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We often talk about love stories simmered in prose, frothing with grandiose imagery and
the ideal perfect match. But is love just that? It is just about the grand gestures and larger
than life stories or is it more importantly about the “rest” attached with love; the etc. Much
like jewellery is not just an ornament; it is also about the more attached to it, the rest of it;
the emotion, the contentment, the strength to be a beautiful person when wearing it.
Below we explore such a story which is modern yet nostalgic, filled with love yes; but more
importantly the Et Cetera

Below, in the story, there will be some highlighted brand scenarios which will be expanded
further in the episodic beats. The long format series will have Kalyan organically integrated
across episodes.

The Characters:

Karan Newaskar: The Marathi Mulga from Pune is 31 and professionally very settled in life,
working in a marketing agency in Mumbai. He is engaged with Sanjana Biswas for the past 6
months about to be married in 2 months. Karan is self-assured, confident, calm and
understanding. He is generally non-confrontational but stands his ground in times of crisis.
Karan has a good balance between being practical & romantic

Sanjana Arora: The Punjabi diva from Bangalore is 30, a consummate music professional.
She was working in Vancouver for most part of her early career. Now has returned to India
and working in one of the music major companies. She is engaged to Karan Newaskar and
really respects & likes him. Sanjana is head strong however in matters of love, she also
wears her heart on her sleeve. She believes Karan is a very good fit for her & compliments
her nature.

Mayank Khanna: The Canadian citizen 33, belonging to a cultured Punjabi family form
Montreal, Mayank’s family shifted base to Canada two generations ago, however Mayank is
as Indian as he is international in his outlook towards life. An ardent traveller, Mayank has
lived a nomadic life for most part of his 20’s, travelling from city to city working as an Event
Planner. Recently he has shifted base to India for this year in search of managing these
Great Indian Big Fat weddings and already executed a few projects. Mayank is ambitious,
well read, articulate and has bold choices in life. Everyone who knows him vouches for his
hard work and thrilling passion for the things he adores.

The Two Love Stories:

Karan & Sanjana Back Story: Karan & Sanjana met during their post grad days in Mumbai.
Both were in their mid 20’s and very similar in nature and temperament. A like begets like
kind of a friendship began which turned in a relationship in a month’s time. A pleasant and
mutually respectful relationship continued for a year & a half when career came calling and
Sanjana could not resist the urge to work in the LA up north; Vancouver. Canada came
calling with a lucrative career in the music industry and Sanjana flew away. Initially for a
month or two the long distance relationship continued but then it fizzled out during the
time difference & lack of time spent. Though sad, the two good friends were not devastated
when they parted ways and went their separate ways.

However, after 3 years in Canada, Sanjana came back to India with a cushy job at the right
age apt for marriage at 30 and her parents started looking for a prospective groom. Sanjana
too did not mind and then a touch of destiny happened. While scrolling on apps, the parents
and Sanjana discovered Karan and maybe initially out of curiosity and good will, Sanjana
decided to meet Karan just for old time sakes. This one meeting led to another, then
another and another until the two decided to get married this time and the Marathi &
punjabi parents and extended families too gave their blessings. Karan & Sanjana are
engaged now

Mayank & Sanjana Back Story: When Sanjana flew away to Vancouver, in some time a new
life began; one of music, new friends and exploring a new country. During one of her solo
travels to discover new sounds/instruments she met an odd boy, sitting on the side of a hill
top and playing a flute in wilderness. This is how she first met Mayank Khanna. Mayank was
risk taking, always travelling, passionately loving and always up for adventure and to top it
all was from a similar community like Sanjana, so the food habits & culture was also more or
less similar and soon this adventure turned into a wild love story. A love story, that went on
for 2 years. But what 2 years they were! It was as if Sanjana was always on a high. Their
relationship never had a dull moment, it burned like a flaming torch, too bright, too quick
and then Mayank one day decided to move to Paris for trying event planning there. From
Mayank’s end the relationship had run its course but Sanjana was left heart-broken this
time. So much so that, she decided to move back to India, closer to her parents. And this is
where eventually Karan happened to her again out of the blue and she decided he was the
right one.

The Current Story

Our series opens in a Mangalorean wedding where we see Sanjana and Karan (now engaged
) enjoying with her college group. It is the wedding of one of their friends from the post grad
days and everyone is having too much fun. The wedding is very well planned and everything
is in its right place; the food, the clothes, the people, the festivities and the jewellery.
Sanjana & Karan are the hot topic of discussion in this wedding as everyone is excited to
attend their wedding next in a month’s time. In this wedding we see beautiful integrations
of Kalyan jewellers happening via use cases (women of the wedding family & friends
wearing them) & family scenarios set up in the showroom as well. It is in this beautifully set
up wedding that we get the back story of Sanjana & Karan layed out above via their friends,
family and exposition. The wedding is a grand success and Sanjana is mighty impressed with
the arrangements, so much so that she insists, almost forces Karan to cancel their present
planner and book this one. Karan agrees, takes a visiting card from a junior in the reception
and calls up Wanderlust Planners. A man picks up, he talks very eloquently and gives the
right rate for managing the wedding as well. Karan is also impressed by the polished
attitude and books Wanderlust Planners that very day, Sanjana is so happy. Their mutual
friend’s wedding ends


Sanjana & Karan’s wedding is nearing day by day and friends and family are really excited.
The brand Kalyan comes here again as we see more use cases and discussions among the
families. The wedding is set in a beautiful resort but owing to Quarantine scenarios, only a
fixed number of people can be invited and whosoever does get invited becomes part of that
bubble; for a fixed time has to stay, cannot exit. The wedding planning team therefore too
becomes part of this bio bubble and here we get the cruel joke of fate. Early one morning
during the set-up of one of the venues, Sanjana is walking across the lawn when she hears
the voice of Karan but along with him another voice, an oddly familiar voice, a voice that she
remembers deep in her heart. She walks ahead and finds Karan standing with Mayank as the
two men are talking about the arrangements. By their conversations from afar she realises
Mayank is the owner of Wanderlust Planners! How could she know! How could she! And to
think she herself insisted Karan to change the wedding planner, now its too late to change
that. Dazed and in shock, Sanjana slowly walks forward and comes into the view of both
men. Karan is smiling at her and Mayank is rooted to his spot. Karan introduces Mayank and
the two shake hands and their eyes meet, there is utter confusion and nostalgia dripping
from both set of eyes, this was not supposed to happen, this was the last thing that was
supposed to happen!!

This is our story. A wedding planned beautifully with all its Indian vibrancy and opulence,
jewellery and family, emotions and food. A story of Sanjana who is about to get married to a
good friend, maybe a best friend now but it is also the story of a girl who was mad in love
with the idea of this man, this man standing in her wedding now. Mayank seeing Sanjana
this way starts feeling strongly for her again, he realizes he should not have let her go, but is
it too late, can 15 days change things ? Will the head strong Sanjana tell all to Karan, she
must, or should she? Through this beautiful story of three people we realise how love needs
the etc in it. This is a celebration of a journey with Kalyan jewellers.

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