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3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, ISTQB - Chapter 03 Points: 33/38 Time: 42:04 Y Correct 1/1 Points Which of the following has the typical formal review activities in the correct sequence? * kick-off, Review meeting, Review entry criteria, Planning, Follow-up, Checking exit criteria. Kick-off, Planning, Review meeting, Re-work, Follow-up, Noting incidents. Planning, Kick-off, Review entry criteria, Individual preparation, Noting incidents, Review meeting, Examine, Rework, Fixing defects, Follow-up, Checking exit criteria, Planning, Individual preparation, Follow-up, Re-work, Y Correct 1/1 Points What is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection? * An inspection is led by the authors, whilst a walkthrough is led by a trained moderator ‘An inspection has a trained leader, whilst a walkthrough has no leader Authors are not present during inspections, whilst they are during walkthroughs.¢TIPGMONINTJKWEGTTT... 1/16 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, ‘Awalkthrough is led by the author, whilst an inspection is led by a trained moderator. Y Correct 1/1 Points What statement about reviews is true? * Inspections are led by a trained moderator, whereas technical reviews are not necessarily. Technical reviews are led by a trained leader, inspections are not. Ina walkthrough, the author does not attend, Participants for a walkthrough always need to be thoroughly trained, X Incorrect _ 0/1 Points Which of the following contains a list of the issues/findings that were discussed during the meeting? * Incident Report Protocol Meeting Report ‘Summary Report Y Correct 1/1 Points Select all that apply. Which defect can typically be discovered using a static analysis tool? * Inconsistencies in numerical calculations Programming standards violations KiSn@qmtsZ9@UNEFEVKKATISGMONINTJKWESTTT.... 2116 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, Problems related to system usability Internal and external system reliability Y Correct 1/1 Points Select all that apply. Which test requires the execution of the software component? * Formal inspection Dynamic testing Code walkthrough Execution testing Y Correct 1/1 Points Which of the following sentences lists the main advantages of reviews over testing? * No need of specific tools, lower risk verification, better classification of detected defects Low cost of defects detection, enhancement of code and documents quality, identifica- tion of improvement opportunities No need to write specific plans for reviews, code reviews and can save white box testing Clear allocation of roles to review members, confidence that participants are familiar with the reviewed subject Y Correct 1/1 Points Which of the following statements is correct? *¢qmtsZ9@UNEFEVKKATISGMONINTJKWESTTT.... 316 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, Pair Programming is an alternative term for code inspection Pair Programming is used usually in Waterfall Model Pair Programming is, two programmers work as a pair together on one workstation, an informal review method Pair Programming is done with developer and tester pairing together, Y Correct 1/1 Points Which one of the following roles is typically used in a review? * Champion Author Project Sponsor Custodian Y Correct 1/1 Points What do Static Analysis tools analyze? * Design Test Cases Requirements Program Code Y Correct 1/1 Points KiSn@qmtsZ9@UNEFEVKKATISGMONINTJKWESTTT.... 4i16 ‘024, 4:24 Pa 15TOB - Chapter 03 Which of the following characteristics and types of review processes belong together? i. Led by the author ii, Undocumented iiiNo management participation iv. Led by a trained moderator or leader v. Uses entry and exit criteria Inspection Technical Review 1 2. 3. _ Informal Review 4. Walkthrough 1 =iv,2=ii,3 =iiandv,4=i andy, 2 = iii, 3=i,4 =i 1s iandy,2= iii, 3 =ii,4=iv 2=v,3= ii, 4=iandii Y Correct 1/1 Points Which are the following statements are correct for walkthroughs? Often led by the author. ii.Documented and defined results. iiiAll participants have defined roles. iv.Used to aid learning. (i) and (v) are correct (il) and (i) are correct (i) and (iv) are correct (ii) and (iv) are correct KiSn@qmtsZ9@UNEFEVKKATISGMONINTJKWESTTT.... SI16 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, Y Correct 1/1 Points Which of the following most likely to be a benefit of using Static Techniques? * Fewer performance defects Productivity improvements in the development process More efficient regression testing Quick return on investment in static analysis tools Y Correct 1/1 Points Select all that apply. Which typical defects are easier to find using static instead of dynamic testing? i.Deviation from standards ii. Requirements defects iii, Insufficient maintainability iv. Incorrect interface specifications 0, (i, Gi) and (iv) ( and (ii) (0, i) and tiv) (0, (i and (ii) X Incorrect 0/1 Points Which of the following statements about early test design are true and which are false? Defects found during early test design are more expensive to fix ii. Early test design can find defects iii. Early test design can cause changes to the requirements ntps:ormsofce.comPages!ResponsePage.aspx?id=qDYWCEAIVEUpYytx_wiV@BL2b1xJKSndqntsZ99UNEFEVAKSTISGMONINTIKWESTTT... 6116 sy20m, 434 PM Ist08 -Chateroa iv. Early test design takes more effort. (i and (ii) are true. (ji) and (iv) are false (id is true. (9, (ii) and (iv) are false (il) and Gi) are true. ()) and {iv) are false (id, Gil) and (iv) are true. (i) is false Y Correct 1/1 Points A static analysis tool analyzes a give program's CONTROL FLOW among other things. Which of the following options represents the most likely outcome of the control flow analysis: * Report on adherence to the coding standards Number of source code lines Identification of unreachable code Number of comment lines Y Correct 1/1 Points What statement about static analysis is true? * With static analysis, defects can be found that are difficult to find with dynamic testing, Compiling is not a form of static analysis When properly performed, static analysis makes functional testing redundant Static analysis finds all faults 1xJ1kSnSqmts239UNEFEVKK¢TISGMONINTJKWEGTTT 76 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, Y Correct 1/1 Points Data flow analysis studies: * How rapidly data is transferred through a program The rate of change of data values as a program executes The usage of data on paths through the program code is checked The intrinsic complexity of the code Y Correct 1/1 Points Which is not a type of review? * Walkthrough Inpection Informal review Management approval Y Correct 1/1 Points Which of the following artifacts can be examined by using review techniques? * Software Code Requirements Specification Test Designs¢qmtsZ9@UNEFEVKKATIDGMONINTJKWESTTT.... 8/16 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, All the above Y Correct 1/1 Points For which of the following activities is a static analysis too! not useful? * Analysis of linked web pages Calculation of complexity of the code Quantitative analysis related to the tests (ex. Tests passed) Enforcement of coding standards Y Correct 1/1 Points Which statement about the function of a static analysis tool is true? * Gives quality information about the code without executing it Checks expected results against actual results Can detect memory leaks Gives information about what code has and has not been exercised Y Correct 1/1 Points Select all that apply. Which statements correctly describe certain activities of a formal review? * Looking for defects occurs during the kick-off phase; Fixing defects found happens during the planning phase.'ResponsePage.aspx7id=qDyWCEAIVEUPYmyix_wiVEBL2b1xI K/Sn@qmtsZ9@UNEFEVKKATISGMONINTJKWESTTT.... 9i16 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, Personnel selection occurs during the planning phase; Gathering metrics happens during the review meeting phase Distributing documents occurs during the planning phase; Personal review happens during the individual preparation phase Personnel selection occurs during the planning phase; Fixing defects found happens dur- ing the rework phase Y Correct 1/1 Points Due to the importance of software reliability - the project manager and the QA manager decided to execute on each new module code inspection, static analysis and white box tests. The recommended sequence of these activities is: * Code inspection, white box testing, static analysis White box testing first, other two can be done in any order White box first (if black box test is not planned), static analysis and finally code inspection Static analysis, code inspection, white box testing Y Correct 1/1 Points Which of the following statements are true? Defects are likely to be found earlier in the development by using review rather than static analysis ii.Walkthroughs require code but static analysis doesn’t require code iliInformal reviews can be performed on code and specifications iv.Dynamic techniques are generally used before static techniques v.Dynamic techniques can only be used after code is ready to be executed 0.0, 0) (id, Gi, (W) mytx_wVBBL2b1xI1K/SnSqmtsZ99UNEFEVKK¢TIPGMONINTJKWEGTT.... 10/16 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, 0.00.) 0, Gi, X Incorrect 0/1 Points Which type of defects can be found in Reviews? * Requirements & Design defects Insufficient maintainability Incorrect interface specifications All the above Y Correct 1/1 Points Select all that apply. Reviews may fail to achieve their objectives due to; i. The required persons are not available or do not have the required qualifications or technical skills ii. Inaccurate estimates during resource planning. il, Lack of management support, lack of preparation, lack of time and lack of motivation. iv. Missing or insufficient documentation. (i and (ii) are true. (ji) and (iv) are false (itis true. (9, (ii) and (iv) are false (il) and (i) are true. (i) and (iv) are false (0, (@, Gi) and (iv) are true mytx_wVBBL2b1xI1K/SnSqmtsZ99UNEFEVKK¢TIPGMONINTJKWEGTT.. 11/16 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, Y Correct 1/1 Points Select all that apply. What do static analysis tools analyze? * Design Test cases Requirements Program Code © Will be reviewed Static code analysis typically identifies all but one of the following problems. Which is iv* Unreachable code Undeclared variables Faults in the requirements Too few comments Y Correct 1/1 Points Select all that apply. Which of the following statements are true? * Defects are likely to be found earlier in the development by using review rather than, static analysis Walkthroughs require code but static analysis doesn't require code. Informal reviews can be performed on code and specifications. 1kiSnSqmts239UNEFEVK&ATIpGMONINTJKWEGTT. rane 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, Dynamic techniques are generally used before static techniques. Dynamic techniques can only be used after code is ready to be executed Y Correct 1/1 Points Which of the following is most likely to be performed by developers? * Technical review of a functional specification Walkthrough of a requirements document Informal review of a program specification Static Analysis of a software model Y Correct 1/1 Points One of the roles in a review is that of moderator, which of the following best describes this role? * Plans the review, runs the review meeting and ensures that follow-up activities are completed. Allocates time in the plan, decides which reviews will take place and that the benefits are de- livered. Writes the document to be reviewed, agrees that the document can be reviewed, and up- dates the document with any changes. Documents all issues raised in the review meeting, records problems and open points. Y Correct 1/1 Points 1kiSnSqmts239UNEFEVK&ATIpGMONINTJKWEGTT. 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, Select all that apply. In a formal review, who is primarily responsible for the documents to be reviewed? * Author Manager Moderator Reviewers Y Correct = 1/1 Points Select all that apply. Which defects are OFTEN much cheaper to remove? * Usability defects found by customers Defects in frequently used functionality Defects that were detected early Minor defects that were found by users X Incorrect 0/1 Points Which of the following would be a key difference between a peer review of code and static analysis of code using a tool? * A peer review finds failures while static analysis finds faults A peer review finds defects while static analysis finds failures Static analysis targets the code technically whereas peer review is applicable to func- tional aspects Peer review cannot find missing requirements whereas static analysis can ytx_wVBBL2b1xI1K/SnSqmtsZ99UNEFEVKK¢TIPGMONINTJKWEGTT.... 14/16 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, Y Correct 1/1 Points Select all that apply One of the roles in a review is that of moderator, which of the following best describes this role? * Plans the review, runs the review meeting and ensures that follow-up activities are completed. Allocates time in the plan, decides which reviews will take place and that the benefits are delivered Writes the document to be reviewed, agrees that the document can be reviewed, and up- dates the document with any changes. Documents all issues raised in the review meeting, records problems and open points. Y Correct 1/1 Points 1. Select all that apply. In a formal review, who is primarily responsible for the documents to be reviewed? * ‘Author Maager Moderator Reviewers Y Correct 1/1 Points Which of the following are static techniques? * Walkthrough State Transition testing mytx_wVBBL2b1xI1K/SnSqmtsZ99UNEFEVKK¢TIPGMONINTJKWEGTT.... 15/16 3720724, 4:34 PM ISTQB - Chapter 03, Decision Table testing Statement testing Keep the information with you by saving your response, Microsoft 365 This content is created by the owner of the form. The data you submit will be sent to the form owner. Microsoft is not responsible or the privacy of security practices ofits customers, including those ofthis form owner. Never give out your password Microsoft Forms | Al-Powered surveys, quizzes and polls Create my awn form Privacy and cookies |Terms of use mytx_wVBBL2D1xI1K/SnSqmtsZ99UNEFEVKK¢TIPGMONINTJKWEGTT.... 18/16

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