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Television Rating Points - TRP is the criterion that indicates the popularity of a channel or programme and this data is very useful for the advertisers Presently, INTAM (Indian Television Audience Measurement) is the only electronic rating agency functioning in India. INTAM uses two methodologies for calculating TRP. First is frequency monitoring, in which 'people meters' are installed in sample homes and these electronic gadgets continuously record data about the channel watched by the family members. 'People meter' is a costly equipment, which is imported from abroad. It reads the frequencies of channels, which are later, decoded into the name of the channels and the agency prepares a national data on the basis of its sample homes readings. But there is a drawback in the technique, as cable operators frequently change the frequencies of the different channels before sending signals to the homes. It may be very misleading to read a channel according to a particular frequency even if the down linking frequency is same all over India. Second technique is more reliable and relatively new to India. In picture matching technique people meter continuously records a small portion of the picture that is being watched on that particular television set. Along with this agency also records all the channels' data in the form of small picture portion. Data collected from the sample homes is later on matched with the main data bank to interpret the channel name. And this way national rating is produced.

INFOTAINMENT Infotainment is "information-based media content or programming that also includes entertainment [1] content in an effort to enhance popularity with audiences and consumers." It is a neologistic portmanteau of information and entertainment, referring to a type of media which provides [2] a combination of information and entertainment. According to many dictionaries infotainment is [3] always television, and the term is "mainly disapproving." However, many self-described infotainment [4] websites exist, which provide a variety of functions and services. The label "infotainment" is emblematic of concern and criticism that journalism is devolving from a medium which conveys serious information about issues affecting public interest, into a form of entertainment which happens to have fresh "facts" in the mix. The criteria by which reporters and editors judge news value - whether something is worth putting on the front page, the bottom of the [weasel words] hour, or is worth commenting on at all - are integral parts of this debate. Some blame the media for this perceived phenomenon, for failing to live up to ideals of civic journalistic [citation needed] [weasel words] responsibility. Others blame the commercial nature of many media organizations, the need for higher ratings, combined with a preference among the public for feel-good content and [citation needed] "unimportant" topics (like celebrity gossip or sports). In a critique of infotainment, Bonnie Anderson of News Flash cited a CNN lead story on February 2, 2004 following the exposure of Janet Jackson's breast on national television. The follow up story was about a ricin chemical attack on [5] the U.S. Senate majority leader.

specilality channel

A specialty channel is a television channel which consists of programming focused on a single type or targeted at a specific demographic.

The number of specialty channels has greatly increased during the 1990s and 2000s while the previously common concept of countries having just a few (national) TV stations addressing all interest groups and demographics became increasingly outmoded, as it already had been for some time in several countries. Types of specialty services may include, but by no means are limited to: adult channels children's interest channels documentary channels live politics and public interest channels men's interest channels movie channels music channels news channels quiz channels shopping channels sports channels women's interest channels

test transmission

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