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Xango Juice - The Background Story

Ann and David were in their senior year in college and were very much into exercise and health
foods. Both worked out at the Rec Center three times a week and they frequently purchased
organic food at the local health food store. Either of them could have been “poster children” for
a healthy lifestyle, and both were about as positive and friendly as two people could be. David
was studying biology and Ann was majoring in kinesiology. Everyone who knew them thought
highly of them, and no one would ever question their integrity.

While visiting their local health food store near their campus a year ago, they read about a juice
called Xanergy (the X is pronounced like a Z) which was said to contain powerful antioxidants, as
well as other substances that were considered very healthy. Intrigued, Ann and David
purchased a bottle and soon became convinced of its health benefits. In fact, they were so
"won over" that they became distributors for the product in order to earn additional income to
pay for school and their wedding, which was planned for the summer after graduation.

While on spring break, they dropped in on John and his wife, Lisa, in Colorado Springs. Both
had attended the same university in which Ann and David were enrolled, but John and Lisa had
been a year ahead of them. John and Lisa had graduated and married the previous year. While
in college, all four had become very good friends because they shared a lot of common
interests, including the goal of leading a healthy lifestyle. Lisa was particularly interested in a
healthy diet because she had just found out that she was pregnant two weeks before Ann and
David came to visit.

One evening during the visit, Ann and David struck up a conversation
about Xanergy juice. It was, they said, made from the rind of the
mangosteen plant, a plant that grows in S.E. Asia. According to Ann
and David, the mangosteen plant had been used for centuries to treat a
variety of diseases and health problems. The active ingredient,
according to the company that sells it, is known as xanthene and it
occurs primarily in the rind of the plant – which is typically bitter to the taste. But, when
extracted and mixed with other ingredients, specifically, with grape, apple, pear, and other
juices, the juice tastes sweet. Having introduced Xanergy juice into the conversation, David
made a quick trip out to his car and came back with a bottle of the juice and gave John and Lisa
a sample drink of the dark, purple, sweet liquid.

“This tastes pretty good,” John said. “Does it treat stomach problems?” John asked. “I’ve been
having some lately.” “Sure”, David enthusiastically responded, “and what’s really neat is that it
also treats migraines, arthritis, high blood pressure, cancer, tuberculosis, menstrual problems,
urinary tract infections, allergies, and even poison ivy. It also optimizes antioxidant properties
of the juice and helps detoxify the body.” Ann jumped in and said, “My father tried it and really
liked it. Before he retired as head of his law firm five years ago, he used to suffer from
migraines. But, right after he retired, he started drinking Xanergy and his headaches have
completely gone away. He never has them anymore.” John said “Wow, that does sound
impressive. I especially like the fact that it treats so many things. That could save someone a lot
of money. And the antioxidant effect sounds great. Antioxidants are good for everyone,
including babies,” John said as he looked over at Lisa. Lisa smiled a big smile.

“How much does a bottle cost?” Lisa asked. “An individual bottle costs about $30” David
answered, “and we each drink a bottle per week.” We only have to drink a small amount of
juice per day because it doesn’t take much for it to be effective. “Thirty dollars per bottle?
That’s pretty expensive” John said. “Yes, but it works really well. Like they say, an ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure. And, I now feel better than I did before drinking it. I have
more energy and I can work out longer than I could a year ago. I feel stronger. Ann says the
same thing. Also, we’ve heard these same sort of testimonials about its effectiveness from a lot
of people. In fact, we’ve gone to two conventions attended by people that sell Xanergy, and
they have all sorts of anecdotes about its effectiveness.” “What sort of conventions?” John
asked. “They’re conventions hosted by the Xanergy Juice company” David responded.

“Are there any studies that show whether or not Xanergy juice works?” Lisa asked. “Yes”, Anne
said, “A study on the effects of Xanergy juice was done five years ago by a company that sells
Xanergy juice. The study involved a group of 10 subjects who had reported joint pain, and who
liked and regularly purchased Xanergy juice. After a week of drinking it, they had been asked if
their joint pain had improved over the course of the week. The company reported that “the
majority of subjects felt better”. A spokesperson for the company said that further research on
joint pain was planned by the company, but had not yet been conducted.” “Wow”, Lisa
responded, “I’m amazed that their pain decreased so quickly after drinking Xanergy juice.

After listening to the information, John turned to Lisa, smiled, and said, “So, do you want to give
it a try?”

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