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Bonjour! Today, we'll explore a pivotal moment in history: the French Revolution.

This period,
from 1789 to 1799, saw dramatic changes in France, impacting not just the country itself but
also the world.

Causes of the revolution

France in the late 18th century was a ticking time bomb. The social structure divided people
unfairly. The vast majority, the Third Estate, felt the weight of taxes while the wealthy elites
enjoyed a lavish lifestyle. This economic disparity, coupled with growing awareness of individual
rights, fueled discontent.
The Storming of the Bastille
The storming of the Bastille prison on July 14th, 1789, is considered a turning point. This act of
defiance against the king's authority emboldened the revolutionaries and showed the cracks in
the absolute monarchy's foundation.
The rise of new ideas
The revolutionaries yearned for a society based on liberty (freedom), equality (equal rights for
all), and fraternity (brotherhood). They established the National Assembly to draft a new
constitution limiting the king's power and established the Declaration of the Rights of Man and
of the Citizen, a document guaranteeing basic rights like freedom of speech and assembly.
A time of turmoil
The French Revolution also witnessed a period of extreme violence – the Reign of Terror.
Robespierre, fearing counter-revolutionaries, implemented brutal tactics, leading to the
execution of many innocent people. This period highlighted the dangers of unchecked power
and the importance of maintaining a balance between liberty and security.
A legacy of change
The French Revolution, though marked by periods of violence, ultimately led to the abolition of
the absolute monarchy and the birth of a republic. The fight for liberty, equality, and the rights
of citizens continues to resonate today, serving as a reminder of the ongoing pursuit of a more
just and equitable world.

It is the end of my presentation. Thank you for listening.

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