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1.Introduction to FEA 1
2.Introduction to HyperWorks 7
3.1. Hypermesh database design 8
3.2. Hypermesh graphical user interface 12
3.3. Getting started 36
3.4. Modeling & geometry cleanup 41
3.5. Midsurface 87
3.6. Meshing
1. 1D 97
2. 2D 116
3. 3D 129
4. Mesh Editing 143
3.7. Useful Tool panels 158
3.8. Boundary Conditions 176
4. Analysis 188
5. Post Processing 192
5.1.Hyperview 197
5.2.Hypergraph 212
6.Optimization 221
6.1. Topology Optimization 223
6.2. Topography Optimization 240
6.3. Size Optimization 247
6.4. Shape Optimization 254




Finite element analysis was first developed for use in the aerospace and nuclear
industries where the safety of structures is critical. Today, the growth in usage of the
method is directly attributable to the rapid advances in computer technology in recent
years. As a result, commercial finite element packages exist that are capable of solving
the most sophisticated problems, not just in structural analysis, but for a wide range of
phenomena such as steady state and dynamic temperature distributions, fluid flow and
manufacturing processes such as injection molding and metal forming.

FEA consists of a computer model of a material or design that is loaded and

analyzed for specific results. It is used in new product design, and existing product
refinement. A company is able to verify that a proposed design will be able to perform to
the client's specifications prior to manufacturing or construction. Modifying an existing
product or structure is utilized to qualify the product or structure for a new service
condition. In case of structural failure, FEA may be used to help determine the design
modifications to meet the new condition.

Mathematically, the structure to be analyzed is subdivided into a mesh of finite

sized elements of simple shape. Within each element, the variation of displacement is
assumed to be determined by simple polynomial shape functions and nodal
displacements. Equations for the strains and stresses are developed in terms of the
unknown nodal displacements. From this, the equations of equilibrium are assembled in a
matrix form which can be easily be programmed and solved on a computer. After
applying the appropriate boundary conditions, the nodal displacements are found by
solving the matrix stiffness equation. Once the nodal displacements are known, element
stresses and strains can be calculated.

Within each of these modeling schemes, the system behaves linearly or non-
linearly. Linear systems are far less complex and generally ignore many subtleties of
model loading & behavior. Non-linear systems can account for more realistic behavior
such as plastic deformation, changing loads etc. and is capable of testing a component all
the way to failure.

Finite Element Analysis:

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a computer-based numerical technique for

calculating the strength and behavior of engineering structures. It can be used to calculate
deflection, stress, vibration, buckling behavior and many other phenomena. It can be used
to analyze either small or large-scale deflection under loading or applied displacement. It
can analyze elastic deformation, or "permanently bent out of shape" plastic deformation.
The computer is required because of the astronomical number of calculations needed to


analyze a large structure. The power and low cost of modern computers has made Finite
Element Analysis available to many disciplines and companies.

In the finite element method, a structure is broken down into many small simple
blocks or elements. The behavior of an individual element can be described with a
relatively simple set of equations. Just as the set of elements would be joined together to
build the whole structure, the equations describing the behaviors of the individual
elements are joined into an extremely large set of equations that describe the behavior of
the whole structure. The computer can solve this large set of simultaneous equations.
From the solution, the computer extracts the behavior of the individual elements. From
this, it can get the stress and deflection of all the parts of the structure. The stresses will
be compared to allowed values of stress for the materials to be used, to see if the structure
is strong enough.

The term "finite element" distinguishes the technique from the use of infinitesimal
"differential elements" used in calculus, differential equations, and partial differential
equations. The method is also distinguished from finite difference equations, for which
although the steps into which space is divided are finite in size, there is little freedom in
the shapes that the discreet steps can take. Finite element analysis is a way to deal with
structures that are more complex than can be dealt with analytically using partial
differential equations. FEA deals with complex boundaries better than finite difference
equations will, and gives answers to "real world" structural problems. It has been
substantially extended in scope during the roughly 40 years of its use.

How is Finite Element Analysis Useful?

Finite Element Analysis makes it possible to evaluate a detailed and complex

structure, in a computer, during the planning of the structure. The demonstration in the
computer of the adequate strength of the structure and the possibility of improving the
design during planning can justify the cost of this analysis work. FEA has also been
known to increase the rating of structures that were significantly overdesigned and built
many decades ago.

In the absence of Finite Element Analysis (or other numerical analysis),

development of structures must be based on hand calculations only. For complex
structures, the simplifying assumptions required to make any calculations possible can
lead to a conservative and heavy design. A considerable factor of ignorance can remain
as to whether the structure will be adequate for all design loads. Significant changes in
designs involve risk. Designs will require prototypes to be built and field tested. The field
tests may involve expensive strain gauging to evaluate strength and deformation.

With Finite Element Analysis, the weight of a design can be minimized, and there
can be a reduction in the number of prototypes built. Field-testing will be used to
establish loading on structures, which can be used to do future design improvements via
Finite Element Analysis.


FEA Procedure:

In the real world, no analysis is typical, as there are usually facets that cause it to
differ from others. There is however a main procedure that most FE investigations take.
This procedure is detailed below:

Planning the analysis:

This is arguably the most important part of any analysis, as it helps to ensure the
success of the simulation. Oddly enough, it is usually the one analysts leave out. The
purpose of an FE analysis is to model the behavior of a structure under a system of loads.
In order to do so, all influencing factors must be considered & determined whether their
effects are considerable or negligible on the final result. The degree of accuracy to which
any system can be modeled is very much dependant on the level of planning that has been
carried out. Answers to many questions need to be found. 'Planning an analysis' is dealt
with in detail in the 'improving results' section of this site.


The preprocessor stage in general FE packages involves the following:

 Specifying the title, that is the name of the problem. This is optional but very
useful, especially if a number of design iterations are to be completed on the same
base model.

 Setting the type of analysis to be used, e.g. structural, fluid, thermal or

electromagnetic, etc. (sometimes this can only be done by selecting a particular
element type).

 Creating the model. The model is drawn in 1D, 2D or 3D space in the appropriate
units (M, mm, in, etc..). The model may be created in the pre-processor, or it can
be imported from another CAD drafting package via a neutral file format (IGES,
STEP, ACIS, Parasolid, DXF, etc.). If a model is drawn in mm for example and
the material properties are defined in SI units, then the results will be out of scale
by factors of 106. The same units should be applied in all directions, otherwise
results will be difficult to interpret, or in extreme cases the results will not show
up mistakes made during the loading and restraining of the model.

 Defining the element type, this may be 1D, 2D or 3D, and specific to the analysis
type being carried out (you need thermal elements to do thermal analyses).
Applying a Mesh. Mesh generation is the process of dividing the analysis
continuum into a number of discrete parts or finite elements. The finer the mesh,
the better the result, but the longer the analysis time. Therefore, a compromise
between accuracy & solution speed is usually made. The mesh may be created
manually, such as the one on the right, or generated automatically like the one
below. In the manually created mesh, you will notice that the elements are smaller
at the joint. This is known as mesh refinement, and it enables the stresses to be


captured at the geometric discontinuity (the junction).

 Manual meshing is a long & tedious process for models with any degree of
geometric complication, but with useful tools emerging in pre-processors, the task
is becoming easier. Automatic mesh generators are very useful & popular. The
mesh is created automatically by a mesh engine, the only requirement is to define
the mesh density along the model's edges. Automatic meshing has limitations as
regards mesh quality & solution accuracy. Automatic brick element(hex) meshers
are limited in function, but are steadily improving. Any mesh is usually applied to
the model by simply selecting the mesh command on the preprocessor list of the

 Assigning properties. Material properties (Young’s modulus, Poissons ratio, the

density, & if applicable, coefficients of expansion, friction, thermal conductivity,
damping effect, specific heat etc.) will have to be defined. In addition element
properties may need to be set. If 2D elements are being used, the thickness
property is required. 1D beam elements require area, I xx, Iyy, Ixy, J, & a direction
cosine property which defines the direction of the beam axis in 3D space. Shell
elements, which are 2½D in nature (2D elements in 3D space), require orientation
& neutral surface offset parameters to be defined. Special elements (mass,
contact, spring, gap, coupling, damper etc.) require properties (specific to the
element type) to be defined for their use.

 Apply Loads. Some type of load is usually applied to the analysis model. The
loading may be in the form of a point load, a pressure or a displacement in a stress
(displacement) analysis, a temperature or a heat flux in a thermal analysis & a
fluid pressure or velocity in a fluid analysis. The loads may be applied to a point,
an edge, a surface or a even a complete body. The loads should be in the same
units as the model geometry & material properties specified. In the cases of modal
(vibration) & buckling analyses, a load does not have to be specified for the
analysis to run.

 Applying Boundary Conditions. If you apply a load to the model, then in order to
stop it accelerating infinitely through the computer's virtual ether (mathematically
known as a zero pivot), at least one constraint or boundary condition must be
applied. Structural boundary conditions are usually in the form of zero
displacements, thermal BCs are usually specified temperatures, fluid BCs are
usually specified pressures. A boundary condition may be specified to act in all
directions (x,y,z), or in certain directions only. They can be placed on nodes,
keypoints, areas or on lines. BC's on lines can be in the form of symmetric or anti-
symmetric type boundary conditions, one allowing in plane rotations and out of
plane translations, the other allowing in plane translations and out of plane
rotations for a given line. The application of correct boundary conditions is
critical to the accurate solution of the design problem. At least one BC has to be
applied to every model, even modal & buckling analyses with no loads applied.


The FE solver can be logically divided into three main parts, the pre-solver, the
mathematical-engine (solver) & the post-solver. The pre-solver reads in the model
created by the pre-processor and formulates the mathematical representation of the
model. All parameters defined in the pre-processing stage are used to do this, so if you
left something out, chances are the pre-solver will complain & cancel the call to the
mathematical-engine. If the model is correct the solver proceeds to form the element-
stiffness matrix for the problem & calls the mathematical-engine, which calculates the
result (displacement, temperatures, pressures, etc.). The results are returned to the solver
& the post-solver is used to calculate strains, stresses, heat fluxes, velocities, etc, for each
node within the component or continuum. All these results are sent to a results file, which
may be read by the post-processor.


Here the results of the analysis are read & interpreted. They can be presented in
the form of a table, a contour plot, deformed shape of the component or the mode shapes
and natural frequencies if frequency analysis is involved. Other results are available for
fluids, thermal and electrical analysis types. Most post-processors provide an animation
service, which produces an animation & brings your model to life.

Contour plots are usually the most effective way of viewing results for structural
type problems. Slices can be made through 3D models to facilitate the viewing of internal

All post-processors now include the calculation of stress & strains in any of the x, y
or z directions, or indeed in a direction at an angle to the coordinate axes. The principal
stresses and strains may also be plotted, or if required the yield stresses and strains
according to the main theories of failure (Von mises, St. Venant, Tresca etc.). Other
information such as the strain energy, plastic strain and creep strain may be obtained for
certain types of analyses.


The finite element method is a mathematical method for solving ordinary &
elliptic partial differential equations via a piecewise polynomial interpolation scheme. Put
simply, FEM evaluates a differential equation curve by using a number of polynomial
curves to follow the shape of the underlying & more complex differential equation curve.
Each polynomial in the solution can be represented by a number of points and so FEM
evaluates the solution at the points only. A linear polynomial requires 2 points, while a
quadratic requires 3. The points are known as node points or nodes. There are essentially
three mathematical ways that FEM can evaluate the values at the nodes, there is the non-
variational method (Ritz), the residual mehod (Galerkin) & the variational method


FEA is an implementation of FEM to solve a certain type of problem. For

example if we were intending to solve a 2D stress problem. For the FEM mathematical
solution, we would probably use the minimum potential energy principle, which is a
variational solution. As part of this, we need to generate a suitable element for our
analysis. We may choose a plane stress, plane strain or an axisymmetric type formulation,
with linear or higher order polynomials. Using a piecewise polynomial solution to solve
the underlying differential equation is FEM, while applying the specifics of element
formulation is FEA, e.g. a plane strain triangular quadratic element.


The finite element method extremely powerful. However, with comforting

contour plots, one can be easily fooled into thinking that a superior result has been
achieved. The quality of the result is totally dependent on the quality of the analysis
model & how accurately it represents the physical problem being investigated.
Remember, careful planning is the key to a successful analysis. Sometimes an analysis is
not required, as some problems have analytical or empirical solutions, others may be
determined using spreadsheets.



Altair HyperWorks is a framework of design engineering tools unparalleled at delivering

performance-enhancing benefits across all areas of design and engineering - directly
improving the bottom line for manufacturers. Developed for use in any industry or PLM
environment, where products need to be highly engineered, HyperWorks provides
modeling, assembly, optimization, visualization, and process automation CAE tools that
lead to faster job performance.

HyperMesh Finite element pre- and post-processor

HyperView High-performance finite element and mechanical system post-processor,
engineering plotter and data analysis tool
HyperView Player Viewer for visualizing 3-D CAE results via the Internet or desktop
OptiStruct Finite element based structural analysis and optimization solver
MotionView Mechanical system pre- and post-processor
MotionSolve Basic mechanical system solver integrated into MotionView
HyperStudy Integrated optimization, DOE, and robustness engine
Process Manager Process automation tool for HyperWorks products; Processes can
be created with the help of Process Studio
HyperForm Pre- and post-processor for metal forming simulation
HyperWeb Project-sharing application that runs within your web-browser
HyperGraph Engineering plotter and data analysis tool
HyperOpt General purpose optimizer
Templex General purpose text and numeric processor




A HyperMesh database stores information about many different entity types. All
HyperMesh entities, including nodes, points, lines, elements, loads, and systems, are
organized within collectors. There are several types of collectors and each collector
stores the model data relative to its type.

Database Names:

There are no restrictions placed on HyperMesh database names other than those
imposed by the operating system. However, hypermesh use the extension .hm for all
HyperMesh binary databases. This convention allows you to determine easily which of
the files in a directory are HyperMesh databases.


The node is the most basic finite element entity. Nodes represent physical
positions on the structure being modeled and are used by the element entity to define the
location and shape of the element. Nodes are considered “used” if they are part of an
element, vector, or group, or are referenced by a card image. HyperMesh automatically
deletes from the database unused nodes and any loads that were attached to the unused

Nodes contain a pointer to a surface and are therefore associated to a surface. This
allows you to select nodes and elements by surface.

Fixed points:

A point is a zero-dimensional geometry entity. A fixed point is associated with a

surface and is labeled with a small “o.” Fixed points may appear anywhere on a surface.
The automesher always places nodes at fixed points. Fixed points always mark vertices
along the edges of a surface. Fixed points are displayed in the same color as the surface
to which they belong.

Free points:

A point is a zero-dimensional geometry entity. Free points are not associated with
a surface and are labeled with a small “x.”



A collector gathers related data and allows you to handle the data as one unit. All
entities within HyperMesh must belong to a collector. HyperMesh automatically creates
a collector for new entities if you do not create a collector first. Entities can belong to
only one collector; for example, an element cannot exist in two different collectors.
Collectors can be modified and the entities within them can be reorganized.


Each element entity performs a specific task to facilitate a controlled and

complete interface between HyperMesh and the analysis codes. If a model uses only the
basic element types, i.e., trias, quads, and rigids, HyperMesh can transfer the model to
several different analysis codes. In modeling situations where specific analysis codes are
used because of their unique capabilities, the model is not considered generic and does
not transfer between analysis codes.

Each element has two associated variables: an element configuration and an element
type. The element configuration tells HyperMesh how to draw, store, and work with the
element. The element type allows you to define multiple analysis elements for each
HyperMesh element.


The line entity in HyperMesh represents the geometry associated with a physical
part. A line can be composed of a single line type or multiple line types. Each line type
in a line is referred to as a segment. The end point of each line segment is connected to
the first point of the next segment. A joint is the common point between two line
segments. Line segments are maintained as a single line entity, so operations performed
on the line affect each segment of the line. In general, HyperMesh automatically uses the
appropriate number and type of line segments to represent the geometry.

Surfaces and Faces:

The surface entity in HyperMesh represents the geometry associated with a

physical part. Surfaces define 2-D regions that may be used in automatic mesh
generation. All surfaces in HyperMesh are represented mathematically with the
following formulations:

plane Used to represent a planar surface.

cylinder/cone Used to represent cylindrical or conical surfaces.
sphere Used to represent a spherical surface.
torus Used to represent a toroidal surface.
NURBS Used to represent surfaces which are not definable by the above surface
types. NURBS may also be used to represent the above surface types
but they are not as efficient.


A HyperMesh surface can be made of a single surface type or of multiple surface types.
Multiple types are used for more complex surfaces that contain sharp corners or highly
complex shapes.

Each surface type is referred to as a face. Each face contains a mathematical surface and
edges to trim the surface (if required). When a surface has several faces, HyperMesh
maintains all of the faces as a single surface entity. Operations performed on the surface
affect all the faces that comprise the surface. In general, HyperMesh automatically uses
the appropriate number of and type of surface faces to represent the geometry.


The system entity, commonly called a coordinate system, may be rectangular,

cylindrical, or spherical. Several systems may be nested. In HyperMesh, a reference
system is used to define the geometric positions of entities, and an analysis system is used
to transform the nodal coordinate system.

Note:A system may be a reference system, an analysis system, or both.

Entities that have a reference system are systems, nodal points, loads, and mass elements.
By default, each of these entities is defined in the global system with an ID of zero. You
can use the systems panel to modify the reference coordinate system of an entity. Entities
are always displayed in the transformed global system.
HyperMesh allows you to modify the analysis system of an entity when you define the
analysis system. The only entity that may be defined in an analysis system is a node.
Analysis systems are typically used to transform element degrees of freedom or
constrained degrees of freedom from the global system to a local system.

If you delete a system, all the entities that were defined in that system are transferred to
the global system. When a reference system is deleted, the position of the entity is
maintained relative to the global system in the transformation process. For example, if
you define a cylindrical structure in a cylindrical coordinate system, and then delete the
system in which the nodes are defined, the model retains its cylindrical shape and also its
location in space. When you delete an analysis system, you must set the proper
orientation for element degrees of freedom or constrained degrees of freedom, as
HyperMesh does not maintain these in the transfer from the local system to the global


The load entity allows you to add forces and constraints to the database. Loads
are applied in the global system except when the reference system has been modified. A
constraint, applied at a node, is placed in the global system only if a system does not exist
at that node. If a system does exist, the orientation of the constraint is dictated by the
local system. After a constraint has been applied, HyperMesh does not maintain the
proper orientation for the constraint when you create or delete local systems at the node


where the constraint resides. Constraints, concentrated forces, concentrated moments,

concentrated fluxes, temperatures, velocities, accelerations, and pressures are currently


The card entity allows you to create control cards such as CPU limits or Title
cards. Control cards are defined within templates and are specific to one FE solver.


The vector entity allows you to define a three dimensional vector in the database.
Vectors are created in the global system unless a local coordinate system is defined.
Additionally, vectors can be created between two nodes and can change magnitude and
direction as those nodes move through analysis. Vectors can be used for orientation of
spring and gap elements or to specify a direction during selection.


Title collectors contain title information, including the name of the title, the color
of the title, and the text displayed in the title.



There are six main areas in the HyperMesh window:

A secondary menu can be accessed by using keyboard keys. The secondary menu allows
you to use panels that add information necessary to complete the currently active panel.

Graphics Area:

The graphics area occupies the upper portion of the screen. Models, geometry,
and plots are displayed in this area. Entities on the screen are selected for use in functions
by using the mouse to click on an entities’ pick handles. Pick handles are different for
each HyperMesh entity type.


Header Bar:

The header bar is located between the main menu area and the graphics area. It
displays information pertaining to the currently loaded model as well as descriptions of
the main menu pages and panels. When you are on one of the main menu pages (not
within a panel), the currently loaded user profile, current component (comp), and current
load collector (loadcol), along with the current menu page name (i.e., Geom, Tools) are

The header bar also displays a brief description of the panel when you hold down the left
mouse button on the panel button.


When you are in a panel, the header bar displays the current panel title and model status.
Panel titles are displayed on the left side of the bar. If you access a panel by using a
function key, the bar displays the current panel name on the left (in black) and the
original panel name to the right (in gray). The current component and load collector
names are displayed on the right side of the bar.

Messages also appear on the header bar and temporarily override the title and status
Messages posted on the header bar are color-coded:

red Error messages.

green/gray Miscellaneous messages, such as status updates or completed operations.

You can also obtain a brief description of a panel’s function if you hold down the left
mouse button over a panel button. These messages appear in green when using
HyperMesh classic dark menu colors and they appear in gray when using Windows light
menu colors ,Click a mouse button to remove a message from the header bar.

Permanent Menu:

The functions on the permanent menu allow you to manipulate the view of the
model, control which collectors are displayed in the graphics region, set global modeling
parameters, and edit solver-specific data. An additional function, vis, is available if you
are using Performance graphics. The model browser, allows you to view a
HyperMesh model in a tree-like display.


Main Menu:

The main menu has seven pages, each containing a list of panels and modules.
Most panels are further divided into subpanels. Modules contain a collection of panels
that are grouped according to functionality.
A secondary menu can be accessed by using keyboard keys. The secondary menu allows
you to use panels that add information necessary to complete the currently active panel.

Main Menu Pages:

The main menu contains seven pages of HyperMesh panels that are grouped by function.

Geom Line creation and geometry editing functions.

1D 1-D element creation.
2D 2-D surface and element creation and editing functions.
3D 3-D surface and element creation and editing functions.
BCs Boundary conditions, system and load creation functions.
Tool Model editing, utility functions, model checking functions, and
Informational functions.
Post Post-processing and xy plotting functions.

To change main menu pages:

 Click the radio button before the main menu page.


HyperMesh panels allow you to perform specific tasks by selecting options and
entering variable data. Each panel has a unique title that describes the main function of
the panel. Some panels contain several functions that perform similar tasks. Panels with
multiple functions have subpanels that display only those menu items that are relevant to
the current operation.
To select a panel, locate and click the panel button on one of the main menu pages.

Note: To display a brief description of the function of a panel in the header bar, hold the
mouse button down while the cursor is over the panel name. Release the mouse button to
access the panel.


Each panel contains menu items that allow you to enter necessary information for the
procedures you wish to perform.

Sub panels:

Subpanel names are listed on the left side of the panel. Only one subpanel may be
selected at a time. For example, on the collectors panel there are three subpanels: create,
update, and card image or dictionary.

To select a subpanel, click the radio button next to the subpanel name on the left side of
the panel.
Each subpanel contains menu items that allow you to enter necessary information for the
procedures you wish to perform.

Menu Items:

The menu items on each panel indicate the information that is needed to correctly
perform the panel’s function. Each panel contains input collectors, plane collectors, data
entry fields, and function buttons. Most panels also have toggles and switches that allow
you to alternate between choices or select options from a list.

Menu Buttons:

The color of the menu button corresponds to its purpose:


green Functions or executable items

yellow Collectors
red Return or abort

Toggles and Switches:

Toggles and switches appear on many HyperMesh panels. When you click a
toggle, the menu item following it alternates between choices. When you click a switch, a
list of options is displayed.

Input Collectors:

Input collectors allow you to indicate which entities are to be modified when a
function is performed. An input collector contains a switch, a data type button, and a
reset button. An input collector is active when the data type button is enclosed in a blue

To change the data type, click the input collector switch to access the pop-up menu of
possible data types, and select the type you want to use.
In addition to selecting one entity at a time on the screen, you can select multiple entities
via quick window selection (hold down the SHIFT key and drag your mouse to create a
The extended entity selection window allows you to choose various methods of selecting
entities of a specified data type. To access the options:
 Click the data type button.
The extended entity selection window is displayed containing a list of available selection


These selection options are displayed for all of the entity types in HyperMesh. Selections
that are not valid for the current entity type are grayed out.
If you want to reset the entity selections, click reset to deselect all selected entities.

Note: If the data type is a line list, click the data type of the input collector to see the
selected entities in the order in which they were selected.

If the data type is a node list, you can click on the collector to access a pop-up with the
selections by list, by path, show node order, or by window.

by list Allows you to pick the nodes individually from the node list.
by path Allows you to select a few nodes that form a path and HyperMesh
selects all the displayed nodes that lie in the shortest path of the
nodes selected. If you select nodes on the edges of a part, the
function tries to find the closest path along the edges of that part.
By path follows the connectivity of the elements between the nodes
selected. Therefore, if the nodes selected are not connected by
elements, this function does not apply.
show node order Allows you to view the nodes currently stored in the nodelist collector
by numbering the nodes in the sequence of their selection.
by window Allows you to select nodes by window and internally the order of the
nodes selected is determined based on its spatial location and
element connectivity (if connecting elements exist).

The linelist collector provides the following extended selection options:

by list Allows you to select lines or surface edges individually in the desired
by path Allows you to pick surface edges (two or more) and selects all the
surface edges that fall in the closest path connecting the selected
edges. If you select two free (red) edges, the function tries to find the
closest path along the free surface edges. Since this function uses
the connectivity of the surfaces, it only works with surface edges and
not with free unconnected geometric lines.

Plane Collectors:
You must define planes or vectors for many of the functions in HyperMesh.
Functions that require this information have a plane and vector collector on the panel.


When you click the switch on the collector, a menu appears with options that allow you
to select either local planes and vectors or global planes and vectors.

To define a vector:

1. Select the x-, y-, or z-axis.

2. Select two nodes, N1 and N2.
3. Select three nodes, N1, N2, and N3. The vector is the normal of the plane defined by
the three nodes. N1 (or the base node, if selected) is the point on the plane through which
the vector passes.
4. Select a model vector (i.e., arrows that represent a local coordinate system vector or
load vector).

To define a plane:

1. Select the x-, y-, or z-axis and a base node. The base node locates a plane normal to the
chosen axis.
2. Select two nodes, N1 and N2. The resulting plane is normal to the N1-N2 vector and
passes through N1 (or the base node, if selected).
3. Select three nodes, N1, N2, N3. A parallel plane can be specified by selecting a base
point elsewhere in the model.
4. Select a model vector (i.e., local coordinate system vectors or load vectors). The
resulting plane is normal to the vector.

Input Fields:

Input fields are used to enter text or numerical values. A description of the type of
input precedes the field. After you click either the input field or the description, the text
currently in the input field is highlighted, signifying that the input field in ready for


You can cut and paste text from one data field to another within HyperMesh and also
from data fields in HyperMesh to a command window (except in OpenGL versions).

You can enter characters and numbers from the keyboard to modify the value, or click the
input field a second time to access the HyperMesh calculator. When you type an
alphanumeric character with the keyboard, the value previously assigned to the field is
erased, and the new character is placed at the far left of the input field. If you want to edit
the existing data, press a right or left arrow key ( or ) before pressing any other keys.

In edit mode, the following keys perform the corresponding functions:

ESC Restores the initial text or value displayed upon entering edit mode.
Press the ESC key while the field is still active to restore the initial
text or value to the input field.
and Move the cursor in the input field to the left and right, respectively.
After positioning the cursor in the input field, characters can be
inserted or deleted at the proper location.
BACKSPACE Deletes the character to the left of the cursor and moves the cursor
One space to the left.
HOME Moves the cursor to the beginning of the input field.
END Moves the cursor to the end of the input field.
DELETE Deletes the character which is above the cursor.
TAB Moves the input cursor from field to field on the panel.

To exit edit mode, press the ENTER key, select another menu item, or press a function

Character String Input:

To enter a character string, click the corresponding menu item or input field (the
menu item is placed in edit modea), and use the keyboard to enter text until the proper
information is displayed. The first character in a string cannot be a space; HyperMesh
removes any leading spaces contained in a character string.

Note: If you need to specify the name of a collector for a data input field (i.e., comp =,
plot =, title =), click the menu item or input field a second time to select the name from a
list of the existing collectors.

To cut and paste character strings, use the mouse cursor to select the text you want to
copy,press CTRL-c, move the cursor to the location where you want to insert the text,
and press CTRL-v.

Note: You can cut and paste from one input field to another or to a command line in
another window (except in OpenGL.).


Numeric Data Input:

Numerical values are specified as real numbers or integers. HyperMesh displays

integer values without a decimal point. Real numbers are displayed with a decimal point
or in scientific notation. If a real number contains three or more leading zeros after the
decimal, HyperMesh automatically displays the value in scientific notation.

To enter numeric data, click the corresponding menu item or input field and enter the
value using the keyboard. You can also use the HyperMesh calculator to enter the value.
To use the calculator, click the menu item or input field a second time (the first click
allows you to enter edit mode, the second click gives you access to the calculator), click
numeric and function buttons on the calculator using HP-style reverse notation, and click
exit to close the calculator.

In edit mode, HyperMesh discards input characters that are not valid numbers and
subsequent numbers. For example, if you type 123e+1q1, HyperMesh interprets it as
1230.000. If HyperMesh expects an integer value and you enter 123.45, HyperMesh
truncates the number to eliminate the decimal point.


Pop-up menus are displayed when there are several options from which to choose.
When the pop-up menu appears, the mouse cursor is centered in the menu and the menu
is made active.

Some pop-ups are displayed with a border around the menu box and some have no
border. If the pop-up menu has a border, you must make a selection before you can
proceed. If the pop-up does not have a border, you can either select a menu item on the
pop-up menu or move the mouse outside the bounds of the menu.

Some pop-up menus allow multiple selections. For example, the view pop-up menu (view
on the permanent menu) allows you to make multiple selections. HyperMesh
immediately processes the selection you have made on the pop-up menu and then waits
for you to make more selections. The pop-up menu remains on the screen until you move
the mouse outside the bounds of the box.


File Browser:

When you open or save a file using save as..., retrieve…, import…, load…, write
as…, browse…, etc, you use the standard Windows file browser. The file browser
enables you to navigate through the directories on your network to locate files.

To search for a particular file extension:

1. For Look in/ Save in, specify the search directory.

2. In the File name field, type *.ext where ext is the extension of the file type you wish to
locate. For example, *.hm searches for all the HyperMesh database files (files with an
.hm extension) in the specified directory.
Type *.* to search for all files in the directory.


For Files of Type, select the file type from the drop-down menu.
3. Press ENTER.
All files ending with the specified extension are displayed.

To search for a particular filename:

1. For Look in/Save in, specify the directory to search.

2. For File name, type filename* where filename is any portion of the name of the file
you wish to locate.
3. Press ENTER.
All files beginning with the specified characters are displayed in the files list.

The Mouse:

The mouse attached to your system is integral to HyperMesh and can be used in
almost every aspect of user input. Some operations require pressing a keyboard key in
addition to using the mouse. Rapid menu allows you to use the middle mouse button to
quickly perform common operations without frequently moving the mouse between the
graphics region and the panel region.



Rapid Menu:

Rapid menu is a feature that uses the middle mouse button (a single click for each
step) to move through a panel along a predetermined path. This allows advanced users to
perform common operations without frequently moving the mouse between the graphics
region and the panel region, thus reducing “mouse miles”. The function button that is
assigned to rapid menu is outlined in black. For example, in the hidden line panel (see
figure) fill plot is performed when you click the middle mouse button.

The rapid menu function is predetermined and varies between panels. In panels that
contain multiple function buttons, rapid menu is assigned to the most commonly used
function. The rapid menu function can also vary within a panel. For example, when you
enter the lines panel, return is assigned to the rapid menu. But once you pick a node to
create the line, create becomes the rapid menu function. In most panels, the middle
mouse button returns you out of the panel if the active input collector (yellow collector
with a blue outline) is empty.

In panels where there is a defined sequence of selections (input collectors), rapid menu
advances to the next collector. For example in the ruled panel, select a few nodes for
your first node list or line list, and then click the middle mouse button to advance to the
second node list so that you can begin picking more nodes. In panels where there is no
clear sequence of selections, the middle mouse button may activate a function for which
there is insufficient data, resulting in an error message. For example, when you try to
move nodes using the N1, N2, N3 vector option in the translate panel. If you click the
middle mouse button after you select the required nodes, an attempt to perform translate
+ is executed. Since you do not have N1, N2 and N3 selected or may not have a
magnitude value entered, an error message results.

Some panels do not have function buttons and are repetitive. In such cases, using the
middle mouse button returns you out of the panel. For example, in the replace panel, if
you pick two nodes, it replaces one with the other and proceeds to repeat the operation
with the new selection.
In some panels, the entities in the input collector are not cleared, allowing you to use the
same entities to repeat the operation. In these panels, the middle mouse button repeats the
chosen function as long as the entity collector is not reset to empty. For example, in the
translate or rotate panels once you selected some elements/nodes/comps and direction
and distance of translation, clicking the middle mouse button a second time repeats the
translate + or rotate + function, thus translating/rotating the same nodes again.


In panels that have pre-filled defaults, a middle mouse click performs the operation with
the defaults. For example, collectors/create panel with a preset collector name creates a
collector when you click the middle mouse button.


Although most HyperMesh operations are performed with the mouse, you must
use the keyboard to enter new file or component names or title information. In addition,
there are several keyboard hot keys that you can use to access the viewing functions
available on the permanent menu. The hot keys are the same as the letters on the menu.
You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard to rotate your model. The secondary
menu uses various combinations of the function keys, SHIFT key, and CTRL key to
access panels.

Notes: When you use the +, -, or arrow keys, press the key once and wait for HyperMesh
to redraw the model before pressing the key again.
You can press ESC instead of clicking return to exit a panel.

Secondary Menu:

The secondary menu is a list of panels that can be accessed by using the function
keys F1 through F12, or in combination with the SHIFT or CTRL keys. The secondary
menu allows you to use panels that add information necessary to complete the currently


active panel. When you use the secondary menu, it interrupts the active panel and allows
you to perform a function in the secondary panel, and upon completion, to continue using
the initial panel. Entities selected while in the secondary panel are still selected when you
return to the initial panel.

The default secondary panels are as follows:

Note: Function keys may be reassigned to different panels by using the build menu

Macro menu:

The macro menu is located on the right side of the graphics region. It contains page
selection buttons at the bottom of the menu, with the current page represented in a darker
shade of gray. The five default menus are:

 QA
 Mesh
 Disp
 Geom
 User (user-created macros only)


By default, the macro menu is displayed. To hide the macro menu:

 Click Off on the macro menu.

To display the macro menu:

1.From the permanent menu, select options.

2.Select menu config.
3.Check enables the macro menu.

The macro menu is displayed.

The Geom, QA and Mesh pages contain a variety of macros that can be categorized as
tools and shortcuts. Tools allow you to quickly perform functions that would normally
take several steps. Shortcuts take you to a specific panel and subpanel and pre-selects
specific toggles. HyperMesh mouse commands are used to create shortcut macros.

Disp macro menu:

The Disp macro menu contains a variety of macros that allow you to modify the graphics
display in several different ways.

Light Source allows you to change the direction of the source of the light. Nine
locations for the light source are available:

Specularity Allows you to modify the specularity or reflectiveness of the model. Four
different levels of specularity are available: none, high, medium and low.


Geom Turn on/off the geometry in the model.

Elems Turn on/off the elements in the model.


Shrink Shrink the elements in the model by 20%.

Gfx Display the model either in performance or standard graphics


Vis opts Select the topology visualization mode for displaying the model. Four
modes are available:
0 Standard mode.
1 Component color. The model is always displayed with the
edges the same color as the associated component, even in the
automesh panel.
2 Topology mode. The surface edges are displayed according to
connectivity, as in the geom cleanup panel.
3 Shaded mode. Allows you to view the model in shaded mode
regardless of which panel you are currently using.

Surf line Place surface lines on a model. You can place one, two, four, or no lines
on each surface.

Mask Lines Masks all of the displayed lines in the model.

Nodes Removes all of the displayed temporary nodes.

Only Comps Turns off every type of collector except component collectors.
Surfs by edge This group of macros allows you to manipulate the display of the
surfaces by selecting edges.

Add Displays all the surfaces attached to the selected edges.

This macro adds surfaces to the screen.
Remove Masks all the surfaces attached to the selected edges.
This macro removes surfaces to the screen.
Only Selected Determines which surfaces are attached to the selected
edges. It turns off all the surfaces and displays only the
ones that are attached to the selected edges. This macro
removes some surfaces and adds others to the screen.

Geom macro menu:

The Geom macro menu contains three tools.

Isolate Surface Isolate either an inner or an outer surface layer from a 3D model. This
macro works only on the surfaces attached to the selected surface. The
other layer and thickness are then placed in a temp directory and
Washer Scale a circular line 1.5 times and then trim that new line into the
surface. This results in a higher quality mesh around circular holes.


Adj Circ Pts Places three additional fixed points on an inner line, and then projects
those points to a concentric line, creating a higher quality mesh.

The shortcut macros in the Geom page are divided into four groups:

Fixed Points The following shortcuts provide access to panels that enable you to
create, edit and delete fixed points.

Add 2D page – automesh panel – cleanup subpanel - add point

Delete 2D page – automesh panel – cleanup subpanel -- remove
point function
Replace 2D page – automesh panel – cleanup subpanel -- replace
point function
Release Geom page – geom cleanup – fixed points subpanel – release
points function
Project 2D page – automesh panel – proj to edge subpanel – points to
edges function
Midline 2D page – automesh panel – cleanup subpanel -- add
point at midline function

Edges The following shortcuts provide access to panels that enable you to
perform various edge edit operations.
Toggle 2D page – automesh panel – cleanup subpanel -- toggle
Equiv Geom page – geom cleanup panel – edges subpanel –
equivalence function
Defillet Geom page – defeature panel – edge fillets subpanel
Trm-Int Geom page – defeature panel – trim-intersect subpanel
(Un) Sup Geom page – geom cleanup panel – edges subpanel – (un)
suppress function
Project Geom page – surface edit panel – trim with line subpanel

Surfs-create The following shortcuts provide access to panels that enable you to
create and delete surfaces.

Spline 2D page – spline panel – lines collector and surface only

Ruled 2D page – ruled panel – line list collectors and surface only
Drag 2D page – drag panel – drag geoms subpanel – line list
collector and surface only option
Sweep 2D page – line drag panel – drag geoms subpanel – line list
collector and surface only option


Spin 2D page – spin panel – spin geoms subpanel – line list

collector and surface only option
Skin 2D page – skin panel – line list collector and surface only
Filler Geom page – surface edit panel – filler surface subpanel
Midsurf Geom page – midsurface panel – solid subpanel

Surfs-edit The following shortcuts provide access to panels that enable you to edit

2N Cut 2D page – automesh panel – cleanup subpanel – split surf

Plan Cut Geom page – surface edit panel – trim with surf subpanel
Holes Geom page – defeature panel – pinholes subpanel
Loops 2D page – automesh panel – cleanup subpanel – unsplit
surf function
Delete Tool page – delete panel – surfs collector
Dups Geom page – geom cleanup – surfaces subpanel – find
duplicates function
Defillet Geom page – defeature panel – surf fillets subpanel – surfs
Untrim Geom page – defeature panel – trim lines subpanel
Offset Geom page – surface edit panel – offset subpanel
Intersect Geom page – surface edit panel – trim with surf subpanel

Mesh macro menu:

The Mesh macro menu contains six macros.

The Auto Connectors macro automates the importation and FE realization of connectors
from either a Master Connectors File or an older Master Weld File. Virtually every
option that is available in the fe realizes panel is also available in the Auto Connectors

Del Elems by Surf Deletes elements associated to a selected surface.

Remesh Remeshes the selected elements plus one, two, or three attached
layers of elements. The remesh uses the current size, does not break
connectivity, and uses the mixed element type.
Smooth Applies the smoothing algorithm to the selected elements plus one,
two, or three attached layers of elements.
Split Warped Processes the entire model and splits all quad elements with a
warpage greater than 20 into trias along the diagonal of the quad.
R-Mesh Rapidly generates a quad/tria shell mesh that is ideal for representing
rigid tool surfaces. Four parameters are used, which determine the


precision of the mesh relative to the geometry, as well as the overall

size of the meshed model. The parameters are:

Minimum edge length The length of the smallest element edge of

all the elements in the mesh.
Maximum edge length The length of the largest element edge of
all the elements in the mesh.
Chordal deviation The maximum allowable chordal deviation
between the edge of an element and the
adjacent geometry.
Fillet angle The maximum allowable angle between
two adjacent elements. Similar to chordal
deviation, it determines the number of
element edges that are used to describe the
curvature of a given shape.

The Mesh shortcuts on the Mesh menu are as follows:


Geom Cleanup 2D page – automesh panel – cleanup subpanel

El Size permanent menu - global panel – element size field
Mixed 2D page – automesh panel – create mesh subpanel – surfs collector
and mixed mesh option
Quad 2D page – automesh panel – create mesh subpanel – surfs collector
and quad mesh option
Tria 2D page – automesh panel – create mesh subpanel – surfs collector
and tria mesh option
Tetra 3D page – tetramesh panel
Smooth 2D/ 3D page – smooth panel
Spline 2D page – spline panel – lines collector and ‘mesh, dele surf’ option
Ruled 2D page – ruled panel – node lists collectors and ‘mesh, dele surf’
Connectors 1D page – connectors module


Edit 1D/ 2D/ 3D page – edit element panel

Remesh 2D page – automesh panel – create mesh subpanel – elems collector
and mixed mesh option
QI 2D pages – quality index panel – view mode
Cleanup 2D pages – quality index panel – edit model

QA macro menu:


The QA macro menu contains many tools to help you quickly review and clean
up the quality of a pre-existing mesh. There are eight tools to isolate elements that fail
certain element check criteria. The macro displays only those elements that fail. The
values can be changed in the hm.mac file but are preset to:

Length 5.0
Jacob (Jacobian) 0.5
Warp (warpage) 20.0
Aspect (aspect ratio) 5.0

You can use the following macros to quickly modify any elements that fail the element

Find Attached Finds all of the elements attached to the displayed elements.
Remesh Allows you to remesh the selected elements plus one, two, or three
attached layers of elements. The remesh uses the current size, does not
break connectivity, and uses the mixed element type.
Smooth Allows you to apply the smoothing algorithm to the selected elements
plus one, two, or three attached layers of elements.
Find Between Finds the elements that are shared between two components
Quality report Brings up a user interface that allows you to set the various quality
values and check the quality of all the 2D elements in the model. The
results are shown as the number of elements and percentage of
elements failing each criterion. You can also export the results to a
text file using save as.
Model Tour Allows you to review (tour) the selected components individually.
This macro displays the component name, number of elements in that
component and their ID range. It also displays a dialog that allows
you to review the free edges of the component and any elements
attached to the component.

The Quality Checks shortcuts on the QA macro menu are:

1D Tool page – check elems panel – 1d subpanel

2D Tool page – check elems panel – 2d subpanel
3D Tool page – check elems panel – 3d subpanel
Normals Tool page – normals panel
Edges Tool page – edges panel
Faces Tool page – faces panel
QI 2D pages – quality index panel – view mode
Cleanup 2D pages – quality index panel – edit model
Replace 1D/ 2D/ 3D page – replace panel


Align Geom page – align node panel

User Profiles:

The HyperMesh user interface can be configured according to your specific needs
and saved as a user profile. The configuration can include loading a specific template,
loading a specific macro menu, renaming panels, removing unused panels or subpanels,
and removing, moving, or renaming panel options. A set of standard user profiles is
included in the HyperMesh installation.
The user profiles change the appearance of a panel - they do not affect the internal
behavior of each function.


Note: Take care to ensure that items required for a specific function are not removed
from the interface.

Once you select a standard user profile, the appropriate template and macro menu are
loaded. You can return to the standard HyperMesh GUI by selecting the HyperMesh
profile. The current user profile is displayed on the header bar. The hmmenu.set file
keeps track of which user profile was last loaded.

User profiles for the following products are included:

HyperMesh HyperXtrude
OptiStruct PAM-CRASH



This chapter explains how to use a typical HyperMesh panel. It contains

information about:

· Retrieving and Saving a HyperMesh Database

· Input Collectors
· Using the Plane and Vector Selector
· Viewing Models
· Using the Display Panel
· Setting View Options
· Setting Global Parameters
· Importing and Exporting Data

Retrieving and Saving a HyperMesh Database:

The hm file subpanel on the files panel allows you to save and retrieve
HyperMesh binary databases.

To retrieve a binary HyperMesh database, select the files panel on any page of the main
menu, select the hm file subpanel, click retrieve..., select a file using the Open file...
dialog, and click Open.

To save a database, select the files panel on any page of the main menu, select the hm file
subpanel, and click save. You can also click save as..., select a path and file name, and
click Save. If the file being saved already exists, HyperMesh asks for confirmation
before overwriting the file.

Using the Extended Entity Selection Menu:

The extended entity selection menu provides a number of entity selection options.
To access the extended selection menu, click the data type button on the current input


Input Collector

To change the data type, click the input collector switch to access the pop-up menu of
possible data types, and select the type you want to use.

In addition to selecting one entity at a time on the screen, you can select multiple entities
via quick window selection (hold down the SHIFT key and drag your mouse to create a

The extended entity selection window allows you to choose various methods of selecting
entities of a specified data type. To access the options:

· Click the data type button.

The extended entity selection window is displayed containing a list of available selection

Extended entity selection window.

These selection options are displayed for all of the entity types in HyperMesh. Selections
that are not valid for the current entity type are grayed out. If you want to reset the entity
selections, click reset to deselect all selected entities.

Using the Plane and Vector Selector:

The plane and vector collector allows you to define a plane or vector by selecting
nodes in the database or by using the global x, y, z, axes and a base point.

Viewing Models:

The functions on the permanent menu allow you to control the view of your
model. The view commands are accessible even when you are using other panels.

The viewing functions allow you to:

·Set basic views

·Use view rotation
·Change the window
·Perform view translation
·Return to the previous view


Setting Basic Views:

The view pop-up menu allows you to display your model in several basic views,
reverse the view, or rotate the model in clockwise or counterclockwise directions. The
save and restore options allow you to save, identify, and restore different views of your

Using View Rotation:

There are four methods you can use to rotate a displayed model.

·Click one of the four directional arrows on the permanent menu. Each time an arrow is
selected, the model rotates a user-defined angle.
·Click the r located in the center of the directional arrows on the permanent menu and
select a point on the model for rotation.
·Click a on the permanent menu to use the arc spaceball.
·Click cw (clockwise) or ccw (counterclockwise) on the view menu.

Changing the Window:

The window viewing options allow you to zoom in and out of the currently
displayed window, specify an area to see in closer detail, fill the window with the model,
and refresh the screen.
The following window viewing options are included on the permanent menu:

z Circle zoom
+ and - Current Window Zoom
f Fill Screen
p Plot


s Slide zoom

Performing View Translation:

Translation of the model, also called panning, is performed by selecting a new

center for the current window.

To change the screen center:

1.Click c on the permanent menu or press C on the keyboard.

2.Move the mouse into the graphics area.
The current center is indicated by a small white box.
3.Move the mouse to the point where you want the new center located and click the left
mouse button.
4.Hold the mouse button down for continuous panning.
5.Exit by moving the mouse into the menu area, by clicking the right mouse button, or by
pressing any key.

Return to the Previous View:

To return to the previous view of your model, click b on the permanent menu or
the keyboard. This returns the screen graphic to the view before a rotation, zoom, center,
or other viewing manipulation was performed. If you press b continuously, you can
toggle between two views of a model.

Using the display Panel:

The disp (display) panel allows you to select which components and collectors are
displayed on the screen. It is accessed by clicking disp on the permanent menu.
Components can be turned on and off by selecting the check boxes of the components in
the display list. The names of the components are the same color as the component.

In the default mode of the disp (display) panel, the switches are set to comps and elems.
At this setting, the elements in the selected components are displayed if the component
(on the left-hand side of the panel) is selected.

Setting Global Parameters:


The global panel, accessed by clicking global on the permanent menu, controls
model parameters that are accessed by several different panels. These parameters remain
constant until changed.
Use this panel or the template subpanel on the files panel to specify the template file you
want to use.

The global panel controls which components or collectors are active; any entities created
are stored in the active collectors.

Elements are designated as first order elements by default. If you want to create second
order elements, click the toggle after element order: to second.

Importing and Exporting Data:

The import subpanel on the files panel allows you to input external CAD line and
surface data or finite element models. The CAD formats currently supported are IGES,
import/merge HyperMesh model files (.hm) into the current model session.
The FE formats we support are Optistruct, Abaqus, Ansys, Cmold, Moldflow, Nastran,
Patran, Marc, Ls-Dyna, Pamcrash, Radioss, HyperMesh ascii, and Ideas.

The CUSTOM interface allows you to import models using your own custom-built
translation package. The custom option can be used to import models using a translator
provided with the HyperMesh installation but cannot be accessed via the pop-up menu.

The export subpanel on the files panel allows you to write information from a
HyperMesh database to many finite element formats. Geometry data can be written in
IGES format.

HyperMesh uses templates to create the analysis input decks for finite element solvers.
You can modify the existing templates to support a desired feature or create a new
template to support another analysis code. The HyperMesh templates can be used to
create model summaries and perform some analysis calculations. You can also use the
templates to perform complex editing or data manipulation tasks.



HyperMesh imports lines, surface data, and points in the following formats:
CATIA, Unigraphics, PDGS, VDAFS, IGES, DXF, Pro/E, and STEP format.
If geometry is not available from a CAD system, you can create or edit geometry using
the line and surface builders available in HyperMesh. The panels used in this process are

1. node creation and editing panels

2. lines creation and editing panels
3. surfaces creation and editing panels



The create nodes panel allows you to create nodes and points or apply nodes to a plane.
Location: Geom page

To create Node at specific locations:

1.Select the type in subpanel.

2.Click the value following x = and enter the x coordinate of the new node by typing in
the value, or click x = and select a node from the graphics region to extract the x value
of the node.
3.Repeat the last procedure for the y and z coordinates.
4.Click system = and specify the system in which you want to create the node, if other
than the global system.
5.Click create node or create point.

·Click reject.


To create a node on a line or surface:

1.Select the pick geom subpanel.

2.Click the switch and select either lines or surfs.

3.Indicate the line(s) or surface(s) where you want to create a node by selecting the entity
on your model or select lines or surfs and choose from the extended entity selection

To create nodes on a line:

1.Select the on line subpanel.

2.Indicate the line on which you want to create a node or nodes by selecting the line on
your model, or click lines and choose from the pop-up menu.
3.To create evenly spaced nodes:
Click number of nodes.
Enter the number of nodes you want to create along the line.
4.To create nodes with biasing:
Click the switch after bias style: and select linear, exponential or bellcurve.
Click the data entry field after bias intensity = and enter the desired value.
5.Click create.

Evenly spaced nodes. Biased nodes.


To create a node at a point:

1.Select the at point subpanel.

2.Pick the point(s) where you want to create nodes.

3.Click create.

To create nodes between nodes in a list of nodes:

1.Select the between subpanel.

2.Select the nodes between which you want to create a node or nodes.
3.To create evenly spaced nodes between nodes:
Click number of nodes.
Enter the number of nodes you want to create between the nodes in the list of
4.To create nodes with biasing:
Click the switch after bias style: and select linear, exponential or bellcurve.
Click the data entry field after bias intensity = and enter the desired value.
5.Click create.

To apply a node to a plane:

1.Select the on plane subpanel.

2.Use the plane and vector collector to specify the plane on which to apply nodes.
3.Pick the locations where you want to apply nodes.
4.Click apply.


The node edit panel allows you to associate nodes to a surface, move nodes along a
surface, or place a node at a point on a surface.
Location: Geom page
To associate nodes to a surface:

1.Select the associate subpanel.

2.While surf is highlighted, pick the surface to which you want the nodes associated.

3.Indicate the nodes that are to be associated to the surface by picking them on your
model, or click nodes and choose from the extended entity selection menu.

4.Click tolerance and enter the tolerance.

If a node is within tolerance of the surface, it becomes associated to it.
5.Click associate .


To move a node along a surface:

1.Select the move node subpanel.

2.Indicate the nodes you want to move by picking them on your model, or click nodes
and choose from the extended entity selection menu. (Note: The nodes must already
be associated to the surface.)

3.Click the switch and select a vector to specify the direction to move the nodes.
4.Click step size and enter the amount (in model units) to move the node.
5.Click move+ to move in the same direction as the specified vector or move- to move in
the opposite direction.


To place a node at a specified point on a surface:

1.Select the place node subpanel.

2.While destination surf is highlighted, pick the surface to which to associate the node.

3.While node to place is highlighted, pick the node to place on the surface.

4.Pick a point on the surface.

The node that you selected to place is moved to that point on the surface.


Temporary Nodes:

A temporary node list retains nodes that are not attached to an element, protecting
them from automatic removal by HyperMesh’s database management (except for some
panels that automatically clear all temporary nodes, i.e., edges, faces, edit elements).
There may be times when you wish to use an unattached node later in the modeling
The temp nodes panel allows you to modify the temporary node list. In the temp nodes
panel, there are three functions:

add Adds selected individual nodes to the temporary node list.

clear Removes selected individual nodes from the temporary node list.
clear all Removes all the temporary nodes from the database.



The lines panel allows you to create line data between nodes or existing lines.
This function uses selected nodes in space to define the line, with the line passing through
the nodes.
Location: Geom page

To create a line:
1.Select the create line subpanel.


2.Pick the nodes to use to create the line.

3.Click the switch and select the type of line you want to generate.
4.Click create.


Click reject immediately after you create a line. To reinstate a rejected line, click create
again without changing any of the input data.

To create a midline:

1.Select the create midline subpanel.

2.Click the leftmost line list and select the first line or set of lines forming one side of the

3.Click the rightmost line list and select the second line or set of lines forming the other
side of the interpolation.


4.Click create.


Click reject immediately after you create a line.

Line edit:

The line edit panel allows you to split or join lines.

Location: Geom page

The extend line subpanel allows you to extend a line by specifying an extension length.
The selected line can be extended from either end of the line, following either the tangent
or the curvature direction. To extend a selected line to a node or point either in tangent or
curvature direction, a capture radius must be specified. A line can be extended to a
specified line or surface following the tangent direction.

To combine two lines:

1.Select the combine subpanel.

2.Click the toggle to choose smooth or straight as the method to use to combine the lines.


3.Select the first line you want to combine.

4.Select the second line.
5.The lines are combined.


Click reject immediately after the lines have been split.

To split lines at an arbitrary point:

1.Select the split at point subpanel.

2.Pick the line you want to split.

3.After you have selected a line, HyperMesh displays the message "Select a point on the
selected line where the line should be split."
4.Select the arbitrary point on the line, to split.

To split lines at a joint:


1.Select the split at joint subpanel.

2.Pick the line you want to split.

HyperMesh responds with the message "Select a joint on the selected line where the line
should be split."
The vertices of the joints on the line are displayed.

3.Pick the desired joint on the line, to split.

To split lines at a line:

1.Select the split at line subpanel.

2.Indicate which lines you want to split by picking them on your model.


3.Click cut line and select the line to use to split the others.
4.Click split.

To split lines at a plane:

1.Select the split at plane subpanel.

2.Indicate which lines you want to split by picking them on your model, or click lines and
choose from the extended entity selection menu.

3.Use the plane and vector collector to indicate the plane to use to split the lines.
4.Click split.

To smooth lines:

1.Select the smooth line subpanel.


2.Indicate which lines you want to smooth by picking them on your model, or click lines
and choose from the extended entity selection menu.

3.Click the toggle to select smooth corners or smooth entire line.

4.If you select smooth corners, click min tangent angle = and enter the minimum tangent
angle to be used.
5.If the angle where two segments of the line meet is greater than the specified minimum
tangent angle, then the two segments are smoothed. (In the illustration, if min tangent
angle = is set at 130 degrees, the segments where the angle is equal to 135 degrees are
smoothed, but the segments that have the 90 degree angle are not smoothed.)

6.If you select smooth entire line, click tolerance = and enter the tolerance to be used in
smoothing the line.
7.Click smooth.

To extend a line:

1.Select the extend line subpanel.


2.Pick the line that you want to extend.

3.The beginning of the line is marked with a red V.

4.Set the rightmost toggle to follow tangent or follow curvature.

5.If you select follow tangent, the line extension follows the tangent at the end of the line.
6.If you select follow curvature, the line extension follows a derivative of the tangent
7.Set the lower toggle to distance = or to:.
If you selected distance =, click the entry field and enter the distance to extend the line.
If you selected to:
8.Click the switch and select the entity type to which you want to extend the line.
9.Click capture radius and enter a value that indicates the range that the extended line
must fall within to connect to the target geometry. If the end of the extended line is
within the capture radius of the target geometry, then the coordinates are mapped to the
target geometry.
10.Click extend + to extend the line from the end of the selected line.
11.Click extend - to extend the line from the beginning of the line.


The circles panel allows you to create circles and arcs by entering the center and
radius, points and a vector, or three points. It also allows you to find the center point of a
circle or an arc.

Location: Geom page

The center and radius subpanel allows you to create a circle or arc by specifying the
center, radius and plane in which the circle lies. You can create multiple circles and arcs
by selecting more than one center. The starting point of the circle or arc can be offset a
specified number of degrees.


The points and vector subpanel allows you to create a circle or arc by specifying a point
which lies on the circle and the plane whose normal is used to spin the selected point
around. You can create multiple circles and arcs by selecting more than one point.

The three points subpanel allows you to create a circle or arc by specifying three points.

The find subpanel allows you to locate the center point of a circle or an arc.

To create a circle or arc by specifying the center, radius and the plane:

1.Select center and radius subpanel.

2.Click node list.

3.Indicate the centers of the circles or arcs you want to create by picking them on the
4.Click the switch and select the method to use to define the plane in which the new
circles or arcs will lie.
5.Click the toggle to indicate the line type (circle or arc) you want to create.
6.If you select arc, click angle = and enter the angle through which the arc passes.
7.Click radius = and enter the radius of the circle or arc.
8.If you want to offset the starting point of the circle or arc, click offset = and enter a
value other than zero.
The offset value will move the starting point of the circle or arc the specified number of
degrees based on right hand rule.
9.Click create.

To create a circle using points and a vector:

1.Select points and vector.

2.Click node list.
3.Indicate the point(s) which lie on the circles or arcs you want to create by picking them
on the screen.
4.Click the switch and select the method to use to define the plane whose normal runs
through the center of the circles or arcs and parallel to the plane in which they lie.
5.Click the toggle to indicate the line type (circle or arc) you want to create.
6.If you select arc, click angle = and enter the angle through which the arc passes.
7.If you want to offset the starting point of the circle or arc, click offset = and enter a
value other than zero.
The offset value will move the starting point of the circle or arc the specified number of
degrees based on right hand rule.
8.Click create.


To create a circle by specifying three points:

1.Select the three points subpanel.

2.Click node list.

3.Indicate three nodes which lie on the circle you want to create by picking them on the

4.Click the toggle to indicate the line type (circle or arc) you want to create.


5.Click create.

To find the center point of a circle or an arc:

1.Select the find center subpanel.

2.Click node list.
3.Indicate three nodes that lie on the circle or arc of which you want to find the center

4.Click find.



The ruled panel allows you to create surfaces and/or meshes of plate elements
from nodes, lines, and/or line segments, in any combination. Nodes in the mesh being
created are placed on a surface created on a linear basis between the two sets of selected


Location: 2D page

To build a surface between two rows of nodes/lines:

1.Click the upper left switch and select node list/line list.
2.Select the nodes/lines where you want to create a surface.

3.Click the lower left switch and select node list/line list.
4.Select the nodes/lines where you want to create a surface.

5.Click the rightmost switch and select the desired mesh and surface option.

6.Click create.



The spline panel allows you to create a shell mesh and/or surface. A
mesh/surface can be created using nodes or lines.

Location: 2D page

You can pick the lines or nodes in any order and HyperMesh will determine the correct
order and create a mesh/surface. The spline function to create a mesh and/or surface from
lines does not limit the number of lines used to create a mesh /surface.

To create a 3-D spline surface:

1.Click the leftmost switch and select lines/nodes.

2.Indicate the lines/node that define the edges of the surface:
Pick the lines/node on your model.
Click lines and choose from the extended entity selection menu.


3.Click the switch and select the desired mesh and/or surface option.
4.Click create.


The skin panel allows you to create a skin surface and/or mesh from a set of lines.

Location: 2D page

Note: The skin panel is for lines that are stacked next to each other. If lines form a
closed loop, use the spline panel.


To create a skin surface:

1.Select the lines in the order they are to be skinned.

2.Click the switch and select the desired meshing and/or surface option.
3.Click create.


The drag panel allows you to create a surface and/or mesh by dragging a series of
nodes or lines, or to create elements by dragging selected elements. The function drags
the selected entities along the specified vector creating a mesh, surface, or elements along
that vector.

Location: 2D and 3D pages

To drag a line to create a surface:

1.Select the drag geoms subpanel.

2.Click the input collector switch and select line list/node list.
3.Select the line/node you want to drag by selecting it on your model.


4.Use the plane and vector collector to specify the direction along which to drag the line.
5.Click the toggle to choose the method you want to use to specify the distance to drag
the lines/nodes.
6.If you select distance =, enter the distance.
7.Click the lower right switch and select the desired mesh and surface option.
8. Click drag+ or drag-.


The spin panel allows you to create a surface and/or mesh or elements by spinning
a series of nodes, a line or lines, or a group of elements about a vector to create a circular

Location: 2D and 3D pages

The spin geoms subpanel creates a surface and/or mesh or elements by spinning a series
of nodes, a line, or lines about the normal of a user-defined plane.

To spin a line/node to create a surface:

1.Select the spin geoms subpanel.


2.Click the input collector switch and select line list/node list.
3.Select the line(s)/nodes you want to spin.
4.Use the plane and vector collector to specify a plane.
The selected line(s)/nodes are spun about the normal of the plane.
5.Click base and select a base point.

6.Select angle = and specify an angle through which to spin the line.
7.Click the lower right switch and select the desired mesh and/or surface options.
8.Click spin+ or spin-.


The line drag panel allows you to create a two- or three-dimensional surface
and/or mesh or elements by dragging nodes, lines, or elements along another line.

Location: 2D and 3D pages

To drag lines or nodes:

1.Select the drag geoms subpanel.

2.Click the input collector switch and select nodes or lines as the data type to drag.
3.Pick the nodes or lines you want to drag.


4.Click line list to the right of along: and select the guide line along which you want to
drag the entities.

5.Click the toggle to select use default vector or specify vector:.

If you select use default vector, HyperMesh uses the end of the line as the base
point and the tangent direction at the end of the line as the vector.
If you select specify vector, use the plane and vector collector to select the
orientation vector.
6.Click the rightmost switch and select the desired mesh and surface option.
7.Click drag.



The planes panel allows you to create a square, planar surface and/or mesh in a
user-specified plane or a surface and/or mesh bounded by planar lines.

Location: 2D page

To create a planar surface defined by planar lines:

1.Select the trimmed subpanel.

2.Click the leftmost switch and select nodes or lines.

3.Indicate the nodes or lines that define the surface by picking them on your model, or
click nodes or lines and choose from the extended entity selection menu.

4.Click the upper switch and select the desired surface and meshing option.
5.Click the toggle and select either force to plane or calculate plane.
6.Click the lower switch and select the method you will use to define the plane in which
you want to create the surface.

7.Click create.

To create a square planar surface:

1.Select the square subpanel.


2.Click the leftmost switch and pick the plane on which you want to create the surface.
3.While base is highlighted, pick a base point as the center of the surface.

4.Click size = and enter the size of the surface you want to create.
5.The distance from the center of the planar surface to the midpoint of each of its edges is
half the distance specified in size =.
6.Click the rightmost switch and select the desired surface and/or meshing option.
7.Click create.


The cones panel allows you to create an analytic, conical or cylindrical surface
and/or mesh.

Location: 2D page

The following definitions apply to this function:

normal axis The vector created by the bottom center node to the normal vector node.
major axis The vector created by the bottom center node to the major vector node.

The normal vector, bottom center, and major vector should form a 90 degree angle. If
they do not, the major axis is calculated at 90 degrees using the normal axis.
When you create a cone, the top radius may be equal to 0, if you want to have the cone
end at a point. The radius must always have a value greater than zero.


If a ratio other than one is specified in full cone, it is applied to the vector perpendicular
to the normal axis. You can use the user-controlled method to specify the vector to
which the ratio will be applied.

For partial cones, zero degrees starts on the major axis.

The ratio is applied to the vector perpendicular to the major axis and normal axis.
The full cone subpanel allows you to create a full conical or cylindrical surface and/or
The user controlled subpanel allows you to create partial cones or cylinders.

To create a full conical surface:

1. Select the full cone subpanel.

2.While bottom center and normal vector are highlighted, select the nodes that represent
those points.

3.Click the toggle to select cone or cylinder.

4.Click the switch and select the desired meshing option.
5.Click radius =, ratio =, and height = and enter the values.
6.If you selected cone, click top radius = and enter the value.
7.Click create.

To create a user-controlled conical surface:

1.Select the user controlled subpanel.


2.While bottom center, normal vector, and major vector are highlighted, select the nodes
that represent those points.

3.Click the toggle to select cone or cylinder.

4.Click the switch and select the desired meshing option.
5.Click radius =, ratio =, and height = and enter the values.
6.If you selected cone, click top radius = and enter the value.
7.Click create.


The torus panel allows you to create an analytic, toroidal surface and/or mesh.

Location: 2D page

The following definitions apply to this function:

normal axis The vector created by the center node to the normal vector node.
major axis The vector created by the center node to the major vector node.

The normal vector, center, and major vector should form a 90 angle. If they do not, the
major axis is calculated at 90 using the normal axis.


For partial toroidal surfaces, zero degrees on the minor radius starts on the major axis and
spins inward toward the center. Zero degrees on the major radius also starts on the major

In the three points subpanel, the major radius is the distance between the major center and
the minor center. The minor radius is the distance between the minor center and the
minor radius.

To create a full toroidal surface:

1.Select the full torus subpanel.

2.While center and normal vector are highlighted, select the nodes that represent those

3.Click the switch and select the desired mesh and surface option.
4.Click minor radius = and major radius = and enter the values for each.
5.Click create.

To create a user-controlled toroidal surface:

1.Select the user controlled subpanel.


2.While center, normal vector, and major vector are highlighted, pick the nodes that
represent those points.

3.Click the switch and select the desired mesh and surface option.
4.Select minor radius =, major radius =, minor start =, minor end =, major start =, and
major end = and enter the values.
5.Click create.

To create a toroidal surface from three points:

1.Select the three points subpanel.

2.While major center, minor center, and minor radius are highlighted, pick the nodes that
represent those points.


3.Click the switch and select the desired mesh and surface option.
4.Click create.


The spheres panel allows you to create a spherical surface and/or mesh.

Location: 2D page

To create a full spherical surface:

1.Select the full sphere subpanel.

2.Select a node to represent the center.

3.Click the switch and select the desired mesh and surface option.
4.Click radius = and enter the radius.
5.Click create.

To create a full spherical surface from four points:


1.Select the four points subpanel.

2.Pick four nodes through which the sphere will pass.

3.Click the switch and select the desired mesh and/or surface option.
4.Click create.

To create a user-controlled spherical surface:

1.Select the user controlled subpanel.

2.While center, r, and angle are highlighted, pick the nodes that represent those points.

3.Click the toggle to select the angle type the angle node represents (either theta or phi).
4.Click the switch and select the desired mesh and surface option.
5.Select radius =, theta start =, theta end =, phi start =, and phi end = and enter the


appropriate values.
6.Click create.


The defeature panel allows you to detach trimming lines of a surface, and find and
delete pinholes. You can also find and remove fillets on surfaces and surface edges.

Location: Geom page

The edge fillets subpanel allows you to set parameters that automatically detect all fillets
within the given criterion. After the fillets are detected, you can choose which you want
to remove. The trim-intersect subpanel allows you to manually select the beginning and
end of the fillets that you want to remove.

There are three main steps involved with using the edge fillets subpanel:

detection Select surfaces to search for edge fillets, set detection

parameters and find all fillets which meet given criteria.
selection/deselection Select from the detected fillets those that you want to remove
removal Removal of selected fillets

To detach trimming lines from a surface:

1.Select the trim lines subpanel.

2.Click surfs and select the surface(s) from which to detach trim lines.
3.Click the toggle to all trim lines or interior trim lines.
4.Click untrim.

To find and delete pinholes:

1. Select the pinholes subpanel.


2.Click surfs and select the surface(s) on which to locate pinholes.

3.Click diameter < and enter a diameter value greater than the maximum allowable
Holes that are smaller than the specified diameter (plus the node tolerance value
specified on the options page), are found. Holes do not have to be perfectly round; the
diameter is treated as a characteristic dimension. See Comments.
4.While surfs are highlighted, pick the surfaces in which you want to find holes.
5.Click find.
Each pinhole found is highlighted and a letter "P" is placed near its center.
6.While pinholes is highlighted, pick the pinholes to delete or click pinholes and select by
window, all, or reverse.
7.Click delete.

To find and remove surface fillets:

1.Select the surf fillets subpanel.

2.Choose fillet search algorithm by clicking toggle to lines or surfs.

It is also possible to select fillet surfaces manually, without using automatic detection
algorithms. To do this, click find fillets immediately after entering the subpanel.
3.If you select line, in the chain of connected fillet surfaces, select the edge at the end of
the chain.
4.If you select surfs:
- Click and select the surfaces on which to find surface fillets.
- Click min radius and enter the minimum fillet radius allowed.
- Click max radius and enter the maximum fillet radius allowed.
5.Click find fillets.
After find fillets button is clicked, the Remove surface fillets subpanel is activated.
Detected fillet surfaces are highlighted.
6.To add or remove fillet surfaces click surfs under fillets to remove and select or
deselect surfaces.
7.To verify or modify (optional) the automatic selection of edges whose adjacent
surface’s geometry will be ignored (in favor of using the selected surface’s own tangent
direction), click lines under ignore edge assoc. and pick those edges.


These edges must be selected in cases where there is no adjacent edge (a free edge on
the model) or the adjacent surface edge is highly curved making it impossible to find a
feasible extension and intersection of the surface
8.To verify or modify (optional) the automatic selection of fillet end edges, click lines
under fillet ends and pick those edges. Unless a string of fillets makes a complete loop
and closes upon itself, there should be at least two fillet ends. To select fillet end
edges, click lines under fillet ends and pick those lines.

Check the ignore and end line collectors to be sure they are correct for the fillets you are
working on. This is especially true when you manually add to the surfaces selected for
filet removal in the secondary panel of the surface defilleting.
9.To remove the fillets, click remove.
10.To return to the fillet detection subpanel, click return.

To automatically detect and remove surface edge fillets:

1.Select the edge fillets subpanel.

2.Pick the surfaces on which to replace surface edge fillets.

Click surfs and use the extended entity selection menu to select the surfaces.
3.Set the filtering parameters:
- Click min radius and enter the minimum radius allowed.
- Click max radius and enter the maximum radius allowed.
- Click min angle and enter the minimum angle allowed at the interior angle formed
by the intersection of the tangents to the edges calculated at the start and end of the fillet.
4.Click find.
Fillets are detected as segments of free edges where curvature radius is between the given
min radius and max radius values. If fillets are too short, i.e., the angle between start,
circle center and the end of a fillet is less then the min angle, then such fillets are not
An F is placed at the location of each fillet that meets the specified conditions.

6.Pick the fillets you want to remove:

- Click the switch and select all, fillets, or rounds.
If you use the default setting, all, then all of the detected fillets are highlighted. You can
change the setting to fillets or rounds to select only concave regions (fillets) or convex
regions (rounds). After the fillets are detected, you can change the detection parameters.
Fillets/rounds that do not meet new criteria are then deselected. However, detection of


additional fillets that might meet a lesser criterion is not performed unless you click find
- Click reset and then fillets and select by window, all, or reverse.
5.Click remove.
All fillets that are highlighted at that time are removed. HyperMesh calculates tangents
at the beginning and at the end of each fillet and intersects those tangents. Any sharp
corner resulting from such an intersection replaces the original "smooth" segment on the
free edge.

To manually select and remove edge fillet segments:

1.Select the trim-intersect subpanel.

2.While node under 1st edge trim location is highlighted, pick the beginning of the fillet
on the free edge.
The cursor automatically moves to node under 2nd edge trim location.
3.Pick the end of the fillet on the free edge.

The fillet is processed immediately by calculating tangents at the beginning and at the
end. The tangents are intersected and this sharp corner replaces the original geometry
between start/end almost regardless of what is inside the region. A right click with the
mouse removes the last selection.

surface edit:

The surface edit panel allows you to perform a variety of surface editing,
trimming, and creation functions. This panel also allows you to offset surfaces in their
normal direction.

Location: Geom page

The surface edit panel contains six subpanels:

trim with nodes Allows you to trim/split a surface using nodes. The surface can be
trimmed with two nodes or with multiple nodes. For a two nodes
trim, you must pick two nodes that belong to a single surface.
HyperMesh automatically detects the surface that needs to be
trimmed. (If HyperMesh detects more than one unique surface to
be trimmed, the trimming operation fails.) The surface is trimmed
by a projection of the line connecting the two nodes. The


projection is performed in the direction normal to the surface. For

a multiple nodes trim, HyperMesh creates a smooth line through
the nodes selected (these nodes need not be part of the surface that
is selected to be trimmed) and then trims the selected surfaces with
projection of this line along the surface normal. These trimming
operations can split the surface into multiple surfaces if the line
cuts the entire surface.

trim with line Allows you to trim/split surfaces using a line (or a group of lines).
In this case, HyperMesh creates a temporary surface by sweeping
the selected lines along a vector. You can choose the direction of
this vector to be either normal to the surface selected or along a
user-defined vector direction. The original surfaces are then
trimmed at the intersection of these surfaces to the temporary
surface. These trimming operations can split a surface into
multiple surfaces.
trim with surf Allows you to trim/split surfaces with another surface or a plane.
This function determines the intersection of the selected surfaces
and a plane or a surface and then trims the original surfaces at this

filler surface Allows you to easily fill in gaps, holes, or slivers in a model with
surfaces to form a continuous part. This function is a customized
subset of the spline function. You select an internal free edge (or
group of free edges with extended entity selection). HyperMesh
will complete the selection by selecting additional free edges to
form a closed loop of internal free edges. If you turn on the auto
create check box, the function automatically creates a spline
surface with these free edges. If the auto create check box is
turned off, you must explicitly click create to create the surface.
The new surface created converts all the affected free edges to
shared edges. This function only works with internal free edges.
Use the spline panel to create surfaces using shared edges or free

line from surf edge Can be used to create geometric lines or curves from the edges of
surfaces. You can either select specific surface edges and copy
them as lines or select a surface and copy all its edges as geometric
lines. Note: The line extracted from the surface is placed in the
same component as the surface.

offset Can be used to offset a group of surfaces by a given distance along

the normals of those surfaces. A negative offset value can be used
to offset these surfaces in the opposite direction of the surface
normal. The topology of the surface edges (free, shared edges,
etc.) is maintained during the offset function. Some individual


surfaces will be trimmed or extended to maintain the connectivity.

This function moves the selected surfaces to the new location. If
you want to save the original surfaces, the selected surfaces can be
duplicated (using the extended entity selected popup window)
before the offset. You can review the normal direction of the
surfaces by clicking show normal.
If the offset direction is incorrect, the reverse normal function can
be used to reverse the normal of a selected surface. If there are
elements associated to the offset surfaces, the element will not
move along with surfaces. The association between the elements
and their surfaces is broken.
Note: The auto-delete elements option in the modeling subpanel of the options panel
affects the behavior of surface edit panel. When this option is turned on, the
surface editing tools mentioned above will delete the elements associated to the
affected surfaces. For instance, if you want to trim surface with two nodes, the
elements of the surfaces that are affected by this trim are deleted and then the
surface is updated with the trim lines. This option does not have any affect on the
lines from surf edge function or the offset function.

To trim a surface with two nodes:

1.Select the trim with nodes subpanel.

2.Set the toggle under trim surfs with to the two nodes option.
3.Pick the firsts node,
4.Pick the second node.
The surface operation is performed after you select the second node.

To trim surfaces with multiple nodes:

1.Select the trim with nodes subpanel.

2.Set the toggle under trim surfs with to the multiple nodes option.
3.While surfs is highlighted, pick the surfaces you want to trim
4.Click node list and pick the nodes that you want to use to trim the surfaces.


5.Click trim.

To trim a surface or surfaces with a swept line:

1.Select the trim with line subpanel.

2.While surfs is highlighted:

•Pick the surface(s) to be trimmed.
•Click surfs to select the surface(s) on the extended entity selection window.

3.While line is highlighted, pick the line you want used to trim the surface on your
4.Specify that you want to sweep the trim line along a vector
5.Use the plane and vector collector to specify the method to use to indicate the vector
used to sweep the line.
6.Click trim.


To trim a surface or surfaces with a plane:

1.Select the trim with surf subpanel.

2.While surfs is highlighted:

•Pick the surface(s) to be trimmed.
•Click surfs to select the surface(s) on the extended entity selection window.

3.Click the toggle to trim with plane.

4.Use the plane and vector collector to specify the plane with which to trim the
5.Click trim.


To trim a surface or surfaces with another surface:

1.Select the trim with surf subpanel.

2.While surfs is highlighted:

•Pick the surface(s) to be trimmed.
•Click surfs to select the surface(s) on the extended entity selection window.

3.Click the toggle to trim with surface.

4.Select the surface to be used for trimming.
5.Click trim.

To create lines from surface edges:

1.Select the line from surf edge subpanel.


2.Click the switch and select lines/surfs.

3.While lines/surfs is highlighted, pick the edges(s)/surfaces that you want to copy, or
click lines/surfaces to select the edges/surfaces with the extended entity selection menu.
4.Click copy.

To calculate the surface offset:

1.Select the surface edit panel.

2.Toggle to offset option.

3.Select the surface(s) you need to offset.
4.Click show normal to verify the surface(s) offset direction.
5.Enter a positive offset value to offset in the direction of the normal shown.
6.Enter a negative offset value to offset in the opposite direction of the normal shown.
7.Click offset.
8.To reverse surface normal,
picking it on your model
clicking surfs and choosing from the extended entity selection menu.

9.Click reverse normals.

10.Click reject to undo.

Geometry Cleanup:

When designers create CAD geometry, their priorities are different from those of
analysts trying to use the data. A single smooth surface is typically split into smaller
patches, each a separate mathematical face. The juncture between two surfaces often
contains gaps, overlaps, or other misalignments.

To make the geometry more appropriate for meshing, analysts need to combine a number
of faces into a single smooth surface. This allows the elements to be created on the entire
region at once, and prevents unnecessary artificial or accidental edges from being present
in the final mesh.


1. The initial CAD geometry often contains gaps, misalignments, or pinholes.

2.These features can distort the elements or demand a finer mesh.

3. With the tools of the geom cleanup panel, you can close the gaps between surfaces,
combine surfaces into large meshing regions, and eliminate pinholes.

4. Using the simpler, cleaner geometry, you can easily build a much better mesh.

HyperMesh Terminology:

This image identifies various geometric features found on models labeled with the
terminology used in HyperMesh for faces, edges, and points.


face A single NURB; the smallest area entity.

surface A collection of one or more adjacent faces whose common edges

are suppressed. HyperMesh meshes on surfaces.

free edge The edge is owned by one surface. In the geom cleanup panel, the
default color is red.

shared edge The edge is owned by two adjacent surfaces. In the geom cleanup
panel, the default color is green.

suppressed edge The edge is owned, or shared, by two adjacent surfaces.

Suppressed edges are ignored by the meshing routines in
HyperMesh. In the geom cleanup panel, the default color is blue.

non-manifold edge The edge is owned by three or more surfaces. In the geom cleanup
panel, the default color is yellow.

fixed point A point associated with a surface. A fixed point is displayed as a

small circle (o) and is the same color as the surface to which it is
associated. The automesher places a finite element node at each
fixed point on the surfaces being meshed.

free point A point in space not associated with a surface. A free point is
displayed as a small x, (x), and is the same color as the geometry
collector to which it belongs.

geom cleanup panel:


The geom cleanup panel contains tools to help you prepare surface geometry for
meshing. The overlaps and misalignments that usually occur between imported surfaces
can prevent the automesher from creating the best meshes. By eliminating misalignments
and by suppressing the boundaries between adjacent surfaces, you can automesh across
larger, more logical regions of your model and improve overall meshing speed and

Location: Geom page

The geom cleanup subpanels include:

edges Toggle, replace, suppress, and equivalence surface edges.

surfaces Delete duplicate surfaces and organize faces and surfaces into simpler and
more logical regions.
fixed points Add, replace, and suppress fixed points.

cleanup tol = The tolerance used to determine if two surface edges or two surface
vertices should be considered as one.

vis opts Visual options enable you to control the display mode of surfaces and
edges. You can view surfaces in either wireframe mode or in shaded
mode. You can turn edges on and off according to their type. Each edge
type is color-coded according to the settings in the options/colors panel.

H3D>HV This button is available in the geom cleanup panel and requires
performance graphics and shade mode of surfaces. It allows you to
generate an H3D file and automatically invoke HyperView for viewing

Edges sub-panel:

The edges subpanel allows you to remove gaps and overlaps between surfaces and
to merge surfaces by modifying their edges. There are four tools on the edges subpanel;
toggle, replace, (un)suppress, and equivalence.


The tolerance used to determine if two surface edges or two

cleanup tol =
surface vertices should be considered as one.
Enables user to control display mode of surfaces and edges. View
surfaces in wire frame or shaded mode. Display on/off surface
edge types.
edges Used to remove gaps and overlaps between surfaces and to merge
subpanel surfaces together by modifying the edges of the surfaces.
Convert individual surface edges from one edge type to another
with single mouse clicks. Left click: free edge → shared edge →
toggle suppressed edge (red → green → dotted blue). Right click:
suppressed edge → shared edge → free edge (dotted blue →
green → red).
Combine two free edges into a shared edge. Free edge → shared
edge (red → green).
Suppress or unsuppress a number of edges simultaneously. Shared
edge ↔ suppressed edge (green ↔ dotted blue).
Convert free edges between adjacent surfaces to shared edges.
Free edge → shared edge. (red → green).

Surfaces sub-panel:

The surfaces subpanel allows you to find and delete duplicate surfaces. The
organize surfaces by feature tool allows you to create single surfaces along logical fillet
regions and to recombine surfaces according to feature lines. The organize function
allows you explicitly move faces between surfaces.

Find and delete duplicate surfaces. Non-manifold edge →

find duplicates
shared or free edge (yellow → green or red).
organize by Combine surfaces based on several parameters. Shared edge
feature ↔ suppressed edge (green ↔ dotted blue).
move faces Stitch faces to an existing surface or stitch faces to create a


new surface. Shared edge ↔ suppressed edge (green ↔

dotted blue).

Fixed points sub-panel:

The fixed points subpanel allows you to add, replace, suppress, or release fixed
points. They are used to seed the mesh on a surface. Fixed points also exist at the
vertices of surface boundaries. By replacing fixed points that are at the vertices of a
surface, you can intentionally degenerate surfaces to make your geometry simpler.

add Create fixed points from existing free points or nodes.

Delete point to be moved and relocate associated geometry
to retained point.
Delete unnecessary fixed points or convert fixed points to
free points.
Releases all the edges (shared and nonmanifold) adjoining
release to the selected fixed point (vertex).



A midsurface is a layer of geometry that when meshed, can be used as a finite

element shell representation of a given part. You can either obtain the midsurface of two
given surfaces or
extract the midsurface of a more complicated group of surfaces that represent a solid part.

Midsurface can be used with sheet metal stampings, molded plastic parts with
ribs, and other parts consisting of plates; for example, pieces with a thickness clearly
smaller than its width and length. The original geometry that you select to extract
midsurface remains unchanged.

The midsurface panel allows you to extract the midsurface representation of a

solid part. It can be used to generate a finite element shell representation of a solid
geometry. It can also be used with sheet metal stampings, molded plastic parts with ribs,
and other parts that have thickness clearly smaller than width and length.

Location: Geom page

The original geometry that you select to extract midsurface remains unchanged. The new
geometry representing the midsurface is placed in a new component collector called
Middle Surface, or in the current component, depending on your choice. The (variable)
thickness for each middle surface is calculated and stored with the surface definition.

The midsurface panel provides a variety of tools to help you generate midsurfaces for solid
models.The midsurface panel has two subpanels:

create : Allows you to create a midsurface between two given surfaces or extract a
of a more complicated group of surfaces that represent a solid part.
edit : Provides a variety of tools to fix or repair areas where the automatic
generator failed.

The Midsurface Process

The following Midsurface Process Flowchart illustrates the process flow for generating
midsurfaces for a solid part using the midsurface panel.


Midsurface Process Flowchart


The create subpanel allows you to create a midsurface between two given surfaces
or extract a midsurface of a more complicated group of surfaces that represent a solid

The create subpanel contains the following options:

solid : Allows you to extract, in one step, the midsurface of a more complicated
group of surface that represent a solid part.

between surfs : Allows you to extract a midsurface from two faces that represent the two
This function creates one surface that forms the midsurface.



The solid option in the create (midsurface) subpanel allows you to extract, in one step,
the midsurface of a more complicated group of surfaces that represent a solid part. The
following options are available:

closed solid The closed solid mode simplifies the panel for users that do not intended
to use any
of the advanced options. While in closed solid mode, select the single
surface of
the solid geometry and click the extract (or middle mouse). The function
automatically determines the enclosed volume connected to the selected
and extract the midsurface from it.

advanced The following options are available in advanced options mode:

select enclosed volume If this option is turned on and you select a single surface
on the
screen; the selection is automatically completed by
selecting all the
attached surfaces that represent a closed volume.

outbound normals/ (red) You must indicate whether the normals of the selected
volume are
directed outside or inside the model. If the outbound
normals/ (red)
check box is activated, the normals go outside the
model, and if it is
unchecked, the normals go inside the model. You can
normals of the selected surfaces on the screen as they
displayed as soon as your selection is completed.

extract by component This option is useful when you are trying to extract the
of multiple parts in a single step. If it is turned on, it
assumes that
each part is contained in its own component. So it
extracts the
midsurface of one component at a time. If your model
contains a


single part organized in multiple components, you should

turn this
option off.

thickness bounds/
no thickness bounds This option allows you to set the thickness bounds mode
and maximum thickness of the plates in the part). If
bounds are specified, middle surfaces are only created
for plates
with a thickness that falls into the specified range. This
option can
improve the robustness of the results and speed up
middle surface
creation; however, you must be sure that you do not cut
off some
plates by selecting thickness limits that are too narrow.

color display normals/

vector display normals This option determines how the normal direction of the
surfaces is displayed, as vectors or in colors (color
display is
recommended). Consistent normals orientation is
crucial for the
success of the midsurface extraction function.
Consistent means
that all the normals must be oriented either outside the
model, or all
the normals must be oriented inside the model. If the
normals are
consistent, in the color display normals mode, the outer
surface of
the model is displayed as only red, or as only blue (not a
mixture). For most models, the normals are
automatically oriented

reverse normal/
fix normals Consistent normals orientation is crucial for the success
of the
midsurface extraction function. This button helps you
surfaces that do not have consistent normal direction. If
of your surface normals is not consistent with the others,
reset your
"surface" selection, select only necessary surfaces and
reverse normals.
To automatically fix the normals of all the surfaces in the
to orient correctly, toggle to fix normals and click fix


new comp/current comp This toggle specifies if the midsurface will be created in
new component, Middle Surface, or in the current
(New component is recommended.)

extract This button activates the midsurface extraction. The

creation trims, intersects, and extends surfaces where
necessary to
retain the topological connectivity. It creates T
intersections with
non-manifold edges (yellow) to represent ribs in a

2. between surfs

The between surfs option in the create (midsurface) subpanel offers a simplified function
that allows you to extract a midsurface from two faces that represent the two sides. This
function creates one surface that forms the midsurface.

You can trim or extend a midsurface using the following options:

Combine with adjacent plates This option takes any surfaces that are adjacent to the two
selected, and extends, trims, or projects the midsurface
created to
match the surrounding midsurfaces.

Combine all adjacent plates This option takes any surfaces that surround the two
surfaces selected,
and extends, trims, or projects the midsurface created to
continuous geometry with shared edges.


Current comp/
new comp This toggle allows you to specify the location where the
geometry is stored. The new comp option creates a new
and stores the new midsurface geometry in that component.


The edit subpanel allows you to repair/fix areas where the automatic extraction
tool failed. It also allows you to review the thickness of midsurfaces, which were created
(or were attempted to be created) in the create subpanel. extend surface and replace edge
are used to fix/repair failure areas.


Cleanup tools such as toggle and equivalence can also be used to correct inaccuracies in
the generated midsurface. The following tools are available in edit subpanel:
quick edit Allows you to quickly repair a midsurface by correcting its targets.

assign target An extension to quick edit tools and functions in a similar fashion.

replace edge Allows you to fill in gaps and slivers by replacing one edge with another. This
function is
the same as the one in the geom cleanup panel and is available here for

extend surface Extends two surfaces (e.g., ribs) until they intersect (see image below).

view thickness Allows you to review the thickness of the surfaces (midsurfaces). The
surfaces that
have thickness data stored are drawn in white with lines (probes) extending
from each
vertex of the surface. The length of these lines/probes represents the
thickness at those
locations. Surfaces that do not have any thickness assigned to them are
drawn in red.
Only surfaces created in the midsurface panel have thickness information
defined. You
can define/set a thickness to a surface in this panel. The set thickness option
you to set a constant thickness value to selected surfaces. To perform this
task: enter
the thickness value, select the surfaces, and click set thickness.


1.quick edit:

The quick edit option in the edit (midsurface) subpanel allows you to quickly
repair a midsurface by correcting its targets. It should be used after you have created (or
attempted to create) a midsurface using the create subpanel. You should first select a
surface that you want to edit/repair. This surface can either be a midsurface that was
created earlier, or a surface that is part of the solid. You will notice the appearance of
new temporary entities displayed in three colors (yellow, cyan and red), which represent
the following:
Surface to offset (yellow) The original surface from which the middle surface was created
by an offset
with a variable direction and distance.

Targets (red) User-controlled handles that allow you to change the direction
and distance
of the offset. The targets are the red segments that connect
points on the


initial surface with the points where the surface must be offset.
The offset is
interpolated in between the assigned targets.

Midsurface to edit (cyan) The midsurface (in-progress) that you can modify by re-
assigning the
targets. This surface is updated as you make changes to the
targets. The
midsurface (in-progress) can be made permanent by clicking the
button, when you are satisfied with your editing results.

The quick edit option contains the following tools:

target type Targets are the red segments that connect points on the initial surface with
the points
where the surface must be offset. If the targets of a midsurface are
incorrect, update
them by either selecting one point at a time (point to point) or by selecting
the entire
edge of a surface (edge to edge).

target location Targets are the red segments that connect points on the initial surface with
the points
where the surface must be offset. The point/edge on the initial surface is
called point/
edge to offset and the point/edge on final midsurface is called target
While you are updating the targets, you first, select the point/edge to offset
and then
the pilot point/edge (this is not the same as target point/edge). There are
two ways to


select this pilot point/edge. You can select the target point to be same as
the pilot
point selected (as selected) or you can select the target to be middle of
point/edge to
offset and pilot point/edge (mid point).

show original When this check box is activated, the original midsurface that existed
before entering midsurface the edit subpanel is shown. This allows you to evaluate the
effect of the changes you
made by comparing the original midsurface to the cyan midsurface (in-
Clicking the update button updates the changes as permanent, thus
making the cyan
midsurface permanent.

equiv tol When this check box is activated, the set tolerance value to equivalence
the edges of
the adjacent midsurfaces is used.

surface The surface you select to edit/repair. This surface can either be a
midsurface that was
created earlier or a surface that is part of the solid. Only one surface can
be selected
at a time.

point/edge to offset The point/edge on the original surface (yellow), which is the beginning
point of a
target (red segment). You can select an existing point or create a new
point (new
target). To create a new point: hold your mouse down on the edge of the
surface (yellow) until the cursor turns into a square and the edge is
highlighted. Then
release the mouse and click at a location on the highlighted edge where
you want to
create a new point (target). A red circle is drawn around the point or at the
center of
the edge to indicate the selection. The selection auto-advances to the pilot

pilot point/edge The point that you select to specify the target point (which is the end point
of the
target). The pilot point/edge can serve as a target itself, or can be a
point/edge on
the opposite side of the plate. This is determined by the target location
toggle. If the
target location option is mid point, the actual target will be ½ way between
the point
/edge to offset and the pilot point/edge. To select a new pilot point (a point
that does
not exist) follow the same procedure as selecting a new point to offset.

Advances to the next point/edge to offset on the surface (and selects that


thus ready to select the pilot point/edge) and recenters the display to the
new target.

Returns to the previous point/edge to offset on the surface (and selects that
point/edge, thus ready to select the pilot point/edge) and recenters the
display to new

update Updates changes as permanent, thus making the cyan midsurface

permanent. It also
clears all the temporary surfaces and targets.

restore Cancels the last updated changes.

2. assign target:

The assign target option in the edit (midsurface) subpanel allows you to repair a

midsurface by correcting its targets. It functions similar to the quick edit option, but has

more advanced features. As with the quick edit option, it should be used after you

created (or attempted to create) a midsurface using the create subpanel. You should first

select a surface to edit/repair. This surface can either be a midsurface that was created

earlier, or a surface that is part of the solid. You will notice the appearance of new

temporary entities displayed in different colors (yellow, cyan and red), which represent

the following:

Surface to offset (yellow) The original surface from which the middle surface was created
by an
offset with a variable direction and distance.

Midsurface to edit (cyan) The midsurface (in-progress) that you can modify by re-
assigning the
targets. This surface is updated by clicking accept target after
you make
changes to the targets. The midsurface (in-progress) can be
permanent by clicking the update button, when you are satisfied
with your
editing results.

Targets (red) User-controlled handles that allow you to change the direction
and distance


of the offset. The targets are the red segments that connect
points on the
initial surface with the points where the surface must be offset.
The offset
is interpolated in-between the assigned targets.

New targets (green) New targets that have not been accepted, thus they do not
affect the
midsurface. Click accept target to accept them, turning them to
red and
incorporating their effects into the cyan midsurface.

Targets being combined (purple) New and existing targets that will be combined once they are

Target planes Planes parallel to the offset surface drawn at target point. They
can be
displayed for reference.

The assign target option contains the following tools:

target location Targets are the red segments that connect points on the initial surface
with the
points where the surface must be offset. The point/edge on the initial
surface is
called point/edge to offset and the point/edge on final midsurface is
called target
point/edge. While you are updating the targets, select the point/edge to
offset and
then the pilot point/edge (this is not the same as target point/edge).
There are two
ways to select this pilot point/edge. You can select the target point to be
same as
the pilot point selected (as selected) or you can select the target to be
middle of
point/edge to offset and pilot point/edge (mid point).

combined target When this check box is activated, all the targets that are combined are


and displayed in a different color.

show target planes Displays the planes parallel to the offset surface drawn at target point.
This check
box is displayed when the combined target check box is activated.

surf The surface you select to edit/repair. This surface can either be a
midsurface that
was created earlier, or a surface that is part of the solid. Only one
surface can be
selected at a time.

point/edge to offset The point/edge on the original surface (yellow), which is the beginning
point of a
target. You can select an existing point or create a new point (new
target). To
create a new point: hold your mouse down on the edge of the original
(yellow) until the cursor turns into a square and the edge is highlighted.
release the mouse and click at a location on the highlighted edge where
you want to
create a new point (target). A red circle is drawn around the point or at
the center of
the edge to indicate the selection. The selection auto-advances to pilot
The target being updated changes to green and will not be accepted until
you click
accept target. To see the affect of the target update on the midsurface
click offset.

pilot point/edge The point that you select to specify the target point (which is the end
point of the
target). The pilot point/edge can serve as a target itself, or can be a
point/edge on
the opposite side of the plate. This is determined by the target location
toggle. If
the target location option is mid point, the actual target will be halfway
between the
point /edge to offset and the pilot point/edge. To select a new pilot point
(point that
does not exist), follow the same procedure as selecting a new point to
offset. Once
a pilot point is selected, you can pick a new pilot point for the same
target, by
clicking on their new location. The location is not accepted until you click
target. To see the affect of the target update on the midsurface, click

advances to the next point/edge to offset on the surface (and selects

point/edge, thus ready to select the pilot point/edge). It also recenters


display to the new target. To accept your changes, make sure you
click accept
target before advancing.

returns to the previous point/edge to offset on the surface (and selects

point/edge, thus ready to select the pilot point/edge). It also recenters
display to new target.

accept target Updates the changes made to a green target and converts it to a red
Accept targets will reset the cyan midsurface. You can click offset to
redraw the
new midsurface with updated targets.

point to point/edge to edge Targets are the red/green segments that connect points on the initial
surface with the points where the surface must be offset. If the
targets of a
midsurface are incorrect, update them by either selecting one point
at a time
(point to point) or by selecting the entire edge of a surface (edge to

remove target Removes/deletes the selected target.

2nd click accept target When this check box is activated, once a point to offset and pilot
point are
selected, another mouse click accepts the target and changes a
green target to

equiv tol. When this check box is activated, the set tolerance value is used to
equivalence the edges of the adjacent midsurfaces.

A midsurface is a layer of geometry that when meshed, can be used as a finite

element shell representation of a given part. You can either obtain the midsurface of two
given surfaces or
extract the midsurface of a more complicated group of surfaces that represent a solid part.

Midsurface can be used with sheet metal stampings, molded plastic parts with
ribs, and other parts consisting of plates; for example, pieces with a thickness clearly
smaller than its width and length. The original geometry that you select to extract
midsurface remains unchanged.

The midsurface panel allows you to extract the midsurface representation of a

solid part. It can be used to generate a finite element shell representation of a solid
geometry. It can also be used with sheet metal stampings, molded plastic parts with ribs,
and other parts that have thickness clearly smaller than width and length.


Location: Geom page

The original geometry that you select to extract midsurface remains unchanged. The new
geometry representing the midsurface is placed in a new component collector called
Middle Surface, or in the current component, depending on your choice. The (variable)
thickness for each middle surface is calculated and stored with the surface definition.

The midsurface panel provides a variety of tools to help you generate midsurfaces for solid
models.The midsurface panel has two subpanels:

create : Allows you to create a midsurface between two given surfaces or extract a
of a more complicated group of surfaces that represent a solid part.
edit : Provides a variety of tools to fix or repair areas where the automatic
generator failed.

The Midsurface Process

The following Midsurface Process Flowchart illustrates the process flow for generating
midsurfaces for a solid part using the midsurface panel.


Midsurface Process Flowchart


The create subpanel allows you to create a midsurface between two given surfaces
or extract a midsurface of a more complicated group of surfaces that represent a solid

The create subpanel contains the following options:

solid : Allows you to extract, in one step, the midsurface of a more complicated
group of surface that represent a solid part.

between surfs : Allows you to extract a midsurface from two faces that represent the two
This function creates one surface that forms the midsurface.



The solid option in the create (midsurface) subpanel allows you to extract, in one step,
the midsurface of a more complicated group of surfaces that represent a solid part. The
following options are available:

closed solid The closed solid mode simplifies the panel for users that do not intended
to use any
of the advanced options. While in closed solid mode, select the single
surface of
the solid geometry and click the extract (or middle mouse). The function
automatically determines the enclosed volume connected to the selected
and extract the midsurface from it.

advanced The following options are available in advanced options mode:

select enclosed volume If this option is turned on and you select a single surface
on the
screen; the selection is automatically completed by
selecting all the
attached surfaces that represent a closed volume.

outbound normals/ (red) You must indicate whether the normals of the selected
volume are
directed outside or inside the model. If the outbound
normals/ (red)
check box is activated, the normals go outside the
model, and if it is
unchecked, the normals go inside the model. You can
normals of the selected surfaces on the screen as they
displayed as soon as your selection is completed.

extract by component This option is useful when you are trying to extract the
of multiple parts in a single step. If it is turned on, it
assumes that
each part is contained in its own component. So it
extracts the
midsurface of one component at a time. If your model
contains a


single part organized in multiple components, you should

turn this
option off.

thickness bounds/
no thickness bounds This option allows you to set the thickness bounds mode
and maximum thickness of the plates in the part). If
bounds are specified, middle surfaces are only created
for plates
with a thickness that falls into the specified range. This
option can
improve the robustness of the results and speed up
middle surface
creation; however, you must be sure that you do not cut
off some
plates by selecting thickness limits that are too narrow.

color display normals/

vector display normals This option determines how the normal direction of the
surfaces is displayed, as vectors or in colors (color
display is
recommended). Consistent normals orientation is
crucial for the
success of the midsurface extraction function.
Consistent means
that all the normals must be oriented either outside the
model, or all
the normals must be oriented inside the model. If the
normals are
consistent, in the color display normals mode, the outer
surface of
the model is displayed as only red, or as only blue (not a
mixture). For most models, the normals are
automatically oriented

reverse normal/
fix normals Consistent normals orientation is crucial for the success
of the
midsurface extraction function. This button helps you
surfaces that do not have consistent normal direction. If
of your surface normals is not consistent with the others,
reset your
"surface" selection, select only necessary surfaces and
reverse normals.
To automatically fix the normals of all the surfaces in the
to orient correctly, toggle to fix normals and click fix


new comp/current comp This toggle specifies if the midsurface will be created in
new component, Middle Surface, or in the current
(New component is recommended.)

extract This button activates the midsurface extraction. The

creation trims, intersects, and extends surfaces where
necessary to
retain the topological connectivity. It creates T
intersections with
non-manifold edges (yellow) to represent ribs in a

2. between surfs

The between surfs option in the create (midsurface) subpanel offers a simplified function
that allows you to extract a midsurface from two faces that represent the two sides. This
function creates one surface that forms the midsurface.

You can trim or extend a midsurface using the following options:

Combine with adjacent plates This option takes any surfaces that are adjacent to the two
selected, and extends, trims, or projects the midsurface
created to
match the surrounding midsurfaces.

Combine all adjacent plates This option takes any surfaces that surround the two
surfaces selected,
and extends, trims, or projects the midsurface created to
continuous geometry with shared edges.


Current comp/
new comp This toggle allows you to specify the location where the
geometry is stored. The new comp option creates a new
and stores the new midsurface geometry in that component.


The edit subpanel allows you to repair/fix areas where the automatic extraction
tool failed. It also allows you to review the thickness of midsurfaces, which were created
(or were attempted to be created) in the create subpanel. extend surface and replace edge
are used to fix/repair failure areas.


Cleanup tools such as toggle and equivalence can also be used to correct inaccuracies in
the generated midsurface. The following tools are available in edit subpanel:
quick edit Allows you to quickly repair a midsurface by correcting its targets.

assign target An extension to quick edit tools and functions in a similar fashion.

replace edge Allows you to fill in gaps and slivers by replacing one edge with another. This
function is
the same as the one in the geom cleanup panel and is available here for

extend surface Extends two surfaces (e.g., ribs) until they intersect (see image below).

view thickness Allows you to review the thickness of the surfaces (midsurfaces). The
surfaces that
have thickness data stored are drawn in white with lines (probes) extending
from each
vertex of the surface. The length of these lines/probes represents the
thickness at those
locations. Surfaces that do not have any thickness assigned to them are
drawn in red.
Only surfaces created in the midsurface panel have thickness information
defined. You
can define/set a thickness to a surface in this panel. The set thickness option
you to set a constant thickness value to selected surfaces. To perform this
task: enter
the thickness value, select the surfaces, and click set thickness.


1.quick edit:

The quick edit option in the edit (midsurface) subpanel allows you to quickly
repair a midsurface by correcting its targets. It should be used after you have created (or
attempted to create) a midsurface using the create subpanel. You should first select a
surface that you want to edit/repair. This surface can either be a midsurface that was
created earlier, or a surface that is part of the solid. You will notice the appearance of
new temporary entities displayed in three colors (yellow, cyan and red), which represent
the following:
Surface to offset (yellow) The original surface from which the middle surface was created
by an offset
with a variable direction and distance.

Targets (red) User-controlled handles that allow you to change the direction
and distance
of the offset. The targets are the red segments that connect
points on the


initial surface with the points where the surface must be offset.
The offset is
interpolated in between the assigned targets.

Midsurface to edit (cyan) The midsurface (in-progress) that you can modify by re-
assigning the
targets. This surface is updated as you make changes to the
targets. The
midsurface (in-progress) can be made permanent by clicking the
button, when you are satisfied with your editing results.

The quick edit option contains the following tools:

target type Targets are the red segments that connect points on the initial surface with
the points
where the surface must be offset. If the targets of a midsurface are
incorrect, update
them by either selecting one point at a time (point to point) or by selecting
the entire
edge of a surface (edge to edge).

target location Targets are the red segments that connect points on the initial surface with
the points
where the surface must be offset. The point/edge on the initial surface is
called point/
edge to offset and the point/edge on final midsurface is called target
While you are updating the targets, you first, select the point/edge to offset
and then
the pilot point/edge (this is not the same as target point/edge). There are
two ways to


select this pilot point/edge. You can select the target point to be same as
the pilot
point selected (as selected) or you can select the target to be middle of
point/edge to
offset and pilot point/edge (mid point).

show original When this check box is activated, the original midsurface that existed
before entering midsurface the edit subpanel is shown. This allows you to evaluate the
effect of the changes you
made by comparing the original midsurface to the cyan midsurface (in-
Clicking the update button updates the changes as permanent, thus
making the cyan
midsurface permanent.

equiv tol When this check box is activated, the set tolerance value to equivalence
the edges of
the adjacent midsurfaces is used.

surface The surface you select to edit/repair. This surface can either be a
midsurface that was
created earlier or a surface that is part of the solid. Only one surface can
be selected
at a time.

point/edge to offset The point/edge on the original surface (yellow), which is the beginning
point of a
target (red segment). You can select an existing point or create a new
point (new
target). To create a new point: hold your mouse down on the edge of the
surface (yellow) until the cursor turns into a square and the edge is
highlighted. Then
release the mouse and click at a location on the highlighted edge where
you want to
create a new point (target). A red circle is drawn around the point or at the
center of
the edge to indicate the selection. The selection auto-advances to the pilot

pilot point/edge The point that you select to specify the target point (which is the end point
of the
target). The pilot point/edge can serve as a target itself, or can be a
point/edge on
the opposite side of the plate. This is determined by the target location
toggle. If the
target location option is mid point, the actual target will be ½ way between
the point
/edge to offset and the pilot point/edge. To select a new pilot point (a point
that does
not exist) follow the same procedure as selecting a new point to offset.

Advances to the next point/edge to offset on the surface (and selects that


thus ready to select the pilot point/edge) and recenters the display to the
new target.

Returns to the previous point/edge to offset on the surface (and selects that
point/edge, thus ready to select the pilot point/edge) and recenters the
display to new

update Updates changes as permanent, thus making the cyan midsurface

permanent. It also
clears all the temporary surfaces and targets.

restore Cancels the last updated changes.

2. assign target:

The assign target option in the edit (midsurface) subpanel allows you to repair a

midsurface by correcting its targets. It functions similar to the quick edit option, but has

more advanced features. As with the quick edit option, it should be used after you

created (or attempted to create) a midsurface using the create subpanel. You should first

select a surface to edit/repair. This surface can either be a midsurface that was created

earlier, or a surface that is part of the solid. You will notice the appearance of new

temporary entities displayed in different colors (yellow, cyan and red), which represent

the following:

Surface to offset (yellow) The original surface from which the middle surface was created
by an
offset with a variable direction and distance.

Midsurface to edit (cyan) The midsurface (in-progress) that you can modify by re-
assigning the
targets. This surface is updated by clicking accept target after
you make
changes to the targets. The midsurface (in-progress) can be
permanent by clicking the update button, when you are satisfied
with your
editing results.

Targets (red) User-controlled handles that allow you to change the direction
and distance


of the offset. The targets are the red segments that connect
points on the
initial surface with the points where the surface must be offset.
The offset
is interpolated in-between the assigned targets.

New targets (green) New targets that have not been accepted, thus they do not
affect the
midsurface. Click accept target to accept them, turning them to
red and
incorporating their effects into the cyan midsurface.

Targets being combined (purple) New and existing targets that will be combined once they are

Target planes Planes parallel to the offset surface drawn at target point. They
can be
displayed for reference.

The assign target option contains the following tools:

target location Targets are the red segments that connect points on the initial surface
with the
points where the surface must be offset. The point/edge on the initial
surface is
called point/edge to offset and the point/edge on final midsurface is
called target
point/edge. While you are updating the targets, select the point/edge to
offset and
then the pilot point/edge (this is not the same as target point/edge).
There are two
ways to select this pilot point/edge. You can select the target point to be
same as
the pilot point selected (as selected) or you can select the target to be
middle of
point/edge to offset and pilot point/edge (mid point).

combined target When this check box is activated, all the targets that are combined are


and displayed in a different color.

show target planes Displays the planes parallel to the offset surface drawn at target point.
This check
box is displayed when the combined target check box is activated.

surf The surface you select to edit/repair. This surface can either be a
midsurface that
was created earlier, or a surface that is part of the solid. Only one
surface can be
selected at a time.

point/edge to offset The point/edge on the original surface (yellow), which is the beginning
point of a
target. You can select an existing point or create a new point (new
target). To
create a new point: hold your mouse down on the edge of the original
(yellow) until the cursor turns into a square and the edge is highlighted.
release the mouse and click at a location on the highlighted edge where
you want to
create a new point (target). A red circle is drawn around the point or at
the center of
the edge to indicate the selection. The selection auto-advances to pilot
The target being updated changes to green and will not be accepted until
you click
accept target. To see the affect of the target update on the midsurface
click offset.

pilot point/edge The point that you select to specify the target point (which is the end
point of the
target). The pilot point/edge can serve as a target itself, or can be a
point/edge on
the opposite side of the plate. This is determined by the target location
toggle. If
the target location option is mid point, the actual target will be halfway
between the
point /edge to offset and the pilot point/edge. To select a new pilot point
(point that
does not exist), follow the same procedure as selecting a new point to
offset. Once
a pilot point is selected, you can pick a new pilot point for the same
target, by
clicking on their new location. The location is not accepted until you click
target. To see the affect of the target update on the midsurface, click

advances to the next point/edge to offset on the surface (and selects

point/edge, thus ready to select the pilot point/edge). It also recenters


display to the new target. To accept your changes, make sure you
click accept
target before advancing.

returns to the previous point/edge to offset on the surface (and selects

point/edge, thus ready to select the pilot point/edge). It also recenters
display to new target.

accept target Updates the changes made to a green target and converts it to a red
Accept targets will reset the cyan midsurface. You can click offset to
redraw the
new midsurface with updated targets.

point to point/edge to edge Targets are the red/green segments that connect points on the initial
surface with the points where the surface must be offset. If the
targets of a
midsurface are incorrect, update them by either selecting one point
at a time
(point to point) or by selecting the entire edge of a surface (edge to

remove target Removes/deletes the selected target.

2nd click accept target When this check box is activated, once a point to offset and pilot
point are
selected, another mouse click accepts the target and changes a
green target to

equiv tol. When this check box is activated, the set tolerance value is used to
equivalence the edges of the adjacent midsurfaces.



One-dimensional elements currently supported in HyperMesh include bar2s,

bar3s, rigid links, rbe3s, plots, rigids, rods, springs, welds, gaps, and joints.

Location: 1D Page

The following list indicates the storage capabilities and purpose of each of the 1-D


The bars panel allows you to create, review, or update bar2 or bar3 elements.

Location: 1D page


A bar element is an element created in a space between two or three nodes of a

model where beam properties are desired. The nodes are related to each other based on
the properties of the bar or beam element connecting them. Properties associated with
bar elements include vector orientation, offset vectors that end at A and B, or at A, B, and
C, and pin flags to tell it what degree of freedom should carry through the beam.

Bar elements are element config 60 (bar2) and 63 (bar3) and are displayed as a line
between two nodes with BAR2 or BAR3 written at the centroid of the element.

To build a bar2 element:

1.From the bars panel, select the bar2 subpanel.

2.For offsets:, enter the ax, ay, and az values for the bar offsets.
3.Click property =.
4.Select a property to which the bars should point.
5.Click pins a = and pins b = and indicate the degrees of freedom which are not intended
to transmit force.
6.If the direction of the local y axis of the bar is to be specified by typing in the
-Click the leftmost switch and select components from the pop-up menu.
-Enter the x, y, and z values of the components into x comp =, y comp =, and z comp =,
7.If the vector method is being used:
-Click the leftmost switch and select vectors from the pop-up menu.
-Click the rightmost switch and select vector.
-Click vector and specify the vector associated with the local y axis of the element.

8.If you want to select a node to specify the vector orientation:

-Click the leftmost switch, and from the pop-up menu, select node.
-Click the toggle under direction node and select y direction or z direction.
9.Click node A and select a node or type in the ID.
10.Pick end a of the bar element on your model.


11.Click node B and select a node or type in the ID.

12.Pick end b of the bar element on your model.
If you selected components or vectors as the vector orientation method, HyperMesh
creates the bar2 element after both end a and end b have been selected.

13.To create more bars with the same properties, repeat the last two steps.
14.If you clicked node as the orientation vector method, pick the direction node on your
HyperMesh creates the bar element after the node has been selected.

To build a bar3 element:

1.From the bars panel, select the bar3 subpanel.

2.For offsets:, enter the ax, ay, and az values for the bar offsets.
3.Click property =.


4.Select a property to which the bars should point.

5.Click pins a = and pins b = and indicate the degrees of freedom which are not intended
to transmit force.
6.If the direction of the local y axis of the bar is to be specified by typing in the
-Click the leftmost switch and select components from the pop-up menu.
-Enter the x, y, and z values of the components into x comp =, y comp =, and z comp =,
7.If the vector method is being used:
-Click the leftmost switch and select vectors from the pop-up menu.
-Click the rightmost switch and select vector.
-Click vector and specify the vector associated with the local y axis of the element.

8.If you want to select a node to specify the vector orientation:

-Click the leftmost switch and select node from the pop-up menu.
-Click the toggle under direction node and select y direction or z direction.
9.Click node A and select a node or type in the ID.
10.Select end a of the bar element on your model in the graphics area.

11.Click node B and select a node or type in the ID.

12.Select end b of the bar element on your model in the graphics area.

13.Click node C and select a node or type in the ID.

14.Select end c of the bar element on your model in the graphics area.


15.If you selected components or vectors as the vector orientation method, HyperMesh
creates the bar element after ends a, b, and c have been selected.

16.To create more bars with the same properties, repeat the last three steps.
17.If you selected node as the orientation vector method, pick the direction node on your
model. HyperMesh creates the bar3 element after the node has been selected.


The gaps panel allows you to create gap elements.

Location: 1D page

A gap element is an element created in a space between two nodes of a model where
contact may occur. Use a gap element when you want to impose a nonlinear constraint
on a model; this constraint will limit the amount of movement possible during analysis.
Gap elements have property pointers.

Gap elements are element config 70 and are displayed as a line between two nodes with
GAP written at the centroid of the element.
Gaps can translate to CGAP element in NASTRAN or *GAP option in ABAQUS.

To create a gap element:

1.Select the create subpanel.


2.Click property = and select the property collector to which the new elements should
3.If you want to add an orientation vector to a gap:
-Click the toggle from no vector to orient vector.
-Select the orientation vector by picking it on the screen or by specifying the ID number.
4.While from node is highlighted, select the first node where you want to create a gap

5.While to node is highlighted, select the second node where you want to create a gap
After you have selected the second node, HyperMesh creates the gap element.

6.Repeat these steps 4 and 5 to build more gap elements.


The fe joints panel allows you to create, review, or update joint elements. A joint
element is a definition of a connection between two rigid bodies. Joint elements store a
property and orientation information.

Location: 1D page

Joint elements are config 22 and are displayed with lines between the appropriate nodes
and the letter J between nodes 1 and 3 of the element. The type of a joint element controls
the number of nodes contained in the element. The type also controls the orientation
information formats available. The type of an element CANNOT be changed or selected
using the Element Types panel.


The types are as follows:

Type Type Name # nodes Orientation

1 Spherical joint 2 none/systems/nodes

2 Revolute joint 4 none/systems
3 Cylindrical joint 4 none/systems
4 Planar joint 4 none/systems
5 Universal joint 4 none/systems
6 Translational joint 6 none/systems
7 Locking joint 6 none/systems

To create a joint element:

1.Select the create subpanel.

2.Click the switch under joint type: and select the type of joint element to create.
3.Pick the appropriate number of nodes for the selected element.
4.Click property = and select a property for the element.
5.Click the switch under orientation: and select the orientation type.
6.Pick the systems or nodes that define the orientation.
7.Click create.


The rbe3 panel allows you to create, review, and update RBE3 elements.

Location: 1D page

The update subpanel allows you to edit the connectivity, dofs, and weight for each node
of the element.


RBE3 elements are element config 56 and are displayed as lines between the dependent
node and the independent node(s) with RBE3 displayed at the dependent node of the
RBE3 is used in NASTRAN.

To build an RBE3 element:

1.Select the create subpanel.

2.While node under dependent is highlighted, pick the node where the dependent end of
the RBE3 element is to be created.

3.While nodes is highlighted, pick the nodes where the independent ends of the RBE3
element are to be created.

4.Select the dofs to apply to the element(s).

5.Click weight = and enter the desired weight.
6.Click create.



The rigids panel allows you to create rigid or rigid link elements.

Location: 1D page

A rigid element is an element created in a space between two nodes of a model where a
rigid connection is desired.

Rigid elements are element config 5 and are displayed as a line between two nodes with
the letter R written at the centroid of the element.

Rigid link elements are element config 55 and are displayed as lines between the
independent node and the dependent node(s) with RL displayed at the independent node
of the element.

Rigid link elements can be created with dependent nodes attached to an element as a
SET. If a rigid link with a dependent node set is deleted, the associated node set is also
deleted. If the dependent node set in any panel is deleted, the connected rigid link
element is also deleted. Dependent node sets are automatically created when rigid link
elements are created. A node set created in the sets panel can be connected as a set of
dependent nodes to a rigid link element independent node.

Note: Two-node rigids with a dependent node set attached are always created as rigid
link elements (config 55), not as rigid elements (config 5).

Rigids can translate to RBE2 in NASTRAN or *MPC in ABAQUS.

To create a rigid element:

1.Select the create subpanel.

2.Select the degrees of freedom (dof) for the rigid connection you want to create.
3.Deactivate the Attach dependent nodes as a set check box (if it is activated, a two-node
rigid link element 55 with an attached node set will be created).
4.Click the switch after dependent to single node.
5.While independent is highlighted, pick the node that you want to be the independent
node of the rigid element.


6.While dependent is highlighted, pick the node that you want to be the dependent end of
the rigid element.

To create a rigid link element:

1.Select the create subpanel.

2.Select the degrees of freedom (dof) for the rigid links you want to create.
3.If you do not want rigid link elements to be created with dependent nodes attached as a
set, deactivate the Attach dependent nodes as a set check box.
If you want to create rigid link elements with dependent nodes attached as a set,
activate the Attach dependent nodes as a set check box.
4.Click the switch after dependent to multiple nodes.
5.While independent is highlighted, select the node that you want to be the independent
node of the rigid link element.

6.While dependent is highlighted, select the node(s) that you want to be the dependent
node(s) of the rigid link element.



The rods panel allows you to create rod elements.

Location: 1D page

A rod element is an element created in a space between two nodes of a model where rod
properties are desired. The two nodes are related to each other based on the properties of
the rod element connecting them. Rod elements have property pointers.
Rod elements are element config 61 and are displayed as a line between two nodes with
ROD written at the centroid of the element.

Rods can translate to CTUBES in NASTRAN or a C1D2 element in ABAQUS.

To create a rod element:

1.Select the create subpanel.

2.Click property = and enter a property to which the rods should point.
3.While the upper node is highlighted, pick end a of the rod element.

4.While the lower node is highlighted, pick end b of the rod element.
Once you have selected both end a and end b, HyperMesh creates the rod element.


5.Repeat the last two steps to create more rods with the same properties.


The springs panel allows you to create spring elements.

Location: 1D page

A spring element is an element created in a space between two nodes of a model where a
spring connection is desired. Spring elements store a property and a degree of freedom.
Spring elements are element config 21 and are displayed as a line between two nodes
with the letter K written at the centroid of the element.

Springs can translate to CELAS2 in NASTRAN or *spring in ABAQUS.

To create a spring element:

1.Select the create subpanel.

2.Click property = and enter a property to which the spring should point.
3.If you want to add an orientation vector to a spring:
•Click the toggle from no vector to orient vector.
•Select the orientation vector by picking it on the screen or by specifying the ID
4.Select the degree of freedom (dof) that applies to the element.
5.While the upper node is highlighted, select end a of the spring element.


6.While the lower node is highlighted, select end b of the spring element.
7.Once you select both end a and end b, HyperMesh creates the spring element.
Repeat steps one through six to create more springs with the same properties.


The spotweld panel allows you to create 1-D elements to connect different parts.

Location: 1D page
Spotwelds can be created by using one of the following subpanels:

using geometry uses surface geometry obtained from CAD data

using nodes uses finite element model data
using elems internally remeshes the surrounding elements

Spotwelds can be created one at a time or in groups.

The 1-D element types you can create with the spotweld panel include:


To create spotwelds between two finite element meshes, using elems:

1.Select the using elems subpanel.

2.Click the upper left switch and select all elems or ind elems.
The all elems option allows you to pick the elements in one step. The ind elems option
allows you to pick individual elements defining the independent and dependent
3.If you select ind elems :
Pick the independent elements.
Click elems after dep and pick the dependent elements.
4.If you select all elems, pick the two (or more) elements between which to create the
weld element(s).

5.Click the switch under element config and select the type of element to create.

6.Click the switch under weld location and select nodes or points.
7.Pick the nodes or points located where you want to create spotwelds.
8.If you want to assign properties to the spotweld element(s), click property = and select
the property collector to be assigned to the element.
Currently in HyperMesh, bars, rods, springs, and gap elements are defined with a
property ID.
9.Click search tolerance = and enter the tolerance value to use to identify relevant
surfaces between which to create the elements at the specified locations.
10.Click the toggle to choose between build systems and without systems.
11.If you choose build systems, the local coordinate systems are built at each end of the
spotweld element.


12.Check attach to shell elems if you want to create 1-D connection elements and attach
them to neighboring shell elements by internally remeshing the surrounding elements.
13.Click create.


The linear 1d panel allows you to create one-dimensional elements.

Location: 1D page

Plot elements are 2-noded elements used for display purposes. Plot elements are element
config 2 and are displayed as a line between two nodes. They have no properties.
One example of the use of plot elements is in a model where you have created a complex
structure made up of two planes each containing a thousand elements. If, after creating
your model, you determine that you would like to have 1000 gap elements between those
two planes, you can create plot elements between all the nodes by using linear 1d. After
the plot elements have been created, it is possible to change the plot elements to gap
elements by changing the value of the configuration to that of gaps (by using the config
edit panel). It is then possible to assign gap properties to those gap elements and to run
the model. This eliminates having to create the gap elements individually.

To build a 1D element:

1.While elems under from: is highlighted, indicate the elements where you want the
elements to begin:
-Pick them on the model.
-Click elems and choose from the extended entity selection menu.


2.Click elems under to:.

3.Indicate the elements where you want the elements to end by picking them on your
model, or click elems again and choose from the extended entity selection menu.

4.Click N1 to the right of from:.

5.Pick three alignment nodes on the first set of elements.

6.Click N1 to the right of to:.

7.Pick three alignment nodes on the second set of elements.

8.Click density and enter the number of elements you want created between each of
the selected elements.
9.Click create.



The masses panel allows you to create mass elements.

Location: 1D page

A mass element rests on a node and is used to represent mass.

Mass elements are element config 1 and are displayed as a dot with the letter M written at
the centroid of the element.
Masses can translate to CONM2 in NASTRAN or *MASS option in ABAQUS.

To create a mass element:

1.Select the create subpanel.

2.Indicate the nodes you want to place masses on by picking them on your model, or
click nodes and choose from the extended entity selection menu.

3.Click mass = and enter the mass of the element.

4.Click property = and specify the property of the mass element.
5.Click system.
6.Select the system in which the mass element should be built.
7.Click create.


Line mesh:

The line mesh panel allows you to create a chain of one-dimensional elements
such as beams along a line. This functionality is used for creating beam models or beam
representations of structural models. Line mesh can be created from lines or node lists.
Once the selection is complete, click mesh to preview the node seeding of the mesh. It
also invokes the density and biasing subpanels, similar to those in the automeshing
module, allowing you to interactively modify the element density and biasing.

Location: 1D page

Lines Selection:

·If the selection contains more than one line, each line is individually meshed with the
global element size (set in the global panel). Therefore, they are not considered as a
continuous line if the lines are connected. For example, for three lines that are
continuous, each having a length of three units: when line meshed global element size is
five units, one element is created for each line (total three elements) rather than two
elements for all three lines together.

·If the lines being meshed are connected, meaning their ends are within node tolerance
(set in the global panel) of each other, the line mesh created is connected. It also means
that the 1-D elements created share common nodes.

·For individual lines that are not smooth and have a drastic change in direction (break
angle), you can choose one of the following options:

segment is whole line treats the entire line as a single segment and seeds your mesh
nodes accordingly, ignoring break angles.
break angle = uses the specified angle to determine points at which to split the
line into segments that can be individually controlled.

Node List Selection:

Each pair of sequential nodes in the node list is considered as a segment to line mesh.
Therefore, a minimum of one 1-D element is seeded for each pair. The number of 1-D
elements between each pair of nodes is determined by global element size.


The 1-D element created maintains connectivity with the selected nodes in the node list.
If the nodes of the node list belong to an existing FE mesh, the new 1-D elements created
share common nodes with them.

element config You can select the configuration of 1-D elements to be created
from the list in the popup menu.

property Select an optional property collector. The 1-D elements created

will automatically be assigned to the selected property

mesh Once you click mesh to create a 1-D line mesh, secondary
panels that allow you to change the density and biasing of the
1-D elements are displayed. You can interactively adjust the
density (and biasing) of 1-D elements along a line segment, set
the element densities of one or more segments to a specified
value, etc. using these secondary panels.

To create 1-D elements between nodes or along a line:

1.Click the input collector switch and select nodes or lines as the input type.

2.Pick the nodes or line(s) where you want to create elements or click node list or lines
and use the extended entity selection menu to select them.
3.Select an element config to designate the kind of 1-D element you want created.
4.If you use lines, click the toggle to select segment is whole line or break angle.
The segment is whole line option creates the 1-D elements along the entire line
segment. The break angle option uses the specified angle to determine points at which
to split the line into segments that can be individually controlled.
5.Click property = (optional) and select the corresponding predefined property collector.
6.Click mesh.
A secondary panel that allows you to change the density and biasing of the 1-D
elements is displayed.



Three-noded trias, four-noded quads, six-noded trias, and eight-noded quads can
all be built in HyperMesh. These two-dimensional elements can be built in any of the
following panels:

automesh Builds elements on surfaces according to user specifications.

ruled Builds elements between two rows of nodes, a row of nodes and a line, or
two lines.
spline Builds elements that lie on a surface defined by lines.
drag Builds elements by dragging a line, row of nodes, or group of elements
along a vector.
spin Builds elements by spinning a line, row of nodes, or group of elements
about a vector.
line drag Builds elements by dragging a line or group of elements along or about a
control line.
elem offset Builds elements by offsetting a group of elements in the direction of their
planes Builds elements on square or trimmed planar surfaces.
cones Builds elements on conic or cylindrical surfaces.
Spheres Builds elements on spherical surfaces.
torus Builds elements on toroidal surfaces.
edit element Builds elements by hand.

The automesh panel allows you to create meshes or remesh existing
meshing interactively or automatically on surfaces or groups of elements.
You can use the subpanels to provide specific meshing parameters and
manipulate surface edges and meshing fixed points (locations where the
mesher is required to place a node).
Location: 2D page

The automesh subpanels include:

A. Create mesh
B. Mesh params
C. Cleanup
D. Project to edge.

A. Create mesh subpanel:

The create mesh subpanel allows you to mesh surfaces or
choose a group of existing elements for remeshing.
Location: automesh panel


There are three options in the create mesh sub-panel. The switch allows you to choose
from the interactive, automatic, and QI optimized selections. The default is interactive.

The interactive option is used to automesh multiple surfaces or elements with user-
controlled parameters. Once a surface or a group of elements have been selected for the
automeshing module, the information is retained and updated with any changes to
meshing parameters while in the automeshing module.
The next time the selected entity, either surfaces or a group of elements, is brought into
the automeshing module, the saved data is used unless the reset mesh parameters to:
button is selected, in which case the old information is discarded and new values are

The meshing parameters can be set to either element size with element shape or use mesh
params. When the mesh params option is used, the mesh is created by using the
parameters chosen in the mesh params sub-panel, such as use chordal deviation mesh or
use size and biasing. This tutorial uses the element size option.

The toggle between elements to current comp and elements to surface’s comp tells
HyperMesh where these newly created elements should be located. You can put created
elements in the associated surface components or the global current working component
where you define them. After clicking the green mesh button, the automeshing module
will be displayed allowing you to adjust element density and biasing of all the shared and
free edges belonging to the selected surfaces, change element type, and perform quality
checks. Once the elements are created, you may select surfaces that contain bad elements
or a group of elements, and you can refine them by clicking the remesh button.
HyperMesh will first delete the existing elements and then re-mesh the selected entity.

The failed surfs button, below identify and select:, directs HyperMesh to scan through
all the selected surfaces for mesh and highlight those failed in creating meshes in your
last attempt. The unmeshed surfs button allows you to find all the surfaces in the
displayed model that do not have any mesh associated to them.

If you select interactive, the automeshing secondary panel is displayed after the initial
mesh is created, allowing you to adjust and check the mesh before accepting it.

The Automatic panel has the same features as the interactive panel. The only difference
is it creates elements on surfaces without bringing up the interactive automeshing

In QI optimized mode, the surfaces are meshed to optimize the quality index (QI) of the
elements generated. The QI optimized panel behaves differently from interactive and
automatic. It allows you to specify the target element quality you would like to achieve.
You can either provide a criteria file or update the quality index panel with desired
quality criteria. The surfaces are then meshed with algorithms that produce the lowest
quality index. The placement of the nodes on the surface is also optimized to reduce the


When elements are selected to be remeshed, there is the break connectivity option and the
vertex angle parameter.
The break connectivity option detaches the node connectivity between adjacent selected
and unselected elements. This allows you to adjust the node densities along the boundary
of the selected elements.
The vertex angle parameter defines the placement of vertices along the boundary of the
selected elements. If the angle between two adjacent element edges along the boundary is
less the specified angle, a vertex is placed at the meeting point of the two edges.
Anchor nodes create the effect of a fixed point on the inferred surface (which is derived
from the existing mesh) and keep the location of the anchor nodes intact.

Automatic Mesh Generation:

HyperMesh has a centralized plate and shell mesh generation tool called the
automeshing secondary panel. Most of the element creation panels use this module,
which supplies as much automated assistance as possible. You can adjust interactively a
wide variety of parameters and choose from a suite of algorithms. HyperMesh responds
with immediate feedback on the effects of the changes, until you are satisfied with the
resulting mesh.

There are two approaches to the automeshing secondary panel, depending on whether or
not you use surfaces as the basis for the operation.

· If you use surfaces, you may choose from a greater variety of algorithms, have
more flexibility in specifying the algorithm parameters, and employ the mesh-smoothing
operation to improve element quality.
· If you do not use surfaces, the meshing process is usually faster and uses less
memory. Most of the functions are still available and operate in the same way.
Furthermore, there are situations in which it is not possible or not desirable to create a

For either method, the module operates the same. You control interactively the number
of elements on each edge or side and can determine immediately the nodes that are used
to create the mesh. You can adjust the node biasing on each edge to force more elements
to be created near one end than near the other, which allows you to see immediately the
locations of the new nodes. You can also specify whether the new elements should be
quads, trias, or mixed and whether they should be first or second order elements. The
created mesh can be previewed, which allows you to evaluate it for element quality
before choosing to store it in the HyperMesh database. While you are in the meshing
module, you can use any of viewing tools on the permanent menu and the visual options
menu to simplify the visualization of complex structures in your model.

If you use surfaces, you can specify the mesh generation and visualization options to use
on each individual surface. You may choose from several mesh generation algorithms.
Mesh smoothing is also available and you may select the algorithm for that operation as


Automeshing secondary panel:

The HyperMesh automeshing secondary panel allows you to create meshes

interactively on surfaces, or even without a surface present. It serves as the central
secondary panel for most of the plate and shell meshing operations; using those panels
gives you access to this automeshing secondary panel.

The functions of the automeshing secondary panel are divided into six subpanels. You
can switch freely between the subpanels; the screen display changes to present only the
information applicable to the current operation.

1.Density subpanel:
The density subpanel allows you to control the element density along
the edges of the domain.
Location: automeshing secondary panel

The density subpanel allows you to specify and change the desired element density along
an individual side of the region. When this subpanel is active, the current element
density and the distribution of the edge’s nodes are displayed for each edge.

You can choose between the use size and biasing and use chordal deviation options to
select the algorithm of the distribution of the edge’s nodes.

The value specified in the element size = field on the global panel determines the initial
element edge length and is used to pre-calculate the element density. From that base, you
can adjust each edge individually by clicking on the number in the graphics region with
the mouse. The left mouse button increases the density; the right mouse button decreases
it. You can also type in a number and set specified edges to have that density. Lastly,
you can enter a new number for the element edge length and force recalculation of the
densities along one or more sides using the new value. To set or recalculate edges


individually, click the appropriate menu item so that it is the current collector, outlined in
blue, and then click the numbers of the edges that you want to change.

If you selected use chordal deviation, you can change min elem size =, max elem size =,
max deviation =, and max angle = the same way as described for the element size = field.

2.Algorithm subpanel:
The algorithm subpanel allows you to specify the meshing and
smoothing algorithm to use for each face of each domain when you
are following a surface-based approach to the automeshing
secondary panel.
Location: automeshing secondary panel

The algorithms subpanel allows you to choose a mesh generation algorithm or a

smoothing algorithm. The functions on this panel are disabled if you did not specify a
surface. If you did specify a surface, you can set the algorithms on a face-by-face basis
by selecting from the appropriate pop-up menu or clicking the appropriate set face menu
item, and then picking the face’s icon in the graphics area. The shape of the icon on each
face identifies the algorithm that has been specified for that face.

If the graphic input cursor is below meshing algorithm, the icon displays the face’s mesh
algorithm; if it is below smoothing algorithm, the icon displays the face’s smooth
algorithm. You can specify that all the faces should use the same algorithm by choosing
the algorithm from the pop-up menu and clicking on the adjacent set all menu item. The
smooth menu item allows you to specify the number of iterations to be performed with
each click on the button.

Mesh Generation Algorithms:

The mesh generation algorithms are divided into two types: those that require the
presence of a surface to provide a context of operation, or those working entirely from
node and/or line data.


The mesh generation algorithms include:

Autodecide If you are meshing a surface, the default mesh generation algorithm is
Autodecide. In this case, HyperMesh analyzes the geometry of each
face and the element densities specified for each edge, and chooses
the algorithm that will give the best results. For most configurations,
it chooses the Free algorithm.
Free The Free meshing algorithm is a general-purpose formula that works
for most meshing conditions. The surface can have interior holes or
edges and any number of sides. If quads or trias is the selected
element type, an advancing front algorithm is used. If mixed is the
element type, a submapping algorithm is used.
The advancing front algorithm uses the following process:
 Traverses the perimeter of the region, placing elements along
the edges as it proceeds. Each site where an element could be
placed is measured and one of several possible elements is
chosen. Eventually the entire region is filled with elements.
 Examines the groups of elements to see if a local change in the
connectivity might improve element quality.
 Applies repeatedly the selected smoothing algorithm until no
node is moved farther than the specified smoothing tolerance.
If quads is the selected element type for the current face, HyperMesh attempts to
produce an all-quads mesh, but there are some situations in which one or more trias are
 If the total number of elements specified for the perimeter
of the face is odd, at least one tria always needed. · If there
is a tight corner on the boundary that would require a poor
quality quad, HyperMesh uses a single tria.
 Sometimes two or more trias are needed because of the
particular order in which the elements were generated; if
that is the case, you can usually eliminate them by
changing some of the meshing parameters and then
remeshing the region.
If trias is the selected element type, HyperMesh uses a streamlined version of this

algorithm that is optimized for the different shape and connectivity requirements of

tria elements.

Map as Triangle, If the region is free from internal holes and the boundary is clearly
Rectangle, or triangular, rectangular, or pentagonal in shape, the best choice of
Pentagon algorithm is usually to map a standard mesh onto the region using
transfinite interpolation. Such an operation is exceedingly fast,
and where applicable, gives quality results rapidly. HyperMesh
chooses a standard template based on the element densities around
the perimeter of the region. Ignoring rotations, HyperMesh


recognizes more than 18 different configurations requiring distinct

templates. To make tria elements, HyperMesh first creates a quads
mesh and then divides each element along its shortest diagonal.
Map without Surface If you are creating a mesh entirely from line and/or node data, with
no surface, the mesh generation algorithm is decided by the tool
that was used to describe the desired operation. If you use the drag
panel, the algorithm is to drag. If you use the spin panel, the
algorithm is to spin, and if you use the spheres panel, the algorithm
is to map a sphere-covering mesh. You can still use the density
and biasing manipulation tools but some edges will be linked
together, so that the configuration always satisfies the balancing
requirements of the intended mapping.

Smoothing Algorithms:

There are three smoothing algorithms used by HyperMesh:

Autodecide By default, HyperMesh traverses the perimeter of the region looking

for variations in element edge length and choose between size-
correcting and shape-correcting smoothing algorithms.

Size Corrected The size-corrected smoothing algorithm attempts to even out the
sizes of the elements at the cost of some element quality, usually in
the form of worsened aspect ratios from the stretching of elements.
HyperMesh uses a modified Laplacian over-relaxation that can
correctly handle mixtures of quads and trias. If the element spacing
around the perimeter is roughly uniform, this choice usually gives
the best results.

Shape Corrected The shape-correcting smoothing algorithm attempts to correct the

elements’ shapes, allowing variation in element size. HyperMesh
uses a modified isoparametric-centroidal over-relaxation that can
correctly handle mixtures of quads and trias. If there is a transition
from small elements to large elements in the region, this choice
usually gives the best results.

3.Type subpanel:
The type subpanel allows you to choose whether the mesh should be
made using quads, trias, or mixed element types.

Location: automeshing secondary panel


The type subpanel allows you to specify whether quads, trias, or mixed element types
should be used during mesh generation. Each face’s icon shows the type that is currently
set for that face. If toggle surf is highlighted, you can click a face’s icon to toggle the
status of that face to quads, trias, or mixed. You can also use set surf to set each face
individually by direct selection of that face’s icon or set all to set all the faces.

4.Biasing subpanel:
The biasing subpanel allows you to control the element biasing along
edges of the domain. Element biasing is the placing of elements
along an edge so that element size is smaller at one end than at the
other, and is one way to improve element quality when doing
Location: automeshing secondary panel

The biasing subpanel allows you to set the element biasing parameters for each edge.
Element biasing allows you to place elements along an edge with element size smaller at
one end than at the other, which is one method you can use to improve element quality
when doing transitioning. If you click the mouse on an edge’s number while adjust edge
is highlighted, you can edit the biasing intensity of that edge directly by using the mouse.
The nodes along that edge are then repositioned, so you can see immediately the effects
of any change.


You may choose from three biasing styles: linear, exponential, or bell curve. You can set
the biasing intensity to be a specified value, on any or all edges. You can also set the
biasing style to be a specified type, by using the same method as with element densities
on the density subpanel.

5.Details subpanel:
The details subpanel allows you to work on one face of a domain at a
time. This provides some recourse if your element densities around
all of the borders are fixed and you are not getting an acceptable
mesh. You can vary these parameters to get different results.
Location: automeshing secondary panel

Changes to the menu items make changes to only the selected face's meshing parameters.
The currently active face is highlighted in white in the graphics area.

On this subpanel, the local view menu is expanded to include separate tools for adjusting
the view relative to the face in addition to those that work relative to the surface.

The details subpanel allows you to perform most of the functions available on the
preceding subpanels, but operates on one face of the surface at a time. When you select
this subpanel, HyperMesh selects and highlights one face of the surface and uses it as a
frame of reference. The face selected is usually the last one that was highlighted or the
last one for which a meshing error occurred. A toggle allows you to alternate between
graphical display of element densities and biasing intensities for the edges of the selected
face. The rest of the face’s meshing parameters are displayed on the subpanel for direct
manipulation. To change to a different face, pick the icon of the face in the graphics area.


6. Checks subpanel:
The checks subpanel allows you to use the same functions as those
available on the check elements panel to measure the quality of
generated elements before you save them to your HyperMesh
Location: automeshing secondary panel
The checks subpanel allows you to use the functions of the check elements panel on a
newly-generated mesh before storing it in the HyperMesh database. The tests are the
same as on the check elements panel, and elements that fail a quality test are highlighted
in red. Only displayed elements are tested; the display of elements is controlled by the
local view pop-up menu. The checks subpanel operates on a by-face method similar to
the details subpanel. The active highlighted face serves as a frame of reference for
meshing, smoothing, and display operations. To select another face, pick the face’s icon
in the graphics area.


All the subpanels contain the mesh, reject, smooth, undo, and return functions:

mesh Directs HyperMesh to scan through all of the faces in the current frame of
reference for ones that have not yet been meshed or have a mesh that is out
of date with respect to the user-specified parameters, and then attempts to
bring them up to date. If the current subpanel is density, algorithm, type, or
biasing, the current frame of reference is the entire surface. If the current
subpanel is details or checks, the current frame of reference is the
highlighted face.
reject Discards a generated mesh of one selected face or of all of the faces of the
current domain.
smooth Applies to each face in the current frame of reference its specified smoothing
algorithm for as many iterations as are indicated in the algorithm subpanel.
undo Allows you to return the nodes of its mesh to the positions they were in
before the last time you applied a smooth to that mesh for each face in the
current frame of reference.
abort Immediately exits the automeshing secondary panel without saving any
elements or nodes to the HyperMesh database. If the module was entered via
a surface creation panel, any surface that may have been created is discarded.
return Exits the automeshing secondary panel, saving elements or nodes to the
HyperMesh database.

In HyperMesh, the mixed (quads and trias) meshing algorithm can be used on mapped
and unmapped surfaces. The mixed meshing algorithm generates a quad dominant mesh
where transitions between opposing mesh densities are accomplished using tria elements.
This produces mesh patterns that are more regular in appearance.

B.Mesh params subpanel:

The mesh params subpanel allows you to set specific meshing
parameters before meshing the selected surface(s).
Location: automesh panel

The chordal deviation options are located on the mesh params subpanel of the automesh
panel. By default, meshing a surface ignores all settings in the mesh params subpanel.
To include the mesh parameter settings, set the element size = toggle to use mesh params
in the create mesh subpanel of the automesh panel.
The mesh params subpanel is divided into two halves. The left half contains the options
for chordal deviation meshing. The right half contains options for the tria transition
meshing algorithm.


use size and biasing /

use chordal deviation Used to activate or deactivate chordal deviation meshing.
use size and biasing arranges the nodes that lie on the surface
edges equidistant from each other and at a spacing
approximately equal to the specified element size.
use chordal deviation automatically adjusts the surface edge
densities and biasing values based on the specified chordal
deviation criteria .

min elem size and Controls the nodal densities along surface edges. The largest
max elem size distance between two nodes is the max elem size. The smallest
distance between two nodes is the min elem size. The element
size parameters take precedence over all other chordal deviation
max deviation Defines the maximum allowable distance between an edge of
the surface being meshed and an element edge.
max angle Defines the maximum allowable angle between two element

C. Cleanup subpanel:
The cleanup subpanel allows you to modify surface topology in
order to improve the quality of the surface mesh.
Location: automesh panel

The eight functions that comprise this subpanel are:

split surface trims a surface with two nodes.

unsplit surface removes surface split lines.
toggle edges converts individual edges from one type to another with a single
mouse click.
trim-intersect allows you to select the beginning and end of the fillets you want to
add point (point) allows you to add a fixed point on the surface edge or interior with a
single mouse click.


add point (line) allows you to create a fixed point at the middle of an edge/line.

remove point removes the selected fixed point that is not a surface vertex.
replace point moves the moved point to the retained point.

Cleanup subpanel

The auto-delete elements option in the modeling subpanel of the options panel, affects the
behavior of the cleanup subpanel. When this option is turned on, the cleanup tools listed
above will delete the elements associated to the affected surfaces. For instance, if you
toggle a surface edge from shared to suppressed, the elements of the surfaces that share
this edge are deleted and the edge is suppressed. An exception to this behavior is that
some geometry cleanup functions do not affect the automeshing function. Such cleanup
functions do not trigger the deletion of elements. For example, placing a fixed point in a
surface edge at the location of an existing node. Since there is already a node at the fixed
point, the remeshing of the new geometry (after adding the fixed point) creates a mesh
identical to the earlier mesh. Elements will not be deleted before the surface edit.

D. Proj to edge subpanel:

The proj to edge subpanel allows you to project and add
vertices to surface edges. A finite element node is placed at
each fixed point and vertex on a surface during automeshing.

Location: automesh panel

Project to edge subpanel

The Proj to edge sub-panel will locate all interior fixed points on a set of surfaces, then
project each of these points to the nearest (perpendicular) edge location on its own
surface only. This produces mesh patterns that are more regular in appearance.
The distance tolerance and angle tolerance are parameters used to control creation of
fixed points.
If the shortest distance between an edge and an interior fixed point is less than or equal to
the distance tolerance, a fixed point will be created on the edge. If the angle ABC, formed
by an existing fixed point on an edge (A), the fixed point to-be-created (B) and the
interior fixed point (C), is less than the angle tolerance, a fixed point will not be created.



HyperMesh builds 4- and 10-noded tetras, 6- and 15-noded pentas, and 8- and 20-
noded hexa elements. Tetras can be built in the edit element panel manually or by using
the tetramesh panel. Solid elements can be built in any of the following panels:

drag Drags a group of two-dimensional elements along a vector to create solids.

spin Spins a group of two-dimensional elements about a vector to create


line drag Drags a group of two-dimensional elements along a line.

elem offset Creates solid elements by offsetting a group of two-dimensional elements

normal to the surface formed by the group of two-dimensional elements.

linear solid Creates solid elements between two-dimensional elements.

solid mesh Builds solid elements between a variable number of lines.

solid map Builds solid elements between nodes, lines, and surfaces.

tetramesh Fills with tetra elements a volume that is enclosed by tria elements or

edit element Builds elements by hand.

split Propagates split hexas.


The drag panel allows you to create a surface and/or mesh by dragging a series of
nodes or lines, or to create elements by dragging selected elements. The function drags
the selected entities along the specified vector creating a mesh, surface, or elements along
that vector.

Location: 2D and 3D pages.



The spin panel allows you to create solid elements by spinning a group of
elements about a vector to create a circular structure.

Location: 2D and 3D pages

Line Drag:

The line drag panel allows you to create solid elements by shell elements along
another line.

Location: 2D and 3D pages.

Linear Solid:

The linear solid panel allows you to create solid elements between two groups of
plate elements.

Location: 3D page

Using linear solid:

1.Select linear solid from 3D page.

2. While elems under from: is highlighted, indicate which elements belong to the first
group by selecting them on your model, or select elems to choose the elements from
the extended entity selection menu.
3.Click N1, N2, and N3 and select the alignment node(s) for the first group of elements.
4.Click elems under to:.
5.Indicate which elements belong to the second group by selecting them on your model,
or click elems to choose the elements from the extended entity selection menu.
6.Click N1, N2, and N3 and select the alignment node(s) for the second group of
7.Click density = and specify the number of elements to be created between the two
groups of elements.


8.Click solids.


Solid Mesh:

The solid mesh panel allows you to create meshes in a pentagonal or hexagonal
volume defined with edge lines.

Location: 3D page

The solid mesh panel requires a volume to be defined before meshing can occur. You
can define volumes using one of the following three methods:

opposite faces The opposite faces method allows you to easily define a volume
which has a user-defined face definition for two faces of the volume,
and four linear faces automatically generated. To define a volume
using opposite faces, you must define two regions in space that define
two opposing faces of the volume. This is accomplished by
specifying lines for region1 and region2 that can be either
quadrilateral faces or triangular faces.

connecting faces The connecting faces method allows you to define a volume with
four faces defined by you and two faces automatically generated. To
define a volume using this method, you must define either 3
connecting lines for a pentagon, or 4 lines for a hexagon shape.

all faces Using the all faces method allows you to completely define a volume
with all six sides defined by the input geometry. The input data
required by this function includes two opposing faces defined by
using region1 and region2, and the appropriate number of connecting
lines. This method is simply a combination of the previous two

Using solid mesh:

1.Click lines under start region.
2.Select three or four lines that define the first surface of the solid.
3.Click lines under end region.
4.Select three or four lines that define the opposing surface of the solid.
5.If desired, click lines under connecting: and select three or four lines connecting the
two surfaces.
6.Click uniform mesh. If the selected lines form a solid, the uniform mesh subpanel is
7.Select density u =, density v =, and density w = and enter the desired density of the
8. Click mesh.


start region: connecting region:


Solid Map:

The solid map panel allows you to create a mesh of solid elements by first
extruding an existing 2-D finite element mesh, and then mapping the extruded mesh into
a volume.

Location: 3D page

To create a mesh, you must define a volume, select a mesh, and if desired, provide the
number of elements along the extrusion and biasing factor.

Proper use of the solid map command requires a definition of the terms used for the faces
of the surfaces. Each volume being defined has a source face, a destination face, and
"along" faces. The source face is the face that the finite element mesh being extruded is
close to or on. The destination face is the face directly opposite the source face. The
remaining faces are the "along" faces. The faces of the volume are important because
they define how the mesh is extruded and mapped. Not all three faces (source,
destination, and along) are required to define the volume to be meshed. A minimum of
two of the three faces is required and the third face is interpolated from the available
information. Each face can be defined using a choice of input collector.

After the volume is defined, the 2-D mesh is extruded from the source face to the
destination face using the user-supplied density and biasing factor. The 3-D mesh created
during the extrusion process is then mapped into the volume so that the exterior nodes of
the mesh are on the faces of the volume.

source geom The source geometry should be defined here. Select one of the
following options from the pop-up menu to provide the geometry that
defines the source face of the 3-D volume:

surfs Select surfaces that define the source face of the

lines Select lines that define the periphery of the
source face.
nodepath/nodelist Select multiple lists of nodes, each representing
the periphery of the source face. You can
switch between the nodelist and nodepath
collector by using the extended entity selection
pop-up menu.

Use the arrows on the menu shown below to select the nodelist
representing the unconnected periphery of the source face.


Select the first nodelist/nodepath representing one continuous

periphery. The menu next to the arrows show 1/1(xx), which
represents the first selection of one nodelist and the nodelist contains
a selection of xx number of nodes.

Once the first periphery selection is complete, click on the,

arrow to advance to the next nodelist select. The menu next to the
arrows shows new/1 ready to select the second nodelist. Once you
start selecting, the menu shows 2/2(y), which represents the second
selection of two nodelists and contains y number of nodes. You can
continue to the next nodelist by repeating the same procedure. Use
the arrows to advance between various nodelists to review the

none No source geometry is defined. The geometry inferred

from the elements to drag is considered as source geometry.

mark fix pts This option appears next to source geom when surfs is chosen as the
source face type. This function is optional and does not directly
impact the solid map functionality. It is used to assist in performing
faster and easier solid modeling. It works in conjunction with
equiv/faces function, which is also available in this panel. Usually,
while performing solid modeling using the solid map functionality, a
solid geometry is subdivided into multiple small sections to be
mapped. The mark fix pts function assists in maintaining the
connectivity of the current mapping mesh to its adjoining sections.
This function selects all the nodes in the faces collector and creates
necessary fixed points on the source face (surface). The surface can


then be automeshed , thus maintaining connectivity to the adjacent


elems to drag Select the elements/mesh that correspond to the source face that is
used to extrude to create the solid mesh. If the source face type
chosen is a surface, the elements to drag selection is optional as the
elements associated to the surface are automatically selected.

destination geom The destination geometry should be defined here. Select one of the
following options from the pop-up menu to provide the geometry
that defines the destination face of the 3-D volume:

surfs Select surfaces that define the destination face of

the volume/solid.
lines Select lines that define the periphery of the
destination face.
nodepath/ nodelist Select multiple lists of nodes, each representing
the periphery of the destination face. You can
switch between the nodelist and nodepath
collector by using extended entity selection
pop-up menu.

mooth dest Activate this check box when your destination geometry varies
greatly from the source geometry to smooth the mesh that is mapped
on the destination face.
along geom The along geometry should be defined here. Select one of the
following options from the pop-up menu to provide the geometry
that defines the destination face of the 3-D volume.
surfs Select surfaces that define the along face of the volume/solid.
lines Select lines that define the edges of the along face.
mixed Elect any combination of surfaces, lines, 2-D elements/shell faces,
and/or nodelist/nodepath. When elements are used, the mapped solid
mesh maintains the nodal positions with selected elements. They can
equivalenced to have common nodes.While selecting
nodelist/nodepath, each selection should represent an edge that
connects the source to destination.

along parameters: Define/set the parameters required for the mesh along the solid map.
The parameters are:
elem size/density Set the element size or density (toggle) to be
defined in the along direction. This determines
the number of elements along the depth of the
mapping. If the size or density is set to "0", the
element size/density is calculated based on the


average element size of the source elements

(elems to drag).
bias style Choose the type of biasing to be used for
creating nodes in the along direction. You can
choose between linear, exponential, and
bellcurve types. The biasing style works in
conjunction with biasing intensity. If intensity
is set to "0" the biasing is not applied.
intensity Enter the biasing intensity value.

mesh Create a solid mesh with all the provided input. The solid mesh
created is placed in a collector named solidmap. If that collector
does not exist, a new component is created with that name.
reject Rejects the last mapped solid mesh created.
equiv/faces Equivalences all the elements in the solidmap component and
creates the faces (^faces component) for that component. This
function is optional and does not directly impact the solidmap
functionality. It allows you to perform faster and easier solid
modeling. The solidmap component is equivalenced with an initial
tolerance of 1% of element size. When this function is performed,
a message is displayed informing you of the number of nodes
equivalenced along with the tolerance value used. Any subsequent
use of this function without performing additional solid mapping
increases the tolerance (to a maximum of 10% element size) before
equivalencing again.
3d mesh: on/off Easily turns on/off the solid mesh in the solidmap component.
This function is optional and does not directly impact the solidmap
functionality. It assists in performing faster and easier solid


Using Solid Map:

1.Select the end only subpanel.

2.Click the input collector switch by source: and select the entity type of the source face.
3.Select the source face.

4.Click the input collector switch by end: and select the entity type of the destination
5.Select the destination face.


6. Click elems and select the elements on the source face that should be extruded.

7. Click mesh to create the mesh (shown hidden line).

Tetra Meshing:

The tetramesh panel allows you to fill an enclosed volume with first or second
order tetrahedral elements. A region is considered enclosed if it is entirely bounded by a
shell mesh (tria or quad elements) where each element has material on one side and open
space on the other.

Location: 3D page
The tetra mesh panel has the following subpanels:

tetra mesh subpanel allows you to fill an arbitrary volume represented by shell
elements with tetra elements.


tetra remesh subpanel given a single volume of tetras, allows you to regenerate the mesh
for that volume.
CFD mesh subpanel allows you to pack many layers of high aspect ratio tetras against
a surface in order to resolve boundary layer behavior in the
solution. For prism quads/trias pick the shell elements against
which you wish to build the layers of high aspect ratio prism
tetras. Pick the remaining elements that form the enclosed volume
as normal quads/trias. The CFD mesh detects internal fins and
symmetry planes inside the enclosed volumes and incorporates
them into the tetra mesh.
volume tetra subpanel given a set of surfaces representing a closed volume, generates a
shell mesh and fills the enclosed volume with solid elements.
You can choose to create a shell mesh (2-D) using quads, trias, or
mixed elements and a solid mesh (3-D) using tetrahedral elements
only or mixed (tetras and penta) elements. In addition, you can
use proximity meshing, which refines the mesh in areas where the
features are small and closer together. See the following

You can also use surface curvature as a function of element density

as shown below. This option creates refined mesh as areas of high
surface curvature.
When you select quads or mixed as your 2-D element type,
HyperMesh creates quad elements and splits them diagonally into
two trias during tetra face creation. This can create tetra elements
whose triangular faces are right triangles (90-45-45 angles) and
not equilateral triangles (60-60-60 angles).


You can specify some elements to be fixed, and others to be floatable. A fixed tria
element is one that must be exactly represented as a face of a tetra element in the final
mesh. A floatable element is one whose nodes are required, but the exact connectivity of
those nodes can be modified if it produces a better mesh. Typically, you should select as
fixed only those elements that must match up to another pre-existing mesh, leaving the
rest floatable. Quad elements are split into two tria elements before the tetras are created.

You can also specify various growth options in order to control the tradeoff between the
number of tetras generated and the average and minimum element qualities. Higher,
more aggressive growth rates produce fewer elements, but they may be of poorer quality.
The tetramesh panel allows you to choose from three different mesh generation priorities.
The generate mesh normally option applies in most applications, but if your solver is
particularly sensitive to element quality, use the optimize element quality option. This
directs the tetramesher to spend more time trying to generate better quality elements. In
particular, it employs the volumetric ratio (CFD "skew") measurement for rating potential
tetras. For some applications, element quality considerations are less important than
mesh generation time. In those cases, choose the optimize meshing speed option.

The following functions allow you create a solid model of tetrahedral elements from an
enclosed volume tria surface mesh.

floatable Matches the node locations of the tetras with the trias, but the connectivity
of those tetras may be modified to produce a better mesh. Normally, this
results in some tetra faces going across tria diagonals.
fixed Matches the node locations of the tetras with the trias. It guarantees the
connectivity of the tetras with the trias. Use this option whenever you
need to match other components to the resulting tetra mesh.
prism trias Selects the tria elements that define the surface from which the layers of
high aspect ratio are used when creating a CFD mesh.
normal trias Selects the tria elements that do not need high aspect ratio tetra layers.
This performs the same function as the normal trias option in the standard
tetramesh panel.


boundary layer prisms Specifies the layer thickness parameters as appropriate for
the Reynold’s number for the fluid being studied.
init thickness: thickness of first layer of high
aspect ratio tetras.
init growth rate: growth rate for high aspect ratio tetra
acceleration: growth acceleration for high aspect ratio
tetra layer.
structured isotropic prisms Uses the local element size for the initial thickness and a
value of 1.0 for the growth rate and acceleration. You can
use structured isotropic prism layers in any situation where
ordered layers of tetras are required near the surface. The
mesher uses as many layers as possible of isotropic
elements until the elements in the next layer are of
unacceptable quality, and then it switches to the normal
meshing algorithm.
generate mesh normally Applies in most applications, and uses the standard tetra-
meshing algorithm. This option is available in each
tetramesh subpanel.
optimize meshing speed Uses an algorithm which optimizes meshing speed. Use
this option if element quality considerations are less
important than mesh generation time. This option is
available in each tetramesh subpanel.
optimize meshing quality Directs the tetramesher to spend more time trying to
generate the best shaped elements. It employs the
volumetric ratio, or CFD skew, measurement for rating
potential tetras. Use this option if your solver is sensitive
to element quality. This option is available in each
tetramesh subpanel.
growth rate The growth rate for normal trias and after prism elements
are complete.
initial layers The number of initial layers for normal trias after prism
elements are complete.
growth options Various growth options can be specified in order to control
the tradeoff between the number of tetras generated and
the element quality. Options that can be selected are
standard, aggressive, gradual, interpolate and user
controlled. The standard option is suggested for most




The edit element panel allows you to hand build, combine, split, or modify

Location: 1D, 2D, and 3D pages

Some of the use cases for this panel include:

·Stitching two unconnected meshes by adding elements between them

·Splitting elements at weld locations
·Combining and spliting elements to fix connectivity in the transitional area between fine
and coarse mesh areas

The edit element panel contains the following subpanels:

create allows you to create elements where automatic element builders, such
as drag and spin, cannot be used. For example, you can use create to
build elements in a situation where three elements are to be joined with
two elements. You can create multiple plot elements by selecting by
path from the node list selector. The element type is selected, followed
by the selection of nodes to create the element. The element is
automatically generated as soon as the required number of nodes for the
chosen element type is selected. You can create other elements in the
same category (2-D and 3-D categories) by using the middle mouse
button. For example, while creating quads, you need to create one tria.
You can leave the element type as quad, select three nodes, and then
click the middle mouse button to complete the selection. A tria element
is generated. Similarly, while creating a hexa element, you can create a
tetra or penta without changing the element type to be created. When
creating second order elements, make sure you set element order: in the
global panel.

To create an element:

1.Select the create subpanel.

2.Select the type of element that you want to create.

3.Click auto order if you want HyperMesh to order the nodes for you.


If it is not selected, you must select the nodes in the appropriate order.
4.Select the nodes of the element you want to create.

When you have selected the required number of nodes, HyperMesh creates the element.

combine allows you to combine two or more shell elements into a single quad or
tria element. The number entered for auto comb = determines the
required number of elements that must be picked before the combined
element is automatically generated. You can also use the middle mouse
button after the elements are selected (even if you pick fewer than the
auto comb = number) to proceed to combine the elements.

To combine elements:
1.Select the combine subpanel.

2.Click the toggle to combine to quad or combine to tria to specify how you want the
elements to be combined.
3.Select the elements you want to combine.


4.To change the planar tolerance, or to automatically combine a set number of elements,
select those items and enter the appropriate values.
5.Click combine or click the middle mouse button.

split allows you to split an element or group of elements. You must first
select the elements to be split (or toggle to displayed elems to split all
elements in the display), and then select the split-line points along
which the elements are to be split.
Note: The split function does not split the elements at the exact
location of the line. It can only split an element through the corner
(node) or the middle of an element side.

To split a group of elements:

1.Select the split subpanel.

2.Indicate which elements you want to split by selecting them on your model, selecting
displayed elements using the collector selector, or click elems and select from the
extended entity selection menu.


3.Click on points (of split line) or click the middle mouse button.
4.Use the mouse to build a line in the graphics region which intersects the elements you
want to split.

5.Click split elements or the middle mouse button.

cleanup allows you to check the element quality and modify it while the results
of your changes are dynamically displayed. This function allows you
to simultaneously check multiple element quality criteria. The quality
index panel also contains this functionality in addition to many other

Within the element edit cleanup module, the elements you selected are saved in a buffer.
Any changes you make to them are temporary until you exit the module, at which point
you have the option of applying or discarding the changes.


The elements you selected are displayed in red, yellow, or black. The color for any
individual element is determined by how that element scores on the selected element
quality checks. The element is red if it rates as unacceptable by any test. It is yellow if
every test finds it acceptable, but at least one of the tests rates it as poor quality.
Otherwise, it is displayed as black.


The split panel allows you to split plate or solid elements. In addition, hexa
elements can also be split using a technique that moves progressively through a row of
elements in the model.
Location: 1D, 2D, and 3D pages

To split plate elements:

1.Select the plate elements subpanel.

2.Indicate the elements you want to split:

•Pick the elements on your model.
•Click elems and choose from the extended entity selection menu.

3.Click the switch and select the method you want to use to split the elements
4.Activate use inferred surface if no geometry exists, if necessary.

When elements are split using this function, the new nodes that are created are placed on
the element’s underlying geometric surface, if it exists. If there is not a geometric
surface, the new nodes are placed midway between the original corner nodes unless the
use inferred surface if no geometry exists checkbox is activated, in which case the new
nodes are placed upon the inferred surface of the elements.

5.Click split.


To split solid elements:

1.Select the solid elements subpanel.

2.Indicate the elements you want to split:

•Pick the elements on your model.

•Click elems and choose from the extended entity selection menu.

3.Choose the pattern to use when splitting the elements (See Comments).
4.Click split.


To split hexahedral elements:

1.Select the hexa elements subpanel.

2.Select the representative hexa element you want to split.

3.Select N1 and N2.
4.Select opposing corner nodes on the face of the hexa element to indicate how to split
the element.

5.Click the switch and select how you want the element to be split

6.Click preview.
The hexa elements that will be affected by the split command are highlighted.
7.Click split.

To refine a mesh of shell elements:

1.Select the refine elements subpanel.


2.Select the mesh of elements that you want to change.

3.Set the toggle to refine to target element size/refine to chordal deviation.

4.Specify the target element size/target chordal deviation.

5.Click split.


The replace panel allows nodes to be replaced with other nodes. Use this function
if you want to manually equivalence two nodes.

Location: 1D, 2D, and 3D pages

To replace a node:

1.While node list to the right of replace : is highlighted, select the node that you want to


2.While node list to the right of with: is highlighted, select the target node.

3.The distance between the two nodes is displayed following total =.


The detach panel allows you to detach elements from the surrounding structure.
You can detach elements from a portion of your model so that it can be translated or
moved, or you can offset the new nodes by a specified value. You can also use this
feature to detach and remove elements from your model.

Location: 1D, 2D, and 3D pages

To detach elements:

1.Select the detach subpanel.

2.Indicate the element(s) that you want to detach from the surrounding structure by
picking them on your model, or click elems to choose the elements from the extended
entity selection menu.


3.If you want to offset the detached nodes, click offset new nodes and enter a value after
offset =.
4.Click detach.
The illustration shows an element that was detached and then translated along a vector.


The elem types panel allows you to select the type of element HyperMesh should
create in the future, and also allows you to change existing element types.

Location: 1D, 2D, and 3D pages

This panel allows you to translate multiple solver element types with the same element
configuration. For example, ANSYS has several different types of quad elements.
HyperMesh has one quad element, but allows you to specify the type (a user-defined
integer), allowing it to correspond to many different element formulations in an analysis
code. HyperMesh uses the element type as an internal number that defines that element
and must be informed which type it is in order to accommodate the different types of
elements. This allows HyperMesh to translate to any quad, tria, or hex element in
analysis code references. Once you set the various element types, any elements created
in the future will have the selected element type. For example if you set the element type
of HyperMesh quad4 to ANSYS Shell 181, and then go to the automesh panel and create
mesh on a surface, all the quad elements created are of type shell 181. The element type
can also be changed after it has been created.

The elem types panel has two subpanels: 1D and 2D&3D. The 1D subpanel allows you
to set the element types of 1-D elements (bars, springs, etc.) as well as 0-D elements such
as masses. The 2D&3D subpanel allows you to set the element types of 2-D elements
(quads, trias, etc.) and 3-D elements (hexas, tetras, etc.). The update function that allows
you to update the selected elements to the chosen element type updates all the elements
selected (independent of the 1D and 2D&3D subpanels).



The elem offset panel allows you to create and modify elements by offsetting from a
mesh of plate or shell elements. The element normals provide directional information.

Location: 2D and 3D pages

To build layers of solid elements by offsetting shells:

1.Select the solid layers subpanel.

2.Indicate which elements you want to offset by picking them on your model, or click
elems and choose from the pop-up menu.

3.Click number of layers = and enter the number of layers of elements to build along the
normal direction.
4.Click initial offset = and enter an initial offset from the surface of the plate elements
along the positive normal direction (optional).
5.Click the upper switch and select thickness is uniform, thickness = element T, or
thickness from element size.
6.If you select thickness is uniform, click thickness = and enter the total thickness of the
layers of solid elements you want to create.
7.Click bias style: and select linear or no biasing, exponential, or bellcurve.
8.Click the data entry field after bias intensity = and enter the desired value.
9.Click the upper toggle to elements to current comp or elements to original comp to
specify if you want the newly created components to appear in the current component,
or in the components of the shell elements.
10.Click the lower toggle to choose between creating the elements with rounded corners
or square corners.
11.Click offset + or offset - to create the elements either in the positive normal direction
or the negative of the normal direction, determined from the elements.


To build layers of shell elements by offsetting shell elements:

1.Select the shell layers subpanel.

2.Indicate which elements you want to offset by picking them on your model, or click
elems and choose from the pop-up menu.

3.Click number of layers = and enter the number of layers of elements to build along the
normal direction.
4.Click initial offset = and enter an initial offset from the surface of the plate elements
along the positive normal direction (optional).
5.Click the upper switch and select thickness is uniform, thickness = element T, or
thickness from element size.
6.If you select thickness is uniform, click thickness = and enter the total thickness of the
layers of solid elements you want to create.
7.Click bias style: and select linear or no biasing, exponential, or bellcurve.
8.Click the data entry field after bias intensity = and enter the desired value.
9.Click the upper toggle to elements to current comp or elements to original comp to
specify if you want the newly created components to appear in the current component,
or in the components of the shell elements.
10.Click the lower toggle to choose between creating the elements with rounded corners
or square corners.
11.Click offset + or offset - to create the elements either in the positive normal direction
or the negative of the normal direction, determined from the elements.


To move shell elements along their normals:

1.Select the shell offset subpanel.

2.Indicate which elements you want to offset by picking them on your model, or click
elems and choose from the extended entity selection menu.

3.Set the toggle to distance = or distance = 1/2 of element T.

distance = allows you to specify a fixed distance to move the elements and distance =
1/2 of element T allows you to move the elements a distance equal to half of the
material thickness of the component in which each element resides.

4.Click the lower toggle to choose between creating the elements with rounded corners or
square corners.
5.Click offset + or offset - to move the elements in either the negative normal direction or
the positive normal direction.


To thicken shell elements into solids:

1.Select the thicken shells subpanel.

2.Indicate which elements you want to thicken by picking them on your model, or click
elems and choose from the extended entity selection menu.

3.Set the first toggle to shells are on an outer surface or shells are on the midsurface.
If you select shells are on an outer surface the replacement shells are formed around the
selected elements. If you select shells are on the midsurface the replacement shells are
formed above or below the selected elements.
4.Set the second toggle to thickness = element T or thickness =.
5.thickness = element T uses the shell element material thicknesses and thickness =
allows you to specify a uniform thickness.
6.If you selected thickness =, enter the thickness value.
7.Set the third toggle to elements to current comp or elements to original comp to specify
if you want the newly created components to appear in the current component, or in the
components of the corresponding shell elements.
8.Set the last toggle to squared corners or rounded corners
If you select squared corners, the function adjusts the distances in order to square off
corners wherever it appears that two distinct surfaces meet at a sharp edge. If you
select rounded corners, the function uses a uniform distance, rounding off the sharp
corners as if they are filleted.
9.If you selected shells are on the midsurface in Step 2, click thicken.


10.If you selected shells are on an outer surface in Step 2, click thicken - or thicken +.


The check elems panels allow you to verify the basic quality of your elements and
to verify the geometric qualities of those elements.

Location: Tool page

For example, if you have created a quad, it is possible that the quad has some degree of
warpage. You can use the warpage function to check the element for warpage and to
specify the maximum allowable warpage for that element.

Another check available is for rigid loops. The rigid loops function allows you to
determine if a group of one-dimensional rigid elements forms a loop. After it checks for
instances where this has occurred, it highlights those elements.

The check elems panel includes the following subpanels:

1-d check for free ends in one-dimensional elements

2-d check elements for warpage, aspect ratio, skew, chordal deviation, and jacobian
ratio, and check the maximum and minimum interior angles of quad and tria
3-d check element functions (as on 2-d subpanel); also check tetra elements by
various measures
time calculate element time steps, based on the FEA solver, and check for steps that
fall below a specified value
user specify a template file that checks for any type of user quality
group delete interface elements that are not attached to a normal element

The 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D subpanels share the following functions:

connectivity test the connectivity of a group of elements

duplicates check for duplicate elements
save failed save failed elements and replace them on the user mark




The translate panel allows you to translate model entities along a vector/direction.

Location: Tool page

To translate data:

1.Click the input collector switch and select the data type of the entity you want to

2.Indicate the entities you want to translate:

Pick the entities on your model. Or Click the data type and choose from the extended
entity selection menu.

3.Use the plane and vector collector to specify a vector that defines the direction of
4.Click the toggle to select the method to use to specify the magnitude to translate the
The two methods available are to enter a value after magnitude =, or to translate your
entities the magnitude from N1 to N2.
5.Click the leftmost toggle to translate the selected entities in the global or the local
6.If you select local system, enter the ID of the system and indicate a base node on your
7.Click translate+ or translate-.



The rotate panel allows you to rotate entities about a plane normal.

Location: Tool page

To rotate data:

1.Click the leftmost switch and select the data type of the entities you want to rotate.

2. Indicate the entities you want to rotate:

Pick the entities on your model or Click the data type and use the extended entity
selection menu.
3.Use the plane and vector collector to select the plane whose normal defines the vector
about which you want to rotate the entities.
4.Select the base point about which the rotation is to be done.
5.Click angle = and enter the angle through which the entities should be rotated.
6.Click rotate+ or rotate-.



The reflect panel allows you to reflect nodes, elements, components, lines,
surfaces, and points about a plane.
Location: Tool page

To reflect data about a plane:

1.Click the input collector switch and select the data type of the entities you want to

2.Indicate which entities you want to reflect by picking them on your model, or click the
data type and choose from the extended entity selection menu.
3.Use the plane and vector collector to indicate the plane of reflection.


4.Select the base point about which the reflect is to be done.

5.Click reflect.


The project panel allows you to project data entities to a plane, vector, surface, or
Location: Tool page

a.To project data to a plane:

1.Select the to plane subpanel.

2.Click the input collector switch and select the data type you want to project.


3.Indicate which entities you want to project by picking them on your model, or click the
data type and choose from the extended entity selection menu.
4.Click the switch by to plane: and use the plane collector to specify the plane to which
you want to project the entities.
5.Select a base point.
6.If you want to define a vector to project along, use the plane and vector collector by
along vector: to select a vector.
7.Click project.

b. To project data to a vector:

1.Select the to vector subpanel.

2.Click the input collector switch and select the data type you want to project.


3.Indicate which entities you want to project by picking them on your model, or click the
data type and choose from the extended entity selection menu.
4.Click the switch by to vector: and select x-axis, y-axis, z-axis, vector, or N1, N2, N3.
If you select vector, select a vector.
If you select N1, N2, N3, select the nodes that define the vector to which you want to
project the entities.
5.Select a base point.
6.If you want to define a vector to project along, use the plane and vector collector by
along cut plane: to select a vector.
7.Click project.

c. To project data to a surface:

1.Select the to surface subpanel.


2.Click the leftmost switch and select the data type you want to project.

3.Indicate which entities you want to project by picking them on your model, or click the
data type and choose from the extended entity selection menu.
4.While surfs is highlighted, pick the surface to which you want to project the entities.
5.Use the plane and vector collector by along vector: to specify the plane along
which to project the entities.
6.Click project.

d. To project data to a line:

1.Select the to line subpanel.

2.Click the leftmost switch and select points or nodes as the data type you want to



3.Indicate which entities you want to project by picking them on your model, or click the
data type and choose from the extended entity selection menu.
4.Click line list and pick the line(s) to which to project the entities.
5.Click the toggle under along vector to line normal or to the plane and vector collector.
If you use the plane and vector collector, define the vector normal to the plane and the
nodes or points are projected to the intersection between the selected lines and the
specified plane. If you select line normal, the points or nodes are projected to the point
where it is normal to the line.
6.If you selected the plane and vector collector, specify the plane along which to project
the entities.
7.Click project.


The edges panel allows you to find the free edges in a group of elements, find "T" or
discontinuous connections in a group of elements (any edges connected to three or more


elements), display duplicate nodes, and equivalence duplicate nodes. Free edges found in
your model are displayed in red. You can use equivalence to remove the duplicate nodes,
based on a tolerance, which you specify. The preview equiv function is available to
allow you to see which nodes are removed when the equivalence function is selected.

Location: Tool page

To find the free edges in a group of elements:

1.Indicate the entities where you want to find and display edges by selecting them
on your model, or click comps or elems and choose from the extended entity selection

menu or list.

2.Click the switch after find: and select free edges/T-connections.

3.Click find edges.
The free edges of the selected group of entities are displayed as red plot elements.



The faces panel allows you to find the free faces in a group of elements, and
operates in the same manner as edges, but in 3-D. It also allows you to find and delete
duplicate nodes. This function will find free faces in your model where elements are
separated, and highlight those areas. Once the free faces are located, you can use
equivalence to remove the duplicate nodes, based on a tolerance specified by you. The
preview option is available to allow you to see which nodes will be equivalenced.

Location: Tool page

To find the free faces on a group of solid elements:

1.Click the input collector switch and select either comps or elems as your input
2.Indicate the entities where you want to find and display free faces by selecting them on
your model, or select comps or elems and choose from the pop-up menu.
3.Click find faces.
4.The free faces of the selected group of entities are highlighted.

To delete the ^faces component created by the find faces function:

Click delete faces to delete the component ^faces.



The normals panel allows you to display the normal of an element or surface,
adjust the orientation of element normals, and reverse the normal of an element or
surface. The normal of an element is determined by following the nodes of the element,
in order, using the right-hand rule.

Location: Tool page

To display the normals:

1.Select the elements subpanel.

2.Click the switch and select the data type (elems or comps) of the entities whose normals
you want to display.
3.Indicate the entities where you want to display normals by picking them on your model,
or clicking elems or comps, and choosing from the extended entity selection menu.
4.Select display type:

 Select vector display normals.

Click size = and enter the size which the normals should be in model units.
The normals are displayed using vectors.
 Select color display normals.

The normals are displayed using colors. The element is displayed in red where the vector
direction is positive. The other side of the element is displayed in blue, indicating the
reverse or negative vector direction.
5.Click display normals.


To adjust the normals in a mesh:

6.Click elem under orientation.

7.Select the element you want to use as an orientation vector.
8.Select display adjusted only, to display only normals that are adjusted.
9.Click adjust normals.


The numbers panel allows you to display the IDs of an entity.

Location: Tool page

To display entity IDs:

1.Click the switch and select the data type of the entities whose IDs you want to display.


2.Indicate the entities where you want to display the IDs by picking them on your model,
or click the data type and choose from the extended entity selection menu or list
3.Click on.
The entities' IDs are displayed and added to the numbers mark.


The count panel allows you to obtain a count of all the entities in your database.
Location: Tool page

Entities that can be counted are subdivided into the following subpanels:

model subpanel Counts the number of nodes, elements, components,

assemblies,materials, properties, connectors, points, lines,
surfaces, systems, etc. in the model.

BCs panel Counts the entities that are used to setup model boundary
conditions (loads, vectors, groups, sets, etc.).

safety&morph subpanel Counts entities used in safety models (sensors, control vols,


etc.) and morphing tools (shapes, domains, handles, etc.).

optimization subpanel Counts optimization entities (desvars, opticontrol etc.).

You can count individual entities, displayed entities, or all entities in the model. When
you click displayed or all entities, the counter fields for all affected entities are updated in
all subpanels. Entities that do not have a counter field next them have not been counted.
For example, when you click to count displayed entities, the mats and props fields are
blank. Since these entities do not have a display in HyperMesh, they are not counted.

To count selected entities of a model:

1.Choose the appropriate subpanel and select the type of entities you want to count.

2.Indicate the entities you want to review by selecting them on your model, or select
using the extended entity selection menu.
3.Click selected.


The mask function allows you to mask entities from the display list. Masking can
be useful to reduce the number of entities displayed. With fewer entities on the screen, it
is easier to "pick" the desired elements or lines.

Location: Tool page

It is also possible to speed up processing time by masking off portions of a large model
while you are working on a smaller, localized section of the model.

To mask selected entities:

1.Select the mask subpanel.

2.Click the input collector switch and select the data type you want to mask.
3.Indicate which entities you want to mask by picking them on your model, or click the
data type and choose from the extended entity selection menu.
4.Click mask.


To unmask entity:

1.Select the mask or unmask subpanel.

2.Click unmask all.

The delete panel allows you to delete data from a model database, preview and
delete empty collectors, and preview and delete unused property collectors, material
collectors, or curves. You can also delete an entire model database, if you wish to start
with a clean database.

Location: Tool page

Click the input collector switch and select the entities you want to delete.


The distance panel allows you to determine the distance between two
nodes/points or the angle between three nodes/points, or to change distances or angles.

Location: Geom page

To calculate the distance between two nodes:

1.Select the two nodes subpanel.

2.Pick the first node on your model while N1 is highlighted.


3.Pick the second node on your model while N2 is highlighted.

The distance between the nodes N1 and N2 is displayed in the distance = menu item as
the total distance. The distance is further broken down into the components and
displayed in x dist =, y dist =, and z dist =.

To create a node or nodes between nodes:

1.Select the two nodes or three nodes subpanel.

2.Select the nodes between which you want to create a node or nodes.
3.Click nodes between = and enter the number of nodes you want to create between the
selected nodes.
4.Click nodes between.
The node(s) are created between the specified nodes.

To calculate the angle between three nodes:

1.Select the three nodes subpanel.

2.Pick the first node on your model while N1 is highlighted.
3.Pick the second node on your model while N2 is highlighted.
4.Pick the third node on your model while N3 is highlighted.
The angle between the nodes N1, N2, and N3 is displayed after angle =.


Align node:

The align node panel allows you to project nodes to an imaginary line passing
through two nodes. Nodes being projected do not have to lie between the two nodes
selected to form the line. The nodes are projected to the imaginary line along its normal.
For more complex projections, see the project panel.

Location: Geom page

To align a node:

1.For 1st end:, highlight node and select the node that represents one end of the
imaginary line.

2.For 2nd end:, highlight node and select the node that represents the other end of the
imaginary line.

3.Select the node(s) you want to align.



After the geometry and material of the structure are defined, loads and boundary
conditions need to be applied. These differ depending on the desired solution sequence.
Before you apply loads, create a load collector. Loads are displayed in the color assigned
to the load collector. The size of loads and constraints is based on model units and can be
modified from within the boundary condition panels.

HyperMesh allows you to apply loads to geometrical entities and map them to the
FE mesh using the load on geom panel on the BCs page. One advantage is that you can
remesh a model without deleting complicated loads or boundary conditions. After
remeshing, loads or boundary conditions that have been applied to geometrical entities
can be remapped to the new mesh.

You can apply loads to geometry by using the following panels on the BCs page:
forces, moments, constraints, pressures, temperatures, flux, velocities, and accels. These
are the same panels used to apply loads to a mesh.

There are two ways to map loads on geometry to the mesh associated with this geometry
(loads on mesh):

·Manually, using the load on geom panel.

·Automatically, by exporting the FE deck, using the files panel/export subpanel.

Application of Loads to Geometry:

You can apply loads to geometrical entities in a way similar to the manner in which loads
are applied to mesh. The process includes two basic steps.

1.Creating a load collector by using the collector panel

2.Applying loads to the geometry using one of the following panels on the BCs page:
forces, moments, constraints, pressures, temperatures, flux, velocities, and accels

To apply a load to a geometrical entity, create a load collector in which the loads
applied to geometrical entities will be stored, access a HyperMesh load panel (e.g. forces,
constraints, etc.) located on the BCs page, select the create subpanel, select a geometrical
entity on which the loads will be applied (points, lines, or surfaces) using the panel
selection box, define the load or boundary condition parameters in the same way you
would for the application of the load or boundary condition on a FE mesh entity (e.g.
node), and click create. HyperMesh stores the loads/boundary conditions in the database
and displays them in the graphical window.


The following chart specifies the geometrical entities to which loads can be applied, in
each of the load application panels listed above.

Panel Geometrical Entities

accels points, lines and surfaces.
constraints points, lines and surfaces.
flux points

forces points
moments points
pressures surfaces
nodes on edge: lines (for 2-D solid elements)
nodes on face: surfaces (for 3-D solid elements)
temperatures points, lines and surfaces.
velocities points, lines and surfaces.

Visualization of Loads:

The disp (display) panel allows separate or simultaneous visualization of loads on

mesh and loads on geometry.
To visualize loads on mesh and/or loads on geometry, from the disp (display)
panel on the permanent menu, select loadcols and click the toggle to select elems or
geoms. If elems is selected, only loads on mesh are displayed. If geoms is selected, only
loads on geometry are displayed. Use the none, all and reverse buttons to select the
loadcols to be displayed.


The constraints panel allows you to place constraints or enforced displacements

on a model. This is accomplished by assigning a degree of freedom (dof) constraint to
the node.

Location: BCs page

Constraints are load config 3 and are displayed with a triangle that connects to the node,
with the dof numbers that apply to the node beside the triangle.

To create constraints:

1.Select the create subpanel.


2.Select the node(s) where you want to place constraints.

3.Click dof1 if you want to assign a degree of freedom 1 constraint to the node, if you
want to constraint all dof, check dof 1,2,3,4,5,6
4.Click = and enter the value of the constraint (nonzero for applied displacement).
5.Repeat the last step for each of the dof menu items.
6.Click create.


The forces panel allows you to create concentrated forces. This is accomplished
by applying a load, representing forces, to a node.

Location: BCs page

Forces are load config 1 and are displayed as a vector with the letter F at the tail end.

By default, HyperMesh displays forces using a representation of 100% of their

magnitude. You can change this percentage by entering a different value in the
magnitude = field. You can also use the uniform size option to display all loads with the
same size.
To create force:

1.Select the create subpanel.

2.Indicate the nodes where you want to place forces by selecting them on your model, or
click nodes and choose the nodes from the extended entity selection menu.


3.If you want to specify the direction and magnitude of the force by typing in the
-Click the upper switch.
-Click components and type in the x, y, and z values of the components. (Skip the next
4.If you want to use the vector magnitude method:
-Click the lower switch.
-From the pop-up menu, select the method you will use to indicate the vector along
which the force should act.
-If the option N1, N2, and N3 is chosen, select two or three nodes on your model to
indicate the vector along which the force should act.
5.Click the toggle to create the forces in the global system or the local system.
6.If you select local system, click system and enter the ID of the desired system.
7.Select magnitude % = or uniform size =.
-If you select magnitude % =, click magnitude % = and enter the value.
-If you select uniform size =, enter the value.
8.Click create.


The moments panel allows you to create concentrated moments. This is

accomplished by applying a load, representing moments to a node.

Location: BCs page

Moments are load config 2 and are displayed with a double-headed vector with the letter
M at the tail end.

To create a moment:
1.Select the leftmost create.


2.Indicate the nodes where you want to place moments by picking them on your model,
or click nodes and choose the nodes from the extended entity selection menu.

3.If you want to specify the direction and magnitude of the moment by typing in the
components, click the upper switch.
4.Click components and type in the x, y, and z values of the components. (or)
5.If you want to use the vector magnitude method, click the lower switch.
6.From the pop-up menu, select the method you will use to indicate the vector along
which the moment should act.
7.If the option N1, N2, and N3 is chosen, pick two or three nodes on your model to
indicate the vector along which the moment should act.
8.Click the toggle to create the moment in the global system or the local system.
9.If you select local system, click system and enter the ID of the desired system.
10.Click magnitude and enter the force of the moment.
11.Click size = to change how large the moment will be when plotted in model units.
12.Click create.


The velocities panel allows you to create concentrated velocities. This is

accomplished by applying a load, representing velocities, to a node.

Location: BCs page

Velocities are load config 8 and are displayed as a vector with the letter V at the tail end.

To create velocity:
1.Select the create subpanel.


2. Indicate the nodes where you want to place velocities:

•Pick the nodes on your model.
•Click nodes and choose the nodes from the extended entity selection menu.

3.If you want to specify the direction and magnitude of the velocity by typing in the
•Click the upper switch and select components.
•Type in the x, y, and z values of the components.
4.If you want to use the vector magnitude method:
•Click the lower switch.
•From the pop-up menu, select the method to use to indicate the vector along which the
velocity should act.
5.If you choose option N1, N2, and N3, select two or three nodes on your model to
indicate the vector along which the velocity should act.
6.Click the toggle to create the velocities in the global system or the local system.
7.If you select local system:
•Click system and enter the ID of the desired system.
•Select magnitude and enter the force of the velocity.
8.Select size = to change the size of the force in model units.
9.Click create.


The accels (accelerations) panel allows you to create and update concentrated
accelerations. This is accomplished by applying a load, representing accelerations, to a


Location: BCs page

Accelerations are load config 9 and are displayed as a vector with the letter A at the tail

By default, HyperMesh displays accelerations using a representation of 100% of their

magnitude. You can change this percent by entering a different value in the magnitude%
= field. You can also use the uniform size = option to have all loads displayed as the
same size.

To create accelerations:

1.From the accels panel, select the create subpanel.

2.Click the collector switch and select nodes.

3.Select the nodes on which you want to place accelerations:
-Pick the nodes on your model.
-Click nodes and choose the nodes by selecting an option on the extended entity
selection pop-up menu.

4.If you want to specify the direction and magnitude of the acceleration by typing in the
-Click the upper switch and select components.
-Type in the x, y, and z values of the components, and skip to the last step.
5.If you want to use the vector magnitude method:
-Click the switch and select vectors.
-Click the lower switch and select a method for indicating the vector along which the
acceleration should act. The options are: x-axis, y-axis, z-axis, vector, and N1, N2, N3.
-If N1, N2, N3 is chosen, select two or three nodes on your model to indicate the vector
along which the acceleration should act.
6.Click the toggle to create the accelerations in the global system or the local system.
7.If you select local system, click local system and enter the ID of the desired system.
8.Select magnitude% = and enter the force of the acceleration.
Select uniform size = and enter the size of the force in model units.


9.Click create.


The pressures panel allows you to create concentrated pressures. This is

accomplished by applying a load, representing pressures, to an element.

Location: BCs page

Pressures are load config 4 and are displayed as a vector with the letter P at the tail end.

To create pressures on elements:

1.Select the create subpanel.

2.Indicate the elements where you want to place pressures by picking them on your
model, or click elems and choose the desired elements from the extended entity
selection menu.

3.If you want to specify the direction and magnitude of the pressure by typing in the
-Click the upper switch and select components.
-Type in the x, y, and z values of the components. (or)
4.If you want to use the vector magnitude method, click the lower switch.
5.Use the plane collector to specify the vector along which the pressure should act.
6.If you select the N1, N2, and N3 option, pick two or three nodes on your model to
indicate the vector along which the pressure should act.
7.Click magnitude and enter the force of the pressure.
8.If you want to apply the pressures to the face of a solid element, click the toggle to
select nodes on face:


-You can select a surface that represents the faces you want the loads to be applied to.
This places loads on the faces of all elements associated with the selected surface.
-Select the nodes representing the face of the solid element the load is to be applied to.
9.If the pressure is being applied to the edge of an element for an axisymmetric problem,
click the toggle to select nodes on edge:
-You can select a edge that represents the edges of all the elements that you want to
place loads on.
-Select the nodes that represent the edge of the element you want the load on.
10.Pick the nodes that define the face or edges where you want to apply the pressures.
11.Click break angle = and specify the angle that determines if the pressure should be
12.Click size = to change the size of the force in model units.
13.Click create.


The temperatures panel allows you to create temperature constraints. This is

accomplished by applying a load, representing temperatures, to a node.

Location: BCs page

Temperatures are load config 5 and are displayed as a vertical line with the letter T at the

To create a temperature constraint:

1.Select the create subpanel.

2.Indicate the nodes where you want to create temperatures:

•Pick the nodes on your model.
•Click nodes and choose from the extended entity selection menu.


3.Click value = and enter the value of the temperature constraint.

4.Click create.


The flux panel allows you to apply concentrated fluxes to your model. This is
accomplished by applying a load, representing fluxes, to a node.

Location: BCs page

Fluxes are load config 6 and are displayed as a thick arrow labeled with the word "flux."

To create a concentrated flux load:

1.Select the create subpanel.

2.Pick the nodes where you want to create fluxes or click nodes and select the nodes by
using the extended entity selection menu.

3.Click size = to change the size of the flux in model units.

4.Click value = and enter the value of the flux.


5.Select label loads if you want the value of the flux load to be displayed.
6.Click create.


The load steps panel allows you to create and update collections of load
collectors, groups, and output blocks.

Location: BCs page

To create a load step:

1.Click name = and enter a name for the load step.

2.Select the load collectors to include by picking them on the model, or by selecting them
on the list of load collectors.
3.Click create.

Exporting Loads:

HyperMesh sessions can contain loads on mesh that have been applied directly to
mesh, loads on geometry, and also loads on mesh that have been mapped from loads on

When saving the model as a HyperMesh database, all load types are saved and are
retrieved when you open the .hm file. When exporting the model using an export
template, only the loads on mesh are exported. The loads on mesh that are exported may
have been applied directly to mesh, mapped from geometry to mesh, or both.


The all/displayed toggle on the export subpanel on the file panel allows you to determine
which loads are exported.

If all is selected, all the loads on geometry that have not been mapped (if any), are
mapped to loads on mesh and all the loads on mesh are exported.

If displayed is selected, all the displayed loads on mesh are exported. All the loads on
mesh (both displayed and hidden) that are associated with the displayed loads on
geometry are exported as well. If any loads on geometry are displayed and have not been
mapped, they will automatically be mapped to loads on mesh and exported as well.



The final step in the finite element analysis process is solving the problem to
obtain results. In HyperMesh, there are two ways of solving an analysis.

· by using an external solver.

· by using OptiStruct.


The solver panel allows you to run an external program from within HyperMesh
or assign and run a solver on selected analysis decks.

Location: BCs page

To run a program from within HyperMesh:

1.Click the switch and select the desired solver.

2.For solver:, click browse....
A file browser is displayed.
3.Select the name of the program you want to run.
4.Click Open.
The interface changes depending on the solver you have selected.
5.For input file:, click browse...
A file browser is displayed.
6.Select the input file.
7.Click Open.
8.For output file:, click browse...
The Save file... dialog is displayed.
9.Select or enter a file name for the output file.
10.Click Save.
11.For options:, enter information, as desired.
12.Click solve.
The specified program runs in a separate window.

OptiStruct Analysis:

OptiStruct can be used to analyze the mechanical behavior of an elastic structure

under a given set of loads and boundary conditions. A number of solution sequences are
available, and these are:


· Linear static analysis

· Inertia relief analysis
· Normal modes analysis
· Linear buckling analysis
· Frequency response analysis (direct and modal)
· Nonlinear Gap Analysis

The solution sequence used is automatically determined by the contents of the subcase
information section. For all of these solution sequences, it is necessary to define the

- the geometry of the structure

- the material properties of the structure
- the applied loads and boundary conditions


The OptiStruct panel allows you to execute an OptiStruct run on your desktop. It
eliminates the need to use the files panel to export the input file, to use the solver panel to
execute the job, and to define the results file.

Location: BCs page

Note: The optistruct template must be loaded into HyperMesh before the OptiStruct panel
can be accessed.

Click the optistruct button to automatically perform the following procedures:

· Export the OptiStruct input file for the HyperMesh model according to the
selected display option (all/displayed)
· Execute the solver with the specified option (none, optimization, analysis,
or restart)
· Upload the HyperMesh results file

One of the following options should be selected when you execute an OptiStruct run:

none Solves the model as is.


optimization Starts an optimization regardless of whether ANALYSIS or CHECK is

specified in the control cards section.

analysis Starts an analysis regardless of what is specified in the model.

check Starts a check run regardless of what is specified in the model.

restart Restarts an optimization run. The input file (<filename>.fem) and a restart
file (<filename>.sh) must be specified. No model is exported.

The exported file can contain all or only the displayed model information.

Steps To Run An Analysis:

Load the OptiStruct user profile:

1.Launch HyperMesh.
2.Go to the Geom page.
3.Click user prof….
4.Select Profile name: OptiStruct from the drop-down menu.
5.Click OK.

This loads the OptiStruct user profile. It includes the OptiStruct template, macro menu,
and import reader. It simplifies the menu systems to give access to only the functionality
of HyperMesh that is necessary for using OptiStruct.

Retrieve a HyperMesh database:

1.Select the files panel on any main menu page.

2.Select the hm file sub-panel by selecting the radio button on the left side of the panel.
3.Click retrieve….
An Open file… browser window pops up.
4.Select the XXX .hm file
5.Click Open.
6.Click return to go to the main menu.

Define Geometric and Material Properties:

After a mesh is defined, geometric and material properties must be assigned to the
elements. The geometric properties are defined on cards starting with the letter P.
The geometric property cards also assign the material to a structural component. The
geometric property provides the shell thickness for shell models and the cross-sectional
properties for truss models. Since the geometry of the structure is defined entirely by the
mesh, solid models have no specific geometric properties, but a geometric property card
(PSOLID) is still required to assign the material.


Define Loads and Boundary Conditions:

After the geometry and material of the structure are defined, loads and boundary
conditions need to be applied. These differ depending on the desired solution sequence.

Creating Subcases:

Subcases are defined in the Subcase Information section of the input file.
Subcases are used to combine loads and boundary conditions so that a number of
different analyses can be performed on the same geometric and material data in one
solver run. The solution sequence for each subcase is automatically determined based on
the contents of that subcase.

Launch an OptiStruct job:

1.Select the optistruct panel on the BCs page.

2.Click save as….
A Save file … browser window pops up.
3.Select the directory where you would like to write the OptiStruct model file and enter
the file name, XXX .fem, in the File name: field.
The .fem filename extension is the suggested extension for OptiStruct input decks.
4.Click Save.
5.Set the memory toggle, located at the left-hand side of the panel, to memory default.
6.Click the Run options switch, located in the center of the panel, and select Analysis.
7.Set the export options toggle, underneath the Run options switch, to all.
8.Click optistruct.
This exports the OptiStruct input file and launches the OptiStruct job. If the job is
successful, new results files can be seen in the directory where the OptiStruct model file
was written. The XXX .out file is a good place to look for error messages that will help
to debug the input deck if any errors are present.

The default files written to your directory are:

XXX.html Html report of the analysis, giving a summary of the problem formulation
and the analysis results.

XXX .out OptiStruct output file containing specific information on the file set up, the
set up of your optimization problem, estimate for the amount of RAM and
disk space required for the run, information for each optimization
iteration, and compute time information. Review this file for warnings
and errors.

XXX .res HyperMesh binary results file.

XXX .stat Summary of analysis process, providing CPU information for each step


during analysis process.


The HyperMesh post-processing functions allow you to view results files or

databases generated by an external code. This section describes the structure of a
HyperMesh results database and explains how to use the post-processing functions to
create contour, assigned, deformed, and vector plots.

Post-processing functions include:

· Specifying the Results File

· Creating Deformed Geometry Plots
· Creating Animations
· Creating Vector Plots
· Creating Contour Plots
· Creating Assigned Plots
· Adding Plot Identification - Legends and Titles
· Inspecting the Results

HyperMesh Results Database:

The structure of a results database allows you to access results by a method

similar to that of the analysis code. A results database is divided into sections called
simulations. Each simulation stores the results for a model as it responds to a loading
condition. For example, if you run a linear statics problem and apply three different
loading conditions to your model, the results file generated by the translator contains
three simulations. If you run a nonlinear job, each load step (the response of the model to
each incremental amount of load applied) translates to a simulation.

Each simulation in the results database is further subdivided into data types. Each data
type found in a simulation contains a group of results of the same type. For example,
each simulation in a results file may contain two data types: displacements and von Mises
stress. A data type may contain only one type of result. Data types are one of the forms
described below:

nodal displacement Stores three floating point values at a node. This form of data type
is usually used to store displacements or a vector quantity.
nodal value Stores one floating point value at a node. This form of data type is
used to store stress quantities or other types of results where a
single value is needed at a node.
element value Stores one floating point value at an element. This form of
data type is used to store stress quantities or other types of
results where a single value is needed at an element.
complex nodal displacement Stores a complex value (magnitude and phase) at a node.
This form of data type is usually used to store
displacements or a vector quantity.


complex nodal value Stores a complex value (magnitude and phase) at a node.
complex element value Stores a complex value (magnitude and phase) at an
complex nodal von Mises Stores a complex von Mises value (magnitude, phase,
offset) at a node.
complex element von Mises Stores a complex von Mises value (magnitude, phase,
offset) at an element.

Data types are not required to contain results for every node or element in the model, and
may contain a subset of the total model, if this is appropriate. If this occurs, HyperMesh
prints a message indicating that results for some of the entities requested were not found
in the database. In order to complete the post-processing function being executed,
HyperMesh sets the results values needed for that function to zero for all of the nodes or
elements that are missing.

Specifying the Results File:

In order to perform post-processing functions, you must first specify the name and
location of the results database. There are two ways to select a results file:

· From the files panel, select the results subpanel, and for file:, enter the path and
name of the results file or click browse... to select a file using the browser.

· In the global panel, for results file:, enter the path and name of the results file or
click browse... to select a file using the browser.

Creating Deformed Geometry Plots:

The deformed panel allows you to display the deformed geometry of your model
statically, in either wire frame or hidden line mode.
The selected simulation must have a data type in it that contains nodal displacement
records. It is from the data contained with the nodal displacement records that
HyperMesh is able to calculate the deformed geometry of the structure.

Creating Animations:

The HyperMesh animation functions allow you to view your model structure in
motion. The three types of animation include linear, modal, and transient.

Linear: Linear animation creates and displays an animation sequence that starts
with the original position of the structure and ends with the fully deformed position of the
structure. An appropriate number of frames are linearly interpolated between the first
and the last positions. Linear animation is usually selected when results are from a static
analysis. Linear animation sequences are generated in the deformed panel.


Modal: Modal animation creates and displays an animation sequence that starts
and ends with the original position of the structure. The deforming frames are calculated
based on a sinusoidal function. Modal animation is most useful for displaying mode
shapes. Modal animation sequences are generated in the deformed panel.

Transient: Transient animation displays the structure in its timestep positions as

calculated by the analysis code. Transient animation is used to animate the transient
response of a structure. Transient animation sequences are generated in the transient

The selected simulations must include a data type that contains nodal displacement
records in order for HyperMesh to create an animation sequence. HyperMesh calculates
the deformed geometry of the structure from the data contained within the nodal
displacement records. For linear and modal animation, HyperMesh uses only one
simulation and this simulation must include a data type that contains nodal displacement
records. For transient animation, HyperMesh uses a range of simulations. In this case,
each of the simulations used in the animation sequence must include a data type that
contains nodal displacement records.

Creating Vector Plots:

A vector plot displays the model with a vector at each node that has a result-based
direction and magnitude. Vector plots are used to determine the direction of movement
and allow you to verify the location of the center of rotation of a model. See the vector
plot panel for standard graphics or the vector plot panel for performance graphics for
more information.

Creating Contour Plots:

The contour function in the contour panel for standard graphics or the contour
panel for performance graphics generates color bands on a model, based on the values
found in the results file. The bands of color are created by calculating a value for each
node in the model and then interpolating across each element.
The results file must include a simulation that contains one of the three forms of data
types. Each data type is handled differently when it is used to generate a contour plot.
When a contour function is performed, the objective is to take all of the results and place
them at the nodes of the elements. In order to accomplish this, HyperMesh may have to
average results before it can display the contour plot.

nodal values and displacements: The results are stored at the nodes. HyperMesh can
create the contour plot without modifying any of the values in the results file.

element values: The values are located at the centroid of the element. HyperMesh
averages the centroidal element values to the nodes of the elements. You should be
aware that averaging is taking place when element centroid values are used to create a
contour plot.


Creating Assigned Plots:

The assign function in the contour panel for standard graphics or the contour
panel for performance graphics assigns a color to each element in the model, based on the
values in the results file. The elements are then displayed in the solid color assigned to
them. This allows you to display elements that have values within a specified range.
The results file must include a simulation that contains one of the three forms of data
types. Each data type is handled differently when it is used to generate a contour plot.
When the assign function is performed, the objective is to take all of the results and place
them at the centroid of the elements. In order to accomplish this, HyperMesh may have
to average results before it can display the assigned plot.

element values: The results are already stored at the centroid of the element, so no further
calculations are required.

nodal values and displacements: HyperMesh averages the results at the nodes to the
centroid of the elements. For each element, this is accomplished by adding the results at
each node and dividing by the number of nodes on the element. You should be aware
that averaging is taking place when nodal values or nodal displacements are being used to
create an assigned plot.

Adding Plot Identification:

After you create a results-based plot, you can add titles, modify the colors used in
the legend, and relocate the legend and the descriptor.
Temporary titles can be added to each type of plot by entering a title in the title = field in
the contour panel (for either standard graphics or performance graphics). After you enter
the title and create the plot, the temporary title is displayed on the upper left side of the

The descriptor is the title that HyperMesh creates to display the simulation and data type
name that was used to create the plot. By default, the descriptor is located in the upper
left-hand corner of the plot above the legend.
To modify the descriptor, click within the descriptor to access the title edit panel, click
color to change the color of the text of the descriptor, click font and select the size font
you want to use in the descriptor. HyperMesh plots a legend if the results-based plot
created requires it.

To modify a legend, click within the displayed legend to access the legend edit panel.
Functions on this panel allow you to move the legend to a different location on the
screen, change the color of the text in the legend, reverse the colors of the legend, change
the font size, and also change the colors used in the legend that correspond to the model.


Inspecting the Results:

A contour or assigned plot provides a fast, convenient way of viewing the results
of a large number of elements. When you want to determine the actual value that an
analysis code has calculated for a node or element, you can select the node or element
after the results-based plot has been created. The ID, simulation and data type, and value
of the node or element are displayed in the menu area.



HyperView is a complete post-processing and visualization environment for finite

element analysis (FEA), multi-body system simulation, video, and engineering data.
HyperView enables to visualize data interactively as well as capture and standardize your
post-processing activities using process automation features. HyperView also saves 3D
animation results in Altair's compact H3D format so you can visualize and share CAE
results within a 3D web environment using HyperView Player.

Hyperview improve productivity through:

·Enhanced 3D graphics performance

·Direct readers for many CAE solvers as well as the Altair H3D compressed binary
·The xy plotting tools of Altair HyperGraph
·A custom interface and specialized tools to fit your engineering environment

Gain new insights through:

·Synchronized results visualization for FEA and multibody animation, xy plotting and
video data
·Multiple CAE models overlaying in one window
·Visualized animation types such as adaptive meshes and multi-body dynamic models
with flex bodies
·Linked to HyperView Player for web communication and collaboration

Multiple Solver Support:

HyperView supports many different CAE solver formats for post-processing.

Along with the solver formats supported through direct readers, HyperView supports
additional solver formats via translators. These translators convert results into the Altair
H3D compressed binary format. In addition, HyperView provides the flexibility to extend
its solver support through the creation of user-defined results translators.

Solvers supported include:

· HM - res · PAMCRASH
· OptiStruct · ADAMS
· MotionSolve™ · MADYMO
· NASTRAN · Radioss


· ANSYS · MoldFlow

CAE Animation:

HyperView’s animation window provides a complete suite of interactive post-

processing features that improve results visualization. HyperView supports deformed,
linear, modal and transient animations. HyperView also supports animation for various
types of CAE results including adaptive meshes and multi-body dynamic models with

HyperView’s animation features include:

· Iso-surfaces
· Tensor plots
· Vector plots
· Dynamic measures applied directly to the model
· Interactive cut planes
· Tracking (part and coordinate systems)

Video Animation:

The video window in HyperView introduces the unique capability to read digital video
files and synchronize them to CAE animations and xy plot information for enhanced
simulation post-processing and correlation. The video window directly reads and writes
most standard movie image file formats including AVI, BMP, TIFF AND JPEG. You
can perform pixel-to-pixel measures directly on the video, overlay multiple video files,
add header and footer labels, as well as annotations. Video frames can also be displayed
using a staggered time delay.

XY Plotting:

HyperView’s plotting window is a data analysis and plotting tool with interfaces to many
file formats. You can label and manipulate plots with point and click access to axis
labels, legends, plot headers and footers. You can also annotate plots with advanced
notes using Templex, a built-in text and numeric processor. Its math engine is capable of
processing complex mathematical expressions.

Report Generation:

The Export HTML Report option allows you to output an HTML report of the current
session loaded in HyperView. The report is based on the page layout and number of
pages in the session. You can specify which pages are to be written out as well as the
format for each window exported.


· Animation export - JPEG, AVI or H3D

· xy plots window export - JPEG or BMP
· Video window export - JPEG, BMP, or AVI
· Text window export - HTML text

The Graphical User Interface:

The HyperView interface provides you with a consistent look and feel whether
you are working with animations, plots, the text editor, or videos. The screen is divided
into six areas.


Every window mode displays the following menus:

File Save, open, or append session script files, print, export curves, and exit the
Edit Copy, paste, and overlay the contents of animation, plot, and text windows
and entire pages.
View Expand the current page to full screen and display or hide the Model


Page Access page control options.

Study menu Launches HyperStudy.
Help Access the on-line help, display the Message Log window, and access
information about the current version of the program.

Window Modes:

The window mode is selected from the window mode option menu on the left-
most end of the tool bar, .
The tool buttons, view controls, and menu bar change according to the selected window
Up to 16 windows can be arranged on a page, each window containing an animation,
plot, text, or video file.

The HyperView window mode option menu

Four window mode types are available in HyperView.



The main display area is called a page. Each page can contain from one to 16
windows. Any window on a page can display a model, animation, a plot, text, or a video.
You can create any number of pages in a session. The pages are stored in a list, enabling
you to display any page at any time as well as add, cut, copy, and paste pages. Only one
page is displayed at a time. The current page number and the total number of pages in
the session are displayed in the upper right corner of the window.

The tool bar provides quick access to the most commonly used features. The tool
bar contains:

1. The window mode option menu

2. Tool buttons
3. Page controls
4. Window controls
5. Animation controls

The window mode option menu is used to change window modes. The tool buttons
change depending on whether the active window is in animation, plot, text editor, or

video mode. If the window is in plot mode, the plot type module menu, , is
displayed on the tool bar. This allows you to work in the XY plot, bar chart, or complex
plot module. XY plot is the default plot type.

Tool buttons are used to open and save files, and provide access to window specific

Page controls are used to create and manage pages.

Window controls allow you reduce or expand the window size or swap windows.

The animation controls allow you to switch between transient animation mode or
linear/modal animation mode. They also allow you to access the animation controls
panel and start/stop animation.


The tool bar displaying the animation tools.


Multiple features are displayed on panels located at the bottom of the screen.
When a tool button or page control is clicked, the corresponding panel is displayed.
Panels are organized with tabs, collectors, text boxes, menus, and lists.


The view controls are located in the lower right corner. The view controls are
used to visually manipulate model graphics and plots. Click on the arrows to rotate
graphics or move plots. Graphics and plots can be magnified and user-defined views can
be stored in memory and recalled any time. There are three sets of view controls in
HyperView: one for viewing graphics, one for viewing plots, and one for viewing videos.

The graphics view controls are displayed when the current window is in animation mode.
The view controls enable you to manipulate and view graphics from any angle.


The following file types can be read, depending upon the program you are using.
Session script files are opened using the File menu. Animation, plot, text, and video files
are opened using the file browser button on the toolbar, . The accepted file types


Session Script Files A script is a text file that contains a structured list of
MotionScript statements. The statements include instructions
for page layout and window content, such as graphic and plot
information. A session script file is generated whenever you
save a work session. Session script files can also be created
outside of the program using any text editor or generated
from other applications.
Session script files are opened using the File menu.
Session script files have the following default
Animation Files Animation files is used to view and animate simulation
results.Animation files can only be opened in the Animation
window, , using the file browser button on the
toolbar.Supported animation files include:
 ADAMS .gra and .res
 MADYMO KIN3 & .kn3
 LS-DYNA d3plot and LLNL-DYNA d3plot
 NIKE 3D n3plot
 MARC t16
 Radioss A
 MotionView .mdl
 DADS .def and .bin
 Altair .h3d & .flx

Plot Files Plot files are any of the data file formats recognized by the
program and any data file format for which a custom import
template has been written. Plot files can only be opened in the Plot
window, , using the file folder button in the Build Plots and
define curves panels.

Supported plot files include:

 ADAMS REQ and matrix files
 ABAQUS mass from DAT files
 DADS graph files
 GENESIS history files
 Altair HyperFrom DAT files
 Altair HyperMesh RES files
 Altair MotionSolve files


 Altair MotionView shock output files

 Altair OptiStruct files
 Log files
 Mass, volume, and frequencies from out files
 MADYMO time history files
· Mass and frequencies from f06 files
· Complex results from SOL 108 and 111 punch files
 PAMCRACH time history files
 RADIOSS T01 time history files

Text Files Text files are any files containing only ASCII text.Text files can only be
opened in the Text Editor window, ,using the file browser button on
the toolbar.While text files can have any extension, they must be ASCII
text files.

Video Files Video files are used to view and animate video files. They can only be
opened in the Video window, , using the file browser on the
toolbar.Examples of video files supported include:

Movie Files
· Altair Movie File (*.amf), created using the AMF Builder. This is
a modified AVI file with timing information embedded in the file.
· Windows AVI File (*.avi) - PC only. One frame equals one
second by default.

Image Files
· JPEG File (*.jpg)
· Tagged Image File Format (*.tif, *.tiff)
· Truevision Targa File (*.tga)
· Windows Bitmap File (*.bmp)
· PCX File (*.pcx)

File Browser:

When you open or save a file, you use the standard Windows file browser. The
file browser enables you to navigate through the directories on your network to locate

Look in The look in drop-down menu lists the open directory, its
sub-directories, and its parent directory. You can select a new
directory by scrolling through the list of directories and double
clicking the desired directory. The open space below displays the
folders within the selected directory and/or the filenames found
within that directory based on the search criteria used.


File name The File name field allows you to enter the name of a file that you
want to locate. It also displays the file that you select from the files
displayed in the area above.
Files of type The Files of type field allows you to select the type of file you want
to locate.
Open Click Open to load the file shown in the File name field.
Cancel Click Cancel to close the file browser.

Displays the folder at the previous level.

Creates a new folder within the current directory.

Lists only the file name.

Saving a Session File:

Work sessions can be saved as session script files so you can continue working at
a later time. There are four methods for saving work sessions.

· Save the session with the current session script filename.

· Save the session with a new session script filename.
· Save the session as a report definition.
· Save all curve data in ASCII format inside the session script file.

Sessions are saved with Save Session File or Save Session File As in the File menu.

Save Session File:

To save the current session with the same name, select Save Session File from the File
menu. The session settings are saved using the current session’s filename.

Save Session File As:

Save Session File As... enables you to specify a new name for the session script file
before saving it. When Save Session File As... is selected, the Save Session File... file
browser is displayed.

A session script file is saved as a Templex template by default. The Templex template
consists of a session script statement and a Templex command. These files have the
extension .mvw. When a session script is saved as a Templex template, the filenames
referenced in the session script are assigned to Templex variables located at the top of the
session script file. This enables you to change the files referenced in the session script by


assigning new filenames to the variables. When the session script template is opened, the
filenames currently assigned to the Templex variables are used.

Animation files are assigned to the variable GRAPHIC_FILE_n, plot files are assigned to
the variable PLOT_FILE_n, and text files are assigned to the variable TEXT_FILE_n,
where n increments from 1 for each variable of the same type.

Save All Curve Data to Script File saves all the curve data for the current session into
the session script file, so that the session script file no longer refers to the original data
files. This option is also available if you save the current session as a report definition

Loading a Session:

Once a session has been saved, it can be loaded at any time. There are three ways to
restore a saved session.

Open Load a session with the file browser.

Reopen Provides quick access to the last session that was opened.
Append Appends a previously saved session script file to the current session.

Appending a Session Script File:

Previously saved session script files can be appended to the current session. This allows
you to combine pages from multiple sessions into one session script file.

Recent File:
The most recent files you've worked on are listed below the Print Setup option on the File

Export Curves:
Plot data can be exported in several different formats that can be read by other software
applications. Select Export Curves from the File menu to display the Export Curves


The Export Curves dialog.

In the File field, enter a name for the exported file. The file is stored in the selected
directory using the file browser, , or the directory from which the program was
started. The default filename is export.ext, where ext indicates the file type specified in
the export template.

Export Formats:

The format for exported data is selected from the Format drop-down menu.
Export formats for the following ASCII file types are included:

Excel .csv
CSV, comma separated values, format. CSV is compatible
with most spreadsheet applications. Commas delimit the data.
Columns .col One column for X data and another for Y data. A blank line
separates each curve in the plot. Tabs delimit the data.
XY DATA .dat One column for X data and another for Y data. The data set for
each curve in the plot begins with XYDATA and ends with
ENDATA. The XY units and the axis labels are included at the
top of each data set. Tabs delimit the data. HyperMesh uses this
X GRAPH .xgr One column for X data and another for Y data. The XY units and
the axis labels are included as comments at the top of each data
set. Tabs delimit the data.
Summary .sum The summary file contains the plot title and a table listing the
curves in the plot, the X and Y data labels, and the min and max
values of each curve.
ADAMS Spline .adm The X values for each curve are listed in comma delimited
columns followed by the Y values in comma delimited
columns. The first data set in the file is labeled SPLINE/0.


The label for each successive data set is incremented by one.

Altair Binary .abf All curves in the window are written to an Altair
Binary format file.
DAC .dac Exports curve data to DAC files, one file per curve. If more
than one curve is requested, the name of the output file is
modified by adding the unique request name to the filename.

You can export all of the pages into the same file, just the current page, or a range of

All Export every curve on every page in the page list to the specified file.
Current Plot Export just the currently displayed plot to the specified file.
Current Page Export just the currently displayed page to the specified file.
Pages Export a specific group of pages from the page list. Enter the number
of the first page in the range in the From text box. Enter the number of
the last page in the range in the To text box.
Note: Only curves that are turned on are exported. Any curves that are currently turned
off within a plot are not exported.

Export H3D Models:

The Export H3D Models option allows you to save the current model as an H3D
file that can be used in the animation window and HyperView Player. Select Export H3D
Models from the File menu to display the dialog.

Export HTML Report:

Export HTML Report allows you to export the current session to an HTML
report. The session window can be saved as a JPEG, AVI, or H3D file. From the File
menu, select Export HTML Report to display the dialog.

Capture Screen to File:

Capture Screen to File allows you to save the current window as a bitmap or
JPEG file. From the File menu, select Capture Screen to File to display the dialog. You
can open the saved window image using an image editor or another application that
supports bitmap and JPEG files.
If you save the window image as a JPEG file, move the slider to select the image
quality. 70 is the recommended value. Choosing a lower number creates a smaller file
with reduced image quality, while choosing a higher number creates a larger file and
improves the quality of the image.

Capture Animation to File(s):


Capture Animation to File(s) allows you to save the image in the current window,
including any animation, as an AVI, bitmap, or JPEG file. Saving the image as an AVI
file allows you to play the animated file as a video on your computer.

You can control the quality of images saved to an AVI animation file by changing
the number of colors used and by changing the graphic size. You can select Full Color,
Reduced Color, Greyscale, or Windows compressor and an image size of 33%, 50%, or

Organizing Windows and Pages:

The main display area is called a page. You can create any number of pages in a
session. The pages are stored in a list, enabling you to display any page at any time as
well as add, cut, copy, and paste pages. Only one page is displayed at a time.

Each page can contain from one to 16 windows. Any window on a page can display a
model, a graphic, a plot, text, or a video.
Page Control Tools


Page List :
The program keeps track of the pages you create. As each page is created, a name is
assigned to the page and stored in a list. The page list provides direct access to any page
in the current work session. Pages can be added, removed, renamed, copied, and pasted
using the page list controls.
Click the Page List button to display the list.

The list contains the names of each page in the session. There is no limit to the number
of pages that can be stored in the page list.

The Page List dialog.

The Name checkbox enables you to display page names at the top of each page. If the
Name toggle is turned on, the selected page name is displayed at the top of the page. If
the Name toggle is turned off, the selected page name is not displayed at the top of the
page. The Name toggle is turned off by default.

Click Close to exit the Page List window.

Page Layout :

Each page can have a different layout depending on your needs. A typical layout
might consist of a large window on the left displaying an animation with two smaller
windows on the right tracking relevant data points on corresponding plots. There are 20
possible page arrangements.


The Page Layout dialog

Expand Window :

On pages that contain more than one window, individual windows can be
expanded to fill the entire page.

Swap :

Swap exchanges the active window's position with another window on the same
page. For example, you could swap the upper left window with the lower right window
in a six window layout.

Templex Functions f( ):

The Templex Functions panel allows you to create and edit Templex functions.
When a function is changed, the revised version is used in each instance that the function
is used.
Reports :

A report is used to automate the generation and presentation of standard

animations, plots, and tables. The content and layout of a report is defined by a report
definition. A report definition specifies how to post-process result information for a
particular test or analysis data file. Report definitions typically consist of a series of
pages containing animation, plot and text editor windows. The Reports panel allows you
to add these predefined page sets to the current session.

Animating Pages:

Pages containing animations, plots, and videso can be animated. Animation

controls allow you control the speed, direction, and the start and end points of the
animation. Plots containing explicit time vectors display a small white bubble on the plot


that moves from point to point during animation. Animations and plots on a page are
synchronized in time.

The program animation functions allow you to view your model in motion. The three
types of animation include transient, linear, and modal.

Transient Transient animation displays the model in its time step positions as
calculated by the analysis code. Transient animation is used to
animate the transient response of a structure.
Linear Linear animation creates and displays an animation sequence that
starts with the original position of the model and ends with the fully
deformed position of the structure. An appropriate number of frames
are linearly interpolated between the first and last positions. Linear
animation is usually selected when results are from a static analysis.
Modal Modal animation creates and displays an animation sequence that
starts and ends with the original position of the structure. The
deforming frames are calculated based on a sinusoidal function.
Modal animation is most useful for displaying mode shapes.

Animate Start/Stop :

The traffic light starts and stops the animation for the entire page. Click on the
traffic light to animate all of the appropriate windows on the page. The traffic light is
green when windows are animating and red when animation is stopped. Animation runs
until stopped.


HyperGraph is a data analysis and plotting tool with interfaces to many popular
file formats. Its math engine is capable of processing complex mathematical expressions.
HyperGraph combines these features with high-quality presentation output and
customization capabilities to create a complete data analysis system.

HyperGraph supplies an intuitive plotting and data analysis package.

HyperGraph’s interface and suite of automation tools enables you to view and analyze
data more efficiently, which:


· Minimizes the time needed to generate plots - the automatic plot builder generates
a family of fully labeled plots from data file(s) using file header and channel information.

· Eliminates repetitive tasks - plot macros capture and automate common math

· Eliminates repetitive plot generation - report templates can capture and automate
the building of entire pages of data plots.

· Provides a fully customizable interface - customize the interface and the tools to
fit any engineering environment .

· Enables you to add math functions to Altair's math library

· Provides tools to automate data analysis and report generation - process

automation tools enable you to overlay sequential test and simulation results for
visualization and analysis

· Exports HTML session: enables you to write out HTML report directly to HTML

Supported Data Formats

· Altair HyperMesh · Ride data files

· RES · RPC-3
· Altair OptiStruct · Excel (csv)
· LS-DYNA time history · Multicolumn ASCII
· ADAMS · xy DATA files
· MADYMO · Radioss
· PAM-CRASH · Nastran pch complex results (sol 108 & 111)

Plot Builder and Plot Details

HyperGraph’s automatic plot builder generates a series of fully annotated xy

plots, bar charts and complex plots directly from a data file while providing format
options. This enables you to specify how the plotted data is arranged on the pages. An
intuitive interface provides direct access for modifying all areas of a plot including axes,
header, footer, legend and curve properties. HyperGraph supports Linear, Log10, Log20
and Decibel axis scaling, a variety of line styles, symbols and colors, as well as full user-
control of text size, color and style.

Analyzing the Data:


Create new math curves from existing curves by writing mathematical

expressions or selecting from over 150 built-in mathematical functions and operators.
HyperGraph maintains full association between parent and child curves. A math engine
performs complex mathematical operations including:

· Signal processing
· Curve fitting
· Filtering
· Eigensystem analysis
· Integration and differentiation
· Statistical analysis
· User-defined math functions
· Custom expressions

HyperGraph provides interactive visual features for inspecting data. You can
retrieve individual point data such as x and y location, slope and more. Plot statistics,
such as minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation can be calculated over a
specified range on a curve from the default Statistics template. Create a custom statistics
template to highlight user/project statistics. Annotate plots with notes, which can contain
an unlimited amount of text, math and string functions, operators and Templex

Process Automation:

HyperGraph captures the entire data analysis process by automating complex and
repetitive tasks. With advanced features such as reports, plot macros, custom wizards,
custom pull-down menus and Tcl/Tk macros, you can improve your productivity by
customizing HyperGraph to fit your analysis environment. These customization abilities
provide you with the tools for automating the data analysis process through interactive
dialogs for collecting and processing data.

Report Generation:

The Export HTML Report option allows HyperGraph to output an HTML report
of the current session. The report is based on the page layout and number of pages in the
session. You can specify which pages are to be written out as well as which format for
each window (JPEG and BMP for plots and JPEG, BMP and AVI for video).

HyperGraph Environment:

The HyperGraph interface provides you with a consistent look and feel whether
you are working with plots, the text editor, or videos. The screen is divided into six


Window Modes:

The window mode is selected from the window mode option menu on the left-

most end of the toolbar, , The tool buttons, view controls, and menu bar change
according to the selected window mode. Up to 16 windows can be arranged on a page,
each window containing a plot, text, or video file.

The HyperGraph window mode option menu


Three types of window modes are available when you are using HyperGraph:

Plot Select the Plot icon to make the current window a plot window.
The toolbar displays plot tool buttons.
Plot files can only be opened using the file browser button, ,
in the Build Plots and Define Curves panels.

Text Editor Select the Text Editor icon to make the current window a text
editor window. The toolbar displays text edit tool buttons.

Text files are opened using the file browser button, , on the

Video Select the Video icon to make the current window a video
window. The toolbar displays video tool buttons.

Video files are opened using the file browser button, , on the


The main display area is called a page. Each page can contain from one to 16
windows. Any window on a page can display a model, animation, a plot, text, or a video.
You can create any number of pages in a session. The pages are stored in a list, enabling
you to display any page at any time as well as add, cut, copy, and paste pages. Only one
page is displayed at a time. The current page number and the total number of pages in
the session are displayed in the upper right corner of the window.

Tool Bar:

The tool bar provides quick access to the most commonly used features. The tool
bar contains:

1. The window mode option menu

2. Tool buttons
3. Page controls
4. Window controls
5. Animation controls

The window mode option menu is used to change window modes. The tool
buttons change depending on whether the active window is in plot, text editor, or video


mode. If the window is in plot mode, the plot type module menu, ,
is displayed on the tool bar. This allows you to work in the XY plot, bar chart, or
complex plot module. XY plot is the default plot type.

Tool buttons are used to open and save files, and provide access to window specific
Page controls are used to create and manage pages.
Window controls allow you reduce or expand the window size or swap windows.
The animation controls allow you to access the animation controls panel and start/stop

Window mode Option Menu Animation

Tool Bar Buttons

Plot Module Menu Page Control

The tool bar displaying the plot tools.


Multiple features are displayed on panels located at the bottom of the screen.
When a tool button or page control is clicked, the corresponding panel is displayed.
Panels are organized with tabs, collectors, text boxes, menus, and lists.

The Define Curves panel in HyperGraph.

View Controls:

The view controls are located in the lower right corner. The view controls are
used to visually manipulate plots and videos Click on the arrows to move plots or videos.
Plots and videos can be magnified and user-defined views can be stored in memory and


recalled any time. There are two sets of view controls in HyperGraph: one for viewing
plots and one for viewing videos.

Viewing Plots:

The plot view controls are displayed when the active window is in plot mode.
The view controls enable you to translate curves within the window as well as zoom in on

The plot view controls.

Plot Translation Arrows:

The translation arrows move the plot within the active window. Each time an arrow is
pushed, the plot moves one tic mark in the direction indicated.

& move the plot diagonally upward to the left and right.

& move the plot toward the top and bottom of the screen.

& move the plot toward the left and the right.

& move the plot diagonally downward to the left and right.

Zoom In / Zoom Out:

magnifies the plot in the window.

reduces the size of the plot in the window.

Fit scales the plot so that it exactly fits the active window.

Fit X scales the currently displayed range of X values to exactly fit the active window.


Fit Y scales the currently displayed range of Y values to exactly fit the active window.

Flip XY permutes the data, exchanging the X-axes and Y-axes.

M1, M2 and R1, R2

Two user-defined views can be stored and recalled any time. Each window can have two
stored views.

Mouse Menus:

There are two mouse menus that can be used to manipulate views for plots and videos.

· Plot window mouse menu

· Video window mouse menu

Plot Window Mouse Menu:

Three additional viewing controls can be assigned to MB2 or the left-mouse

button in a plot window. The view control assigned to MB2/left mouse button is selected
from a pop-up menu that is activated by clicking MB3. Any one of the three controls can
be assigned to MB2. The default setting is Circle Zoom. If you are using a two-button
mouse, right-click in the plot window to activate the pop-up menu.

Circle Zoom Magnifies a selected section of your plot and is the default setting
for MB2.
Pick Center Repositions the plot in relation to the center of the window. When
Pick Center is assigned to MB2, a small white square appears in
the center of the window.
Translate Repositions a plot by dragging the mouse.
Apply Plot Style Displays the Style Sheets dialog. From this dialog, you can select
and apply attributes of the current plot to either every plot on
every page or to every plot on the current page. This option is
also accessible from the Tools menu.

Context Menu:

You can customize the plot mouse menu by adding context menu items. These menu
items act as a shortcut to options that are also accessible from the menu bar. The menu
items are also linked to a particular Tcl/Tk script.

Convert Units:

Besides the viewing controls, you can also access the Convert Units option from
the plot mouse menu. Right-click on any plot axes to display the menu option. When
you select Convert Units, the Convert Axis Units dialog is displayed. You can use this
dialog to convert the current axis unit of measure to another unit of measure. The


application automatically selects the current axis unit of measure on the Convert Axis
Units dialog. From one of the drop-down menus, select the new axis unit of measure to
which you want to convert the current axis unit of measure. If the application cannot
detect the current axis unit of measure, it automatically defaults to Time.

Video Window Mouse Menu:

Ten additional viewing controls can be assigned to MB2 in a video window. The
view control assigned to MB2 is selected from a pop-up menu that is activated by
clicking MB3. Any one of the ten controls can be assigned to MB2. The default settings
are Circle Zoom and Use normal area.

Circle Zoom Magnifies a selected section of your video image and is the default
setting for MB2.
Unzoom Reduces a selected section of your video image.
Translate Repositions a video image by dragging the mouse. If part of the
image is moved out of the viewing area, the image is clipped.
Pick Center Repositions the video image such that the selected point is now
centered in the viewing area. When Pick Center is assigned to
MB2, a small white square appears in the center of the window. If
part of the image is moved out of the viewing area, the image is
Recenter Repositions the video image such that the center point of the image
is centered in the viewing area. If part of the image is moved out of
the viewing area, the image is clipped.
Set Markers Adds a crosshair to the video image and all video images on the
page, centered at the selected point and extended to the bounds of
the viewing area.
Clear Markers Removes markers from each image on each video window.
Use maximum area Scales the video image to use the maximum area of the window in
which it is contained.
Use normal area Scales the video image to use the normal area of the window in
which it is contained.
Edges Renders an "edges only" image of the file.


The menu bar allows you to perform a wide variety of operations using drop-
down menus. Some operations such as appending, exporting, and printing files are
accomplished only from the menu bar. Other operations can be performed using either
the menu bar or the corresponding tool bar button. Each window mode has two types of
menus, global menus and window specific menus.

Global Menus:

Every window mode displays the following menus:


File Save, open, or append session script files, print, export curves, and exit
the program.
Edit Copy, paste, and overlay the contents of animation, plot, and text windows
and entire pages.
View Expand the current page to full screen and display or hide the Session
Page Access page control options.

For HyperGraph, the window specific menus include:

 Plot
 Text Editor
 Video



Optimization of an engineering design is an improvement of a proposed design

that results in the best properties for minimum cost. One of the simplest examples is
determining the shape of a fence that will enclose the most area. If the fence can be any
shape, but only a certain amount of fencing is available, then a circle will enclose the
most area with the given amount of fencing. In order to minimize the amount of steel
used in manufacturing a cylindrical tin can, a certain relationship between the diameter of
the can and the height of the can is found. This will enclose a volume with the least
amount of steel used for the surface area.

In each these simple optimization examples, there have been two criteria -- one
was a criterion to be made best. In the fence, it was the enclosed area. In the tin can, it
was the amount of steel in the body. The other criterion was a constraint on the design. In
the fence, it was the amount of available of fencing material. In the can it was the
specified volume to be enclosed.


In more elaborate problems encountered in engineering, there will be a property

to be made best (optimized) such as weight or cost of a structure. Then there will be
constraints, such as the load to be handled, and the strength of the steel that is available.

Constraints on the design are of two types. One is Equality Constraints. An

equality constraint specifies a property of the design that must hit a specified value. In
our fence example, the length of the fencing (perimeter of the enclosure) was a certain
number. This is an equality constraint. In a structure, the steel throughout the structure
will need to be kept below the yield strength (localized stress concentration regions
excepted). In many parts of the structure, the stress will be below yield stress.
Consequently, there is an Inequality Constraint. In an inequality (or one-sided) constraint,
a property of the design will be required to be kept above or below some number.

Once a preliminary design has been developed, variations in some of the

dimensions of the design can be evaluated. The particular dimensions that will be
permitted to be changed are the degrees of freedom, known simply as variables. Some of
the resulting properties of the design will be required not to exceed certain boundary
values, or constraints. There may be constraints on the degrees of freedom, as well as on
derived properties, such as the stress in a structure.

If the initial design was feasible it did not violate any constraints. Variations on
the design may result in properties that are an improvement. When the degrees of
freedom have been set to values that give the best possible properties for the design, the
design is said to have been optimized. In the case of the fence above, if we started out by
trying a rectangular shape, and eventually arrived at the circle, we would have optimized
the design. This would require that there was no constraint on the permitted shapes, such
as requiring that the fence be rectangular.


Altair OptiStruct is a finite element based structural analysis and optimization

software that can be used to design and optimize structures using the following responses
as the objective or as constraint functions:

Compliance, frequency, volume, mass, moments of inertia, center of gravity,

displacements, buckling factor, stresses, strains, composite failure, forces, and any
function of the responses listed.

OptiStruct's optimization capabilities can be used to design and optimize

structures to reduce weight and tune performance. Topology, topography, size, and shape
optimization are available and can be combined in a general design problem.

Topology Optimization:

Topology optimization generates an optimized material distribution for a set of

loads and constraints within a given design space. The design space can be defined using


shell or solid elements, or both. The classical topology optimization set up solving the
minimum compliance problem, as well as the dual formulation with multiple constraints
are available. Manufacturing constraints can be imposed using a minimum member size
constraint, draw direction constraints, extrusion constraints, and symmetry planes. A
conceptual design can be imported in a CAD system using an iso-surface generated with
OSSmooth, which is part of the OptiStruct package.

Topography Optimization:

Topography optimization generates an optimized distribution of shape-based

reinforcements such as stamped beads in shell structures. The problem set up is simply
done by defining the design region, the maximum bead depth and the draw angle.
OptiStruct automatically provides the design variable creation and optimization control.
Symmetry and other constraints can be optionally enforced on the reinforcement patterns.

Size and Shape Optimization:

General size and shape optimization problems can be solved. Variables can be
assigned to perturbation vectors, which control the shape of the model. Variables can
also be assigned to properties, which control the thickness, area, moments of inertia,
stiffness, and non-structural mass of elements in the model. All of the variables
supported by OptiStruct can be assigned using Altair HyperMesh and AutoDV.


Topology Optimization is a mathematical technique that produces an optimized

shape and material distribution for a structure within a given package space. By
discretizing the domain into a finite element mesh, OptiStruct calculates material
properties for each element. The OptiStruct algorithm alters the material distribution to
optimize the user-defined objective under given constraints. Convergence occurs in line
with the description provided on the Iterative Solution page.

The following responses (see Responses for a description) are currently available
as the objective or as constraint functions:

Mass Volume Volume or Mass Fraction

Center of Gravity Moment of Inertia Compliance
Displacement Frequency Weighted Compliance
Combined Compliance Index Function

The following responses are currently available as the objective or as constraint

functions for elements that do not form part of the design space:


Stress Strain Force

Composite Stress Composite Strain Composite Failure Criterion

If an element is in the topology design region, you cannot constrain its

stress/strain, or force criterion value.

Optimization of an Automotive Control Arm:


This exercise describes the steps involved in defining a topology optimization for
an automotive control arm modeled with solid elements. Three loading sub-cases
(loadsteps) will be considered. The exercise describes the steps to define the forces,
boundary conditions, and optimization parameters using HyperMesh. The optimization is
carried out with constraints for three different sub-cases. The resulting structure is lighter
and satisfies constraints for all sub-cases.

Problem Statement:

Perform topology optimization on an automotive control arm subjected to

braking, cornering and vertical impact (pothole) loading. The optimization problem for
this exercise is:

Objective : minimize volume

Constraints : resultant displacement at node id 2699 induced by subcase

1 < 0.05.
resultant displacement at node id 2699 induced by subcase
2 < 0.02.
resultant displacement at node id 2699 induced by subcase
3 < 0.04.
Design variables : element density

Optimization Process:

The process to complete a topology optimization using OptiStruct is a three-part process.

 using HyperMesh to create the appropriate input deck
 running OptiStruct using the created input deck
 examine the results

Steps to be followed:

1. Load the model into HyperMesh.

2. Define material properties and assign materials to the components.
3. Apply load and boundary conditions.


4. Setup the optimization problem using HyperMesh.

5. Define the design space for optimization.
6. Define optimization responses, constraints, and objective function.
7. Export OptiStruct ASCII file input deck.
8. Solve topology optimization using OptiStruct to determine the optimal
material distribution.
9. Post-process the results.

Setting Up the FE Model in HyperMesh:

To retrieve the file and load the OptiStruct template:

1.Select the files panel on any main menu page.

2.Select the hm file sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.
3.Click retrieve….
An Open file… browser window pops up.
4.Select the file
5.Click Open.
6.Select the Optistruct from user profile.
The OptiStruct template is now loaded.
10.Click return to go to the main menu.

To set up the material and geometric properties:

The imported model has three component collectors with no materials. A

material collector needs to be created and assigned to the solid component collectors.
The rigid elements do not need to be assigned a material.

1.Select the collectors panel on any main menu page.

2.Select the create sub-panel.
3.Click the collector type switch and select mats from the pop-up menu.
4.Click name = and enter steel.
5.Click card image = and select MAT1 from the pop-up menu.
6.Click create/edit.
The MAT1 card image pops up.
7.For E, enter the value 2E5.
8.For NU, enter the value 0.30.

If a quantity in brackets does not have a value below it, it is off. To change this,
click on the quantity in brackets and an entry field will appear below it. Click on the
entry field, and a value can be entered.

9.Click return.

A new material, steel, has now been created. The material uses OptiStruct's linear
isotropic material model, MAT1. This material has a Young's Modulus of 2E+05 and a
Poisson's Ratio of 0.3. It is not necessary to define a density value since only a static


analysis will be performed. Density values are required, however, for other solution
At any time, the card image for this collector can be modified using the card image sub-

10.Click the collector type switch and select comps from the pop-up menu.
11.Select the update sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.
12.Click the yellow comps.
13.Check the boxes next to design and nondesign and click select.
14.Click material = and select steel.
15.Click update.
16.Check the box next to material id.
17.Click update.

The component collectors 'design' and 'nondesign' now reference the material 'steel'.

18.Select the card image sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the
19.Double-click name = and select design.
20.Click card image = and select PSOLID.
21.Click load/edit.

The PSOLID card image pops up showing the Property ID and the Material ID. There is
nothing to edit on this card.

22.Click return.

The component collector design now uses the PSOLID property definition; all elements
organized into this collector should be solid elements.

23.Double-click name = and select nondesign.

24.Click card image = and select PSOLID.
25.Click load/edit.

The PSOLID card image pops up showing the Property ID and the Material ID. There is
nothing to edit on this card.

26.Click return.
The component collector nondesign now uses the PSOLID property definition; all
elements organized into this collector should be solid elements.

27.Click return to go to the main menu.

Applying Loads and Boundary Conditions to the Model:


The model is to be constrained using single point constraints at the two bushing
locations. dof1, dof2, and dof3 are constrained at one end of the bushing and dof2, dof3
at the other. In addition, a constraint is placed on node 3239 to represent another
attachment, and dof3 only is constrained at this node.

Loading is applied to the structure with three separate forces in the x, y, and z
directions each of these forces is organized into a separate load collector. Three subcases
(loadsteps) are then created each combining the constraints with an individual load.

To create load collectors:( spc, brake, corner, and pothole)

1.Select the collectors panel on any main menu page.

2.Select the create sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.
3.Click the collector type switch and select loadcols from the pop-up menu.
4.Click name = and enter spc.
5.Click color and select Color 10.
6.Click the creation method: switch and select no card image from the pop-up menu.
7.Click create.

A new load collector, 'spc', is created.

8.Click name = and enter brake.
9.Click color and select Color 12.
10.Click create.
A new load collector, 'brake', is created.
11.Click name = and enter corner.
12.Click color and select Color 14.
13.Click create.
A new load collector, 'corner', is created.
14.Click name = and enter pothole.
15.Click color and select Color 15.
16.Click create.
A new load collector, 'pothole', is created.
17.Click return to go to the main menu.
18.Set the current load collector to spc.
19.Select the global panel from the permanent menu in the lower-right hand corner of the
20.Set the page toggle to pg1.
21.Click loadcol =.
22.Select spc from the list of load collectors.
23.Click return to exit the global panel.

To create constraints:

1.Select the constraints panel on the BCs page.

2.Select the create sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.
3.Select the node at one end of the bushing (see Figure 2) by clicking on it in the graphics


4.Constrain dof1, dof2, and dof3.
5.Make sure dofs 1, 2, and 3 are checked.

Dofs with a check will be constrained while dofs without a check will be free.
Dofs 1, 2, and 3 are x, y, and z translation degrees of freedom
Dofs 4, 5, and 6 are x, y, and z rotational degrees of freedom.

6.Click create.

A constraint is created. A constraint symbol (triangle) appears in the graphics

window at the selected node. The number 123 is written beside the constraint symbol,
indicating that dof1, dof2 and dof3 are constrained.

Figure2. Constraining dof1, dof2 and dof3 at one end of the bushing.

7.Select the node at the other end of the bushing (see Figure 3) by clicking on it in the
graphics window.
8.Constrain dof2 and dof3.
9.Make sure dofs 2 and 3 are checked.
10.Click create.
A constraint is created. A constraint symbol (triangle) appears in the graphics
window at the selected node. The number 23 is written beside the constraint symbol,
indicating that dof2 and dof3 are constrained.


Figure3. Constraining dof2 and dof3 at the other end of the bushing.

11.Click nodes and select by id from the extended entity selection window.
12.Type the value 3239 and press ENTER.

This selects node ID 3239 (see Figure4).

13.Constrain dof3.
14.Make sure dof3 is checked.
15.Click create.

Figure4. Constraining dof3 on node ID 3239.


16.Click return to go to the main menu.

To create loads:

1.Set the current load collector to brake in the global panel on the permanent menu (see
step 2 above).
2.Select the forces panel on the BCs page.
3.Select the create sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.
4.Click the entity selection switch and select nodes from the pop-up menu.
5.Click nodes and select by id from the extended entity selection menu, which pops up.
6.Type the value 2699 and press ENTER.
7.Set the coordinate system toggle to global system.
8.Click on the vector definition switch and select vectors.
9.Click magnitude = and enter the value 1000.000.
10.Click on the direction definition switch below magnitude =, and select x-axis from the
pop-up menu.
11.Click create.

This creates a point force of 1000 units in the global x-direction at the node 2699.
12.Set the current load collector to corner in the global panel on the permanent menu.
13.Click nodes and select by id from the extended entity selection menu.
14.Type the value 2699 and press ENTER.
15.Click magnitude = and enter the value 1000.000.
16.Click on the direction definition switch below magnitude = and select y-axis from the
pop-up menu.
17.Click create.

This creates a point force of 1000 units in the global y-direction at the node 2699.

18.Set the current load collector to pothole in the global panel on the permanent menu.
19.Click nodes and select by id from the extended entity selection menu, which pops up.
20.Type the value 2699 and press ENTER.
21.Click magnitude = and enter the value 1000.000.
22.Click on the direction definition switch below magnitude = and select z-axis from the
pop-up menu.
23.Click create.

This creates a point force of 1000 units in the global z-direction at the node 2699.

24.Click return to go to the main menu.


Figure. Three separate forces in load collectors: brake, corner, and pothole with the component "design"
turned off using the display panel.

To create OptiStruct subcases:

1.Select the load steps panel on the BCs page.

2.Click name = and enter brake.
3.Click loadcols.
4.Check the boxes next to spc and brake.
5.Click select.
6.Click create.

An OptiStruct subcase, 'brake', has been created which references the constraints in the
load collector spc and the force in the load collector brake.

7.Click name = and enter corner.

8.Click loadcols.
9.Check the boxes next to spc and corner.
10.Click select.
11.Click create.

An OptiStruct subcase, 'corner', has been created which references the constraints in the
load collector spc and the force in the load collector corner.

12.Click name = and enter pothole.

13.Click loadcols.
14.Check the boxes next to spc and pothole.
15.Click select.
16.Click create.


An OptiStruct subcase, 'pothole', has been created which references the constraints in the
load collector spc and the force in the load collector pothole.

17.Click return to go to the main menu.

Setting Up the Optimization in HyperMesh:

To define design variables for topology optimization:

1.Select the optimization panel on the BCs page.

2.Select the topology panel.
3.Select the create sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.
4.Click comps.
5.Check the box next to design and click select.
6.Set the type toggle to PSOLID.
7.Click desvar = and enter dsolid.
8.Click create.
A topology design space definition, 'dsolid', has been created. All elements organized
into the 'design' component collector are now included in the design space.
9.Click return to return to the optimization panel.

Defining Responses:

Two responses will be created: a volume response (for the definition of the objective) and
a displacement response, which will be constrained in each of the three subcases
(loadsteps) creating the three displacement constraints.

1.Select the responses panel.

2.Click response = and enter vol.
3.Click on the response type switch and select volume from the pop-up menu.
4.Ensure the regional/total toggle is set to total (this is the default).
5.Click create.
A response, 'vol', is defined for the total volume of the model.
6.Click response = and enter disp1.
7.Click on the response type switch and select displacement from the pop-up menu.
8.Click nodes and select by ID from the extended entity selection menu that pops up.
9.Type 2699 and hit ENTER.
The node where the three forces are applied is selected.
10.Select the total disp.
This is the vector sum of the x, y, and z translations.
11.Click create.
A response, 'disp1', is defined for the total displacement of node 2699.
12.Click return to go back to the optimization panel.


To define the objective function:

The objective in this example is to minimize the global response, 'vol', which was defined
in the previous section.

1.From the optimization panel, select the objective panel.

2.Click the switch in the upper left corner of the panel, and select min from the pop-up
3.Click response = and select vol from the list of responses.
4.Click create.
5.Click return to go back to the optimization panel.

To define the constraints:

A response defined as the objective cannot be constrained. In this case, you cannot
constrain the response 'vol.'

The response 'disp1' is to have an upper bound constraint applied for each subcase

1.Select the dconstraints panel from the optimization panel.

2.Click constraint = and enter: constr1.
3.Check the box to the left of upper bound =.
4.Click on upper bound = and enter the value 0.05.
5.Click response = and select disp1 from the response list.
6.Click loadstep.
7.Check the box next to brake and click select.
8.Click create.

A constraint is defined on the response 'disp1'. The constraint is an upper bound with a
value of 0.05. The constraint applies to the subcase 'brake'.

9.Click constraint = and enter: constr2.

10.Check the box to the left of upper bound =.
11.Click on upper bound = and enter the value 0.02.
12.Click response = and select disp1 from the response list.
13.Click loadstep.
14.Check the box next to corner and click select.
15.Click create.

A constraint is defined on the response 'disp1'. The constraint is an upper bound with a
value of 0.02. The constraint applies to the subcase 'corner'.

16.Click constraint = and enter: constr3.

17.Check the box to the left of upper bound =.


18.Click on upper bound = and enter the value 0.04.

19.Click response = and select disp1 from the response list.
20.Click loadstep.

21.Check the box next to pothole and click select.

22.Click create.
A constraint is defined on the response 'disp1'. The constraint is an upper bound with a
value of 0.04. The constraint applies to the subcase 'pothole'.
23.Click return twice to return to the main menu.

Submitting the Job

To check your OptiStruct input data:

A check run may be performed in which OptiStruct will estimate the amount of
RAM and disk space required to run the model. During the check run, OptiStruct will
also scan the deck checking that all the necessary information required to perform an
analysis or optimization is present and also that this information is not conflicting.

1.Select the OptiStruct panel on the BCs page.

2.Click save as… following the input file: field

A Save file… browser window pops up.

3.Select the directory where you would like to write the OptiStruct model file and enter
the name for the model, carm_check.fem, in the File name: field.
The .fem filename extension is the suggested extension for OptiStruct input decks.
4.Click Save.
5.Set the memory toggle, located at the left-hand side of the panel, to memory default.
6.Click the run options switch, located in the center of the panel, and select check.
7.Set the export options toggle, underneath the run options switch, to all.
8.Click optistruct.

To launch OptiStruct:

1.Select the OptiStruct panel on the BCs page.

2.Click save as… following the input file: field
A Save file… browser window pops up.
3.Select the directory where you would like to write the OptiStruct model file and enter
the name for the model, carm_complete.fem, in the File name: field.
The .fem filename extension is the suggested extension for OptiStruct input decks.
4.Click Save.
5.Set the memory toggle, located at the left-hand side of the panel, to memory default.
6.Click the run options switch, located in the center of the panel, and select optimization.
7.Set the export options toggle, underneath the run options switch, to all.
8.Click optistruct.


The default files written to the directory are:

carm_complete.hgdata HyperGraph file containing data for the objective

function, percent constraint violations, and constraint for
each iteration.
carm_complete.his_data OptiStruct history file containing iteration number,
objective function values and percent of constraint
violation for each iteration.
carm_complete.HM.comp.cmf HyperMesh command file used to organize elements
into components based on their density result values.
This file is only used with OptiStruct topology
optimization runs.
carm_complete.HM.ent.cmf HyperMesh command file used to organize elements
into entity sets based on their density result values. This
file is only used with OptiStruct topology optimization
carm_complete.html Html report of the optimization, giving a summary of
the problem formulation and the results from the final
carm_complete.oss Ossmooth file with a default density threshold of 0.3.
The user may edit the parameters in the file to obtain
the desired results.
carm_complete.out OptiStruct output file containing specific information
on the file set up, the set up of the optimization
problem, estimate for the amount of RAM and disk
space required for the run, information for each
optimization iteration, and compute time information.
Review this file for warnings and errors that are
flagged from processing the cclip_complete.fem file.
carm_complete.res HyperMesh binary results file. Shape file for the final iteration. It contains the
material density, void size parameters and void
orientation angle for each element in the analysis. The
.sh file may be used to restart a run and, if necessary,
run OSSmooth files for topology optimization.
cclip_complete.stat Summary of analysis process, providing CPU
information for each step during analysis process.
Viewing the Results

Optistruct outputs element density results for all iterations. In addition,

Displacement and Stress results are output for each subcase for the first and last iteration
by default. This section describes how to view those results in HyperMesh.

To view the deformed shape:


It is helpful to view the deformed shape of a model to determine if the boundary

conditions are defined correctly, and also to find out if the model is deforming as

1.Select the deformed panel on the Post page.

2.Click simulation = and select brake - ITER 0.

There are numerous simulations. Near the end of the simulation list, you will see: brake -
ITER 0 and brake - ITER 18.

3.Click data type = and select Displacements.

4.Toggle model units = to scale factor =.
5.Click scale factor =, enter the value 100.000.
6.Click linear.

A deformed animation for the first subcase should be displayed.

In what direction is the load applied for the first subcase?
Which nodes have degrees of freedom constrained?
Does the deformed shape look correct for the boundary conditions applied to the mesh?

7.Click exit to stop the animation.

8.Click Simulation = and select corner - ITER 0.
9.Click linear.

A deformed animation for the second subcase should be displayed.

In what direction is the load applied for the first subcase?
Which nodes have degrees of freedom constrained?
Does the deformed shape look correct for the boundary conditions applied to the mesh?

10.Click exit to stop the animation.

11.Click Simulation = and select pothole - ITER 0.
12.Click linear.

A deformed animation for the third subcase should be displayed.

In what direction is the load applied for the first subcase?
Which nodes have degrees of freedom constrained?
Does the deformed shape look correct for the boundary conditions applied to the mesh?

13.Click exit to stop the animation.

14.Click return to return to the main menu.

To view a static plot of the density results:

You may want to mask your rigid elements before using the contour panel as
density results are not given for 1D elements.


1.Press F5 on the keyboard to select the mask panel.

2.Click the entity selection switch and select elems from the pop-up menu.
3.Click the yellow elems button and select by config from the pop-up menu.
4.Click config = and select rigidlink from the pop-up menu.
5.Click select entities.
6.Click mask. The rigid elements are now masked.
7.Click return to exit the mask panel.
8.Select the contour panel on the Post page.
9.Click simulation = and select DESIGN - ITER18.
10.Click data type = and select Density.
11.Click assign.

Each element of the model is assigned a legend color, indicating the density of each
element for the selected iteration.
Have most of your elements converged to a density close to 1 or 0?
If there are many elements with intermediate densities, the DISCRETE parameter may
need to be adjusted. The DISCRETE parameter (set in the opti control panel on the
optimization panel) can be used to push elements with intermediate densities towards 1 or
0 so that a more discrete structure is given.

In this model, refining the mesh should provide a more discrete solution; however, for the
purposes of this tutorial, the current mesh and results are sufficient.
Regions that need reinforcement tend towards a density of 1.0. Areas that do not need
reinforcement tend towards a density of 0.0.
Is the max = field showing 1.0e+00?
In this case, it is showing 1.0e+00.
If it is not, the optimization has not progressed far enough. Allow more iterations
and/or decrease the OBJTOL parameter (set in the opti control panel on the optimization
If adjusting the discrete parameter, refining the mesh, and/or decreasing the
objective tolerance does not yield a more discrete solution (none of the elements progress
to a density value of 1.0), review the set up of the optimization problem. Some of the
defined constraints may not be attainable for the given objective function (or visa-versa).

12.Click return to go to the main menu.

To view an iso-surface plot of the density results:

The iso-surface feature can be a very useful tool for post-processing density
results from OptiStruct. For models with solid design regions, this feature becomes a
vital tool for analyzing density results.

1.Select the options panel from the permanent menu in the lower right-hand corner of the
2.Select the graphics sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.
3.Toggle the graphics engine mode to performance.


4.Click return to exit the options panel.

5.Select the contour panel on the Post page.
6.Click simulation = and select DESIGN - ITER18.
7.Click data type = and select Element Density.
8.Select the iso-surface sub-panel.
9.Check the box next to show.
10.Toggle the mode from legend based to value based.
11.Click iso surface = and enter 0.15.
12.Check the box next to include faces above.
13.Click assign.

An iso-surface plot is displayed in the graphics window. Those parts of the model
with a density greater than the value of 0.15 are shown in color, the rest are transparent.
This is shown below in figure.

Figure. Iso-surface plot of an optimal layout of the designable material.

The iso-surface post-processing feature in HyperMesh is an excellent tool to use for

viewing the density results from OptiStruct.

14.Click and hold the left mouse button on the triangle shown in the legend (currently
pointing to a value representing 0.150 for the density). Then, scroll up and down to
change the threshold surface.

The iso-surface in the graphics window will interactively update when a new
value is scrolled to. Use this tool to get a better look at the material layout and the load
paths from OptiStruct.

15.Click return to go to the main menu.

To create IGES surfaces for topology optimization results:


The OSSmooth tool is used to create IGES surfaces by using the topology
optimization results for a specific density level. This may be done through the
HyperMesh interface as follows:

1.Select the OSSmooth panel on the Post page.

2.Click browse… following the file: field.

An Open file … window appears.

3.Select the file carm_complete.fem and click Open.

4.Click the output switch and select IGES from the pop-up menu.
5.Enter 0.15 in density threshold:.
6.Click OSSmooth.

A pop-up window appears asking if you'd like to overwrite the existing

carm_complete.oss file.

7.Click Yes.

A shell appears in which OSSmooth is run.

Once the OSSmooth run has completed, the IGES surfaces are automatically loaded into

8.Select the disp panel from the permanent menu in the bottom right-hand corner of the
9.Set the elems/geom toggle, on the right-hand side of the panel, to elems.
10.Click None.

Only the imported IGES surfaces remain displayed.


This concludes the Design Optimization for an Automotive Control Arm. Briefly
the steps involved are:

1. Create constraints, loads and organize into three different sub-cases

2. Define optimization parameters and describe the optimization problem for solid
3. Submit an OptiStruct check run from within HyperMesh
4. Submit an OptiStruct job from within HyperMesh
5. Look at an optimal material layout from the OptiStruct topology
optimization for three sub-cases
6. Recovering the iges format of the iso-density surface using OSSmooth.



Topography optimization is an advanced form of shape optimization in which a

design region for a given part is defined and a pattern of shape variable-based
reinforcements within that region is generated using OptiStruct. The approach in
topography optimization is similar to the approach used in topology optimization, except
that shape variables are used rather than density variables. The design region is
subdivided into a large number of separate variables whose influence on the structure is
calculated and optimized over a series of iterations. The large number of shape variables
allows the user to create any reinforcement pattern within the design domain instead of
being restricted to a few.

The following responses (see Responses for a description) are currently available
as the objective or as constraint functions:

Mass Volume Center of Gravity

Moment of Inertia Compliance Displacement
Frequency Buckling Eigenvalue Stress
Strain Force Composite Stress
Composite Strain Composite Failure Criterion Weighted Compliance
Combined Compliance Index Function

Topography Optimization of a Torsion Plate:


The Figure shows a finite element model of the torsion plate with loads and
constraints applied. Minimize the displacement of the node where the force is applied in
the positive z-direction. Assume that the part is to be formed using a stamping process.
To achieve this objective, apply a bead pattern to reinforce the structure.


Problem Statement:

Objective: Minimize nodal displacement at a given grid

Design variables: Shape variables on the designable space

Optimization Process:

1. Load the finite element model

2. Set up Bead cards for topography optimization
3. Solve topography optimization using OptiStruct to determine bead reinforcements on
the structure
4. Post-process the results

Setting Up the Problem in HyperMesh:

To retrieve the file and load the OptiStruct template:

1.Select the files panel on any main menu page.

2.Select the hm file sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.

3.Click retrieve….

An Open file… browser window pops up.

4.Select the file.

5.Click Open.
6.Select OptiStruct template from user profile.
7.Click return to go to the main menu.

To check the thickness of the component:

1.Select the collectors panel.


2.Select the card image sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the
3.Click the collector type switch and select comps from the pop-up menu.
4.Click name = twice and select design.
5.Click edit.
This allows you to edit the PSHELL card image, which is already defined for the
component collector 'design'.
6.Ensure that the thickness, T, is set to the value 1.0.
7.Click return to go to the main menu.

To define design variables:

For topography optimization, a design space and a "bead" definition need to be

defined. The following section outlines how this is done.
1.Select the optimization panel on the BCs page.
2.Select the topography panel.
3.Select the create sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.
4.Click comps.
5.Check the box next to design and click select.
6.Click desvar= and type topo.
7.Click create to create the shape design variables for the selected component.

A topography design space definition, 'topo', has been created. All elements organized
into the 'design' component collector are now include in the design space.

8.Select the bead params sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the
9.By default, the field next to desvar = should contain the name of the newly created
design space. If not, click on desvar = and select topo from the list of topographical
design spaces.
10.Click minimum width= and enter 5.0.

This parameter controls the width of the beads in the model. The recommended value is
between 1.5 and 2.5 times the average element width.

11.Click draw angle= and enter 60.0 (this is the default).

This parameter controls the angle of the sides of the beads. The recommended value
is between 60 and 75 degrees.
12.Click draw height= and enter 4.0.
This parameter sets the maximum height of the beads to be drawn.
13.Check the box next to buffer zone.
This parameter establishes a buffer zone between elements in the design domain and
elements outside the design domain.
14.Click boundary skip switch and select load & spc.
15.Set the draw direction: toggle to normal to elements.
This parameter defines the direction in which the shape variables are created.


16.Click update.

A "bead" definition has been created for the design space 'topo'. Based on this
information, OptiStruct will automatically generate circular bead variable definitions
throughout the design variable domain.
17.Select the bounds sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.
18.By default the field next to desvar = should contain the name of the newly created
design space, if not click on desvar = and select topo from the list of topographical
design spaces.
19.Click on upper bound and enter 1.0 (this is the default).

20.Set upper bound to 1.0 (this is the default).

Upper bound on variables controlling grid movement (Real > LB, default = 1.0). This
sets the upper bound on grid movement equal to UB*HGT.
21.Click on lower bound and enter 0.0 (this is the default).
22.Click update.
The upper bound sets the upper bound on grid movement equal to UB*HGT and the
lower bound sets the lower bound on grid movement equal to LB*HGT.
23.Click return to go to the optimization panel.

To define responses:

Define one response for the objective: displacement at the node where the force is

1.Select the responses panel.

2.Click response = and enter displace.
3.Click on the response type switch and select displacement from the pop-up menu.
4.Click nodes and select by ID from the extended entity selection menu that pops up.
5.Type 2500 and hit ENTER.

The node where the force is applied is now selected..

6.Select dof3.
7.Click create.

A response, 'displace', is defined for the z-displacement of node 2500.

8.Click return to go to the optimization panel.

To define the objective function:

The objective is to minimize the displacement response defined in the previous


1.Select the objective panel from the optimization panel.


2.Click the switch in the upper left corner of the panel, and select min from the pop-up
3.Click response = and select displace from the response list.
A loadstep button should appear in the panel.
4.Click on loadstep and select torsion from the subcase (loadstep) list.
5.Click create.
The objective function is now defined.
6.Click return twice to go to the main menu.

Submitting the Job:

To launch OptiStruct:

1.Select the OptiStruct panel on the BCs page.

2.Click save as… following the input file: field

A Save file… browser window pops up.

3.Select the directory where you would like to write the OptiStruct model file and enter
the name for the model, torsion_plate.fem, in the File name: field.
4.Click Save.
5.Set the memory toggle, located at the left-hand side of the panel, to memory default.
6.Click the run options switch, located in the center of the panel, and select optimization.
7.Set the export options toggle, underneath the run options switch, to all.
8.Click optistruct.

This launches the OptiStruct job. If the job was successful, new results files can
be seen in the directory where the OptiStruct model file was written. The
torsion_plate.out file is a good place to look for error messages that will help to debug the
input deck if any errors are present.
The default files written to the directory are:

torsion_plate.grid An OptiStruct file where the perturbed grid data is written.

torsion_plate.hgdata HyperGraph file containing data for the objective function,
percent constraint violations and constraints for each
torsion_plate.his_dat An OptiStruct output file for xy plotting containing the
objective function and constraint violation values for each
torsion_plate.html Html report of the optimization, giving a summary of the
problem formulation and the results from the final iteration.
torsion_plate.oss Ossmooth file with a default density threshold of 0.3. The
user may edit the parameters in the file to obtain the desired
torsion_plate.out The OptiStruct output file containing specific information on
the file set up, the set up of the optimization problem,


estimate for the amount of RAM and disk space required for
the run, information for each optimization iteration, and
compute time information. Review this file for warnings and
errors that are flagged from processing the torsion_plate.fem
torsion_plate.res The HyperMesh binary results file. Shape file for the final iteration. It contains the material
density, void size parameters, and void orientation angle for
each element in the analysis. The .sh file may be used to
restart a run and, if necessary, run OSSmooth files for
topology optimization.
torsion_plate.stat Summary of analysis process, providing CPU information for
each step during analysis process.

Viewing the Results:

Shape contour information is output from OptiStruct for all iterations. In

addition, Displacmeent and Stress results are output for the first and last iteration by
default. This section describes how to view those results in HyperMesh.

Step 1: Review the maximum displacements

1. Set the performance graphics mode using the macro menu.

2. From the Post page, select the contour panel.
3. Click simulation =.
4. Select TORSION . ITER 0 from the end of the list.
5. Select displacements as the data type.
6. Click contour to view a plot of the displacements in the original model.
Does the deformed shape look correct for the boundary conditions that were applied to
the mesh?
What is the maximum displacement of the node where the force is applied?
7. On the simulation= line, click the green next button to cycle to the next simulation,
torsion . ITER 6.
8. Click contour to update the plot to the new results.
What is the maximum displacement of the node where the force is applied?
9. Click return to go back to the main menu.

Step 2: View a Transient Animation of Shape Contour Changes

A transient animation of contour shapes will give a good idea of the shape
changes happening through different iterations


1. From the Post page in HyperMesh, select the transient panel.

2. Set start with = to DESIGN - ITER0.
3. Set end with = to DESIGN . ITER6.
4. Click data type = and select SHAPE.
5. Click transient.
Use the slider to slow down the animation if the frames animate too quickly.
6. When you are finished viewing the animation, click return to go back to the transient
7. Click return to go back to the main menu.

Step 3: View Applied Result Plot

1. From the Post page in HyperMesh, select the apply result panel.
2. Set your simulation to DESIGN . ITER 6.
3. Click data type = and select SHAPE.
4. Click nodes and select display.
5. For mult =, assign a value of 1.00.
6. Click apply.
7. After reviewing the result, click reject.
8. Click return o go back to the main menu.


This concludes the topography optimization of a torsion plate. The steps in this
exercise covered:
 Defining a topography design space
 Defining linear pattern groups with 1-plane symmetry
 Post-processing topography results using apply results panel in HyperMesh



In size optimization, the properties of structural elements such as shell thickness,

beam cross-sectional properties, spring stiffness, and mass are modified to solve the
optimization problem.

Defining size variables in OptiStruct is done very similarly to other size

optimization codes. Each size variable is defined using a DESVAR bulk data entry. If a
discrete design variable is desired, a DDVAL bulk data entry needs to be referenced for
the design variable values. The DESVAR cards are related to size properties in the model
using a DVPREL1 or DVPREL2 bulk data entry. Each DVPREL bulk data entry must
reference at least one DESVAR bulk data entry to be active during the optimization.

The following responses are currently available as the objective or as constraint


Mass Volume Compliance

Center of Gravity Moment of Inertia Buckling Eigenvalue
Displacement Frequency Force
Stress Strain Composite Failure Criterion
Composite Stress Composite Strain Weighted Compliance
Combined Compliance Index Function

In finite elements, the behavior of structural elements (as opposed to continuum

elements), such as shells, beams, rods, springs, and concentrated masses, are defined by
input parameters, such as shell thickness, cross-sectional properties, and stiffness. Those
parameters are modified in a size optimization. Some structural elements have several
parameters depending on each other; like beams, in which the area, moments of inertia,
and torsional constants depend on the geometry of the cross-section. Size optimization
can be performed simultaneously with the other types of optimization.


Problem Statement:

The optimization problem for this tutorial is stated as:

Objective : Minimize volume.

Constraints : A given maximum nodal displacement at the loading grid point for two
loading conditions.
Design variables : Gauges of the two parts.

Setting Up the Optimization Problem in HyperMesh

To retrieve the file and load the OptiStruct template:

1.Select the files panel on any main menu page.

2.Select the hm file sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.
3.Click retrieve… .
An Open file… browser window pops up.
4.Select the file.
5.Click Open.
6.Select the Optistruct template from user profile.
7.Click return to go to the main menu.

To define the design variables:

1.Select the optimization panel on the BCs page.

2.Select the size panel.
3.Select the desvar sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of the panel.
4.Click desvar = and enter tube.
5.Click initial value = and enter 1.0.
6.Click lower bound = and enter 0.1.
7.Click upper bound = and enter 5.0.
8.Set the move limit toggle to move limit default.
9.Click create.
A design variable, 'tube', has been created. The design variable has an initial value of
1.0, a lower bound of 0.1, and an upper bound of 5.0.
10.Repeat steps 4 through 9 to create the design variable rail using the same initial value,


lower, and upper bounds.

11.Select the generic properties sub-panel using the radio buttons on the left-hand side of
the panel.
12.Click dvprel = and enter tube_th.
13.Click the entity selection switch and choose comps.
14.Click comps and select tube2 from the list of component collectors.
A property selection switch now appears below the comps button.
15.Click the property selection switch and select Thickness T from the pop-up menu.
16.Click designvars.
The list of design variables appears.
17.Check the box next to tube.
Note the linear factor (value is box beside tube) automatically gets set to 1.000.
18.Click return.
19.Click create.
A design variable to property relationship, 'tube_th', has been created relating the
design variable 'tube' to the thickness entry on the PSHELL card for the component
20.Repeat steps 12 through 19 to create the design variable to property relationship
'rail_th' relating the design variable 'rail' to the thickness entry on the PSHELL card
for the component 'tube1'.
21.Click return to go to the optimization panel.

To define responses:

1.Select the responses panel.

2.Click response = and enter volume.
3.Click the response type switch and select Volume from the pop-up menu.
4.Click create.
A response, 'volume', is defined for the total volume of the model.
5.Click response = and enter X_Disp.
6.Click the response type switch and select Displacement from the pop-up menu.
7.Click nodes and select by id from the pop-up menu.
8.Enter 3143 (node at center of rigid spider at loading point) and press ENTER.
9.Select dof1.
10.Click create.
A response, 'X_Disp', is defined for the x-displacement of the node 3143.
11.Click response = and enter Z_Disp.
12.Click nodes and select by id from the pop-up menu.
13.Enter 3143 (node at center of rigid spider at loading point) and press ENTER.
14.Select dof3.
15.Click create.
A resposne, 'Z_Disp', is defined for the z-displacement of the node 3143.
16.Click return to go to the optimization panel.

To define the objective function:


1.Select the objective panel.

2.Click the switch in the upper left corner of the panel, and select min from the pop-up
3.Click response = and select volume from the response list.
4.Click create.
The objective function is now defined.
5.Click return to go to the optimization panel.

To define constraints:

A response defined as the objective cannot be constrained. In this case, you

cannot constrain the response 'volume.'

Upper bound constraints are to be defined for the responses 'X_Disp' and 'Z_Disp.'

1.Select the dconstraints panel.

2.Click constraint = and enter Disp_X.
3.Click response = and select X_Disp from the list of responses.
A loadstep button should appear in the panel.
4.Click loadstep.
5.Check the box next to Force_X and click select.
6.Check the box next to upper bound =.
7.Click upper bound = and enter 0.9.
8.Click create.
A constraint is defined on the response 'X_Disp.' The constraint is an upper bound with
a value of 0.9. The constraint applies to the subcase 'Force_X.'
9.Click constraint = and enter Disp_Z.
10.Click response = and select Z_Disp from the list of responses.
A loadstep button should appear in the panel.
11.Click load step.
12.Check the box next to Force_Z and click select.
13.Check the box next to upper bound =.
14.Click upper bound = and enter 1.6.
15.Click create.
A constraint is defined on the response 'Z_Disp.' The constraint is an upper bound
with a value of 1.6. The constraint applies to the subcase 'Force_Z.'
16.Click return twice to go to the main menu.

Submitting the Job

To launch OptiStruct:

1.Select the OptiStruct panel on the BCs page.

2.Click save as… following the input file: field.
A Save file… browser window pops up.
3.Select the directory where you would like to write the OptiStruct model file and enter


the name for the model, joint_sizeOPT.fem, in the File name: field.
4.Click Save.
5.Set the memory toggle, located at the left-hand side of the panel, to memory default.
6.Click the run options switch, located in the center of the panel, and select optimization.
7.Set the export options toggle, underneath the run options switch, to all.
8.Click optistruct.

This launches the OptiStruct job. If the job was successful, new results files can be seen
in the directory where the OptiStruct model file was written. The joint_sizeOPT.out file
is a good place to look for error messages that will help to debug the input deck if any
errors are present.
The default files written to the directory are:

joint_sizeOPT.hgdata HyperGraph file containing data for the objective

function, percent constraint violations and constraint
for each iteration.
joint_sizeOPT.prop OptiStruct property output file containing all updated
property data from the last iteration for size
joint_sizeOPT.his_dat OptiStruct iteration history file containing the iteration
history of the objective function and of the most
violated constraint. This file can be used for an xy plot
of the iteration history.
joint_sizeOPT.html Html report of the optimization, giving a summary of
the problem formulation and the results from the final
joint_sizeOPT.out OptiStruct output file containing specific information
on the file set-up, the set-up of the optimization
problem, estimate for the amount of RAM and disk
space required for the run, information for each
optimization iteration, and compute time information.
This file contains compliance, volume calculations,
and gage information for each optimization iteration.
It is highly recommended to review this file for
warnings and errors.
joint_sizeOPT.prop OptiStruct property output file containing all updated
property data from the last iteration for size
joint_sizeOPT.res HyperMesh binary results file. Shape file for the final iteration. It contains the
material density, void size parameters and void
orientation angle for each element in the analysis. The
.sh file may be used to restart a run and, if necessary,
run OSSmooth files for topology optimization.
joint_sizeOPT.stat Summary of analysis process, providing CPU
information for each step during analysis process.


Viewing the Results

Size optimization results from OptiStruct are given in two places. The
joint_sizeOPT.out file contains gage and volume information for each iteration. The
joint_sizeOPT.res file contains the element thickness for all five iterations, Displacement
and Stress results for the linear static analysis for iteration 0 and iteration 4. The results
contained in the HyperMesh binary results file will be examined first. Then the gage
history in the joint_sizeOPT.out file will be reviewed.

To view the deformed structure:

It is helpful to view the deformations of the model first to determine if the boundary
conditions have been defined correctly and also to see if the model is deforming as
1.Select the deformed panel in the Post page.
2.Click simulation =.
There are nine simulations: DESIGN - ITER 0, …, DESIGN ITER 4, Force_X - ITER
0, Force_X - ITER 4, Force_Z - ITER 0, and Force_Z - ITER 4.

3.Select Force_X - ITER 0.

4.Click data type = and select displacements.
5.Click deform.
A deformed plot of the model overlaid on the original undeformed mesh displays in the
graphics window.

6.In the graphics window, click the node at center of rigid spider, where the loading is
A pop-up window gives the x, y, and z displacements for the node. Note that the x-
displacement is larger than the upper bound constraint, which was defined earlier, of 0.9.

7.Click simulation = and select Force_X - ITER 4.

8.Click deform.
A deformed plot of the model overlaid on the original undeformed mesh is displayed in
the graphics window.
9.In the graphics window, click on the node at center of rigid spider, where the loading is
A pop-up window gives the x, y, and z displacements for the node. Note that the x-
displacement is now less than 0.9.

10.Click simulation = and select Force_Z - ITER 0.

11.Click deform.


A deformed plot of the model overlaid on the original undeformed mesh is displayed
in the graphics window.
12.In the graphics window, click on the node at center of rigid spider, where the loading
is applied.
A pop-up window gives the x, y, and z displacements for the node. Note that the z-
displacement is larger than the upper bound constraint, which was defined earlier, of 1.6.

13.Click simulation = and select Force_X - ITER 4.

14.Click deform.
A deformed plot of the model overlaid on the original undeformed mesh is displayed in
the graphics window.
15.In the graphics window, click the node at center of rigid spider, where the loading is
A pop-up window gives the x, y, and z displacements for the node. Note that the z-
displacement is now equal to 1.6.
16.Click return to go to the main menu.

To view gage thickness results:

1.Select the contour panel in the Post page.

2.Click simulation = and select DESIGN - ITER 4.
3.Click data type = and select element thickness.
4.Click assign.
The new thickness distribution for shell elements is shown.
5.In the graphics window, click an element.
A window pops-up giving the element thickness.
6.Click return to go to the main menu.



In shape optimization, the outer boundary of the structure is modified to solve the
optimization problem. Using finite element models, the shape is defined by the grid point
locations. Hence, shape modifications change those locations.

Shape variables are defined in OptiStruct in a way very similar to that of other
shape optimization codes. Each shape variable is defined by using a DESVAR bulk data
entry. If a discrete design variable is desired, a DDVAL bulk data entry needs to be
referenced for the design variable values. DVGRID bulk data entries define how much a
particular grid point location is changed by the design variable. Any number of
DVGRID bulk data entries can be added to the model. Each DVGRID bulk data entry
must reference an existing DESVAR bulk data entry if it is to be a part of the
optimization. The DVGRID data in OptiStruct contains grid location perturbations, not
basis shapes.

The generation of the design variables and of the DVGRID bulk data entries is
facilitated by the HyperMorph utility, which is part of the Altair HyperMesh software.

The following responses (see Responses for a description) are currently available
as the objective or as constraint functions:

Mass Volume Compliance

Center of Gravity Moment of Inertia Buckling Eigenvalue
Displacement Frequency Force
Stress Strain Composite Failure Criterion
Composite Stress Composite Strain Weighted Compliance
Combined Compliance Index Function


This exercise involves performing a shape optimization using OptiStruct. Shape

optimization is normally performed on a structure when you would like to make local
changes to the shape of the structure. We do not wish to remove material from the


structure or generate beads in this structure. Therefore no topology or topography

optimization will be required.

Shape optimization requires you to have knowledge of the kind of shape you like
to change in the structure. This may include finding the optimum shape to reduce stress
concentrations to changing the cross-sections to meet specific design requirements.
Therefore, you have to define the shape perturbations and the nodal movements that
reflect the shape changes. Thus shape optimization requires the use of two cards
DESVAR and DVGRID. These cards are included in the OptiStruct input file along with
objective function and constraint to run shape optimization.

This exercise shows you how to perform a full-fledged shape optimization on a

connecting rod. The connecting rod is made of solid elements and has two load cases.

Problem Statement

Objective : Minimize mass

Constraint : Nodal displacement at node 2980
under compression subcase < 0.052 mm
under bending subcase < 10.0mm
Design Variables: Two shape variables

Figure 1: Finite element model of connecting rod

Optimization Process

This optimization process follows these steps:

· Perform basic analysis.
· Create shape variables using HyperMorph.
· Setup optimization problem.
· Solve the shape optimization problem.
· Post-Process the result.

Perform basic analysis

Step 1: Retrieve the OptiStruct database


1. From any page, click files and select the hm file sub-panel.
2. Click retrieve….
3. Locate the file, then click Open in the browser to read the file into
4. Click global from permanent menu and verify the OptiStruct template is loaded.
5. Click return to go back to main menu.

Step 2: Perform analysis

1. From BCs page click OptiStruct.

2. Click the selector under Run options: and select analysis.
3. Verify the bottom toggle to be all.
4. Click optistruct.
OptiStruct launches. The problem is solved and result file is automatically loaded into
5. Click return.

Step 3: Post-process results

1. Access the Post page and click contour.

2. Click simulation = and select compression, and click data type = and select
3. Check the min/max title box and click contour. Review results at node 2980:

Figure 2: Node 2980

Displacement at node 2980 due to compression = _______________mm.

Maximum displacement due to compression = ________________mm.
Node id at max displacement = ________________________.
4. Click simulation =, select bending and click contour.
Displacement at node 2980 due to bending = _________________mm.
Maximum displacement due to bending = _________________mm.
Node id a max displacement = _____________________.


5. Click return.
6. Click Only Comps from macro menu to display off loads and leave only components
on screen.

Create shape variables using HyperMorph

Step 1: Save the design model

1. Click files and select hm file. Node 2980

2. Click save as….. and type in the browser and click Save.
3. Click return

Step 2: Create Domains

Create 3D domains to generate two shapes. One shape shall modify the width of the
web, one the height of the flange.
1. From the permanent menu go to the disp panel.
2. Verify the left selector to be comps and right toggle to be elems.
3. Click none to turn off all components
4. Select DESIGN1 and DESIGN2 to be displayed
5. Click return
6. Click view in the permanent menu and select top.
This will bring the model to top view
7. From BC’s page, click optimization.
8. Go to the HyperMorph sub-panel, and click domains.
9. Select the create sub-panel.
10. Click the selector and select 3D domains.
11. Click elems.
12. Click by window from the pop-up menu.
13. Draw a window as shown in Fig 3.
14. Verify that the interior option is activated.
15. Click select entities.
16. Click create.
This generates the domains shown in Fig. 3.


Figure 3: First step creating the domains

17. Click elems.

18. Click by window from the pop-up menu.
The previous created window shows up on screen.
19. Check exterior.
By turning the check inside the by window selection to exterior, this selects the
elements of component DESIGN1 that have not been selected in step 14.
20. Click select entities.
21. Click create.
This step completes the creation of domains and handles required for morphing. Fig 4
shows all the domains and handles created for the connecting.

Figure 4: All domains are generated

22. Click Disp from the macro menu.

23. Click Per right next to Gfx: from macro menu.


This enables shading elements on screen.

24. From the permanent menu click disp.
25. Verify the left selector to be comps and right toggle to be elems.
26. Uncheck components DESIGN1 and ^morphface to turn off the display of
these components.

Step 3: Create shapes

In this step we create two different shapes. The first shape changes the width of the web;
the second shall move the outer surfaces of the flanges.

1. Click return twice.

2. Click morph.
3. Change the radio button to move handles.
4. Select along xyz in the left selector, and translate on the lower right selectors.
5. Click handles and pick the 5 handles on component DESIGN2.
The five handles are the dark ones as show in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Pick five handles

6. Set z val = 1.0.

7. Click morph.


Figure 6: First shape

8. Click reset below handles.

9. Perform a similar operation on the opposite side of component DESIGN2.
10. Pick the five handles on the bottom of component DESIGN2.
11. Set z val = -1.0 , and click morph.
12. Set the radio button to save as shape.
13. Set toggle to as node perturbations.
14. Enter sh1 into shape =.
15. Click save.
16. Click undo all to obtain the original mesh.
Step 4: Create second shape

1. From the permanent menu click disp.

2. Verify the left selector to be comp and right toggle to be elems.
3. Check DESIGN1 component and click return.
4. Change the radio button to move handles.
5. Click view in the permanent menu and select restore1.
6. Click reset under handles to clean up previous selections.
7. Click handles.
8. Pick four handles on top of component DESIGN1 as shown in black in Fig.7.
9. Click select.


Figure 7: Handle selection for second shape

10. Click y val = and type in 1.0.

11. Click z val = and type in 0.0.
This re-sets the z translational movement to 0.0.
12. Click morph.
Four selected handles move 1.0 in the y direction. You will see that the mesh at the
handles is not very smooth. We want to apply biasing to these handles.
13. Set the radio button to set biasing.
14. Click handles and pick the same four handles again.
15. Click select.
16. Enter 2.0 in bias =, and click update.
The mesh gets smoother at the handles.
17. Change the radio button to move handles.
18. Click reset below handles.
19. Click view in the permanent menu and select restore3.
This will bring the model to a different view on the opposite side of the model.
20. Repeat steps 7 - 18 with the four handles on the opposite side and using y val = -1.0.
21. Set the radio button to save as shape.
22. Set toggle to as node perturbations.
23. Enter sh2 into shape =.
24. Click save.


Figure 8: Second shape

25. Click undo all to obtain the original mesh.

26. Click return twice to back to optimization module.

Step 5: Create and Review Shape Design Variables by Animation

1. Click shape.
2. Select the desvar sub-panel
3. Verify the toggle is multiple desvars.
4. Click shapes.
5. Select both sh1 and sh2 shapes.
6. Click select.
7. Click create.
This creates for each selected shape a design variable with the name and label the same
as the shape’s name.
8. Click animate.
9. Click data type = and select Perturbation Vector.
10. Click modal to animate the first shape variable.
11. Click next (to the right of simulate= ) and then animate to see the animation of the


second shape variable.

Does the animation reflect your modeling?
12. Click return and back to shape panel.

The following steps modify the lower bound on the first shape variable.
1. Set the radio button to update.
2. Click designvars and select the design variable sh1.
3. Click return
4. Set lower bound = -3.0.
5. Click update.
This updates the lower bound of sh1 shape to -3.0. The upper bound of sh1 remains
6. Click return.

Setup optimization problem

Step 1: Create responses

1. Click responses.
2. In response =, assign mass as the name
3. Change response type to Mass.
4. Verify the toggle is total.
5. Click create.
6. In response =, assign disp as a new name.
7. Change response type: to displacement.
8. Click nodes and select by id and type 2980 and press ENTER.
9. Select total disp and click create.
10. Click return.

Step 2: Create constraints

1. Click dconstraints.
2. Click constraint = and assign compr for the name.
3. Activate upper bound = and assign a value of 0.052.
4. Click response = and select disp.
5. Click loadsteps and select compression.
6. Click select and then click create.
7. Click constraint = and assign bend as name for the second constraint.
8. Activate upper bound = and assign a value of 10.0.
9. Click response = and select disp.
10. Click loadsteps and select bending.
11. Click select and then click create.
12. Click return.

Step 3: Define objective function

1. Click objective.


2. Verify the toggle is min.

3. Click response = and select mass.
4. Click create.
5. Click return twice and back to main menu.

Solve the shape optimization problem

Step 1: Run the shape optimization solution

Run the shape optimization solution using the OptiStruct solver.

1. Access the BCs page and click OptiStruct.
2. Verify that the input file: points to the filename conrod_shape.fem.
3. Edit the text box or click save as… to change the name.
4. Change Run Options: to optimization.
5. Click optistruct.

OptiStruct is launched.If there are any errors in your solution, you may see an
error message written to the screen. Review conrod_shape.out for more specific error
If you have defined the SCREEN control card as OUT in the control cards panel,
you will see optimization information written to the screen as it is updated to your .out
file during the shape optimization solution. Once the solution has converged, this
message is written to the screen: “…Processing complete.”

Post-Process the result

Step 1: Review the shape optimization results

Refer to conrod_shape.out for detailed information regarding your objective function and
constraint for each design iteration.
The result file conrod_shape.res is automatically loaded into HyperMesh when you use
the OptiStruct panel to start OptiStruct.

1. Access the post page, click transient.

2. Verify start with = DESIGN –ITER 0.
3. Click end with = and select DESIGN-ITER 6.
4. Click data type = Shape and click transient.
5. Click return twice to go back to the Post page.
6. Use the apply results panel in HyperMesh to apply the final design iteration shape to
the design model.
7. Click apply results.
8. Click simulation = and select DESIGN – ITER 6.
9. Select Data type = shape.
10. Click nodes, select displayed from the pop-up menu.
11. Verify mult = 1.0 and click apply..
12. To undo the applied result, click nodes and select displayed from the pop-up menu.
13. Click mult = and type –1.0.
14. Click apply


1. Is your design objective obtained?
2. What is the percentage increase (reduction) in mass necessary to meet the performance
3. Are your design constraints satisfied?
4. What is the percentage violation for your displacement constraint at the last design
iteration for the compression sub-case?
5. What is the percentage violation for your displacement constraint at the last design
iteration for the bending sub-case?


In this shape optimization of a connecting rod, the exercises covered:

· Defining design variables using HyperMesh for models of solid elements
· Setting up and running a shape optimization
· Post-processing shape optimization results


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