Comp 101 Shett

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What is a Computer

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data. Period.

It can use a computer to type documents, send emails, play games and browse the web
it can also be used to edit or create spreadsheets presentation

Uses of computers in our daily life

1. Computer in education.
● Schools and colleges around the world are using computer software and web
technologies to teach students digitally and creatively with data visualization.
● Uses of the computer in a classroom will explore creativity and imagination in student's
● Drawing tools, spreadsheets, Audio, Video lectures, PowerPoint presentations, etc are
very beneficial for students to learn more deeply and accurately.
● That created the new education business model called Small classes, smart
Classrooms, and digital Classrooms. Any student can benefit from the Internet and
computers after having basic computer skills.

2. Computer in business
● With the computer and Internet connection, we can start a business, run a business and
manage the business. And we can grow the business by the use of a computer. Google,
Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon and Alibaba, all are website created by the use of
computers and the Internet.
● Businesses and companies use a computer to do marketing and business planning.
They use a computer to record customer data, and they use a computer to manage
goods and services.
● A computer with an Internet connection is really important for businesses now. They can
do Internet marketing. They can sell products and services online through websites and
social media.

3. Computers in hospital
● Uses of computers in the hospital provide many benefits for doctors and patients.
Hospitals can create a database of a patient with their treatment records and medical
records. Doctors are using a computer to diagnose the disease of patients faster.
● They are taking the help of various medical application of computer and hardware
devices, the use of computers, and their application in hospitals such as doing research
on disease blood tests, urine tests, brain testing, and body scanning.

4. Computer in banking
● Banks are using computers daily to faster and more accurate customer demands.
● This process is faster and more accurate. Bumps are also providing ATMs to withdraw
cash deposits ATMs for their customers. Whenever we deposit or withdraw money, we
get messages on our mobile numbers.
● But to take the benefits of online banking, facilities, it's important that you have
knowledge about online fraud or scams and also about how you can prevent yourself
from the scam online.

5. Computer in government offices

● Government works or official works take more time to complete than in the past.
● There was lots of stuff required in the past to manage citizens work, but today citizens
and consumers are getting a solution quickly and accurately.
● Because of the use of computers in official works, there are so many applications that
speed up the process and quality of official works.
● As Microsoft Office packages, e-mail, and video conferencing tools are a few
applications that speed up the work. Government offices with acurrency.
● But still, there is a lack of computer skills among government officials and they need to
learn and improve their application knowledge. And they can do it online by doing online
basic computer courses.

6. Computer at home.
● The uses of computers at home depends on the user.
● Some people use a computer to take online classes.
● Some people use this machine to do online business.
● Some people use it to listen to songs, watch videos, movies., ETC

7. Computers in marketing.
● The use of computers with the Internet is creating new ways to do product and service
marketing online.
● Digital marketing services, products, website, and businesses are growing. Businesses
can use a computer to type marketing content and publish content marketing articles on
websites and social media.
● Companies can chat, e-mail, outsource, apply, and do various works that are included in
Internet marketing such as website designing, and search engine Optimization, PPC,
content marketing, social media marketing. All by the use of a computer to market their
products and services in the best possible ways.

Importance of computer
● A Computer is a vital tool for accessing and processing information and data as it is the
first window to access the Internet.
● It is an important tool for science students, who generally rely on it in preparing their
educational reports and projects.
● It facilitates ways of communicating with others by editing and writing messages and
preparing reports and documents.
● It is an effective element in achieving success in the educational process.
● It is a major tool in distance education. This type of education cannot be completed
without the presence of a laptop or computer.
● It helps to be familiar with the news and stay up to date as it is a means of
communicating with the outside world.
● It helps in doing some electronic transactions such as making payments, purchasing and
● It helps perform the task assigned to the user.
● It provides tools and means the facilitate work such as tables, worksheets, presentations
and many more.
● It preserves and stores information away from the damaging factors of traditional
methods of storage.
● It facilitates making and storing calculations.

Advantages of computer
1. Increase your productivity.
● Computers help increase your productivity and users become more productive at
everything they do on the software running on the computer with a good understanding.
● For instance, when you have work on Excel worksheet with a basic understanding you
can create, edit, delete, store, calculation and print documents and letters.
● With all pre-existing technologies, all of these things were either impossible or much

2. Storage
● One of the most useful advantages of computers is able to store and access vast
amounts of data which can be retrieved in the future.
● For example.A computer system and devices like ebook readers have enough storage
capacity as they can store hundreds or thousands of books.
● It can store movies, pictures, songs digitally and documents on the computer, and can
quickly find data accordingly and share information between devices.
● It produces plastics and paper requirements that are used to make non digital versions
of the media.

3. Connect you to the Internet

● A computer has the ability to connect you to the network or the Internet. Once you
connected, you can search for any type of information and can download video, audio,
movies, documents, and more.

4. Multitasking
● It is one of the major benefits of computers. A person can do many different tasks at the
same time while working on a computer.
● A computer allows you to play songs, use a document, and calculate numerical
5. Reduced cost.
● Computers can be considered As a low-cost solution to earn money in many different
ways, when on computer is connected to the Internet, it can be used to create and run
an online blog or website, create software, selling products.

6. Improve abilities.
● If you have poor grammar, math, you are not the best seller and do not have a great
memory or need some other help. You can improve your abilities with the help of a
● Also, if you are a hard learner, you can depend on the computer as an assistant.

7. Improves employment options.

● If you have a computer and know how to use a computer, you can improve your
employment options and can work from home.
● For example. Sometimes it may be a condition for any organization to allow work from
home to their employees.
● Like many, officers needed their employees to work from home in the 2020 COVID-19
● Even during the crisis, having a computer at home and knowing how to operate a
computer, mainly officers, allowed workers to continue their work from home.

8. Automation
● The computer can also be used to automate regular tasks such as launching specific
applications or software, sending emails, and scanning for viruses.
● For example, computers can be connected to a camera to track the movement of
specific objects. If there is an Ant movement, then computers can automatically send an
alert and start recording if they are programmed accordingly.

Disadvantages of computer
1. Health risk
● Problem computer use can lead to various health Issues such as eye strain and
sedentary lifestyle-related problems. Therefore, proper healthy computing habits must be
practiced whenever working with computers.
● Example. Spending excessive time in front of a computer screen with outbreaks can
cause computer vision syndrome and contribute to back and neck pain.

2. Cyber security threats.

● Computers are vulnerable to malware, viruses, and cyber-attacks, putting personal
information and sensitive data at risk.
● For example. Ransomware attacks can encrypt valuable data demanding payment for its
release causing significant financial and reputational damage.
3. Dependency and addiction
● Excessive reliance on computers can lead to dependency and addiction affecting social
interaction and overall well-being.
● For example. Internet addiction can cause individuals to neglect relationships, work and
personal responsibilities, leading to adverse consequences.

4. Privacy concerns
● Computers store vast amounts of personal data, raising concerns about privacy
breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive information.
● Do take serious precautions to prevent identity theft.
● For example. data breaches in which personal information is stolen from online
databases can lead to identity theft and financial loss.

5. Technological obsolescence
● Computers and software quickly become outdated, requiring frequent upgrades and
replacements, leading to additional expenses.
● For example. Older computers may not support the latest operating systems or software,
limiting functionality and compatibility.

6. Social isolation
● Excessive computer use can lead to social isolation as individuals spend more time
interacting with screens done with real people.
● For example. Spending hours on social media platforms can create a full sense of
connection while reducing face-to-face interactions.

7. Distraction and procrastination

● Computers offer numerous distractions such as social media, online games, and
streaming services, which can hinder productivity and focus.
● For example, students may struggle to concentrate on their studies when tempted by
online entertainment options.

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