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Insert a table here that should include your descriptive stats - both the measures of central
tendency (mode, median, or mean) and one measure of variance (Variation ratio, IQR, or
standard deviation).

Write an explanation of your data. You should include a paragraph here that explains your
data. This paragraph should include any of the following that is relevant to your data:
 Compare the absolute difference between conditions (e.g. the mean was 2.5
words higher for condition B)
 Explain what the mean, median, or mode tells us about the data. This is not just
a definition of the term, it should be specific to your data set.
 If you think that there are outliers, you must carry out the mathematical support
and include it in the appendices (see below). If you have calculated outliers, you
should state this to justify their removal.
 What does the measure of variance tell us about the data in each condition? How
do these two conditions compare?
 What does the box plot tell us about the data? This is where you should consider
discussing skew and whether the data overlap or not.

Insert a bar graph here. Remember to have a title and to be sure that your x and y axes are
clearly labeled. Be sure NOT to use a histogram. Do not graph your standard deviation as a
second bar.

State and interpret the findings of your inferential statistics. In this final section of the
analysis, please write one paragraph which includes all of the following:
 Identify which inferential statistic you applied and why. The justification of the
statistic should include the level of data (nominal, ordinal, or ratio) and the design
(repeated measures or independent samples).
 State the findings of the statistic. It is recommended that you include the critical
value and the p-value.
 Explain what the p-value means. Do you reject or retain your null hypothesis?
And what does this mean? For example, if you retain the null hypothesis, it might
mean: This means that there was no significant difference in the number of words
recalled whether participants read a list of words or heard a list of words.
 Remember to include your statistics in the appendices!

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