Au-Cu Shales

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Volume 14, Issue 6, November 2007

Online English edition of the Chinese language journal

Cite this article as: Earth Science Frontiers, 2007, 14(6): 245–256. RESEARCH PAPER

Au-Cu Black Shale Formations

Moscow State University, Leninskie gory, Moscow 119992, Russia

Abstract: The results of the generalization of lithologic-facial and paleogeographic reconstructions and genetic formational
analysis of the various metalliferous high-carbonaceous Phanerozoic sedimentary complexes are presented and systematized. The
factors predetermining the origin of ore concentrations of gold and copper are specified.

Key Words: black shale; Au; Cu; lithology; facies

1 Research tasks, methods and terminology
It is well to be borne in mind that the source definition—
“black shale”—is a typical term of free usage, applied to
The so-called black shale formations—silty-clayey, clayey-
sedimentary rocks which, although different, have one feature
carbonate and siliceous rocks saturated with organic matter are
in common, that is high organic matter content[12]. The cited
well known as concentrators of many metals, including
authors specified organic matter quality limits in these rocks
precious and base ones, as well as rare earth metals and so on.
and ranked them by Corg concentrations (converted into the
Much evidence attests to the polygenetic and multi-stage
stage of initial catagenesis): 1%–3%—slightly carbonaceous,
character of ore formation in black shale formations.
3%–10%—carbonaceous, 10%–15%—highly carbonaceous
Sedimentation-induced accumulation of metals is considered
varieties, followed by combustible shales with Corg>15%.
not as important as economic concentrations of metals The above-mentioned term, translated as “black shales”, is
resulting from later (post-sedimentation) processes, including not a good one, because in the understanding of Russian
diagenesis, catagenesis in the basin of rock- formation, or at geologists these should be metamorphic rocks (i.e., slates).
stages of metagenesis and early metamorphism during tectonic That is why the name of “highly carbonaceous sediments” and
dislocations of the basin of rock-formation, or its “highly carbonaceous sedimentary rocks” is preferred. Instead
transformation into a folding system element[1–7]. Magmatic of black shale formations, the use of the term of “highly
processes also contribute to ore in certain cases. carbonaceous sedimentary complexes (HCSC)” is preferred.
Understanding of the sedimentogenous stage is very Before the discussion of formational analysis, the fact that
important, however, because redistribution and concentration the base term “sedimentary rock association” is interpreted
of metallic components in the post-sedimentation stages of ambiguously must be taken into account. In general, there are
development of the basin of rock formation depends on the three primary concepts: (1) stratigraphic, (2) litho-paragenetic
peculiarities and environments of previous sedimentation and (3) genetic. The stratigraphic understanding is largely
processes. However, until now, only the petrography and used by American geologists (a formation corresponds to a
geochemistry of ore-hosting black shale formation rocks were suite 01 series). The litho-paragenetic concept was suggested
investigated without the concentrated genetic and by N.S. Shatsky[13]. The genetic understanding is the most
lithologic-facial studies that form the basis of modern widespread one in Russia today[14]. It is based on an
lithology. The studies of Ref. [7–11] are the rare exceptions to understanding of sedimentary geologic row associations as
this situation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the natural facial complexes (or genetic types) of sediments,
genetic affiliations of numerous unidentical, or not quite which are paragenetically connected in their place and
identical, natural formations that are known as black shale environment of accumulator and confined to a certain

Received date: 2007-09-20; Accepted date: 2007-11-02.

Corresponding author. E-mail:
Foundation item: Supported by the project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (No. 04-05-64045).
Copyright © 2007, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University, Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
V. I. STAROSTIN et al. / Earth Science Frontiers, 2007, 14(6): 245–256

paleotectonic structure (or its part) and corresponding to a sea basins, necessarily connected to the ocean through systems
certain stage of its geological development. of straits. In such environments, each sea-level rise results in
If one adheres to the last definition, the concept “formation” sharp changes in the hydrodynamic and hydrobiological
is not correct in relation to black shale formations (it situation, as well as in the entire process of sedimentation. In
corresponds only to the first or partly to the second depressions of semi-closed basins, sharply expressed levels of
interpretations of this term). Most probably, each separate halocline and pyknocline (i.e., gradients of salinity and density
black shale formation or highly carbonaceous sedimentary of waters) are formed. This leads to the establishment of a
complex will represent some facies (or row of facies) inside stagnant regime in benthic waters and their periodical
the larger formational unit. Based on the data on metalliferous contamination by H2S (via mass killing of benthos and
HCSC, which are primarily Phanerozoic age, this is accumulation of plankton remains). Consequently, a
considered in the following paragraphs. reductive-oxidative Eh barrier appears in the water layer. This
sedimentation regime might be periodically interrupted by
2 Similarities of certain mechanisms and influxes of ocean waters through straits, or tectonic events
environments of HCSC sediment accumulation inside the sedimentation basins. “Depending on the biologic
producing intensity of organic matter in the photosynthesis
In spite of the diversity of petrography (for geochemical layer, the rate of organic matter, SiO2am, CaCO3 (biogenic) and
and petrographic typification, see Ref. [12, 15]) and the clay precipitation in such an environment, micro-layered
difference in the ages of their structural-tectonic settings, sapropel-like oozes with different concentrations of Corg,
HCSC are characterized by a similar and limited variety of SiO2am, Mn and other elements accumulated on the seafloor.
initial landscape-geographical features of the seafloor: the The gross content of Corg in the oozes exceeded 3%–5% and
presence of the necessary “traps” for concentration of organic reached 16% and even 22% (or 40% of the organic
matter in humid or hot climates in water catchment areas. matter)”[18].
Classical studies in this area are presented in studies by N. M. The duration of HCSC accumulation in depressions
Strakhov[16] and others, reprinted later[17]. The most recent provides a steady influx of oceanic waters, counterbalanced by
summaries on environments favorable for HCSC river run-off, which necessitates a certain balance between the
accumulation in the Cenozoic were compiled by E. E. rate of differentiated tectonic sagging of the floor of the
Emel’yanov[18] (Fig. 1). The results are summarized as sedimentation basins and the formation of cross connections
follows. with the ocean and sedimentation rate.
The first characteristic feature of HCSC (and their typical These conditions are somewhat differently realized in the
representatives: sapropelic ooze or sapropel) is that they are inter- and marginal-continental sea sedimentation basins of
formations of transgressive stages in the history of sedimentation various types (Fig. 1). Sedimentation basins of the first type
basins. Sediments of most HCSC accumulate in semi-closed are epiplatformean water basins with flat seafloor and separate
depressions of up to several hundreds meters, as well as
lagoons with the periodic appearance and disappearance of
near-bottom H2S layers, for example the present Baltic Sea[18],
the Late Jurassic sedimentation basins in the Volga area[16,17]
and the Bazhenovskoe Late Jurassic sea in Western Siberia[10].
Sedimentation basins of the second type are depression basins
with more than a 1–1.5 km dip, along with constant H2S
Fig. 1 Possible models of sapropelic oozes accumulation (black
clays and slates) on the oceanic floor (an example of facial
contamination (the Black Sea[18]). The third type involves
environments of the Atlantic Ocean and the seas of its basin) inland sedimentation basins with separated deep depressions
(After Emel’yanov[8]) within them (the Mediterranean Sea[18]). In addition, HCSC
I–platformean sea with periodical H2S appearance in near-bottom water layer oozes are found not only in seas, but also in open oceans at
(Baltic Sea); II–depression sea constantly contaminated by H2S (Black Sea); great depths as, for example, in the 5–6 km Angola Basin[18].
III–depression sea with isolated depressions (Mediterranean); IV–arid climatic
zone of the ocean with clearly expressed upwelling (the Angola Basin);
These formations are not discussed here.
1–influx of salt oceanic waters into a freshened sea (I); 2–influx of less salt
oceanic waters into salinified sea (II); 3–influx of fresh waters into salinified 3 Similarities of certain mechanisms and
sea (during regression) (III); 4–coastal upwelling; 5, 6–ocean level: 5–during
transgression, 6–during regression; 7–boundary of near-bottom water layer
conditions of Au and Cu supply and concentration
with periodical H2S contamination; 8–boundary of waters with permanent H2S in HCSC
contamination; 9–homogeneous gray oozes with high (3%–5%) Corg content;
10–microlayered sapropelic oozes (up to 5%–20% Corg); 11–presence of – –
Many articles consider this problem[2 4, 8, 12, 15, 19 26]. Gold
siliceous remains of diatoms (up to 10%–20% SiO2am); 12–supply of organic
matter and diatoms skeletons from foreshore to pelagic zone of a basin during sorption on humic acids-indispensable components of organic
the oceanic regression; 13–diatoms sapropelic oozes (up to 10%–20% Corg) matter transformation in soils and peatlands, also in river
V. I. STAROSTIN et al. / Earth Science Frontiers, 2007, 14(6): 245–256

suspension matter (on land) and in sea oozes is known to be several post-diagenetic factors of lithogenesis and
the major source of primary gold accumulation in HCSC. It is metamorphism, which are discussed in detail in Ref. [4–6].
also known that different genetic types of organic matter
(lignite and lipoid) in any sediment are differently 4 Preliminary experience of formational and
interconnected to metals[20], which play an important role in facial diagnostics of various HCSC of the
their post-sedimentation redistribution in rocks. Thus, Phanerozoic (with the exception of oceanic
according to[4,18], HCSC with largely humic organic matter Cenozoic)
tend to disseminate metal micro-admixtures at the catagenesis
stage, while rocks with sapropelic organic matter accumulate Here, the preliminary results of the lithologic studies are
and preserve ore elements up to the beginning of green-schist summarized. They are largely based on the published report
metamorphism inclusively. data analysis and personal studies within the
The sediments of HCSC under consideration are peculiar in Verkhoyansk-Kolyma fold belt[1,7], Western-Siberian
their mixed organic matter composition, but always with a epi-Paleozoic plate, and Eastern-European craton (EEC)[28].
significant presence of a sapropel component from the basin The principles of formational typification are presented above.
itself, “diluted,” to a certain extent, by river sediments from A Facies (as one of the most important formational
the surrounding land. The latter are rich in auriferous humic components) is interpreted as an element of the environment
acids when the land is a peneplain (or at least a of sedimentation and a resulting sediment along with its
hillocky-undulating area) with the occurrence of weathering primary (genetic) composition, and textural, as well as
crusts and/or peatlands. In conditions of humid and hot structural features. Therefore, the following groups of typical
climate, laterite or iron crusts may serve as another important sedimentary formation with HCSC are recognized.
Au source adsorbed by Fe3+ hydroxides. The third source may (1) Formations of Mainly Terrigenous-Clayey and
be ion solution of AuCl2 in seawater. The stagnation regime of Siliceous-Clayey Deposits of Epi-Continental Shallow-Water Sea
sedimentation basins, with H2S presence in near-bottom water Basins during Transgressive Stages of Development of
layer, plays an important role in Au accumulation. “In this Sedimentary Covers of Cratons and Young Platforms. Their
case, hydrosulfuric water acts as a giant pump transporting the HCSC are presented by facies of organic matter saturated pelitic
chloraurate complex from oxygenated water and then transfers sediments in the shelf's depressions far from the shore. Typical
Au0 hydrosol into sediment. Optimal and periodical supply of representatives on cratons are the Late Jurassic Volgian deposits
fresh seawater to an O2/H2S chemocline provides periodical within the Volga-Ural arch of EEC[16,17] and their possible
replenishment of solvated gold”[15]. homologs, the dictionema slates of the Early Ordovician of the
After this, the high metal concentration in sediments is northwestern (Baltic) margin of the EEC[29]. The Late Jurassic
provided by diagenetic processes in a strong reducing Bazhenovskaya Formation of Western Siberia represents
environment; at low pH values this is a regime of sulfide formations of young (epi-Paleozoic) plates[10].
diagenesis in sediments. There, the extraction of significant The characteristics of Late Jurassic HCSC in the Volga-Ural
Au quantities and its fixation in a rather small volume of arch may be additionally supplemented with some conclusions
sediment (the only means of development of above Clark from detailed genetic analysis by N. M. Strakhov. Two
concentrations) may take place under the following conditions: opposite points of view on the environments of highly
(a) The prolonged existence of hydrogen-sulfide contamination, carbonaceous sediments accumulations are compared: (1)
that is lasting sulfate-reduction process; (b) Permanent supply accumulation of water-plants and other biota in fresh small
of AuC12 in ooze waters due to its diffusion from near-bottom lagoons and bays or haffs (as in the present-day Baltic Sea); (2)
waters jointly with sulfate. “These two conditions are met typical sapropelites deposited in the central part of a sea with
during low-rate precipitation, that is, they should be normal salinity. Analysis of flora and fauna remains, facial
characteristic for domanikoids”[15]. rows and other primary sedimentation features proved the
The geochemical characteristics of copper transfer and viability of the second variant[17].
accumulation are very different and coordinate with the Confinement of HCSC to certain moments of the Perisphinctes
above-considered features only partially[21,23,27]. Copper Panderi epoch corresponding to tectonic oscillations of the
compounds mobile in a strongly oxidizing and alkaline seafloor covered by rich vegetation (algae and higher plants)
environment (their mobility increases by an order of provided a basis for organic matter accumulation. “As long as
magnitude in the presence of dissolved chlorides) are leached seafloor vegetation depends on light penetrated to limited depth, it
out of red beds, continental, lagoonal and shallow-sea naturally sharply disappeared with an increase in depth below a
formations of arid climatic belts. In this case, HCSC deposits certain isobath. This results in less accumulation of organic matter
act as a reduction geochemical barrier to crystallize and, consequently, only barren gray clay precipitates. Should the
Cu-bearing sulfides. Whether concentrations of Au and Cu depth of the basin decrease, an underwater meadow appears again,
will develop in all the above-considered cases depends on followed by shale formation. Irregular distribution of shales
V. I. STAROSTIN et al. / Earth Science Frontiers, 2007, 14(6): 245–256

inside a member may depend either on seafloor level differences Stages of Development of Pericratonic Troughs and
or an irregular distribution of plants”[17]. This suggests that Tectonically Mobile Belts, that is the paleostructures which
depressions of such a sea were not deeper than 50 m. were earlier (before the priority of the mobilism paradigm)
However, in other formations, for example, the Bazhenovskaya named miogeosynclines.
Formation, some estimates of the depressions are 100–500 m, and This group includes two major types: 2.1 and 2.2. The first
the major supplier of organic matter was abundant plankton, type (2.1) embraces largely carbonate and carbonate-clayey
along with river supply of terrestrial humus. Based on (siliceous-carbonate-clayey) sediments of marginal seas;
paleoenvironmental studies of these formations V. A. Zakharov typical representatives are domanikoids (the Semilukskii
concluded: “At present there is not a complete analog of the Horizon of the Low Frasnian Substage D3 of the western Urals,
Bazhenovskoe Sea environmental system. It was a basin with southern Timan and eastern margins of EEC). Type 2.2 is
hydrological and hydrobiological characteristics to a certain represented by terrigenous deposits of deltas, shelf and
extent resembling the Black Sea on one side, and the Baltic Sea continental slope of the marginal seas (type—Verkhoyanoids
on the other side. One must bear in mind, however, that the from the Late Visean Substage Cl to J3 inclusively, east of
Bazhenovskoe Sea was surrounded by a landscape completely Lena and Aldan rivers).
different from the one of modern seas…”[10] (Fig. 2). Domanikoids “are miscellaneous facies of shallow-water
Metal admixtures in the discussed HCSC exceed Clarke, and deep-water basins united by one common
but never reach ore concentrations. However, these rocks feature―enrichment in organic matter”[18]. The factors and
(with no depth catagenesis or early metamorphic alterations) mechanisms of such enrichment and general paleogeography
are interesting to us because of the fact that their probable were analyzed in detail by Ref. [17]. Amongst numerous
homologs from areas of late-platformal tectonic activity with factors of accumulation and conservation of organic matter,
the secondary transformation of rocks by intra-formational N.M. Strakhov singled out three points. First, domanikoid
and endogene hydrotherms would possibly be ore-bearing sediments were oozes and, with the exception of purely
objects. Such objects, possibly, were Precambrian HCSC[6] not carbonate oozes, always included clayey material, favorable
considered in this article. for organic matter conservation. Colloidal silicic acid was also
(2) The Group of Formations of Depressions on the Outer introduced here, assisting preservation and accumulation of
Shelf and Continental Slope of Marginal Seas during Early organic matter[17]. Second, upper levels of the Domanikoid Sea

Fig. 2 Hydrogeological model of the Western-Siberian sea of Bazhenovskoe time in N-S vertical
section (a), and position of the underwater threshold on the present-day Yamal peninsula (b)
Arrows denote sea currents: long, solid–surface and warm ones; long, and dashed–descending “heavy” and cool
waters; short, solid–cold near-bottom waters; short, dashed–upwelling[10]
V. I. STAROSTIN et al. / Earth Science Frontiers, 2007, 14(6): 245–256

were undoubtedly rich in plankton, numerous remains of experimentally and indirectly by researchers[19,20,24–26]. The
which occur everywhere as pteropod shells. This means that presence of peatlands or laterite weathering crusts is
the supply of organic matter in domanikoid sediments was especially important, which, in its turn first requires favorable
high[17]. Third, river supply of nutrition substances, as well as conditions of climate humidification and second, the existence
solubilized organic matter and colloids from neighboring land, of a peneplain, or, at least, hillocky-undulating relief in a wide
including phosphates and nitrates necessary for phytoplankton coastal strip and in low reaches of the river valleys feeding
growth, played a great role[17]. sedimentation basins.
The third factor must be paid special attention. The cause of In addition to the above, general regional
HCSC origin is not only the morphology of the sedimentation transgressive-regressive cycles of sedimentation basin
basin’s seafloor (Figs. 1 and 2), but also landscape and development were important. This is vividly illustrated by a
climatic features of the feeding terrestrial province of this model suggested by Yu.O. Gavrilov and E.M. Shcherbinina
sedimentation basin. The land is not only a supplier of for HCSC formation in the Northeastern Peri-Tethys during
nutrients for plankton, but also delivers metals transported by the “thermal maximum” (IETM) at the Paleocene/Eocene
humic acids and other organic-colloidal compounds as proved boundary[9] (Fig. 3). Essentials of the model are as follows. A

Fig. 3 Model of formation of the Paleocene-Eocene boundary sapropelite layer in water area of Northeastern Peri-Tedrys[9]
(a) coastal landscape prior to IETM (normal sedimentation); (b) development of coastal landscapes in the course of sharp sea-level drop
immediately before TETM crisis; (c) flooding of coastal landscapes during eustatic sea rush, mass methane emission and formation of crisis
environments due to burst of bioproductivity of organic-shell and bacteria plankton in coastal zones, IETM is a thermal maximum at the
beginning of Eocene
V. I. STAROSTIN et al. / Earth Science Frontiers, 2007, 14(6): 245–256

stage of mass accumulation of sapropelic sediments is preceded detrital cones along the continental slope, and redistribution of
by sea regression resulting in the origin of vast lowlands leveled these substances by bottom currents in a hemipelagic zone (at
by sea erosion on the sea periphery and around archipelagos. depths of 1–1.5 km and somewhat deeper).
Subaerial weathering of non-lithified sea sediments (with Facial environments and processes analyzed in detail by
authigenic sulfides and phosphates) resulted in oxidation of Ref. [30] (Fig. 4) will be considered separately. In basins of
their mineral components and origin of sulfuric and sulfonic this kind, the mechanism of facial differentiation of metals
acids that activated hypergene processes of underlying rock seems to be as follows: autochthonous organic matter of the
disintegration. In this way, swamp-lacustrine landscapes shelf (marine phytoplankton and zooplankton), as well as
originated, which were characterized by aggressive acid media allochthonous organic matter, genetically connected with
dissolving terrigenous minerals of the substratum, recovering terrestrial phytoplankton, humus of soils and organic matter of
many microelements (metals included), and delivering them eroded ancient rocks (supplied to a basin in various ways,
into surface and underground waters. Organic matter was most probably with river run-off) reach the shelf and
supplied to them not only in solid, but also in a dissolved phase. accumulate on the underwater continuation of river deltas.
Many elements, including biophilic ones concentrated in soils From here, vast amounts of aleuropelite material swoop down
outside peatlands. Then, sweeping transgression assimilated all to the foot of the continental slope with turbidity currents. In
that in peneplain conditions even minor eustatic sea rise resulted such a case, organic matter and connected ore elements occur
in the flooding of vast areas. Near-bottom substances were in conditions favorable for preservation in distal turbidities
mixed up by sea agitation and redistributed by flows into due to their almost instant deposition. The deep-water
depression “traps” to accumulate HCSC. environment provides a plankton organic matter admixture of
A similar mechanism of HCSC formation was probably sapropelic row. Due to this, these submerged cones became
characteristic of an early period of Verkhoyanoids geochemical barriers for concentration of not only gold, but
development, between the completion of the Late Devonian also molybdenum, vanadium, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium,
and the Early Permian epochs inclusively[7]. Here, in cobalt, rhenium, silver, arsenic and rare earths.
distinction from the Eocene of the Peri-Tethys and These elements were incorporated in ore minerals in the
domanikoids strata of the EEC and Urals, another powerful form of syngenetic sulfides. They never reach economic
mechanism of sediment redistribution was involved: turbidite concentrations, but are a favorable prerequisite for further
flows forming a system of submerged sand-aleuropelite physical and chemical reactions at subsequent stages of

Fig. 4 Paleogeography of the Late Carboniferous (a)[31] and the end of Early Permian[1]
1–5-sedimentation areas: 1–alluvial, 2–underwater-deltaic, 3–marginal-shelfal, 4–slope, 5–hemipelagic; 6–8-land elevations: 6–low, locally
flooded, 7–gently rolling, 8–mountainous; 9–landscapes boundaries; 10–12-zones of post-sedimentation tectonic convergence of facies:
10–Western-Verkhoyansk marginal suture, 11–its latitudinal section, 12–other faults (B—Boguchanskii, U—Unguokhtakhskii,
D—Dzhardzhanskn); 13–edges of the Middle Paleozoic Vilyui Rift; 14–direction of terrigenous substance intake; 15–locations described in the
text with their numbers
V. I. STAROSTIN et al. / Earth Science Frontiers, 2007, 14(6): 245–256

catagenesis, metagenesis and early metamorphism. In the Northern Sea and central Europe and the formation of the
course of these stages, the redistribution and secondary huge salt-forming Zechstein basin”[30]. At the base of this
localization of quartz and gold-ore mineralization took place sequence, there is a horizon of small pebble conglomerates
150 million years later, in a period of tectonic activation, occurring transgressively on the Low Permian red beds. The
folding and metamorphism during the Late Mesozoic[1]. No conglomerates are overlain by black bituminous HCSC clays
less than two stages of transformation of HCSC-hosting (widely known as cupriferous slate, not more than 1 m thick).
formations are necessary for post-sedimentation redistribution This layer is exclusively persistent over the western and
and secondary concentration of gold in tectonically mobile southern margin of the basin from England to Poland. “Over
zones. The first stage involved a violent plunge to a great the entire area, sedimentation environments were surprisingly
depth, and the second involved thrust-and-fold dislocations in unified. It was a vast ‘pool’ with very low intake of fragmental
conditions of a collision tectonic regime. Finally, the rocks material; due to suffocation in its near-bottom layer, a
underwent lithostatic (Ps), fluid (Pf) and stress (Ps) pressures. putrefactive media not favorable for living organisms was
As well, heat impulses occurred, initially from the background created”[29]. Clearly, these environments could exist only
thermal gradient (AT) and stress (Tst) (due to the adiabatic under the condition of peneplanation of the adjacent mountain
effect of compression of mass intramineral fluid inclusions), land, which took place at the end of the previous Early
and second, because of possible thermal domes, hot fluid Permian epoch. The cupriferous slate was then overlain by a
flows over deep-seated centers of granitization of the limestone-dolomite halogen sequence of lagoonal-marine
crystalline basement (Tf) and possible intrusions (Ty). genesis of the Zechstein sedimentation basins. This was the
In this situation[1,7] during the first stage of postdiagenetic end of a relatively short-term transgressive event of Arctic sea
lithogenesis, upon catagenesis of subsidence, there is the penetration that occurred during a general regressive stage of
condition Ps = Pf at a consistent AT; during subsequent stages the Late Paleozoic geological history of Eurasia continent[30].
of metagenesis and zonal metamorphism, Ps > Pf; T = AT + For several hundred years, the HCSC at the base of the
Tst + Ty (the last parameter refers only to areas with intrusive Zechstein have been mined for Cu, Pb and Zn ores, which also
activity). In such cases, gold ore bodies are formed under the contain dispersed elements (V, Cr, Mo and others). In the
influence of intraformation water (thalassogenous and elision middle of the twentieth century, many European geologists
in nature) heated since the start of the depth catagenesis stage attributed a sedimentogenic nature to them, believing that ore
(T from 100–20 °C to 200 °C) and replenished during the elements were leached out of the red-colored Early Permian
subsequent metagenesis stages of early metamorphism rocks; later, new arguments appeared in favor of diagenetic
(200–350 °C) up to the condition of chemically active remobilization of the metals[22]. As soon as new data on the
hydrotherms[3,28]. With these processes, secondary discordant occurrence of ore bodies relative to sedimentation
mobilization, migration and deposition of metals take place at layering was collected (Figs. 5 and 6), the concept of the
new geochemical barriers. All these processes are complicated priority of post-sedimentation redistribution of metals
by the above-mentioned patterns of ore substances localization, appeared. This took place through the filtration of metal
although the principal of black shale ore genesis in formation solutions in underground chloride waters (chloride was
2.1 remains the same. borrowed from the overlying Zechstein evaporites) and
(3) Formations of the Clayey and Carbonate-Evaporite subsequent copper precipitation on reduction geochemical
Lagoonal-Shelf Sediments of Shallow-Water Epicontinental barriers, that is upon filtration of water through the HCSC[21].
(Orogenic) Stages of Development of Tectonically Mobile Belts, (4) Formations of Alluvial-Deltaic-Lagoonal and Littoral
for example, the Late Permian Zechstein of Central Europe[21,22].
Their formation was preceded by the accumulation of a thick
(250–300 m) sequence of red-colored continental deposits:
clayey-silty-sandy rocks with lenses of conglomerates, of
proluvial, alluvial eolian and also lacustrine genesis
(sulfate-salt-bearing clayey units) infilling the vast, so-called
middle-European depression under conditions of significant
aridity of climate. Fragmental material was supplied from the
southern mountain-folded structures of the Renohercynian belt
and partly from the Penninian “threshold”[29].
At the boundary of the Early- and Late-Permian epochs, a
new sedimentation cycle developed: “At the location of the
Arctic-Northern Atlantic Caledonides belt once welding Fig. 5 Discordant occurrence of ore mineralization in cupriferous
Laurentian and Fenoscandia (Baltic)… a rift system originated, slates in relation to bedding
making way for transgression from the Boreal basin into the Slates pinch out near the high in underlying sandstones[22]
V. I. STAROSTIN et al. / Earth Science Frontiers, 2007, 14(6): 245–256

azurite. As a rule, these rocks belong to the facies of ancient

river courses, deltas and lagoons existing in the period of
arid climate. E.F. Gablina studied the mechanism of supply
and concentration of copper in detail[8]. The essentials of the
suggested model (Fig. 7) are as follows: elision brackish
water of catagenesis at the depth stage was squeezed from
the axial zone of the basin to its flanks. They traveled
through red-colored sandy-silty strata with copper contents
initially exceeding the Clark concentration. Under
conditions of high Eh values, copper was leached out of
sandstones and siltstones, migrated in chloride compounds
until it passed through geochemical barriers—localities
Fig. 6 Relationship of copper mineralization (7) with Rote Fule fades where Eh and pH values reversed. These localities were
(2) in Mansfeld-Sangerhausen (a) and Lusakia-Richelsdorf (b)[22] “gray-colored”, that is saturated with organic matter in
terrigenous rocks on the flanks of Dzheskazgan basin.
Sediments of the Orogenic Tectonic Structures. Typical It is worth noting that all these formations are concentrated,
representatives are varied argillite-silty-sandy deposits of the first, inside varied sedimentary complexes accumulated in an
Middle-, Late-Carboniferous and Early Permian age of the environment of a hot arid climate, and, second, they are
Dzheskazgan basin in Hercynides of the central Kazakhstan paragenetically (and partly genetically) interconnected with
with the known Dzheskazgan copper deposit[8,23]. evaporite and reef-carbonate strata (see above). The mechanism
Here, cupriferous sandstones and clayey rocks are mixed of copper concentration in these rocks was controlled by the
formations in which quartz-silicate and clay particles are geochemical features of this element being the anti-pode of gold
cemented by copper sulfides, including chalcosine Cu2S, and iron, depending on their mobility relative to pH and Eh. In
covellite CuS, bornite Cu5FeS4, chalcopy-rite CuFeS2 and addition, water solutions saturated with chloride salts
others, sometimes with native copper; in the hypergenesis significantly increased the mobility of copper.
zone, they are replaced by copper carbonates: malachite and (5) Formations of Sediments in Basin-type Intracontinental

Fig. 7 Flow diagram of formation of Dzheskazgan copper deposit[8]

1–red-colored argillites and siltstones; 2–red-colored sandstones and conglomerates; 3–gray-colored sandstones and
conglomerates; 4–disseminated impregnation of copper sulphides; 5–disseminated pyrite impregnation; 6–gray argillites
and siltstones; 7–limestones; 8–ore deposits; 9–direction of copper-bearing solutions' movement; 10–ways of hydrocarbons
migration; 11–successive displacements of interaction zone of oxidation and reduction environments; 12–stratigraphic
boundaries (a – proven, b – inferred); Plgd–the Early Permian deposits (Zhidelisaiskaya Formation); C2-3dg – productive
(Dzhezkazgan) series of the Middle-Late Carboniferous; Cm–the Early Carboniferous deposits (Namurian Stage)
V. I. STAROSTIN et al. / Earth Science Frontiers, 2007, 14(6): 245–256

Seas of Orogenic Areas. A typical representative is the case of sapropelic components in the organic matter of sediment.
Black Sea sedimentation basins in the Late Cenozoic. Its (8) Stable domination of low (negative) Eh values during
sapropelic oozes are thoroughly studied and the results of diagenesis, which happens in the case of a high level of
numerous publications have been recently summarized[18]. non-oxidized organic matter in sediments provided with a
high mass and rate of accumulation of biogenic components.
5 Discussion These must be overlain by new portions of oozes as soon as
possible to minimize the aerobic processes of early diagenesis.
The above-discussed set of sedimentary formations hosting (9) Periodically occurring of hydrogen sulfide
potentially metalliferous HCSC is far from exhaustive of their contamination conditions of the near-bottom water layer are
natural diversity. Only the initial step is made for their favorable (although not necessary). The occurrence of two of
subsequent typification. However, several general features and the above-mentioned conditions contributes to intense
regularities predetermining the origin of Au and Cu ores diagenetic pyritization of sediments, often together with
became obvious on the basis of presented data. isomorphic saturation of pyrite with gold.
The “starting” role of HCSC as a primary metal collector These factors most favorable for potentially auriferous
and an unusual “shield” for postsedimentation catchment is HCSC are characteristic of a group of terrigenous formations
obvious. Yet, the composition and quantitative distribution of of marginal seas originated at the initial stages of mobile belt
impurity elements in sediments of different HCSC are not the development following rifting activation on platform margins,
same from the very beginning. for example, the formations of the Late Paleozoic of the
The following conditions are favorable for sedimentogenic Verkhoyansk-Kolyma fold belt[1,31]. However, the
accumulation of gold in HCSC: sedimentogenic-diagenetic stage of these sedimentation basins
(1) A post-rifting epoch of regional peneplain, not an (and others considered at the beginning of the article) seems to
absolute one, but with preservation of numerous depressions be the only preparatory condition for their gold potential. The
and scarps to provide seafloor irregularities and hollows latter could not occur if the HCSC did not go through stages
(potential traps for the metalliferous components of organic of catagenesis and metagenesis-early metamorphism of the
matter) at the time of transgression. host rocks. At the pre-metagenesis stages of litho-genesis,
(2) A stable epoch of a humid and warm (better hot) climate HCSC may be of interest only as possible oil parent strata, and
that provides intensification of the hypergene processes of higher metals concentrations in there are usually below
mobilization substances necessary for biotic life and transport economic ore levels.
of elements into sedimentation basins; mass development of Copper mineralization in HCSC is similar to a certain
weathering crusts (with Fe hydroxides, concentrators of Au), extent, but different in the following:
soils and peatlands―suppliers of humic acid and colloidal (1) Copper-bearing formations are confined to orogenic and
organometallic compounds. post-orogenic tectonic structures.
(3) A diversity of rocks subjected to hypergenesis: (2) A favorable sedimentogenic factor for copper-bearing
magmatic, metamorphic, metasomatic (metals suppliers) and HCSC is a global stage of a general regression regime with
sedimentary (suppliers of phosphorus, nitrogen and other local transgressive events producing shallow-water
nutrients for marine planktons). sedimentation basins.
(4) A global-scale transgression coinciding in time with a (3) Formation of HCSC in these sedimentation basins
climatic optimum to provide (along with plentiful nutrients) should be preceded and then followed by hot arid climate.
flourishing biota in general and plankton in particular. (4) The distribution and structure of copper-bearing
(5) Preservation, up to the maximum moment of sandstones and slates may be explained only on the
transgression, and the prolonged (dozens of millions of years) assumption of Cu removal from red-colored rocks with its
existence of a vast coastal plain and large rivers collecting and subsequent precipitation on hydrogen sulfide barriers[21]; the
delivering colloidal and ion solutions of metals and a presence of organic matter and sulfate reducing bacteria are
fine-pelite mixture, as well as sorbing metals, to sea necessary conditions for Cu concentration[21].
sedimentation basins. (5) At positive Eh values, the mobility of Cu is sharply
(6) Long-term balance amongst river sediment yield, rates increased by the presence of chlorides in water, which, in their
of seafloor subsidence and catchment area elevation to turn are associated components of red-colored and salt-bearing
provide the stable existence of the above-mentioned formations of arid climate zones.
environments. Any activation of orogenic events on the land (6) Cupriferous rocks were formed at geochemical barriers
under erosion near sedimentation basins is an unfavorable of two types: syngenetic (sedimentogenic-diagenetic) and
factor for metal accumulation, as they become diluted with a epigenetic (post-sedimentation, at the catagenesis stage)[8,21].
terrigenous mineral admixture. Syngenetic barriers are characteristic for the following
(7) Domination, or at least significant proportion of facial-landscape environments: swamps, alluvium-fluvial,
V. I. STAROSTIN et al. / Earth Science Frontiers, 2007, 14(6): 245–256

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