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A: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Family How many brothers and sisters do you have? What do your parents do? What things do you do with your family? Who is your favourite family member? Why? What is your favourite family memory?

B: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Free time What do you do in your free time? How do you relax? Do you do any group activities? What hobbies did you have when you were younger? What free time activity would you like to learn or do?

C: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Routine What time do you come to university? What do you do at lunch time? Do you go to bed at the same time everyday? What is your favourite time of the day? Why? What was your routine like when you were at school?

D: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Diet Do you have a healthy diet? What is your opinion of junk food (fast food)? What is your favourite meal? How often do you cook? What was your favourite food when you were a child?

E: Home 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What kind of building do you live in? Which is your favourite room? Why? What changes would you like to make to your house? What is the best thing about your neighbourhood? Describe your dream home.

F: 1. 2. 3.

Nightlife How often do you go out at the weekend? What kind of music do you like to dance to? Which is your favourite place to go out?

4. Do you prefer going to the cinema or to a disco? Why? 5. What was the last movie you saw at the cinema? G: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Santiago What do you like about Santiago? What do you dislike about Santiago? Which is your favourite building in Santiago? Why? What transport do you use to get around the city? Why? How has Santiago changed in the last 5 years? Shopping Where do you go shopping? Which is your favourite shop? What things do you hate buying? Why? Where do you buy your clothes? What was the best thing you ever bought? Explain why.

I: Studies 1. Why did you choose to study ______(subject)________ ? 2. What is the best thing about the career you are studying? Why? 3. What is the worst thing about the career you are studying? Why? 4. Which is your favourite class? 5. Would you ever consider teaching as a profession? Why/why not? J. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sports What sports do you do? What sports did you used to do as a child? Do you like to watch sports on TV? What sport(s) would you like to do? Why? How often do you do exercise?

A: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Familia Cuntos hermanos y hermanas tienes? Qu hacen tus padres? Qu cosas haces con tu familia? Quin es su familiar favorito? Por qu? Cul es tu recuerdo favorito de la familia?

B: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tiempo libre Qu haces en tu tiempo libre? Cmo te relajas? Haces alguna actividad de grupo? Qu aficiones tenas cuando eras ms joven? Qu actividad de tiempo libre te gustara aprender o hacer?

C: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Rutina A qu hora se llega a la universidad? Qu hace usted en la hora del almuerzo? Usted va a la cama a la misma hora cada da? Cul es su momento favorito del da? Por qu? Cul era su rutina, como cuando estabas en la escuela?

D: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Dieta Tiene usted una dieta saludable? Cul es su opinin sobre la comida chatarra (comida rpida)? Cul es tu comida favorita? Con qu frecuencia usted cocina? Cul era su comida favorita cuando eras un nio?

E: Inicio 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Qu tipo de edificio vive usted? Cul es tu lugar favorito? Por qu? Qu cambios le gustara hacer en tu casa? Qu es lo mejor de su barrio? Describa su casa de sus sueos.

F: Vida nocturna 1. Con qu frecuencia salen los fines de semana? 2. Qu tipo de msica te gusta bailar?

3. Cul es tu lugar favorito para salir? 4. Prefiere ir al cine o una discoteca? Por qu? 5. Cul fue la ltima pelcula que viste en el cine? G: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Santiago Qu le gusta de Santiago? Qu te gusta de Santiago? Cul es su edificio favorito en Santiago? Por qu? Lo que el transporte que utiliza para moverse por la ciudad? Por qu? Cmo ha cambiado Santiago en los ltimos 5 aos?

H: Compras 1. Dnde ir de compras? 2. Cul es tu tienda favorita? 3. Qu cosas odian comprar? Por qu? 4. Dnde compras tu ropa? 5. Qu fue lo mejor que he comprado? Explique por qu. I: Estudios 1. Por qu elegiste estudiar )________ tema ______(? 2. Qu es lo mejor de la carrera que ests estudiando? Por qu? 3. Qu es lo peor de la carrera que ests estudiando? Por qu? 4. Cul es tu clase favorita? 5. Alguna vez considerar la enseanza como profesin? Por qu / por qu no? J. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deportes Qu deportes te dedicas? Qu deportes se sola hacer cuando era nio? Le gusta ver los deportes en la televisin? En qu deporte (s) te gustara hacer? Por qu? Con qu frecuencia hace ejercicio?

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