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True story:

A while back I wrote an email about an Email Players subscriber frustrated with a female client
he was dealing with, and how he noticed other female clients he had also tended to pull many
kinds of the same shenanigans.

Specifically my customer said this:

* He finds female clients to be a massive pain in the booty

* They don't listen, they ignore his recommendations, are completely uncoachable

* Are usually more flakey than his male clients

* His male clients are also usually easier-going and more relaxed

* His female clients almost all play stupid little games with his time, keeping him guessing with
little BS antics, send him mixed signals to purposely try to confuse him, which he doesn’t have
time or patience to deal with, just wants to write the dayem copy he's hired to do

* It’s all wasting a lot of his time, and distracting him from other things he has to do

* All of which has made him prefer working with male clients and, ultimately, get out of doing
client work at all — especially when his male clients let their wives dictate copywriting decisions,
which just compounds all the above problems
After telling me all this, he asked:

“Have you experienced anything like this with female clients or is it just me? Maybe the majority
of female entrepreneurs have a 'we know better than men, never let a man tell you what to do!'”

My loving & tender advice?

“You gotta game female clients like you would a woman you want a romantic relationship with.”

Did my evil advice work?

You bet that sweet, gluteus assimus of yours it did.

And he gave me a testimonial I published in another email a bit later.

Of course some people got offended by that email.

Like this woman for example:

“I am offended by this email. Being a mentor to many and an influential figure in your niche, you
have a responsibility to play your part in promoting equality and inclusivity. An email like this
only reflects your misogynist mind. Also, the advice that suggests you have to game women in
business and in relationships is not a wise one. I subscribed you two days ago on someone's
recommendation and I am utterly disappointed.”

I just hope she spelled my name right when complaining about me to her friends.

Which brings me to the rub:

I would not classify the woman above as a “troll” at all.

She gave an honest opinion and I can respect that.

She may be a bit nutty, but she’s okay in my book.

Thus, she’s not part of what I am referring to as trolls in the upcoming March Email Players
issue - which is all about monetizing trolls and potentially turning their pathology into a cash cow
for your business. When I talk about trolls I am referring almost entirely to guys who have
female thought patterns.

Female thought patterns are perfect for women, of course.

But not so much for men.

That’s why these guys who troll come off as so repulsive just like a man putting on a dress and
then haunting girls bathrooms is repulsive. That’s how online trolls come off to a lot of folks in
business. And in my way of thinking those trolls are ripe for being monetized.
Something else:

If you get some idiot troll flaming you, slandering you, publicly bashing you, replying to you with
obscenities, mad at you because you rejected them, simply don’t agree with them (that’s a
biggie with trolls), or if they are just obviously jealous of you… then you don’t have to monetize

And probably most businesses shouldn’t.

Especially if you don’t have the stomach for it.

But if you do want to monetize them see the March Email Players issue.

It doesn’t have a lot of “tactics” in it, and is mostly explaining the troll’s pathology.

But, I do share some ways to monetize them. Including a turn-by-turn case study of how I’ve
been monetizing my all-time favorite troll for nearly 3 years now… and helped grow just ONE of
his troll grunts into probably very near six figures in sales across my multiple businesses since,
and still counting.

Yes, you can get a lot of milage out of a troll.

They might as well send you a PayPal link when you get good at this.
And the March issue can show you how to do just that.

It also shows a way to profit from trolls even if you have zero stomach for playing this game (and
I certainly don’t blame you if that is the case - many trolls are truly unhinged) and just want to
sell, be left alone, and live your life. This specific tip I am referring to is a very passive way your
business can use to benefit from their stupidity and in a way where they won’t even know you
are doing it to them.

All right, enough.

The deadline to subscribe in time is almost here.

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