統一測驗 (2) 中三級考試範圍

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2022-23 中三級 統一測驗(2)考試範圍

中文/ Chinese
考試時間︰45 分鐘
1. 閱讀理解︰一篇白話文、一篇或兩篇文言文
2. 課文︰《論四端》、《論語八則》、《墨子止楚勿攻宋》
3. 成語 51-70 (不供詞),共 20 個
4. 詞語解釋﹕《論四端》﹕4-14、16
《論語八則》﹕2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 20, 21
《墨子止楚勿攻宋》︰4, 6, 8, 14, 18
5. 修辭技巧 (初中寫作手冊 P.90-102、包括雙聲疊韻)

考試時間︰40 分鐘

Paper 1 Reading and Usage (60 minutes) 28th March 2023 (Tuesday)
i. Reading Comprehension (topics are related to the themes you have learnt)
ii. Usage - Grammar Items: Pan Llyods Grammar Book for Secondary Students 3
Unit 1 Revision of tenses
Talking about the past
Unit 2 Focus: Simple Present tense, Simple Past tense,
Simple Future tense & be + going to + v., Present Perfect tense,
Present Continuous tense & Past Continuous tense.
Unit 13 Participle phrases

Unit 14 Relative clauses

Textbook Connect Theme 3 Art Talk

iii. Vocabulary Items:
Theme 3 booklet: Art Talk (p. 34-35)
iv. Prior knowledge (including Reported speech, questions, instructions and requests; Adjective patterns;
Prefixes; Gerunds, To-infinitives & Bare infinitives; Talking about amounts; Somebody, Anybody,
Nobody, Something, Anything & Nothing)
Paper 2 Writing (45 minutes) 28th March 2023 (Tuesday)
i. Long task (no less than 250 words)
Text types: a one-sided argumentative essay or an article (with a title)
 Marking criteria: Content, Language, Vocabulary, Organization, Features & Mind map.
*Marks will be given on the use of vocabulary items and grammar patterns (adjective patterns, reported
speech, use of passive voice, gerunds and to-infinitives, participle phrases and relative clauses) taught in
Themes 1, 2 and 3.
CH 1 - 7、CH 12、CH 8 (考至 8.3)

光學 light
Notes (筆記) Chapter 5-6 (5-6 章)
Assessment(功課) 5-6, Experiment (實驗)6.1
Notes (筆記) Chapter 1-3 (1-3 章)
Assessment(功課) 1-2

英文班 (3A) 中文班 (3BCD)
Classwork 1 – 13 堂課 1 至 13
Worksheet 1 - 6 工作紙 1 至 6

生物:筆記 第八章至第十三章,功課工作紙 5-7
Biology: Notes Chapter 8 to 13, HW WS 5-7

中國歷史/Chinese History
單元 1 第 3 章日本侵華與抗日戰爭 第 3 節 香港的淪陷及抗日活動(P.102)

單元 2 第 1 章建國至 1978 年間的內政與外交 第 1 節 建國初期的政治發展(P.144)
生命教育 德育及公民教育 第二冊第十二課、第十三課
生命教育 德育及公民教育 第四冊第一課、第六課

第 11 章 變化中的氣候 11.3-11.5
Part 11 Changing climate, changing environments 11.3-11.5
救救雨林 單元 1
Saving Our Rainforests Unit 1

課題 11:20 世紀以來的國際合作
Topic 11:International co-operation since the 20th century

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