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Topic 1: Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the

opinion stated below. Support your position with reasons and/or

examples from your experience, observations, or reading.

“All paper textbooks should be replaced by ebooks.”

With its accessibility, convenience and eco-friendly features, electric books
may seem to be dominant in the current thriving development of the reading
field and literature market. However, this essay strongly disagrees with the
statement that “All paper textbooks should be replaced by ebooks.” for the
following reasons.
In terms of the readers’ satisfaction, with physical books, readers can flip,
turn pages, fold the books, touch the letters and mark the quote, the page
they want to. They can truly “interact” with the books, have insightful
feelings with the writers. Therefore, the message of the writers could be
delivered with deeper aspects of meaning and absorb utterly readers in the
imaginary world of the authors - which could be seen as the most sacred
achievement of the writing occupation. While, ebooks may be considered as
an unreal thing. Users have to spend much time touching and scrolling on the
screen, whenever they try to read a new piece of writing material on their
electronic devices, they are likely to be distracted by a plethora of factors
such as: messages from another media platform, work emails, junk
advertisements, etc. This dreadfully affects the whole reading progress and
destroys the reader's reading appetite.
Moreover, ebooks are proven to affect readers’ both physical and mental
health. Spending too much time on the devices, the screenlight could
gradually damage the readers’ eyesight because of its LED spectrum,
causing several symptoms such as headache, backache, and eye pain. Also,
reading on devices is nowhere different from watching TV for hours, readers
have to unstoppably regulate their eyes, and seem to be just “watch” rather
than truly “read”. They have to keep their attention highly on whichever they
are reading - which can cause a stressful state and create a virtual
unproductive feeling to readers. Meanwhile, real books are believed to fully
enhance people’s ability to think, to store necessary information in their head
- which not only improves their brains’ longevity but also is a handy tool for
their academic performance.
In conclusion, ebooks may have their own conveniences and begin to replace
physical books in the current reading market, but people should never
overlook its potential harm and the noticeable benefits of real books.
Reading is not just a looking, scrolling phase on these tiny bright screens,
reading is more like an insightful interaction with every single letter and
page on the book. That is what a real book can do.

With an emphasis on differences in college preferences, this study investigates if
these students have different preferences for the colleges they apply to, get
accepted to, and attend. According to the findings, while both factors are at play,
the majority of the variation in college preferences between kids from stable and
unstable households can be attributed to disparities in resource availability.

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