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“Space tourism is not a dream it’s a reality”

said by General Lester L. Lyles

What is space tourism?

Space tourism is human space travel for recreational
purposes.[1] There are several different types of space
tourism, including orbital, suborbital and lunar space

How is space travel possible?

Space tourism, recreational space travel, either on established government-
owned vehicles such as the Russian Soyuz and the International Space
Station (ISS) or on vehicles fielded by private companies. Since the flight of
the world’s first space tourist, American businessman Dennis Tito, on April
28, 2001, space tourism has gained new prominence as more suborbital and
orbital tourism opportune
Latest advances
pace travel for normal people is getting
lower and lower in cost every day just
because of efforts applied by private
companies such as SpaceX and other. These
private companies build rockets which are
efficient to make space travel more easy.
Is space tourism good for
our planet?
->space travel can be a fun but little
bit expensive activity to do but, at the
other hand it harms our planet very
badly. If space tourism gets popular

there will be shortage of fuels and

even oxygen because in space crafts
liquid oxygen is used as a fuel. As well
as it would result into a high amount
of junk around earth’s orbit and can
cause problems by blocking sunlight
and can harm other space crafts used
for studies.

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