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Northern Mindanao Colleges, INC.

Atega St. Cabadbaran City

Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching English Grade 10

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
A. Understand the nature of argumentative and persuasive writing;
B. Compare and contrast argumentative and persuasive writing using a
Venn diagram;
C. Appreciate the significance of arguments in various issues.
II. Materials and references

Topic: Composing an argumentative essay part 1( Argumentative writing vs. Persuasive Writing)
References: ENGLISH 10 Q3 week 1 Module
• Laptop
• PowerPoint presentations
• Plastic bottle

III. Teaching Strategy

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings

"Good afternoon, class" "Good afternoon, Sir"

2. Prayer

"Before anything else, may I request everyone to

please stand for a prayer to be led by Ms. Jolina"
(Everyone is praying)
Thank you Ms. Jolina, before you take your seats, "Amen!"
kindly pick up some pieces of paper under your arm
chairs and align your chairs.
(The students will pick up pieces of paper and
align their chairs).
3. Checking of Attendance

Now, let's check your Attendance for today. Say

present if your name is called. (The students say present)
4. House Rules
Now class, in my class discussion I have rules that
you should follow.

1. Listen to your teacher and avoid talking to your

seatmates, and avoid standing if not necessary.
2. Respect your teacher
Please keep your phones and put it in your bags.
3. Raise your right hand if you want to answer my
questions. Don't answer in chorus.
4. Participate with our discussion.
5. Speak English in class.

Are we clear class? Yes, Sir

Very good!

III. Teaching Strategy

A. Structural Drill
Class, I have here a question in order to master your
grammar skills by observing subject-verb

General Instructions:
You have to choose the correct verb that agrees with
its subject.

But before that, I'll divide you into two groups. The
first group to complete answering all the questions
within 3 minutes will receive 5 additional points. The
group with the highest total points will be declared
the winner.

Plot twist: (But before you can answer the question,

you have to stand the bottle.) Yes, we are ready, sir!

Are you ready, class?

1. She (have, has) her breakfast every morning. 1. has

2. Everybody in the class( are, is) present. 2. is
3. Each of the students( has, have) a different 3. has
4. We (are, were) going to the movies tomorrow. 4. are
5. The cat (was, were) sleeping on the couch. 5. was
6. The students (is, were) studying for their exams. 6. were
7. The water( is, are, were) clean. 7. is
8. She (likes, like) to sing. 8. likes
9.They (are, is) working on a new project together. 9. are
10. The cookies( were, was) delicious. 10. were

Thank you for your cooperation, class.

B. Review

For this afternoon, class. We will have a new lesson.

But before that let's have a recap of our last
discussion. What was our last topic? Last meeting we discussed about Informative

Again, what is informative writing? It is a writing used to inform and educate the
reader by imparting straightforward
information, details and facts.
Very good! I'm glad that you can still recall our last

Today, we will tackle another lesson. Are you ready

with our new lesson, class? Yes, Sir.

C. New lesson

C. 1 Motivation

To start with our new lesson, let us have an activity

first. This activity will give you an idea of what's our
next topic. This activity is a debate.

Are you familiar with a debate, class? Yes, Sir.


But before that, I will divide you into two groups.

Each group has to take sides and argue. The first
group will be opposed, and the second group will

Topic: "Should the death penalty be legalized in the

Rules in a debate:

1. Each group will have a 1 MINUTE time limit to

2. All groups can present their arguments up to three
times in one minute.
3. During argument presentations, refrain from
interrupting the opposing group.

Evidence 40%
Persuasiveness 40%
Delivery 20%
TOTAL: 100%

Now, I will give you 1 minute to brainstorm your

ideas, and research your arguments with your

( 1 minute is done)

(Debate time) ( The two group share their arguments)

Now, based on your activity class, what do you think

will be our topic? Based on our activity, our topic has something
to do with arguments and debate.

Very good! Our topic has something to do about


C2. Presenting of New Lesson

Composing an argumentative essay

C.3 Spring Board


On many occasions, you may have to take a stand on

an issue of a consequence. You cannot stay neutral,
especially when the stakes are considerable. It is
therefore important that you learn to argue well
whether in speaking or writing.

Argument is almost always linked with persuasion.

The students are listening and participating in

the class discussion.

C.4 Intellectual Discussion

Did you understand our discussion, class? Yes, Sir.

What your own understanding about argumentative

writing, class? In an argumentative writing, the emphasis is
on developing the skills to present logical
arguments supported by evidence. This
involves researching a topic, identifying
different perspectives, and constructing a
well-structured argument to persuade the
reader of the validity of a particular viewpoint.

Excellent! You really listen to the discussion!

How about persuasive writing? In a persuasive writing, the focus is more on
convincing the reader to adopt a specific
opinion or take a particular action. Persuasive
writing often relies on emotional appeals and
rhetorical techniques to sway the reader's
Very good, Lamboyog! I'm impressed with your

Now, what's the similarities between the two

writings? Sir, Both types of writing aim to persuade the
reader, whether it's to recognize the validity of
an argument (argumentative writing) or to
agree with a particular viewpoint (persuasive
Very good! It seems that you really understand our

C.5 Aesthetic Discussion

No integration.

C.6 Generalization.

Class, why do we need to understand the differences

between Argumentative and persuasive writing? Understanding the differences between
argumentative and persuasive writing is
crucial because it helps us tailor our approach
to communication based on the purpose and
audience, whether we're presenting logical
arguments or appealing to emotions and

That’s right. Very good!

C.7 Application

General instruction: The class is divided into three

groups. Each group has the same type of activity. In
doing your activity, I will only give you 3 minutes to
finish your tasks and choose one representative to
explain your answer.
Direction: Using a venn diagram, compare and
contrast argumentative writing and persuasive
writing. Use bullet form.

Argumentative Similarities Persuasive

(The students do their activity)

C.8 Valuing

Class, if there's an issue, and of course, you don't

have to stay neutral, so you will use arguments to
support your sides, right? Now, how significant are
arguments in this scenario? Sir, arguments matter because they let us
share different views, offer evidence, and back
up claims. They're key for expressing opinions,
back up by evidence having productive talks,
and possibly finding solutions.

You have a very good point! Thank you!

C.9 Evaluation

Get 1/4 sheet of paper and answer the following.

Direction: Write the letter of the best answer.

1. Which type of writing aims to get the reader to 1. A) Argumentative
recognize that the author's side of the argument is
- A) Argumentative
- B) Persuasive
2. Which type of writing combines facts, reasons, 2. A) Argumentative
and evidence to support the author's points?
- A) Argumentative
- B) Persuasive

3. In which type of writing is the tone calmer, 3. A) Argumentative

focusing on getting the reader to acknowledge the
author's side as worthy of consideration?
- A) Argumentative
- B) Persuasive

4. Which type of writing typically acknowledges 4. A) Argumentative

opposing claims?
- A) Argumentative
- B) Persuasive

5. In which type of writing is emotion used to 5. B) Persuasive

convince the reader that the author is "right"?
- A) Argumentative
- B) Persuasive

6. Which type of writing may present only one side: 6. B) Persuasive

the author's side?
- A) Argumentative
- B) Persuasive

7. Which type of writing ignores counter claims? 7. B) Persuasive

- A) Argumentative
- B) Persuasive

8. In which type of writing is logic the main basis for 8. A) Argumentative

presenting the author's viewpoint?
- A) Argumentative
- B) Persuasive

9. Which type of writing presents only ideas that 9. B) Persuasive

help establish a position, often without
acknowledging opposing views?
- A) Argumentative
- B) Persuasive

10. Which type of writing typically provides evidence 10. A) Argumentative

with claims to support the author's points?
- A) Argumentative
- B) Persuasive

C. 10 Assignment

A. Instructions

Study and advance the next topic.

" How to compose an effective Argumentative

That would be all, thank you and Goodbye. Goodbye and Thank you, Sir!

Prepared by:
Limuel L. Tutesora

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