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The Black Death

The starting of renaissance is happen in way when they started having interaction with
Greek and England they started to know that other than religion any other thing also exists
and also happening around so that’s why people slowly started realizing and investing their
time in doing such new activites and inventions but still therer are the people who opposed
their religion and think that church and religion is everything , on this basis of this we can see
there are some gist of humanism is there .
which people also try to convey from there books but in some or other way it didn’t become
succesfull as it should be also the people learning and seeing new or different types of
clothing whinch influced from the royal families and not exactly the copy but similar kind of
outfit . and slowly the rise of literature happen but suddenly kind of diease from south asia
or china hit the eroupe and because of that everything changed drastically and many people
died and economy drastically changed and fall and population started decreasing ans death
rate started increasing. may be that could be reason of 1300 to 1400 progess on that
particular years, so there are cases of plague it would be the reason of not progressing but
later on many evolution and war happen because taking the advantage of Europe region
many kings tried to conquer Europe or extend its limit of boundary on town or village.
A devastating plague affecting humans was not a new phenomenon, with a serious outbreak
having occurred in the mid-5th century CE which ravaged the Mediterranean area
and Constantinople, in particular. The Black Death of 1347 CE entered Europe, probably
via Sicily, when it was carried there by four Genoese rat-infested grain ships sailing from
Caffa, on the Black Sea. The port city had been under siege by Tartar-Mongols who had
catapulted infected corpses into the city, and it was there the Italians had picked up the
plague. Another origin was Mongol traders using the Silk Road who had brought the disease
from its source in central Asia, with China specifically being identified ,although South East
Asia has been proposed as an alternative source and actual historical evidence of an
epidemic caused by plague in China during the 14th century CE is weak.

Also there are other inventions happen in between which could be also remarkable in
renaissance history like pocket guns tower clock and many more also the many revolution
happen around the period of black death and wars also and basically main reason of that
was to conquer the part and extend limits or one could be the reason of religion and what the
church will say they have to blindly follow that.

So all have their own theories and own belives on how the plague spread among contury
some started beliving that it happen because of trade in black sea they know on that time
blace sea plays major role in trading they import and export things from Italian cities and
make them wealthiest city from any other on that time. Most of belive that its started
spreading from Eurasia by carring parasites on the backs of mice which likely travelled from
china to northern shores of Caspian , then slowly it start spreading through trade route of
sea to Africa, Italy , France etc.
Then because of pandemic people slowly trying to connect with the religion like god is deaf
and he was not able to listen our problems and in late 14th century engish writer Wiliam
Langland, in his epic poem “piers powman”.
The Black Death turned the economy upside-down. It disrupted trade and put manufacturing
on hold as skilled artisans and merchants died by the thousands—not to mention the
customers who bought their wares. Workers’ wages skyrocketed as arable land lay fallow;
landlords, desperate for people to work their land, were forced to renegotiate farmers’
wages. Famine followed. Widespread death eroded the strict hereditary class divisions that
had, for centuries, bound peasants to land owned by local lords
And people started trusting church and Christianity as a result church become wealthier as
many of those stricken, in an effort to assure a place in heaven, willed their property to the
church and weakening of churches rule
The Peasant’s Revolt of June 1381 it was though the edward’s region , new poll taxes was
imposed on public by knowing that they wont be able to pay it , wages are given less
because of decreasing economy and they were not given proper wages, some landlord
didn’t paythe labours because of plague and they turn free from work to some labours
also,exploitation is also the major reason of these revolt. And after that shortage of labour
are also seen and the tax they earn from the revolt used in war with France. for weapons
and survival .

Snehal Jain

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