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Whistleblower Accuses Top Australian Vaccine Advisor

I got home from WA late last night and have just started going through the mail that came while I was away. In the pile of letters, bills and magazines was a typed note in an envelope postmarked October 31st from the Perth Mail Centre. It reads as follows: I have been following stories in the newspapers about the CSL flu vaccine and I can no longer keep silent. I am so sad to hear about Saba Button. I worked in a vaccine trials unit in Western Australia that is headed by Dr XXXXXXX. Dr XXXXXXXX is paid by drug companies (including CSL) to run vaccine trials and attend conferences and meetings all around the world. Dr XXXXXXX goes business class and stays in 5-star hotels. Dr XXXXXXXX was also a major supporter for the introduction of the flu vaccine in young children in WA and Australia. Dr XXXXXX is a member of The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI). This doctor also receives hundreds of thousands of dollars to run so-called vaccine trials. This is a major conflict of interest. I have not signed this letter as I work in XXXXXXXXX and I am afraid that if I am identified, I will have problems. I met with the family of Saba Button whilst I was in WA (I met with them on my last trip too and we have been in contact by both telephone and email many times over the intervening period). I can tell you that this family is spending tens of thousands of dollars on therapies for Saba and they are suffering dreadfully as a result of what this vaccine has done to their gorgeous little girl. I can also tell you that this reaction was entirely preventable because neither they nor any other parent who gave permission for their precious child to be vaccinated in this campaign was informed that their babies were being used as guinea pigs in a trial that was paid for by the drug companies involved. Neither were they aware that those payments going to people who ostensibly worked for the government (both state and federal) and who were considered to be but actually were not independent. If the proper authorities had not been asleep at the wheel or even driving somebody elses car while this trial was running, it could have been stopped weeks earlier. It was in this critical period when Saba received this vaccine. The fact that the person who was involved in urging the WA government to market this vaccine to parents without letting them know it was experimental was also being paid by the drug company who actually made the vaccine to run said trial is shocking but not news. The fact that this person is also a member of ATAGI, the group that advises the Federal Government on vaccine policy, what vaccines to license and which ones to add to the schedule so parents dont have to pay for them is also shocking but still not news. Even the fact that this person appears to have been taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in drug company money, trips, and perks is not news. This is all known. In fact, it may even be legal. It is immoral, unethical and in a just world, these people might be forced to receive the same vaccines they have licensed for children

without proper testing, but it is known, not uncommon and possibly not even wrong according to the Australian government. In fact, we are told that all of our medical advisors must be paid by the drug companies because it seems to be impossible to find qualified people who havent been tainted by drug company cash. This is why the AVN says that we cant trust our government when it comes to their assessment of the safety or effectiveness of drugs and vaccines. There is a holy trinity comprised of the government, the drug companies and the doctors. This triad is protected by self-regulation (via the TGA which is completely funded by pharmaceutical licensing fees) and a complicit media which is beholden to drug company advertising. Sounds conspiratorial? Well Im sorry, but these are the facts. If someone has inside information on the way in which drug and vaccine trials are run or any other information on pharmaceutical or government corruption, I urge you to find a way to release that information to Whistleblowers Australia. You will find their contact details by clicking here. Tags: ATAGI, corruption, Medical ethics, WA Flu vaccine
This entry was posted on Monday, November 7th, 2011 at 6:26 pm and is filed under Accountability, Medical ethics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Available online 8/11/2011 at (

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