Mark Scheme

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Below is a simplified mark scheme for the Year 9 Science Exam on

"Muscles and Bones":

Section A: Multiple Choice (10 marks total)

c) Providing structural support (1 mark)

c) Skeletal muscle (1 mark)
a) Skull (1 mark)
a) Tendons (1 mark)
b) Storing minerals (1 mark)
Section B: Short Answer (20 marks total)

Joint structure and function:

Structure: Area where two or more bones meet, often surrounded by

ligaments and filled with synovial fluid (2 marks)
Function: Allows for movement and flexibility, provides support and
stability (2 marks)
Bone classification:

Long bones: Longer than they are wide (e.g., femur, humerus) (2
Short bones: Cube-shaped and provide support and stability (e.g.,
carpals, tarsals) (2 marks)
Flat bones: Thin, flattened bones that protect internal organs (e.g.,
skull, ribs) (2 marks)
Irregular bones: Have complex shapes and provide support and
protection (e.g., vertebrae, pelvis) (2 marks)
Voluntary and involuntary muscles comparison:

Voluntary muscles: Under conscious control, found in skeletal

muscles (e.g., biceps, quadriceps) (2 marks)
Involuntary muscles: Not under conscious control, found in internal
organs (e.g., heart, digestive system) (2 marks)
Both types contract to produce movement but differ in control and
location (2 marks)
Section C: Diagram Analysis (10 marks total)

Skeletal system diagram identification:

Skull (1 mark)
Ribcage (1 mark)
Vertebrae (1 mark)
Humerus (1 mark)
Pelvis (1 mark)
Femur (1 mark)
Tibia (1 mark)
Fibula (1 mark)
Radius (1 mark)
Ulna (1 mark)
Section D: Essay (20 marks total)

Importance of exercise for muscles and bones:

Muscle strength and flexibility (4 marks)
Bone density and strength (4 marks)
Joint health and mobility (4 marks)
Prevention of osteoporosis and muscle atrophy (4 marks)
Overall physical and mental well-being (4 marks)
Total: 60 marks

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