Fundamentals of NSG BULLETS

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 A Full liquid diet, which consists of liquids or foods that turn to liquid at body temperature
is suitable for clients with GI disturbances.
 To ensure the safety and effectiveness of the TPN (total parenteral nutrition) therapy
monitoring the patient's glucose levels frequently to prevent hyperglycemia.
 Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, can be a challenging condition, especially for older
adults. In this case, Determining the underlying cause of the client's decreased
appetite and addressing the issue is our priority.
 Addressing obesity involves a comprehensive approach that considers lifestyle
modifications, nutrition, and behavior change most appropriate to address the patient's
condition is to Advise the patient to increase physical activity and refer to a dietitian for
nutritional counseling.
 Midarm Muscle Area (MAMA): Definition: MAMA is an anthropometric measurement that
estimates muscle mass in the upper arm.
 signs of protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM). When the laboratory findings has evidence of
depressed visceral proteins and visible muscle and fat wasting meaning - Decreased
plasma protein levels
 Inflammatory response is phase of the Local Adaptation Syndrome (LAS)- where in
experiencing pain, increased temperature at the site, and limited mobility.
 Stage of exhaustion- During the general adaptation syndrome, the stage of resistance
is characterized by the body's attempt to adapt to a stressor and confine its effects to the
smallest area possible. If the stressor persists and the body's adaptive mechanisms are
 illustrates an adaptive coping strategy- The patient seeks out information about the
illness and actively participates in creating a treatment plan.
 experiencing high levels of anxiety- to minimize the client's anxiety –
o Including the client in the development of the care plan
o Ensuring a quiet environment and minimizing unnecessary noise and
o Teaching the client about stressors and coping mechanisms
 crisis intervention- Providing support to help the client work through the crisis and
restore equilibrium
 Inhibited grief – a type of grief that showing no significant change in behavior and has
not spoken about her loss.
 According to Engel's Stages of Grieving,
o "Developing Awareness" stage- The patient may express anger and direct it
towards the nurse or others.
 Bereavement process, Sander identified specific phases that individuals typically
experience. - correctly lists phases in their sequential order
o Shock and numbness, yearning and searching, disorganization and despair,
 Martocchio's Clusters of Grief- following behaviors is the client most likely to exhibit
during the "Anguish, Disorganization, and Despair" cluster- The client may have difficulty
making decisions and express a lack of purpose in living.
 NOT typically considered a manifestation of grief- Developing a chronic illness, such
as diabetes
 Exploring and respecting the client's ethnic, cultural, religious, and personal values
related to grief - actions by the nurse best facilitates the client's grief work
 When caring for a terminally ill patient who has decided to refuse further treatment and
patient's family is unaware of this decision and insists on continuing aggressive therapy
you should facilitate a meeting between the patient and the family to discuss the
patient's wishes and treatment options.
 normal postmortem changes- Livor mortis, resulting in discoloration in dependent
areas of the body.
 caring in nursing involve attending to the holistic needs of patients.
 caring contribute to the nurse-patient relationship because it fosters trust and
 teaching about caring includes- Compassion and empathy alongside technical skills
 role does empathy play in teaching nursing-. It helps instructors understand
students' challenges
 teaching about caring benefit nursing practice-. It improves patient outcomes and
 Jean Watson - Nursing theorist known for their work on caring in nursing education
 Primary goal of health education-. To promote healthy behaviors and prevent illness
 Empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health is the focus of
health education
 Encouraging regular exercise and a balanced diet is an example of health education
 Role of health education plays in community health- It empowers individuals and
communities to adopt healthier behaviors
 Ways to reduce their blood pressure- Discussing dietary changes, exercise routines, and
stress management techniques
 medication adherence- Discuss the importance of medication adherence, potential side
effects, and strategies for remembering to take medication.
 To exchange information and ideas is the primary purpose of effective communication
in a team
 Bureaucratic management approach emphasizes maximizing efficiency through strict
rules, procedures, and hierarchical structures
 Leadership involves inspiring and motivating others, while management involves
planning and organizing tasks is the primary difference between leadership and
 Autocratic leadership style is characterized by a high level of control, where the leader
makes decisions without input from subordinates
 Palpation and percussion physical assessment techniques in assessing this client's
urinary system
 Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily with issue in urinary elimination
 wearing tight clothing is at risk for the development of urinary tract infections
 the process of urine formation- after it is formed in the kidneys it moves into the renal
 The actions of microorganisms within the gastrointestinal tract are responsible for the
odor that’s why expelled flatus is foul-smelling
 When preparing to assess a client's fecal elimination status obtain a nursing history
 an adult client's feces are normal when cylindrical in shape
 Constipation a bowel movement of hard, dry, but formed stool
 A goal for a client experiencing diarrhea to regain normal stool consistency
 Stomach is not involved in fecal elimination
 Establish a trusting nurse-client relationship when experiencing spiritual distress
 Physical Problems is not a factor that may contribute to spiritual distress
 Meditation is the act of focusing one’s thoughts or engaging in self-reflection or
 pain medication is not working as effectively as it used to- Consult the doctor for
possible medication adjustment
 Patient is experiencing severe pain Administer pain medication as ordered.
 Use a pain scale suitable for non-verbal patients to those unable to communicate their
level of pain verbally
 Suggest a psychiatric evaluation when a patient with chronic pain is showing signs of
 When a patient on pain medication is experiencing side effects such as nausea and
dizziness Report the side effects to the doctor
 When a patient prefers to use non-pharmacological methods for pain management
respect the patient’s wishes and suggest suitable methods
 Educate the patient about the difference between addiction and dependence when
patient is worried about becoming addicted to their pain medication
 Stage 3 NREM - Deepest stage of sleep, difficult to arouse, and essential for
restoring energy. this stage of sleep is crucial for energy restoration and growth
hormone release
 complains of difficulty sleeping at night and feeling tired during the day, change in
routine can disrupt the patient’s: Circadian Synchronization - When the biological
clock coincides with the sleep-wake cycle.
 Insomnia a common sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying
asleep and NOT a type of parasomnia
 A Nightmares is a parasomnias and REM Sleep Certain parasomnias that are
specifically associated with REM sleep
 Muscle enlargement (hypertrophy) is the effect of exercise on muscle size
 With exercise regimen- cardiovascular benefits increased strength of heart muscle
 exercise affect the respiratory system by improving gas exchange
 Exercise elevates metabolic rate
 Strenuous exercise may reduce immune function, leaving a window of opportunity for
infection during the recovery phase.” is True, but only immediately after exercise
 Charisma a type of leadership style wherein the authority of a leaders derives from
his/her charisma, charms, and personal connection.
 Transactional a type of leadership style wherein the relationship based on an exchange
for some resource valued by followers, utilizes rewards and management to motivate
and direct followers
 kinesthetic sense as part of a neurological examination by requesting the patient to close
their eyes and touch the tip of their nose with their finger.
 clinical manifestations of sensory deprivation preoccupation with somatic complaints,
such as palpitations
 when giving narcotic analgesics for chronic pain management, monitor LOC Level of
 REA and RIA are involved in maintaining wakefulness, but the REA is primarily
responsible for arousal and the RIA for inhibiting overstimulation.
 Vaginismus is painful intercourse during penetration and also notes involuntary spasms
that seem to make the pain worse.

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