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FOR THE PERIOD FROM 01.04.2024 TO 31.03.2026




Proprietary & Confidential

No part of the document can be reproduced in any form or by any means, disclosed
or distributed to any person without the prior consent of the Curator, Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad except to the extent required for submitted bid and no more

This information contained in this document is only disclosed for the purposes of
enabling you to submit a proposal to Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad in
accordance with the requirements of this document and no more.

This document contains proprietary information furnished for evaluation purposes

only, except with the written permission of Curator, Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad, such information may not be published, disclosed or used for any other
purpose. You acknowledge and agree that this document and all portions thereof,
including, but not limited to, are and at all times shall remain the sole property of
Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and that title and full ownership rights in
the information contained herein and all portions thereof are reserved to and at all
times shall remain with Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad . You agree to
take utmost care in protecting the proprietary and confidential nature of the
information contained herein.

1.1 Introduction (History of the Zoo):

The Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad was established in the year 1963 in pursuance
of recommendations of Indian Board for Wildlife, Govt. of India, to set up facility for
educating public about wildlife. On 6 October, 1963, General Sri Nagesh, the then
Governor of Andhra Pradesh inaugurated this Zoological Park named as Hyderabad
Zoological Park. After the demise of first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru the Zoo Park was rechristened as Nehru Zoological Park to memories the
initiatives taken by him. The Zoo began expanding slowly with addition of new
enclosures every year. A toy train was set up in 1962 for taking visitors round the
sprawling Zoo Park.
Nehru Zoological Park has successfully bred several endangered wild animals both
indigenous and exotic, like Asiatic Lion, Royal Bengal Tiger (both Normal and White),
Indian Gaur, Black Buck, Thamin Deer, Swamp Deer, Sloth Bear, Malayan Sun Bear,
Hippopotamus, Jaguar, Nilgiri Langur, Rhinoceros, Baboons, Crocodiles, Green Iguana
and birds like Painted Stork, White Ibis, Grey Pelican, Rosy Pelican, diff. species of
Pheasants, Peafowl, Crane, Emu etc.,
1.2. Objective of this Bid
Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad through this Bid invites proposals from
qualified and reputed Service Providers for providing Security Services to Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad located at Bahadurpura, Hyderabad for a period of 2
Time schedule of various Bid related events

Pre-bid meeting: Date & Time 04.03.2024 at 03.00PM

Bid calling date 05.03.2024 at 3:00 PM
Bid Closing Date & Time 19.03.2024 at 04.00 PM
Hard Copies should be submit on or 19.03.2024 at 05.00 PM
Technical Bid opening date & Time 20.03.2024 at 11.00AM
Financial Bid opening date & Time 20.03.2024 at 04.00 PM
EMD Amount Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rs. Ten Lakhs only)
EMD payable: The EMD should be paid from their
registered bank accounts through Net
banking / RTGS/ NEFT/ Credit Card /
Debit Card in f a v o u r o f Curator,
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad (As
per G.O. Ms. No. 15, dt: 29.09.2017,
Govt of Telangana).

Tender Processing Fee +GST Rs. 10,000/-(Rupees Ten Thousand

Only) +GST 18%, (Non-refundable and
non-transferable) in shape of Demand
Draft drawn in favour of Curator, Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad from any
scheduled Bank.
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Phone No. 040-24477355
Contact No
Bid Document Ref No. 448/A5/2024

The complete set of Bid document is available on the for information as well as for download.

This Bid Document contains two Parts Part I Functional & Technical
Specifications and Part II Bidding Process and Evaluation.

Sd/-Curator Sd/-Director
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Zoo Parks, Hyderabad

Part -1

Functional & Technical Specifications

1.3. Submission of Bid: Online

Bids shall be submitted online on platform only. Physical
bids are not accepted. Bidders can submit the bids if they wish after issue of
minutes of the pre bid meeting duly considering the changes made if any, during the
pre-bid meeting. Bidders are solely responsible for incorporating/complying the
changes/amendments issued if any during pre-bid meeting in their bid.

a. The participating bidders in the tender should register themselves free of cost
on e-procurement platform in the website

b. Bidders can login to e-procurement platform in secure mode only by signing

with the Digital Certificates.

c. The bidders who are desirous of participating in e-procurement shall submit

their technical bids, price bids as per the standard formats available at the e-
procurement portal.

d. The bidders should scan and upload the respective documents in Technical bid
documentation as detailed in Section C and EMD as indicated in Section A of
this tender document. The bidder shall sign on all the statements, documents,
certificates uploaded by them, owning responsibility for their

e. The Service charges percentage should be quoted in online only.

1.4. Other Conditions:

a. After uploading the documents, the copies of the uploaded statements,

certificates, documents and original Demand Drafts in respect of EMD and
Tender Processing Fee are to be submitted to the office of Curator, Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad.

b. Failure to furnish any of the uploaded documents, certificates, will entitle in

rejection of the bid. The Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad of
Telangana shall not hold any risk because of postal delay. Similarly, if any of
the certificates, documents, etc., furnished by bidder are found to be
false/fabricated/bogus, the bidder will be disqualified, blacklisted as per
Part-II Section E Clause E.8 of this Tender document and action will be
initiated as deemed fit and the Bid Security/EMD will be forfeited.

c. Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad will not hold any risk and
responsibility regulating non-visibility of the scanned and uploaded

d. The documents that are uploaded online on Government e-procurement

platform will only be considered for Bid Evaluation.

Please refer to "Statement of key parameter related to Bid" in Section B of

Part II of this document

1.5. Terms & Conditions:

1. The area under security coverage includes the entire premises of the Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad including all movable and immovable/fixed assets in
the premises ie, the entire service area included.

2. The Service Provider shall provide Security Services by deploying adequately

trained and well-disciplined security personnel to safeguard the Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad, moveable and immovable assets, equipment and other items at
the above addresses from any thefts, pilferage or damage and also ensure safety
of the employees, visitors, guests or any other persons working in its premises.

3. The Security personnel shall be deployed round the clock in 3 shifts (of 8 hours)
at the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad to safeguard the premises.

4. The Service Provider shall be responsible for opening/closing of the Administrative

Building/Headquarters building and as necessitated/directed by the Curator,
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad on working and closed days (holidays).

5. The Service Provider shall maintain data on the attendance of the security only by
Bio metric attendance sheet which will be basis for payment of monthly wages.

6. The Service Provider shall be responsible for maintenance of required registers

such as Vehicle movement register, Personal registers, Visitor register, Proper
maintenance/message registers etc., as per the directions of the Curator, Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad and submit them to the Assistant Curator-III/ In
charge Officers /any other officers of Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Authority

7. The registers maintained by the Service Provider as above shall be inspected from
time to time by the Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad or any other
competent Government authorities. The Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall
in no way be responsible for the lapses/violations and non-compliance of any, by
the security.

8. The Service Provider shall be responsible for ensuring the good conduct/behavior
and performance of their security personal deployed in the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad . Agency have to produce PVC (Police Verification Certificate) of all the
staff deputed by agency in the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad failing which the
services shall be terminated and the Service provider shall provide substitute

9. The Qualification and other requirements of the Security Personnel are as follows:

a. Essential Qualification: Intermediate for Security Supervisors & Security Guards

and Bachelor Degree for Security Supervisors EX- Servicemen.

b. The age shall not be less than 25 years and not more than 50 years with
preferably minimum Height 5'4".

c. Knowledge of local language i.e. Telugu in reading, writing and speaking and also
spoken Hindi or English is essential.

d. The Service Provider shall be responsible for the suitability, medical fitness and
police verification of the character and antecedents of the personnel engaged by it
for deployment at the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad .

e. Service provider providing the security services shall not employ or engage any
person unless he or she is a citizen of India or a citizen of such other country as
permitted to be employed in terms of Government rules and regulations in force.

f. No person who has been convicted by a competent court or who has been dismissed
or removed on grounds of misconduct, or moral turpitude while serving in any of
the armed forces of the Union, State Police Organization, Central or State
Governments or in any private security agency shall be employed or engaged by
the service provider.

g. Service provider, while employing a person shall give preference to a person who
has served as a member in Army, Navy and Air force or other central paramilitary
forces, Central Police forces, even for posts which are not specifically indicated as
that of ex-service man in the roles and responsibilities.

h. The service provider shall deploy his personnel only after obtaining the concerned
departments approval from the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and upon duly
submitting Curriculum Vitae (CV) and police verification details of personnel. Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall be informed at least one week in advance and
service provider shall be required to obtain concerned departments approval for all
such changes along with their CVs.

i. The Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall have the right, within reason, to have
any personnel removed who is considered to be undesirable with proper reasoning
or otherwise and similarly the Service Provider reserves the right to remove any
personnel with prior intimation to the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad ,
emergencies, exempted.

j. Security personnel should be robust, energetic, agile and capable of withstanding

minimum force when needed.

10. The Service Provider shall provide reasonably good uniform with name badges,
photo Identity cards, adequate required torches, whistles/alarming equipment and
batons to its personnel deployed to the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad at its own
cost and ensure that they are used by the personnel deployed and are maintained
in good condition. The incidentals such as belt, walky-talky, gum shot socks can
torch, umbrellas, vehicle mirror check, laches, and rain coats shall be borne/
supplied by the Service Provider at its own cost.

11. The security personnel shall attend their duty with their photo identity card, in neatly
dressed uniform and properly polished shoe. The service provider shall provide hand
gloves to the guard at the main entrance of the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad.

12. The photo identity card shall be issued in such form as may be prescribed by the
Service Provider. However, the same shall be subject to approval or change by the
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad .

13. The Service Provider shall not assign or transfer this contract or part thereof to any
other person or persons or third parties.

14. The manpower deployed by the Service Provider shall be the employees of the
Service Provider for all intents and purposes and in no case, there shall be a
relationship of employer and employee between the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad and said Security Personnel implicitly or explicitly.

15. The Service Provider shall provide security personnel with proper training/skills in
handling fire-fighting equipment, bombs & explosive detection equipment or
specialists in explosive detection and CCTV monitoring etc.,

16. The Service Provider upon award of the contract.

a. Shall submit a consent letter of undertaking the contract with respect to all the
conditions stated in Bid document, after receipt of work order.

b. Shall deposit an amount equal to 10% of the total contract value (or) (2) months'
salary of total monthly bill, whichever is higher as security deposit in the form of
Bank Guarantee; the security deposit in the form of Bank Guarantee will form an
essential condition of the Tender conditions and no negotiation/deviation in this
regard is permissible;

c. Shall sign an Agreement Bond with the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad on non-
judicial stamp worth Rs.100/- (the amount shall be borne by the Service Provider).

d. Shall submit the list of Persons to be deployed at the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad with all documents supporting their qualifications and submit police
verification of those personnel and also submit the original certificates for
verification as per clause 9 A and D as per Bid Documents Part 1. The original
certificates shall be returned after verification.

17. The Service Provider shall be responsible for obtaining necessary licenses from time
to time to meet the requirements under relevant Acts & Rules of State / Central
Governments for carrying out Services efficiently. The Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad shall not be liable in any manner, in case of failure on the part of the
Service Provider in this regard.

18. The Service Provider shall be responsible for forthwith recording and informing,
without any delay, the Competent Officer/Designated Authorities about any
incident, accident or other unusual matter regarding security or illegal/unauthorized
entry at the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and be in contact with the authorized
officer of the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad on day-to-day basis regarding
security arrangements.

19. The contract shall be for a period of Two (2) years with a review of the performance
of the Service Provider at the end of each year by Tender committee, based on
satisfactory performance by the Service Provider, the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad on its own and sole-discretion may extend the contract period for a
further period of one (1) year for providing Security Services with similar or a price
escalation based on mutual negotiations between the parties. The discretion of the

Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall be final and binding on the Service Provider
in this regard and the Service Provider waives his right to challenge the same. The
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad reserves the right for asking more or less
personnel's than the present requirement as mentioned in the Bid document under
various categories with the same rates. In such cases, the payment shall be made
in proportion to the actual number of personnel deployed and paid at the same rate.

20. The Service Provider shall arrange to stop vehicles at the entrance, note down the
Vehicle number, purpose of visit, date & time of entry and exit, take photographs
of vehicle along with materials entering premises or leaving premises if needed and
checkup and inspect the vehicles and politely deal with the occupants in the
vehicles. Also, ensure that the entry at service gate is given with proper permission
from the AC-III/Deputy Curator/ Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad,

21. The Service Provider shall indemnify the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad against
any claim by any authority in lieu of dues by the Service Provider. In the event of
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad to pay any individual, Statutory Body or any
agency for reasons directly or indirectly attributable to this contract, the Service
Provider should pay such damages/Claims and even if the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad is called upon to pay such damages, the Service Provider must
reimburse the same immediately.

22. All staff/personnel shall be paid their respective wages by the Service
Provider through respective bank accounts on or before 7th working day
of every month. The Service Provider shall pay the statutory payment such as PF,
ESI etc., in time for the staff/personnel employed to provide the service to the
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall
not be liable for any statutory payments to the staff/personnel employed by the
Service Provider. The Service Provider shall furnish the proof/documents of the
same while claiming subsequent months bills from the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad . The Service Provider shall claim the wages from the Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad as per contract only after paying the wages to his staff on or
before 7th working day of every month while submitting the proof the payment.


Sl. Location No. of the Persons deployed General Shift

No. A-Shift B-Shift C-Shift
06-14 hrs 14-22 hrs 22-06 hrs 9.30 am to
18.00 hrs
1 Nehru Zoological Detailed duty chart will be provided at the time of
Park, Hyderabad Agreement.


Security Supervisor Ex-Servicemen 03

Security Supervisor Highly skilled (Civilian) 02
Security Guards Un – Skilled (Civilian) 90
Total 95

23. Wages Payable:

1. The current wages payable are as per G.O. Ms No. 43 of Labour, Employment &
Factories (Lab.II) Department dated 28.05.2010 published in AP Gazette
Notification No. 251 dated 02.06.2010.

Sl.No Post Category Basic VDA Points Total

Wage upto
(Present VDA
point 1178
1 Security Supervisor Ex- 1216.95 31640.70
Servicemen per day
2 Security Supervisor Highly 7500.00 7952.00 15452.00
3 Un – 5000.00 7952.00 12952.00
Security Guards

Sl. Designation Number Unit price Total Cost for 24

No per month Employees Months (Rs)
per pay per
Individual Month (Rs)
1 Security Supervisor 3 31640.70 94922.10. 2278130.40
2 Security Supervisor 2 15452.00 30904.00 741696.00
(Highly skilled)
3 90 12952.00 1165680.00 27976320.00
Security Guards
(Including 5
( Un – Skilled)
Nos Women’s)

Estimated Contract Value 30996146.40

The Estimated Contract Value is exclusive of EPF, ESI (Employer
contribution) & GST

24. TDS as applicable from time to time shall be deducted by the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad from the bills of the Service Provider. The GST shall directly be paid by
the Service Provider to the statutory authority concerned and submit proof of the
same to the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad .

25. The Service Provider shall obtain required Insurance Policy for all his staff to be
deployed for the work towards meeting the liability of compensation arising out of
death/injury/disablement at work. The Service Provider shall submit the proof of
such insurance policies to the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad .

26. The Service Provider shall provide additional man power as per the needs of the
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and also shall ensure providing substitutes if its
regular staff proceeds on leave or absent.

27. The rate will be revised solely based on the revision of minimum wages as notified
by the Government of Telangana at the next financial Year i.e., from 01.04.2025 till
end of the financial Year.

28. Bill Payment by the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad :

28.1. The Service Provider shall submit bill every month after paying the salary as
per the attendance recorded in Biometric system of the staff including the
statutory contributions applicable and taxes. The Bills shall be submitted to the
Competent Authority, (along with proof of payment of salary to the staff), for
necessary action and release of payment.

28.2. The Payment shall always be made in the name of the Service Provider by RTGS
and under no circumstances cash payment will be made.

28.3. The Service Provider shall pay the statutory payments such as contributions
towards EPF, ESI (Employer contribution paid by Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad towards ESI & EPF and Employee contribution towards ESI & EPF
deducted from their pay) etc., in time to the accounts of the staff deployed at the
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and the proof of such payments shall be
submitted to the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad in advance every month.

28.4. The Service Provider Commission shall be paid on basic wage only and shall remain
constant for whole period of contract.

29. The tender document shall form as constituent of agreement/contract to be signed

by the successful bidder and shall be binding on the successful bidder.

Sd/-Curator Sd/-Director
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Zoo Parks, Hyderabad




For the period from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2026

Part II

(Bidding Process and Evaluation)


500064 TS INDIA

Proprietary & Confidential

For the period from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2026

Prepared by

500064 TS

Bid Management

A.1. Pre-Qualification Criteria:

a. The prospective bidders should have at least 3 years of experience of having

successfully providing manpower for Security Services in State/Central
Government Departments, Autonomous Bodies, PSUs and reputed Private
Companies during 3 years out of (5) F.Y. Le 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-
22 and 2022-23.

b. Should have executed at least (3) similar work orders during 3 years out of (5)
F.Y. i.e. 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.

c. The bidders should have a minimum Annual Turnover of Rs 1.25 Crore during
the 3 years represented out of (5) F.Y. i.e. 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-
22 and 2022-23. Audited Balance Sheets of 3 years out of (5) F.Y. i.c. 2018-19,
2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.

d. The Bidder Organization must have a positive net worth or in profit during 3
years out of (5) F.Y. i.e. 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.

e. The Bidders should be registered with Statutory Authorities as detailed below

 Commissioner of Customs & GST (Service Tax Category Security Services).
 Commissioner, Regional Provident Fund.
 Employees State Insurance.
 Income Tax Department (PAN card of the bidder must be attached).
 Registration Certificate from Labour Department, Government of Telangana
as Security Services Provider with validity during the tenure of the Contract.
Proof of registration from Labour Department shall be enclosed.
 Any other registration necessary with other Statutory Bodies.
 License to engage in the business of private security agency from
Government of Telangana (Home Department).

f. Bidders shall submit a DD/PO/BC for Rs.10,000/-(Rupees Five Thousand only)

+ 18% GST drawn on any nationalized bank/Scheduled commercial banks
payable at Hyderabad in favor of " Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad
of Telangana, Hyderabad towards Bid Cost ( Non Refundable) Bids without Bid
Cost amount shall be rejected and are not considered.

g. Bidders shall EMD (i.e., Rs. 10,00,000/-) should be paid from their registered
bank accounts through Net banking / RTGS/ NEFT/ Credit Card / Debit Card
in f a v o u r o f Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad (As per G.O. Ms.
No. 15, dt: 29.09.2017, Govt of Telangana). Bids without EMDs shall
summarily be rejected and will not be considered. EMDs of unsuccessful
Bidders shall be returned after three months from the closing date of Bidder
after three months of award of the contract whichever is earlier. No interest
will be paid on EMD while returning to unsuccessful bidders. In case of
successful bidder, the EMD shall be returned on fulfilling other conditions such
as payment of Security Deposit/signing of Agreement.

h. Bidders shall furnish a Self-Declaration stating that bidder has not been
debarred/blacklisted especially during last 5 years by any State/Central/Quasi
Companies for Government Departments/PSUs/Private non-satisfactory past
performance or corrupt/fraudulent/ or any other unethical business practices
or not having any legal tangle with Government Organizations pending in any
of the courts in India.

i. Bidders shall produce Good Performance Certificate on letterhead of the clients

and signed by the Competent Authority/Authorized signatory.

j. The Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad reserves the right in not considering the
bid of a bidder, if such bidder was blacklisted or had a past dubious record of
service delivery or their earlier performance with the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad was unsatisfactory on any count of service delivery or if the bidder
did not perform well or caused difficulty. The bids from such bidder who has
complaint against their services will not be considered for the contract.

k. Sub-Contracting is not permitted for any reason.

l. Consortium is not permitted for any reason.

m. The Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad reserves the right in cancelling this Bid
without assigning any reason whatsoever.

n. It is mandatory to submit the hard copy of all documents (except financial bid)
along with Bid fee in the form of DD/PO/BC in favor of Curator, Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad before Bid closing date.

o. The bidder should be registered as Private limited company or A Corporate

body legally constituted.

p. Bidder should comply with Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad bid document,
General Conditions of Proposed Contract (GCC) and Terms and Conditions.

q. Bidder registered/Corporate office should be at the consignee location along

with relevant proofs.

r. Having proper training infrastructure to impact training on regular basis along

with relevant proofs.

Note: Documents in support of above should be furnished in bidders

own format so showing proof of eligibility criteria as mandated in
Section A Clause A.1. The same should be self- attested by the bidder.


Statement of Key Parameters related to BID

1 Bid No. 448/2024/A5

2 EMD Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakhs only)
3 Bid validity period 90 days from the date of opening of bids
4 EMD Validity period 90 days from the date of opening of bids
5 Time and date for 20.03.2024 at 11.00 AM Technical bid
the opening of 20.03.2024 at 04.00 PM Financial bid
Technical bids and
Financial bids
6 Address for Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad - 500064
7 Procedure for Offer The Bidders shall submit their response through Bid
Submission submission to the tender on e-Procurement platform at by following the
procedure given below. The Bidders would be required to
register on the e-procurement market place https:// or https://tender. and submit their bid online. Offline bids
shall not be entertained by the Tender Inviting Authority
for the tenders published in e-procurement platform. The
Bidders shall submit their eligibility and qualification
details in Pre- qualification bid, Technical bid, Financial
bid etc., in the online standard formats displayed in e-
procurement web site. The Bidders shall upload the
scanned copies of all the relevant certificates, documents
etc, in support of their eligibility criteria/technical bids
and other certificates/documents in the e-Procurements
web site. The Bidders shall sign on the statements,
documents, certificates, uploaded by them; owing
responsibility for their correctness/authenticity. The
Bidders shall attach all the required documents for the
specific tender after uploading the same during the bid
submission as per the Tender Notice and Bid Document.

1. Registration with e-procurement platform

For registration and online bid submission, Bidders may


2. Digital Certification Authentication:

The Bidders shall authenticate the bid with their Digital

Certificates for submitting the bid electronically on e-
procurement platform and the bids not authenticated by

digital certificate of the Bidders will not be accepted on
the e-procurement platform

3. Submission of Hard Copies:-

After submission of bid online, the Bidders are requested

to submit the originals of DD/PO/BC towards Processing
Fee drawn in favour of "Curator, Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad , Hyderabad" along with Bid document hard
co copies which was submitted in Online, These are to be
submitted to the Tender Inviting Authority before the due
date prescribed. The department shall not take any
responsibility for any delay for non-receipt of tender
within the time limit. If any of the documents furnished
by the Bidders are found to be false/fabricated/bogus,
such Bidders are liable for blacklisting and forfeiture of
the EMD besides cancellation of work.

4. (i)Payment of Transaction Fee:-

It is mandatory for all the participant Bidders from 1st

January 2006 to electronically pay a Non Refundable
Transaction fee to M / s TSTS, the service provider
through "Payment Gateway Service on e- Procurement
Platform The Electronic Payment Gateway accept all
Master and Visa Credit Cards issued by any Bank and
Direct Debit Facility/Net Banking of ICICI Bank, HDFC,
Axis Bank to facilitate the transaction. This is
incompliance of G.O.Ms.13 dated. 07-05-2006. The GST
of 18% +Bank Charges on the transaction amount
payable to TSTS shall be applicable.
(ii). Corpus Fund: As per GO MS No.7, IF&C
Department (E-procurement), dated: 17.11.2016 User
departments shall collect 0.04% of ECV (estimated
contract value) with a cap of Rs.10,000 (Rupees ten
thousand only) for all works with ECV up to Rs.50 crores,
and Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand
only) for works with ECV above Rs.50 crores, from
successful bidders on e-procurement platform
before entering into agreement / issue of purchase
orders, towards e-procurement fund in favour of
Managing Director, T.S. T.S.L, HYDERABAD.

5. Bid Document:

The Bidders are requested to download the Tender

Document and read all the terms and conditions
mentioned in the Tender Documents and seek
clarification, if any, from the Tender Inviting Authority.
The Bidders have to keep track of any changes by

viewing the Addenda/corrigenda issued by the Tender
Inviting Authority from time-to-time, in the e-
procurement platform. The Department calling for
Tenders shall not be responsible for any claims /problems
arising out of this.

6. Bid Submission Acknowledgement:

The Bidders shall complete all the processes and steps

required for the Bids submission. The System will
generate the acknowledgement with a unique bid
submission number after completing all the prescribed
steps and processes by the Bidders. Users may also note
that the bids for which an acknowledgment is not
generated by the e- procurement System are treated as
invalid or not saved in the System. Such invalid bids are
not made available to the Tender inviting Authority for
processing the bids. The Government of Telangana and
M/s TSTS are not responsible for incomplete bid
submission by users.

8 General Terms & As Per Tender Document




Offers should be made in Three parts namely "Pre-Qualification bid", " Technical
bid" and "Financial bid" and in the format given in the bid document. Bid document
can also be downloaded from website of the bidder
must pay bid document fee to the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad in the
form of DD/PO/BC along with Technical Bid. Failure to pay document fee will make
bid as non-responsive and it shall stand rejected.

C.2. Pre-Qualification Bid:

It shall include the following information about the Firm and/or its proposal:

1. General Information on the Bidder's organization in Form P-1

2. Turnover Details in relevant field in Form T-1
3. Experience in providing Security services (a minimum of 3 F.Y's out of 5 F.Y's
starting from 2018-19 to 2022-23) in Form P-2
4. Profit/Net worth details of Minimum 3 F. Y's out of 5 FY's in Form P-3

C.3. Technical Bid:

It shall include the information on the following

1. Turnover Details of minimum 3 FY's out of 5 FY's (2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-

21, 2021-22 and 2022-23) in Form T-1
2. Staff details in Form T-2
3. Good Performance Certificate/Satisfactory Certificate from clients of similar
project in Form T-3
4. Other information as specified in the Eligibility Criteria mention in Section
A, Clause A.1, if any required in the bid document (Bidders own format)

C.4. Financial Bid:

It should provide monthly percentage Commission on the contract value excluding

statutory payments viz. ESI, EPF, GST and any other duties & liabilities of any shall
be quoted both in Figures & Words. Form F-1

C.5. Submission of Bids:

All those bidders who had obtained bid document, by paying bid document fee from
the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad or who have downloaded document from


General instructions to Bidders

D.1. Definitions:
1. Bidder means any company/firm/firms offering services and or materials
required in the Bid document. The word bidder when used in pre award period
shall be synonymous with bidder and when used after award of the contract
shall mean the successful bidder with whom the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad signs the agreement for rendering of services.
2. NZP, means Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Bahadurpura, Hyderabad - 500064,
Telangana State.
3. Service Provider/Agency/Contractor means successful bidder with whom the
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad enters into agreement for supply of man
power for Security Services.
4. Financial Bid means that part of the offer, that provides price schedule and total
costs including taxes.
5. Firm/Company means a company, authority, cooperative or any other
organization incorporated under appropriate statute as is applicable in the
country of incorporation.
6. Pre-qualification and Technical bid means that part of the offer that provides
information to facilitate assessment by the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad,
professional, technical and financial standing of the bidder and conformity to
7. Bid call/notification means the detailed Bid notification seeking a set of services
and or materials or any combination of them.
8. Contact Person means Curator/Deputy Curator/Superintendent, Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad -500 064.

D.2. General Eligibility:

1. Bidders marked/considered by the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad to be
ineligible to participate for non-satisfactory past performance, corrupt,
fraudulent or any other unethical business practices shall be not be eligible
2. Breach of general or specific instructions for bidding, general and special
conditions of contract with the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad or any of its
organizations may make a firm ineligible to participate in bidding.

D.3. Bid Document and Forms

1. This bid document comprises of Two Parts - Part I and Part II (Functional and
Technical Specifications & Bidding Process and Evaluation).
2. Whenever and whatever a specific form is prescribed in the bid document, the
bidder shall use the form to provide relevant information. If the form does not
provide sufficient space for any required information, space at the end of the
form or additional sheets shall be used to convey the said information.
3. For all other cases, the bidder shall design a form on their own to hold the
required information.

D.4. Cost of Bidding:

1. A complete set of bidding document may be obtained by the interested bidders
by paying a nonrefundable amount of Rs. 10,000 +GST18% / Rupees Ten
Thousand only). The payment shall be made in the form of DD / P * O / B * C
drawn in favor of "Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad , Hyderabad". Even
if the bid document is downloaded by the bidder from the website where bid
document was placed, the bidder(s) shall necessarily pay non-refundable
amount of Rs. 10,000 +GST18% / Rupees Ten Thousand only). towards bid
document cost, failure to pay bid cost shall be liable for rejection of the tender
2. The bidder shall bear all costs associated with preparation and submission of its
bid, and the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad will no case be responsible for
those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of bidding process.
3. Bidders are expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and conditions
of the bid document. Failure to furnish all information required by the bidding
documents or to submit bid not substantially responsive to the bidding
documents in every respect will be the bidder's risk and may result in the
rejection of its bid.

D.5.Clarification of bidding documents:

1. A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents may
notify the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad or Contact person within the period
indicated in the bid. Written copies of the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad
response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the
source of inquiry) will be on website where the Bid document was hosted and it
will be binding on the bidders.
2. The contact person of the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad will respond to any
request for clarification of bidding documents, which is received no later than
bid clarification date mentioned in the notice prior to deadline for submission of
bids prescribed in the Bid notice. No clarification from any bidder shall be
entertained after the close of date and time for seeking clarification mentioned
in the Bid call notice. It is further clarified that the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad shall not entertain any correspondence regarding delay or non-
receipt of clarification from the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad .

D.6. Amendment of bidding documents:

1. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad , for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response
to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, may modify the bidding
documents by amendment. The decision of the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad in this regard will be final and binding and the bidders waive their
right to challenge such amendment, if any.

2. In order to allow prospective bidders reasonable time to consider the
amendments in preparing their bids, the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad ,
at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of bids. The
decision of the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad in this regard will be final
and binding and the bidders waive their right to challenge such extension, if

D.7.Period of validity of bids:

1. Bids shall remain valid for the duration specified in the bid document. In
exceptional circumstances, the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad may solicit
the bidder's consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and
responses thereto shall be made in writing. The bid security shall also be
suitably extended. However, the bidders request to modify the Bid will not be

D.8. Submission of Bids:

1. The Bid should be submitted online on only.
2. The physical copy of technical bid will be duly sealed and addressed to Curator,
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad while stating project name as
"Manpower Security Services" on the envelop.
3. Financial Bid should only be submitted on e-procurement platform.
4. The outer envelopes shall clearly indicate the name and address of the bidder
to enable the bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared "late".
5. If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required above, the Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad will assume no responsibility for the bid's
misplacement or premature opening or any other mishandling.

D.9. Deadline for submission of bids:

1. The Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad must receive bids no later than the bid
submission date and time specified in the Bid document. Bids received after
the bid submission date shall not be considered under any circumstances and
shall be considered as invalid/rejected.
2. The Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad may, at its discretion, extend this
deadline for the submission of bids by amending the Bid call, in which case all
rights and obligations of the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and bidders
previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as

D.10. Late Bids:

Any bid not received by the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad by the deadline
for submission of bids will be rejected and returned unopened to the bidder.

D.11. Modification and withdrawal of bids:

1. The bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after bid's submission, if written
notice of modification including substitution or withdrawal of the bids, is
received by the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad prior to the deadline
prescribed for submission of bids.
2. The bidder's modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed,
marked and dispatched in a manner similar to the original bid.
3. No bid can be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of bids.
4. No bid can be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission
of bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity. Withdrawal of a bid
during this interval may result in the forfeiture of bid security (EMD).

D.12.General Business Information:

The bidder shall furnish general business information to facilitate Assessment
of its professional, technical and commercial capacity and Reputation.

D.13. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):

1. The bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, an amount of Rs.10,00,000.00
(Rupees Ten Lakhs only). Failure to submit EMD will result in rejection of bid.
2. EMD is required by the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad to:
a. Assure bidder's continued interest till award of contract and.
b. Conduct in accordance with bid conditions during the bid Evaluation process.
3. The bid EMD should be paid from their registered bank accounts through Net
banking / RTGS/ NEFT/ Credit Card / Debit Card in f a v o u r o f Curator, Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad (As per G.O. Ms. No. 15, dt: 29.09.2017, Govt of

4. Unsuccessful bidder's bid EMD will be returned after the expiry of the period
of bid validity prescribed in the bid document. No interest will be paid on EMD
while returning to unsuccessful bidders.
5. The successful bidder's bid EMD will be discharged upon the bidder signing the
contract, and furnishing Security deposit in form of Bank Guarantee.
6. EMD may be forfeited:
a. if a bidder withdraws its bid during the period of validity or
b. in the case of a successful bidder, if bidder fails
1. to sign the contract in time; or
2. to furnish performance security in time.

D.14. Bid Prices:

a. The Commercial bid shall provide uniform percentage (%) of Agency
Commission on all categories.
b. The agency commission percentage should be exclusive of all taxes, duties
c. Prices quoted by the bidder shall be fixed during the period of the contract and
not subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable
price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and will be rejected.


Standard Procedure for opening and evaluation of bids

E.1. Outline for bid Opening Procedure:

1. Bidders should offer prices for all the items/services failing which such bid will
not be considered for evaluation. The bidder may seek clarification during the
pre-bid meeting about the procedural aspects of this Bid.

E.2. General Guidelines for bid opening and evaluation:

Bids will be in Three components (Pre-Qualification, Technical and Financial).

For the Three component bids there will be two bid- opening events. The Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad officers at each such event will generally follow
following guidelines. However, the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad may
deviate from these in specific circumstances if it feels that such deviation is
unavoidable, benefit the bid of processing.

1. Opening of bids

a. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidder's representative, who chooses

to attend. The bidder representatives who are present shall sign in a register
evidencing their attendance.

b. The bidders name, bid modifications or withdrawals, discounts, and the

presence or absence of requisite bid security and such other details as the
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad officer at his/her discretion, may
consider appropriate, will be announced at the opening. No bid shall be
rejected at bid opening, except for late bids, which shall be returned

c. Bids that are not opened and readout at bid opening shall not be considered
further for evaluation, irrespective of the circumstances. Withdrawn bids
will be returned unopened to the bidders.

2. Preliminary examination of bids

a. The preliminary examinations of bids will be done to ensure compliance to

the requirement/criteria mentioned in the bid documents.

b. The Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad may, at its discretions may seek the
bidders for clarifications of its bid.

3. Evaluation of Technical bids

Technical bid evaluation will have maximum 100 marks and it will be
evaluated as follows

a. Firstly, the documentation furnished by the bidder will be examined prima
facie to see if the offer made, technical skill base, financial capacity and
other bidder attributes claimed therein are consistent with the requirements
of this project
b. In the second step, the Chairman of Tender Committee of Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad may ask bidder (s) for additional information, visit to
bidders site and/or arrange discussions with their professional, technical
faculties to verify claims made in technical bid documentation
c. A bidder must obtain a minimum of 60 marks out of 100 marks to
qualify in technical evaluation. Distribution of 100 marks is as follows.
d. Only upon qualifying the technical evaluation as specified in Clause (C) the
financial bid of the bidder shall be opened.

Sl.No. Attribute Max

1 Annual Turnover in minimum 3 FY's out of 5
FY's (2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22
and 2022-23)
Rs 1.25 Cr to 1.50 Cr 10
Rs.1.50 Cr to Rs.2.00 Cr 15
>Rs.2.00 Cr 20
2 Good Performance /Satisfactory Certificate
from clients of similar project (Latest Three
years 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23)
One Project 5
Two Projects 10
Above Two Projects 15
3 Manpower Strength of the Firm
Security Supervisor (Ex-Servicemen) 5
More than 5 (no marks if number is less than 5)
Security Supervisor (Highly Skilled) 10
More than 20 (no marks if number is less than 20)
Security Guards (Unskilled) 20
More than 60 (no marks if number is less than 60)
4 Experience
1 to 2 years 5
3 Years 15
Above 3 years 20
5 Overall Capability of the bidder to execute the 10

4. Evaluation of Financial Bids

Financial bids of only those bidders will be opened who have secured at least a
minimum of 60 marks or more in technical evaluation. All other financial bids
will not be opened and considered rejected/not- qualified.

Bidder selection will be based on low cost offer (L1)

The Security Services minimum basic percentage commission of Nehru

Zoological Park, Hyderabad is kept at 2 % depends on the Agency reputation
and services. Any offer lower than the Floor price shall not be accepted and will
be rejected.
In the circumstances where bids are quoted with same service charges/agency
commission percentage, the bidder who scored more marks in Technical
evaluation shall be awarded the bid and it shall be binding on the bidders.

The Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad may at its discretion discuss with
bidder(s) available at this stage to clarify contents of financial offer. The
discretion of the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad in this regard shall be final
and bidders waive their right to challenge the same.

E.3.Contacting Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad

1. Bidder shall not approach the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Officer (s)
outside of office hours and for outside Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad office
premises, from the date of the Bid call notice to the time the contract is

2. Any effort by a bidder to influence Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad officer (s)
in the decisions on bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award may result
in rejection of the bidder's offer and bidder may also be marked as ineligible for
future bids. If the bidder wishes to bring additional information to the notice of
the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad , it should be done in writing only.

E.4. Chairman of Tender Committee of Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad 's

right to accept any bid and to reject any one or all bids

The Chairman of Tender Committee of Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad

reserves the right to annul the entire bidding process and reject all bids at any
time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the
affected bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected bidder (s), the
grounds for such decision.

E.5.Notification of Award

Prior to expiration of the period of bid validity, the Chairman of Tender Committee
of Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad will notify the successful bidder in writing,
that the bid has been accepted. Upon which the successful bidder's should furnish
of performance Security Deposit in form of Bank Guarantee.

E.6.Signing of Contract

Chairman of Tender Committee of Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad notify the

successful bidder that the bid has been accepted, and shall send the Contract
form provided in the documents, incorporating all agreements between the
parties, to the bidder. On receipt of the contract form, the successful bidders shall
sign and date the contract and return it to the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad.
The contract should be signed within 30 days of letter of award/Notification of

E.7.Implementation and Performance Security

On receipt of letter of award from the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad , the
successful bidder shall furnish the Bank Guarantee accordance with the
conditions of contract, in the form acceptable to the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad within 15 days of Letter of Award/Notification of Award. Failure of
which the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad may make the award to another
bidder or call for new bids.

E.8. Corrupt, Fraudulent and unethical practices

The Chairman of Tender Committee of Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad will

reject a proposal for award and also may debar the bidder for further Bids in the
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad . If it determines that the bidder has engaged
in corrupt, fraudulent or unethical practices in competing for, or in executing
contract. Herein above

a. "Corrupt Practice" means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of

anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the process of
contract evaluation, finalization and or execution and.
b. Fraudulent practice" means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence
a procurement process or the execution of a contract to detriment of the
purchaser and includes collusive practice among bidders (Prior to or after bid
submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial noncompetitive levels
and to deprive the purchaser of the benefits of free and open competition
c. "Unethical practice" means any activity on the part of bidder by which bidder
tries to circumvent Bid process in any manner. Unsolicited offering of discount,
reduction in financial bid amount, upward revision of quality goods etc after
opening of first bid will be treated as unethical practice.

E.9. Blacklisting

If the bidder has committed a transgression through violation of any of the terms
under Clause E.6 above or in any other form such as to put his reliability or
credibility into question, practice fraud, indulge in corrupt practices, the Curator
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad is entitled to blacklist the bidder and exclude
the bidder from future tenders. The imposition and duration of the
exclusion/blacklisting will be determined by the Curator Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad keeping in view the severity of the transgression. The severity will
be determined by the circumstances of the case, in particular the number of
transgressions, the position of the transgressor within the company hierarchy of
the bidder and the amount of damage. The decision of the Director/Curator
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad in this regard shall be final and binding. The
exclusion will be imposed for a minimum period of one (1) year and a maximum
period of seven (7) years.

General Conditions of proposed Contract (GCC)

F.1. Definitions:

In this contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated. Terms

defined in general, instructions to bidders section shall have the same meaning.

a. "NZP, Hyderabad " means Nehru Zoological Park, Bahadurpura, Hyderabad of

Telangana, Hyderabad.
b. "Contract" means the agreement entered into between the Curator Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad and the bidder, as recorded in the contract form
signed by the parties, including all attachments and appendices thereto and all
documents incorporated by reference therein;.
c. "Contract Price" means the price payable to the bidder under the contract for
the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.
d. "GCC" means the general conditions of contract contained in this section.
e. "Bidder" as the case may be means the firm supplying goods and services
under this contract and solely responsible to the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad .

F.2. Application:
These general conditions shall apply to the extent that provisions of other parts
of the contract do not supersede them.

F.3. Use of documents and information

1. The bidder shall not, without prior written consent from the Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad , disclose/share/use the bid document, contract, or any
provision thereof, or any information furnished by or on behalf of the Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad in connection therewith, to any person other than
a person employed by the bidder in performance of the contract. Disclosure to
any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only to
the extent for as may be necessary for purposes of such performance.

2. The bidder shall not, without prior written consent of the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad , make use of or disclose to any third party any document or
information coming to its knowledge or custody during implementation and
execution of the project, except for purposes of performing the Contract.
Violation of this clause shall amount to breach of contract and contract shall be
liable for termination in addition to other remedies available under the contract
and criminal action under the provisions of Indian Laws.

F.4. Bank Guarantee (BG)

1. On receipt of letter of award, the bidder shall furnish Bank Guarantee BG to the
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad in accordance with the bid document

2. The proceeds of the BG shall be payable to the Curator Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad as compensation for the Service Provider's failure to complete its
obligations under the contract.

3. The BG shall be denominated in Indian Rupees (INR) and shall be in one of the
following forms;

a. A Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled bank other than cooperative bank

located in India with at least one branch office in Hyderabad, in the form
provided in the bidding document or another form acceptable to the Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad ; or
b. A Banker's Cheque/Pay Order/Demand Draft drawn in favors of the Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad .

4. The BG deposit will be discharged by the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad

and returned to the bidder not later than 60 days following the date of
completion of all formalities under the contract.

5. In the event of any contract amendment, the bidder shall, within 15 days of
receipt of such amendment, furnish the amendment to the BG, rendering the
same valid for the balance duration of the Contract.

F.5. Payment

1. The bidder's request for payment shall be made to the Curator Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad in writing accompanied by bills /invoices on or before 7 th
working day of every month, describing, as appropriate, the services performed
as discussed in Part I of this Bid document.

2. Payments shall be made promptly by the Curator Nehru Zoological Park,

Hyderabad , within 1-2 Weeks after submission of a valid invoice or claim by
the bidder.

3. The Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad may deduct penalty, if any imposed, at
source, from the amount payable to the bidder as per Clause F.9 of this
Contract/Bid Document.

4. The currency of payment will be Indian Rupees (INR).

5. Payment shall be made as indicated in the bid document.

F.6. Prices

Prices charged by the bidder for service performed under the contract shall not vary
from the prices quoted by the bidder in its bid, with the exception of any price
adjustments authorized in special conditions of contract or where the contract is
extended after the term of 2 years.

F.7. Contract Amendment

No variation in or modification of the terms of the Contract shall be made except by

written amendment signed by both the parties on mutual consent.

F.8. Assignment and Sub Contracting

The bidder shall not assign or sub contract, in whole or in part, to any third parties
its obligations to perform under this contract. No Consortium is allowed.
F.9.Penalties and Termination

(1) The Service Provider shall be responsible for faithful compliance of the terms
and conditions of this agreement. In case of non-compliance of Service
obligations, penalty per default will be imposed and in case of three
Consecutive defaults against same events, the contract will be liable to be
cancelled/ terminated at the discretion of the Curator Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad . In case of termination for consecutive defaults, the Curator Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad reserves the right to invoke the Bank Guarantee
furnished by the bidder as per Clause F.4 of this Bid document and proceed
with engaging services of a third-party as it deems fit. However, non-delivery
of service in time not starting work in time, violation of existing laws and
statutory requirements will be considered as a major default and the contract
will be cancelled immediately without giving any further notice. In case of
termination for a major default, the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad
reserves the right to invoke the Bank Guarantee furnished by the bidder as per
Clause F.4 of this Bid document and also proceed against the bidder for
damages and compensation.

Sl.No Event Baseline Penalties For Breach
1 Instance
2nd Instance 3rd Instance
1 Delay in deployment of security Deployment to In case of In case of In case
personnel by the service provider start as per the deployment is deployment is deployment not
(This will not be applicable for in Time Indicated by made with delay of made with delay of made 4 weeks
case of event based Security the Curator Nehru 2weeks over the 3 weeks over the after placement of
Manpower Hiring for which Zoological Park, indicated time the time indicated by order the contract
deployment is to be done as per Hyderabad . by Curator Nehru the Curator Nehru shall be
the date indicated by the Curator Zoological Park, Zoological Park, terminated
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and Hyderabad and without reference
Hyderabad ) delay is as due to delay is due to any
service provider service provider
1% of the value of 1% of the value of
the contract shall the contract shall
be levied as be levied as
penalty. However penalty. However
buyer shall be at buyer shall be at
liberty to cancel liberty to cancel
the order without the order without
any further any further
reference to reference to
service provider in service provider in
case so desire case so desire
2 If the employee of service No instance Replacement of Replacement of Replacement of
provider is found to have security personnel security personnel security personnel
misconduct or misbehaved in any and Rs. 500 fine on and Rs 1000 fine and Rs. 5000 line
manner or resort to any any the provider on the service on the service
violent behavior etc with public or service provider provider
employees of buyer organization
or other employees
3 Security personnel not found No instance One day Salary One day Salary One day Salary
displaying photo id or not in due to the due to the due to the
proper uniform employee concerned employee
concerned for the concerned and Rs.

Day and Rs. 500 employee and Rs 2500 penalty on
penalty on service 1000 penalty on service provider
provider service provider

4 Security personnel indulging in Zero instance Immediate Immediate Immediate

drinking/sleeping removal of the removal of the removal of the
security personnel security personnel security personnel
apart from apart from Apart from
deduction of salary deduction of salary deduction of salary
for 1 day and for 1 day and for 1 day and
penalty of Rs 1000 penalty of Rs 2500 penalty of Rs 5000
on the service on the service on the service
provider provider provider
5 If the resource is absent or takes No instance Penalty equal to Penalty equal to 2 Penalty equal to 2
leave without informing or taking wage of the person times wage of the times wage of the
prior approval and if service who was to do duty person who was to person who was to
provider fails to provide a shall be levied do duty shall be do duty shall be
substitute along with an levied along with levied along with
amount of Rs 500 Rs 500 Rs 1000
6 In case of expiry of any of the licenses required for Termination of the contractor
performing the services such as PSARA, etc
7 Delay in payments of take home remuneration by the Rs. 1000 for each default and he should bear the
Service Provider to resources employed, Delay In punishment levied by appropriate authority.
deposit of EPF and ESI(both employee and employer
8 In case of violation Minimum wages Act, Contract Penalty of Rs 5000 for default in addition to termination of
Labour Act etc. as applicable from time to time contract and all responsibility on account of violation shall
applicable for the services be responsibility of service provider.
9 Cumulative penalty Cumulative penalty shall not exceed 10% of the total
contract value and in case it exceeds 10% then contract is
liable to be cancelled.

F.10. Penalty for Loss or Damage or Theft
a. In the event of any theft or pilferage or damage to the property of the Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad the value of the property lost or damage shall be
recovered from the security agency. It shall be the responsibility of the Service
Provider to lodge police complaint in case of such loss or damage. In the final
enquiry report if service provider if it were to be concluded about the
involvement or negligence of service provider, the service of the service
provider shall be terminated, the bank guarantee provided under Clause F.4
shall be invoked and suitable legal action taken as per the provisions of the law.
The responsibility will be solely on the Service provider. In such cases, the
agency shall compensate the loss sustained by the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad as assessed by the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad
which will be final decision.

b. In case of any default by the Security agency/Service Provider, causing

additional expenditure, the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad may at
its discretion recover from the service provider/agency an amount equivalent
to the loss sustained to make alternate arrangements. This right of the Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall be without prejudice to its other rights under
the law including the right to cancel the contract, without the required notice
period and forfeit the security deposit/recover damages for breach of contract.
Decision of the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall be final.

F.11. Commencement of work

The Service Provider undertakes to commence the work/ services within ten (10)
days from the acceptance of the Tender by the Curator Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad or upon a written communication issued by the Curator Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad for commencement of work, failing which, the Curator Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad has the right to cancel the Contract without further notice
and forfeit the EMD of the Service Provider.

F.12. General Obligations of the Service Provider

1. The Service Provider shall be responsible for forthwith recording and informing,
without any delay, the Competent Officer/Designated Authorities about any
incident, accident or other unusual matter regarding security at the Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad and be in contact with the authorized officer of
the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad on day to day basis regarding
security arrangements.

2. All staff/personnel shall be paid their respective wages by the Service Provider
through respective bank accounts on or before 7th working day of every
month. The Service Provider shall pay the statutory payment such as PF, ESI
etc., in time for the staff/personnel employed to provide the service to the
Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad . The Service Provider shall furnish
the proof/documents of the same while claiming subsequent months bills from
the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad . The Service Provider shall

claim the wages from the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad as per
contract only after paying the wages to his staff on or before 7th working day
of every month while submitting the proof the payment.

3. The Service Provider shall provide additional man power as per the needs of
the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and also shall ensure providing
substitutes if its regular staff proceeds on leave or absent.

4. Service Provider shall maintain a register containing name and addresses of

the persons managing the private security agency, names, addresses,
photographs and salaries of the security manpower and supervisors under its
control and such other particulars as may be prescribed under law.

5. Service provider will maintain a register on particulars of the personnel engaged

during the month, shift wise on a daily basis and the same will be
countersigned by the authorized official of the Curator Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad . While raising bill the deployment particulars of the personnel
engaged during the month, shift wise should be shown to Curator Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad . Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad may
call for such information as it considers necessary from service provider.

6. The Service Provider shall maintain all statutory registers under the Law and
shall produce the same, on demand, to the Curator Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad or any other authority under Law.

7. The Service Provider or his employees shall not use the premises allotted to
him/her for any purpose other than the purposes defined and shall not act in
any manner as to cause any nuisance or annoyance to the Curator Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad or the participants of the Curator Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad .

8. Service provider shall ensure that adequate supervision will be provided to

ensure correct performance of the man power deployed in accordance with the
prevailing assignment instructions agreed upon between the service provider
and Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad . Even if security supervisor is
not availed by Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad , service provider
should keep track of performance of the staff deployed and give necessary
support to ensure good performance.

9. The Service Provider shall do and perform all such Security services, acts,
matters and things connected with the administration, superintendence and
conduct of the arrangements as per the direction enumerated herein and in
accordance with such directions, which the Curator Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad may issue from time to time and which have been mutually agreed
upon between the two parties.

10. The Service Provider shall be responsible to maintain all property and
equipment of the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad entrusted to it.

11. The Service Provider shall nominate a coordinator who shall be responsible
for regular interaction with the Assistant Curator-III/Deputy Curator/Curator
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad so that optimal services of the persons
deployed could be availed without any disruption.

12. The persons deployed should be polite, cordial and efficient while handling the
assigned work and their actions should promote good will and enhance the
image of the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad. The Service Provider shall be
responsible for any act of indiscipline on the part of the persons deployed.

13. Physical guarding of entry/exit points, Responsible for frisking/checking of the

visitors during office hours and after, Screening/Directing of visitors. Visitor
management in common and during special occasions. Guiding visitors to the
concerned officials/occupants, regulating entry. Control the access of
persons/vehicles in to and out of the complex and regulating entry of unwanted
visitors/sales man and maintenance of visitor register.

14. Checking of gate passes, allowing the entry and exit of material and regulating
the entry and exit of vehicles accordingly. Records of the inwards and outwards
movement of men and material's, vehicles etc., to be maintained with proper
checking as per instructions given from time to time by the Curator Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad .

15. Patrolling and guarding various common areas and surroundings to ensure
adequate safety and security. Preventing entry of stray animals like cow, dogs
etc. Round the clock patrolling of sites. Ensuring that boom barriers/ gates and
access control systems are monitored and are in operational condition.

16. Assisting the occupants during emergency evacuation of building. Effective

involvement during the crisis management like accidents, animal attack and
bomb threats. Involve in frequent drills for preparation for emergencies.
Handling of disaster management in case of emergencies and disasters.

17. Rescue operation of passengers if stranded in lifts, Help occupants in any

accidents or medical emergencies. Handling situation in case of fire.

18. Liaison with appropriate agencies in case of disaster and emergencies and
keep excellent liaison and contact with all such agencies.

19. Lodging of Complaints/FIR in case of any crime or violence and assist the
police and other security agencies in their investigation in any related matter.

20. Any other responsibility in connection with performance of the roles specified
though not specifically covered above shall also be considered as part of the
responsibilities of the security man power.

21.The CURATOR, NZP, HYDERABAD reserves the right to

add/delete/change/modify any or all the conditions mentioned in the tender
schedule and the said addition/deletion/changes/ modifications can be
incorporated in the agreement to be entered into with the supplier
irrespective of tender conditions mentioned in the notice inviting tender
or in the tender schedule or the same can be incorporated in a form of
codicil as the case may be and the same will be binding on the supplier
without any recourse.

22. The security personnel should be employed immediately on the date that will
be informed after awarding the tender. The security personnel shall be
frequently rotated from one shift to another and it will be the responsibility
of the agency to provide replacements and ensure uninterrupted security
services on all days on 24 x 7 basis. The agency shall strictly follow all the
statutory laws/labour laws.

23.The service includes protection of all movable and immovable assets,

perimeter protection, prevention of unauthorized intrusion of personnel and
material, regulating entry and exit of persons with respect to the area
surrounding the premises proposed to be secured and under surveillance and

24. The Contractor shall guard all the Zoo property including the Animals, trees
round the clock and he shall be liable to compensate the Government for any
loss, damage or theft of property including any wild animal or loss of tree in
the Zoo premises. If any incident accused which leads to termination of
contract & forfeit of Security Deposit.

25. The Security personnel at Main entrance gate should check thoroughly the
luggage of the Zoo visitors and see that no plastic items and other banned /
prohibited items are brought into the Zoo.

26. Alert the staff on duty in case of fire and assist in firefighting operations if
necessary and should watch out for any unidentified/ unclaimed/ suspicious
objects/ persons in the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad premises.

27. The rates quoted by the firm contract agency at the time of tender is fixed.
Any requests for revision in the rate or rates shall not be entertained during
the contract period.

28. The successful contract agency should provide the security staff outside the
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad premises for transporting wild animals,
cash etc., on receipt of requisition from the Curator, Nehru Zoological Park,

29. The successful contract agency shall be liable to compensate the Government
for any loss, damage or theft of property including wild animal from the Zoo
30. The successful contract agency and his/her staff shall abide by the provision
of Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and Rules made there under and any
instructions, Circulars issued by the Chief Wildlife Warden, Hyderabad or
Curator, NZP, Hyderabad from time to time. They shall cooperate with the
Forest or Police authorities in investigation of any incident, activities relating
to or taken place within Zoo premises.

31. The agencies are advised to visit the work site to understand the nature of
the work / quantum of work in its true perspective.

32. The Covid – 19 protocol as laid down by Government from time to time has
to be complied strictly.

33. As per the requirement, if more conditions are to be included, the

Curator has the right to include such conditions, subsequently during
the agreement period with mutual discussion.

34. Security Minimum Protective Tools: The Service Provider shall provide all
the protective tools and equipment along with minimum support for duty
required for the security personnel listed below:

a. Good Uniform

b. Name badges

c. Photo identity card

d. Belt and Jungle/Security Boots

e. Batons

f. Lathi

g. Walky talky (two-way radio)

h. Duty Mobile with Camera and Sim Card

i. Long range Torch light & Flash Light/ Direction light

j. Umbrella/Rain Coat as per season

k. Vehicle Mirror Check

l. Body Cameras (Especially with patrol supervisor, Main Entrance and Service gate)

m. Hand gloves

n. Two-wheeler (Patrolling Vehicle) for Supervisors

o. First Aid Box/Kit (regularly replenished)

p. Lightweight backpack and water bottles.

q. Seasonal assistance for proper functioning of security personnel.

r. Internal transport (e-cart) of Security personnel for dropping/pick up.

r. and any other tools and equipment as directed by the Curator Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad .

F.13. Working hours and Reporting Time:

1. The personnel will have to report to the Curator Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad's security office at least 30 minutes in advance of the
commencement of the shift for collecting necessary documents/instructions,
and to complete all other required formalities as approved by the Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad .

2. In an event of deployed personnel availing leave, suitable substitute(s) shall

be provided by service provider as per mutual understanding between the

3. Consequent to poor performance of deployed manpower, service provider shall

immediately replace the deployed manpower thereby maintaining service

F.14. Requirements of Licenses by Service Provider

1. Service provider shall be holding a valid license under the provision of Private
Security Regulations Act (PSARA) providing for operation in the State. Service
provider shall ensure that all the relevant licenses/registrations/permissions
which may be required for providing the services are valid during the entire
period of the contract failing so shall attract the appropriate penalties. The
documents relevant in this regard shall be provided by the service provider to
the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad on demand

2. The service provider shall comply with all the legal requirements for obtaining
license under contract labour regulations and abolition act 1970 if any at his
own part and cost. The requirement shall be depending up on the number of
persons engaged for the organization in terms of the provisions of the relevant

3. The service provider shall maintain all statutory registers required to be

maintained as per license provisions under the law and shall produce same on
demand to the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad or any other
authority under the law.

F.15. Training:

1. The Service Provider shall have his own Establishment / set up/ mechanism/
Training institute recognized under PSARA 2005 or have tie up with institutions
recognized in terms of PSARA 2005 to provide training for security man power
with them to ensure correct and satisfactory performance of his/her liabilities
and responsibilities. Only such man power who have undergone training and
holding certificate should be deployed under the contract. The training shall be
for a minimum period as specified in the PSARA Act and in terms of the detailed
training syllabus as prescribed in the Act. The ex- servicemen and former police
personnel shall however be required to attend a condensed course only as per
provisions in the PSARA Act.

2. It is not necessary that training is to be given after order is placed on service

provider and requirement is that the deployed man power should have
undergone training as per the requirements in PSARA Act in the training
institutes fulfilling requirements of the act and hold necessary document for
same and if institute ask for copy of necessary documents regarding having
undergone training same shall be produced by service provider.

F.16. Conduct of the security personnel deployed:

1. The security manpower shall not accept any gratitude or reward in any form.

2. Under the terms of their employment agreement with the Service Provider the
Security staff shall not do any professional or other work for reward or
otherwise either directly or indirectly, except for and on behalf of the Service

3. The personnel engaged by service provider have to be extremely courteous

with very pleasant mannerism in dealing with the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad and visitors Staff and should project an image of utmost discipline.
Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall have right to have any person
removed in case of its staff complaints or as decided by representative of the
Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad if the person is not performing the
job satisfactorily or otherwise. The Service Provider shall have to arrange
suitable replacement in all such cases.

4. Security man power engaged by the Service Provider shall not take part in any
staff union and association.

5. The persons deployed shall, during the course of their work be privy to certain
confidential documents and information which they are not supposed to divulge
to third parties. In view of this, they shall be required to take oath of
confidentiality and breach of this condition shall make Service Provider as well
as the person deployed liable for penal action under the applicable laws
besides, action for breach of contract.

F.17. Uniform and Badges:

1. Service provider shall ensure that all security man power shall put on arms
badge distinguisher the Agency for which they are working, shoulder or chest
badge to indicate his role or function. Man power employed as Security guards
shall, have whistle attached to the whistle cord and to be kept in the left
pocket. Shoes with eyelet and laces, headgear which may also carry the
distinguisher mark of the service provider.

2. The clothes worn by the security man power while on active duty shall be such
that they do not hamper in his efficient performance. In particular they will
neither be too tight nor too loose as to obstruct movement or bending of limbs.

3. Every man power functioning as security guard will carry a notebook and
writing instrument with him.

4. Every man power functioning as security guard while on active security duty
will wear and display photo identity card issued on the outer most garment
above waist level on his person in conspicuous manner.

5. Parameters of the uniform shall conform to provisions of PSARA 2005.

F.18. Physical Standards, Age and Medical checkup:

1. The security man power deployed shall be eligible for being engaged or
employed if he or she fulfils the standards of physical fitness as specified in
the PSARA Act 2005, Service provider is therefore required to ensure that all
deployed man power fulfil the requirements specified in PSARA Act. Service
provider Agency should get medical check-up of its staff at the time of their
induction in the rolls of the agency to ensure their fitness for the job assigned
and annual medical check- ups to be done as prescribed under PSARA. A
record of the same shall be maintained in the personal file of the security
personnel. In case Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad demands for a
copy of medical fitness certificate at time of deployment to their organization
same shall be given.

2. The age of security personnel shall not be less than 25 years and not
more than 50 years with preferably minimum Height 5'4".

3. The security man power deployed should be fit, free from evidence of any
contagious or infectious diseases. He or she should not be suffering from any
disease which is likely to be aggravated by service or is likely to render him
unfit for service or endanger the health of the public.

3. No medical facilities or reimbursement or any sort of medical claims thereof in

respect of employees provided by the Service Provider will be entertained by
the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad .

F.19. Disclosure of information related to services rendered:

1. Man power engaged by the service provider shall not divulge any information
acquired by him or her during such employment with respect to the work which

he or she has been assigned to anyone other than the Curator Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad or to such person as the Curator Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad directs. However such disclosure as may be required under PSARA
Act or in connection with any inquiry or investigation by the police or as may
be required by an authority or process of law shall be exempted from this.

2. All security man power engaged by the service provider shall however render
necessary assistance to the police or to such authority in the process of any
investigation pertaining to the activities of that agency. If violation of any law
is noticed by any security man power during the course of discharge of duties,
he or she shall bring it to the notice of his superior, who in turn shall inform
the police either through Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad or service provider
or on his own.

3. Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall own the material and
documents provided to the Service Provider if any in connection with
performance of this contract. Service Provider shall not, without the prior
written consent of Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad store, copy,
distribute or retain any material or Documents.

4. Service Provider shall, upon termination of this agreement for any reason, or
upon demand by Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad , whichever is
earliest, return any and all material and information provided to Service
Provider by Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad , including any copies
or reproductions, both hardcopy and electronic.

5. The Service Provider or man power provided shall not carry and/or transmit
any material, information, application details, equipment or any other
goods/material in physical or electronic form, which are proprietary to or
owned by Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad , out of Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad premises without prior written permission from Curator Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad .

F.20. Statutory Compliances:

Service provider shall abide by the PASRA Act, Minimum Wages Act, Contract Labour
Act etc. as applicable from time to time for man power employed for undertaking the
services. Similarly, in case of armed security guard service provider shall ensure that
the licenses are kept valid and all legal formalities and compliances for same are
followed. Service provider shall also be required to ensure that the entitled leave as
per labour laws are made available to security man power/security personnel.

F.21. Insurance:

1. The Service Provider shall obtain required Insurance Policy for all his staff to be
deployed for the work towards meeting the liability of compensation arising out
of death/injury/disablement at work. The Service Provider shall furnish details
of the insurance policy to the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad along
with the photo copies of the said insurance policies.

2. In the event of injury, illness or accident to any staff/worker/personnel during
the course of work or otherwise, Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad
shall not be liable, in any manner, to pay any compensation whatsoever.

3. The Service Provider shall ensure the health and safety of its employees. The
Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad may conduct health check-up of
the staff deployed at regular intervals.

F.22. No Relationship between Employees of Service Provider and Nehru

Zoological Park, Hyderabad

1. The Security Personnel employed by the Service Provider shall be sole

employees and Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall not have any
relation whatsoever with the employees of the Service Provider. The Service
Provider shall be fully and solely responsible for their acts, conduct and any
other liability..

2. The Service Provider shall be deemed responsible for all legal and contractual
purposes, as the employer of the staff employed for carrying out the work
under the contract, and such persons will not have any claim for employment
in the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad now or at a future date.

3. The persons deployed by the Service Provider shall not claim nor shall be
entitled to pay, perks and other facilities admissible to regular/ confirmed
employees during the currency or after expiry of the Agreement

4. The Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad will in no way be responsible

for the violation of any rules and/or infringement of any other laws from the
time being in force, either by the employee or by the Service Provider. The
employees as well as the Service Provider shall comply with the relevant rules
and regulations applicable at present and as may be enforced from time to
time, for which the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad would not be
liable or responsible in any manner. The onus of compliance to all the applicable
laws/acts/rules shall only rest with the Service Provider.

F.23. Taxes:

Income-tax and all other applicable taxes shall be deducted by the Curator Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad at source at the rate notified by the Government from
time to time. However, GST or any other mandatory taxes as applicable shall be paid
by the Service Provider directly to the concerned authorities and the Service Provider
shall submit proof of the same to the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad on
a monthly basis along with the claim for the subsequent month.

F.24. Indemnity:

1. The Service Provider shall indemnify the Curator Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad against all and any claim by any authority or third party. In the
event of the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad having to pay any individual,
statutory body or any agency for reasons directly or indirectly attributing this

contract, the Service Provider shall pay such claim/damage to the Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad , even if the Curator Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad is called up on to pay such claim/damages. In case, if any
payment is made by Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad to any
authority or third party, then the Service Provider shall immediately reimburse
the same to the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad , failing which, the Curator
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad reserves the right to deduct the same from
the payments due to the Service Provider under the present Agreement.

2. The Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad will in no way be responsible

for the violation of any rules and/or infringement of any other laws from the
time being in force, either by the employee or by the Service Provider.

3. The employees as well as the Service Provider shall comply with the relevant
rules and regulations applicable at present and as may be enforced from time
to time, for which the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad 's department
would not be liable or responsible in any manner. The onus of compliance to
all the applicable laws/acts/rules shall only rest with the Service Provider.

4. The Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall not be responsible for
any financial loss or any injury to any person deployed by the Service Provider
in the course of their performing the functions/duties, or for payment towards
any compensation.

F.25. Proprietary Rights:

Service Provider acknowledges that Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad 's business
data and other Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad 's proprietary information
or materials, whether developed by Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad or
being used by Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad pursuant to a license
agreement with a third party are confidential and proprietary to Curator Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad ; and Service Provider agrees to use reasonable care to
safeguard the proprietary information and to prevent the unauthorized use or
disclosure thereof, which shall not be less than that used by Service Provider to
protect its own proprietary information. Service Provider recognizes that the goodwill
of Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad depends, among other things, upon
Service Provider keeping such proprietary information confidential and that
unauthorized disclosure of the same by Service Provider could damage Curator Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad and by that reason of Service Provider's duties
hereunder. Service Provider may come into possession of such proprietary
information, even though Service Provider does not take any direct part in or furnish
the services performed for the creation of said proprietary information and shall limit
access thereto to employees with a need to such access to perform the services
required by this agreement. Service Provider shall use such information only for the
purpose of performing the said services.

F.26. No sub-contracting:

The Service Provider either in full or in part shall not sublet or sub-contract the work
under this contract to any other contractor/firm/Organization under any

F.27. Meetings:

The Service Provider or their authorized representative shall attend meetings

organized from time to time, for discussion, evolution or performance of the contract,
and compliance of statutory regulations etc.

F.28. Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad 's obligations:

1. The Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad will give basic familiarization
of the Security services required to be done by the personnel to be deployed
by the Service Provider under the contract for 2 to 3 days in premises and this
period will not be counted as shift manned by Service Provider's personnel for
the purpose of payment under the contract.

2. Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall provide necessary

infrastructure, Equipment’s such as X ray baggage screening if such screening
is involved, furniture etc., for the security personnel to carry out their
functions. However, uniform, torches, lathi Arms, badges, etc earlier indicated
shall be provided by service provider.

3. Deployment of security man power shall be with the concurrence of Deputy

Curator/Assistant Curator-III or nominated official by Curator Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad and nominated official shall be responsible for close
coordination with the service provider and shall monitor the activities
performed by the service provider persons and will be responsible for its
optimum utilization.

F.29. Changes:

Authorized officer the Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad or any other
authorized official shall be competent to ask for any changes in the scope of work.
The Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad is entitled to increase or decrease the
quantum of order regarding number of man power.

F.30. Notices:

All notices to be given under the contract shall be in writing and shall be sent by
personal delivery, registered post, Special Courier, electronic mail. Notices shall be
deemed to include any approvals, consents, instructions, orders, certificates,
information and other communication to be given under the contract.

F.31. Termination of Contract:

1. The contract may be terminated by either of the parties by giving Three (3)
months’ notice, if any of the stipulated conditions are not met or service is
not satisfactory.

2. The Director/Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall have the right to
terminate the contract at any time, without assigning any reason or any notice
in case of gross violation of the stipulated terms and conditions.

3. In case service provider commits defaults in terms of the agreement other

than those specified warranting cancellation without notice, it shall be lawful
for the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad to issue a notice of
termination of the contract by giving 15 days’ time to Service Provider. Service
provider can make a representation during the notice period and takes steps
to remedy the defaults and if Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad is
satisfied with the same, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad can take decision
to withdraw the notice. The agreement shall automatically terminate on expiry
of the notice period if same is not withdrawn by Curator Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad .

4. The termination notice shall be issued by Director/Curator Nehru Zoological

Park, Hyderabad to the address of the service provider as shown in the

5. However in case of instances such as not deploying resources within agreed

time, serious security lapses, irregularities in service provider operations,
expiry of validity of required licenses such as PSARA and in case cumulative
penalty for violations reaches more than 10% contract can be terminated with
immediate effect and no notice is required to be issued.

6. In case of termination of the contract and Curator Nehru Zoological Park,

Hyderabad engage the services of another service provider for the remaining
part of contract the same shall be at risk and cost of the service provider
besides other actions such as encashment of performance security and
administrative actions etc.

F.32. Force Majure:

The Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad shall not be liable in any manner to
the Service Provider to pay any sort of compensation for delay/stoppage of work in
case of cancellation of the Work owing to Force Majure, Government imposed
lockdown, war, Act of God, pandemic, or any unforeseen circumstances beyond the
control of the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad .

F.33. Resolution of Disputes:

1. The Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and Service Provider shall
make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiation any
disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the

2. If after thirty (30) days from the commencement of such informal negotiations
the Curator Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and Service Provider have been
unable to resolve amicably contract dispute, then the decision of Director, Zoo
Parks, Hyderabad of Telangana, who is the appellate authority for all disputes
arising out of non-adherence of any terms stipulated above shall be final.

3. The dispute resolution mechanism to be applied pursuant to the decision of
Director, Zoo Parks, Hyderabad of Telangana, the matter shall be referred to
the arbitration, of a sole arbitrator. The arbitration shall be subject to the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as may be amended from time to time.
The parties on mutual agreement will appoint the Sole Arbitrator and will
conduct the Arbitration in accordance with rules for conduct of Arbitration
proceedings then in force and applicable to the proceeding as agreed by the
parties. In case, if the parties fail to mutually agree on the Sole Arbitrator, then
the same shall be appointed as per the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
as may be amended from time to time. The seat and venue of arbitration shall
be Hyderabad, Telangana, India. The proceedings shall be undertaken in
English. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the parties.

F.34. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:

The contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Union of India
and the legal jurisdiction is Hyderabad, Telangana only. The Hon'ble Courts in
Hyderabad shall have exclusive jurisdiction for all disputes arising incidental and
ancillary to the rights/obligations and terms of the present Contract.

Sd/-Curator Sd/-Director
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Zoo Parks, Hyderabad


(Registered Name and Address of the Bidder)

The Curator, Nehru Zoological Park,
Bahadurpura, Hyderabad – 500064


Having examined the bidding documents and amendments thereon, we the

undersigned, offer to provide the services in conformity with the terms and conditions
of the bidding document and amendments thereon, for the following project in
response to your Bid call dated ……………………………….

Project Title: Manpower Security Services

We undertake to provide services to the above project assigned to us in conformity

with the said bidding documents for an estimated sum of as detailed in Financial Bid

If our bid is accepted, we undertake to

a. Provide services according to the time schedule specified in the bid


b. Obtain the Bank Guarantee in accordance with the bid requirements for the
due performance of the contract, and

c. Agree to abide by the bid conditions, including pre-bid meeting minutes if

any, which remain binding upon us during the entire bid validity period and
bid may be accepted any time before the expiration of that period.

d. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you
may receive, nor to give us any reason for the rejection of any bid and that
you will not defray any expenses incurred by us in bidding.

e. Until the formal final contract is prepared and executed between us, this
bid, together with your written acceptance of the bid and your notification
of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us.

Bidder's Signature and Seal


S.No. Documents attached Remarks

1 Tender processing Fee Rs. 10,000/- + GST 18% Mandatory

(Non-refundable) in shape of D.D. in favour of
Curator, Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad drawn
in any nationalized bank.
2 The EMD for Rs. 10.00 lakh should be paid from Mandatory
their registered bank accounts through Net
banking / RTGS/ NEFT/ Credit Card / Debit Card in
f a v o u r o f Curator, Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad and proof should be provided to this
3 Copy of Certificate of Registration of the company Mandatory
4 (a). Copies of Income Tax returns of minimum Mandatory
three (3) financial years out of (5) F.Y. 2018-19,
2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 (b).
Copy of audited Balance Sheets of minimum three
(3) financial years out of (5) F.Y. 2018-19, 2019-
20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 (Turnover per
year should not be less than Rupees: 1,25 Crore
during the last three financial years) Form P-2
5 Copies of Authorized Current Documents in Mandatory
connection with registration of the firm under GST.
6 a) Copy of registration certificate for GST or Mandatory
similar registration with Govt. Authorities.
b) Copy of certificate of registration of ESI
c)Copy of registration of EPF
7 Copy of the PAN Card showing the PAN number of Mandatory
the firm allotted by the income Tax authorities
8 Copy of Contact Labour license for supply of Mandatory
manpower as Contact Labour(R&A Act, 1970) and
Rules, 1971
9 An undertaking on letter of Agency that the bidder Mandatory
is following all directives of the Government,
applicable to itself (bidding firm) and its employees
10 Letter of undertaking on Letter head of Agency/ Mandatory
Company/ Firm stating that they have not been
blacklisted by any State Government Central
Government /PSU for any reason in the last five
financial years.
11 Experience: Experience in Supply of Security Mandatory
manpower of at least Three (3) years out of (5)
years i.e. 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22
and 2022-23.
12 Copy of terms & conditions duly signed by the Mandatory
bidder with seal of the firm, in token of acceptance
of terms & conditions.

13 Having Proper training infrastructure belonging to Mandatory
the Service Provider to impart training on regular
basis along with relevant proofs. Service Provider
shall not use other 3rd party institute /organization
for training and should have infrastructure to train
personnel in house by service provider.
14 Bidder registered/Corporate office should be at the Mandatory
consignee location along with relevant proofs.
15 Self-certification of payment of wages to the staff Mandatory
as per minimum wages Act of Govt. of Telangana.
16 License to engage in the business of private Mandatory
security agency from Government of Telangana
(Home Department).

Signature of the Bidder with seal

Sd/-Curator Sd/-Director
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Zoo Parks, Hyderabad

Declaration Regarding Clean Track Record


The Curator,
Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad-500 064


We / I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the Bid
Document (Ref No.--------------------- ).We/I hereby declare that our/my company
has not been debarred/blacklisted as on, bid calling date by any Central or State
Government/Quasi Government Departments or Organizations in India for non-
satisfactory past performance, corrupt, fraudulent or any other unethical business
practices. We/I further certify that We / l / a * re the competent officer in our / m *
y company to make this declaration

Yours faithfully

(Signature of the Bidder)

Printed Name Designation



Business Address

Sd/-Curator Sd/-Director
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Zoo Parks, Hyderabad

Form P-1 (Mandatory)
Bidder Information

1 Name of Institute /Agency/Firm the

2 Postal Address of the Registered Office with

email/phone/fax numbers and website

3 Date of (Registration Incorporation Number

Registering Authority) and

4 Date of Commencement of Security Services

5 Legal Status of the Company in India & Nature

of Business


7 TSGST no.

8 Name of the Responsible Person, Contact

number, email/fax

9 Details of Processing Fee

10 Details of EMD

11 Details of certificates enclosed


Signature of the Bidder with Seal

Sd/-Curator Sd/-Director
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Zoo Parks, Hyderabad

Form P-2 (Mandatory)
Experience of the Firm/Agency/Bidder
(minimum of 3 years that is from 2018-19 to 2022-2023)

S.No Client Contact Period Duration Value of

person & From to Contract
Mobile No.

If necessary, a separate detailed chart may be enclosed.



Signature of the Bidder with Seal.

Sd/-Curator Sd/-Director
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Zoo Parks, Hyderabad

Form P-3 (Mandatory)
Profit before Tax and Profit after Tax of minimum
3 Financial Years of out of 5 Financial Years

(Rs. In Lakhs.)

Financial Profit before Tax Profit after Tax Net worth





Signature of the Bidder with Seal.

Sd/-Curator Sd/-Director
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Zoo Parks, Hyderabad

Form T-1 (Mandatory)
Annual Turnover Details (Rs in Lakhs) on providing outsourcing services

(Rs. In Lakhs.)

S.No Financial Year Annual Turnover

1 2018-2019
2 2019-20
3 2020-21
4 2021-22
5 2022-23
(The Audited balance Sheet for 3 FYs out of 5 FYs as above are to be
enclosed and to be got certified by Chartered Accountant)



Signature of the Bidder with Seal.

Sd/-Curator Sd/-Director
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Zoo Parks, Hyderabad

Form T-2 (Mandatory)
Staff with Bidder as on Bid calling date

S.No Particulars No. of Persons

1 Security Supervisor with

minimum qualification;
Graduation and Ex- service
men only
2 Security Supervisor: with
minimum qualification:
Intermidiate (10+2)
3 Security Guards: with
minimum qualification:
Intermidiate (10+2)


1. At bid stage, names of employees are not required. However, at the time of signing
of contract, Bidder has to furnish the names of the employees proposed for this
project with other details mentioned in the Bid document part-1, under clause
1.5, Term and Condition point no.9.

2. This information will be used for Technical bid evaluation and assignment of marks.

3. Failure to provide same level of staff at the time of signing of contract or during
the entire period of contract will amount to breach of terms and conditions of
contract and the contract will be liable for termination for default on part of the
Service Provider/Agency.



Signature of the Bidder with Seal.

Sd/-Curator Sd/-Director
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Zoo Parks, Hyderabad

Form T-3 (Mandatory)
Good Performance /Satisfactorily Completed Certificate from Clients
provided with similar Services

Client Period of Value of Details of Whether

Name and Contract Contract Security Satisfactorily
Address manpower Completed

From to

"Certified that the Service provider satisfactorily completed the Contract

with good performance during the period of contract with us as above"

Signature and Seal of the Client



Signature of the Bidder with Seal

Note: Bidders are required to submit separate form for each client (for Technical

 Bidders may also furnish the above information on the letter head of the client
with the same format. However, it has to be signed by the Bidder while
enclosing in the bid.

Sd/-Curator Sd/-Director
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Zoo Parks, Hyderabad

Form F-1
Financial Bid

S.No Item Commission Commission quoted in Words

quoted in % (excluding applicable taxes)
applicable taxes)
1 Quote monthly
Commission on the
Basic Wages only.
2 Total (In Figure)
3 In words
1. In case of discrepancies between words and figures, the bid which is least of
the two shall be taken into consideration for evaluation.



Signature of the Bidder with Seal.

Sd/-Curator Sd/-Director
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Zoo Parks, Hyderabad

EMD Form

Ref. No.

(To be issued by a Scheduled Bank in India and having at least one branch
in Hyderabad)

Whereas----------------------------------------------------- (here in after called

“bidder") has submitted its bid dated---------(Date) for the execution of--------------
------- herein after called " the bid")

Known all men by these presents that we------------------------------------------------

---of------------------ having our registered office at -----------------------------------
-----------------f (herein after called Bank") are bound unto Curator, Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad , Hyderabad (herein after called "the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad ") in the sum of Rs-------------------------------------- for which payment
will and truly to be made to the said Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad itself, its
successors and assignees by these presents.

The conditions of these obligations are:

1. If the bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity or

2. If the bidder, having notified of the acceptance of its bid by the Nehru Zoological
Park, Hyderabad during the period of bid validity

a. Fails or refuses to execute the contract form if required; or

b. Fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the bid

We undertake to pay the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad up to the above amount
upon receipt of its first written demand, without the Nehru Zoological Park,
Hyderabad having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Nehru
Zoological Park, Hyderabad will note that the amount claimed its due to it, owing to
the occurrence of one or all of the conditions, specifying the occurred condition or

This EMD will remain is force up to (Date) and any demand in respect thereof should
reach the Bank not later than the above date



Signature of the Banker and seal

Bank Guarantee Form

Ref: No.

(To be Issued by a scheduled bank in India and having at least one branch
in Hyderabad)

To: ------------------------------------------------------(Address of the Nehru Zoological

Park, Hyderabad )

Whereas----------------------------------------------------------- (Name of the Bidder)

herein after called the bidder" has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No.---------
----------- (Date) -------------to supply---------------- called " the Contract.

And whereas it has been stipulated by you in the said contract that the bidder shall
furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein
as security for compliance with supplier's performance obligations in accordance with
the Contract.

Whereas we have agreed to give the bidder's guarantee:

Therefore, we hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf
of the bidder, up to a total of Rs.----------- (Rupees------------------ and we undertake
to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the bidder to be in default under
the Contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limit of Rs.-
---------------- (Amount of Guarantee) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove
or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.

This Guarantee is valid until the ------------------day of----------------- (Date)



Signature of Guarantors with Seal


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