UAS ESSAY WRITING - Wanda Sheilina Salsabila - 21202083

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Name : Wanda Sheilina Salsabila

Class : TBI-A
NIM : 21202083
Final-test : Classification Essay

Variants of COVID-19 Virus Based on The Symptoms

Covid-19 will stay here for a while and we must not let our guard down. Health protocols
must be enforced. Citing the Times of India, three proven ways to prevent Covid-19 from
wreaking havoc are: vaccination, following Covid-19 protocols and knowing the symptoms at
once. In each variant, the symptoms of infection and the degree of infection appear to vary.
However there are certain common symptoms of the Covid-19 disease which have been found
in all infections caused by different variants.

The new Alpha variant was first discovered in the UK, and was originally called variant
B.1.1.7. Alpha strain is known to be about 50 percent more contagious than the original strain.
Meanwhile, the general symptoms caused by infection with this new Alpha variant tend to be
more severe than the initial variant. Some of the specific symptoms of infection with the Alpha
variant are: Cough with mucus, viral mucus discharge from the mouth and nose, cough and
sore throat, loss of taste and sense of smell, shortness of breath, difficulty thinking clearly,
dizziness, malaise, and nausea, fatigue and pain muscle.

The next variant of Covid-19 which is also found in Indonesia is the Beta variant. This
new Beta variant first appeared in South Africa, and was called B.1.351 at the beginning of its
discovery. The Beta variant has a different mutation pattern, which causes more changes in the
structure of the spike protein belonging to the coronavirus. Meanwhile, the general symptoms
caused by infection with this Beta variant are not much different from the initial variant. The
following are some of the specific symptoms found in patients infected with Beta variant: Fever,
loss of sense of smell, headache, persistent cough, stomach pain, and sore throat.

This one variant is the type or variant that is the most feared at this time, namely the
Delta variant. The Delta variant is included in the VoC category by WHO, because the
transmission is very fast and processive up to 20 percent compared to the initial variant. In fact,
the general symptoms that occur in patients due to infection with the Delta variant are known to
be relatively severe compared to the initial strain. Meanwhile, the specific symptoms found were
as follows: Headache, severe flu, sore throat, fever, cough, stomach pain, vomiting, vausea,
joint pain, hearing loss, and loss of appetite.

By knowing the various variants as well as the symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, it is
hoped that the public will urge each other to maintain health to avoid the virus. Various ways can
be done, such as maintaining a social environment, managing a proper dietary habit, and
exercising more.

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