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Hasshit Ray PAGE No.


-Laht and Eoconatoo CF Shadouss8

TayeaLed Imase
Th Cap

Dabes Hole

Hauit Ras DATE

Q Answesthe fallawiag

1. Whot tbinqs aMe necesSasy

the fomaban of shadoss
A Fon a shodau ko be foumed tneas
should be
Saurce of light
D An apaque _ahject
ASufoce lScseo on which
Shadouu con be fosunned

Wheo can an object be Seen

A We can See a n object when
eflected nays fom the obiect
SLeaches -OUSLeues

3 Whot is a shadou
oPaque obiect conmes io a.
Light doeS

Hshut Ray DATE

not poss thuough it As a

e Ligbt does not S1each a

Osony othe Usfoce On the
othes gide Qf the objec. Thato
Hemains dark. This dosR
pOst i
called the CShadow of the obient

Explain the kessms

Lumioous gbjecEsThe objecks whi
emit LiohtE o oseo souHce 0f
LLob a e coUed LumioOus objec
bNor=Lumunous ObjectsiThe objecs
O motesLals thot ase noE Sous
OF Light tnemseues a e
wmLnouS objects
C Re9Leckicn of lieht: The ays O
Liant aling Cn a n
object fema
cOu e ofLgnt Osue. thsusuo b a e
om e S
of EGt dbje

Hasuhit Ro OATE

h i s ies
colled neflection f Ligak
d anspaent be matesuial tueugn
ubidhlight posses is soid to be
tanspostant. Esiploid gloss
Opaque he matesial haough hich
Lightdoes not pass is Soid to be
opaque Ee A stone
Tan.anslucet Le. moteial nsougE
hich igb pcsa pasEiolly Oa
Eanalucea Eg: Tintedd GlaSS
5: What o0 he Chosorlsusics Qf a
mage fo med on plane muULO
he chosacleuistics Of Lmage founed.
On o plane mNHO9L ane
aThe letE and uohE
SLoes gsigna
objec oppep9L to b e
e muUa9L ioaa9e. exchanged in
ne image 0 aL a h e mouEL

ht y

a the object Ln faont of Lit

The Size oF
h e Lmae
eL S

H a t of the objece-

6weiba snast note on Sundisl

a A sundiol o an instuuoment that
indicetes Hhe ime with Hhe help
He extent aod Hae disie.ction of h
shadawof on ohject fomedin
Easlon2 timeuos measused by
loting Shch pasuollo to the
Gis of he Eosth and by noung-
pcsition o f ibs shados oro h e
Seed dial a t diEcesLent EM of
ne undial
doy: he LesLasst Sundio is
Jantos Monbos NeLs Deln

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