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Q1 Explain, which is higher

(i) The energy of the hydrogen 3p atomic orbital or that of the 3s atomic orbital
(ii) The energy of the hydrogen 3s atomic orbital or that of the He+ 3s atomic orbital.

Q2. A truck weighing 7.2 x 106 kg was travelling at a velocity of 90 km / hour. What is the
deBroglie wavelength of the truck ?.

Q3. A tennis ball weighs 200g. If the uncertainty in its position is 5 pm . What is the
uncertainty in the velocity of the ball.

Q4.(a) Which quantum number is responsible for the following.

(i) Size of the orbital (ii) Energy of an orbital (iii) Shape of an


(b) Write down a set of quantum numbers that uniquely defines each of the following atomic

(i) 6s (ii) Each of five 4d orbitals.

Q5.(a) Write set of quantum numbers that an electron could have been placed in each of
the following orbitals.

(i) 1s (ii) 3d (iii) 5f

(b) List the values of n, l, ml and ms for 3d3 orbital.

(c) Draw angular wave functions for atomic orbitals associated with n=2.

Q6. Write the ground state electron configuration for each of the following atoms and
indicate core and valence electrons.

(i) Ca ( Atomic No 20) (ii) Cl (Atomic No 17) (iii) As (Atomic No 33)

(b) Write the ground state electron configuration of (i) Mo (ii) Cu (iii) Pt.

Q7. Use Slater’s rule to calculate the value of Zeff for

(a) A 4s electron in a Cu atom

(b) A 3d electron in a Cu atom
(c) The valence electron in V+ ion.
(d) A 4 s electron in K atom.

7d. The electronic configuration of potassium (K) is 1s22s22p63s23p64s1. There are four shells in
(Zeff) 4s = Z − S
S = (0.85× number of electrons in the (n−1)th shell + 1.00× total number of electrons in the inner
= 0.85×8+1.00×10
= 16.80
Hence, Zeff = Z − S
= 19−16.80
= 2.20


a) Calculate the energy of a photon emitted when an electron in a hydrogen atom drops
from the n= 5 to the n = 2 orbital

 En = -hR/n2, where h =6.63 x 10-34 J.Hz-1 and R = 3.29 x 1015Hz
(nb Hz is defined as s-1)
 Therefore E5 = -hR/52 and E2 = -hR/22, so ΔE52 = hν = -hR(1/4 – 1/25)

b) What frequency of light emitted from a heated hydrogen gas is associated with n2 = 1 and
n1 = 3?


ΔE31 calculated as in a) above. ν = h/ ΔE31, where ΔE31 is energy of the emitted

radiation as the electron transitions from n =3 to n = 1.

Q9. 208 kJ are needed to remove 1 mole of electrons from atoms on the surface of a Rb metal
strip. If Rb is irradiated with 254 nm light, what is the maximum kinetic energy that the released
electrons can have?


The electrostatic energy to be overcome (work function) is ϕ = 208.4 kJ per mole of electrons.

 KEejected electron = hνincident – hνo, where νo is the minimum photon frequency required to
dislodge an electron.
 hνo is therefore the work function per electron
= [208.4 x 103 J /mol] / 6.022 x 1023 electrons/mol = 3.461 x 10-19J/electron

 The energy per incident photon = hνincident = 6.63 x 10-34 J.Hz-1 x νincident
νincident = c/λ = (2.998 x 108 ms-1) / 254 x 10-9m = 1.18 x 1015Hz
 => E/photon = 7.83 x10-19J/photon
 Therefore KEejected electron = (7.83 - 3.46) x 10-19J

Q 10

An electron moving near an atomic nucleus has a speed 6x106 m/s ±1 %. What is the uncertainty
in its position (Δx)?

Q11. Give the name, magnetic quantum numbers and number of orbitals for each subshell with
the quantum numbers shown below:
a) n=3, l =2
b) n = 3, l = 0
c) n =5, l = 1
d) n = 4 , l = 3

Q12. For each of the orbitals below, calculate the number of radial and angular nodes and comment on the
relationship between the number of each type of node and the quantum numbers.
a) i) 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s ii) 2p, 3p, 4p, 5p, 6p iii) 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d

Type of nodes 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s
Total (n-1) 0 1 2 3 4
Angular (l) 0 0 0 0 0
Radial (n-1-l) 0 1 2 3 4

Type of nodes 2p 3p 4p 5p 6p
Total (n-1) 1 2 3 4 5
Angular (l) 1 1 1 1 1
Radial (n-1-l) 0 1 2 3 4

Type of nodes 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d
Total (n-1) 2 3 4 5 6
Angular (l) 2 2 2 2 2
Radial (n-1-l) 0 1 2 3 4
b) What three quantum numbers are permissible for a 3p subshell. Write your answers as (n, l, ml)

Answer: Any one of (3,1,-1); (3,1,0); or (3,1,+1)

c) Show how many orbitals there are in a 7d subshell?

Answer: The student is to recognize that for d-orbitals l = 2 and therefore there are 5 possible values of
ml , each corresponding to a particular orbital


a)Explain which of the following has the largest atomic radius; K, Rb, Ca, In

Answer: Rb.Atomic radius increases down from K to Rb. Ca is smaller than K by vetue of the
trend across a period. Indium is in the same period as K but much further along to the right and
therefore will be considerably smaller than K.

b) Write the electron configurations of the following ions; N3-, O2-, Mg2+ and F-. Arrange them in
order of increasing ionic size

Answer: All have [Ne] configuration. The nitride anion should be the largest because of the
tremendous increase in electron density upon gaining 3 electrons and having the smallest nuclear
charge. Mg2+ expected to be smallest due to loss of outer orbital and highest nuclear charge. So
N3-> O2> F-> Mg2+

Q14. State which of the following n′ → n transition in the emission spectrum of atomic
hydrogen belong to the Balmer, Lyman, Bracket, Paschan or Pfund series.
(a) 3 → 1 ; (b) 3 → 2 ; (c) 4 → 3 ; (d) 4 → 2 ; (e) 5 → 1 ; (f) 5 → 3 ; (g) 6 → 4; (h) 7 → 5 ;
(i) 5 → 4 and (j) 6 → 5.


Transition to level n = 1 belongs to Lyman series , hence (a) & (e).

Transition to level n = 2 belongs to Balmer series , hence (b) & (d).
Transition to level n = 3 belongs to Paschan series , hence (c) & (f).
Transition to level n = 4 belongs to Brackett series , hence (g) & (i).
Transition to level n = 5 belongs to Pfund series , hence (h) & (j).


Mass of electron = 9.108 x 10-31 kg ; Charge on the electron = 1.62 x 10 -19 C

Permitivity of vacuum (ε0) = 8.85 x 10 J C m-1 ; Speed of light = 3.0 x 108 ms-1
-12 -1 2

Planck’s constant (h) = 6.626 x 10-34 J.s


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