhaustive analysis, and
carbon tax on the demand side. therefore does not draw any comparative conclu-
Careful design of a carbon tax (or other eco- sions on the suitability of a carbon tax by compari-
nomic instruments considered) will be important to son with alternative instruments such as cap and
ensure that it is effective in meeting its objective – trade systems. Before turning to the specific topic of
reducing GHG emissions. We propose a price dis- this paper, a carbon tax, some background is given
covery and adjustment mechanism that sets a band on economic instruments and carbon markets.
around the desired ‘peak, plateau and decline’ tra- Following this, existing attempts to model the
jectory. impact of a carbon tax on the South African econ-
Equity demands that poor households, in partic- omy are discussed, followed by a discussion on pol-
ular, be shielded from any burden. Off-setting icy challenges and some existing proposals.
incentives, such as food subsidies or reduced VAT
on basic goods, should in finance measure that 2. International experience with carbon taxes
which will ensure that the package of tax and incen- In the negotiations of the Kyoto Protocol, the
tives is a net benefit to the poor – and not to treat European Union was a strong proponent of a car-
the tax as a revenue-raising instrument. With appro- bon tax, harmonised across the globe. The
priate design, a carbon tax can be a powerful instru- American approach favoured emissions trading,
ment of mitigation in South Africa, and at the same based on the experience with SO2 trading in the
time, contribute to socio-economic objectives. North-Eastern states. The Protocol ultimately in-
Keywords: carbon tax, South Africa, economic cluded international emissions trading as one of its
instruments, climate change mitigation, greenhouse three flexible mechanisms (UNFCCC, 1997). It is
gas emissions one of the ironies in the history of climate negotia-

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 1 • February 2011 55

tions that the Bush administration withdrew from implemented Environmental Tax Reforms (ETR)
Kyoto in 2001, and that Europe is now leading the and showed reductions in fuel demand and GHG
implementation of the largest emission trading emissions, on average by 3.1 percent in 2004
scheme. against the counter-factual baseline (Anderson,
Carbon taxes have mostly been implemented in 2008). The size of the reduction in fuel demand
Scandinavian countries, and a few other European depended on the tax rate, its basis, and the avail-
countries. Where they have been implemented, it ability of substitute fuels. A notable exception was
has often been in concert with other policy instru- the German ETR, which was not efficient in reduc-
ments. Nonetheless, the argument continues to be ing GHGs – because it excluded coal. Another fea-
made for a carbon tax as a ‘pure’ economic instru- ture of the European experience relate to exemp-
ment. A key rationale is the (at least theoretical) tions. Energy-intensive industries in particular will
greater efficiency of achieving environmental out- argue the case of exemptions from a broad carbon
comes through the price mechanism. tax. Anderson notes the complicated schemes have
been designed to balance, cap, or reduce the tax.
2.1 Scandinavia Member states apply to the European Commission
Finland (1990), Sweden (1991), Norway (1991) for approval, essentially for lower tax rates. While
and Denmark (1992) led the way in implementing the burden on energy-intensive industries ‘remains
a carbon tax. According to a review by Anderson, negative … due to many exemptions, the actual
an important factor favouring this shift was that burden is rather modest’ (Anderson, 2008: 79).
‘Concerns regarding climate change coincided with From an economic perspective, however, the
priorities to reduce income taxation, and combined exemptions are distortionary.
to a tax shifting exercise’ (Anderson, 2008: 63). In
terms of the basis for the tax, there were different 2.3 Lessons for South Africa
and varying approaches. Finland originally based Recycling of revenue, poverty and develop-
its tax on carbon content, but later combined this ment: In Scandinavia, the desire to reduce income
with energy content in a 60:40 ratio. In the Finnish taxation may have created a favourable environ-
case, some transport fuels (marine navigation and ment for the introduction of a carbon tax. In South
commercial aviation emissions) were exempted. Africa, tax relief has been given in years when it was
Sweden set its tax according to the average carbon possible, and while the South African Revenue
content of the fuel. Biofuels and peat were exempt- Services (SARS) could still over-recover tax – this
ed, but also fuels for electricity generation. may change with the global financial crisis (Manuel,
Assessing the effectiveness of the tax, Sweden 2008). A priority that is not likely to change any
reported mitigation in the order of between 0.5–1.5 time soon is that given to poverty alleviation and
million tons CO2 per year. Revenues were US$6 bil- job creation (Manuel, 2008; AsgiSA, 2006). If rev-
lion or 3 percent of GDP in 1995. Further details of enues from a carbon tax can be combined with
each tax, the levels set and experiences gained has reduced taxes or incentives for the poor (e.g. subsi-
been described elsewhere (Tyler et al., 2008). dies for food-stuffs consumed primarily by the poor,
Among the Scandinavian countries, Denmark’s or a basic income grant), the overall tax-incentive
approach of combining a carbon tax with subsidies package would be better aligned with major devel-
for energy efficiency appears to have had the best opment priorities.
results, noting that its electricity sector is more car- Combining a tax with incentives and rev-
bon-intensive (Anderson, 2004). Anderson in his enue-neutrality: This relates directly to another
earlier study concluded that, ‘on balance, the stud- possible lesson for South Africa. Anderson’s review
ies appear to show that emissions have been noted a broad consensus that taxation should be
curbed when compared to business-as-usual fore- revenue-neutral. Such an approach would not raise
casts, while absolute CO2 reduction remains the concerns about new taxes, especially when the pur-
exception’; consistent studies were not available pose of the tax is not to raise revenues.
across countries to draw more specific conclusions Nonetheless, how the revenues are recycled – also
(Anderson 2004: 3502). taking into account priorities of poverty and
European experiences also led to a ‘relatively employment – needs to be agreed. Structuring an
broad consensus about the properties of revenue- overall tax-incentive package seems less likely to
neutral environmental tax reform’ (Anderson, raise objections of ‘ring-fencing’ than a dedication
2008:64). A fiscally neutral approach is both more of revenues to particular expenditure.
attractive for tax policy, and the incentives pack- Potential for double dividends: With an inte-
aged together with the carbon tax can address grated approach, a ‘double dividend’ can be
socio-economic priorities. achieved – improving social welfare while reducing
environmental damages. This general proposition
2.2 Other parts of Europe was supported and done by analysis for the LTMS
Anderson examined six European countries that process (Pauw, 2007; Winkler, 2007), which in turn,

56 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 1 • February 2011

built on early findings of even a ‘triple dividend’ by 3.1 Impact of a carbon tax on the energy
other CGE modellers (van Heerden et al., 2006). A system
fiscally neutral package can reap positive benefits 3.1.1 The LTMS modelling framework
for employment. In the analysis for the LTMS (Winkler, 2007;
Approach to energy-intensive sectors: Hughes et al., 2007; Winkler, 2007), a carbon tax
Learning from the European experiences with car- was shown to be very effective in reducing GHG
bon taxes, requests for exemptions from a general emissions, and was the largest emission reductions
carbon tax should be anticipated. The more a firm of all options analysed – the largest ‘wedge’ in
spends on energy as a share of its total costs, the graphical terms.1 A carbon tax is actually a means
more sensitive it would be to a carbon tax, other of implementation rather than a mitigation option,
things being equal. Energy-intensive industries, in since it would incentivise a range of mitigation
particular, may ask for lower tax rates. On the pos- options (for example, renewable energy, energy
itive side, energy-intensive industries are often cap- efficiency, etc). Like all bottom-up models, the
ital-intensive, so that structural change to more modelling framework for the LTMS is dependent on
labour-intensive (and less energy-intensive) sectors the technological alternatives available in the
would have benefits for employment (Fisher and model. In this section, we refer in particular to an
Grubb, 1997). escalating CO2 tax as modelled for the LTMS
Rather than dealing with this on an ad hoc basis, process (Hughes et al., 2007; Winkler 2007).2
a structured approach for energy-intensive sectors
may be important. As an overall strategy for a low-
carbon economy, it has been suggested that energy-
intensive sectors be required to reduce their energy
intensity, while protecting employment. This strate-
gy would require a combination of reviewing exist-
ing policy promoting beneficiation, specific energy-
intensity targets, international negotiations on best
location for such industries, and diversification with-
in these sectors (Winkler and Marquard, 2007).
What is also seen from the international experience
is that too many exemptions create an unequal
playing field. And if the upshot of ad hoc adjust-
ments was to exclude most emissions from coal (as
in the German case), the tax is likely to become
ineffective. This is discussed further in more detail Figure 1: Emission reductions from an
in the section on design of a tax system. escalating CO2 tax

3. Potential impact of a tax on the South The CO2 tax was also the dominant element in
African economy the most successful strategic option for mitigation.
The potential impact of a carbon tax on South Note that emissions trading was not explicitly mod-
Africa is uncertain; however, some modelling work elled – in uses of Markal as a methodology for such
has been done to explore the response of the econ- an analysis, a carbon tax is often used as a proxy for
omy and the energy system to the imposition of emissions trading. However, other incentives, such
such a tax. Two energy modelling studies have been as subsidies for renewables for electricity generation
done, and two economy-wide modelling studies or solar water heaters, were assessed. Again, how-
have been done: a partial equilibrium model of the ever, the methodology used in LTMS did not model
whole energy system was developed for the Long trading of permits in any explicit way (Winkler,
Term Mitigation Scenarios project, and the impact 2007).
of a carbon tax was modelled in some detail, which GHG reductions resulted primarily as a result of
gives some indication of how the energy system shifting from coal-based energy carriers to others,
would respond, and at what price levels. Another particularly in the electricity sector (to nuclear and
modelling study was completed as part of NERSA’s renewable energy), in the liquid fuels sector (from
third National Integrated Resource Plan for the elec- synfuels to crude oil refineries), and in industry
tricity sector only, which contained a carbon tax (from coal to natural gas). In the Growth Without
scenario. As part of the LTMS project, the economy- Constraints scenario (business as usual or the base-
wide implications of a carbon tax were explored line scenario), coal dominates electricity produc-
using a CGE model, and in a separate study, also tion, contributes significantly to liquid fuels produc-
using a CGE model, taxes (van Heerden et al., tion, and dominates many thermal applications in
2006) also explored the economic implications of a industry. The results of the shift are portrayed in the
carbon tax. These results are outlined. figures below.

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 1 • February 2011 57

Figure 2: Electricity generating capacity by plant type: escalating CO2 tax

Figure 3: Output from refineries and synfuel plants: escalating CO2 tax

The model has a high sensitivity to the tax level, work does not take into account shifts in the struc-
but the response of the model to increases in the tax ture of the economy, which would result from struc-
level is not even, and is highly dependent on avail- tural changes in energy prices. These are uncertain
able alternatives and the cost of these in each sec- and would probably increase the impact of tax.
tor. For instance, in the electricity sector the alterna- As a result, from what is known about the struc-
tives to the cheapest technology (coal) are viable as ture of the energy system, the carbon intensity of its
are relatively low tax levels, whereas synfuels components, and the cost of existing components
become unviable at a slightly higher level, and alter- and alternatives, the modelling results give clues
native carbon-free transport technologies such as about an optimal level for a carbon tax, subject to
electric vehicles (with a non-carbon electricity key policy goals. Figure 4 illustrates the modelled
source) only become viable with a very high tax response of the energy system to different tax levels
level (at current costs). Thus, the response of the in 2003 Rands. This is illustrated in Figure 4, in
energy system to different levels of carbon tax is which it can be seen that the marginal impact of
dependent on existing alternatives, and the devel- higher tax levels declines from R140 up. There are
opment of new technologies will increase the significant gains from R140 to R400, but the mar-
responsiveness of the system. The modelling frame- ginal gains after this are insignificant, and the gain

58 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 1 • February 2011

Figure 4: Mitigation impact of different tax levels

from R750 to R1000 is negligible. The problem of ing changes in revenue requirements. The nuclear
setting the level of the tax with a particular mitiga- plan (2) showed the greatest response to the carbon
tion goal in mind (a key policy problem) could be tax, but also the highest Present Value Revenue
approached in this way, as well as the design of Requirement (PVRR). Renewables (3) was still the
appropriate supportive programmes aimed at most economical plan on a PVRR basis. The analy-
enhancing the responsiveness of the economy to sis found that ‘the carbon tax does not impact on
the tax. The responsiveness would change over the relative ranking based on that criteria’, i.e.
time, as new technologies became available, and as PVRR.
the structure of the economy changed. Thus, the For the purposes of this paper, the result of inter-
process of setting the required tax level would have est are the tax levels. A significant difference was
to be sensitive to these developments. found by NIRP3, with R100 / ton CO2-eq not suffi-
cient to overcome cost barriers, but a much more
3.1.2 Modelling of electricity sector for NIRP3 marked effect at R200 / ton (2006 Rands).
The third National Integrated Resource Plan3
(NIRP3) considered analysis of a carbon tax as a 3.2 Economy-wide modelling
well, providing analysis from a separate process 3.2.1 Economy-wide modelling for LTMS
(NERSA, 2008). Having developed a reference The Markal modelling results considered the direct
case and a number of diversified plans, a sensitivity effects in the energy sector only. Economy-wide
analysis4 was conducted, introducing carbon tax. analysis, using computable general equilibrium
The plans were not re-optimised, but rather re-run (CGE) analysis was also conducted in support of
with the tax to indicate sensitivity of each resource LTMS (Pauw, 2007). The CGE analysis converted a
plan to a possible future environmental tax. given level of a CO2 tax to a comparative tax on
In the first analysis (Stage 4), it was found that a coal, crude oil or natural gas used as intermediate
‘R100/ton CO2 tax is not enough to overcome the inputs in production processes. By including simu-
higher capital and fixed O&M costs associated with lation of a CO2 tax in a CGE context, the indirect
nuclear technology’, but that increasing tax levels to effects across the economy are also captured.
R200 / ton did overcome the cost barriers. A further In other words, the modelling includes direct
round of analysis (NIRP3, Stage 5) extended the effects (shifts in electricity generation from coal to
analysis, considering not only nuclear (diversified renewables and nuclear; or away from synfuel), but
plan 2), but also gas (diversified plan 1) and renew- also indirect effects. For example, renewable energy
ables (diversified plan 3) as alternatives; and report- technologies like solar thermal plants would require

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 1 • February 2011 59

more of some inputs (e.g. glass for mirrors) and less Income from employment increases for all house-
of others (e.g. coal). In this example, suppliers of hold groups. The differences in welfare effects are
glass would see increased demand for their product, marginal in the static analysis, but taking into
increasing output and employment in that sector; account dynamic effects, all households are better
while coal mines would see less demand. Economy- off. For low-income households, the reinvestment of
wide modelling indicates the net effect and provides revenues is important to ensure their welfare does
information on effects on economic output and not suffer. Various options (food subsidies, reducing
employment, among others. the VAT rate, general welfare transfers) for recycling
Taxes generate revenues. The way in which revenue have been examined in both economy-
revenues are recycled turns out to be critical to the wide studies.
overall socio-economic effects. Revenue from a
CO2 tax can be used in a variety of ways by gov- 3.2.3 Economy-wide modelling and ‘triple
ernment: dividends’
• to reduce its deficit; Earlier analysis using a computable general equilib-
• to further mitigation, if recycled in the form of rium (CGE) model to analyse environmental taxes
production subsidies for nuclear/renewable on energy investigated the potential for revenue
energy and biofuels; or recycling. The analysis suggests that a reduction in
• in ways aimed at off-setting the potential effects food prices may pay ‘triple dividends’ in mitigating
of higher energy prices on the poor, through unwanted effects of environmental taxes (Van
food subsidies, reduced VAT or income tax or Heerden et al., 2006). Taxes considered were on
increased welfare transfers. GHGs, fuel inputs, electricity use, or energy.
The economic impact of the tax depends to a Revenue recycling could occur in one of three ways:
significant extent on the form of revenue recycling. (i) a direct tax break on both labour and capital, (ii)
The CGE analysis found that, in a range of R25- an indirect tax break to all households, or (iii) a
R75 per ton (in 2003 Rands) of CO2-eq, it appears reduction in the price of food. The study concluded
possible to off-set negative economic effects of the that with a ‘food tax handback’, all four policies had
tax through complementary policies (Pauw, 2007). the potential to reduce CO2 emissions, grow GDP
Welfare effects (assuming food-price recycling) stay and reduce poverty (Van Heerden et al., 2006).
positive up to R100 for semi-skilled and R200 for However, in establishing an updated GHG invento-
unskilled workers. At R100, wage changes are still ry, the authors depart from the standard IPCC
slight (and ambiguous in sign). methodology and rely entirely on energy balances.
Future work will combine the analysis with the com-
3.2.2 Dynamic economy-wide modelling for LTMS plementary work in the article (Van Heerden et al.,
A methodological improvement, suggested in meet- 2006), improving the rigour of GHG analysis while
ing with senior economists, was implemented in adding the benefit of indirect economic effects from
response to enquiries from the Forum of South CGE modelling.
African Directors-General (FOSAD). The original
analysis (section 3.2.1) was a comparative static, 4. Policy issues in designing a tax for South
i.e. increased investment in one period did not Africa
increase capital stock in the next, since there was no South Africa has not implemented a carbon tax.
time and investment was exogenous. The dynamic Some see the announcement by the Finance
variant of it allows for capital stock to be updated in Minister of a 2c/ kWh levy on non-renewable ener-
the model, so that increased investment enhances gy (Manuel 2008) as the first carbon tax – and it
the productive capacity of the economy over time. would have the same effect. Current proposals from
There was no specific analysis of different tax levels. the Treasury, which are outlined in more detail
Many of the detailed findings of the comparative below, are contained in an internal government pol-
static analysis were confirmed. The relevant LTMS icy paper released for public comment in 2006
strategic option is ‘Use the market’, driven by a CO2 (National Treasury, 2006) on environmental fiscal
tax. For Use in the market, the accounting for reform. The tax would form part of an overall
investment makes a major difference. Impact on response strategy to climate change, and would
GDP is mildly positive (0.73%) instead of the previ- relate to both an overall policy shift towards sus-
ous -2%. The earlier result was due to large increas- tainable development, and also to other relevant
es in energy prices which seriously hurt the econo- policy domains (for instance, energy security). We
my; in the dynamic analysis these price increases review the overall context before focusing on some
are now overshadowed by higher investments. The key policy issues, of which the most important in
impact on jobs is shown to be very small, but posi- South Africa are probably 1) how the initial tax level
tive, in the dynamic analysis; whereas in the static is set, and what mechanisms can be put in place to
modelling, an increase in jobs for low-skilled had its adjust the level; and 2) whether to apply the tax
counterpoint in decreases for skilled workers. across the whole economy, or whether to develop

60 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 1 • February 2011

special dispensations for potentially vulnerable ects were put on hold. In terms of the national
groups (energy-intensive users and poor house- response, conserving energy and increasing effi-
holds). Thereafter, we briefly discuss the Treasury ciency are given much higher priority (DME, 2008).
proposals. Forward-looking economic and industrial poli-
cies could target less energy-intensive economic
4.1 Context: shifting to a low-carbon sectors. ‘An active industrial policy is required to
development path diversity the economy forward from South Africa’s
As outlined in the introductory paper to this series, mineral-energy complex into capital and intermedi-
South Africa faces a particular challenge with miti- ate goods’ (Michie and Padayachee 1998: 634).
gation, given that historically, the energy economy This would represent a major shift in industrial pol-
has been built around the minerals-energy complex icy and would take decades to complete, given
(Fine and Rustomjee, 1996). This complex com- large investments in infrastructure. However, given
prises mining, minerals processing, the energy sec- the ‘lock-in’ effect, short-term decisions (the next
tor, and associated industries linked to these sectors, power station, the next smelter or not) are critical in
based initially on mining, and then on beneficia- changing the trajectory of South Africa’s energy
tion. development path. ‘Bending the curve’ requires a
This historical structure of the economy also long-term perspective, but also involves policy
included comparatively low electricity prices. Policy changes in the immediate future (Raskin et al.,
on industrial development has promoted electricity- 1998; Zipplies 2009).
intensive investments, such as the smelting of alu- What interventions might shift the South African
minium at Coega or steel at Saldanha. Low elec- economy to less emissions-intensive sectors? Five
tricity tariffs for industry are seen as a competitive possible strategies have been examined elsewhere
advantage in attracting aluminium smelters to (Winkler and Marquard, 2007), but are summarised
South Africa rather than other countries (Bond, here. The first strategy would be to adjust state
2000). The Coega Development Corporation incentives (including industrial incentive pro-
(CDC) actively marketed the availability of electric- grammes and special dispensations on low electric-
ity at ‘very favourable rates’ to attract investment ity prices) to avoid attracting further energy-inten-
(CDC, 2004).5 sive investments on terms which would severely
The world is moving toward a low-carbon econ- restrict future mitigation options, and shift these
omy and society (LCS, 2006; UK, 2003; UNDP & incentives to lower carbon industries. Secondly,
GEF, 2002). South Africa’s own mitigation scenar- South Africa might focus its mitigation efforts on
ios suggested that a ‘transition to a low-carbon non-energy-intensive6 sections of the economy,
economy’ was one of the fundamental transitions in assuming that their international competitiveness
the longer term (SBT 2007: 23). The risk of the cur- would suffer less. Thirdly, however, the energy-
rent approach is that, while they may promote intensive sectors themselves should not be ignored
industrial development in the short run, they carry – they would be required to reduce their energy
a high risk of ‘locking in’ the economy into energy intensity, while protecting employment. This third
intensive industries, when environmental, econom- strategy would require a combination of reviewing
ic and social pressures may push South Africa in the existing policy promoting beneficiation, specific
opposite direction (Spalding-Fecher, 2001). The energy-intensity targets, international negotiations
reason for the ‘lock in’ effect is that, once a major on best location for such industries, and diversifica-
investment like a smelter is made, there are very tion within these sectors (Winkler and Marquard,
limited opportunities to improve the energy effi- 2007). The fourth strategy might be economic
ciency or alter the production process. Recent instruments, such as a carbon tax or domestic emis-
investments in steel and aluminium bear this out – sions trading, which would be expected to affect the
while the processes may be optimized for that tech- energy-intensive sectors most strongly. ‘Putting a
nology, the wholesale switch to a more efficient price on carbon’ now has political support (ANC,
technology is very costly after construction (Visser et 2007). The Treasury, having conducted a discus-
al., 1999). sion of options for environmental fiscal reform
While growth trends in the economy in the last (National Treasury, 2006), announced in 2008 that
two decades have resulted in higher growth in the four options would come ‘under scrutiny for imple-
advanced manufacturing and services sectors (as mentation including the use of emission charges
part of an orthodox development path), significant and tradable permits, tax incentives for cleaner pro-
investment in energy-intensive industries in the duction technologies and reform of the existing
1990s has limited this diversification, and several vehicle taxes to encourage fuel efficiency’ (Manuel,
new mega-projects (including a new aluminium 2008). While policy design will be elaborated fur-
smelter) are now in the planning stage. From 2008 ther, an initial levy of 2c / kWh on the sale of non-
onwards, though, the electricity crisis and particu- renewable electricity is to be collected at source
larly narrow reserve margins meant that some proj- from the electricity generator. Fifth, the focus of

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 1 • February 2011 61

industrial policy and investment strategy could shift low-carbon technology is developed and deployed
to less energy- and emissions-intensive sectors of globally), the optimum tax level will change.
the economy. These five strategies are in many The challenge, therefore, is how to set the tax to
instances complementary – a carbon tax imple- get appropriate long-term mitigation, while preserv-
mented on its own is likely to be far less effective, ing efficiency; or, in other words, how to set the low-
and would possibly have a negative impact on the est tax level which will achieve the required emis-
economy without reducing emissions. The aim of sions reduction in the short, medium and long
developing an integrated suite of mitigation policies terms. The most preferable options would be to
around a set of economic instruments would thus develop a flexible mechanism which can respond to
be to minimise the impacts of the transition from a new developments, but is also transparent enough
high- to a low-carbon development path, and to to engender long-term investment in low-carbon
maximise the benefits. Some specific aspects of this technologies by investors.
transition are discussed. Technically, the tax should escalate through the
mitigation curve as mitigation options are required,
4.2 Key policy issues but the precise costs of mitigation are only known
A range of key policy issue and design questions after the fact; ex ante they can only be modelled or
will need to be addressed in considering the imple- otherwise projected. Since these projections
mentation of a carbon tax in South Africa. These exclude changes in demand for GHG-linked servic-
would include: es, there is a significant level of uncertainty. A pos-
• more detailed investigation in the effectiveness sible solution to assist with price discovery, but also
of a carbon tax in reducing GHG emissions; with a built-in automatic adjustment procedure,
• detailed investigation of tax-setting and adjust- would be to define a band around a desirable emis-
ing mechanisms; sions pathway. The ‘peak, plateau and decline’ tra-
• equity, distributional impacts and addressing jectory outlined by Cabinet in considering the
poverty and development; LTMS (van Schalkwyk 2008) is the obvious candi-
• combining a tax with incentives and recycling of date for setting the desired pathway. A tax level
revenues; would then be set around a level that is expected to
• legislative compatibility; achieve the desired result. Given that the exact
• technical and administrative viability, including response to the price signal is not known (needs to
the tax base and definitions of taxable events; be discovered), this should be accompanied by an
• competitiveness effects and a structured escalation (or decline) mechanism which adds, for
approach to energy-intensive exporting sectors; example, 10 percent to the tax level if actual emis-
and sions are within a certain % outside the ‘zone’.
• adjoining policy areas. Conversely, if emissions turn out to reduce in prac-
Within this broader set of issues, our initial tice by more than expected, the tax level would be
analysis has focused on three specific issues. The lowered by 10 percent. Bands for greater changes
first concerns the level at which the tax should be (e.g. 20 percent, 30 percent) would be defined.
set to bring about the required level of emissions Figure 5 demonstrates the concept graphically.
reductions; the second concerns the potential The green band represents the desired ‘peak,
impact of a carbon tax on poor households, and plateau and decline’ trajectory, and the bands on
what measures could be taken to avoid this; and the either side designate deviations from the trajectory.
third key issue concerns energy-intensive industries, Actual emissions are indicated by the black line.
and what measures could be put in place to avoid Thus, in zone A, emissions depart from the desired
negative impacts to the economy which may arise trajectory and enter the +10% band, and during
from applying a carbon tax. this period, the carbon tax escalates by 10 percent
per year. In zone B, emissions depart further from
4.2.1 Setting an appropriate tax level the band into the +20% band, and the tax esca-
Different methodologies have both suggested that lates by 20 percent per year. In zone C, the impact
increasingly higher tax levels see diminishing of a high carbon tax leads to a decline in emissions
returns in terms of mitigation. Both Markal energy back into the +10 percent band, and the tax esca-
modelling (partial equilibrium) and CGE analysis lates by 10 percent. In zone D, emissions follow the
suggests that, over a certain threshold, further desired band and the tax does not change, and in
increases in the tax level do not result in significant zone E emissions drop below the desired band and
further mitigation, and beyond a certain level the tax is reduced by 10 percent per year.
almost no further mitigation results. As discussed, The initial tax level is still very important, to pre-
the location of this threshold is critically dependent vent rapid change after the tax regime begins, as is
on available alternative technologies and their cost. the proposed emissions trajectory. From a strategic
Thus, as new technology becomes available, and as point of view, it is arguable that this will lead to a
costs of alternatives drop (as they are expected to as more cautious approach to investment in new car-

62 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 1 • February 2011

Figure 5: Conceptual diagram of a carbon tax adjustment mechanism

bon-intensive technology than a constant tax by economic effects, either via higher input costs for
firms, given the risk that other firms might increase services used by the poor (for instance, public trans-
their emissions and increase the general tax level. port), or via economy-wide impacts.
Thus, in some ways this arrangement would mimic The impacts on the price of household energy
a carbon market in that greater emissions levels carriers are relatively easy to predict, and would be
would lead automatically to a higher carbon price, also be easy to mitigate. If programmes to this end
and vice versa, but without the short-term market were implemented, households would actually be
volatility. While the behaviour of small firms would better off that they are now. The negative impacts of
be fairly easy to predict, the strategic response of fuels such as paraffin, coal and wood on the welfare
larger emitters (especially those who emit a signifi- of poor households are well-known; the most desir-
cant percentage of total emissions) would have to able energy carriers for households which do not
be more carefully considered. have this impact are electricity and LPG. The use of
As a starting point, South Africa might consider electricity by poor households has been dramatical-
tax levels of around R200/ton, which in nominal ly extended through the accelerated electrification
terms equates to around R140 in 2003 Rands (in programme, but it was necessary to introduce fur-
the LTMS study). To give a sense of these tax levels, ther incentives (free basic electricity) to encourage
R200 / t CO2eq is roughly comparable to an wider electricity use in households, as affordability
increase in electricity tariffs of 20c / kWh. For liquid was a major problem. Imposing a carbon tax would
fuels, it might translate to around 45 cents / litre for make electricity even less affordable. So far, policy
a tax of R200 per ton of CO2. Current research indi- initiatives to encourage the use of LPG have failed.
cates that this is not enough to incentivise non-fos- In the light of the negative impacts of paraffin and
sil fuel sources such as renewable electricity genera- other inferior fossil fuels, there would be welfare
tion, but current emissions trends indicate that the advantages to imposing carbon taxes on these fuels
tax would rise rapidly using the above mechanism if their use was further discouraged.
to a level which would. In the short term, the Thus, the most sensible approach to this prob-
increase in price would be a powerful incentive for lem would be to address it in the context of house-
energy efficiency programmes. hold energy policy as a whole, and use pricing
mechanisms to further encourage a shift from paraf-
4.2.2 Avoiding impacts of a carbon tax on the fin and coal to electricity and LPG in poor house-
poor holds. This could be done in several ways: 1) in
A carbon tax would be likely to have two impacts exchange for setting tariffs for poor households at a
on the poor. The first would be a direct impact on lower level, a carbon tax rebate could be granted on
the cost of energy carriers used by poor house- electricity sold to poor households (assuming a
holds, directly on electricity, paraffin, LPG and coal, clear criterion exists); 2) the existing system of hid-
and indirectly through higher fuel prices in trans- den cross-subsidies could be extended, which
porting bulk solid fuels such as coal and fuelwood, would effectively imply a slightly higher carbon tax
where applicable. The second would be indirect for other users; or 3) a block tariff proposed by a

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 1 • February 2011 63

number of stakeholders, which would allocate free price fluctuations have a much greater impact on
electricity in the first block, followed by inclining the profitability of these industries, particularly if
blocks. This would have to be designed so that low- commodities are being produced for export and
income households (which consume less electricity) thus compete on the international market. Steep
pay less for electricity, and that other households increases in South African energy prices could ren-
then meet the revenue requirement of the utility, i.e. der these firms globally uncompetitive. This vulner-
another form of cross-subsidy, but one which also ability is made more likely by the fact that because
has the effect of discouraging excess electricity con- of the prevalence of very low long-term energy
sumption by households. LPG would be much prices (and often long-term contracts, especially for
more difficult to exempt, given its alternative uses in electricity, guaranteeing future very low energy
non-poor households, commerce, industry and prices), firms investing in energy-intensive indus-
transport, but an exemption could be targeted at tries invested in relatively energy-inefficient equip-
small cylinder sizes only. In addition, on the ment; as a result, South Africa’s economy is not
demand side, programmes such as the Kuyasa only energy-intensive, but the energy-intensive sec-
housing project, which improved the efficiency of tors of it are comparatively inefficient (Den Elzen et
households, result in considerable energy savings al., 2007). In developing a carbon tax, the aim is to
and welfare benefits. At the same time, it would be incentivise both producers and consumers to
imperative not to extend tax exemptions or cross- reduce carbon intensity. The problem is that we
subsidies to non-poor households as higher energy have no verifiable information about what impact
costs would provide a powerful incentive to energy such a tax would have on any particular industry,
efficiency. nor on what the potential for improving the energy
Indirect impacts, either through increased cost of efficiency (and/or carbon efficiency for direct emis-
services such as transport or other economy-wide sions) of these industries is, and what the cost
impacts are more difficult to assess. In the case of would be. Moreover, many of these industries
poor households, transport has a similar property to would not pass on cost increases due to the tax to
energy provision in that it is underprovided, unaf- consumers because of the regulatory environment
fordable and also unsafe. Providing enhanced pub- in which they operate (for instance, Sasol would not
lic transport has been shown to have significant sus- be able to pass on the cost of a carbon tax to con-
tainable development benefits as well as mitigation sumers without a change in the liquid fuels regula-
benefits, and there is currently no evidence that a tory system); this would weaken the impact of the
carbon tax would outweigh the efficiency gains tax, but in some cases still provide a strong incen-
inherent in implementing an effective public trans- tive to producers. Thus, any special dispensation
port policy. Economy-wide modelling of the impact regarding energy-intensive users should involve the
of a carbon tax has been attempted by van following elements:
Heerden on revenue recycling and ‘triple dividends’ • If there is a special allowance for energy-inten-
(2006) and the impact on poor households (Pauw, sive users, it should exclude new investment or
2007) (see section 3.2.1). expansion of existing plants, as part of the aim
The van Heerden study (see section 3.2.3) of a carbon tax would be to incentivise a low-
argued that energy in South Africa is complementa- carbon development path. This would also pre-
ry to capital and that this factor together with tax vent ‘carbon leakage’ from other countries with
recycling that increases unskilled labour demand carbon taxes or cap-and-trade systems. New
can produce a double or even ‘triple dividend’. entrants would have to pay the full tax. This may
They find that recycling environmental tax revenues create a barrier to entry, and the implications
through reduction in food costs is particularly effec- would have to be explored further, and consid-
tive in achieving CO2 reduction, economic growth ered in terms of competition legislation and
and poverty alleviation (van Heerden et al., 2006). industrial and trade policy, as well as WTO rules.
Macro-economic analysis thus provides an indica- A fixed period for special allowances would
tion that there may be synergies at the societal level; have to be defined for existing plants to prevent
yet climate policy would affect individual sectors, older and less efficient plants from being operat-
with winners and losers. Hence a degree of trade- ed longer than in a non-tax scenario.
off is likely to remain. • Competitiveness of existing industries operating
in the international market would need to be
4.2.3 Energy-intensive industries protected, but a process of discovery would be
There is probably a case to be made for singling out necessary to demonstrate that this is a real prob-
energy-intensive industries in South Africa. What lem. Adequate incentives would still have to be
criteria one might use to identify these industries is provided to take up any significant opportunities
uncertain, but the most commonly-proposed criteri- for reducing the carbon/energy intensity of these
on is that energy costs are above a certain threshold firms.
percentage of total input costs.7 As a result, energy • If possible, the price signal to consumers should

64 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 1 • February 2011

be preserved to incentivise a shift to consump- These initial documents suggested that the ener-
tion of lower-carbon goods and services. gy sector is likely to receive attention in future
• If there is no possibility of firms responding to a developments, particularly in relation to electricity
tax incentive (for instance, because of a lack of generation and air pollution. An input tax on fossil
available technology alternatives), there is no fuels used for electricity generation may be consid-
point in imposing one, but this is unlikely in ered, as might an electricity consumption tax. At
South Africa given the extremely low energy least one observer suggests that such taxes would
prices of the last 30 years. be likely to generate significant revenues, larger
To meet the above criteria, a possible solution is than the loss in sales revenue to Eskom (Winkler,
to offer a rebate to energy-intensive plants in 2009). Net revenues could be used to compensate
exchange for a commitment to meet a specific ener- municipalities for their lost revenues under restruc-
gy efficiency or intensity target. turing; to support transitions of affected sectors; or
For technologies where there are international to promote specific projects with environmental
precedents (for instance, iron and steel, or pulp and benefits such as end-use energy-efficiency and
paper), international best practice benchmarks renewable energy (see section 4.3).
would be set, and firms would have to launch inde- Of particular interest were ‘tax shifting’ pro-
pendently monitored and verified programmes grammes that use revenues from environmental
which achieved the international benchmark within taxes to offset taxes on labour (Winkler, 2009).
a specified time period. There may be scope for Taxes would have to be levied at the bulk level and
offering a reduced tax rate to new entrants who explicitly exclude poor households (EDRC, 2003;
conform to the benchmark. This is more complex in Nedergaard, 2002). Such considerations also lead
the case of specific South African technologies the discussion paper to favour a fuel input tax over
which do not have widespread application else- another option initially investigated for the electric-
where; for instance, synfuels and deep-level gold ity sector, an electricity consumption tax (National
mining. In the former case, since this is one of the Treasury 2006: Table 9).
only plants of its kind in the world, benchmarking The process has been more formalised following
would be much more difficult. Another alternative the Cabinet decision on LTMS (van Schalkwyk,
would be to impose an emissions reduction path- 2008) and Minister Manuel’s announcement in his
way at a firm level which would approximate any 2008 budget speech that ‘options that will now
nationally-adopted emissions reduction pathway. In come under scrutiny for implementation include the
order to preserve the price signal to consumers, a use of emission charges and tradable permits, tax
tax might be imposed on locally-produced output, incentives for cleaner production technologies and
which approximated the impact of the carbon tax reform of the existing vehicle taxes to encourage
on the firm. An alternative might be to compel fuel efficiency’ (Manuel, 2008).
expenditure on energy efficiency up to the level of
the avoided tax revenue. All new plants would not 5. Conclusion
be eligible for this programme. A carbon tax should be considered among the
An obstacle to this kind of programme would be range of instruments available to the South African
posed by the extent of emissions from energy-inten- government, economy and society. It should be
sive industrial activity, either directly or indirectly considered as part of a broader suite of options,
(through electricity), which could potentially com- including regulatory and economic instruments.
prise (depending on the threshold) up to 40 percent Even in the latter category, other options – cap-and-
of national emissions. This suggests that a much trade, trading of renewable energy or energy certifi-
more limited programme of rebates be considered, cates are examined. Indeed, an even broader range
focusing on industries with specific vulnerabilities to of incentives and taxes should be part of the dis-
international competition, or with historically cussion.
unorthodox cost structures (for example, synthetic A carbon tax was one of the most effective
fuels). wedges or mitigation options analysed for the
Long-term mitigation scenarios. The LTMS strategic
4.3 Options investigated by Treasury option ‘Using the market’ reduced emissions rough-
National Treasury has considered the option of a ly as Required by Science, for several decades. The
carbon tax, in the form of a fuel input tax, as part of LTMS research indicated that the effectiveness
a broader consultation process on environmental increases, up to certain tax levels. South Africa
fiscal reform. An initial discussion paper (Eunomia might consider a tax starting around R100-200 / t
& UP, 2004) and a discussion document were CO2eq, escalating in future.
developed (National Treasury, 2003). Following An escalating CO2 would switch from coal to
workshops based on this information, an internal renewables and nuclear for electricity supply, and
government policy paper was released for public favour crude oil refineries over coal-to-liquids.
comment in 2006 (National Treasury, 2006). Economic and industrial policy that redefines South

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 1 • February 2011 65

Africa’s competitive advantage around climate- emission reductions over the next 25 years. The
friendly technology and investments would be more challenge was to scale up technologies, provide
policy guidance and channel investment.
resilient to a low-carbon future world.
‘Wedges’ in the LTMS context were adapted to
The efficiency with which a carbon tax achieves mean emission reductions over time. If the
the goal of reducing GHG emissions depends on reduction increase over time would show the
responsiveness and substitutability. Substitutability graphs have the shape of a wedge. Mitigation
is key – the degree to which consumers can switch actions and the resultant wedges are used some-
to alternatives. Further work on the responsiveness what interchangeably in this report.
of the South African economy and society to a car- 2. The tax level starts at R100 / t CO2-eq in 2008,
bon price signal is warranted. rises to R250 by 2020, i.e. in a period when the
A price discovery and adjustment mechanism rate of growth of emissions might need to be
would be useful to adjust the tax to an optimal slowed, even if absolute emissions still rise. It is
emissions pathway over time. We propose a mech- then kept at that level for a decade, approximat-
anism that sets a band around the desired ‘peak, ing a case where emissions stabilise (since the
plateau and decline’ trajectory, adjusting tax levels tax still induces changes in the system). After
depending on reductions achieved – as measured 2030, it rises more sharply in a phase of
absolute emission reductions. It is capped at
ex post.
R750, a level which is maintained for the last
Many further questions will need to be decade. All values are in real 2003 Rands.
addressed, if a carbon tax is to be implemented as
3. The NIRP is an electricity sector planning exer-
part of South Africa’s climate policy. Another criti-
cise conducted by NERSA, the national energy
cal set of questions not addressed in this paper regulator, which in theory considers supply and
regards the choice of economic instrument (broad- demand-side options for meeting projected elec-
ly, tax or trading system or a hybrid), and its inte- tricity demand. Eskom conducts its own more
gration with other international instruments. influential integrated planning process (ISEP),
Economic instruments may be highly efficient in and may well have modelled the impacts of a
allocating scarce resources. They do not however, carbon tax, but this is confidential, and no infor-
tend to do well to address distributional concerns. mation on this was available.
Equity demands that poor households, in particular, 4. This analysis was conducted using the PAR soft-
be shielded from any burden, e.g. higher energy ware in a stochastic mode (that is, incorporating
prices. Off-setting incentives, such as food subsidies the stochastic risk variables) (NERSA, 2008).
or reduced VAT on basic goods, could be financed More complex effects that might be triggered by
to achieve such a goal. Another option would be to a carbon tax, such as changes in energy demand
finance energy efficiency and renewable energy in or the cost of fuel, were not included in the
NIRP3 sensitivity analysis.
social housing. The principle would be to make the
package a net benefit to the poor – and not to treat 5. ‘There are sufficient electricity and water
resources to meet the future demands within the
the tax as a revenue-raising instrument.
Industrial Development Zone. These utilities are
Careful design of a carbon tax (or other eco- available in bulk at very favourable rates’(CDC,
nomic instruments considered in this series) will be 2004).
important to ensure that is effective in meeting its
6. Energy-intensive industries could be identified
objective – reducing GHG emissions. With appro- by the percentage of their costs spent on energy.
priate design, a carbon tax can be a powerful instru-
7. Poor households have a similar property, in that
ment of mitigation in South Africa, and at the same
energy costs are often a particularly high per-
time contribute to socio-economic objectives. centage of total household expenditure – this
common property identifies these two groups as
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68 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa • Vol 22 No 1 • February 2011

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