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Certainly, here are the questions with options for the respondents to choose from:

1. Name of the customer:

- [Text box for customer name]

2. Hyundai model owned:

- [Dropdown menu with options for Hyundai models]

3. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the overall service experience
provided by Hyundai dealerships?
- [Radio buttons with options: 1 - Very Dissatisfied, 2 - Dissatisfied, 3 -
Neutral, 4 - Satisfied, 5 - Very Satisfied]

4. How would you rate the professionalism and friendliness of the staff at Hyundai
service centers?
- [Radio buttons with options: 1 - Poor, 2 - Fair, 3 - Average, 4 - Good, 5 -

5. Did the Hyundai service center meet your expectations in terms of timeliness and
efficiency of service?
- [Radio buttons with options: Yes, No, Partially]

6. How satisfied are you with the clarity of communication regarding the services
performed on your Hyundai vehicle?
- [Radio buttons with options: 1 - Not at all satisfied, 2 - Slightly satisfied,
3 - Neutral, 4 - Moderately satisfied, 5 - Extremely satisfied]

7. Were you provided with clear explanations of any repairs or maintenance needed
for your Hyundai car?
- [Radio buttons with options: Yes, No, Partially]

8. How would you rate the cleanliness and organization of the Hyundai service
center facilities?
- [Radio buttons with options: 1 - Very Poor, 2 - Poor, 3 - Average, 4 - Good, 5
- Excellent]

9. Did you encounter any issues during your service visit at the Hyundai
dealership? If yes, please specify.
- [Text box for explanation]

10. Based on your recent experience, how well do you feel Hyundai's service quality
met your expectations in comparison to what you ideally expect from a car service
- [Radio buttons with options: 1 - Much Below Expectations, 2 - Below
Expectations, 3 - Met Expectations, 4 - Above Expectations, 5 - Much Above

11. Please identify any specific areas where you believe Hyundai's service quality
could be improved, based on the SERVQUAL model dimensions of reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles.
- [Text box for explanation]

12. Is there any additional feedback or suggestions you would like to provide to
improve Hyundai's service quality?
- [Text box for feedback]

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