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Tutorial 2

Question 1.
a) What do you understand by the term median active corrective maintenance
b) Use the data given on table 1 to calculate:
i. Median active corrective maintenance,
ii. Median active preventive maintenance, and
iii. Maximum active corrective maintenance at 95% confidence level from
the following information (For this sample Z at 95% = 1.65).
Maintenance actions 3,5,8,11 are preventive maintenance actions and the
remaining are breakdown maintenance actions

Table 1: List of maintenance times

Maintenance action Total downtime Logistics Delay Administrative
[Minutes] time [Minutes] delay time
1 148 45 67
2 167 34 44
3 150 68 42
4 132 26 46
5 180 44 66
6 143 23 36
7 243 56 74
8 112 22 30
9 67 12 22
10 120 46 24
11 280 78 42
12 187 45 55

Question 2

i) What do you understand by the term maximum active corrective maintenance

time (Mmax)?

ii) Calculate Mmax at 95% confidence level from the data shown on table 1 and
table 2

iii) Use the data depicted on table 1 and intellectual assumption to calculate the
following data if given that the cycle time was 24,000 minutes:
a) Total Availability A;
b) Inherent Availability A1;
c) Achieved availability Aa;
d) Operational Availability Ao.

Table 1: Downtime of some selected maintenance activities. Activities number 3, 7, 9

and 14 are break down maintenance whereas the rest of activities are
preventive maintenance.
Maintenance Activity No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Td 3 4 2 3 4 6 4 2 3 4 6 8 8 10
LDT 75 120 40 45 100 160 98 44 45 90 155 200 230 320
ADT 65 45 25 35 80 140 102 26 35 90 145 160 159 160
Td is the total downtime that includes both the LDT and ADT.

Table 2: Risks/Upper limit variations

Risk Confidence Z Upper limit [min.]
5% 95% 1.65 65.72
10% 90% 1.28 64.89
15% 85% 1.04 64.35
20% 80% 0.84 63.89

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