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Amplify the Voice, Tighten the Knot

By: Bayani Florendo

All: If someone / tries to wound the strings that connected us /

We will respond / hold / pull it back / and tie it tight.
The voices that you may hear / blustering / and bombarding every nook of this world /
That may sound loud and clear /
Until the echoes awaken /
The sleeping spirit of chaste in silence.
Mid: For every young mind of this generation /
We might look innocent / be impulsive in actions / but we / are mindful of every situation.
High: Of being the voice of women /
She stood for her civil liberties / impartiality / and justice / blaring the voice to fight.
Low: Of being the voice of men /
He stood to the refuge of his family / basting his voice to protect.
All: Of being the voice to the youth /
They stood for love / care / and respect / rip-roaring their voices to listen.
All: Of being the voice of learners /
They stood to obey / listen / and learn from their mentors /
Booming their voices to get attention.
All: And of being the voice /
High: Of the common workforce /
Mid: The teachers /
Low: And the front liners /
All: They stood to do / their errands and responsibilities.
Narrator: A fervent story / presenting the various voices of these various individuals /
Who showed the toughness and strength /
Despite having each of their difficult circumstances.
Mark: Okay Mr. Cruz / I’m glad you and your friend made amends.
Lean: Excuse me, Mr. Mark.
Can I ask you a question?
Mark: Yes Lean.
What is that?
Lean: Regarding the incident we had today /
How can you deal with disagreements /
And still be friends and civil with people around you?
Mark: There are a lot of things to consider for us to build relationship with the people around us.
We must keep an open mind to exchange views / and gain respect from one another.
Mark: But why are you so deep all of a sudden? Is this a part of your study or something?
Lean: Nope sir.
I just got curious / seeing that a lot of students here get along so well.
Perhaps this is because of the school’s persistent disciple and moral influence.
The way they deal with their peers is a good example to us / as learners in this institution.

Lean: But sometimes / based on our experience and observations /

We cannot help but have misunderstandings / which create barriers.
Mark: Hmm.
It depends upon the situation.
If they forgot to consider someone’s rights and emotions /
It may cause a misunderstanding.
That’s why we ought to hear everyone’s voices /
How they manage to compromise / to build good connections with others.
Narrator: The conversations of Sir Mark and Lean continued until the saw Silver /
Utility and guard of the school / cleaning the lobby of the 2nd building.
Lean: Is it ok to ask around?
How about other employees?
Like Mr. Silver?
Mark: Yeah sure.
Let me excuse myself then.
I have to attend my 2nd class.
Lean: Thank you sir.
It’s my pleasure to get good answers from you.
Narrator: Lean asked Silver the same questions while doing his task in the lobby of the building.
Lean: Sir Silver / being one of the utility in our school /
How do you deal with the people in this community?
Silver: As an individual / perhaps I should say that /
Considering someone’s rights and worth is the only thing that we can do /
To establish a good relationship.
Especially to the stakeholders of this institution /
Like the teachers / parents / and to the students like you.
Lean: Knowing someone’s worth and rights?
Silver: Yes.
It is important because / the essence of having a good relationship /
Is based on how we treat the people around us /
If they knew the rights of others and the worth of it.
I believe / that having a good relationship /
Is like having a chain of rope / inside a deep forest /
Connecting me with the outside world / the people.
If it is cut / we will be lost and alone.
That’s why we won’t let it be broken.
Narrator: Lean is wondering about the things she’s doing.
Because she noticed / that by asking someone in school /
It gives her an opportunity to hear the voice of the people /
Regarding their notions about unity / and creating a good relationship.
That’s why she continued and went around /
Asking strangers with their idea / of a good relationship in the community /
Until she found her classmate Kriz / sitting in the library while reading.
Kriz: Oh Hi Lean! How do you do?
Lean: I’m good! Nice timing seeing you today!
‘Cause I have to ask you something.
Kriz: Ask away Lean.
Lean: About the resilience and the relationship of the youth like us in the society /
Because we cannot deny that we are a part of it.
Kriz: We are totally engaged in our society as youth of this generation /
And we have our responsibilities to do /
For us to make it good and well.
Lean: Exactly!
That’s why I want to hear your voice and know your views /
About our role / in building a good relationship to others.
Kriz: Hmm.
I should say that we have to break the oblivion and biases / imparted and defined /
By societal rules and norms.
Embrace the changes / adapt to the trends / face our fears /
Break the notions of being scared and silent / so that our voices can be heard.
Being heard will help us gain confidence in expressing ourselves.
And that is something that may serve as strings / that help us connect with people /
And strengthen our ties with anyone.
Lean: Well said Kriz / and you’re absolutely correct about that.
I believe we have the capacity and capability to withstand / and recover quickly /
From these difficulties to show the toughness of how the rope holds from its knot.
To carry the beliefs of every individuals for us to survive / according to Mr. Silver.
Kriz: I heard the word “survive” / and it somehow reminded me of a story I read a while ago /
Before you came to me / which is the story of The Hugging Tree.
Lean: So what is it all about?
Kriz: It is all about resilience and good relationships of the characters in the story.
Lean: Oh sure!
I’m interested and excited to know about it.
Kriz: It’s all about love / sharing / patience / kindness /
And giving value to something or someone / wherever you go.
Because these five words / are the components of being resilient in the story.
The characters portrayed these words in actions / by the young man and the tree in the
That’s why the toughness of their relationship was built so strong.
Lean: I would like to thank you for your thoughts and wisdom / for sharing your ideas.
Narrator: Lean went to Mr. Mark and Mr. Silver / and thanked them because she heard all their
views /
Their voice / and learned their insights / about the formulation of building good
All: Our voices may serve / as the medium of understanding / for the deaf and mute.
Our voices may serve / as instruction for the misguided.
Our voices may serve / as an inspiration /
For those who were deprived of the opportunity to be heard.
So / we should amplify the voice / and tighten the knot!


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