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Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. Mercury is the hottest planet in the Solar System because
it is the closest to the Sun. Mercury takes 88 days to complete one round around the Sun. It is almost
impossible to go near Mercury as it is like a huge ball of gas.
Venus is the second planet in the Solar System from the Sun. It is Earth’s neighbour with Mars. It is the only
planet that spins in the opposite direction to all the other planets in the solar system. It is also very hot and
the temperature can rise to 450 degrees Celsius. Venus is covered with volcanoes and takes 243 earth days
to complete one rotation.
Earth is the only planet that has life, air, water, human beings, animals, plants, etc. Earth is the third planet
and is unique in nature. It takes 365 days to complete one revolution around the Sun. It also takes around 24
hours to finish one rotation which results in day and night. The satellite of Earth is called the Moon. Earth is
our home and it is the only planet suitable for life.
Mars is fourth in number to the Sun and is another neighbour of the Earth. It is called the Red Planet because
its appearance is red from the outside. The temperature of Mars varies from extremely cold to extremely hot.
Mars can be seen from the telescope as a red spot in the universe.
Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar system and is also called the ‘Jumbo Planet’. It is the largest planet in
the solar system and over 300 Earths can take place on its surface. It is made up of gases like helium and
hydrogen and is also called a ‘Gas Planet’. Jupiter has 62 moons making it the most number of satellites.
Jupiter is a gas giant planet. Galileo gave its first detailed description in 1610.
Saturn is the sixth planet and is also the second largest planet in the Solar System. Saturn is made up entirely
of gases. It is the only planet that has a ring around it and is called a ‘Ring Planet’. The ring of Saturn is
made up of rocks and gases only. It is known for its beautiful rings around its equator.
Uranus is the seventh planet and is also the second last planet in the Solar System. Uranus is the coldest
planet in the system with an average temperature of -225 degrees Celsius. Uranus spins on its side, unlike all
the other planets. Uranus experiences the nights for around 21 years with extreme winters.
Neptune is the last planet in the Solar System. It is made up of ice particles only and that is why it is bright
blue in colour. Neptune was named after the Roman God of the Sea and Neptune ends the solar family of the
Milky Way. Neptune takes the longest time for one single revolution around the Sun as it is the farthest
planet in the Solar System. It is the only planet that is not visible to the naked eye from earth. It is more than
30 times larger than the earth.


M: Do you enjoy looking at the stars?

M: Have you ever learned about outer space and stars?

M: Are you interested in films about outer space and stars?

M: Can you see many stars at night where you live?

M: Would you ever like to go into space?

M: What would you do if you had the chance to go into space?

The graph below shows the number of overseas visitors to three different areas in a European
country between 1987 and 2007.

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