Polročná Písomná Práca - 5.ročník

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Polročná písomná práca pre 5.


Name : ....................................................... Date : .........................................

1. Write the time.

8 : 45 10 : 00 1 : 15 2 : 30

________________ ______________ _______________ _______________

12 : 45 4 : 30 12 : 15 11 : 45

________________ ______________ _______________ _______________

2. Translate.

_______ _______ ________ _______

3. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets. Use the past tense.

The children ___________________ the clown. (like)

The man ____________________ the box. (pick up)
The girl ___________________ her hands. (clap)

4. Complete the sentences with verbs from the box. Use the past tense.
talk play help watch

The boys ___________________ computer games after school.

The girls ___________________ TV.
Meg ___________________ her mother in the kitchen.
Sam ___________________ to his grandfather on the phone.

5. Change the sentences. Use No and not.

The girls watched TV. ___________________________________________________

6. Translate.
angry - cow - cage -

enormous - beans - giant -

7. Correct the sentences.

A helicopter is smaller than a motorbike.

8. Match.

1 fireman 2 doctor 3 lifeguard

A He helps people on the beach. B He helps people when there is a fire.

C He helps people in a hospital.

A ____ B____ C ____

9. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

short fast small warm

The plane is _____________________ than the train.

The girl is _____________________ than the boy.
The mouse is ____________________ than the cat.
A jumper is ___________________ than a T-shirt.

10. Write the question for these answers.

________________________________ Sam is nine.
________________________________ The snake is 3 metres long.
________________________________ The shelf is 20 centimetres wide.
________________________________ Karin is 148 centimetres tall.

11. What the people wear? Name the clothes.

__________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________

12. Find the verb in each sentence. Circle it.

The carpenter makes chairs. The nurse is busy. Here are your books.

13. There are two adjectives in each set. Circle them.

1 walk quick barn green 2 horse ugly enormous was

3 fly angry what interesting 4 look tall run exciting

14. Write irregular verbs.

be – say -

buy – win -

go - see -

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