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Physics 20: Unit B – Dynamics

Marci Penner – NorthStar Academy/GoldenHills Learning Academy


Enduring Understanding Important to Know and Worth Being Familiar
“I CAN” Statements Do With

I can explain how forces, both Using Newton’s first law of What is the result of a nonzero
balanced and unbalanced, motion, how can you describe an net force on an object’s velocity?
change an objects velocity based object’s state of rest? Similarly
on Newton’s three laws of how can you describe an object’s
motion. uniform motion?
- 1st law: An object will
continue either being at Using Newton’s second law of
rest or moving at a motion, what is the relationship
constant velocity unless between force, mass and
acted upon by an acceleration?
external, non-zero net
force. Using Newton’s third law of
- 2nd law: F(net) =ma motion, how can you describe
- 3rd law: FA on B = - FB on A the interaction between two
objects, remembering that the
And similarly I can solve two forces (equal in magnitude,
problems about an object’s but opposite in direction) are not
motion in one-dimension (either actually acting on the same
in the horizontal, vertical or object?
inclined planes) using Newton’s
three laws of motion. What is the effect of static
friction on an object? What is
the effect of kinetic friction on
an object?

By adding vector components

using numerical data and/or
graphical data, what is the
resultant force on an object?

I can explain Newton’s law of How does the term field apply to What is a field?
universal gravitation, using a gravity and its effects?
written description, as well as What principles important to the
mathematically. What is the difference in weight Cavendish experiment were used
of an object on different to determine the universal
planets? gravitational constant, G?

Using Newton’s law of universal

gravitation how does the
gravitational constant relate to
the local value of acceleration
due to gravity? How can you
describe that relationship

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