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Delegates: saadhana and saara.

Country: republic of south korea
1. broadly respects the rights of its citizens.
2. cameras in public restrooms.
Achievements :-
1. rapid economic development.
2. safe at nights .

Problems :-
cameras in public restrooms
1.Daily illegal spy cameras are placed and found throughout public spaces. These cams
disproportionately target women and film their most intimate moments without consent. The
government of South Korea has responded to the issue by implementing laws and policies to
deter and penalize offenders.

 Authorities conduct regular and thorough checks in public restrooms to detect and
remove hidden cameras. They also monitor areas with a history of such incidents, like
public restrooms in certain locations.
 There have been amendments to laws to increase penalties for those caught installing
hidden cameras in restrooms. The punishments have become more severe to deter
potential offenders
 Authorities are using advanced technology, including detection tools, to find hidden
cameras. They also encourage the development of technologies that can help detect such
devices more efficiently
 Public education and awareness campaigns have been launched to inform people about
the issue and how to detect hidden cameras. They encourage reporting any suspicious
items found in restrooms.
 Efforts have been made to promote gender equality and create a safer environment,
emphasizing the need to protect privacy in public spaces.
 Previously tourists have found hidden cameras disguised as alarm clocks, fire
extinguishers or even hidden in light fittings.

Even by taking significant measures the problem still remains in

our country.
Achievements :-

Rapid economic development:

The Republic of Korea has achieved remarkable success in recent decades in

combining rapid economic growth with significant poverty reduction, with real
gross domestic product (GDP) growing on average by 4.9% annually between
1988 and 2022.

Korea is a key development partner of the World Bank Group (WBG) and an
important contributor (since 1977) to the International Development
Association (IDA), the World Bank’s fund that supports the world’s poorest
countries. Today Korea’s experience offers lessons for developing countries in
sustainable development, provision of infrastructure and better services to
improve the lives of the people, and how to transition to a dynamic knowledge
Vocabulary for MUN:-
1. Expressions for Agreement and Disagreement:
 I concur
 I beg to differ
 I support
 I oppose
 I endorse
 I vehemently reject
 I second the motion
2. Formal Communication:
 Point of order
 Right of reply
 Parliamentary privilege
 Speaker's list
 Motion
 Caucus
3. Health and Well-being:
 Pandemic
 Global health
 Public health crisis
 Vaccination programs
 Disease prevention
 Healthcare infrastructure
4. Conflict and Security:
 Ceasefire
 Disarmament
 Arms control
 Security Council
 Peacekeeping
 Preemptive strike
 Humanitarian intervention
5. Economic Development:
 Sustainable development
 Economic sanctions
 Trade agreements
 Foreign aid
 Development aid
 Economic disparities
 Economic stability
6. Diplomacy and Negotiation:
 Consensus
 Mediation
 Bilateral talks
 Multilateral negotiations
 Conflict resolution
 Diplomatic channels
 Summit
7. International Relations:
 Sovereignty
 Non-intervention
 Territorial integrity
 Bilateral relations
 Regional cooperation
 Global cooperation
 Alliance
 Neutrality

Key sentences:-

1. "Esteemed delegates, honorable chairs, and distinguished guests, [Your Country] is
honored to address this august assembly today."
2. "Greetings to all delegates present. [Your Country] aligns itself with the sentiments
expressed by previous speakers."

Expressing Agreement:
1. "My delegation wholeheartedly supports the resolution put forth by [Country]."
2. "We are in complete agreement with the proposal set forth by the distinguished
delegate from [Country]."
3. "I endorse the sentiment expressed by [Country] regarding the need for global

Expressing Disagreement:
1. "While we appreciate the efforts of [Country], we find ourselves unable to fully
support the resolution due to concerns about its implementation."
2. "Regrettably, my delegation cannot lend support to the current proposal as it stands."
3. "We respectfully disagree with the approach suggested by [Country] and propose
alternative measures."

Making Suggestions:
1. "In an effort to find common ground, my delegation proposes a compromise that
takes into account the concerns raised by [Country]."
2. "I urge fellow delegates to consider incorporating [your suggestion] into the
resolution to enhance its effectiveness."
3. "May I suggest that we establish a working group to further deliberate on the key
issues at hand?"

Expressing Concern:
1. "We wish to express our deep concern regarding the humanitarian situation in
[affected region]."
2. "The escalating tensions in [region] are a cause for great concern, and we call for
immediate diplomatic intervention."
3. "It is imperative that we address the pressing issue of [topic] with utmost urgency."

Seeking Clarification:
1. "Could the delegate from [Country] provide further clarification on their stance
regarding [specific point]?"
2. "I would appreciate it if the delegate from [Country] could elaborate on their
proposed course of action in response to [issue]."
3. "Could the chair provide guidance on the procedural aspects of our current

Closing Statement:
1. "In conclusion, [Your Country] reaffirms its commitment to working collaboratively
with all nations present to achieve a sustainable and peaceful resolution."
2. "As we move forward in our deliberations, let us remember that our shared goal is the
betterment of humanity, and [Your Country] remains dedicated to that cause."
3. "My delegation looks forward to a fruitful collaboration and the successful outcome
of our joint efforts."
Key: issue of illicit filming, known is as "molka,"

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