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Q4 Reading Writing Module 1 Version 4 Final

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Senior High School

Reading and Writing

Quarter 4 - Module 1
Purposeful Writing in the Disciplines
and for Professions

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Reading and Writing Skills- Senior High School

Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 - Module 3: Purposeful Writing in the Disciplines and for
Professions, First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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over them.

Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro Schools

Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Authors: Franque Manuel C. Carrasco, Dr. Maria Christina N.

Ganas, Catherine Mae N. Garcia, Cathelyn D. Matias,
Eric P. Miso, Araceli B. Melliza
Focal Person, Reviewer
and Language Evaluator: Dr. Jerry G. Roble
Division English / Reading Coordinator
Content and Language
Evaluators: Ronald L. Ampong, Dr. Rosalinda C. Tantiado,
Erlinda Quirap
Layout Evaluator: Ronald L. Ampong
Illustrators / Layout Artists: Alma Shiela A. Alorro, Lorebina Carrasco II
Harper F. Cael, Sheena Cascon,
Jessica B. Cuñado, Ryan Roa
Management Team
Chairperson: Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent
Co-Chairpersons: Rowena H. Paraon, PhD, CESO VI
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Lorebina C. Carrasco, CID Chief
Members: Dr. Jerry G. Roble, Division English Coordinator
Dr. Joel D. Potane, LRMS Manager
Lanie O. Signo, Librarian II
Gemma Pajayon, PDO II

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Senior High
Senior School
High School

Reading and Writing

Quarter 4- Module 1
Purposeful Writing in the Disciplines
and for Professions

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

for educational purposes only. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems,
pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in these modules are
owned by their respective copyright holders. The publisher and authors do not
represent nor claim ownership over them. Sincerest appreciation to those who
made significant contributions to these modules.

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Table of Contents

What This Module is About ....................................................................................................................... i

What I Need to Know .................................................................................................................................. ii
How to Learn from this Module………………………………………………………………………….iii
Icons of this Module ………………………………………………………………………………………iv

What I Know ………………………………………………………………………………………………..v

Lesson 1:
Purposeful Writing in the Disciplines and for Professions......... 1
What I Need to Know..................................................................................................... 1
What’s New: KWL Chart.............................................................................................. 2
What Is It: Book Review ............................................................................................... 2
What’s More: Examine .................................................................................................. 3
What Is It: Literature Review ....................................................................................... 4
What’s More: Examining Literature Review ........................................................... 6
What Is It: Research Report ........................................................................................ 7
What’s More: Outlining Research .............................................................................. 7
What Is It: Project Proposal ......................................................................................... 8
What’s More: Proposing ............................................................................................... 9
What Is It: Position Paper............................................................................................. 10
What’s More: State Your Position ............................................................................. 13
What I Have Learned: Analysis .................................................................................. 13
What I Can Do: Reflection ........................................................................................... 13

Lesson 2:
Professional Correspondence ..................................................................................... 14
What I Need to Know..................................................................................................... 14
What’s New: KWL Chart........................................................................................... ..15
What Is It: Resume…………………………………………………………..…. 16
What’s More: My Basic Information ........................................................................ 17
What Is It: Types of Resume’ ...................................................................................... 19
What’s More: My Resume’........................................................................................... 20
What’s New: College Plan .......................................................................................... 21

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What Is It: College Admission Letter ........................................................................ 22

What’s More: College Admission Letter .................................................................. 23
What Is It: Employment Application Letter .............................................................. 24
What’s More: My Application Letter .......................................................................... 26
What’s New: Transferring Information .................................................................... 27
What’s More: Concept Map ......................................................................................... 30
What’s New: Reflection ............................................................................................... 31
What Is It: Email .............................................................................................................. 32
What’s More: Email Analysis ...................................................................................... 34
What I Have Learned: Synthesizing Your Learning………………………..…35
What I Can Do: Collage…………………………………………………………. 36

Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………37
Assessment: (Posttest) ……………………………………………………………………………38
Key to Answers …………………………………………………………………………………………… .40
References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………41

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What This Module is About

Welcome to another exciting episode of Reading and Writing! Your patience
and dedication to learn new things are truly remarkable! Keep it up!
Your academic journey as a Senior High School student is expected to
compose texts, write reviews, present your own arguments, give judgements and
formulate critical essays. This module will help you gain knowledge and understanding
on written texts across different disciplines. This module has different kinds of tasks
used to aid your skill in composing texts viable across disciplines and compose
professional correspondence.

In this module, varied activities are provided connecting to your previous

lessons. Scan the pages and read each concept appropriately in order for you to
understand the given texts.

Following are the lessons contained in this module:

1. Book Review or Article Critique
2. Literature Review
3. Research Report
4. Project Proposal
5. Position Paper
6. Resume
7. Application for College Admission
8. Application for Employment
9. Various forms of Office Correspondence

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What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify the unique features of and requirements in composing texts that are
useful across disciplines EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12
a. Book Review or Article Critique
b. Literature Review
c. Research Report
d. Project Proposal
e. Position Paper

2. Identify the unique features of and requirements in composing professional

correspondence EN11/12RWS-IVhj-13
a. Resume
b. Application for College Admission
c. Application for Employment
d. Various forms of Office Correspondence


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How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives, you should do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that

Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.


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What I Know

Multiple Choice. Select the letter of your choice from the given choices. Write
the CAPITAL LETTER of your answer before each number.

1. It is a document used by a person to present his/her backgrounds and skills in

accomplishing something.
A. Email C. Memo
B. Letter D. Resumé

2. It is a type of resumé that focuses on person’s work history arranged according to

A. Chronological C. Functional
B. Combination D. Targeted

3. It is a type of resumé that focuses on a person’s skills and experiences and not
his/her work history.
A. Chronological C. Functional
B. Combination D. Targeted

4. It is a type of resumé that highlights a person’s skills and traits and provides a
chronological listing of his/her work experiences.
A. Chronological C. Functional
B. Combination D. Targeted

5. It refers to a person’s resumé that is customized and specific to the position he/she
wants to obtain. His/her work history, abilities, and education are reflections of the
job requirements.
A. Chronological C. Functional
B. Combination D. Targeted

6. It is an integrated analysis and synthesis of scholarly articles related to the topics/

issues included in your paper. It critically describes, summarizes, and evaluates
updated information from learning sources.
A. Literature review C. Research Report
B. Book Review D. Project Proposal

7. It is a part of a letter that contains the return address (usually 2-3 lines/spaces) with
date on the last line.
A. Body C. Greeting
B. Complimentary Close D. Heading


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8. It is <a systematic investigation of materials and sources to establish facts and

reach new conclusions.= The key to a good research report is the phrase
<systematic investigation.= Thus, researchers follow certain processes to reach
valid conclusions and discoveries.
A. Literature review C. Research Report
B. Book Review D. Project Proposal

9. It is the main part of the letter that highlights your interest or intention and reason
in writing the letter.
A. Body C. Greeting
B. Complimentary Close D. Heading
10. It is an essential part of the letter which is equivalent to saying <goodbye= in
A. Body C. Greeting
B. Complimentary Close D. Heading

11. It gives essential information about the book by describing its account critically.
Thus, it provides a summary of the content and assesses the value of it to potential
A. Literature review C. Research Report
B. Book Review D. Project Proposal

12. It describes a stand or position on a particular issue, and the viable reasons for
taking that position-- based on facts offering a concrete basis for arguments. It is
crafted to appeal a specific audience.
A. Literature Review C. Project Proposal
B. Position Paper D. Research Report

13. Which of the following is the best steps in making a memo?

A. Draft, pre-write, refine and revise C. Refine, draft, revise, and pre-write
B. Pre-write, draft, revise and refine D. Refine, revise, pre-write and draft

14. Which type of memo is needed to communicate information about tips and
guidelines to stop the spread of COVID -19?
A. Directives C. Financial
B. Dress Code D. Inquiry

15. Which type of memo is needed to require female employees to wear skirts and
male employees to wear suits in attending the Flag Ceremony every Monday?
A. Directives C. Financial
B. Dress Code D. Inquiry

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Lesson Purposeful Writing in the

1 Disciplines and for Professions

What I Need to Know

In your journey as a student, you are expected to compose, review, present

your argument, and formulate critical essays. In this pace, you will be exposed to
competencies which will help you in composing effective written texts essential in
various fields. It is expected that you should have identified considerations for effective
book review, literature review, research report, project proposals, and position paper.

What9s New

Activity 1. Complete the K-W-L chart with the required information.

Areas to Answer What I Know What I want to What I have

Know Learned
Book Review

Literature Review

Research Report

Project Proposal

Position Paper

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What Is It


Have you experienced writing a book review? Book review gives vital
information about the book. It is a descriptive and critical account of a book. It provides
a summary of the content and assesses the value of it to potential readers. Book
review is different from book report. Book report is an objective summary of the main
ideas and arguments the book presents. It helps potential readers determine if the
book will be of any use or interest to them.

The following are steps in Writing a Book Review:

1. Analyze and evaluate the book critically.
2. Compare its content to similar texts and genres appropriately
3. Be consistent with your stance and stick with it throughout your review.
4. Review the book as a whole to see the big picture of it, rather than resorting to
its summary only.
5. Provide viable recommendations to potential readers whether the book is worth
reading or not.

Dos in Writing a Book Review:

1. Past Tense – is used in writing a review about a book you have already read.
2. Emotive Language – is employed showing your passionate stance or opinion
about the book. Your audience will thank you for it.
3. Active and Passive Voices - are used in recounting the content of a book.

Elements of Book Review

1. Title
Often, the title of the book review will correspond to the title of the text itself.
However, some questions should be raised to validate on the relevance of the
a. How does it fit into the purpose of the work as a whole?
b. Does it convey a message, or reveal larger themes explored within the

2. Author
Discussing who the author is and what he/she had written before, especially if
it relates to the current work being reviewed, is worth doing. Such discussion
includes the author’s style and what he/she is best known for and the awards
the author received.

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3. Genre
Identify the genre that the book belongs to, such as: fiction, nonfiction, poetry,
romance, science-fiction or history.

4. Book Jacket/Cover
Comment on the artwork contained by the book’s cover which may contain
interesting details related to the text that contributes to, or detracts from the
work as a whole.

5. Structure or Format
Examine how the book is organized. Is it written in sections or chapters? Does
it contain a table of contents, index, glossary, etc.? Does it contain graphics
and other figures? Find other interesting aspects of the book.

What9s More

Activity 2. Examine how the following book review is written based on the
standards and guidelines you learned from the lesson. Write your
answer below.

Sample of Book Review:

My Thoughts About Lullabies by Lang Leav (Book Review #85)

Imagine reading a book that will literally lull you to sleep. This book is one of those. I
am saying it in a god way though.
Since it’s love month, I decided to delve into another Lang Leav book. Lullabies is
Lang Leav’s second poetry book, with Love and Misadventure being the first one. I
read, enjoyed and reviewed that book and made it to my list of the best books I enjoyed
last year. I am not a fan of poems but Lang Leav’s works connected to me in a way
that I find distinct. I didn’t find it hard to immerse and connect myself to her works
which is my primary concern with other poem collections.
Lullabies is a comforting read that provokes emotions. Using a familiar tone and style
that he used in her first book, her new one offers a more in-depth discussion of the
universal language that is spoken by the world, that is love. One of the reasons why I
believe, I didn’t find it hard to connect to her books is because of its use of language
and writing style that even those who isn’t into poetry can enjoy. She writes poems
concisely using simple but elaborate language that flows in it’s own rhythm.
The book is thicker than the first one and features illustrations by Leav herself. The
book has three parts: <Duet,= <Interlude= and <Finale= with illustrations accompanying
each. The book has a wide array of romantic tales that a variety of people can definitely

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connect to. The poems are open to interpretations depending on what the readers are
currently feeling. It has poems about desires, yearnings, losses of people about love.
From love’s beginning, to blossoming, the climax, the denouement and the aftermath,
the book provokes emotion. The author works wonder with words and she knows how
to put her feelings into it. It is very imminent how she writes from the heart and captures
different emotions very well. It wont’s be a surprise if you find yourself reading a poem
that you feel was written for you.
<Lullabies= is good, but I still consider <Love & Misadventures= as better. They follow
the same style and structure and both are uniquely appealing but I find the latter as
more cohesive in structure that the former but nonetheless that opinion does not
diminish the fact that this book is a gem. It offers a unique story if read in order but can
also be explored by reading random bits of it. Nostalgic at times, it is relatable to those
who have fallen in love and brokenhearted.
There are some poems in each collection that veers away from the traditional rules to
tell her tales showing how the author is taking the risk which I love from the author. It
is also noticeable how this book has more prose weaved into it which could mean that
the author is giving the readers a peak to her next works, a novel probably. I’ll definitely
look forward for the author’s next book.

Write your answer here:

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What Is It

Literature review is an integrated analysis and synthesis of scholarly articles

related to the topics or issues included in your paper. It critically describes,
summarizes, and evaluates updated information from learning sources. The following
figure shows the kinds of learning sources.

Before writing a literature review, it is very significant to pick a topic that you
find compelling and is relevant to the course. The topic should be relatively narrow,
not broad, so that it does not overwhelm the writer. It is also imperative to find relevant
literature, use keywords or phrases closely associated with the topic. Search with one
or two phrases enclosed by quotation marks (<Edsa Revolution=, <Edsa Revolution
economic impact=, <Edsa Revolution economy=).

Moreover, evaluating Literature is deemed essential in determining which ones

seem to make the most important contributions to the scholarship on the topic. Hence,
such move is very helpful in organizing the material later when composing the review.
The next figure will help you understand on how to evaluate the literature.

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Organizing a Literature Review

Literature review is organized into three parts:

1. Introduction defines and identifies the topic by establishing the reason/s for the
literature review. It explains the criteria used in analyzing and comparing articles
and points to general trends in what has been published about the topic

2. Body. This part groups articles into thematic clusters, or subtopics and proceeds
in a logical order from cluster to cluster. Moreover, it emphasizes the main findings
or arguments of the articles in the student’s own words and keeps quotations from
sources to an absolute minimum.

3. End. Summarizes the major themes that emerged in the review and identifies
areas of controversy in the literature. It pinpoints strengths and weaknesses among
the articles and provides some insight into the relationship between that topic and
the larger field of study or discipline.

Structure of a Literature Review

Chronological Grouping

---means to group the material according to when it was published or the time period
the material addressed a certain issue.

Thematic Grouping

---means sections might be organized around particular subthemes within the essay’s

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What9s More

Activity 3. Examine how the Literature Review is written based on the

standards and guidelines you learned from the lesson. Write your
answer below.

The study of democracy and democratization has dominated the field of

comparative politics. Scholars have varied in their approach on how to define and
measure democracy; however, the most recognized definition of democracy belongs
to Schumpeter (1976) which states that democracy <is that institutional arrangement
for arriving at political decisions in which individual’s acquire the power to decide by
means of a competitive struggle for the people’s vote.= Dahl’s (1971) notion of
democracy poses an ideal form of the government, unachievable by today’s
standards. In sun defining democracy, although important, presents a variety of

Various measures of democracy have been posited by scholars Przeworski,

Alverez, Cheibud, and Limongi (2000) argue that democracy is a dichotomous
variable, existing only if (1) a chief executive is elected; (2) the legislative is elected;
(3) there is more than one political party; and (4) a change in power has occurred.
Other scholars, however, asserts that universal and equal suffrage are essential in the
conceptualization of democracy (Rueschemeyer, Stephens, and Stephens 1992). This
dichotomous notion of democracy, although useful in distinguishing countries from
authoritarian regimes, ignores the transitionary nature of democratic governance
(Lipset 2006). Marshall and Jagger’s (2003) Polity IV measure consider the
progressive nature of democracy, while other scholars utilize a measure od
democratic political rights (Freedom House 2005). The choice of measure, however,
strictly depends on the questions being asked.


Write your answer here:

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What Is It

Research Report is <the systematic investigation of materials and sources to

establish facts and reach new conclusions.= The key to a good research report is the
phrase <systematic investigation.= Thus, researchers follow certain processes to reach
valid conclusions and discoveries.

Following are the essential parts of the research paper:

1. Abstract section provides a prospective reader the opportunity to judge the

relevance of the paper without having the need to read the entire material. This
includes the key terms found in the longer work and the purpose and methods of
the research.

2. Introduction covers the background of the study. It is in this part that you will state
clearly the purpose of your paper. It contains the research questions and includes
the literature review with sufficient resources to explain the theoretical assumptions
and contextualizes the paper.

3. Methods can be thought of as cook book of the paper. This section simply
describes what you did, how you did it, and when you did it.

4. Result section answers the research questions. It organizes analysis and

interpretation either in descriptions, tables, graphs, or figures.

5. Discussion section extends findings to a broader context by describing

implications and limitations and poses further questions.

6. Reference section must follow the prescribed APA style by sorting the sources
alphabetically, not based on reference type.

Tips in Writing a Research Report:

1. It has an authentic voice with minimal use of quotes.

2. Resources must be appropriately cited
3. APA 7 format is followed
4. Well written
5. Free from major spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors
6. Free from plagiarism

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What9s More

Activity 4. Fill out the Research Outline on possible research report you want to
make. Be sure to apply what you have learned from the previous lesson
in formulating argument. If you have already existing research paper from
your Practical Research 1 subject, you may use it. Write your answer in
your activity notebook.

Thesis statement:

Purpose of the Research paper:

Strong argument

Stronger argument

Strongest argument

Summary of arguments

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What is It

Have you ever been a participant to community projects/activities? What are

the goals of such activities/causes/projects? Have you ever tried organizing one of
your own?

This lesson on Project Proposal exposes you in coming up with a document

used to convince a sponsor that a project needs to be kicked-off enable to solve a
particular problem or to introduce an opportunity for development. It describes in
depth, how the project is going to be commenced so that the sponsor understands
early what is involved.

Below are the parts of the Project Proposal:

1. Project Title
➢ Provide the project with a catchy name.
➢ You may use word play, acronyms, abbreviations, etc.
2. Project Type
➢ Specify whether your project is designed for education, health, organization,
arts, exhibit, and others.
3. Proponents
➢ This include the project designers, investors, or other organizations working
on behalf of the project.

4. Area of Implementation
➢ The address of the beneficiaries

5. Project Duration
➢ Timeline, or number of implementing days of the project.

6. Target Beneficiaries
➢ Specify whether the beneficiaries would be men, women, youth or the entire

7. Expected Output
➢ Specify and quantify the expected project output/s.

8. Rationale/Background of the study

➢ Stipulates the reasons behind the project
➢ touches existing problem that you want to address

9. Objectives
➢ Involves aspects of <development= the project wants to achieve
➢ Involves certain viable strategies to be done to meet the objectives of the


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10. Sustainability
➢ involves long-term effects of the project
➢ embraces specific measures to sustain the project

11. Risk Management Plan

➢ Encompasses risks and factors that may hamper or hinder the successful
implementation of project activities and achievement of project outputs.
➢ Comprises of measures used to mitigate the adverse effects resulting from
such risks and factors.

12. Project Organization and Staffing

Committee 1 Committee 2 Committee 3 Committee 4

Persons involved Persons involved Persons involved Persons involved
Roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities

• Project Work Plan

Strategies and Action Person/s or Committee/s Status Target Date Cost
Steps Responsible

• Detailed Budget Requirement

Particulars Unit of Measurement Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost

What9s More

Activity 5. Accomplish the Project Proposal Template below.

Project Title
Rationale/Background of the
Project Objectives
Expected Output
Target Beneficiaries


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Activity Output Date of Person Budget Budget

Implementation Responsible Source

What is It

Directions: Give your opinion on the following issues. Write your answer in
your activity notebook.

1. Classes for school year should be postponed until vaccine for the COVID -19
be available.
2. Famous people (actor/actress, athlete) should not be allowed to become
3. Social networks are killing sincere relationships.
4. Technology is making people less creative.
5. Anti-terrorism bill threatens freedom in the name of security.

Position Paper Defined

A position paper describes a stand or position on a particular issue, and the

viable reasons for taking that position. It is based on facts that offer a concrete basis
for one’s arguments crafted to appeal a specific audience.

A position paper enables authors to exchange views without requiring them to

follow research format. Position papers are usually supported by evidences given in
discussion about the topic. A common type often required in schools is the persuasive
position paper.

Planning a Position Paper

• Choose a side and stand on the issue.
• Give a good introduction by including brief background of an issue.
• Enumerate arguments by giving at least three-string comprehensible
• Support each argument with proof of evidences.
• Consider your audience in crafting your argument. Make sure your arguments
will appeal to the kind of people who will read your position paper.
• Identify at least two explicit and implicit counter-arguments to your position.
Knowing the <other side= position will help you evaluate your own argument.
• State your conclusion by restating and summarizing your position and
arguments on the issue at hand.


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What9s More

Activity 6: Write a position paper. Assume the persona of a student delegate

attending an international youth gathering. Your task is to present
your argument on an issue which affects the Filipino youth. Pay
attention to the structure and parts of the position paper.

Activity 7: Answer the following questions based on what you have learned
from academic and professional writing. Write your answer in your
activity notebook.

1. What do you think are the common characteristics of academic writing from
professional writing?
2. What language features were you able to identify?

What I Can Do

Activity 8: REFLECTIONS. Complete the statements below. Do not forget to

fill out the third column of your K-W-L Chart in the first activity.

1. Academic writing is …

2. Professional writing is…

3. The characteristics or features of academic writing are…

4. The characteristics or features of professional writing are…

5. Academic writing is important to me as a student because…

6. Professional writing is important to me as a future (nurse, chef, teacher, engineer,

police, soldier, etc.) because…


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2 Professional Correspondence

What I Need to Know

Photo Credit: https://www/

When you step out of the four corners of the classroom, it would be a much
different environment. You would be challenged to find your rightful place in the
corporate world where your character and skills would be tested.
This lesson will engage you to confidently pitch yourselves as competent
individuals ready for work. Varied tasks such as filling out building worksheets are
provided as an avenue for you to craft effective resume and cover letter. Through this
lesson, you will have greater chances in landing your desired job. Most importantly,
the lesson would also address your ability to evaluate your own qualifications and
express your worth in a job interview.


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What9s New

Activity 1: Complete the K-W-L Chart below with the needed information.

Term What I Want to What I Learned

What I Know
Know after the Lesson

1. Resumé

2. Application
for College

3. Application

4. Email

5. Memo


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Activity 2: Advertisement 101. If you are a product, what kind of product are
you and why? Draw the object and explain how are you going to
sell/promote yourself?

What Is It

RESUMÉ is a document used by a person to present his/her backgrounds and

skills. It can be used for a variety of reasons, but most often it is used to secure new
employment. Everything that is written in the resume must be true.
Below are the parts of a resumé:
1. Heading- includes your complete name written in bigger and in bold text, current complete
address and contact details, such as cellphone number and email address.

2. Job/Career Objective- reflects your career goals and intention for applying for the job.
Write a direct and specific objective containing with what you want to achieve in your
career and what the employer could expect from you.

3. Work Experience- also called <work history= stipulates all previous employment that you
have had. If you have no work experience yet, write first the educational background, and
include the optional part Training and Seminar Attended.

4. Education- refers to the degree you obtained together with your major, school, year
attended, and awards and/or certificates received in school.

5. Skills- enumerate the abilities you can do based on your training, experience or practice
which would pave the way in obtaining the job you are applying for.


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Figure 1. Sample Resumé

What9s More

Activity 3: MY BASIC INFORMATION. Answer the following questions by

writing your answer in your activity notebook.
Name: _______________________________________________________________

Complete Address: _____________________________________________________

Contact Number: _______________________________________________________

Email Address: ________________________________________________________

What is your career goal and intention in applying for the job?


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Inclusive Department/Agency/
Status of Employment
Position/Title of Dates Office/Company
Work (Regular/Contractual/
(mm/dd/yy) (Write the Complete
From - To Name)

Certificate Issued on Valid until

National Certificate
No. (mm/dd/yyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy)

Inclusive Conducted/Sponsored
Dates by
Title of No. of
Seminar/Workshop/Conference (mm/dd/yy) Hours (Write the Complete
From- To Name)

Highest Educational Attainment: ___________________________________________

Name of School: ________________________________________________________

Inclusive date of Attendance (From: ___________________ To: __________________)

Scholarship/Academic Honors Received: _____________________________________


Skills: ________________________________________________________________
Talents: ______________________________________________________________


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What Is It

Types of RESUMÉ
1. Chronological- is used to emphasize your work history arranged according to
dates. It starts with the complete work experiences, followed by the educational
background. It is best used if you are applying for a job related to your previous
experiences(10 to 15 years work experiences).

2. Functional- focuses on your skills and experience and not your work history. It is
best used if you changed career or if re-entering the industry after a long absence.
It is also used by the high school or college students entering the industry.

3. Combination- works best if you are aiming for a career change or you want to
highlight both your skills and traits and provide a chronological listing of your work

4. Targeted- is customized and specific to the position you want to get. Your work
history, abilities, and education are reflections of the job requirements.

Figure 2. Example of a Chronological Resumé


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What9s More

Activity 4: My RESUMÉ. Based on your answers from Activity 3, create your

own resumé using the template below. Your resumé will be rated based
on the rubrics below.



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Rubrics on Resumé Making

Traits 4 pts. 3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pt. Score

Function Purpose of the Purpose of the Purpose of the Purpose of the
resumé is resumé is very resumé is resumé is not
strong and good and clear good and clear good and
clear unclear

Form Format of the Format of the Format of the Format of the

resumé is resumé is not resumé is not resumé is not
clear. Each so clear. Each so clear. Each clear. Each
major section major section major section major section
includes includes lacks required lacks required
required required information information
information information (objective (objective
(objective (objective statement, statement,
statement, statement, names, dates, names, dates,
names, dates, names, dates, locations, etc.) locations, etc.)
locations, etc.) locations, etc.)
Effectiveness Resumé Resumé Resumé Resumé
shows a very shows an shows lack of shows no
professional adequate professional professional
appearance, professional appearance, appearance,
neatness and appearance, not so neat not neat and
excellent neatness and and not so hard to read
penmanship nice nice
penmanship penmanship
Grammar & No misspelled No misspelled 2-5 misspelled More than 5
Mechanics words, words, very words, good misspelled
excellent good grammar. grammar. words,
grammar. incorrect

What9s New

Activity 5. Enumerate the top 5 schools you wish to enroll in college and the
course/program you want to take up.

College / University Course / Program



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Activity 6. MY REASONS. Justify your reason/s reflected in Activity 5.


What Is It

College Admission Letter is also known as the <letter of intent.= It is a one-

page letter required for college and university admission. The sender writes a letter to
briefly discuss his/her intention for attending the college program.
Before you write a college admission letter, you must first:
➢ Determine the program/course you want to take
➢ Follow a thorough research on program/course structure
➢ Reflect on your purpose in enrolling the course: your achievements and
future goals.
➢ Decide the format to use in writing a letter.
➢ If there is no required format, write the letter in a full-block style, meaning all
parts are aligned to the left, with the format of one-inch margin, 12 font size,
and single-spaced paragraph.

Figure 3. Example of a College Admission Letter


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Parts of a College Admission Letter

1. Heading, Date, and Inside Address
--write on the top left the heading stating your complete address and zip code. The
date should be fully spelled out. The inside address contains the name of the
college or university admission head, his/her job title (if applicable) and the address
of the university.

2. Greeting /Salutation
-- starts mostly with the word <Dear= followed by the last name of the receiver. End
the salutation with a colon (:). If the name has not been obtained, address it as

3. Body
--main part of the letter which includes the course you are interested in, reason for
choosing the university/college, description of academic interest serving as the
basis for them to consider your application. Last part will be your request to
consider your application for admission and information on how to contact you.

4. Complimentary Close
-- is a polite way of finishing the letter. Remember that it always ends with a comma
(,) if business standard punctuation style is used. No comma is used when open
punctuation style is employed.

5. Signature and Sender9s Identification

--is the last essential part of the letter. Write your name on the first line and your
title (if applicable) on the second line. Then sign directly above the first line.

What9s More

Activity 7. Make your own application letter for college admission using the
template below. Your output will be rated based on the rubrics

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Rubrics for My College Admission Letter

Content The letter The letter The letter The letter
contains 3 contains 2 contains 1 contains no
proper proper proper proper
descriptions descriptions description descriptions
about topic. about the topic. about the topic. about the topic.
Sentence & Sentences and All sentences Most sentences Many sentence
Paragraphs paragraphs are are complete are complete fragments or
complete, well- and well- and well- run-on
constructed constructed (no constructed. sentence or
and of varied fragments, no Paragraphing paragraphing
structure. run-ons). needs some needs lots of
Paragraphing is work. work.
generally done
Grammar & Writer makes Writer makes 1- Writer makes 3- Writer makes
Spelling no errors in 2 errors in 4 errors in more than 4
(conventions) grammar or grammar and/or grammar errors in
spelling. spelling. and/or spelling. grammar
and/or spelling.
Format Complies with Complies with Complies with Complies with
all the almost all the several of the less than 75%
requirements requirements for requirements of the
for a friendly a friendly letter. for a friendly requirements
letter. letter. for a friendly
Salutation Salutation and Salutation and Salutation and Salutation
and Closing closing have no closing have 1-2 closing have 3 and/or closing
errors in errors in or more errors are missing.
capitalization capitalization in capitalization
and and punctuation. and
punctuation. punctuation.
Length The letter is 9 or The letter is 8-7 The letter is 6-5 The letter is
more sentences. sentences. less than 5
sentences. sentences.
Total Score

What Is It

Employment Letter is also referred to as the <job application letter= or <cover

letter.= It is a one-page letter attached to the resumé when applying for jobs
highlighting the applicant’s experiences and personal qualities for him to be
considered for an interview designed for the job. The parts of this letter are the same
with the college admission letter.


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Three (3) Different Formats of Application Letter

1. Full Block Format- is the most common layout used in writing cover letter. In this
format, all parts are justified to the left.

2. Modified Block Format- is a type of format where applicant’s address,

complementary close, signature and sender’s identification are shifted to the right
side. Note that the first sentence in the body or in each paragraph is not indented.

3. Semi-Block Format- is the least used format. It is almost the same as the modified
block format; however, the difference is that the first sentence in each paragraph
is indented.


# 183 12-29 to 30 Streets Nazareth, Cagayan de Oro City 9000
Mobile Number 0916-888-759 I 0906-347-5672. Email:

December 17, 2015


Schools Division Superintendent
Don Apolinar Velez, Cagayan de Oro City
Misamis Oriental

Through: Pedro R. Estano Jr., Ph D.

Secondary School Principal IV
Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School

Dear Dr. Limbaco:

I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the School of Arts and Sciences at Xavier University
in addition recently finished taking up Professional Education at Xavier University.

I have recently passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers I would like to work in your division as a
Secondary School Teacher particularly Araling Panlipunan or any available teaching position that suits my
qualifications. It is my principle to serve as an asset in all the organizations. I get myself into My experiences,
both inside and outside the school honed me to work under any pressure. I am very much willing to be trained,
and have a high interest in learning. I am flexible in dealing with different personalities. I have very satisfactory
verbal and written communication skills both in Filipino and in English. I had my internship at FORD CDO as
a Human Resource staff and at Southern Philippines College as a Guidance and Testing staff I also worked
as a Human Resource staff at FORD and Dough bake Incorporated (Goldilocks).

In addition, I am a Career Service Professional Exam passer.

Attached are my curriculum vitae, certificate of eligibility, diploma and Transcript of Records (TOR), which
further outline my qualities and qualifications.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss more about the position with you. I would be glad to answer any
questions you may have. You may contact me through my mobile number and/or e mall address above. Thank
you very much for s favourable action on this matter and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Respectfully yours,




Figure 4. Example of an Employment Letter


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What9s More

Activity 8. Make your own application letter using the template below. Choose
one from the following job positions: chef, flight attendant, teacher,
sales agent, operations manager. Your output will be rated based on
the rubrics below.








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Rubrics for Application Letter

Category 4 3 2 1 SCORE
Content The letter contains The letter The letter The letter
3 proper contains 2 contains 1 proper contains no
descriptions about proper description about proper
topic. descriptions the topic. descriptions
about the topic. about the topic.

Sentence & Sentences and All sentences Most sentences Many sentence
Paragraphs paragraphs are are complete are complete and fragments or run-
complete, well- and well- well-constructed. on sentence or
constructed and of constructed (no Paragraphing paragraphing
varied structure. fragments, no needs some needs lots of
run-ons). work. work.
Paragraphing is
generally done

Grammar & Writer makes no Writer makes 1- Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes
Spelling errors in grammar 2 errors in errors in grammar more than 4
(conventions) or spelling. grammar and/or and/or spelling. errors in
spelling. grammar and/or

Format Complies with all Complies with Complies with Complies with
the requirements almost all the several of the less than 75% of
for a friendly letter. requirements for requirements for the requirements
a friendly letter. a friendly letter. for a friendly

Salutation and Salutation and Salutation and Salutation and Salutation and/or
Closing closing have no closing have 1-2 closing have 3 or closing are
errors in errors in more errors in missing.
capitalization and capitalization capitalization and
punctuation. and punctuation.

Length The letter is 9 or The letter is 8-7 The letter is 6-5 The letter is less
more sentences. sentences. sentences. than 5

Total Score

What9s New

Activity 9. TRANSFERRING INFORMATION. In transferring information, which

do you prefer verbal communication, written communication, or
both? Write your answer inside the box below.


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Activity 10. TRANSFERRING INFORMATION. Below is the word M-E-M-O

written vertically. Write an acrostic of the word memo using the
words you could associate with it.

M - _________________________________________________________

E - _________________________________________________________

M - _________________________________________________________
O - _________________________________________________________

What Is It

Business Correspondence means the exchange of information in a written

format for the process of business activities. It can take place between organizations,
within organizations or between the customers and the organization.

Various Business Correspondence

1. Business Inquiry Letter – is written to communicate with a business organization

to ask for information about specific jobs, products, or services. Usually, this letter
is written in response to some kind of advertisement that you may have seen on
television or the Internet.

2. Quotation Letter - is written in reference to the price of a service or product. This

could range from a customer or client requesting or accepting a quote, to the
supplier or service provider sending the quote amount.

3. Order Letter - also known as a purchase order or PO is a document that confirms

the details of a purchase of goods or services from one party to another.

4. Complaint Letter – is written when the purchaser does not find the goods up to
his/her satisfaction. Thus, it is a method of filing a formal complaint against a
service provider, whether a company or an individual, in hopes of resolving a

5. Recovery Letter – serves a pre-legal method for collection of bad debts and past-
due payments. It represents a written form of a reminder addressed to the subject
of debt, sent by a creditor.

Memo or memorandum is an internal communication used to make

announcements or give instructions. It also provides an update on existing information.


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Characteristics of Memo

1. Brief, direct, and easy to navigate.

2. Less formal than letters but should
maintain a professional, succinct style.
3. Written in short, simple, direct
4. Language is simple and unambiguous.

Figure 5. Example of memo heading

Parts of a Memo
1. Heading Section
- is aligned vertically
- parallel parts have 4 subsections (to, from, date, subject)

1. Include each recipient's name and job 1. Include name and title
2. Identifies the writer
2. identifies the intended reader
3. As a general rule, use full names
3. As a general rule, use full names
4. As the writer, initial* next to your
4. Addressing a designated group? name to personalize the memo


5. Indicate when the memo was written 5. Make the subject brief and descriptive
6. Write out the complete date (month, 6. Skip the greetings
day, year)
7. Immediately go into the body text
7. No abbreviations or other short forms
8. Avoid vague or confusing wording
9. Use precise terms that make the
memo memorable and that simplify

2. Message
- First paragraph: Main Point
- Second Paragraph: Supporting details and discussion
- Third Paragraph: Outcomes, responses, and action


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Operational memo Financial memo

Environmental memo (policy
memo change, meetings,

Request for

Response to
Dress code memo
Figure 6. Types of Business Memo

What9s More

Activity 11. CONCEPT MAP. Write down the benefits of a memo inside the
boxes below.


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Activity 12. Assuming that you are the SSG President and you would like to
conduct an urgent meeting to all the classroom presidents about the
incoming Teacher9s Day Celebration. Write your memo in the given
template below.

What9s New

Activity 13. Write a reflection on your experience communicating formally via

electronic means.


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What Is It

Email or Electronic mail is a method of exchanging messages between

people using electronic devices. It is commonly used now as a mode of communication
especially in the corporate world. As such, it is a pillar of modern communication
having only one purpose, with only one specific item, task, or request. It should have
enough information to allow a complete response and should be professional but brief.

Figure 7. Parts of an Email Address



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Figure 9. Parts of a 8Compose Email9 Window


• Whom the email is addressed

• Recipient of the email
• Direct audience who needs to reply or take action from the email content (Cullen, 2019)

Figure 10. Parts of an Email Message

• aka <Carbon Copy= • aka <Blind Carbon Copy=
• for readers who need to • for audience who only needs
receive the email to see the initial email and
conversation for reference or none of the later chain of
clarity, but do not need to replies (Cullen, 2019)
take action nor reply (Cullen, • a way of sending emails to
2019) multiple people without them
knowing who else is getting
the email (Emerson, 2012)

From Date

• Whom the email is from • Specifies the exact date and

• Sender of the email time of receipt of email
• Only appears in an email
received or in an email you
• Does not appear in the
8Compose Email9 window


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What9s More

Activity 14. EMAIL ANALYSIS. Read and analyze the email below. Answer the
questions that follow.

Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Delete

From : John Lester Ignacio

To : Sales Team
CC : Joshmar Eugenio; Marben Angeles
Subject: RE: Meeting next week
Attachments: New proposal.rtf (376KB)

Hello Sales Team,

I’ve got an idea for next week – see the attached file. I’d like to hear what you think
about my suggestion.
I think Joshmar and Marben may be interested, so I’ve copied them in too. Let’s talk
more at the meeting next week.

John Lester

Guide Questions:

1. Where does the email come from?

2. What is the name of the attachment?
3. What is the name of the group?

4. Who has received the email?



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Activity 15. Compose an email and send it to all your classmates reminding the
class about the project in ESP, carbon copy your adviser. Write
your email on the template provided below.

What I Have Learned

Activity 16. SYNTHESIZING YOUR LEARNING. Answer the following questions

based on your learning. Be brief and concise.
1. As a senior high school student, what are the benefits of learning and making a

2. Why is application letter needed to be attached to the resume when a person is



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3. What is the main purpose of making a memorandum?


4. What could be the consequences of placing inaccurate and false information

in a resumé, application letter, and memo?

What I Can Do

Activity 17. Make a collage based on the question: <how important is making a
resumé, application letter, memo, or email= for a senior high school
student like you. Be creative in making such. Your collage is rated
based on the rubrics below.



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1. Book review gives essential information about the book. It is a descriptive and
critical account of a book by providing a summary of the content and assesses
the value of it to potential readers.

2. Literature review is an integrated analysis and synthesis of scholarly articles

related to the topics or issues included in your paper. It critically describes,
summarizes, and evaluates updated information from learning sources.

3. Research Report is <the systematic investigation of materials and sources to

establish facts and reach new conclusions.= The key to a good research report
is the phrase <systematic investigation.= Thus, researchers follow certain
processes to reach valid conclusions and discoveries.

4. Project Proposal is a document used to convince a sponsor that a project

needs to be kicked-off to solve a particular problem or to introduce an

5. Position Paper describes a stand or position on a particular issue, and the

viable reasons for taking that position. It is based on facts that offer a concrete
basis for their arguments. It is crafted to appeal a specific audience.

6. Resume is a document used by a person to present his/her backgrounds and

skills. It can be used for a variety of reasons, but most often it is used to secure
new employment. Everything that is written in the resumé must be true.

7. College Admission Letter also referred to as the <letter of intent= is a one-

page letter required for college and university admission. The sender writes a
letter to briefly discuss his intention for attending the college program.

8. Employment Letter also referred to as the <job application letter= or <cover

letter= is a one-page letter attached to the resumé when applying for jobs. The
purpose of writing the employment letter is to highlight the applicant’s
experiences and personal qualities for him to be considered for an interview
designed for the job. The parts of this letter are the same with the college
admission letter.

9. Business Correspondence means the exchange of information in a written

format for the process of business activities. It can take place between
organizations, within organizations or between the customers and the

10. Email or Electronic mail is a method of exchanging messages between

people using electronic devices. It is used now as a mode of communication
especially in the corporate world.


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Assessment: (Posttest)

Multiple Choice. Select the letter of your choice from the given choices. Write
the CAPITAL LETTER of your answer before each number.

1. It is a document used by a person to present his/her backgrounds and skills in

accomplishing something.
A. Email C. Memo
B. Letter D. Resumé

2. It is a type of resumé that focuses on person’s work history arranged according to

A. Chronological C. Functional
B. Combination D. Targeted

3. It is a type of resumé that focuses on a person’s skills and experiences and not
his/her work history.
A. Chronological C. Functional
B. Combination D. Targeted

4. It is a type of resumé that highlights a person’s skills and traits and provides a
chronological listing of his/her work experiences.
A. Chronological C. Functional
B. Combination D. Targeted

5. It refers to a person’s resumé that is customized and specific to the position he/she
wants to obtain. His/her work history, abilities, and education are reflections of the
job requirements.
A. Chronological C. Functional
B. Combination D. Targeted

6. It is an integrated analysis and synthesis of scholarly articles related to the topics/

issues included in your paper. It critically describes, summarizes, and evaluates
updated information from learning sources.
A. Literature review C. Research Report
B. Book Review D. Project Proposal

7. It is a part of a letter that contains the return address (usually 2-3 lines/spaces) with
date on the last line.
A. Body C. Greeting
B. Complimentary Close D. Heading


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8. It is <a systematic investigation of materials and sources to establish facts and

reach new conclusions.= The key to a good research report is the phrase
<systematic investigation.= Thus, researchers follow certain processes to reach
valid conclusions and discoveries.
C. Literature review C. Research Report
D. Book Review D. Project Proposal

9. It is the main part of the letter that highlights your interest or intention and reason
in writing the letter.
A. Body C. Greeting
B. Complimentary Close D. Heading
10. It is an essential part of the letter which is equivalent to saying <goodbye= in
A. Body C. Greeting
B. Complimentary Close D. Heading

11. It gives essential information about the book by describing its account critically.
Thus, it provides a summary of the content and assesses the value of it to potential
C. Literature review C. Research Report
D. Book Review D. Project Proposal

12. It describes a stand or position on a particular issue, and the viable reasons for
taking that position-- based on facts offering a concrete basis for arguments. It is
crafted to appeal a specific audience.
C. Literature Review C. Project Proposal
D. Position Paper D. Research Report

13. Which of the following is the best steps in making a memo?

C. Draft, pre-write, refine and revise C. Refine, draft, revise, and pre-write
D. Pre-write, draft, revise and refine D. Refine, revise, pre-write and draft

14. Which type of memo is needed to communicate information about tips and
guidelines to stop the spread of COVID -19?
C. Directives C. Financial
D. Dress Code D. Inquiry

15. Which type of memo is needed to require female employees to wear skirts and
male employees to wear suits in attending the Flag Ceremony every Monday?
C. Directives C. Financial
D. Dress Code D. Inquiry


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Key to Answers

All written work can be scored using this rubric.

– Highest Score; 1 Lowest Score)
Organization and Form The writer uses the standard and complete
format. It utilizes the styles and contains
essential parts.
Elements Each part contains appropriate information.
The purpose is clearly stated. No
extraneous details.
Grammar Usage and Mechanics There are no errors in grammars,
mechanics, and spelling.
Effectiveness The texts are organize and the writer
developed sense of reliability. Finished at
the given amount of time.


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Anudin, A. and Peňa, A., 2016. Reading And Writing: Teacher's Manual. Quezon City:
Lexicon Press,Inc., pp. 77-107

Pablico, Fe, and Nhyrejen De la Cerna. 2020. Learning Activity Sheets In Reading And
Writing (SHARED Options). Ebook. Cagayan de Oro City: DepEd, Division of Cagayan de
Oro City. Accessed May 16.

Tesoro, Hazel Angeyn. 2016. "Deped Commons". Deped.Gov.Ph.


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For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

DepEd Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Fr. William F. Masterson Ave Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro
Telefax: ((08822)855-0048
E-mail Address:

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