Mid Term Exam in Bibliology

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Question: Explain the Doctrine of Revelation and Doctrine of Inspiration in your own
knowledge and understanding of these topics.

The Doctrine of Revelation

The Doctrine of Revelations states that God's supernatural unveiling of truth to humans.
The knowledge of who He is, what He wants, and His plans and purpose. Humanity has
received revelations of God through both words and acts. God is progressively revealing His
nature, mighty ways, and his redemptive plans for humanity.
There are two ways that God has chosen to reveal Himself to people: general revelation
and special revelation. It is possible to learn general facts about God from the way things work
in the world thru general revelation. In general revelation, God revealed himself, His nature,
His divine attributes through nature and his creations as stated in Psalms 19: 1-3 and Romans
1:20. But this general revelation is not enough for man to know Gods redemptive plan. That is
why special revelation is needed. Man falls into sin and breaks the fellowship with God, there is
an infinite gulf in between. Because of this, Gods way of communication to us was affected.
Man is not capable to repair this fellowship. It was God who take the initiative to restore this
Special revelation as stated in Hebrews 1: 1-2 is that God spoke to the Old Testament in
many portions and in many ways. Special revelation aims to reveal the Specific Words or
instructions from God concerning his plan. Special Revelation includes, prophecy, miracles,
written scripture, though Jesus Christ and through regenerated heart or change lives.
In the Old Testament, Gods spoke in many ways. It was multi-faceted. God spoke to the
people thru the prophets. These prophets spoke to the people what God wanted them to hear.
Gods’ revelation at that time was delivered mostly through these prophets. God speaks or
reveals when He is instituting His redemptive activity in a particular people, place, and era.
The Bible, which falls under the category of special revelation, is the most important way
that God reveals himself. God led the human writers who wrote the Bible to correctly record
His message to people while still using their own styles and personalities. The Bible is where
God told people everything, we need to know about Himself, what He wants from us, and what
He has done for us.
The ultimate form of special revelation is the Person of Jesus Christ. His words, his
miracles, his life and what He has done at the cross to fully implement Gods redemptive work
for us.As Hebrew 1:1-3 states that “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the
prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his
Son … The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being.”
The Doctrine of Inspiration

The Bible is inspired refers to the idea that the human authors of the Scriptures were
superintended by God in a way that made what they wrote was the actual Word of God. The
word "inspiration" in the Scriptures simply means "God-breathed." Because of inspiration, the
Bible stands apart from all other books and is genuinely the inspired word of God.
Every word in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is inspired, not only the sections
that discuss spirituality. The Scriptures are sufficient to teach man how to have a right
relationship with God and are authoritative when it comes to establishing doctrine since they
are inspired by God.
The Bible is infallible meaning it is “incapable of error.” It is never wrong and thus
absolutely trustworthy. The Bible is also innerant meaning it is to be free from error. Only the
original manuscripts written by the apostles, prophets, and other human authors are under the
divine promise of inspiration and inerrancy.
The Bible is not a combined viewpoints of God and man. It is and always is God’s Word
because it was God who carried out the work all along. God has used the author’s style,
character, experiences in order to write what God wanted to be written.
I believe that the God who is sovereign and powerful, who created the universe is
capable of writing the bible. And Because He is perfect, He is all knowing, His Words, the bible
does not contains factual errors.The bible also does not contain contradictions because God
is not a God of confusion.So, All the words, in the bible are the exact words, that God wanted
to be written and divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit. Every part of the bible, is fully and
completely inspired by God.

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