Speaking Topic ADVICE

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Describe a time when you give advice to others

Part 2:
You should say:
• When it was
• To whom you gave the advice
• What the advice was
And explain why you gave the advice

Part 3: Discussion

1. What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?
2. What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?
3. Is it good to ask what advice from stranger online?
4. Should people prepare before giving advice?

I would like to talk about

Today I am going to talk about a time when I gave A piece of advice to other
people. That is a couple of months ago when I was a mentor for a project at school.
My friends were given a really exotic task in the field of Mathematics. It turned out
that group was having a serious difficulty; this is because no one in this group can
analyze more deeply in the given topic. After thinking for a while, I decide to consult
the group leader to do the task again by the beginning within my direction. The
reason why I gave advice to this group cuz it was the most crucial assignment that
they have to finish in this semester.

After I finished giving my advice, they said they was going to think about what I said. I
was glad that I could help them in some way. I thought my suggestion was off the
top of my mind but finally my group won the first-prize in that assignment.

1. What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?
I think there are no matter if ask too many people for advice since seeking
advices from a lot of people can help me getting the best decision of
2. What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?
From my perspective, those who work as an advice giver should be
tolerant and secretive to listen to every problem of their customers.
3. Is it good to ask what advice from stranger online?
Yes because they do even know everything about the asker and that make
the problem positively.
4. Should people prepare before giving advice?
When do people need advice?
Without a doubt, most people have to seek advice at some point in their lives, but I suppose the
most common situation is when they are struggling with a tough decision. Like for
instance when they’re unsure of which university to attend or what career to pursue, then it
would be best for them to ask for guidance from experienced people. Another possible
scenario might be when they have to perform a daunting or unfamiliar task. For example, when
people are starting their first business, I believe they would need a mentor or even seek
professional advice from a consulting service.
What are some qualities of people who give good advice?
Of course, different people have different criteria for a reliable mentor or advisor. From my
perspective, the most crucial quality is that they must be an expert in the field they are giving
advice on. Without tremendous wisdom and expertise, they might come up with unrealistic
or irrelevant solutions, which is obviously undesirable for those seeking help. (mệnh đề rút gọn
V-ing). Another essential trait to look for is honesty. If they are untrustworthy, then it wouldn’t
be wise to turn to them for advice in the first place.

What do you think about asking too many people for advice ?
That’s an interesting one. The way I see it, it’s unwise to seek advice from too many people,
especially those who have no practical experience in that area. People with different
personalities and ways of thinking might approach a problem from contradicting perspectives
and thus offer conflicting advice. This may exacerbate the dilemma of advice seekers. Too
many cooks spoil the broth you know.
Should people ask strangers online for advice?
Well, it depends on each situation. For instance, when people are considering purchasing a
household appliance but they have no tech-savvy friends, it might be a good idea to join a
relevant forum online and ask strangers for suggestions or recommendations. However, for
advice related to private matters like relationships or a mental struggle, I believe it’s best to turn
to their family or a professional service for help. Seeking advice from random people on
such critical issues is too dangerous you know.
What should people do before giving advice?
I suppose the hardest part of giving advice is probably the ability to remain objective and
honest. You know, 9 times out of 10, people turn to their family or friends for guidance, and this
might lead to biased opinions. For example when parents instruct their children on career
choice, they tend to force their own will on their kids and might push them into a dead- end
job. Another point I should add is that some people are scared of losing face when they have
to admit their ignorance and may end up giving poor advice. So the bottom line is that
people should be clear whether they are in a proper position to give advice and try to put
themselves in the shoes of those they’re going to help.
Are parents or friends better at giving advice?
I’d say that it depends on what kinds of advice people are seeking. For those related
to study or career, I believe parents or teachers are in a better position to give more relevant and
valuable counseling. This is mainly because they know their children or students inside out,
both their talents and aspirations. However, when it comes to fashion or lifestyle, I mean stuff
to keep up with the trends, friends might offer more brilliant and actionable ideas.
 Are students in Vietnam clear about their careers from the beginning?
Unfortunately, no. Most students in Vietnam have no idea what they are going to do in the future
even when they’ve made their way to college or university. This is possibly due to the absence of
career orientation programs in secondary and high school curriculums.
 Who is better to give children advice on their future career? Parents or teachers?
I’d say teachers seem to be in a better position to give them career advice. While parents spend
more time on a personal level with children, they might not stay updated of the future job market
and might push their kids into a dead-end job. Teachers tend to be more insightful and alert of
social development, so their advices would probably be more relevant.
 In your country, what kinds of advice do parents usually give their children?
Well, there is a ton of advice that children in Vietnam usually receive from their parents. The
most common ones are what to wear, whom to be friends with, which schools to attend, what
subjects to choose and who to love and marry. Vietnamese parents do
have substantial influence on their kids.
 Which areas do you think would be risky for parents to give advice on?
Well, as I mentioned it would be risky for parents to advise their kids on job and career stuffs.
They might not have sufficient knowledge and experience in a wide range of disciplines or not be
fully aware of what’s going to be in high demand. Also they tend to force their own will and
preference on their children, which is usually undesirable and counter-productive.
 Do you think teenagers like to listen to their parents’ advice?
Definitely, not. I’ve been there. Adolescence is a tough period for everyone. Although their body
and mind have not fully developed, teenagers always assume they’ve already grown up and try
to act as an independent adult. They tend to have arguments with their parents more frequently
and often ignore their advice. This is just a way to assert themselves.

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