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Course Code: TS-6 Programme: BTS/BATS

Total Marks: 100 Assignment Code: TS-6/ TMA/ 2024

Note: This TMA consists of ten questions, out of which you have to attempt any five.
The question carries 20 marks each and should be answered in about 600 words each.
Send your TMA to the coordinator of your Study Centre.

1. Describe the concept of Tourism Marketing along with its features. 20

2. Explain market segmentation concept and its application in tourism with suitable
examples. 20

3. What is Marketing Research? Discuss the steps of conducting a market research. 20

4. Explain the concept of Forecasting along with its methods and applications in
Tourism industry. 20

5. Write a detailed note on the role of NGOs in tourism development. 20

6. Discuss how local cuisines can be marketed as a tourism product. 20

7. Discuss the major elements of Promotion Mix. Which one, according to you, is the
most effective one for promoting tourism products and why? 20

8. With the help of an example, describe how a tourism product can be developed. Also
discuss possible pricing strategies for the same. 20

9. Describe brochures and their role in Tour Operators Marketing. 20

10. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words. (4x5=20)

a) Importance of Familiarization tours in tourism promotion

b) Role of technology in Tourism Marketing
c) Target markets of Tourist Transporter
d) Seasonality in Tourism

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Programme: BTS/BATS
Assignment Code: TS-6/ TMA/ 2024
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

1. Describe the concept of Tourism Marketing along with its features.

50 NT
Tourism marketing is a specialized branch of marketing that focuses on promoting
tourism-related services and destinations to potential travelers. It involves a strategic
80 E
approach to attract visitors to a particular area, catering to their travel needs and
26 NM
enhancing their overall experience. This form of marketing is not just about selling a
product or a service; it's about selling an experience and a lifestyle.

Concept of Tourism Marketing

91 IG

Tourism marketing revolves around understanding the needs and desires of travelers
98 S

and creating tailored experiences that meet these expectations. It encompasses a


wide range of activities, including advertising, public relations, pricing strategies, and
distribution of information through various channels.

Understanding the Target Market


Tourism marketing starts with identifying and understanding the target market. This

could include families looking for a vacation, couples seeking a romantic getaway,

adventure enthusiasts, culture seekers, or business travelers. Each group has

different needs and preferences, and tourism marketing aims to cater to these
specific requirements.

Promotion of Destinations and Services

Tourism marketing involves promoting a destination, highlighting its unique

attractions, culture, heritage, and natural beauty. It also includes marketing various
services like hotels, tours, events, and transportation facilities that are integral to the
tourism experience.

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Creating a Brand Image

An essential part of tourism marketing is creating a brand image for the destination
or service. This involves developing a unique identity and a promise of a certain type
of experience that attracts tourists.

Features of Tourism Marketing

Customer-Centric Approach

Tourism marketing is highly customer-centric, focusing on creating personalized

experiences for tourists. Understanding customer preferences, behaviors, and

feedback is vital in shaping marketing strategies.

Integrated Marketing Communications

50 NT
This approach integrates various marketing tools such as advertising, sales
promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and digital marketing to deliver a
80 E
consistent message about the destination or service.
26 NM
Emphasis on Digital Marketing

In today's digital age, tourism marketing heavily relies on online platforms. This
91 IG

includes social media marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization

(SEO), and online advertising. Digital platforms offer a broad reach and the ability to
98 S

target specific audiences effectively.


Experiential Marketing

Tourism marketing focuses on selling experiences rather than just services. Marketers
use storytelling, virtual reality, and other immersive techniques to give potential

tourists a taste of what they can expect.


Relationship Marketing

Building long-term relationships with tourists is a key aspect of tourism marketing.

This involves maintaining ongoing communication and engagement, even after the
tourist has completed their journey.

Sustainable and Responsible Marketing

With growing awareness of environmental and social issues, sustainable and

responsible marketing has become increasingly important in tourism. This involves

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promoting eco-friendly practices and responsible tourism that respects local cultures
and environments.


Tourism marketing must often contend with the seasonality of travel. Strategies need
to be adapted for peak seasons, off-seasons, and shoulder seasons, with different
marketing messages and packages designed for each period.

Partnership and Collaboration

Effective tourism marketing often involves partnerships and collaborations between

various stakeholders, including local governments, tourism boards, travel agencies,

and service providers. Collaborative marketing can lead to more comprehensive and
attractive tourism packages.

50 NT
Use of Metrics and Analytics

80 E
Tourism marketers increasingly rely on metrics and analytics to measure the
26 NM
effectiveness of their strategies. Data-driven insights help in understanding tourist
behaviors and preferences, enabling more targeted and effective marketing
91 IG

Tourism marketing is a dynamic and multifaceted field that plays a crucial role in the
98 S

promotion of travel destinations and services. Its success lies in understanding and
meeting the needs of travelers, creating memorable experiences, and using a mix of

traditional and digital marketing strategies. With the growing emphasis on

sustainability and responsible travel, tourism marketing also has a role to play in

promoting practices that are environmentally friendly and culturally sensitive. As the

tourism industry continues to evolve, so too will the strategies and approaches of
tourism marketing, always with the aim of creating meaningful and enjoyable travel


2. Explain market segmentation concept and its application in tourism with suitable

Market segmentation in tourism is a strategic approach where the broad market of

potential tourists is divided into smaller, more manageable groups of individuals who
have similar needs, preferences, or characteristics. This segmentation allows tourism
businesses and destinations to tailor their marketing strategies and products more
effectively to meet the specific needs of different groups of tourists. The concept is

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crucial in the highly competitive tourism industry as it enables more efficient and
targeted marketing efforts, leading to better customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Concept of Market Segmentation

Definition and Purpose

Market segmentation involves dividing a target market into distinct subsets of

consumers with common needs or characteristics and then designing marketing
strategies specifically tailored to these segments. The primary purpose is to identify
and target specific groups more accurately, thereby maximizing the efficiency of

marketing efforts and resources.

Basis for Segmentation

50 NT
Market segmentation in tourism can be based on various criteria:

 Geographic Segmentation: Dividing the market based on location, such as

80 E
country, region, or city.
26 NM
 Demographic Segmentation: Based on measurable statistics such as age,
gender, income, education, and family size.
91 IG

 Psychographic Segmentation: Focusing on lifestyle, personality traits, values,

attitudes, and interests.
98 S


Behavioral Segmentation: Based on behaviors and patterns of tourists, such

as spending habits, benefits sought, and loyalty status.

Application of Market Segmentation in Tourism


Tailoring Products and Experiences


Once market segments are identified, tourism providers can tailor their products and

experiences to meet the specific preferences of each group.

Example: A resort might offer family-friendly packages with child-oriented activities

to attract families, while also providing romantic getaway packages for couples.

Targeted Marketing and Promotion

Segmentation enables targeted marketing efforts, including advertising, promotions,

and communication strategies that resonate with the specific interests and
preferences of each segment.

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Example: A cruise line might use different marketing campaigns for retirees
(emphasizing relaxation and luxury) and for younger travelers (highlighting adventure
and social activities).

Pricing Strategies

Different market segments have different sensitivities and expectations regarding

pricing. Segmentation allows for the development of varied pricing strategies to
appeal to each group.

Example: Budget accommodations and travel options can be marketed to students

and backpackers, while luxury experiences can be targeted at high-income segments.

Distribution Channels

50 NT
Different segments also have preferences for different distribution channels.
Understanding this can help in optimizing the sales and booking processes.

80 E
Example: Younger travelers may prefer to book trips online or via mobile apps,
26 NM
whereas older travelers might favor traditional travel agencies or direct phone

Product Development
91 IG

Understanding the needs and preferences of different market segments can guide
98 S

new product development and innovation in tourism offerings.


Example: Recognizing a growing segment interested in sustainable tourism, a travel

company might develop eco-friendly tours and accommodations.

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty


By meeting the specific needs of different segments, tourism providers can enhance
overall customer satisfaction, leading to repeat business and increased loyalty.

Example: Tailoring special loyalty programs for frequent travelers can create a sense
of belonging and incentivize repeat visits.

Market Expansion

Segmentation can help identify underserved or niche markets, offering opportunities

for expansion.

Example: Identifying a growing interest in culinary tourism, a destination can develop

food and wine tours to attract food enthusiasts.

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Challenges in Market Segmentation

 Over-Segmentation: Too many segments can lead to confusion and

inefficiency in marketing efforts.

 Dynamic Preferences: Tourist preferences can change over time, requiring

continuous research and adaptation.

 Data Collection and Analysis: Effective segmentation relies on accurate and

comprehensive data collection and analysis, which can be resource-intensive.

Market segmentation is a powerful tool in the tourism industry, enabling providers to

understand and cater to the diverse needs of tourists more effectively. By identifying

distinct groups within the broader market and tailoring products, marketing
strategies, and experiences to these segments, tourism businesses can enhance their

50 NT
competitiveness, customer satisfaction, and profitability. The key to successful
segmentation lies in ongoing market research, adaptability to changing trends, and a
80 E
balance between targeted marketing and broad appeal.
26 NM
5. Write a detailed note on the role of NGOs in tourism development.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play a significant role in the development

91 IG

of tourism, especially in the realms of sustainable, responsible, and community-

based tourism. Their involvement often focuses on ensuring that tourism
98 S

development is environmentally sustainable, socially responsible, and economically


beneficial to local communities.

Role of NGOs in Tourism Development


Advocacy and Policy Influence


NGOs often work to influence policy and regulatory frameworks governing tourism
development. They advocate for policies that promote sustainable tourism practices,

protect natural and cultural heritage, and ensure that tourism development benefits
local communities.

Example: Organizations like the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) engage in advocacy to
promote tourism practices that do not harm wildlife or natural habitats.

Community-Based Tourism Initiatives

Many NGOs are actively involved in developing and promoting community-based

tourism (CBT). CBT initiatives aim to empower local communities by involving them

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directly in tourism activities, ensuring that the benefits of tourism reach the
community members.

Example: NGOs like The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) work with local
communities to develop ecotourism projects that provide sustainable income while
conserving the environment.

Environmental Conservation

Environmental NGOs play a crucial role in preserving natural areas and biodiversity,
which are often major attractions in tourism. They undertake conservation projects,

research, and campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of conserving
natural habitats and species.

Example: Conservation International works on protecting biodiversity hotspots, many

50 NT
of which are also key tourist destinations.

Cultural Heritage Preservation

80 E
26 NM
NGOs also contribute to preserving cultural heritage, which is a critical component of
many tourism offerings. They work on safeguarding historical sites, traditional
practices, and indigenous cultures.
91 IG

Example: UNESCO, while not an NGO, works similarly to many NGOs by identifying
98 S

and protecting World Heritage Sites, many of which are significant tourist attractions.

Education and Training

NGOs often provide education and training to local communities and stakeholders in

the tourism industry. This includes training in sustainable tourism practices,


hospitality management, language skills, and understanding of environmental and


cultural conservation.

Example: NGOs like Pro-Poor Tourism, which work to include impoverished

communities in tourism, often provide training and skill development programs.

Research and Development

NGOs conduct research to understand the impacts of tourism and develop models for
sustainable tourism. This research is essential for creating informed policies and
practices in tourism development.

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Example: The Responsible Tourism Partnership conducts research on how tourism

impacts destinations and communities and develops guidelines for responsible

Promotion of Sustainable Tourism Practices

NGOs promote sustainable tourism practices among both tourists and service
providers. This includes encouraging eco-friendly practices, responsible traveler
behavior, and sustainable business operations.

Example: Green Globe Certification is an NGO that offers certification to tourism

enterprises that meet sustainable tourism criteria.

Crisis Response and Rehabilitation

50 NT
In times of crises, such as natural disasters or pandemics, NGOs can play a significant
role in the recovery of the tourism sector. They can provide immediate relief and
assist in the long-term rehabilitation of affected tourism destinations.
80 E
26 NM
Example: After the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, several NGOs were involved in
rebuilding tourism-related infrastructure and providing support to affected
91 IG

Building Partnerships and Networks

98 S

NGOs often facilitate partnerships and networks among various stakeholders,


including government agencies, private businesses, local communities, and

international organizations, to foster collaborative tourism development.

Example: The Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) works to network different

stakeholders in the adventure tourism industry.


Monitoring and Reporting


NGOs can also play a watchdog role by monitoring tourism developments and
reporting on issues such as environmental degradation, exploitation of local
communities, or cultural insensitivity.

Example: Global Witness has reported on issues where tourism development has led
to land rights conflicts or environmental harm.

Challenges Faced by NGOs in Tourism Development

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 Funding Limitations: Many NGOs face challenges in securing consistent and

adequate funding for their projects.

 Balancing Interests: Balancing the interests of local communities, the

environment, and the tourism industry can be challenging.

 Political and Cultural Sensitivities: Working in different cultural and political

contexts requires a sensitive and adaptable approach.

 Impact Measurement: Measuring the long-term impact of their initiatives in a

quantifiable way can be difficult.

NGOs play a multifaceted role in tourism development, focusing on sustainability,

community empowerment, environmental conservation, and cultural preservation.
Their involvement is crucial in ensuring that tourism development is responsible and

50 NT
beneficial to both local communities and the environment. While they face
challenges like funding and impact measurement, their contributions are essential for
80 E
the sustainable growth of the tourism sector. By continuing to advocate for
responsible tourism practices and working collaboratively with other stakeholders,
26 NM
NGOs can significantly contribute to the positive evolution of the tourism industry.

7. Discuss the major elements of Promotion Mix. Which one, according to you, is
91 IG

the most effective one for promoting tourism products and why?
98 S

The promotion mix is a fundamental concept in marketing, encompassing the various


tools and methods a business can use to communicate and promote its products or
services to the target audience. In the context of tourism, an effective promotion mix

is crucial for attracting visitors and creating a compelling image of the destination or
service. The major elements of the promotion mix include advertising, public

relations, personal selling, sales promotion, and direct marketing.


Major Elements of Promotion Mix


 Advertising

Advertising is a paid form of non-personal communication about a product, service,

or company. It's disseminated through various media channels like television, radio,
newspapers, the internet, and billboards. In tourism, advertising plays a crucial role in
creating awareness and shaping the image of a destination or service.

 Public Relations (PR)

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Public relations involve managing the public image of a business or destination and
fostering a positive relationship with the target audience. This can be achieved
through press releases, public events, media tours, and handling crisis
communications. PR in tourism often focuses on showcasing the destination's
culture, natural beauty, and unique experiences.

 Personal Selling

Personal selling involves direct interaction between a salesperson and a customer

with the goal of persuading the customer to make a purchase. In tourism, this can
take place in travel agencies, at trade shows, or through direct interaction with clients

by travel company representatives.

 Sales Promotion

50 NT
Sales promotion includes a variety of short-term incentives to encourage the
purchase or sale of a product or service. This can include discounts, coupons,
80 E
contests, and package deals. In tourism, sales promotions can be a powerful tool to
26 NM
stimulate quick increases in tourist numbers, especially during off-peak seasons.

 Direct Marketing
91 IG

Direct marketing involves direct communication with targeted individual consumers

to obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships. This
98 S

can be through email, social media, direct mail, or telemarketing. For tourism, direct

marketing allows for personalized communication and offers based on customer

preferences and history.

Most Effective Element for Promoting Tourism Products


The effectiveness of each element of the promotion mix can vary based on the target

market, type of tourism product, and other external factors like competition and

market trends. However, in the context of tourism, one can argue that advertising,
particularly digital advertising, is often the most effective.

Why Digital Advertising is Highly Effective

 Wide Reach: Digital advertising, through platforms like Google Ads, social
media, and travel blogs, can reach a vast audience globally. This is especially
beneficial for tourism, where the target market is often not local.

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 Targeting and Personalization: Digital platforms offer sophisticated targeting

options based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. This allows for
personalized marketing that can be more effective in attracting tourists.

 Visual Appeal: Tourism products are highly experiential and visual. Digital
advertising can effectively use images and videos to showcase destinations
and experiences, which can be more engaging and persuasive.

 Measurable Results: Digital advertising provides measurable results, allowing

marketers to analyze the effectiveness of their campaigns in real-time and
make adjustments as needed.

 Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to traditional media, digital advertising can be

more cost-effective, offering a better return on investment, which is crucial for

50 NT
many tourism businesses operating with limited marketing budgets.

 Interactive and Engaging: Digital advertising can be interactive, engaging

80 E
potential tourists through virtual tours, online contests, and interactive
26 NM
content, enhancing the overall impact of the marketing message.

While all elements of the promotion mix are important in the overall marketing
91 IG

strategy of a tourism product, digital advertising stands out due to its reach, targeting
capabilities, visual appeal, measurability, cost-effectiveness, and interactive nature. In
98 S

today's digital era, where consumers increasingly rely on online sources for travel

inspiration and booking, leveraging digital advertising is key for tourism marketers
looking to promote their destinations and services effectively. However, it's important
to note that the best results often come from a well-integrated marketing strategy

that combines multiple elements of the promotion mix to create a comprehensive


and cohesive marketing campaign.


9. Describe brochures and their role in Tour Operators Marketing.


Brochures are a traditional yet still highly effective tool in the arsenal of tour operator
marketing. They serve as a tangible representation of what a tour operator offers and
play a crucial role in attracting and informing potential customers. Even in the digital
age, the importance of brochures in the tourism industry remains significant due to
their ability to provide comprehensive, visually appealing, and easily accessible
information about travel destinations, packages, and services.

Role of Brochures in Tour Operators Marketing

 Information Dissemination

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Brochures are a primary means for tour operators to convey detailed information
about their services. They typically include descriptions of tour packages, itineraries,
pricing, accommodation details, terms and conditions, and contact information. This
comprehensive information helps potential travelers make informed decisions.

 Visual Appeal

Brochures allow tour operators to showcase their destinations and services through
high-quality images and attractive designs. These visuals can capture the essence of a
destination, evoke emotions, and inspire potential tourists to experience the places
and activities depicted.

 Brand Representation

A well-designed brochure acts as a branding tool. It reflects the tour operator's brand

50 NT
identity, values, and professionalism. The choice of colors, fonts, images, and the
overall design of the brochure can communicate a lot about the brand and its market
80 E
positioning, whether it’s luxury, budget-friendly, adventure-focused, or family-
26 NM

 Target Market Engagement

91 IG

Tour operators can create different brochures tailored to specific target markets. For
instance, a brochure for family vacations might highlight kid-friendly activities and
98 S

accommodations, while another for adventure travel might focus on thrill-seeking


experiences. This segmentation ensures that the marketing message resonates with
the specific interests and needs of each target group.

 Tangible Reference

Unlike digital content, brochures are tangible items that potential customers can take

away, keep, refer back to, or share with others. This physical presence helps in

keeping the tour operator’s offerings in the mind of the potential traveler.

 Credibility and Trust

Providing a physical brochure can enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of a

tour operator. It shows investment in their business and provides a sense of stability
and reliability, which can be particularly important for higher-end or luxury travel

 Versatile Distribution

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Brochures can be distributed through various channels – they can be mailed directly
to potential customers, handed out at travel trade shows and tourism offices, or
placed in locations like hotels and airports. This versatility ensures a wide reach.

 Cost-Effective Marketing

While there is a cost to designing and printing brochures, they are a relatively cost-
effective marketing tool, especially when they reach a large audience and have a long
shelf-life. Well-designed brochures can continue to attract customers over an
extended period.

 Support for Sales Personnel

Brochures support the efforts of sales personnel by providing them with a tool to
help explain and sell the tour packages. They serve as a useful reference point during

50 NT
sales conversations and presentations.

 Promotional Offers and Calls to Action

80 E
26 NM
Brochures can be used to highlight special offers, promotions, or discounts, which can
act as an incentive for the reader to take action, such as making a booking or
contacting the tour operator for more information.
91 IG

Effective Use of Brochures in the Digital Age

98 S

Despite the rise of digital marketing, brochures remain relevant but their role has

evolved. Integrating them with digital strategies can enhance their effectiveness:

 QR Codes: Including QR codes in brochures that link to online content such as


booking forms, detailed itineraries, or virtual tours can create a bridge


between the physical and digital worlds.


 Digital Versions: Creating digital versions of brochures for online distribution


through emails or website downloads can expand reach.

 Social Media Integration: Encouraging readers to visit social media pages and
share their travel experiences can foster community engagement and enhance
digital marketing efforts.

Brochures continue to be a valuable tool for tour operators, offering a blend of visual
appeal, informational content, brand representation, and marketing effectiveness. In
today’s multifaceted marketing landscape, the key to maximizing their impact lies in
how well they are integrated with other marketing channels, especially digital ones.

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When used effectively, brochures can significantly contribute to attracting, informing,

and persuading potential customers in the competitive world of tourism.

50 NT
80 E
26 NM
91 IG
98 S

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