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Senior High School

Reading and Writing

Quarter 3: Module 3 - Lesson 3
The Right Claim

Reading and Writing – Senior High School
Module 3 - Lesson 3: The Right Claim
First Edition, 2020

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The Right Claim

Types of Claim

Every idea comes in two, it is either we take it or we leave it. In most

statements that we encounter in our daily lives we come to decide whether we agree
or disagree with these; and for every ‘yes’ and ‘no’ response we based it on reasons
– either by the general knowledge or just by our own perception. These statements
that solicit our stand are what we termed as CLAIMS.

This module will engage you in activities for you to better understand the
nature of each type of claims to enable you to distinguish one from the other.
Successfully doing so would indicate enhanced critical reading and thinking skills
expected of a Senior High School student.

Upon completion of this module, you are expected to:

 identify claims of fact, policy, and value

 distinguish among the three types of claims
 write a claim of fact, policy, and value

Here are some words used in this module. Please be familiarized with
their meanings.

1. Allegorical - having an implicit real-life representation or meaning.

2. Dehumanizing - depriving somebody of humanity

3. Eradicate - remove
4. Euthanasia - act of ending a person’s suffering (severe disease) by
5. Oligarchy - a power structure in which only few people take control
of a country such as in an economic situation.
6. Quarrying - the process of extracting the useable materials from huge
rock formation deposited on the ground surfaces.

Let us connect first with your prior knowledge about our learning topic.

Directions: On a piece of paper, write: FACT, if the statement is a claim of fact;

POLICY if it is a claim of policy; or VALUE, if it is neither a claim of fact or a claim
of policy.
________1. Cigarette smoking and alcoholism lead to several health diseases.

________2. One should limit his/her alcohol intake to save money and health.

________3. You must try to socialize with others to develop your personality.

________4. The world needs a disciplined citizen, we ought to be ones.

________5. Sleeping with a music background is perfect.

Was the warm up exercise able to dig out your stock

knowledge? Or were the sentences able to give you hints on
how to you sort them into three classification? Well, let us
proceed with the next activity so we can see if you are really
getting into our target.

Hi, we are getting close but before we go on could you help me successfully
pass through the tunnel and collect and sort the words dispersed along? Please help
me decide which words are associated with politics, literature or religion. Please use
your answers sheets. Just follow the template below. I did the first for you, now it is
your turn.


1. 1. Poem 1.
2. 2. 2.
3 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.

Let us start:









How was your tunnel experience? Take a deep breath we are on our way
to discovering more.

Meanwhile, read the following sentences. You may have observations,

just keep it in your mind first.

1. Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world.

2. Even before the popularity of Dante Alighieri's “Divine Comedy”, all
people had been believing in afterlife.
3. As time passes it people choose to worship material things as their gods.
4. Roman Catholicism would have not been known to Filipinos without
Ferdinand Magellan’s expedition.

You will notice that your answers in the activity under the RELIGION
column are found in the given four sentences. With the word religion, you were
helped in grouping these sentences together.

We say that a fact can be proven true or false. It qualifies our first sentence
because the evidence from history will show but, still this could be arguable because
who knows how accurate history is?
The second sentence is also a fact, literature can testify to it but, only that we
can argue that maybe not “all” are believers of such idea. The use of the quantifier “all”
makes it arguable.
The third sentence can also be proven true or false yet, others may disagree
while other may accept the idea.
The fourth sentence is true, it was through Magellan’s expedition that the
Philippines was introduced to Catholicism but, we cannot just leave it to that event.
Magellan’s expedition may not be the only instance that this religion had been
introduced to the country.
Therefore, the sentences presented us ideas which claim to be facts and are
arguable. These are the examples of CLAIMS OF FACT or FACTUAL CLAIMS.

Claims of Fact

Claims of Fact are statements about how things were in the past, how they are
in the present, or how they will be in the future. A fact claim is not a question, it is not
a fact; it only claims to be a fact and must be arguable.
Let us examine the next sentences. The words we have collected from the
tunnel which fall under politics are all found here. They must be sharing something in
1. Our senators should make themselves busy in crafting bills that
aim for the welfare of the people.
2. The government must take brave decision to eradicate oligarchy
in the country.
3. Our parameter on choosing our country's leaders during election
must rely on the heart and the capacity of the candidate, not on
his/her wealth.
4. We ought to be law-abiding citizens not because we commit to the
government but because we are actually a part of the government.

All the sentences from numbers one (1) to four (4) suggest or propose an
action to be taken to create change from the present or an existing situation
(which maybe implied) in which we may accept or not. Notice the italicized
words in the sentences: should, must and ought to. These are indicating words
which suggest a change in action. Such condition of the given statements
qualifies them to be CLAIMS OF POLICY or POLICY CLAIMS.

Claims of Policy

Claims of Policy argue that something should/should not be done, believed or

banned. A policy claim includes the indicating words should/should not, ought to/ought
not to, or must/must not. These must be arguable.

Now examine the last four sample sentences. Of course, we were able to group
them though the help of the tunnel, through the words we put under literature.

1. A written poem is the sweetest gift you can give to someone.

2. A mother's lullaby is but an amazing sound to a child.
3. Using harsh words in printed novels to humiliate an allegorical
character is immoral.
4. Performances in theaters are more entertaining than those in

First observation is that all the given sentences posit judgement.

Sentence number one (1) is a judgement about the poem. How do you quantify
the sweetness of the poem? Do you think we have the same standards when it
comes to liking a poem? Definitely not. Same with lullaby in the next sentence.
In sentence number three (3), morality is based on the norms of a certain
society. Thus, what seems immoral to a group could be moral to a certain group,
depending on their moral standards. In the last sentence, it is a judgement on
how entertaining theaters are, over those in films. You may agree with it or you
would say film is more entertaining and that would be based on your own
Therefore, the judgements presented are all subjective in nature wherein
it varies from person to person. Such condition of a statement is what completes
the three types of claims. We call it CLAIMS OF VALUE or VALUE CLAIMS.

Claims of Value

Claims of value are making personal judgements over something and

therefore are subjective. These could either be an approval or disapproval. These give
assessments as to desirable or undesirable, good or bad, right or wrong, just or unjust,
moral or immoral, etc. This type of claim is generally focused, but not limited to:
1. Aesthetic Value - the concept of beauty and arts and how it uniquely appeals
to someone.

1. A written poem is the sweetest gift you can give to someone.
2. A mother's lullaby is but an amazing sound to a child.
3. Performances in theaters are more entertaining than those in

2. Moral Value - the concept of what is right and wrong according to acertain norms
of morality.

1. Using harsh words in printed novels to humiliate an
allegorical character is immoral.
To sum up, study more closely the graphic organizer below:

With these you can now claim that you are ready for the series of
tasks ahead. So, buckle up and relax! Let us continue.

Practice Task 1: One Versus The Other

Directions: Examine each sentence carefully and distinguish what type of claim it is.
Write only the answers which could be FACTUAL CLAIM, POLICY CLAIM, or VALUE
CLAIM. Please use a separate answer sheet.

___________1. Gossiping is wrong.
Your answer:


__________1. Educational degree and work attitude are equally important.

__________2. Cheating in sports should be punished automatically.
__________3. It is immoral to participate in kidnapping.
__________4. Your new car is extremely attractive.
__________5. According to various researches, children exposure to violent media
is more likely to develop violent behaviors.
How did you find the first task? Was it easy? Well, keep up the spirit and
complete the next task.

Practice Task 2: Say It

Directions: Study the example on how you can formulate a policy claim out of a factual
claim. Then read each of the given factual claims and choose only the letter of the
most possible policy claim. Please use the same answer sheet.

[factual claim]
1. Excessive use of mobile phones results to sleeping disturbances
to the user.

[formulated policy claim]

1. The use of mobile phone should be in moderation to avoid
sleeping disturbances to the user.

1. Students’ career choice is influenced by their parents, peers and others.
a. Students’ should choose their career without
the influence of their parents, peers and others.
b. Students’ career choice is mostly influenced by their parents, peers
and others.
c. Students’ career choice is hardly influenced by their parents, peers
and others.
d. Students’ will often choose their career without
the influence of their parents, peers and others.

2. Gardening helps people to reduce stress according to health experts.

a. We have learned home gardening in some webpages.
b. We all love home gardening.
c. We must encourage home gardening.
d. We already know some of the home gardening techniques.

3. Frustrations experienced in one’s childhood may result to regression during

his/her old age.
a. Handling frustration is a skill.
b. Handling frustration must be discussed to children.
c. Handling frustration is easier than holding an anger.
d. Handling frustration is the most difficult task one could ever have.

4. Studies show that alcohol intake can delay bone growth and replacement of
bone tissue.
a. Minors are victims of alcoholism.
b. Minors are not the only concern of the effects of alcohol intake.
c. Minor who are alcoholic are immoral.
d. Minors must not take alcohol for any reason.

5. Reading books alleviates depression.

a. Reading books is very comforting.
b. Reading books should be one of our hobbies.
c. Reading books is more relaxing than listening to music.
d. Reading books makes one’s vocabulary very rich.

How was the task? Did you find it tricky? Well, there are still other
tasks awaiting. Keep going. 😊

Practice Task 3: Most Possibly
Directions: In each number there is an indicated specific type of claim that you need
to look for from the choices. Figure out what is the most possible claim (that is asked)
that can be drawn from each sentence. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
Please use your answer sheet.

Cell damage due to free radicals can be prevented by
antioxidants. Honey helps protect our body from cell damage.
a. Honey is a good source of antioxidants.
b. Honey tastes so sweet.
c. Honey must be a prescription.
d. Honey is better than fruits.

Since you are asked to give the claim of fact, your answer should be:
1. a

Taking and owning things which are not yours and without the permission
of its owner is not acceptable in our norms. Taking others possession as
your own is stealing.
a. Stealing is a form money-making.
b. Stealing increases one’s properties.
c. Stealing is not acceptable.
d. Stealing results from poverty.

Mary had a bad experience in online selling. Her customer cursed her
insulting words after a delay of the delivery of the items. It was very
dehumanizing on her part.
a. Insulting oneself is the very dehumanizing.
b. Insulting oneself could happen to an online seller.
c. Insulting oneself is delays business.
d. Insulting oneself creates changes on the victim.
The government has set an order to observe preventive measures to
contain the spread of the fatal virus. Yet, not all people choose to follow. As
a result, the virus had rapidly crept to different places.
a. People are hard-headed most of the time.
b. People should be responsible enough for the common good.
c. People are not even afraid of the fatal virus.
d. People have harder times observing discipline than eliminating
the virus.

A person with a family history of depression is not so surprising to have a
possibility of developing the disease. Although there are still more
contributing factors to the disease, genes are not an exception.
a. Heredity should not be considered the main contributing factor
on developing depression.
b. Heredity must be considered a high contributing factor on
developing depression than the other identified factors.
c. Heredity is considered to be a contributing factor on developing
d. Heredity must not be a serious factor in developing depression.

The use of agricultural technologies in farming is beneficial. It yielded more
production while saving manpower on the same time.
a. Agricultural technologies should not replace manpower in the
b. Agricultural technologies must be a priority in farming.
c. Agricultural technologies are the best advancements made by
man so far.
d. Agricultural technologies promote more production and less
man power.
You have gone this far. Did you find the task challenging? Well, let us
try to cool down. The tasks had already prepared you for the next part of the

Directions: Read the claims and distinguish their types. Write only the words of your
answers which could either be: CLAIM OF FACT, CLAIM OF POLICY, or CLAIM OF
VALUE. Please use your answer sheets.

Example: __________1. Ice cream is the tastiest desert of all times.

Your answer: Claim of Value

________1. While the country is facing a pandemic, the government should give
assistance to its people in any way.
________2. It is immoral to resort to euthanasia whatever the reason
may be.
________3. The church should interfere with the decision of the government.
________4. Most types of heart diseases can be treated with medication
or surgery.
________5. Mobile Legend is enjoyable.
________6. Tea is better than coffee.
________7. Young animals are adorable.

________8. Nuclear weapons had a great part in the prevention of the
outbreak of world war III.
________9. You ought to give your best to get the best result.
________10. Jollibee makes tastier fried chicken than McDonald’s.

Did you find it easier this time? I think you are perfectly ready for a
challenge. Just keep going.

Directions: Choose a topic of your interest to which you can enthusiastically develop
a short essay and integrate the use of the three types of claim. There must be ten (10)
claims in any of your preferred ratio distributions as long all the three types are
manifested. Mark only ten (10) of your claims by the following:
Claim of Fact = underline once.
Claim of Policy = underline twice.
Claim of Value = encircle.
Your essay may be composed of 20-30 sentences. Please use a separate
sheet for this activity. Be guided by this rubrics:

3 2 1 0
There are 10 There are 10 There are less There is no
claims claims than 10 claims output.
Claims presented and presented but presented and
all the types not all the only 1 or 2
are types are types of
manifested. manifested. claims are
Or, there are manifested.
less than 10
presented but
all the types
Has 20-30 Has 15 to 19 Has less than There is no
Length sentences sentences. 15 sentences. output.

The contents The contents The contents There is no
Content are relevant are relevant are irrelevant output.
and but not and
organized. organized unorganized.
The The The There is no
Construction sentences sentences sentences are output.
were have slight erroneous
grammatically grammar
correct errors
The claims in The claims in The claims in There is no
Strength general are general are general are output.
very nearly not convincing
convincing convincing. at all.

Highest Possible Score: 15

Statements that solicit our stand are what we term as CLAIMS. They can
either be
 Claim of fact
 Claim of policy or
 Claim of value.

1. Fact
2. Policy
3. Policy
4. Policy
5. Value
(It could be in any order per column.)
1. Senators 1. Poem 1. Hinduism
2. Oligarchy 2. Lullaby 2. Afterlife
3. Election 3. Novels 3. Worship
4. Government 4. Theaters 4. Roman Catholicism
1. Value Claim
2. Policy Claim
3. Value Claim
4. Value Claim
5. Factual claim
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. b
Answer Key
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. d
1. Claim of Policy
2. Claim of Value
3. Claim of Policy
4. Claim of Fact
5. Claim of Value
6. Claim of Value
7. Claim of Value
8. Claim of Fact
9. Claim of Policy
10. Claim of Value

“Getting Started in the Writing Process”, Writer's Choices. Accessed June 25, 2020,

Kies, Daniel. “English 1102”, The HyperTextBook, Accessed June 21, 2020,

Born, Eric .”Types of Claims”. April 12, 2014.Video, 10:46.


McNair, Travis.” Identifying Claims Review”. October 31, 2012. Video, 18:10.

Robertson, Eric . “Claims of Fact, Value and Policy”. June 15, 2018.

For inquiries or feedback, write or call:
Department of Education – Region 5
Regional Center Site, Rawis, Legazpi City 4500
Contact: 0917 178 1288

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