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Assignment 6

The objective of this assignment is to conduct a comprehensive financial analysis of a chosen
company to evaluate its financial health, performance, and potential for investment.

1. Select a company that interests you and for which you can access relevant financial
information easily.
2. Provide a brief overview of the chosen company, including its history, industry,
products/services, and market presence.
3. Obtain the company's latest annual report or 10-K filing from its investor relations
website or the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) database.
4. Analyze the company's income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement for the
past two to three years.
5. Identify and discuss any significant trends, changes, or insights revealed by the financial

​ Competitive Analysis:
6. Compare the company's financial performance with its competitors in the same industry.

​ Investment Potential:
7. Based on your financial analysis, assess the company's investment potential.
8. Provide recommendations on whether to invest in the company's stock or not, supported
by financial evidence and qualitative reasoning.

​ Conclusion:
9. Summarize the key findings of your financial analysis.
10. Conclude with your overall assessment of the company's financial health and investment

Submission Guidelines:
● The assignment should be submitted as a typed report or essay.
● Use standard formatting (e.g., Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced).
● Include appropriate headings and subheadings for clarity and organization.
● Provide references for any sources of information used in the analysis.
Additional Notes:
● You may utilize financial analysis tools such as Excel spreadsheets or financial software
for calculations.
● Feel free to incorporate graphs, charts, or tables to visually present your findings.
● Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Ensure that all content is original and properly cited.

Grading Criteria:
● Accuracy and depth of financial analysis
● Clarity and coherence of the written report
● Insightfulness of recommendations
● Proper use of financial terminology
● Adherence to submission guidelines and formatting requirements

Assignment should be submitted on Moodle 24 hours before the practise session

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