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NĂM HỌC 2020 - 2021

Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian thi: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Ngày thi: 21/11/2020



Part 1:

1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T
5. F

PART 2 :

1. Where does the urine in the human body go to ?

(your) bladder.

2. who often held the pee for a long time?


3. in addition to aforementioned body part extended , what may also the next one?

external sphincter muscles.

4. What does your bladder function as?

(the )gatekeepers

5. What is a serious problem related to bladder called?

urinary retention

Part 3:

1c 2b 3d 4b 5a

PART 4 :
16. It’s produced at least three batches of previously missing ballots which have added to the president’s vote tally.

17. But the president and other republicans in the state are now turning their wrath on republican is secretary of state.

18. Here in the state are on track to submit their newly-recounted numbers by the 11:59 p.m. deadline tonight as a part of
the statewide audit.

19. The secretary of state says they were human error. The uncounted ballots fueled more allegations of misconduct
even from the president.

20. Even though thousands of fraudulent votes have been found, the real number is in matching signatures.

21. Governor must open up the unconstitutional consent decree and call in the legislature.

22. Georgia’s secretary of state said the state has a multi-step signature validation system,

23. Now, the trump campaign is accusing these clerks there, claiming that absentee ballots in those counties were
illegalal altered when poll workers filled in missing information themselves.

24. Communications director for the biden/harris campaign, released a statement reading in part: the official canvass
results reaffirm joe biden’s resounding win in wisconsin.

25. Canvassing swayed the vote in favor of the biden campaign.


Part 1:

1- I must take this watch to be repaired: it ………………… over twenty minutes a day.
A increases B progresses C accelerates D gains
2. A minority of the committee members were dissatisfied with the decision and endeavoured to
………………… it.
A overturn B abolish C postpone D re-do
3. If this animal had escaped from its cage it could …………………… have killed or maimed several people.
A equally B both C well D severely
4. Time was running out, so the committee had to make a ………………….. decision.
A brief B snap C sharp D curt
5. Because of an unfortunate ………………… your order was not dispatched by the date requested.
A hindrance B oversight C negligence D transgression
6. Motorists ………………….. of speeding may be banned from driving for a year.
A convicted B arrested C charged D judged
7. If you walk along this lane you will see the signpost ……………….. to the beach.
A pointing B showing C directing D indicating
8. The decision was …………………… to a later meeting.
A cancelled B arranged C deferred D delayed
9. Tempers began to …………………… as the lorries forced their way through the picket lines.
A break B fray C grate D fire
10. The old ship will be towed into harbour and …………………
A broken up B broken down C broken in D broken off
11. Making private calls on the office phone is severely ……………….. on in our department.
A frowned B criticised C regarded D objected
12. The tank of petrol was ………………. by a carelessly discarded cigarette end.
A lit up B ignited C exploded D inflamed
13. The government has made no ……………………. in the fight against inflation; indeed, the situation has
worsened recently.
A headway B effect C avail D triumph
14. They managed to free him from the burning car in the ………………. of time.
A tick B wink C nick D brink
15. And they are _____________ by the whales and other denizens that swim by their vessels.
A. engrossed B. enthralled C. enshrined D. entangled
16. A ________________ metal or substance is easy to press into different shapes.
A. malleable B. meltdown C. galvanized D. ferrous
17. The new boss quickly established a good __________________ with everyone in the company.
A. term B. approval C. companion D. rapport
18. The president was for some time in doubt whether he had any right to _______________ in provincial
affairs, but eventually troops were dispatched to La Plata.
A. interfere B. interact C. intervene D. intercede
19. She has a __________________ job at ABC company and she has made every effort in her work.
A. glamorous B. lousy C. high-powered D. splendid
20. You are expected to have ability to deal with rapidly-changing, ambiguous and unpredictable situations that
will test your _________________________ to the limit.
A. command B. competence C. endurance D. resourcefulness
21. It was such a funny sight that I couldn’t _____________ face.
A. keep a straight B. maintain a straight C. keep a smooth D. maintain a serious
22. The government has decided to __________ smoking in public places.
A. crack up on B. back down with C. back up with D. crack down on
23. I’ve had this car for 12 years, but now I’m having more and more problems with it. Clearly it’s
A. on its hint legs B. got its back up C. got its heart set D. on its last legs
24. We hadn’t __________ there being so much traffic, and we missed the plane.
A. factored on B. bargained on C. counted with D. accounted with
25. The revolt in the north is believed to have been _____________ by a high-ranking general.
A. initiated B. commenced C. instigated D. fabricated
26. The unknown is always the most fearsome, opening out into wide areas of__________.
A. prophesy B. presumption C. conjecture D. anticipation
27. The theoretical and ____________ relationships between the constructed measures will be explored.
A. hypothetical B. empirical C. technical D. procedural
28. Possession, not just use, of firearms and explosives will be ___________ offences.
A. extraditable B. extricating C. extrinsic D. extemporaneous
29. The mobile phone, that most ___________ of consumer-electronic appliances, is about to enter a new age.
A. tremendous B. horrendous C. superfluous D. ubiquitous
30. We can shape events in each other’s brains with ____________ precision.
A. exquisite B. flawless C. marvelous D. tautly

We stand on the brink of a 0. (technology) revolution that will fundamentally alter 0. Technological
the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, 1. unfold
the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before. We
do not yet know just how it will (1. fold) _______ , but one thing is clear: the
2. academia
response to it must be integrated and comprehensive, involving all stakeholders of
the global polity, from the public and private sectors to (2. academy) __________ 3. electronics
and civil society.
4. technologies
The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize
production. The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third 5. prolongation
used (3. electric) _________ and information technology to automate production.
Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution 6. precedent
that has been occurring since the middle of the last century. It is characterized by a
fusion of (4. technical) __________ that is blurring the lines between the physical, 7. exponential
digital, and biological spheres.
8. governance
There are three reasons why today’s transformations represent not merely a (5.long)
________ of the Third Industrial Revolution but rather the arrival of a Fourth and
9. unprecedented
distinct one: velocity, scope, and systems impact. The speed of current
breakthroughs has no historical (6.precede) __________. When compared with
10. quantum
previous industrial revolutions, the Fourth is evolving at an (7. exponent) ________
rather than a linear pace. Moreover, it is disrupting almost every industry in every
country. And the breadth and depth of these changes herald the transformation of
entire systems of production, management, and (8. govern) __________.
The possibilities of billions of people connected by mobile devices, with (9.
precedence) __________ processing power, storage capacity, and access to
knowledge, are unlimited. And these possibilities will be multiplied by emerging
technology breakthroughs in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the
Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3-D printing, nanotechnology,
biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and (10. quanta) ____ computing.

SECTION 3: READING ( 47questions)

Part 1:
1 granted 2 plays 3 what 4 nothing 5 up
6 addresses 7 originated 8 few 9 imitation 10 exchanges
11 link 12 sense 13 from 14 provides 15 those
Part 2:
16 17 18 19 20
Part 3: (ielts)
21. A 22.C 23. B 24. D 25. B 26.D

27. incongruent 28. on the fringes 29. Cultic milieu 30. complete
information epistemological
Part 4:
31. F 32. G 33.B 34.H 35. C 36.D 37. E
Part 5:

38. B (Though the tides of... never seems greatly diminished)

39. E (Many of the older travellers ... argued ... These days I am tempted to look at younger travellers)
40. A (The comfort and safety of modern transport.... has lost some of its allure for me.)
41. D (There's nothing to stop you following a random tip you saw on an obscure blog..)
42. C (Not a greatly significant journey in itself ...Yet the ...)
43. C Is it exploration? Well,... no)
44. A (I am ashamed to admit..)
45. E (That means ... travellers ... must be aware ...)
46. B (two weeks at Los Angeles airport... offered as curious and rich a glimpse ...)
47. D (And if you have the ... to go off without so much as a guidebook...)

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