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Electronic communication

linkedin whatsapp instagram snapchat
Communication in everyday life


01 Introduction

02 LinkedIn - The Professional Network

04 WhatsApp - Connecting People Globally

05 Instagram - Visual Storytelling

06 Snapchat - Ephemeral Content

07 Challenges and Controversies

08 Conclusion
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Social media, through various online platforms, enables

users to create, share, and exchange diverse content
like text, images, and videos. These platforms foster
interaction, forming virtual communities that connect
individuals, organizations, and businesses. Integral to
the digital landscape, social media has revolutionized
information sharing, self-expression, and connectivity,
shaping modern communication.

Global Connectivity:

Instant Information Sharing:

Community Building:

Business and Branding:

Personal Expression:

Real-Time Interaction:
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LinkedIn is a professional networking platform designed

01 to connect individuals and businesses for the purpose of
career development, networking, and collaboration. Its
primary goal is to provide a space where professionals
can showcase their skills, connect with others in their
industry, and access opportunities for career
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Profiles: Users create detailed professional profiles highlighting work
experience, education, skills, and accomplishments.
Connections: Users connect with colleagues, peers, mentors, and
professionals to enhance visibility and foster collaboration.
Recommendations: Users request and provide endorsements, adding
credibility to their profiles and building a positive professional reputation.
Job Search and Recruiting: A platform for job seekers to search and apply
for opportunities, and for recruiters to identify and connect with potential
Groups and Communities: LinkedIn Groups provide forums for
professionals to discuss industry-specific topics, share insights, and
expand their network.
Content Sharing: Users share updates, articles, and multimedia to
showcase expertise, stay engaged, and establish thought leadership.
Learning and Development: LinkedIn Learning offers courses and resources
for continuous professional development and skill acquisition.
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female male

01 LinkedIn has 930 million registered users. This
includes over 63 million companies with
LinkedIn profiles. 20.0%
02 60% of LinkedIn users are between the ages of 25–
34. 20.4% of users are between the ages of 18–24,
and 2.9% are over 55.The majority of LinkedIn users 15.0%
are millennials and business professionals.

03 The United States has the most LinkedIn users, with
over 199 million.

04 6 people are hired through LinkedIn every minute

18-24 yrs 25-34 yrs 35-54 yrs 55+ yrs
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WhatsApp, founded in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum, is a

01 globally popular messaging app known for its user-friendly
interface and commitment to security with end-to-end encryption.
The application supports text messaging, voice and video calls,
multimedia sharing, and features like WhatsApp Status for
temporary updates. Over the years, it has evolved with features
such as WhatsApp Business, catering to both personal and
professional communication needs
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Text Messaging:
WhatsApp allows users to send and receive text messages, both individual and group chats.
Conversations are synced across devices.

Voice and Video Calls:

Users can make free voice and video calls to other WhatsApp users over the internet. This is
particularly useful for international calls without incurring traditional call charges

End-to-End Encryption:
WhatsApp employs end-to-end encryption for messages, calls, photos, and videos, ensuring that
only the sender and the recipient can access the content.

Multimedia Sharing:
Users can share photos, videos, voice messages, documents, and location information directly
through the app.

Group Chats:
WhatsApp supports group chats where users can communicate with multiple people
simultaneously. Group members can share messages, photos, videos, and more.

Location Sharing:
Users can share their real-time location with others, making it easier to coordinate meetups or
let friends and family know their whereabouts.
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88.0 million

STATISTICS united states

98.0 million

WhatsApp is the most-used instant messaging

01 app. It has 2.78 billion unique users worldwide

02 84% of users between the ages of 24–35 use
WhatsApp. 78% of users over 65 use WhatsApp. In
112.0 million
the US, almost 1 in 4 adults use WhatsApp. india
535.8 millio

03 India has more WhatsApp users than any other

country, with 390.1 million monthly active users.

148.0 million
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Instagram, founded in 2010 and later acquired by

01 Facebook, is a widely popular social media platform
focused on visual content sharing. Known for its user-
friendly interface and creative features, Instagram
allows users to share photos and videos, engage with
followers through likes and comments, and has
introduced features like Stories and IGTV for dynamic
and longer-form content.
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1. Photo and Video Sharing:
Users can upload and share photos and videos with their followers, applying various filters and editing
tools to enhance their content.
2. Instagram Stories:
Stories allow users to share temporary content, including photos and videos, that disappears after 24
hours. This feature encourages more real-time and dynamic interaction.
3. Direct Messaging:
Instagram has a direct messaging feature that allows users to send private messages, photos, and videos
to individuals or groups.
4. IGTV (Instagram TV):
IGTV enables users to share longer-form videos, creating a platform for content creators to produce and
share videos with their audience.
5. Explore Page:
The Explore feature helps users discover new content based on their interests, trending topics, and the
people they follow.
6. Instagram Reels:
Reels is a feature for creating and discovering short-form, engaging videos set to music. It allows users to
express themselves creatively.
7. Live Video:
Users can go live on Instagram, sharing real-time video content with their followers. Viewers can engage
through comments and likes during the live broadcast.
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13-17 yrs

18-24 yrs
01 Instagram has 2 billion active monthly users.
Instagram is the 4th most-visited website in the world
25-34 yrs

02 Nearly 85% of Instagram’s audience is younger than 35-44 yrs

45. The platform sees the highest usage among
people aged between 18 and 34.
45-54 yrs

03 India and the United States have the greatest number of

users 55-64 yrs

65+ yrs

0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0%

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Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app founded in

01 2011 by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown.
Known for its unique and ephemeral nature, Snapchat
allows users to share photos, videos, and messages that
disappear after a short period, typically seconds after
being viewed. The platform gained popularity for its
emphasis on real-time, casual, and visually engaging
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1. Snapchat Stories:
Users can create Stories by compiling photos and videos into a narrative that is visible to their followers for 24
hours. This feature allows for a dynamic and chronological storytelling experience.
2. Ephemeral Messaging:
Snapchat introduced the concept of disappearing messages, known as Snaps, which disappear after being
viewed by the recipient. This adds an element of privacy and encourages more spontaneous sharing.
3. Snap Map:
Snap Map allows users to share their location with friends in real-time. It also enables users to discover Snaps
from around the world, fostering a sense of global connection.
4. Lenses and Filters:
Snapchat offers a wide array of augmented reality (AR) filters and lenses that users can apply to their photos
and videos, enhancing creativity and adding fun elements to content.
5. Chat and Video Calls:
In addition to Snaps, users can send text messages and make video calls. These messages, however, are not
ephemeral and do not disappear after viewing.
6. Memories:
Snapchat allows users to save their favorite Snaps in a private gallery called Memories, providing a way to
revisit and share past moments.
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01 Snapchat is the 5th most popular mobile messaging app in

the world, and the 12th most popular social platform (it
beats out Twitter, Pinterest, and Reddit)

02 39% of advertising audience between 18 and 24, 20%

between 13 and 17

03 Countries with the most users: India (144 million),

United States (108 million), France (24.7 million)
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Privacy Concerns: Cyberbullying and Harassment: Spread of Misinformation: Impact on Mental Health:

Social media often involves sharing Social media can be a platform for False information and fake news can Excessive use of social media has been
personal information, and users may face cyberbullying and online harassment, spread rapidly on social media, linked to mental health issues,
privacy risks such as data breaches, leading to negative psychological contributing to misinformation and including anxiety, depression, and
identity theft, or unintended exposure of effects on individuals, especially among influencing public opinions on various feelings of inadequacy, often stemming
sensitive details. younger users. issues. from comparison with others.
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Social media is a double-edged sword, offering both

advantages and drawbacks. On the positive side, it
facilitates global connectivity, information sharing,
business promotion, and social activism. It serves as
an outlet for creativity and entertainment. However, it
comes with significant downsides, including
cyberbullying, privacy concerns, the spread of
misinformation, addiction, and the formation of echo
chambers. Achieving a balanced and responsible use
of social media is crucial to harness its benefits while
minimizing its negative impacts on mental health,
privacy, and societal harmony.
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Garvita Rana 23BC456 SEC-5 CIEL

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