Survey Questions

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1. How well does this logo capture your attention?

- 1 (Does not capture attention)

- 2 (slightly captures attention)
- 3 (neutral)
- 4 ( captures attention better than others)
- 5 (Captures attention very well)

2. Rate the effectiveness of this logo in conveying the brand’s identity.

- 1 (Not effective)
- 2 (slightly effective)
- 3 (neutral)
- 4 (effective)
- 5 (Very effective)

3. On a scale of 1 to 5, how memorable is this logo?

- 1 (Not memorable)
- 2 (slightly memorable)
- 3 (neutral)
- 4 (memorable)
- 5 (Very memorable)

4. How likely are you to associate this logo with a technology-related brand?
- 1 (Very unlikely)
- 2 (unlike)
- 3 (neutral)
- 4 (likely)
- 5 (Very likely)
5. Rate the overall clarity and simplicity of this logo.
- 1 (Not clear/simplistic)
- 2 ( slightly clear)
- 3 ( neutral)
- 4 ( very simple )
- 5 (Very clear/simplistic)
6. How appealing is the logo presented to you?
1 (Not appealing)
2 ( slightly appealing)
3 (neutral)
4 ( appealing )
5 (Very appealing)

7.Rate the level of creativity demonstrated in this logo design on a scale of 1 to 5.

1 (Not creative)
2 ( simple )
3 ( neutral)
4 ( creative)
5 (Very creative)
8.How well do you think this logo represents the essence of technology and innovation?
1 (Does not represent)
2 (slightly represents)
3 (neutral)
4 (represents something else)
5 (Represents very well)
9.How likely would you be to remember or recognize this logo in the future?
1 (Very unlikely)
2 (unlikely)
3 (neutral)
4 (likely)
5 (Very likely)
10.Rate your overall impression of this logo on a scale of 1 to 5.
1 (Very poor impression)
2 (poor impression)
3 (neutral)
4 (good impression)
5 (Excellent impression)

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