Group Business Plan Sample Ctto 1

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A Business Plan presented to

Nabua National High School

San Miguel Nabua, Camarines Sur

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Subject Entrepreneurship

Submitted by:

11-HUMSS 11 Group 1

Leader – Maria Angilen V. Turiano

Asst. Leader – Johannes Andrew O. Azur
Members: Virgilio P. Borela
John Jovel O. Carina
John Louis B. Francia
Michael Lou L. Oida
Michael T. Ravalo
Erick L. Trajano
Ryza Mae D. Espanto
Michella Cate V. Francia
Deodesa A. Lordan
Pinky Franz N. Luares
Chesca B. Praxides
Hannah Grace A. Tejano

Submitted to:


Subject Teacher


COVER PAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2


FUNDING REQUIREMENT AND SOURCE OF FUNDS ------------------------------------------4

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (Vision, Mission, Goal and Objectives) --------------------------------5

ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ---------------------------------------------------------------------------6

DESIGNATED FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------7

PRODUCTION PLAN (4 Ms of Operation) -----------------------------------------------------------8-9

MARKETING PLAN (7 Ps of Marketing Mix) --------------------------------------------------------10

FINANCIAL REPORT-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

INCOME STATEMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

APPENDICES A, B & C---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 – 17


“A dose of sweetness, A dose of Happiness”

The brand CHILAM SANA was the product of the amazing mind of one of its producers.
The phrases “Chilam Sana” is an expression mainly used by millennials of the Rinconada Area.
They are slang words that is used to express feeling of satisfaction in maybe food, drinks, or
even scenarios. The brand name that we proposed is a catchy yet easy to remember line.

The design or our logo is minimalist. The colour of our logo was chosen to fit with the
aesthetic of today. Hence, not over pleasing the eye of its potential consumers. The brand name
was located at the centre, fonted largely for it to be read easily. As you can see at the top, it is the
essential ingredients used for baking, making the logo appealing. While at the bottom of the
name, it is our products to be found in our shop: bakes and hot chocolate.

Its tagline “A dose of sweetness, A dose of happiness” embodies its main goal; to deliver
satisfaction and happiness to its consumers. Following the trend of desserts for it to abolish stress
and anxiety we are experiencing this pandemic. Sugar gives us endorphins or happy hormones;
therefore, it is also considered a coping mechanism. Chilam Sana encourages its potential
consumers by its tagline.


Funding Statement:

The estimated funding requirement for the proposed business, CHILAM SANA is around
₱ 1200. The ingredients for the baked goods is at an estimated cost of ₱ 780.00, while the
Ingredients for the Hot Chocolate is at ₱ 120.00. The estimated cost for the packaging such as the
cups and plastic containers is at ₱ 150.00, and the cost for the Other Expenses like the
Transportation, Gas, Electricity, and advertising is ₱ 150.00. The funds will be from the financial
contributions made by the groupmates or the following creators and producers of Chilam Sana.

Funding Requirement Chart



• Chilam Sana’s vision is to be recognized by influential consumers so it will be viral or

recognized by many as soon as possible. But even though the consumer is not quite
influential, little steps are made and the product will be seen and spread soon. Its brand
hopes to deliver a dose of happiness in every sweetness by its products, following the
tagline. Success on both sides is what makes Chilam Sana motivated.


• To produce clean, delicious yet affordable desserts.

• To give people a bright and wonderful day by tasting its products.
• Deliver happy hormones to its consumers.
• Enhance our skills in cooking, selling, and interacting with a lot of people.
• Produce profit


• To sell products and bring back the capital

• Satisfaction from its buyers
• Create Positive Feedback
• Pass the subject Entrepreneurship


• Ensure the product’s quality and affordability

• Ensure the product’s safety for the consumers
• Learn new things in Business and Economics and apply it to the outside world


Johannes Andrew O. Azur


Maria Angilen V. Turiano

Assistant Manager

Michael Lou Oida

Chesca B. Praxides
John Louis B. Francia
Marketing & Advertisement

Pinky Franz Luares

Deodesa A. Lordan
Michella Cate V. Francia
Cashiers & Auditing

Hannah Gracea Tejano

Ryza Mae Espanto
Booth Design

Virgilio Borela Erick Trajano

John Jovel Carina
Other Members Mentioned


Video Advertisement Presentation

Models: Michaelou Oida

Chesca Praxides
Director: Johannes Azur
Videographer and Video Editor: John Louis Francia
Scriptwriters: Maria Angilen Turiano
Johannes Andrew Azur
Makeup and Attire: Pinky Franz Luares
Production of Products Michella Cate Francia
Virgilio Borela
Financial Support: Deodesa Lordan
John Jovel Carina
Erick Trajano
Ryza Mae Espanto
Hannah Gracea Tejano
Michael Ravalo

Actual Selling:

Cashiers: Pinky Franz Luares

Maria Angilen Turiano
Managers: Johannes Andrew Azur
Maria Angilen Turiano
Booth Design: Chesca Praxides
Ryza Mae Espanto
Packing: Erick Trajano
Encouragement and Sales Talk: John Louis Francia
Hannah Gracea Tejano
Deodesa Lordan
Johannes Andrew Azur
Production of the Products: Johannes Andrew Azur
Michella Cate Francia
Pinky Franz Luares
Maria Angilen Turiano
Transport of the Materials needed: Virgilio Borela
John Jovel Carina

4 Ms of Operation
(Attach the actual pictures)


All of the products is made

to order except the
chocolate chip cookies.

To be efficient, the The churros is pre-made.

chocolate chip cookies will Meaning that the batter is On the other hand, the hot
be made and sealedand already made but the frying chocolate will be made on
ready to purchase, but still process is fresh. So that it's the spot for it to be hot
fresh. hot when served. when served. Consistency
at its finest.


Leaders Members

Manages the most. Booth Design,

Responsible for Promotion, Help
purchasing the in production,
materials, production, marketing and
finance. advertisement,
help in finance,
dealing with


Efficient and
Convenient appliances
and tools

The group's
responsibility is to Appliances that
ensure that the possess efficiency and
machines will be is convenient like oven
working and easy to and butane gas stove
use. will be used for


Quality and Affordable

Ingredients and

Groceries that offer sales

Accesibility is to be Considering the
and discounts and sells
considered also in buying affordability and quality
quality products is an
the raw ingredients and in urchasing willbe
excellent choice for the
packagings. helpful for the business.
source of our materials.

7 Ps of Marketing Mix

PRODUCTS: Chocolate Chip Cookies, Churros, and Hot Chocolate

Chilam Sana’s menu is listed with Chocolate Chip Cookies, Churros, and
Hot Chocolate. All are made with semisweet ingredients so it will not be too sweet
for the consumer’s consumption. The Chocolate Chip Cookies and the Churros is
made with Flour, Sugar, Butter, Eggs, Baking Powder, and Oil. While for the Hot
Chocolate, the powdered mix is made with Hershey’s Chocolate and a branded
Chocolate Drink and topped with a piece of Marshmallow. All made with love for
that extra taste.
PLACE: The brand’s booth can be found alongside the booths of the Grade 11-
HUMSS 11 students at the Cong. Sal Fortuno Civic Centre of Nabua National High School. For
the specific location, it is located on the opposite side of the centre’s main
stage, on its left if facing the stage. It’s close to Chilam Sana’s target
buyers, the teachers, and the students.
PRICE: Its products are ranging from ₱ 8.00 - ₱ 15.00. A single tasty
chocolate chip cookie can be bought at ₱ 8.00. While a cup of Mini
Churros can be found at ₱ 15.00. And for the delicious and piping Hot
Chocolate, a cup of it is at ₱ 10.00. As you can see from the listed prices, it
is very affordable to fill a hungry tummy and the price is good for the target
PROMOTION: There are two ways that will be
used to promote Chilam Sana’s delicious products: The social media and
the traditional way. While social media is very useful for the society, the
group will benefit from it. The location and date on when and where will
the products be sold will be posted on Facebook, since it is the most
preferred option. Talking about the said products among peers and friends
will also be used for Promoting the business, and a little encouraging and sales talk goes along
the way.
PEOPLE: The involved people will be the GROUP 1 SET A of the Grade
11- HUMMS 11, some people are in charge to produce the products, some
for the advertising, and some for managing the actual stall/booth.
PACKAGING: The chocolate chip cookie is placed on a little plastic bag
and sealed by a sticker with Chilam Sana’s logo. While the Churros is
ordered to made, it will be eaten on a paper cup while the chocolate dipping
sauce is put on a little plastic container. And for the hot chocolate, this can be
consumed by the paper cup with Chilam Sana’s logo. As much as we want
the packaging to be eco-friendly, we’ve decided to go for the efficient one
because eco-friendly plastic is very expensive and hard to find on our part.
POSITIONING: A brand that will deliver quality and affordable products. Chilam Sana will
be remembered as the stall that brought its customers joy, satisfaction, and a boost of serotonin.

10 | P a g e
DECEMBER 7, 2022

Sugar (white and brown) ₱ 192.00

Eggs ₱ 215.00

Butter ₱ 200.00

Flour and Baking Essentials ₱ 180.00

Oil ₱ 27.00

Chocolate Powder Mix ₱ 157.00

Chocolate Chips ₱ 50.00

Chocolate Dipping Sauce ₱ 99.00

Marshmallows ₱ 135.00

Packaging ₱ 245.00

Butane Gas ₱ 160.00

Booth Design ₱ 30.00

Other Service Fees ₱ 140.00

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DECEMBER 7, 2022

Service Income Ᵽ 1867.00

Less Expenses: Ingredients/Material Ᵽ 1500.00
Operating Expenses Ᵽ 240.00

Total Expenses Ᵽ 1740.00



Chilam Sana earned ₱ 1867.00 by selling its products on the Entrepreneurship Day held at the
Cong. Sal Fortuno Civic Centre last 7th of December. It was second in market share among its
market competitors – Chips Fiery, Sweet Pastillas, and Quick Bread. It earned a gross profit of ₱
127.00 or 7% of its capital, therefore earning its capital back. The chocolate chip cookies were
already sold out on the half of the event day. The churros were also a crowd favourite. These two
contributed greatly on earning the capital back. Unfortunately, the Hot Chocolate didn’t sell well
hence making the profit less as expected.

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Documentation Pictures of Booth Appearance and Presentation

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Documentation Pictures Presentation


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(Photos used for Advertising)

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The entrepreneurship day held at the Cong. Sal Fortuno Civic Centre last December 7, 2022 was a success. There
were so many stalls made possible by the efforts of the students and teachers-facilitators, including our adviser and
teacher in Entrepreneurship, Ms. Ellen Suzette S. Quaipo. It was very evident that the hard work given by all parties
paid off as by 3:00 PM that day, many stalls and booths were already packing- meaning that many are already sold
out for the day.

The preparation was hard. Even though this activity was given to us weeks before the actual date, we couldn’t
deny the fact that the majority was also busy for the past few weeks because of other existing school works assigned
from different subjects, errands, other responsibilities. But by time management, we were able to do and submit all
the assigned requirements for the subject Entrepreneurship connected to this activity, such as the Video Advertisement.

Making the Video Advertisement for us students were hard because of financial and technical reasons. We had to
require our groupmates their financial contributions for the group to produce products that will be shown in the video.
And as expected, there were some people that didn’t contribute. But nevertheless, Chilam Sana’s group advertisement
video was a success because we earned the highest grade for it in the class, beating other 3 groups.

Then there comes the week that we’ve been preparing for. By Monday, we have started to purchase some of the
products that will be needed for the actual selling, and the baking of the cookies the next day. By Tuesday, we already
bought all the materials needed and set up the tent that’ll be used for the big day. Some of the group members made
the cookies that night at one of the member’s houses and slept there. It was so tiring, and the members slept for just 3
hours because we need to be up by 4 to make the batter for the churros and its dip. By 5 am, all the materials needed
for the order to make items are now prepared, and of course, the members too. We already travelled to school, arrived,
and prepared everything especially the booth.

The hour that the customers were allowed to purchase from the stalls, Chilam Sana’s buyers and support from the
people already poured in. The chocolate chip cookies were hot among the students and teachers as by its sweet taste
and was already sold out by half of the day. The churros were also a favourite because people saw how it was made
and intrigued by the process and the group even made two batches that day! Unfortunately, the hot chocolate quite
sold but the sales was little. The factor that potentially affected this is the weather. The members expected that day
will be chilly following the nonstop rains we experienced. Because who likes to devour hot drinks on a hot day? The
sales of the hot chocolate affected the target gross profit of the business. But despite all this, Chilam Sana captured
the mouths and the hearths by many as to the feedbacks and the support given by them, saying that all the products
were delicious and worth a second taste! And who would’ve thought that our products will be eaten by one of the
judges that day and give us feedback that put a smile on the faces of the team quote “Natikman ko ‘to, ansarap!”

Time passed by and the packing of the booth and all the materials used came. It was an exhausting yet a fun day
because we have to deal with so many people and so many distractions e.g., annoying classmates and groupmates,
problems with the ingredients and materials. After that, we already canvassed the sales and seeing that the capital
came back to us, and we garnered a profit made us happy. We’re also happy because our hard work finally paid off
and the actual selling was done and a success.

There were so many problems that the group encountered for this activity, but amidst all those problems, we were
able to learn so many things such as teamwork. This activity also brought us more knowledge on how to capture
buyers and reach an audience, and of course the subject Entrepreneurship. We will certainly bring these learnings on
future endeavours.

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