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Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 01

Q: 01 Find the value of 𝑥 in the following questions.

Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 02
Q: 01 Use the laws of logarithms to evaluate the following questions.

Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 03
Q: 01 Simplify the following.

Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 04
Q: 01 A company bought a piece of equipment for $10,000 and sold it for $8,000.
Calculate the loss percentage.
Q: 02 Engineer Zaheer bought a mobile for $15,000 and sold it for $12,000.
Calculate the loss percentage.
Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 05
Q: 01 A car was bought for $25,000 and sold for $30,000. Calculate the profit
Q: 02 A real estate agent bought a property for $200,000 and sold it for $250,000.
Calculate the profit percentage.
Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 06
Q: 01 A watch originally priced at $200 is on sale for $150. Calculate the discount
Q: 02 A smartphone is discounted by 25%. If the original price is $800, find the
sale price.
Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 07
Q: 01 A motorcycle insurance premium is 4% of the motorcycle's value, which is
$8000. Calculate the amount of premium.
Q: 02 A travel insurance premium is 2.5% of the total trip cost, which is $2000.
Calculate the amount of premium.
Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 08
Q: 01 If the income tax rate is 10% and the taxable income is $50,000, calculate
the income tax.
Q: 02 If the income tax rate is 40% and the taxable income is $300,000, calculate
the income tax.
Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 09
Q: 01 Expand the following questions.
a. (𝑦 + 7)2 c. (2𝑥 + 4)2
b. (2𝑥 + 3𝑦)2 d. (3𝑤 + 9𝑛)2

Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 10
Q: 01 Expand the following questions.
a. (2𝑝 − 𝑞)2 c. (6𝑥 − 5𝑏)2
b. (3𝑎 − 9)2 d. (3𝑤 − 5𝑗)2

Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 11
Q: 01 Expand the following questions.
a. 49𝑤 2 − 25 c. 16𝑧 2 − 36
b. 81𝑎2 − 4𝑏2 d. 64𝑓 2 − 100

Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 12
Q: 01 Find the cubes of the following.
a. 𝑎 + 4𝑐 c. 4 + 𝑏𝑧
b. 3𝑥 + 2 d. 6𝑐 + 𝑚

Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 13
Q: 01 Find the cubes of the following.
a. 2𝑣 − 3𝑖 c. 3𝑠 − 6𝑡
b. −6𝑦 + 2𝑑 d. 5𝑤 − 6

Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 14
Q: 01 Find the cubes of the following. (By using subtraction formula)
a. 38 c. 08
b. 29 d. 88

Grade-VIII Mathematics worksheet# 15
Q: 01 If 𝑎 + 𝑏 = 8, what is the value of 𝑎3 + 𝑏3 + 24𝑎𝑏 ?
Q: 02 If 𝑦 = 2𝑥 + 4, show that 𝑦 3 − 8𝑥 3 − 24𝑥𝑦 = 64.


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