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This unit deals with the general concepts and historical developments. It includes three
lessons on topics about realities and events which changed the Course of Science and
Technology, their roles in nation building and government laws, policies, plans and
projects related to Science and Technology.
1. History of Science and
Technology in the World and in
the Philippines
2. Science Education in the
3. Importance and Impact of Science
and Technology
4. Role of Science and Technology
in Nation Building
Time Frame Week 4- September, 2022
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, the students can:
1. Discuss the interactions between S&T and society throughout the historical
development of science and technology in the world; Ancient, Middle, and
Modern Ages and in the Philippines
2. Demonstrate appreciation for the developments in science and technology and
its interaction with society
3. Explain how Intellectual Revolutions changed the way how humans see the world
4. Identify inventions and discoveries as well as the scientific and technological
developments in the Philippines
1. Meaning of Intellectual Revolution
2. Copernican Revolution
3. Darwinian Revolution
4. Freudian Revolution
Time Allotment Week 4 – September 2022
Student Learning Outcomes: At the end of Expected Outputs
the lesson, the students can: Powerpoint Presentation of a contributor

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
1. Articulate ways by which society is to science and technology
transformed by Science &
2. Explain how Intellectual
Revolutions changed the way how
humans see the world
3. Describe the technological
advancements that happened in
the Information Age.
Learning Activities
I . UNCOVER – Think About This Question!
Do you know that the world does not revolve around you? Prove your answer

This is also known as the scientific revolution which began in the mid-16th century, and
it ended as an intellectual revolution or the period of Enlightenment in the 18th century.
Why enlightenment? You remember that before the 16th century, the life of people,
especially Europeans, center on religion. Everything that happens around was
explained by priests, friars, and they also interfere in government affairs. Eventually, this
was a change. Scientists, writers, scholars, and social reformers gained a significant
role, they believed that science and reason and not religion could solve major problems
facing society. (Zaide, 2015).

This progressive change was brought by economic and cultural aspects, the
Renaissance period did influence thinkers to explore the world of knowledge. Rebirth of
learning and spirit of inquiry, an increase of universities and schools produced more
scholars and literate people and were eager to teach, write and share knowledge,
printed books and newspaper led to the information explosion, increase of rich patrons,
middle-class sponsored scientists and investors, economic prosperity and discovery of
new lands led to material wealth and a desire for possessions. During the 16th and 17th
century a new view of nature emerged, science became an autonomous discipline in
which it transformed societal views about nature. The change to the medieval concepts
of science happened for four reasons: collaboration, the derivation of new experimental
methods, the ability to build on the legacy of existing scientific philosophy, and
institutions that enabled academic publishing. In the early times, people questioned
what created days and nights. They wanted to understand what heavenly bodies like
stars, moons, and planets are. The invention of the telescope allowed the people to take
a peek at the outer space, but more importantly, it also intrigued them to know what was
out there.

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277

Nicolas Copernicus's work on the heliocentric model of the solar system tried to
demonstrate that the sun was the center of the universe. He published “On the
revolution of Heavenly Bodies,” challenge Ptolemy’s idea that the earth was the center
of the universe. Not many scholars accepted his findings because Copernicus did not
provide enough proof to prove his radical claims. The discoveries of Johannes Kepler
and Galileo Galilei gave the theory credibility and the work culminated in Isaac Newton’s
“Principia”, which formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation that dominated
scientist’s view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. (Lumen Boundless
History, n.d.)

Newtons Law of Gravity

Did an apple fall in Isaac Newtons’ head? There is no evidence that fruit landed on his
head but his observation caused hin to ponder why apples always fall straight to the
ground and inspired him to study and develop his law of universal gravitation. Newton
saw the universe as a huge, well-regulated machine that worked according to definite
laws of nature, such as gravity. (Nix, 2018)


The Darwinian revolution was considered to be one of the most controversial intellectual
revolutions of its time. The Book of Charles Darwin in 1859, entitled, “On the Origin of
Species, he introduced the Theory of Evolution. The theory posited that populations
pass through a process of natural selection in which only the fittest would survive.


Sigmund Freud (1856 to 1939) was the founding father of psychoanalysis, a

method for and also a theory that explains human behavior. The breaking down of
divisions between conscious and unconscious, between normal and abnormal-- these
are Freudian contributions to thought in general, and they illustrate the revolutionary
character which Freudianism has in common with Darwinism in their rejection of what
has been the greatest obstacle. Freud's revolution may be viewed as the

discovery of a way of locating in the mind objective entities which can be studied like
physical things. Sigmund Freud developed the psychoanalytic theory of personality
development, which argued that personality is formed through conflicts among three
fundamental structures of the human mind: the id, ego, and superego. (Zaide, 2015)

III. INSTILL: Discover and Share.

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
1. Search for one contributor to modern science
2. Make a PowerPoint presentation and post in LMS.
3. Prepare to share your work in our discussion.

IV. APPLY: Question and Answer:

1. How do discoveries impact the life of people in modern times?

V.NUTSHELL : Module Test

Lumen Boundless History. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Nix, E. (2018, September 1). History. Retrieved from
Zaide, G. Z. (2015). World History. In G. Z. Zaide, World History (pp. 159-163).
Quezon City: All-Nations Publishing Company.
Nelia G. Prieto, LPT, PhD, et al (2019) Science, Technology

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277

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