Internship Final Report - Kheren Cresia 2440042286 Copy - Part10

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Digital Center Batam: Specializes in Pooling Resources and

Offshore. Their service is to provide with a dedicated team of
highly skilled and experienced software developers who will
work exclusively on clients’ projects. It is one of the newest
branches that they have opened.
5. Digital Center Bandung: Specialized in Cyber Security. They
implemented various measures to ensure confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of information technology resources.
Also enhancing the overall protection about personal
information and data.
Digital Center Bali focus is on customer journey experiences, where they assure
customer’s satisfaction through their services by providing digital experience. Digital
Center Bali is divided into two divisions, Digital Marketing and UI/UX Specialist.
Digital Center’s selling point is business to businesses (B2B), same as IDStar group.
They offer their services to their customers by making the work as project-based
products. By making their work as a project-based, the company has their own
timelines, deliverables and etc to propose and collaborate with their clients.
Digital Center Bali often collaborates with other Digital Center branch to
achieve customers’ satisfaction when transforming the system into digitally modern
technology. There are some steps of the company’s business process when handling
their clients.:
1. Preorder: The company receives pre-order from the clients for a
2. Business Requirements: After the company receives pre-order,
they gather information about the client’s goals and needs, along
with stating their purpose of using the services. The company
will ask the client’s shareholders and users about the
3. Business Ideation: After the company has their information
regarding the clients’ requirements, they will discuss with the
team about the workflow and requirements. In this step, the
business analyst division will start working on ideation.

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