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Molecular Brain Research 57 Ž1998.


Research report

Microglia-specific localisation of a novel calcium binding protein, Iba1

Daisuke Ito , Yoshinori Imai a , Keiko Ohsawa a , Kazuyuki Nakajima a , Yasuo Fukuuchi b,
Shinichi Kohsaka a,)
Department of Neurochemistry, National Institute of Neuroscience, 4-1-1 Ogawahigashi, Kodaira, Tokyo 187, Japan
Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Keio UniÕersity, 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan

Accepted 3 February 1998


Recently it has been shown that mRNA of Iba1 Žionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1., which was a novel calcium binding
protein cDNA-cloned by our group, is specifically expressed in microglia in cultures of rat brain cells wImai et al. Biophys. Biochem. Res.
Commun., 224 Ž1996. 855–862x. In the present study, immunocytochemical and immunohistochemical examinations demonstrated that
Iba1 protein is expressed in microglia alone both in cultured brain cells and in the brain, respectively. In a mixed cell culture of
embryonic rat brain, immunocytochemically positive for Iba1 protein were the microglia but it was not detectable in neurons, astroglia, or
oligodendroglia. Immunohistochemical staining of adult rat brain sections showed Iba1 protein to be specifically localised in ramified
microglia. In addition, immunohistochemical staining and immunoblot analysis of activated microglia in the facial nucleus after facial
nerve axotomy shows that expression of Iba1 protein was upregulated and peaked at 7 days. These results indicated that localisation of
Iba1 protein is restricted to microglia both in vitro and in vivo, and that Iba1 protein plays a role in regulating the function of microglia,
especially in the activated microglia. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Iba1; Microglia; Calcium binding protein; Facial nerve axotomy; Immunocytochemistry; Immunohistochemistry

1. Introduction mapped to within the major histocompatibility complex

ŽMHC. class III region between the BAT2 and TNF alpha
Calcium ions are known to be one of the most impor- genes. Using a specific antibody, Iba1 protein was clearly
tant signal mediators in all cells including central nervous shown to be expressed in monocytic cell lines. Iba1 mRNA
system ŽCNS. cells. Calcium ions exert their signaling has been found to be highly and specifically expressed in
activity through association with various calcium binding microglia among the cultured brain cells. This suggested
proteins, many of which are classified into a large protein that Iba1 protein functions as an adapter molecule that
family, the EF hand protein family w25x. We have previ- mediates calcium signals in the monocytic lineage, includ-
ously reported a cDNA cloning of a novel EF hand ing microglia. In the present study, patterns of expression
protein, Iba1 Žionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1. of Iba1 protein in CNS cells were investigated in vitro and
w12x. vivo, mainly by immunocytochemical and immunohisto-
Iba1 protein is a small 17-kDa protein consisting of 147 chemical techniques using mixed brain cell cultures and
amino acids. It contains two EF hand motifs in the central adult rat brain sections.
third of the molecule and this portion shows homology Facial nerve axotomy is a well-established experimental
with other EF hand proteins, but none of the other amino- system by which microglia are locally activated to show
or carboxy-terminal regions have any homology with any morphological change, proliferation and migration to at-
known proteins. The genomic copy of the Iba1 gene was tach and surround the axotomized motoneurons w32x. We
have furthermore examined Iba1 expression of the acti-
vated microglia detected in the axotomized facial nucleus,
Corresponding author. Fax: q 81-423-46-1751; E-mail: and also discussed the role of Iba1 protein in the activation of microglia.

0169-328Xr98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 1 6 9 - 3 2 8 X Ž 9 8 . 0 0 0 4 0 - 0
2 D. Ito et al.r Molecular Brain Research 57 (1998) 1–9

2. Materials and methods sucrose in PBS overnight, quickly frozen with dry ice
powder, sliced into 12–14 m m sections with a cryostat,
2.1. Immunoblot analysis of primary cultured cells and stored at y808C.
For the Iba1 staining, sections were washed in PBS,
Primary cultures of neurons, microglia, astroglia, and incubated in 0.3% H 2 O 2 in methanol for 30 min to inhibit
meningeal fibroblasts were prepared from rat brain accord- endogenous peroxidase activity, washed in PBS, and
ing to the method described previously w12,19,28,33x. After blocked in PBS containing 1.5% normal goat serum and
seeding, neurons were cultured in poly-L-lysine-coated cul- 1% BSA for 2 h at room temperature. The sections were
ture dishes for 1 day in minimum essential medium ŽMEM. then incubated with a rabbit anti-Iba1 polyclonal antibody
containing 10% fetal calf serum ŽFCS.. Microglia were overnight at 48C, washed in PBS, and incubated with a
cultured for 1 day in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium HRP-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG antibody ŽBio-Rad.
ŽDMEM. containing 10% FCS and astroglia and meningeal for 2 h at room temperature. They were then incubated
fibroblasts were cultured for 7 days in same type medium. with 50 mM Tris-HCl ŽpH 7.2. containing 0.05% di-
Individual types of cells were then extracted in 50 mM aminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride ŽDAB. and 0.01%
Hepes–NaOH, pH 7.0 containing 0.1% Nonidet-P40, 250 H 2 O 2 . For control staining, normal rabbit IgG was used as
mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, 50 mM NaF, 1 mM dithio- the primary antibody.
threitol, 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, and 50 For OX-42 staining, the sections were incubated with
m grml aprotinin, as described previously w12x. Protein MRC OX-42 ŽSerotect. overnight at 48C. Antigen was
concentrations were measured by the method of Bradford subsequently detected with a Vectastain Elite ABC-kit
w1x with a kit from Bio-Rad. Cell extracts Ž10 m g. were ŽVector..
loaded on a 12% SDS-PAGE gel w13x, and separated After the reaction, the sections were counterstained with
proteins were transferred onto an Immobilon P membrane Mayer haematoxylin, dehydrated in ethanol steps, and
ŽMillipore.. The membrane was blocked, and incubated mounted.
with an anti-Iba1 antibody, as described previously w12x.
After washing, Iba1 protein was then visualized by using a 2.4. Immunohistochemical staining of the facial nucleus
goat anti-rabbit IgG antibody conjugated with horseradish after axotomy
peroxidase ŽHRP. ŽBio-Rad. and the ECL system
ŽAmersham.. Under ether anesthesia, the right facial nerve of a
Wistar rat Ž7–8 weeks old. was transected near its exit
2.2. Immunocytochemical staining of mixed culture brain from the cranium via the stylomastoid foramen by the
cells method described previously w20x. Rats were sacrificed at
the times indicated, and the brain sections were prepared
Neocortical tissue was removed from 17-day rat em- as described in Ref. w20x.
bryos, and dissociated cells were seeded into the wells of a The coronal section corresponding to the level of the
PLL-coated dish, cultured in DMEM containing 10% FCS, facial nucleus was incubated with the anti-Iba1 antibody
and maintained for the number of days indicated. After and then incubated with TX-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG
fixation with 4% paraformaldehyde, the cells were washed ŽAmersham.. The same sections were also incubated with
in phosphate-buffered saline ŽPBS. and blocked overnight FITC-labeled B 4-isolectin from Griffonia simplicifolia
in PBS containing 3% normal goat serum and 3% bovine ŽGSA I-B 4 . ŽSigma. according to the procedure of Persen-
serum albumin ŽBSA. ŽSigma. at 48C. The cells were the chini et al. w25x and Streit and Kreutzberg w31x for double-
incubated with rabbit polyclonal anti-Iba1 antibody and staining. Iba1 staining and GSA I-B 4 binding were anal-
either mouse anti-microtubule-associated protein 2 ŽMAP2. ysed by fluorescence microscopy.
monoclonal antibody ŽmAb. ŽSigma., mouse anti-glial fib-
rillary acidic protein ŽGFAP. mAb ŽLipshaw., mouse anti- 2.5. Immunoblot analysis of the facial nucleus after facial
myelin basic protein mAb ŽMBP. ŽBoehringer., or mouse nerÕe axotomy
anti-ED-1 mAb ŽSertec. overnight at 48C. They were
subsequently washed in PBS and incubated for 1 h with a At the end of the desired period following axotomy, the
fluorescein isothiocyanate ŽFITC.-conjugated anti-mouse brainstem was sectioned in a cryostat from caudal to
IgG antibody ŽTAGO. and a Texas Red ŽTX.-conjugated rostral until the facial nuclei were reached. The facial
anti-rabbit IgG antibody ŽAmersham.. nucleus was excised on both the operated and the unoper-
ated side and immediately homogenized in 10 mM N-2-
2.3. Immunohistochemistry hydroxyethylpiperazine-N X-2-ethanesulfonic acid–NaOH,
pH 7.4 containing 5 mM EDTA, 50% glycerol, 1 mM
Adult Wistar rats were perfused through the left ventri- dithiothreitol, and 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride.
cle of the heart with PBS and then with 4% paraformal- Lysates were centrifuged at 14,000 rpm for 10 min to
dehyde in PBS. The fixed brains were immersed in 20% remove insoluble debris. The protein concentration of the
D. Ito et al.r Molecular Brain Research 57 (1998) 1–9 3

resulting supernatant was measured as described above and 2G and H, the Iba1-positive cells and the ED-1-positive
stored at y808C. A portion of the supernatant Ž25 m g cells were identical. By contrast, none of the Iba1-positive
protein. was examined by immunobloting to detect Iba1 cells were positive for MAP2 ŽFig. 2A,B., GFAP ŽFig.
protein, as described above. 2C,D., or MBP ŽFig. 2E,F.. These results clearly indicated
that the Iba1 protein was specifically expressed in the
microglia among brain cells under primary culture condi-
3. Results tions.

3.1. Microglia-specific expression of Iba1 protein in cul- 3.2. Immunohistochemical analysis of Iba1 expression in
tured brain cells rat brain

In our previous reports w12,21x, we have reported cDNA In order to determine whether Iba1 protein is expressed
cloning of iba1. RNA blot analysis demonstrated that Iba1 in microglia in the brain itself, sections were prepared
mRNA is expressed in cultured microglia but not in neu- from adult rat brain for immunohistochemical staining
rons or astroglia. To confirm the cell-type localisation of with anti-Iba1 antibody. In the parenchyma of the cere-
Iba1 protein in the brain, microglia, neurons, astroglia, and brum and hippocampus, Iba1-positive cells had small nu-
meningeal fibroblasts were prepared and immunoblotted clei, scant cytoplasm, and thin, branched processes ŽFig.
with the anti-Iba1 antibody. A 17-kDa band corresponding 3A,D.. This kind of cell was found throughout the
to Iba1 protein was clearly detected in cultured microglia, parenchyma of the white and grey matter. The distinctive
but not in neurons, astroglia or meningeal fibroblasts ŽFig. morphology and widespread distribution of these cells
1.. Furthermore, mixed primary-cultured brain cells were were highly consistent with the classical descriptions of
double-stained with the anti-Iba1 antibody and either anti- ramified microglia w2,23x. In addition, we compared these
MAP2, anti-GFAP, anti-MBP or anti-ED-1 mAbs, antigens immunostaining patterns with staining for OX-42, a classi-
of which are specific markers for neurons, astroglia, oligo- cal marker for microglia w27x. The population and mor-
dendroglia and microglia, respectively. As shown in Fig. phology of Iba1-positive cells were quite similar to OX-
42-positive cells in the cerebrum ŽFig. 3A,C.. These find-
ings indicated that the type of cells in normal adult rat
brain that are Iba1-positive are ramified microglia.
In addition to the ramified microglia, perivascular cells
were also stained positive for Iba1 ŽFig. 3E.. These cells
had elongated cell bodies and were closely adherent to the
blood vessels. Based on their morphology and location,
they appeared to be the perivascular microglia described in
earlier reports w4,11x. Cells with macrophage-like morphol-
ogy, including a round nucleus, abundant cytoplasm, and a
few short processes in the leptomeninges and choroid
plexus were also positive for Iba1 ŽFig. 3F..

3.3. Iba1 expression in actiÕated microglia in facial nu-

cleus after axotomy of the facial nerÕe

In response to various stimuli, microglia are known to

transform into activated forms that can be distinguished by
their morphology and antigenicity w30x. Facial nerve axo-
tomy is a well-established experimental system for detect-
ing activated microglia in the facial nucleus w32x. In addi-
tion, macrophages can not invade the facial nucleus from
the blood stream under these conditions w9x. We therefore
examined the changes in expression of Iba1 in the acti-
vated microglia in the facial nucleus following axotomy.
The facial nuclei were first examined by immunohisto-
chemistry with anti-Iba1 antibody 7 days after the axotomy
Fig. 1. Immunoblot analysis of Iba1 protein in cultured brain cells. ŽFig. 4.. Low magnification of the brainstem sections
Neurons and microglia were cultured for 1 day and astroglia and
meningeal fibroblasts were cultured for 7 days, and cell extracts were
clearly showed an increase in Iba1-immunoreactivity on
immunoblotted with anti-Iba1 antibody. The arrowhead indicates the the operated side compared with the unoperated side ŽFig.
position of Iba1 protein. 4A.. At higher magnification, heavily stained cells sur-
4 D. Ito et al.r Molecular Brain Research 57 (1998) 1–9

Fig. 2. Double immunocytochemical staining of cultured mixed brain cells. Cells were cultured for 3 days ŽA–D, G and H. or 10 days ŽE, F., and
double-stained with the anti-Iba1 and anti-cell-type-specific antibodies. Neurons, astroglia, oligodendroglia, and microglia were recognised by anti-MAP2
ŽA., anti-GFAP ŽC., anti-MBP ŽE., and anti-ED-1 ŽG. mAbs, respectively, and visualized with a TX-conjugated secondary antibody. Iba1 staining was
visualized with FITC-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG in ŽB., ŽD., ŽF., and ŽH., which are the same fields as in ŽA., ŽC., ŽE., and ŽG., respectively. Scale bar, 50
m m.

rounding the motoneurons were observed on the operated rather weak. To confirm that the heavily stained cells on
side ŽFig. 4B., suggesting that the immunopositive cells the operated side were activated microglia, the sections
were activated microglia. Ramified microglia stained on were double-stained with anti-Iba1 antibody and GSA
the control side ŽFig. 4C., but their immunoreactivity was I-B 4 , which is known to bind to both ramified and acti-
D. Ito et al.r Molecular Brain Research 57 (1998) 1–9 5

Fig. 3. Immunohistochemical staining of adult rat brain. Sections of cerebral cortex were stained with the anti-Iba1 antibody ŽA., normal rabbit IgG ŽB.,
and OX-42 ŽC.. Sections of the hippocampus were immunostained with the anti-Iba1 antibody ŽD.. Sections containing blood vessels in the parenchyma of
cerebrum ŽE. and leptomeninges ŽF. were also immunostained with the anti-Iba1 antibody. Immunopositive cells in ŽE. and ŽF. are indicated by
arrowheads. All of the sections were counterstained with haematoxylin. Scale bars, 50 m m.

vated microglia w29,31x. The anti-Iba1 antibody and GSA croglia with altered shapes appeared on the operated side
I-B 4 recognised the same cells surrounding motoneurons ŽFig. 5A.. The stained cells on the operated side had
on day 7 after the axotomy ŽFig. 4D,E.. These findings extensive cytoplasm and short processes, and some were
indicate that Iba1 expression is upregulated in activated located in perineuronal positions. On post-operative day 7,
microglia following axotomy. Iba1 immunoreactivity was dramatically increased in the
The changes in level of Iba1 expression after axotomy activated microglia surrounding the motoneurons ŽFig. 5C..
were examined by immunohistochemistry and immunoblot On day 28, the proportion of perineuronal cells had de-
analysis. Three days after axotomy, heavily stained mi- creased, and most of the cells had long processes, but
6 D. Ito et al.r Molecular Brain Research 57 (1998) 1–9

Fig. 4. Immunohistochemical staining of the facial nucleus with the anti-Iba1 antibody 7 days after axotomy of the facial nerve. ŽA. A general view of a
brainstem section corresponding to the level of the facial nucleus is shown. The section was immunostained with the anti-Iba1 antibody. Scale bar, 10 m m.
High magnifications of the facial nucleus on the side of the facial nerve axotomy ŽB. and on the unoperated side ŽC.. Scale bar, 50 m m. A section of the
facial nucleus on the operated side was double-stained with the anti-Iba1 antibody and a TX-conjugated secondary antibody ŽD. and with FITC-conjugated
GSA I-B 4 ŽE.. Scale bar, 50 m m.

some were still apposed to neuronal soma ŽFig. 5E.. The were further investigated by immunoblot analysis using the
immunoreactivity of these cells at this time appeared to be facial nuclei excised on the operated side. Immunoblot
weaker than on day 7. On the control side, Iba1 immuno- analysis revealed a slightly increased level of Iba1 even on
reactivity did not change in the ramified microglia at any 1 day after the axotomy and a continued increase until day
of the stages examined ŽFig. 5B,D,F.. The changes in 7 followed by a gradual decline until day 28 ŽFig. 6.. The
expression of Iba1 in the microglia following axotomy above findings indicated that expression of Iba1 protein is
D. Ito et al.r Molecular Brain Research 57 (1998) 1–9 7

Fig. 5. Immunohistochemical staining of the facial nuclei after axotomy of the facial nerve. Sections were prepared 3 days ŽA, B., 7 days ŽC, D. and 28
days ŽE, F. following the axotomy. ŽA., ŽC., and ŽE.: operated side; ŽB., ŽD., and ŽF.: control side. The sections were immunostained with the anti-Iba1
antibody and counterstained with haematoxylin. Scale bar, 50 m m.

upregulated in activated microglia after the facial nerve neurons, astroglia, or oligodendroglia, both in vitro and in
axotomy and peaks on day 7. vivo. Immunocytochemical staining of cultured mixed brain
cells showed that the cells that stained with the anti-Iba1
antibody also stained with the anti-ED-1 antibody ŽFig.
4. Discussion 2G,H., which is one of the well-established antibody reacts
with microglia w3x. In addition, immunohistochemical
In the present study we have shown that Iba1 is specifi- staining of normal rat brain sections showed that Iba1
cally expressed in microglia on the protein level, but not in protein was expressed in ramified microglia ŽFig. 3A,D.,
8 D. Ito et al.r Molecular Brain Research 57 (1998) 1–9

though their precise functions remain uncertain, activated

microglia are thought to be involved in either the injury
repair processes or the pathogenesis of certain neurological
diseases w5,10,15–18,22,26,35,36x. To determine whether
Iba1 is involved in regulating the function of activated
microglia, we investigated the expression of Iba1 protein
in microglia following facial nerve axotomy. In this study,
we showed that Iba1 protein was upregulated in microglia
surrounding the axotomised motoneurons in the facial
nucleus. The time course of morphological changes in the
activated microglia after axotomy corresponded well to
that of Iba1 protein levels in the facial nucleus ŽFigs. 4–6..
This suggested that Iba1 protein plays some role in regulat-
ing the function of activated microglia. In view of the
location of the iba1 gene within the major histocompatibil-
ity complex class III region w12x, the Iba1 upregulation
shown in the activated microglia is of great interest, be-
Fig. 6. Immunoblot analysis of Iba1 protein expression in the facial nuclei cause microglia are known to act as antigen-presenting
after axotomy. Protein was extracted from the facial nuclei on the
operated side on the days indicated and immunoblotted with the anti-Iba1
cells in the brain w34x. The functional role of this protein in
antibody. The arrowhead indicates the position of Iba1 protein. activated microglia is currently being investigated in our
Expression of Iba1 protein was detectable only in
which also stained for another microglia-specific marker, monocytic lineage including microglia and macrophage by
OX-42 ŽFig. 3C. w7,27x. RNA blot and immunoblot w12x as well as by immunocyto-
Microglia have been reported to exhibit antigen hetero- chemistry and immunohistochemistry as shown in this
geneity in the brain w6–8,14,24,34x. For example, an anti- article. These findings strongly demonstrates a highly mi-
body against rat complement type 3 receptor was reported croglia enriched concentration of Iba1 protein. However,
to react with ramified microglia but not with perivascular the data cannot exclude the possibility that Iba1 protein
microglia w7x. By contrast, an anti-ED2 antibody reacts might be present in other cell types at lower concentra-
with perivascular microglia, but not with ramified mi- tions.
croglia w8x. Gehrmann and Kreutzberg w6x reported that Finally, the anti-Iba1 polyclonal antibody used in this
both MUC 101 and 102 mAb, which were raised against study was raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding
cultured rat microglia, specifically recognise microglia, but to the Iba1 carboxy-terminal sequence that is completely
that the distribution patterns of the cells that stained with conserved among human, rat, and mouse Iba1 proteins
these antibodies differ. MUC 101 frequently stained rami- Ždata not shown.. The anti-Iba1 antibody is therefore able
fied microglia in white matter but not in grey matter, while to recognise human, rat, and mouse Iba1 proteins w21x.
MUC 102 strongly stained ramified microglia throughout Furthermore, it should be noted that the anti-Iba1 antibody
both white and gray matter. These findings suggest that is the only polyclonal antibody currently available by
antigen heterogeneity exists among ramified microglia and which microglia can be double-stained with other mono-
that this heterogeneity reflects possible subpopulations of clonal antibodies.
microglia cells. In the present study, the anti-Iba1 antibody
prepared by our laboratory could recognised ramified mi-
croglia throughout the white and gray matter and perivas- Acknowledgements
cular microglia in the brain. This pattern of expression
suggested that Iba1 is expressed in common by different This study was supported by Grants from the Japanese
subpopulations of microglia. Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Science and Technol-
We have reported that Iba1 protein is expressed in ogy Agency, Japan, and by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
monocytic cell lines w12,21x. In our preliminary study, the Research on Priority Areas from the Japanese Ministry of
anti-Iba1 antibody immunohistochemically stained other Education, Science, Sports and Culture.
types of cells in the monocyte–macrophage lineage, such
as splenic macrophages and Kupffer cells Ždata not shown..
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